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My Love of the Theatre

"Nineteen-year-old Lucy discovers the joys of pain and pleasure when backstage at the theatre"

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Lucy was rushing around backstage trying to get to each of the dancers to make sure that the microphones were switched on and were not tagging their clothes. Lucy was loving being back stage of the theatre. She had been an art college student for three years and was delighted to be working as a stage hand behind the scenes. She was quite used to working on the sound side of the theatre ensuring that all the performances worked seamlessly whilst at College. This was rather more over-awing she realised.

Lucy was nineteen-years-old, was slim, and had long dark hair which was tied back in a ponytail. She had green eyes and was wearing a black tight fitting sleeveless top and black leggings. She was always punctual and took a pride in her appearance and was usually a cheerful young lady. Today though she was feeling rather out of it because she had recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend, Jonathan.

There was something about the smell of greasepaint bright lights and colourful costumes that had always excited her and made her love working backstage at the theatre.

For this particular show the women were wearing flesh coloured tights with their costumes and she knew that many of the dancers were not actually wearing panties. Lucy knew that the actresses were on strict instructions to ensure that their crotches were thoroughly waxed. Some had Brazilians but most were completely shaven so there was no dark shading showing through their tights.

Lucy had never had a crush on any of the actors or actresses until Rebecca joined the company as a leading singer and dancer. Rebecca was twenty-three-years-old and Lucy watched as she practised by herself in the corner. She wasn't sure why she had a crush on Rebecca although she was a very attractive looking girl with long dark hair, very full breasts, and particularly nice legs. She was very fit looking and Lucy liked her muscular yet feminine look

On the other hand and although she could not explain why, Lucy found she had a crush on Georgina Gee who was the director. She was actually a little bit scared of the director because she was somewhat of a task mistress and often threatened the young stagehands with a tongue lashing. Lucy remembered quite clearly just the other day when she heard in her ear piece Georgina Gee talking to her assistant and saying, "She is so naughty. What I wouldn't give to cane her bottom for her." Lucy had assumed of course it was just a phrase rather than a wish to actually cane anyone. A bit old school, her Mum had told her when she told her about the comment that evening. Having said that, it was always generally known that Georgina Gee liked working with the young girls on the team.

Lucy was still dreaming about that comment from Georgina when she heard the producer say sternly to her through her ear piece, "Make sure you check that Rebecca's microphone is working. She is due on stage in 30 minutes and still needs to get to makeup.”

Lucy made her way over to Rebecca and tapped her on the shoulder so that she would stop dancing. She looked really sexy in her skin coloured sleeveless top which showed off her full figure and skin coloured leggings.

Rebecca looked at Lucy and smiled. It was a very friendly smile.

Lucy returned the smile and said, "Georgina has asked me to check that your microphone is working. Where is the transmitter?"

Rebecca smiled and said, "I've had to run the wire it down the front of my leggings."

Lucy knew she had to check and pulling on the elastic of her leggings pulled them out so she could see down inside them. It was then that she realised that Rebecca had fully shaved her pussy and she was looking down at her pussy lips. Lucy blushed and looking up at Rebecca's face saw that she was also blushing although had a wide grin on her face.

Rebecca asked with a smirk, “Are you going to check that the mike is on Lucy?"

Lucy felt a bit awkward as she put her hand inside Rebecca's tights and eased her fingers down towards. The mic was perilously close to Rebecca’s pussy lips. Lucy realised that she could not avoid running and fingers along Rebecca's pussy lips in order to get to the microphone wire. As she did that Rebecca let out an erotic gasp and Lucy knew that Rebecca's pussy lips were actually quite damp.

Lucy looked at Rebecca still blushing and said, "I'm so sorry Rebecca."

In fact Rebecca looked far from in embarrassed. Lucy even reckoned from the look in her eyes that Rebecca rather liked having her pussy lips fondled. It actually made Lucy quite excited as well even though before now she had never felt she wanted to actually make out with another girl.

