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Getting a Charge

"Conduit K has run out of energy, and she needs a little help to get a special charge."

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Pale blue eyes coolly surveyed the crowds of people that crossed the Pavilion in a spat of free time before the next Shift. Black-gloved fingers twitched inside her pocket as the Conduit watched the milling throng, placing dark grey digits against the edge of her holo-goggles.

“Conduit K to Base.” Her voice was unemotional as she watched a rowdy group of men and women in varying shades of blue and green cavorting fifteen yards from her current position.

“Base to Conduit K. Situation?” The voice could belong to either a male or female, it didn’t matter to her so long as they responded promptly.

“Young man in medium green from Ag, Sector 9. Inappropriate physical contact, public impropriety.” K sent in an image flashed from her holo-goggles that showed the young man from the farming sector playing with a younger man from aquatics in a rough manner.

“Initiate Sector Lockdown. Sending a unit for isolation and discipline.” The faint buzz from her communication bud went silent. Without another word, K lifted her hands, pulling the black glove from her left and splaying her fingers, palm outward.

A brilliant orange glow illuminated the frame that the young men stood in, and a siren blared out a warning.

Rainbows of colors scattered as people leapt away from the glowing Sector, so as not to become caught in the flare of electricity from the Conduit’s hand.

Sector 9, you are on Lockdown. A Conduit has witnessed behavior unfit for a member of Society, and you will be isolated until punishment.”

Conduit K approached the brilliant dome that encapsulated the young men, several of whom had backed away from the two who had been playing. They were careful to not touch the sparking wall, but the young man who committed the infraction stood taller.

“I’m a member of Society, and have done nothing wrong! I was having fun with my friends, and that isn’t against the Laws!” He nearly shouted, and crossed his arms belligerently over his chest.

“I am a Conduit, and I merely obey the laws that the Company has impressed upon us. Making your case against me is pointless; you will speak to a Conductor and they will determine if you have a viable complaint against my report.”

The young man closed his mouth, eyes sparking enough to rival the wall of electricity that she had bound around them until a unit would arrive.

This was their life; had always been their life, and they knew no differently. K stood there silently, maintaining the lockdown as her mind whirred.

It hadn’t always been this way, she recalled. She vaguely remembered a time when people from any line of work could walk into a store and buy whatever they wanted to wear. People could push and play-fight with friends in public and the most attention they would garner was a laugh from spectators.

But that wasn’t the way anymore. When the Company rose, they put Societal Laws into effect. Now, people were tested when they reached their age of majority; basic skills tests that not only gauged that person’s intelligence, but their physical health, aptitude, and talents. From that test, they were assigned their career and home.

It had been forever ago when humans called the shots. Now, all they did was obey. Something burned in K’s chest for a fleeting moment before the bleating of the containment unit announced its arrival.

“Base to Conduit K.” A slight blip in her ear indicated open communication.

“Conduit K, present.”

“Containment has notified their arrival to the scene. System shows you have used a large portion of your energies today, so you are being ordered to report to Docket-41C for a recharging session.”

“Assigned time at charge?”

“You will remain at the docket until our systems show you are at full energy again. Orders are being sent there for you.”

“Conduit K, out.” She heard the echoing blip as the comm closed, then turned and walked away as contents of the Sector were loaded into the Container. They would be taken to an interview unit to speak with a Conductor to determine their innocence or guilt.

Therefore, they were no longer her concern.

* * * *

K flexed a hand, and a weak spark flew from her fingers. She stifled a sigh as she stepped from her cycle, watching the blue glow flare and brighten, locking around the machine to prevent its theft. Not that anyone would be stupid enough to steal from a Conduit , she mused to herself.

Rapping her gloved knuckles against a panel, she flattened her bare palm against another. “Conduit K reporting for her charging session.”

The nondescript grey door hissed open, and K stepped into the pleasantly furnished room. It was a large open space, she noted, taking in her surroundings. A charging unit sat open in one wall, it’s curved well making her shift already.

A tall man stood from the sunken reclining area, a remote clutched in his hand as he came up the steps to greet her. He was much taller than her, she noted, with a halo of black curly hair. His chest was wide, and smooth beneath a generous smattering of black curls directly even with her gaze.

“I am off-duty Conduit G, and I’d like to welcome you to our Zone, K.” G held out his bare left hand, and K drew off her glove to rest her fingers in his. They both gasped in shock as their currents met, flashing a brilliant purple that illuminated the room for seconds.

“I’m not sure how things go in the Zone you came here from, but Conduits occupy the dockets around the perimeter.” G continued at her nod. “Each of us possess our own charging unit, as I’m sure you recognized. The only thing is we don’t use our own unit. In our off-duty time, our personal duties aside, our jobs are to assist active Conduits that may require a charge.”

