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Hawk - Chapter 10

"Tommy and Elizabeth decide to visit her lake cabin for some fun on the water."

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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 10 of a nineteen chapter story. After a long afternoon and night of love making, Elizabeth and Tommy decide to visit her lake house."

Two hours later they were both exhausted, lying side by side on the large bed.

“It’s not even 11:00 yet,” Tommy said. “But maybe we should just go to sleep. We’ve had a busy week.”

Elizabeth rolled over to face him. “That’s a good idea. Then I can wake you up about 1:00 and start all over again. They both chuckled and hugged.

“You know, I’ve been thinking,” she said.

“That can’t be good,” he insisted.

“Stop it!” she laughed and slapped his arm. “I’ve been thinking about your suggestions for having sex on a boat. It’s a fabulous idea. Maybe in the morning, we should drive down to the cabin. I can show you around, and we can have fun in the boat.”

“As long as there’s sex with you involved, I’m in for the ride.”

“Yes, love. We will be making the beast with two backs, and I’ll beg you to never stop.”

Elizabeth went to sleep imagining all of the positions she could use on the boat.


At 8:30, Betts woke Tommy holding out a cup of coffee. “Wake up, sleepy head,” she laughed. “As they said in the old western movies, ‘you’re burning daylight.’ Get up. We have a trip to make. I’ve already had a shower, and I’m going to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for us to take with us. Get a quick shower and let’s go,” she said as she prodded Tommy.

“You’re not wearing anything,” he pointed out. “You might want to cover your ass before we get in the car.”

“Why?” she said as she turned, her arms akimbo. “You’ll just rip my clothes off and have your way with me. Why not just stay naked?”

“I stand corrected,” he said, admiring her beautiful naked body. “Maybe you could just wear a t-shirt to cover those gorgeous tits so I’ll be able to drive.”

“Maybe,” she replied as she turned to leave the room. She stopped at the door and turned back. “But if my tits make your dick hard, I’ll just put it in my mouth.”

“Oh yeah,” Tommy called back at her as she slipped out of bed. “That would make everything better. I’m sorry, officer. I apologize for weaving all over the highway. This naked woman here was sucking my cock, and I couldn’t control myself,” he said, pretending to be looking up at a Texas Highway Patrolman.

Twenty minutes later, a dressed Tommy came into the kitchen where Betts was just packing up the things she planned to take along. She was wearing an apron that exposed her bare behind when she turned her back to him.

“Are you planning on wearing anything on this trip?” he asked.

“I am,” she said, giving him a grin. “I just like teasing you in the house.” She sauntered over to put her hand on his crotch. “Sometime I’d like to see how long I can keep you hard.”

“Congratulations,” he laughed. “You’re doing a fine job.”

As Elizabeth walked to the pantry, she took the apron off and hung it up on the back of the door. “I called our caretaker and asked him to turn on the air conditioning and make certain the boat was gassed up. I expect you’ll want to take a spin in the boat.”

“If you don’t put something on I’m going to take a spin on you!” he told her with a growl. “My temptation meter is pretty low this morning.”

As she stepped into the elevator, Betts called out, “I like you best when you’re horny.”

After the doors closed, Tommy grumbled, “With you around, I seem to always be horny.”

Betts was back shortly, this time dressed. She was wearing shorts that displayed her lovely, toned legs. From ten feet away, he couldn’t tell if she was wearing a bra, but was willing to bet that she wasn’t. Tommy was confident her teasing would go on all day.

“I think we should take the Mustang,” Elizabeth announced.

“Any particular reason? Your car would be much more comfortable.”

She walked up and put her arm around him. “I just thought that we would be closer in the Mustang, and you could put your hands on me more easily.”

“That’s true,” he said as he grabbed a handful of her ass cheek. “But in your Lexus, you could recline the passenger seat and lay back.”

“An interesting thought,” she said with a grin. “Maybe I should pack a couple of toys for the ride.”

“No need,” Tommy said as he held up a small bag. “I’ve already made a few selections for you.”

“You are a clever boy,” she said as he kissed his cheek. “I think that we could take care of a couple of things on this trip that I’ve never done. I’ve never had sex on a boat, and I’ve never had car sex. I’ll check both of those off of my bucket list.”

“I’ll do my best to help you,” he laughed. “We’ll take the Lexus, and I’ll drive.”

Putting both of her arms around Tommy, she looked up at him smiling. “I can’t wait to fuck you in the back seat like a couple of horny teenagers.”

“Then let’s get going,” Tommy said as he swatted her butt. “We’re burnin’ daylight.”


As Elizabeth had suggested, the drive to her lake home wasn’t long. They pulled into the cabin’s driveway just a little over ninety minutes after leaving home. The house was built on a sloping lot, and from the front was not overly impressive. However, Tommy was to discover the interior of the house was quite different. There were two guest bedrooms on the entry level which opened to a balcony overlooking the large family room, kitchen and the master bedroom.