Rebecca was still smiling at the awkward position she had put Lucy in and trying to help she put her thumbs inside the elastic of her tights and yanked them down to make it easier for Lucy to make the adjustment to her microphone. She turned slightly and then heard Lucy let out a gasp. She had forgotten about her secret which had now been revealed.

Lucy looked at Rebecca's bottom and saw six rather angry red wheals. They looked like tramlines but she realised she had seen those kind of lines before. They were the result of being caned. In fact she thought they looked like rather fresh cane lines.

It was Rebecca’s turn to blush. Lucy was about to ask why she was caned when the PA system sounded asking for Rebecca to go to the make-up room.

Rebecca gave a quick, "I'll explain later," before swiftly pulling up her tights and straightening out her tight top. She spoke into the microphone and heard that it was working.

As Rebecca walked off quickly to join the other singers and dancers, Lucy wondered whether Rebecca had been caned for some wrongdoing such as not learning her lines. Mind you she wondered that if that was the case who would have actually given her the cane? She stood and pondered for a while. Could Rebecca’s wet pussy be at all linked to the caning or just to the way she had run her fingers along Rebecca’s pussy lips? She knew from her own experience that finger sex was exciting.

However the more Lucy thought about it the more she remembered how close she had come one time at school to getting the cane. She was sixteen-years-old and was expecting to sit a double detention. That usually meant a trip to the Headmistress for three strokes of the cane during the detention. As it turned out though the teacher had decided not to award either detention. Although relieved at the time she often wondered what it might have been like to have been caned. There was a mixture of reactions from her friends who had been caned. Most hated it, but one of her best friends said she had masturbated in bed after her first caning and several nights in a row after that. She was caned several times and the reaction was the same each time.

That thought led Lucy down the road of considering how she would react to being caned at her age. It wasn’t so outlandish she supposed. After all Georgina had definitely said about caning one of the girls. Maybe she was referring to Rebecca?

Still deep in thought, Lucy made her way to her position at the side of the stage and waited for the curtain to be raised and for the show to start. She could not get the cane lines off her mind though. Rebecca hadn’t seemed so concerned about them but she kept wondering how she got them and whether it was a punishment or whether she took them willingly. Had her school friend really been aroused by the caning? Was it possible to get aroused through pain? She remembered wondering that after missing out on the cane herself and seeing Rebecca’s cane lines re-opened those thoughts.

Lucy just could not focus properly on the show because of the break-up with her boyfriend as well as the constant thought of Rebecca’s cane marks, and she missed her cue to switch on a microphone. She only missed it by a few seconds but it was noticeable. She blushed and fumbled with the switches and corrected her mistake. Even so, she saw Georgina giving her a stern look. She knew she would be taken to task afterwards for that mistake.

Having made one mistake, Lucy focussed after that and didn’t make any more mistakes. The only other mistake during the show was by Rebecca who forgot a line and had to have it called to her from the side.

After the show Lucy went in to the changing room and caught up with Rebecca. They blushed as they realised they had both made mistakes. It was the first one Lucy had ever made. Just as they stood together Georgina Gee’s assistant came over and said, “Georgina wants to see you both in her office please.” After a moment she added, “You had better be quick.”

Rebecca looked at Lucy and said with a stoical tone, “Come on. We had better go and see her.”

Lucy hadn’t had too much to do directly with Georgina. She just knew she was a taskmaster and everyone jumped when she said jump. As she followed Rebecca towards Georgina’s office she forgot to ask about the cane strokes.

Rebecca got to the office door first and knocked. She glanced at Lucy with a wide-eyed, ‘Here we go,’ look.

“Come,” came Georgina’s voice from inside the office.

Rebecca pushed open the door and walked in. Lucy followed and closed the door behind herself. Both ladies went and stood in front of Georgina’s large desk.

Georgina was looking at some papers and Lucy thought how much she was acting like a Headmistress.

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Even when Georgina looked up crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair that Headmistress look remained.

“I thought you had learned your lesson this morning, Rebecca?” Georgina said sternly.

