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Stranded in the Woods

"Lilly’s hiking trip nearly ends in tragedy before Matt rescues her."

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Competition Entry: Back to Nature

After a busy month, Lilly needed to get away, clear her head and take some time for herself. She had been hoping to escape to the mountains and clear her head in nature. This weekend, she finally had the chance. Early Saturday morning, she arrived at a trailhead on the Appalachian Trail. She planned to hike Saturday and Sunday, camping out both nights, and return Monday morning.

It was a beautiful, crisp morning, in the mid-50s. It would rise to the mid-70s during the day and cool back down to the 50s at night. Perfect weather for hiking and camping.

As Lilly clipped on her pack and set off from her car to the trailhead, a man was approaching. Their eyes met, and they greeted one another. He introduced himself as Matt. As they began walking the trail, they talked and realized they had similar plans. Both intended to return Monday morning, though Matt’s turnaround point was several miles beyond Lilly’s. Matt explained that he was training to hike the Pacific Coast Trail. Conversation was surprisingly easy between them, but Matt had his goals, and Lilly needed solitude. They wished one another well and Matt strode off with a long, purposeful stride.

Saturday had turned out to be everything Lilly needed. She hiked fourteen miles, enjoyed the serenity of nature, and slept like a baby in her tent. She planned to hike ten miles on Sunday, taking a little more time on the route, and camp four miles from the trailhead.

By mid-Sunday afternoon, the sky had turned dark, threatening rain that was not supposed to arrive until later in the week. Lilly picked up her pace, planning to camp at a shelter that was another mile beyond her planned stopping point, which was itself still two miles away. So three miles to the shelter.

In her hurry, as the sky darkened and the trail grew darker, Lilly stepped on a root, felt a sharp pain, and stumbled. She had twisted her ankle. The shelter was only three miles ahead, but the three miles felt like an eternity. She feared she couldn’t make it. Mother Nature, while welcoming at times, could also be bitterly unforgiving.

As Lilly limped along, stopping to rest more often than time would allow, thunder clapped overhead. She doubted she could make the shelter and tried to plan for other options, but could conceive of none and felt helpless.

As she was evaluating the situation, another hiker appeared in the distance. Lilly felt vulnerable. Although the hiking community was warm friendly, you could never be certain who you might come across — or who might come across you — when you were miles from civilization. 

Lilly’s spirits lifted, though, when she recognized that the stranger approaching was Matt, who had started off with her. He was moving quickly, focused ahead, and nearly marched right past before he saw her sitting on a rock alongside the trail. 

“Lilly!” he said. “It’s getting dark. It’s going to rain soon. Are you okay? I’m rushing to the shelter up ahead.”

“I sprained my ankle,” Lilly answered. “I was going there, too, but I’m not sure I can make it.”

Matt stopped. He looked around. “Well, I can’t leave you on your own. Can I help you?”

“Please,” Lilly answered. “Yes. Please.”

Thunder clapped again, and a light rain started. The air was getting cooler.

“Okay,” Matt said. “Let me see. I don’t think we can get you to that shelter. I passed a small cave just over the last ridge. Let’s get you there, out of this rain.”

Lilly stood and started to walk, but faltered. She had tightened up in the cool air. The pain increased. She sat back down.

“Okay,” Matt said. “I’m going to have to help you. Take your pack off.”

Lilly complied, grateful for the help. Matt pulled off his pack and set it beside Lilly’s. He leaned and scooped her up.

Lilly was surprised, but felt both mentally and physically sweet off her feet. A flood of gratitude filled her. He carried her effortlessly and moved quickly over the ridge to a small cave, where he set her down.

“Wait here,” Matt said. “I’ll get the packs.”

Moments later, Matt returned, carrying their gear. He was just in time. The skies opened up and rain poured down.

Matt looked around, Lilly’s eyes following his, and they were relieved to see a pile of wood along the cave wall. Apparently, they were not the only hikers to have found shelter here. 

“Let me get a fire started, and I’ll set up our tents,” Matt said. “I can’t believe there is dry wood here. We’re very lucky.”

Lilly agreed. She didn’t know what she’d be doing if Matt hadn’t come along. 

Matt pulled a blanket out of his pack, set it down, and helped Lilly onto it. The blanket was next to a smooth wall, and she leaned back. 

Lilly watched as Matt piled the logs, used a hatchet to make kindling, and used a flint to start the fire. The heat was welcome.