As he spoke, his hands were quite busy in opening snaps, zippers and clasps of her uniform. K shivered as the thick, protective material was opened and pulled away from her flesh. She lifted her fingers to press on the identi-lock beneath her chin, and at the slight popping noise of the release, G pulled it away and she could see her charger even better now.

Broad fingers pushed upward into her thick, lilac-colored hair, and she could barely hold back a soft moan of approval as he massaged her scalp. “First things first,” G’s voice rumbled through his chest, a scant inch from her face. “We must get you cleaned before we can proceed with your charge.”

K’s nose wrinkled. She knew that her hair must be a mess from spending hours in the sun wearing her helmet, and probably damp with sweat.

He helped her strip to her skin, but not without teasing grazes with his fingers, and the occasional palming of a curve. stepped into the circular tub slightly breathless, and laid back as he ordered her to, so that he could clean her hair.

Within minutes of the wash starting, K’s toes were curling, and heat furled low in her loins. G’s touches were geared to stimulate her senses, getting her ready for the charge, but K had never been prepared the way G was doing things.

Her breath was coming in shallow pants as G moved beside her, hands dipping with a cloth into the water, before pressing suds-covered material against her stomach. She could feel the warmth of his fingers through the thin cloth, and moaned softly as he palmed a breast. His thumb pressed against the puckered tip, rolling it gently in circles.

K licked her lips, her head falling back, and gave herself over completely to his ministrations. His lips slipped from her forehead, down her cheek; they skated over the soft skin of her jaw and rested against her neck. There, his tongue and teeth began to worry her skin, making her back arch and her loins pulse as his fingers tightened on her nipple.

A sharp nip, a gentle twist-and-pull, had her core pulsing with desire, and flooded her with nectar as she cried out. His left arm slid around her, and she nearly whimpered when his charged fingers met the swollen tip of her breast. The white-hot static zinged straight to her core, and G’s hand flattened, dipping into the water.

The water was cool in comparison to his skin against hers, and her body rolled, hips rocking as his hand dipped between her thighs. A stuttered cry fell from her lips when his fingers opened her flesh and he slid two fingers inside her.

G’s touch was careful, and calculated as he moved them inside her.

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The fingers of his left hand went from pinching her nipple, to cupping and squeezing her breast; his broad thumb rolled and plucked the tip even as whispered pleas for him to not stop fell from her lips.

Chuckling, he began to nibble and suck at her ear lobe; his right arm shifted, and his thumb found her clit as he moved his fingers faster, adding another when she whimpered and clenched on him.

Her orgasm rocked her entire body, and his smile was heated as she sank limply against the back of the tub. G straightened and handed her a bottle of soap.

“I’m going to go ready the unit for use… “ His voice trailed off as K reached out, wrapping her hand around his bobbing erection. She pumped him slowly, her thumb spreading the thick, clear drop of fluid that leaked from the slit in his cockhead.

Murmuring an argument, she lifted herself from the water, uncaring when the waves lapped over the edge, and curled her tongue around the darkened tip.

A moan rumbled from his chest mere moments before his hands cupped her head, fingers tangling in the dark lavender locks as her pink lips slipped down his length. It was impossible to look away while her head bobbed slowly against his groin; his lashes fluttered closed then opened again when her left hand cupped his scrotum.

His balls were sleek and hairless, and K squirmed until her still-sensitive clit pressed against the wall of the tub. The desire to have them in her mouth superceded all else, and her right hand replaced her mouth as she trailed kisses down his throbbing shaft.

G’s groan was guttural when her lips encased one taut globe, then the other in a wet kiss. Her moan of approval caused his cock to jerk in her hands, and then she sucked one into her mouth, tonguing the sac. Her fingers tightened, jerking him faster for long minutes until she sighed and sank her mouth onto him once again.

Fingers tangling in her hair, he tugged, his hips thrusting until his cock met the back of her tongue. The sound of her gag tightened his balls and he groaned out, “Fuck yeah, baby. Gag on my cock again.”

She pulled back for a quick breath, then moved in quickly, taking him into her throat. The gag and the wet feeling of her throat spasming around him nearly had him busting his nut right there, but he squeezed himself to prolong it.

K learned his pleasure points fast, and soon her mouth was sliding wetly over his cock, drool seeping from the seam of her lips as she sucked him off. He fisted his hands in her hair, tugging her head back, and thrust his hips.

“Don’t stop sucking that cock,” he ordered, and felt rather than heard her groan as he started fucking her face. He groaned as he watched her cheeks cave inward as he pulled out, and swore every time his cockhead dipped into her throat.