Lucy looked at a blushing Rebecca, who replied quietly, “Sorry, Georgina. I just froze.”

Georgina made a cross, “Hhmm,” sound before looking at Lucy and asking, “What went wrong with you?”

Lucy didn’t want to admit she was thinking about the cane lines on Rebecca’s bottom but almost giggled at the thought that if Georgina was the Headmistress then maybe she was the one who caned Rebecca.

“Why the smirk?” Georgina demanded to know.

Lucy had not realised she was smirking and had not intended to. “Erm sorry, Georgina,” she said quickly.

“Well I am disappointed with both of you and need to deal with you.”

Lucy wasn’t sure what that meant but when she again glanced at Rebecca she saw she was wincing and so must know. When she looked to the front again she saw Georgina glaring at Lucy.

“Let me explain it to you, Lucy, as Rebecca already knows,” Georgina started firmly. “Sometimes you young girls need a sharp lesson so you don’t make so many mistakes. I used to be a Headmistress and my experience in that job has held me in good stead when dealing with you younger adults.”

Lucy gasped and put her hand over her mouth. It sounded like a joke but maybe Georgina really did cane Rebecca. Anyway, Georgina certainly had her attention.

Georgina continued, “So the incentive I found always seems to work on you girls is a good caning. Three strokes for a minor misdemeanour up to maybe a dozen for repeats.” Georgina let the comment sink in before adding, “Of course you can always resign if you don’t want the educational benefit of a caning.”

Lucy swallowed hard. Could this really be happening? She was only thinking about being caned before the show started. Well, during the show as well which is why she missed her cue. Could she be about to get that experience?

Georgina continued, “So, for your mistake, I think you should get three strokes. You need to decide whether to take them or to leave.”

Lucy was speechless.

Rebecca saw the look on Lucy’s face and quickly whispered to her, “Just agree. I did and it’s not so bad.”

Lucy didn’t have time to assimilate the comment. It did answer her query about the cane marks though. She just replied, “I’ll take the caning, Miss. Erm, I mean Georgina.” Lucy blushed at the realisation she had addressed Georgina as though she really were a Headmistress.

Georgina smiled at the show of respect. “Okay, both of you,” Georgina commanded. “Get your leggings and knickers down and bend across my desk.”

Lucy looked at Rebecca who was already yanking her leggings down. She saw that she still didn’t have any knickers on as her pussy lips appeared.

Georgina stood up and Lucy had a flutter experience deep in her pussy. Georgina looked gorgeous in a sleeveless white blouse and tight grey skirt. She looked quite the Headmistress Lucy decided as she yanked her leggings and knickers down. She saw her own full hair mound and decided there and then she would shave in future.

Georgina went to a cupboard by the wall, opened the door, and took out a long hook ended cane.

Lucy was wide-eyed when she saw the cane. She didn’t have any erotic feelings though as she watched Georgina return to the desk.

“Bend over and grab the far side both of you,” Georgina ordered.

Lucy had to admit to just a tinge of eroticism as she listened to the strict tone of voice. She did think that discipline worked and knew her ‘nearly caned’ experience had made her a better behaved school girl. Maybe this would make her a better employee. Anyway she felt another flutter across her pussy and became confused. Was she turned on as well by the caning? Did discipline and sex go together after all?

Lucy saw that Rebecca had already bent across the desk and had grabbed the far side. Her legs were placed apart and she was pressing her tummy down and lifted her bottom up which gave a clear view of her stretched pussy lips. She gave the impression she was happy to take the caning even with the six still red cane lines already showing on her bottom.

Following suit as best she could Lucy bent over and grabbed the far side of the desk and presented her bare bottom for the caning. As she raised her bottom she could feel her pussy lips stretch apart and she definitely felt another flutter through her pussy. She still could not understand why but she was getting aroused and reckoned it was a combination of all those years regretting not being caned when she was sixteen-years-old and her friend telling her how aroused she got when being caned.

Georgina tapped the cane on Rebecca’s bottom and announced, “Three this time, Rebecca.”

