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The Magic Candles - Chapter 2

"Two girls get to spank their teachers"

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Jenny and I were giggling as we walked past the gym. I had had a sleepover at Jenny’s and although we had separate beds in her bedroom we spent the night cuddled up together in her bed and she showed me how to do things I had only read about in novels. Like how her using her tongue on my pussy lips was a trillion times better than me using my vibrator.

Jenny’s parents had left us alone the whole evening and we chatted and cuddled and kissed and then did all those new things.

In the morning her parent’s went off to work before we had to leave for school. So as a bit of fun we lit a candle each and wished a new wish. We had discussed how we thought it was so unfair that Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins had spanked us two days before when we crashed in to each other and then almost fought. So for a giggle we wished that we would get to spank them both today. We were sixteen-years-old and so old enough we reckoned.

The giggling stopped as the gym mistresses office door opened and we were nearly bowled over by Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins. We were wide-eyed but I still managed to splutter, “Hullo, Mrs Bell. Hullo Miss Hopkins.”

Jenny said the same after a moment. I saw she was blushing and I knew my cheeks were warm as we had only just been discussing spanking both teacher’s bare bottoms.

“Oh, erm, Lily and erm, Jenny,” spluttered Mrs Bell. She was blushing as she glanced towards Miss Hopkins before shaking her head quickly as though having reached a decision. She ordered in her strict teachers’ voice, “Come in to the office please girls.”

I was surprised as we hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact it was they who nearly bowled us over as they weren’t looking where they were going. However we could not object and so obeyed.

Mrs Bell was biting her lip and now looked like she wasn’t so sure about what to do. However she again seemed to come to a decision and said, “Look girls. Mrs Parker sent Miss Hopkins and me an email we have just read. It says your parents complained about us spanking you and were so annoyed they thought you should give us both a spanking by way of an apology.”

“The Headmistress said that?” I said amazed and wide-eyed. I stared at Jenny who was equally flummoxed. I hadn’t told my parents I got spanked and was pretty sure Jenny hadn’t told hers. However rather than say anything we just looked back at Mrs Bell and waited for her to say some more.

Mrs Bell continued, “Now Miss Hopkins and I have discussed it and think maybe we were hasty and had we thought about it a bit we would have just made you do the lines.”

I could see Mrs Bell look closely at me and Jenny for a reaction but we didn’t give her one. I think Jenny was as shocked as me as we just weren’t used to getting an apology from the teachers.

Mrs Bell continued, “I’m not sure that Mrs Parker is right that we should be spanked and certainly not by you girls. Anyway she has told us to come to her Study and that she has asked you to be there as well.” Mrs Bell blushed before adding, “Presumably to give us both a spanking.” Her voice trailed off at that point and again she blushed and looked at us for a reaction.

Jenny and I hadn’t received an email but we hid that fact from Mrs Bell. “Well, Miss,” I said, “I certainly don’t think we should have been spanked although accepted your decision.” I thought to myself how I had wanted to be spanked by Mrs Bell anyway. However I also hid that fact and continued, “On the other hand you have always told us to take responsibility for our actions. Therefore it only seems fair to me that you are also spanked and especially so if Mrs Parker has decided that.”

Miss Hopkins said, “Well Mrs Parker put it slightly differently in her email. She said it was our choice. Either she can give us each twelve strokes of the cane or we can accept a bare bottom spanking.”

“Twelve strokes, Miss?” Jenny exclaimed. “That would really hurt, Miss,” she added sarcastically as though it was necessary to point that out to the two teachers.

Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins exchanged glances again before Mrs Bell looked back at us. “We know the cane would hurt. Against that is the shame of being spanked by you girls. You are only sixteen-years-old and I have a daughter only a few years younger than you and Miss Hopkins has a sister just a couple of years older.”

I maintained my stance quite adamantly, “I don’t see that age has anything to do with it, Miss. If we have been wronged then there is every reason to allow us retribution.” I smiled at myself at the use of such a long word.

Mrs Bell again looked at Miss Hopkins and said, “Well that is true, I suppose. We jumped the gun and should have thought about it some more.”