Matt opened his pack, found some bread, cheese, a canteen of wine, and a small cup, and handed them to Lilly. 

“Here,” he said, “have something. I don’t know if you drink wine, but hopefully, it will warm and relax you.”

Lilly could not believe her good fortune. “Thank you,” was all she said. “Thank you, Matt.” 

Matt set up his tent, and Lilly’s alongside it. The cave was just large enough to accommodate the tents, the fire, and the blanket. 

After getting everything set up, Matt sat across from Lilly. He had been so busy taking care of her. Once again, Lilly was flooded with gratitude. Sometimes people restore your faith in humanity.

After eating some bread and pouring himself a glass of the wine, Matt said, “Let’s take a look at that ankle. I have a wrap in my pack.”

Matt sat cross-legged across from Lilly. She let Matt remove her shoe, along with her sock. His strong hands cradled her foot gently. Lilly didn’t know if it was the cool air, her gratitude, the wine, or her attraction to this kind man, but his touch sent goosebumps up her legs. 

Matt did not seem to notice. He was purpose-driven, focused on taking care of her. He glanced up and saw her watching him tend to her. Both paused. It was as if their eyes were meeting for the first time. Lilly saw in Matt’s eyes concern, caring and purpose. He saw gratitude reflected in hers. But each also saw something more. Recognition of something. Connection. A magic energy that traveled between them.

The air had become thick when Matt broke the moment. He glanced down at Lilly’s foot, looked up at her eyes, and said, “Pink, eh?” 

Lilly blushed and smiled. He was commenting on her toenails. She had done her toes before she’d gone hiking. And, yes, they were pink. Always pink. 

Matt held her by the heel and the back of the calf as he examined her swollen ankle. He pulled a wrap from his pack, slowly encased her ankle, and fastened the wrap. As his left hand held her heel, his thumb was against the ball of her foot. His fingers lightly massaged her sole as he asked, “Feel better?”

“I feel safe, Matt,” Lilly answered. “Thank you.”

“Does this help?” Matt asked, cradling her foot in his strong hands, and massaging the sole. Lilly’s feet and legs were sore both from hiking and also simply from being on her feet so much the last two days.

Lilly nodded and closed her eyes. The gentle massage would have felt amazing even if she hadn’t been hiking. The circumstances made it all the more welcome. 

For several minutes, Matt massaged Lilly’s foot. She closed her eyes, and, for the first time since she had twisted her ankle, felt herself relax. The tension that had tightened her muscles and flooded her mind drifted away.

And, strangely, in this moment, in a cave, stranded in the wilderness, with a thunderstorm pounding down around them, she felt something else. Sexy. A kind, attractive, generous man was taking care of her as if he had known her for years. And he made her feel safe. Warm. Comfortable. 

“Would you like me to do the other foot?” Matt asked.

Lilly blushed as she replied, “That would be really nice.”

“Well, now you’ve moved beyond medical attention and are just taking advantage,” Matt teased.

“Can you blame a girl?” Lilly responded. “Who wouldn’t want a massage after two days on the trails?”

With that, Matt set Lilly’s right foot down, where it rested against his thigh, elevated. He untied her left shoe, slipped it off along with her sock, and smiled. “Gotta love that pink,” he said.

Lilly just smiled. “I’m a girly-girl sometimes,” she said.

“Nothing wrong with that,” Matt replied. “Not a thing.” He cupped Lilly’s left foot in his hands and massaged her sole, moving his thumbs in firm circles along the ball of her foot. His thumbs then drug across her arch to her heel, and drew tightly back toward her toes, as if to drag the tension right out of her body. 

And that was the effect. Lilly felt light. Relaxed. Warm. Shivers spread over her flesh when his fingers expertly stroked and massaged each of her toes. He tugged gently upon and caressed them. The shivers deepened when Matt’s fingers caressed the sensitive flesh between her toes but melted when his thumbs once again drug across the sole of her foot. His thumbs press and circled firmly to draw every bit of tension from her body.

When Lilly’s right foot shifted against Matt’s thigh, her toe dragged against something. It was inadvertent. And barely discernible. But Lilly realized that she was not the only one feeling sexy.

As Matt focused on massaging her left foot, Lilly subtly moved her right so that it brushed against the bare flesh of Matt’s thigh, the hem of his shorts hiking up. She wasn’t sure why or how she felt so comfortable, even playful.