Watching her eyes fill, then seeing the tears spill out onto her cheeks, combined with her tongue against his balls as he face-fucked her, and he barely growled out “I’m gonna cum” before his cock lurched. His balls emptied with pump after pump into her mouth, as he felt her throat lock around him, tongue stroking as each spurt filled her.

He stumbled back, pulling his softening dick from her lips, and leaned against the wall, panting. “Damn, you’re good.” He chuckled as she sank back down into the water, a sexy grin curling her lips. “Don’t do anything now. You have to charge, so save it for that.”

G disappeared out the door, and with a sigh, K set about cleaning herself up for the unit.

* * * * *

She stepped from the bathroom wearing a robe that G had left for her beside a little green bottle. It wasn’t tied, or even closed as she knew she wouldn’t be wearing it long. He’d left it for her out of consideration, and she’d had to chuckle as she pulled it on.

She’d never had a charge quite like this, but she hoped that she would get to use G’s charging unit more than just today.

The door to the unit was open, and K could see that he had it all ready for her. The half-circle shaped seat had been locked into place, and the thick charging rod was already in position.

K stepped onto a green panel before the unit and shrugged, letting the robe slip off her shoulders and onto the floor. “Commence procedure.”

A gentle click sounded, and the unit began to warm itself as G knelt beside the curved pedestal she would take in a few moments. K moved, standing on the second panel that was directly in front of G, who took the bottle from her hands and dumped some of its contents into his left hand.

He pressed his hands together, smoothing the special oil over his palms and fingers to coat them as much as to activate the solution. He tweaked one nipple as he palmed her sex; two fingers slid back and forth between her slit and clit before diving into her heat.

Their earlier activity had her body still aching, and she whimpered as he pushed the oil into her body. His fingers mimicked the same motions from earlier, as his others tugged her nipple, and she moaned as the electricity surged inside her cunt.

The heat was intense; her pussy felt like it was on fire, but it didn’t hurt. Her clit hardened, and she nearly buckled as his thumb found the nubbin.

“Unit ready.” The androgynous voice of the unit broke into the spell that G had woven with the special oil, and K flushed bright pink as G turned her and she gripped the handholds on either side of the curved pedestal, straddling the charging device.

His hands guided her hips, and she moaned as she felt the charging rod begin to enter her body. She felt the volts jump and arc, and she thrust herself down onto it.

The unit warmed, glowing green as K cried out. Her fists tightened on the handles, and she threw her head back as the unit activated.

Pale humming filled the air, and the rod began its gentle vibrations, pulsing inside of her. She could barely nod her head, but she did, and G moved before her, pressing a hand to the arced front panel.

The rod bucked, pushing up into her body, and K couldn’t hold back a cry as the wide rod moved inside her cunt. It stretched her, and the slight nubbins on its surface scraped against oil-warmed flesh. Her hips bucked, and she couldn’t have stopped riding the unit if her life depended on it.

Her knuckles were nearly white on the grips, and she started when she felt G’s hands on her thighs. He held her open, and leaned forward, his tongue touching her aching clit in long, broad strokes as the rod moved inside her pussy.

Their skin was cast in green light, and K couldn’t stop the noises that escaped her throat as the combination of the oil, the rod and G’s tongue pushed her into an orgasm. Her body bucked and convulsed, not stopping even as G buried his face between her thighs and sucked noisily at her clit.

K longed to cup his neck, pull his hair, but she couldn’t release the handholds; instead she called his name and thrust her hips into the plunging rod, begging him to not stop licking and sucking her.

He moaned raggedly against her flesh and one hand left her thigh, and she could soon hear the soft sounds of his hand working his flesh. She wanted to see, wanted to watch, but her gaze was filled with brilliant green light as the charging rod switched gears and pounded faster, vibrating harder.

G growled against her clit and sucked harder, tongue flicking, and came. His seed pumped out of his cock, splashing against the unit, spilling out over his fingers even as K screamed.

Her body went tight, and he found his face splattered with her juices as they spurted from her body. Her back arched, pussy spasming even as the squirts subsided. He drank down what he could, licking it from even the rod and her thighs as she cried.

She came again and again, and after so long, her tits were also coated in droplets of his cum. He couldn’t help but be aroused and jack himself as he watched K charging on the unit.

The lights faded from green to yellow, and after another orgasm that drenched the front of the unit, it slowed and went dark. K’s hands slipped from the holds, and she sagged against the wall, passed out.

“Charge complete.” The disembodied voice was followed by a click, and G lifted a limp and exhausted K carefully from her perch.

He settled her on his bed, and cleaned her with a damp cloth, careful with the tender gash between her thighs. Drawing a light sheet over her, he sat beside her sleeping form on the bed, and turned off the light.

Written by Katje
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