Miss Hopkins blushed and nodded her head saying, “I suppose so.”

I suddenly realised that our wish to spank the two teachers was sounding as though it was going to become a reality. I was quite shocked and was waiting for one of them to burst out laughing and say it was all a joke. However neither of them did and instead stood up and Mrs Bell said, “OK, girls. We would rather take the spanking than the cane. I can’t imagine that it makes any difference if you spank us here rather than in the Headmistresses Study. Do you promise not to ever tell any of your friends?”

I was still quite shocked but immediately we both replied together, “Yes, Miss.”

I added, “It’s the adult thing to do for sure.”

Mrs Bell gave a strained smile and said, “Thank you girls. So please take the two chairs.”

Jenny and I quickly turned the two upright spanking chairs around so they faced each other and we sat down. As we had jokingly discussed spanking the two teachers just a few minutes earlier it was easy for me to say, “I’ll deal with you Mrs Bell, and Jenny will deal with you, Miss Hopkins.”

The two teachers nodded their heads and went and stood obediently by each of us. It was then I focussed on what they were wearing. They were both in gym gear so white short-sleeved tops, and white gym skirts, short white socks and white plimsolls. Actually we had pictured them both in exactly that gear as that was what they had been wearing when they spanked us.

Jenny and I were in our school uniform so short-sleeved green and white checked gingham dresses, and black shoes. We didn’t have to wear socks with the summer uniform. So I realised that once Mrs Bell raised her skirt and took down her knickers and bent across my lap it would be her skin on mine and I was quite turned on by the thought.

“Hold your skirts right up and push your knickers down, please,” Jenny ordered.

Both Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins blushed again as they did as they were told and moments later were standing with their knickers around their knees and holding their skirts right up. Miss Hopkins had a Brazilian cut pussy hair which I had seen in magazines and wanted to try myself. Mrs Bell had her pussy hair like my Mum which was au natural.

“Get across our laps,” Jenny ordered.

I was unable to breathe properly as Mrs Bell bent across my lap and as her weight dropped on to my thighs I looked down at sight I had only dreamed of. Her quite delicious very adult bare bottom cheeks were across my lap.

I looked across at Jenny who was rubbing Miss Hopkins bottom and smiling at me. Not content though she said, “You know, Mrs Bell, we are only sixteen-years-old as you said and not full adults like you. I think to make sure the lesson is learned we should spank you for a while with our hands but then use a plimsoll. Don’t you agree Miss?”

I felt Mrs Bell sigh but it was Miss Hopkins who said to the floor, “I did say they would ask, didn’t I Mrs Bell.”

“Yes, yes,” Mrs Bell replied wearily as she bent one leg up so I could untie the lace and remove the plimsoll. Miss Hopkins did the same for Jenny.

I winked at Jenny as I placed the plimsoll within easy reach and again rubbed Mrs Bell’s bottom as Jenny rubbed Miss Hopkins bottom. We nodded at each other as a signal to start and raising our hands brought our open palm’s down hard on each of their bare bottoms. The feeling was incredible. I watched Mrs Bell’s bottom cheek swirl around and heard her gasp just as Miss Hopkins let out a gasp.

Jenny and I glanced at each other as we raised our hands again and spanked the other bottom cheek. We were away and kept on spanking alternate bottom cheeks ignoring the louder and louder gasps from the two teachers and just focussed on turning their bottoms a deeper and deeper shade of red.

I knew spankings at the school only lasted three or four minutes and had made a note of the time. Two minutes seemed to fly by yet take so long as the two bottoms were turned a lovely red colour. I caught Jenny’s eye and picked up the plimsoll for the second half of the spanking.

We didn’t delay and started to land spanks with the plimsoll on alternate bottom cheeks. It was quite noticeable how much louder the spanks were as well as the teachers gasps. Again we ignored their cries and their kicking legs and landed harder and harder spanks non-stop for the final two minutes.

