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Ainsely 17

"Ainsely commits to Javon, Richard and Carolyn leave, Javon isn't sure what to do next."

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Ainsely had been busy these past two weeks, finishing up the courses she'd been taking at Louisville, taking exams, turning in papers, and spending every spare minute with Javon. I stayed pretty busy myself at work and doing my best to get in any time with her I could... that is when she wasn't “otherwise occupied with Javon.” She rarely had time to cook anything so I either fixed myself a sack lunch or caught something to eat out.

As usual, I wound up one afternoon sitting across from Bob at one of the snack bar's aluminum and formica tables. “So how are you handling all this?” I asked, as casually as I could.

“What, the IG inspection?” he replied before taking a bite of his polish sausage.

“No,” I rolled my eyes. “Lisa. You know what I mean.”

"Listen Jack, Lisa's just Lisa. I'm handling it fine. She's having the time of her life which mean's I am too. It doesn't bother me that half the black guys on post are getting all the white pussy they want from her, 'cause I'm getting plenty of that hot little thing myself! Why do you ask?” he smirked. “Things not going so well with Ainsely?”

I ignored his barb for the moment. “I mean, aren't you afraid she's going to get over you and fall for one of these black guys she's after so enthusiastically?” He just looked at me, chewing as I elaborated, “Aren't you being short changed at all by all her promiscuous activities?”

“Nah,” Bob said before taking a drink. “We got it all worked out and it's working the way we both want it. If something changes, I'll let you know, how about that?” I looked down at my plate. “So why don't you tell me what's going on with you two, with Ainsely and Javon. That has to be the reason for the interrogation.”

I usually ate quickly so I finished my hot dog before musing, “I always thought this would be the hottest thing ever—having my cute little Southern bride screwing a black guy non-stop—and honestly, it is. I guess I just worry that there are so many things that I can't control about it, or even anticipate. She's been so obsessed with Javon lately and almost dismissive of me. I love knowing that she's so totally into him, but I worry about her leaving me for him. I guess that's the nut of the cuckold problem, isn't it. Don't you ever feel like that?”

Bob smiled, “Listen bud, some guys can handle this and some can't. That's about the size of it.”


I walked down to Carolyn's slowly. I didn't really want to go over there. It seems I always got hit up for babysitting or some other favor, or Richard was sitting there leering at me right in front of Carolyn or trying to get me alone to hit on me. But she'd called and said she had the $25 she owed me if I wouldn't mind coming down to get it. Thankfully, Richard wasn't there and her annoying daughter was down for a nap. Her little black baby seemed content for the moment.

She handed me the money and invited me for a cup of coffee. Since I was already there and the coast seemed to be clear, I sat down. The gossip machine then kicked into high gear. She told me she was due sometime in the next two weeks and couldn't wait to get this kid out of her. She told me she invited Lisa over a couple of times a week and was letting Richard fuck her just to keep him off of her until she got back in shape. She teased me that Lisa was such a slut she didn't seem to have any trouble keeping up with him and the, ahem, “other” blacks she was putting out for.

“The only thing I worry about is Richard liking her a little too much. He loves it that she takes it in the ass—not just takes it in the ass but really seems to like it. He complains that it's hard to get white girls broken in to like it.” I sipped my coffee, listening mostly, even when she slowed down for a minute to catch her breath. “I think that's what Javon likes about her too,” she said with a nasty grin. “Sorry Ainsely,” she added in mock remorse. I controlled myself. No tears. That would be silly and immature.

“Yes, Javon told me he'd seen Lisa a couple of times,” I told her, measuring my words carefully, “although it was more like she was chasing after him. Pretty shameless if you ask me.”

“Yeah,” Carolyn smiled, studying my reaction, “She is. I hope she's not messing up things for you and Javon,” she continued tenderly. My unsettled expression probably told her things were not all fine between me and my black lover.

“It's okay,” I told her with all the confidence I could muster. “Javon is in love with me and I'm in love with him. He knows I'm married so why should I complain about him reacting to a girl throwing herself at him? We still love each other.”

“Well, baby,” she said seriously, “If I were you, I'd make sure my man is getting all the red hot sex he wants from me so no other little whore can turn his head.” I just nodded and sipped my coffee. “Do you give Javon your ass?” she asked bluntly?” My hesitant non-response gave her the answer.