Did he not think she realized that he was reacting to her?

“Matt,” Lilly said, as his fingers drew the tension from her toes.  “This feels incredible.”

“I’m glad,” Matt answered, his eyes smiling. 

“Are you enjoying it, too?” she asked. She realized that on a relatively-empty stomach, the wine might be getting to her head.

Matt looked back at her. “Of course I am,” he answered. “I’m happy to help you feel better.”

Lilly pushed her toes a bit further up Matt’s thigh, the hem of his shorts rising further. He’d done a great job with the wrap. “No, Matt,” Lilly continued. “You seem to be enjoying this quite a lot.” Her eyes locked on his.

Matt paused. “Ummmm ....” he managed. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He looked embarrassed, but to Lilly it was endearing. He set her foot down. 

Lilly put her left foot on Matt’s right thigh. “Don’t be,” Lilly said, looking into his eyes. “I’m not,” she added, sliding the toes of her left foot into his shorts. 

They watched one another for a moment. Lilly now felt not only sexy, but powerful. She had this kind, strong, generous man befuddled, and entirely at her mercy. 

Lilly inched her toes higher, and they watched one another.

“Boxers,” she said, as her toes wiggled. “Convenient.”

It was apparent to both of them that her toes were nearly touching his shaft. 

“Do you want me to stop?” Lilly asked.

“No,” Matt answered, almost stammering. But then he recovered, with more confidence. “Do you want to?” he asked in a way that implied he knew the answer. 

Lilly answered by inching her foot until her big toe dragged against Matt’s cock. Heated. Thick. Hard. 

Warmth flooded Lilly’s body and mind. She gasped and wriggled her big toe against Matt’s shaft. His eyes closed and reopened.

For several moments, neither said anything, as Lilly experimented with the sensation of her toes on Matt’s cock. Her right foot stroked his shaft as her left rested against and then under his balls. She felt more than sexy. She felt ... hungry ... needful.

Their eye contact never breaking, Matt slipped from a sitting position to kneeling, leaning toward Lilly, and their lips met. 

All of the oxygen seemed to rush from the cave. Thunder clapped and their lips moved softly together before parting for their tongues to greet.  Lilly slid her fingers through Matt’s hair as their tongues tasted one another, and the energy intensified.

Feeling emboldened and aroused and sexy and wanted — this was crazy — Lilly pulled back from the kiss.    

“Take your shorts off, Matt,” she said. “I want to do it again. See it. Feel it.”

“Mine, too,” she added. “Help me out of my shorts.”

For a moment, neither Lilly nor Matt could think, consider, plan or reason. Neither could really believe this was happening. But it was. They could only react to the heat of the moment, to their ever-increasing desire. 

Matt kissed Lilly again, hard, as he unfastened his shorts. He pulled them off, and Lilly couldn’t help watching as his hard cock sprang free. What a visual. Fuck, that was hot. 

Matt’s fingers moved to Lilly’s waist, curled around the hem of her shorts, and in one motion, tugged them off her hips, her panties along with them. She was as aroused as he and wanted him to know it. 

“Sit back,” Lilly gasped, and her bare feet were immediately on Matt’s thighs, meeting at his cock. She’d never done this before. Never thought about it. But as her toes caressed his balls and his cock, a bolt of sensation shot through her body. And it was such an erotic sight, her pink-painted toes brushing along his cock, and her feet squeezing him between her. His dick so big and thick and hot and hard for her. Lilly’s fingers instinctively moved up her thighs as she watched and felt what she was doing to him.

And Matt watched her fingers. “Yessss,” he gasped aloud, encouraging her. 

Lilly was bare before him, exposed — and it felt safe, hot and right. 

“You like your feet on my cock?” he asked.

“Yes!” Lilly answered, quite honestly. 

“Show, me, “Matt said. “Touch yourself.” Lilly assented immediately, her fingertip moving between her bare, swollen lips. Lilly gasped as her fingers caressed her tender folds.

As Matt folded Lilly’s feet around his cock, moving it between her arches, Lilly watched. She touched herself. Her fingertip grazed her clit. And her breath quickened as her gasps echoed in the cave. 

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And oh how Matt looked at her. With fire in his eyes. It went right through her. He was going to have her. And she was going to let him. It was only a question of when.