The air conditioning was running, and the house was nicely cooled. Tommy carried in the things they had brought with them, putting the bags and packages down in the kitchen. Looking out the window, he could see that the lot dropped off about fifteen feet, with a long, wooden walkway leading down to a small marina. The back of the house was all glass. An awning covered the back patio and protected the family room from afternoon sunlight.

“This is great!” Tommy said as he turned and looked for Elizabeth. “Where are you?”

“I’m in the bedroom,” she called back. “I’m putting on my bathing suit so we can take a ride in the boat.”

“I didn’t pack a swimsuit,” he said as he walked toward the bedroom.

“You don’t need one,” she said. “We probably aren’t going to get wet, but I want to wear this thing I bought for you.”

Just then she stepped through the doorway wearing a small bikini that appeared to be made from a Texas state flag.

“Sweet Jesus!” Tommy said in a gasp.

“What’s wrong?” Betts said in surprise.

“Fuck me!” he said as his eyes took her in. “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She quickly smiled. “I hoped you would like it. If you decide it’s covering up too much, you can just pull on one of the strings, and it’ll just drop right off.”

Tommy held out his hand, moving his finger in a circular motion. “Let me see it all.”

There wasn’t much to see in the back other than her fantastic ass. “I swear, Betts, you have the finest ass this side of heaven.”

Spinning around, she jumped on Tommy. “Thank you, lover. It’s all yours.” She kissed him before dropping back on her feet. “Take me for a boat ride!”

“It’ll be you taking me for a ride,” he insisted. “I’ve never driven a boat before.”

“There are just a few rules you need to know, but I think you’ll enjoy it.”

Elizabeth opened one of the kitchen cabinets and picked out the key to her boat while Tommy kept his eyes on her incredible body.

Pulling open a sliding glass door, Betts called out, “Come on. Move your ass.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll just stay behind you so that I can see yours.”

Walking ahead of him, she pulled down the back of her bikini bottoms, exposing the lily-white skin of her butt, before she pulled it back up. “You can see my ass any time you want, Mr. Hawk.”

“That’s good to know,” he laughed as he followed her down the wooden walkway toward the water.

When they reached the small marina, Tommy could see that two of the slips were empty. There was a large jet ski in one slip and a blue and white Pro-Line powerboat in the other. He noted a single black outboard motor mounted on the rear. The engine didn’t have anything written on it, but it was massive.

The boat had two consoles in the middle with a triangular sitting area in the front that could be accessed by a pass-through in the center. There was a foldable awning top to cover the pilot.

“What size is it?” Tommy asked.

“It’s twenty-three feet long,” she answered as she smiled at her sleek boat. “The gas tank will hold a hundred gallons of gas, so we can do some long-distance cruising. There’s also a GPS unit built in by the wheel, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost on the lake after dark.”

“It’s a good thing you aren’t poor,” he laughed. “Just filling that tank would empty my pockets.”

“Oh, stop it!” she to him. “Are you ready to take a spin?”

“You bet, captain,” Tommy said as he hopped into the boat.

Pointing at the controls, Elizabeth told Tommy where the start button was located and handed him the ignition key. “You put it in neutral and then push start. I’ll untie us.”

As the big engine roared to life, Betts pitched the mooring lines into the boat and hopped in behind Tommy. “The water is about twelve feet deep right here, so we don’t have to worry about hitting the prop against anything. Put it into reverse and then give it a little power.”

“Don’t you think you should do it?” Tommy asked, nervously.

“No!” she insisted. “You can drive a car, so you can certainly handle this thing.”

Tommy gave the engine a little power, and the boat began to slowly move away from the dock.

Standing beside Tommy, who was sitting in the captain’s chair, Elizabeth said, “As you can see we are in a little cove. This cove leads to a finger off the lake that’s about half a mile long. Then we get into Lake Whitney. It’s a big fuckin’ lake. You can go fifty miles without ever having to turn.”

When he had cleared the dock, Tommy pushed the throttle to ‘forward’ and gave the engine a little more fuel. As they picked up speed, Betts leaned in to talk. “If you like to fish, our little cove is a good place to do it. Bill caught some nice sized bass in it. There are striped bass in this lake, but we’ve never seen one in our cove.”

“I thought striped bass were saltwater fish,” Tommy said.

“Actually, they are saltwater fish that were introduced to fresh water many years back. They have thrived in fresh water, and those that fish in fresh water have been thrilled. Stripers can get quite large and are fun to catch. I hooked one once while fishing with some friends on this lake. I thought the damned thing was going to pull me over the side.”

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When they cleared the finger and entered the main body of the lake, Betts leans in saying, “Put the hammer down and aim for that large white cliff over there. I want you to feel the power of this boat.”