Lucy glanced sideways and saw Rebecca’s face. She had pursed her lips but there was no look of fear. It was almost as though she was welcoming the caning. Lucy was still looking towards Rebecca when the cane stroke landed. Rebecca’s face contorted with pain, and she cried out and her knuckles turned white as she grasped the table to stop herself getting up. However she recovered quickly enough.

The second stroke landed and Rebecca’s reaction was the same as with first stroke although it seemed her cry might have been louder. The cry with the third stroke was definitely louder and her upper body shook with the pain as she fought to deal with the pain.

Lucy heard Georgina change position and felt the tap tap of the cane on her bottom. “Three for you as well, Lucy. Stay down or else you will get extras.”

Lucy gasped at the threat but she made sure that she held on to the desk as firmly as she could. She closed her eyes and knew she scrunched up her face. When the cane bit in to her bottom she cried out and threw her head back. It hurt much more than she had imagined it would. How could anyone find that erotic she asked herself? Time stood still and she wasn’t expecting the second stroke. Her cry was even louder and all she could do was force herself to cling on to the desk. She was now ready for the third stroke and when it landed whilst she cried out she supposed it didn’t actually hurt as much as the second stroke. Was it because she was used to the pain or was it relief that the caning was over she wondered?

Lucy could feel herself sniffing back tears and looked towards Rebecca and only saw her blurred outline. She was actually crying she realised.

“Stay down,” Georgina ordered.

Seconds later Lucy felt Georgina’s hand rubbing her bottom and the backs of her legs. She found this quite erotic and when Georgina’s hand ran up and down the inside of her thigh she even parted her legs more and raised her bottom almost begging Georgina to run her fingers along her stretched pussy lips. When she did Lucy gyrated and came quickly.

Lucy was aware of the groans that came from Rebecca and knew Georgina was now caressing her pussy. A fact confirmed by Rebecca’s erotic gasps.

There was silence except for the heavy breathing coming from both Rebecca and Lucy until Georgina ordered, “You can both get up.”

Rebecca stood up quickly and rubbed her bottom.

Lucy followed suit and much to her surprise had to admit the tingling from the caning was getting nicer in fact.

Georgina was smiling as she ordered, “Better get dressed girls. It going home time.”

Lucy bit her lip as she bent down and pulled up her knickers. She watched as Rebecca pulled her leggings up and she did the same.

Georgina said sternly, “No more mistakes girls. Understood?”

“No Georgina,” Rebecca replied obediently.

“No, Georgina,” Lucy echoed.

Lucy followed Rebecca out of the office and closed the door behind herself. Rebecca put her finger to her lips and led Lucy to another office. It was empty and Rebecca led Lucy inside and closed the door. Both girls lowered their leggings and Lucy yanked her knickers down and they both looked at their own and each-others freshly caned bottoms. Lucy was elated to see the three angry red wheals on her own bottom.

Rebecca smiled at Lucy. “You Okay?”

Lucy rubbed her bottom feeling the raised wheals. She replied, “I think so.” She added “How about you as you now have nine cane strokes on your bottom.”

Rebecca also rubbed her bottom as she replied, “I’ve had more.”

Lucy was amazed. “Have you? What’s it like?”

“Fancy a drink and I can tell you?” Rebecca asked.

Lucy felt another flutter rush across her pussy. “Sounds good,” She said licking her lips and smiling. After a moment she added quizzically, “I think my pussy is damp.”

“Let’s feel,” Rebecca offered quickly and before Lucy could react slid her hand down between her thighs. She ran her fingers up and down Lucy’s very damp pussy. “Yup you are wet,” Rebecca said smiling, and as Lucy gasped erotically, Rebecca leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

As Lucy returned the kiss and ran her own fingers along a similarly damp pussy, she was now sure she wanted to experience more strokes of the cane. She would be asking Rebecca about how to have to bend across Georgina’s desk again and how to get rather more than three strokes of the cane.

Written by SusanHarper
Contributing Authors
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