For several moments, Matt fucked her feet. His heated dick stroked between her arches, protruding and pointed at her. And her fingers brushed her clit and dipped inside her, curling, making her hips move. The energy flowed between them. Heated. Powerful. Enveloping. Surrounding them. 

“You,” Matt exclaimed through clenched teeth, “are fucking beautiful.”

Lilly didn’t know how to respond but knew he meant it. Precum leaked from his crown, and her big toe dipped into it. Fuck, she thought. HOT!

Suddenly, Matt lifted her toe to his mouth, sucked briefly but intently upon it, watching her eyes and sending succeeding spikes of heat up her body. Lilly was squirming. Now it was she who was at his mercy.

Matt peeled off his shirt so that he was naked, and Lilly reacted likewise, pulling off her top and her bra, having forgotten she was not yet bare. There was something not only heated but also almost symbolic in baring themselves to one another. For one another. And Lilly gasped at the fire in Matt’s eyes as his gaze roamed her body. 

Matt’s lips returned to Lilly’s body, kissing up her foot to her calf, and he crawled and kissed his way up her flesh. His teeth occasionally grazed her skin, and Lilly’s entire body tingled. As his mouth moved passed her left knee, his lips kissed her thigh. His tongue brushed her skin.

Lilly lifted her knees, exposing herself to him in the most intimate way. And yet it felt natural. This man should feel like a stranger, but she felt so safe and comfortable.

Matt’s lips and tongue and teeth grazed their way slowly up the tender flesh of Lilly’s inner thigh, and she was aching for more. Desperate for what was to come. 

How could she bare herself so freely? How could she give herself to this man? How did he make her so comfortable? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she could reveal herself to him, uninhibited and free.

When Matt’s lips finally found Lilly’s pussy, she shuddered. Her recently waxed labia were bare, with just a thin landing strip. Her lips were pink and swollen, glistening for him. And she wanted him to have her. Taste her. His eyes showed a mix of adoration and hunger. God, how he made her feel.

Suddenly, Matt’s tongue slipped between her swollen labia and gently penetrated her. Lilly quivered. Something was happening deep inside her. She arched against him.  Spread her legs wider. Fuck! she thought, as her moans echoed through the cave. She could see the shadows of her raised legs reflecting from the firelight onto the cave walls. Matt’s tongue painted a line up to her clit, his lips closed around her tiny, pink, throbbing bud, and Lilly arched against his mouth. 

When Matt’s lips began sucking, Lilly’s hips began thrusting. His lips sealed around her clit, his tongue swiped, and her body quivered. She placed both hands on the back of his head and ground her hips. He buried his mouth against her, tongue lashing and swiping, greedy and hungry. His hands gripped her ass and yanked her against his face as his tongue sliced between her lips and began fucking her. It was too much. His tongue thrust and twisted, diving into her. Tongue-fucking her with ravenous greed and hunger.

Matt pulled back and looked up. “Cum for me!” he demanded. His eyes locked on hers before he licked from her clit down and thrust his tongue inside her again. 

Lilly was riding the edge. That penetration. The hunger. The sensations. The heat. His mouth moved once again to her clit, a finger replaced his tongue inside her, and when he swiped her clit with his tongue, Lilly erupted. Her body arched, her eyes closed, her fingers crawled through his hair, and deep moans echoed off the cave walls. Matt held onto her, licking, kissing. Her hips shuddered. Her thighs quivered. She shook. Wave after wave rushed over her, and her entire being throbbed. 

And fuck, what this man did to her. She felt like a beautiful woman. And like a rabid animal at the same time. And she could show that to him. Be that with him. He made her safe and comfortable, setting her free.

Even as she quivered, Lilly pulled Matt to him. They kissed. Their mouths danced. Their naked bodies brushed together. Her nipples caught on the muscles of his chest. Fuck, he made her hungry. As she clearly did to him.

Their bodies were in a state of gliding motion, flowing like lava against and around one another, desperate to become ever closer, more fused. 

As Matt moved against her, Lilly’s fingers worked their way down his chest, across his belly, and eagerly wrapped around his cock. He was so rigid for her. His flesh was heated. Stretched tight. Thick. Powerful. She stroked his dick and watched his eyes.

Baring herself again, Lilly whispered in Matt’s ear, “I’m going to suck your cock.” As she said it, she continued stroking him and felt him leak onto her fingers.