Following directions, Tommy pushed the throttle forward and was surprised when the nose of the boat lifted up as the prop dug into the water. He had to stand to see over the nose of the craft.

Elizabeth was standing in the pass-through in the middle of the boat. She was holding onto the consoles on each side. Her head was back as the rushing air blew her blonde locks out behind her. Tommy smiled to see how happy she looked. He also enjoyed watching her large breasts bounce up and down as the boat plowed through the water.

After a few minutes of full power, Tommy cut the large engine back to a more moderate speed.

Elizabeth turned to him. “Isn’t this just glorious? I just love being out here.”

“Maybe you should do it more often,” Tommy suggested.

“Maybe WE should,” she said with a grin.

Elizabeth turned, bent over and opened a cabinet. Tommy looked over to see her wonderful ass pointed in his direction. It took all of his strength not to reach out for it.

In less than a minute, Betts stood holding two ball caps. “I almost forgot. We need to wear hats out here. The sun bouncing off the water will give you a bad burn in short order.” Handing one to Tommy, she said, “I practically stuck my ass in your face, and you didn’t touch it.”

Tommy felt like he was blushing. “I can’t play with your ass and drive this boat at the same time.”

“Cut the engine back and let’s trade places,” she ordered.

Seeing that there were no boats around them, Tommy cut back their speed to almost a stop and stepped away from the wheel. Elizabeth positioned herself behind the wheel and powered up again. She turned the boat back toward where they had entered the lake, reached down, and engaged the GPS. “Now then,” she said with a smile. “You are not in command and can play with my ass all you want.”

Tommy reached out and pulled the tie on the top of her suit, letting drop away from her. Looking around once again for other boats, he untied the bottom of her bikini, and let it drop to her feet, leaving her standing behind the wheel completely naked, her hair blowing behind her.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

“Fan-fucking-tastic!” she shouted.

Tommy moved behind her, taking her breasts in his hands. “How’s this?”

“It’s wonderful, baby. I love it!”

He let one hand slip down between her legs. As he ran his fingers through her folds to find her opening, he asked, “Can you captain the ship while I do this?”

“Yes!” she screamed as she laughed. “I can until you get me off, and then I’ll have to stop.”

When one of his fingers disappeared inside her pussy, Tommy said, “I think you’re a bit of an exhibitionist.”

Elizabeth cut the engine and turned to face Tommy. “I’m just happy to be with you, Tommy. I’m thrilled to be naked and in your arms. I just don’t want this to ever stop.” She put her arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. When she broke the kiss, she looked up into his eyes, saying, “I want you inside me, baby. I want to feel how much you want me, and I want to show you how much I need you.”

Looking around, Betts spotted what she was looking for. She powered up the engine again. “I found it,” Betts called over the wind. Five minutes later she slowed the boat to a crawl under a high overhang of a stone cliff. “Bill and I fished here once. It’s a shady and private spot.” Going to the back of the boat, she released the anchor before turning to Tommy wearing only a smile. She took him by the hand, leading him to the front of the boat to some cushioned seats. Once there she unhooked the waistband of his shorts and let them fall. Bending over at the waist, Elizabeth took his hardening cock into her mouth, sucking it until it became stiff.

Once he was rock hard, Betts pushed him until he sat on the cushioned seat. She straddled him, pushing his shaft into her hot pussy. “Now I’m going to fuck you,” Elizabeth said in a low, sexy voice. Taking him until he was buried, she growled, “I need you, Tommy. I need your body, your heart, and your soul. I want you to fuck me every day and make me yours.” She began to rock back and forth, her eyes wide and maintained on his.

After a minute, she smiled. “I think we’re going to have a lot of sex on this boat. I could just sit still and let the water take care of the motion.” Betts slowed down until she was finally quite still, just letting the rocking of the boat move them.

“I don’t think I could take more than two hours of this,” Tommy said with a smile.

“Then let’s just stay like this,” Betts suggested. “I’ll keep your cock buried in me. It is just so good, Tommy. Why would I ever want to stop?”

“I can think of a reason,” he told her with a grin. “The people coming toward us in a boat might want to join in, and I wouldn’t like that.”

Elizabeth quickly turned her head to see what appeared to be two fishermen, slowly moving in their direction. The men were too far away to see what they were doing, but there wasn’t any doubt their boat was headed toward Elizabeth and Tommy.

Slipping off of his cock, Betts crouched on the bottom of the boat and crawled back to the center to find her bikini. Once she had it on, she reached for her small bag to pull out a long t-shirt to cover the tiny swimsuit.

The other boat pulled within fifteen yards. “You catching anything?” one of the men called out.

“No,” Tommy replied. “We just pulled in to get out of the sun for a bit. We’ve been out for a while and were starting to get a little red.”