“Listen Ainsely, that's not the most fun thing for a woman, or the easiest to get used to, but it's important, especially with a black guy like Javon.” I listened attentively as she proceeded to school me on what proved to be a significant gap in my sexual knowledge, how to prepare myself, what to use, where to get it, and how to take care of myself afterward.

Shyly, I left, just thanking her for the information, not promising anything, but got home and drove straight to a drug store off post to find what I needed for enemas, as well as lubrication. I think Carolyn would be surprised at how totally she'd rescued me from my depression at not being able to steal Javon back from Lisa.


What a bolt out of the blue. Our new CO called in all of the Lieutenants to ask for volunteers to go work at an upcoming sixty day summer camp. It would be pretty lucrative, 'TDY per diem,' which means money! But it would also be 'unaccompanied,' meaning no wives or families. Bob volunteered on the spot. There were no other volunteers and they needed three officer, so it was likely someone was going to just get sent. Knowing I was a most likely candidate, I found myself nervous and conflicted. The money would be wonderful, but as worried as I was about what was going on with Ainsely, I asked if I could get back to the CO later. He graciously agreed.

It put me in a real tail spin, knowing I'd have to talk to Ainsely about this sooner or later. And the possibilities of how she might react put fear in my heart. I wasn't going home that night—I had staff duty officer so I'd be at the HQ all night. Ainsely finished classes today and was “entertaining” Javon tonight so I wasn't even going to be able to talk to her for another day or so. It was going to be a long, agonizing night.


“I love you so much, baby,” I told Javon as we snuggled together on the sofa. I'd gone all out to be perfect for him, the hose and heels he liked so much, my hair and makeup just the way he liked it, and a surprise I was going to give him later. He kissed me, but I pulled away from his face and grinned at him with a twinkle in my eye, “I think you need your dick sucked!”

Slipping down between his legs, bare breasted and bare necked, I ran my hands down under his thighs, using nothing but my mouth to taste his smelly erection. I kept looking up into his face, enjoying the way one black hand stroked my hair as he told me how big my pretty blue eyes looked. “You're getting' pretty good at this, baby,” he smiled down at me. It's gross, I know, but by this time I was getting pretty used to it and even coming to like the way it made him and me feel. He stopped the blow job as he was getting close to cumming.

He always wants to cum in me. That makes our sex so special, so delicious. I love the way it makes me feel that he wants to make me a part of him. The way he fucked me proved it again.

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We really were made to fuck each other. Our bodies really were perfect together. I felt so orgasmic, so loved when his big black dick started ejaculating into me that I couldn't hold off the tears. Even the way he gently kissed away my tears made me feel so wonderful!

Javon was laying on top of me, his still erect cock buried in me, kissing me and sucking little hickeys on my neck. “This is the way we should be,” I whispered to him. “I love you, and you love me.

As we were sharing a glass of wine and getting ready for round two, I was rubbing Javon's back, his hand dangling over my bare thigh. Kissing him, I looked at him with a love that came from deep inside. “I know I've been holding back, baby. And I want to stop doing that.”

Javon regarded me pensively for a moment, “Yeah, you been reluctant, but I know that's because you just got married. I bet on your wedding day you woulda never guessed what you'd be doing tonight.” I smiled, realizing just how right he was.

“Well now I wanna start over. I wanna show you how much I love you and that there's no one else, Lisa or anybody, who will be as good to you as me. Baby, I want you to fuck me in the ass. Tonight.” His broad grin made me feel good. “I know I've never been able to do that before, and really I just learned how to take it without it hurting too much until I get used to it. But I really wanna do it tonight. I want you to push it, make it work, be hard and don't back off. I know it will hurt some, but I really believe I can't get past that until I just take it and let myself adjust. So will you do it, baby? Will you fuck me in the ass tonight?” Javon actually laughed he was so excited by the idea.

“I don't want to hurt you, baby, so I'll do my best to take it easy on you, but you're right. You got the right attitude. You just have to take it and get through it.”

“I got ready. Carolyn told me how,” I smiled hopefully. “So it won't be too bad.” I was probably trying to reassure myself more than him. “Baby, promise me you'll do it to me like you did to Lisa. Don't hold back. I want it to be perfect for you. I want to be so much better than her, so just do it.” As I told him this, I rolled onto my side, feeling his long black fingers stroke up and down the crack of my ass.

Then, almost as an afterthought, I turned back to his face and looked him in the eyes. “And Javon... Baby... I want you to know something else I did for you. I stopped taking my pills today. And I want to keep fucking you all the time, every day, from now on. I want to be totally yours.” Javon's broad grin just flooded me with the feeling of being loved, wanted, and even possessed.