“Do you like that?” she asked in an almost husky whisper, knowing the answer, but loving his reaction. He pulsed in her hand. He was once again at her mercy. And she loved the sensation of moving her nimble fingers over his burning dick.

Matt gasped, “Yesss.”

Lilly rolled over atop Matt, straddling him, her breasts against his chest.

“Yes?” she asked. “You want that? You want this pretty mouth wrapped around your big, hard dick?” It was almost playful, but it was also hot, sensual, delicious torture.

“Fuck, Lilly,” was all Matt could manage.

“Oh, I want to suck it so bad,” Lilly teased, knowing she was teasing herself as well. “Tell me you want me to suck it.”

“Lilly,” Matt gasped, his eyes fluttering, “please suck my cock. I need your lips on my cock. I’m so fucking hard for you. ”

Lilly winked. She started to slink down Matt’s body. She kissed his neck. His chest. She was in a hurry, but wanted to draw the moment out. She crawled further and wrapped her fingers around his cock again as she kissed over his stomach.

Lilly kissed over Matt’s abdomen and along his hip, as his dick rested against her open palm.

Finally, Lilly looked up into Matt’s eyes as she extended her tongue and slowly painted a line up the vein on the front of his shaft.

Lilly held his cock upright, poised her lips against his crown, and started to surround him with her mouth, before pulling back. “Is this what you want?” she asked.

Matt’s fingers slipped to the back of her head, his hips pressed upward, and Lilly moaned around Matt’s cock as it slipped into her mouth. Her lips immediately sealed around him, squeezing him, and they moaned together. 

Lilly began stroking and tasting Matt with her mouth. Her lips descended and raised, squeezing tight to stroke him. Her tongue bathed his shaft and her fingernails grazed his balls. Each time her mouth descended and raised, he leaked more. And each time the tip of her tongue greedily swiped it off.  It was as if she were getting drunk on him. As he clearly was with her. 

The flames painted warm shadows against their moving bodies, and the heavy rainstorm pelted the earth. Lilly and Matt communed like animals, baring themselves at their most raw and intimate amidst a mysterious, magnetic, soulful connection.

The echoes of Matt’s moans drove Lilly’s hunger. And Lilly’s hungry feasting upon Matt’s burning cock drove him to the edge. Lilly’s eyes locked on Matt’s as she sucked him, and his gaze back at her was intense and heated. Possessive and primal.

Fuck, Lilly thought. His. I am all his. It was unspoken in their gaze, and both of them seemed to know it, if not in those exact words.

Lilly lifted her mouth. She kissed her way back up Matt’s stomach. Their mouths met, and her juices on his lips mixed with his on hers. His musk. Her essence. Mixed together. Something entirely new and intoxicating.

Lilly broke the kiss. She turned around. Bare. On her knees. Facing the fire. In this cave. Her naked body reflected in shadows on the wall. With this man who rescued and took care of her. Who touched her soul and awakened every part of her body and mind. 

She looked back at Matt, who was slowly stroking his cock as he looked at her naked, prone body. The way he touched himself as his eyes focused upon her made her weak.

“Matt ...” she said, looking back at him. And he kept slowly stroking.

Matt ...” she said again.

“Take me,” she panted, and Matt moved behind her. Over her. Strong and powerful and virile. 

He made her feel sexy and hot and beautiful and raw. And when his cock brushed against her tender, swollen lips, she moaned before he even pressed forward. 

“Matt ...” she gasped again. He gripped her hips and touched the crown of his dick against her. 

“Oh, Lilly ...” Matt answered. 

“Yes, Matt,” she replied.

He pressed slightly forward, and the crown of his cock pierced her. Her whole body melted and she nearly crumpled. 

“Lilly ...” he answered again, and he inched forward, stretching her around him. Her pussy squeezed tight around his fat shaft.

“Take me,” she said again, and Matt sunk forward until he was fully inside her. She was stretched so tight around him. His balls rested against her. For a moment, neither of them so much as breathed. The fire crackled. The rain pounded down. Their bodies joined. And sparks erupted. 

Suddenly, Matt withdrew and thrust. Lilly yelped in response, grunting at the raw power of it. Fuck, it was just what she needed. As Matt’s hips fired, Lilly thrust back for more. Their bodies crashed together as the flames danced higher. The rhythm of the raindrops, the rumbling thunder, the crackling fire, their echoed gasps and moans, and their smacking bodies produced a primal symphony.