“That’s a good idea,” the other man said, twisting his head, trying to get a better look at Elizabeth. “The sun coming off this water can burn you pretty bad.”

“Have you fished in here before?” Tommy asked, seeming to enjoy continuing the conversation.

“Couple of times,” the first man replied. “I caught a ten-pound catfish right about here a couple of weeks ago. I was fishin’ off the bottom using snails for bait.”

“This is my first time up here,” Tommy told the man. “We were just cruising around scouting out good fishing spots.”

The second man stood and pointed behind Tommy. “We been to a spot about a mile back that way to lure fish early in the morning. We’ve caught some good-sized large-mouth bass.”

“That’s what I’m looking for,” Tommy said with a wave of his hand. Turning back to Betts he said, “Get the anchor up. We’re leaving.” Then to the other boat, he called out, “Thanks for the help. I hope you find another big cat today.”

“Thanks,” one of the men said. “Good luck to you too.”

Betts stood behind him, saying, “The anchor is up.”

Tommy started the engine, put it in gear, slowly moving out of the shadow of the bluff. They waved as they pulled away.

Pulling away from the fishermen, Tommy pulled Betts around beside him. “Show me how this GPS works. I’m heading home now.”

“Are you through with fun on the water?” she laughed.

“No,” he answered as he reached under her shirt to pull the string on her bikini bottom. “I plan to finish what we started in the boat, but in the safety of your little marina.”

Betts reached across him, turned the power on the GPS unit, and pointed to a button. “This unit has the marina marked as home. All you have to do is follow the line on the screen, and it will lead you to the slip. You could find it with your eyes closed. According to the GPS, we’re about fifteen minutes from home. She dropped her hand between his legs and felt his member was still quite stiff. “You thinking about giving me some more of this?”

“I think there’s a strong possibility.”

“Can you keep this thing hard till we get back?”

“Nope,” he said with a wicked grin, “but you can.”

Betts grinned back at him as she stuffed her hand inside his shorts. Finding his member, she wrapped her fingers around it. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.” Elizabeth dropped into a squat to pull his shorts down around his ankles. He moved a little in her direction and Betts took his cock into her mouth. After running her tongue around it, she looked up to say, “I love the way this thing tastes after it’s been inside me. We make a great combination, lover.”

“Yes we do,” he replied. “And I plan on giving you many opportunities to make certain our chemistry is good.” Looking over at the GPS, he saw that they were now thirteen minutes. Tommy kicked the power level up and watched the ETA drop to ten minutes.

Elizabeth stood beside Tommy, one of her hands still wrapped around his member. She looked at the distance report on the boat’s dashboard. “You have less than ten minutes,” she whispered in his ear while she stroked his cock. “How are you going to take me?”

He turned to kiss her. “I think we’ll finish the way we started… on those cushions with you riding me. I love the noises you make when you’re getting what you want.”

Tommy turned the boat into the small finger bay that led to the cabin. In just a few minutes, she spotted the cove and pointed for him to turn in. As soon as the boat slid into the slip, Betts jumped out and secured the mooring lines. When she turned back, Tommy was naked and sitting on the forward cushions, his cock pointing at the marina’s rooftop.

Betts stepped back into the boat, tossed off her clothes, and stood naked in front of Tommy. She rubbed both of her breasts and licked her lips. “Tell me what you want.”

“Get on this,” he growled, looking down at his stiff rod. “Get on it and ride me to heaven.”

“With pleasure,” she murmured as she straddled him. “But something tells me I’ll be in heaven first,” she whispered as she pressed herself down on his cock, her eyes closed, and her mouth opened in a silent groan.

The fifteen-minute delay in their ultimate satisfaction only seemed to help things. The two of them were as loud as they had ever been, finding untold joy in their coupling. When they both finished, Betts kept herself locked around Tommy, explaining she planned to stay that way until he was ready to go again.

“Look at me,” he said as he held his arms outstretched. “I’m covered in sweat. We’re in Texas, and it’s hotter than fuck. Take me inside and wash me off. Then I’ll give you everything you want. Promise.”

“Well,” she said and paused. “If you promise.”

“Wait a minute,” he said, raising an eyebrow and looking at her thoughtfully. “Do you have any cold beer in there?”

“Of course I do!” she laughed. “This is Texas. There is always cold beer in the fridge. I may pour mine over your beautiful cock and drink it that way.”

“And if I pour mine over your incredible tits, you’ll have hard nipples all night.”

“And won’t that be fun?” she laughed as she hugged him tightly.

They were naked when they got out of the boat. Tommy looked back at it, saying, “As my Uncle Jim would say, that there’s a mighty fine boat, young lady.”

“And I would tell him, Uncle Jim, you just wouldn’t believe all you can do in that boat.”

They laughed all the way back to the house, both of them thinking of what they would do inside.




Written by JefferyB
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