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When we stopped I realised that Mrs Bell was sobbing and Miss Hopkins was actually crying. I was so sorry now that I had agreed not to tell anyone and started to wonder what the worst that could happen if I did tell my friends. I put the thought aside for later.

We let the teachers lie across our laps so they could recover a bit. They never did that for us girls but then this was most likely going to be the only time we would have them across our laps.

I was rubbing Miss Bell’s bottom which was warm and softish when I heard a gasp from Miss Hopkins. She was still crying but I could see her legs were apart and Jenny had run her finger along Miss Hopkins pussy lips. It was certainly am erotic gasp. I looked down at Mrs Bell’s legs but they were pretty much together so I didn’t have the nerve to try the same. Instead I savoured the remaining moments with Mrs Bell’s bare reddened bottom across my lap before ordering, “Ok, you can both get up.”

Both teachers quickly eased themselves up and stood rubbing their bottoms. That too was a sight to behold.

“You can get dressed,” Jenny ordered.

Mrs Bell eased her knickers up and flattened out her skirt as did Miss Hopkins.

“You’ll do one hundred lines as well please,” Jenny ordered. At least it must have sounded like an order as both teachers nodded and said, “Of course.”

Mrs Bell asked, “Can we please do them after seeing the Headmistress to tell her you have spanked us?”

Jenny looked like she was deciding and said, “Yes, Ok, but please show the lines to us by lunchtime.” After a moment she added, “Don’t forget mistakes get extra spanks.”

“Of course, Jenny,” Mrs Bell replied sounding thankful at least they could do the lines later on. She added, “Can you please complete and sign our Punishment Slips so we can show Mrs Parker?”

“Of course,” Jenny replied in her offhand tone of voice. We each filled in a slip confirming a hand and plimsoll spanking on the bare bottom and gave one back to each teacher.

Mrs Bell was still being polite. “Thank you. Please excuse us, girls. You can stay here if you want while we go the Headmistress’s Study.”

“Ok, thank you,” Jenny replied.

Moments later Jenny and I were alone. We waited for the door to close and then a few moments more before Jenny quietly opened the door a few inches and said gleefully, “They’re walking off rubbing their bottoms.”

“That was so cool,” I said.

“Just brill,” Jenny replied. She looked at me and added seriously, “I am so damp. I need some tongue.” I watched Jenny slip her knickers off and sit back down on a chair.

“Me too,” I replied as I went over to her and knelt between her parted legs and kissed her inner thighs working my way slowly towards her damp pussy lips. I was getting myself even more turned on as my tongue eased inside her vagina and I heard her deepening breathing. I felt like I was so experienced now after last night and Jenny certainly came very quickly. When she said, ‘More, more,’ I willingly obliged as I loved her sweet sex juice smell and I eagerly once again licked her pussy lips and edged my tongue inside. She came three times in all before I got up.

Moments later I had my knickers off and was sitting on the chair with my legs apart and Jenny kissing my inner thighs and pussy lips. It seemed even more erotic than last night and I reckoned that was because of all the excitement we had had already. Adrenalin rush some girls called it I think. I was crying out with massive erotic joy as I came, and then my gorgeous Jenny kept going and I came again twice more.

We were both exhausted but still full of each other as we kissed and caressed each other until we were happily done.

As I pulled stepped back in to my knickers I looked at the computer screen. “Hey look at this,” I said in a surprised tone. “I think they misread the email. It was our Mum’s who were going to be at the Head’s Study and not us.”

Jenny also read the email and laughed. “Wow that is what it says.” She added after a moment, “I bet old Parker will laugh at them for that.”

I was a bit worried. “Yeah, but what if they hold it against us?”

Jenny saw the problem. “They won’t,” she said unconvincingly.

Just then the office door opened and Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins came back in. They looked embarrassed.

Mrs Bell looked at us and said, “Well we weren’t caned, girls but it was the most embarrassing thing ever.”

Jenny and I again stayed silent as we didn’t want any of the blame when Mrs Bell told us our Mums were in the Heads Study.

Mrs Bell looked serious although I noticed she was still rubbing her bottom. She was again using her officious teacher tone of voice. “So it is very important you don’t tell anyone about this, In fact so important you will get a dozen spankings if we find out you have. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss,” Jenny and I said together.