“Yes,” Lilly panted when Matt drove into her, and his balls smacked against her. 

“Yes! Like THAT!” she shouted as he thrust harder, her breasts swaying as he touched parts of her that had never been touched. 

Matt grunted, unable to find words, but delivering on her demands. He covered her. He filled her. He loomed and possessed. 

And he accepted the gift she gave him. With clear gratitude. And intense power. He took her. Oh, how he took her.

Matt experienced a ferocious hunger he’d never felt. A heat and power. A primal, raw, furious virility. His cock stroked every part inside Lilly, touched her, filled her, thrust with such friction that it turned her inside out. 

Matt turned Lilly’s head, leaned, and kissed her hungrily. Their tongues lashed together as their bodies lunged.

The kiss broke, and their eyes clouded over as they stared at one another, their bodies mating.

“Fuck me, Matt,” Lilly panted.

Matt thrust powerfully, and Lilly absorbed the heat.

“Like that?” Matt asked, and Lilly nodded. 

“You like my hard cock fucking you?” Matt grunted, their eyes locked. “Like this?” His hips fired again. Lilly’s buttocks rippled from the impact and her breast bounced. 

“No, Matt,” Lilly gasped. “I love it. I love your big cock deep inside me. Fucking me.”

Matt groaned in response, and thrust again.

Lilly could no longer see through her open eyes. Nor could Matt. Their entire worlds centered around their fusion. Her flower squeezed tight around him, his rod merging them as one flesh.

It was somehow romantic and raw. Sweet and ferocious. 

They moved almost in slow motion, and then at the speed of light. One moment it was as if the sounds of their moans were muffled underwater, and at the next, they were echoing loud off the cave walls.

The edge was near. The moment was at hand. Neither of them ever wanted it to end, and yet neither could much longer prolong the inevitable. It was overwhelming. Too much. Every fiber of their beings was deeply alive.

Matt pulled out and rolled Lilly onto her back. She quickly wrapped her legs around him and he thrust. He wanted to face her. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to watch her face as she roared over the edge. He wanted to see and know and feel and experience her everything. And he wanted to give it all to her.

As he thrust back inside, Matt leaned forward and kissed Lilly’s mouth. Her ankles locked around his back just above his ass. He held his face over hers, and they watched one another. He thrust into her and she raised to meet him.

His hands found her nipples, and tugged. She shuddered. Closer. To the edge.

“Matt ... “ she gasped, as she closed her eyes and lifted her hips.

Matt drove into her again, and he could feel her pussy throbbing. Squeezing. Racing to the edge and coaxing him along with her.

He kissed her hard and then thrust again. Deep. Hard. Jarring.

They looked into one another’s eyes. They both moaned. He plucked her taut nipple.

A few. More. Thrusts. Is all. They could. Take.

Suddenly, Matt thrust quick and deep several times. 

“Oh god!” Lilly cried.

He thrust quick and deep again.

“MATT!” echoed off the walls.

Matt gave one deep thrust to the center of Lilly’s core, and that was it. She looked into his eyes. She gasped, “Plant your seed,” disbelieving that she’d said it but entirely meaning it. And she came entirely unglued. 

Matt pulled his cock all the way out, and thrust forward one more time. 

Thunder clapped, and lightning lit up the sky.

Lilly’s pussy pulsed around Matt’s cock. Contracting. Coaxing him. Her world exploded. Waves rolled over her body and mind. Her world disintegrated and she shattered into a million pieces. Matt erupted inside her, his balls spurting repeated bursts of molten heat. Planting Matt’s seed deep within Lilly’s core. 

Their moans blended together, echoing off the cave walls as they spiraled together through an overwhelming, piercing, pulsing, writhing orgasm. 

As Lilly recovered her breath, the millions of pieces of her began to reassemble. Matt slipped out of her, rolled to his side and then his back, and she rested her cheek upon his chest. Her leg crossed over his. Her naked body lay against his. His arm wrapped around her. 

A tear dripped out of the corner of Lilly’s eye and down her cheek. Not a sad tear. An overcome tear. An expression of raw emotion. A beautiful, overwhelming moment.

She had no idea what had happened. How it had happened. Why it had happened. All she knew was that for the first time in forever, she felt completely at home. It made no sense. But it was true.

The only explanation she could come up with was that it was simply magical. 


Yes, that is exactly what it was.



Written by OptimisticThoughts
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