I could not believe we were going to just get away with it but it still looked like we might.

I wasn’t so sure when Jenny cheekily asked, “Will you still do the lines, Miss?”

Mrs Bell blushed and said weakly “Yes.”

“That’s good then, Miss”, Jenny said with an almost straight face.

Mrs Bell recovered her composure. “OK, then girls. We understand each other so you can both go.”

Jenny and I left the gym office but held back and listened through the door reckoning the teachers would not be as careful as we had been. We wanted to hear what the teachers said to get some pre-warning if we were likely to get in to trouble for spanking them.

However, what we heard once Mrs Bell and Miss Hopkins were there alone amazed both of us.

Mrs Bell was angry. “I can’t believe it was an April Fool’s joke and by the Headmistress of all people.”

Miss Hopkins agreed. “It was so embarrassing when we walked in to find just her in the Study and she made a joke about it all. I felt humiliated.”

Mrs Bell echoed the sentiment. “Yes, totally humiliated as we had let the girls spank us. But I forgot it was 1 st April today.” Mrs Bell calmed down a bit after a few moments and conceded as though just remembering, “She does do one of those pranks every year.”

Miss Hopkins nodded and started to laugh. “What, like a prank or a spank?” She had also calmed down and asked Mrs Bell, “Do you think it was the candles?”

Mrs Bell was scornful at the suggestion. “Surely not? That is just storytelling.”

Miss Hopkins pointed out, “But we lit candles this morning and wished for something to happen that was unusual and it did. It may not have been what we wanted but something unusual certainly did happen.”

Mrs Bell replied in a thoughtful tone, “I suppose so.” Mrs Bell added ruefully, “So maybe next time we should wish for something rather more specific,” She was already rethinking that maybe magic spells do work. After all it was so unlikely that Mrs Parker would play that trick on them both on the very day that they had wished for something unusual to happen. Magic must be involved.

Mrs Bell chuckled as she said, “It’s lucky we didn’t show her the Punishment Slips.”

Mrs Hopkins also laughed, “Yes, and I stopped you rubbing your bottom as well.”

The mood had lightened.

“My bottom still stings. Those girls sure know how to give a hard spanking,” Mrs Bell said sheepishly rubbing her bottom freely now. She grinned at Miss Hopkins. “We had better do the lines as well.”

“I guess so. It will be interesting to have to sit on hard chairs as we do them like we make the girls do,” Miss Hopkins replied smiling.

Miss Bell added with a smirk, “Sure. The girls don’t have to know we don’t need to do them.” Mrs Bell added ruefully, “Let’s not make any mistakes though so we don’t earn any more spanks.” After a moment she added in the same tone, “Maybe we will be more careful as well about what we wish for next time.”

“Very true,” Miss Hopkins agreed now also rubbing her bottom.

Mrs Bell asked, “Did you cum when Jenny spanked you?”

I could tell from Miss Hopkins voice she was embarrassed. “It must have been an accident but Jenny’s finger brushed my pussy and I wasn’t expecting it and came.”

“You are right. It must have been an accident,” Mrs Bell replied in an envious tone I thought. She added, “Of course we could do it for real. I suppose I am turned on by my stinging bottom.”

Miss Hopkins replied eagerly, “Wow because so am I. Come on. I’ll do you first.”

We heard movement and I pictured Mrs Bell taking her knickers off again and sitting down.

Jenny and I smiled at each other as we knew what the two teachers were about to do. We decided we had better move and walked away from the gym office and made our way to the classroom for our first lesson. I knew we were early and it was ten minutes later that Mrs Bell came in. She seemed to be her old self. Well except for one stern look she gave Jenny and me but we didn’t even react to it.

At first break Jenny and I walked by ourselves around the playground and Jenny said so no one else could hear, “So we lit those candles this morning and again it happened like we wished. We better be more careful next time in case we wish for something we don’t want to happen.”

“Too true,” I agreed.

Written by SusanHarper
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