Ainsely was laying on her side on the bed with a sheet over her when I got home. Her eyes were red. She'd been crying. The room was a mess and still smelled of sex, but Javon was long gone. “Hi honey,” I probed. “Are you okay?” She just nodded, not really looking at me.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the curve of her beautiful full hip over the sheet without getting any reaction. “Big news. Looks like I might have to go back east on temporary duty to work at a summer training camp.” She didn't respond at all, but her eyes were open. She was pushing her nose just a little to the side with her fist, a cute gesture no doubt left over from her childhood days. “I'll have to be there for all sixty days of the camp.” At that, she looked at me for the first time, clearly beginning to take it in. “It's unaccompanied,” I went on, “so we'd have to figure out what to do with you.”

“Really?” she asked softly.

“Yeah, like if you stayed here, we'd have to figure out how to get around since we only have one car and I need it there. Maybe you could go home to stay with your parents while I'm doing this. I'm sure your parents would be happy to have some time with you and maybe you could take a course or two at the local community college there. Then I could come there on weekends when I'm off duty so we could be together.”

“Or I could stay here,” she said

“Yeah, but then you wouldn't be able to get around. Why would you want to stay here?”

“To be with Javon,” she answered flatly. “You should leave the car here with me. You won't really need it I bet.” Really? She had been fucking Javon all semester and she wanted more time with him? Never mind the car thing, I wasn't sure I wanted her being here alone with him for that long. By the way, I realized she was right, I could live without the car, but mostly I was afraid I'd come back to find her gone.

She pushed my hand off of her hip. “Don't. I'm sore.” My expression showed I didn't understand how she could be too sore to have her back and butt rubbed.

“He fucked me in the ass,” she whispered, quickly adding, “I wanted him to. I wanted him to have it all... all of me. So I let him.”

“Are you okay,” I asked her trying to hide the fact that my dick just stiffened on the spot. She blinked back the tears as she admitted to me that it hurt... a lot, and more than she thought it would, but she'd wanted him to do it, so he did, and she just gutted it out.

“I want him to do it again. I want him to do it a lot. I want to get used to it and take it better than Lisa, or ah, Carolyn," she quickly added.

“What made you want to do it so much?” I asked her suddenly wondering. “I thought you said you'd never do that?”

Ainsely looked away, fresh tears coming. “I want to be with him,” she said. “I want to be with him all the time.”

What do you say to that? She knows I love her. I tell her all the time. She just wants him more. I know she was obsessed with him. Now I'm finding out just how obsessed with him she was. All I know for sure now is that I am being sent on temporary duty and I can imagine what will happen when I'm gone.


“Man I'm getting' outta here before the heat builds,” Richard said. “I mean the old man's gone, and all three of his wife's boyfriends are in some kinda trouble. Can you believe it, Javon, they charged them with adultery! What a bunch of tired old worn out religious bullshit. I mean they got nothing on me. The fact Carolyn and me might have had a hot thing goin' on don't mean nothing, cause ain't none of us gonna talk and it all ain't nobody's business anyway. But my brother's got a gig for me, so I'm checkin' outta here and goin' down to Tennessee. I think I've had all the “active federal service” I can stand for now.”

“I bet your lady's coming too,” I smiled. “Her husband was talking about getting out of the army today down in the motor pool. They following you or something?”

Richard got this smirk on his face. “I tell ya Javon, when you do for a woman what I can do for a woman, they won't leave ya alone! Oh yeah, baby momma wanna stay close to her man. I'm not sure what we gonna do with Mikey once we get down to Tennessee. Maybe he'll find some way to keep the money rolling in or maybe he'll just go away, but Carolyn ain't no way had all of this black dick she wants.”

“Well nobody's bothering me about messing around with Ainsely yet,” I said. “She's not only giving it up, and I mean all of it, but her hub is going on temporary duty for a coupla months so she wants me to move in. She's even talking about having a black baby.”

Richard laughed. “Just watch yourself, boy. Don't let that girl get her hooks into you too deep. You can always get all the pussy you want from that Lisa girl, and there's a whole herd o' white girls coming onto the post every day. Just keep working that black dick magic!”

After that little exchange with the supreme white pussy hound on post, it occurred to me I might actually be setting myself up for more trouble than I want. How far can I go with this girl without getting hurt or it costing me too much? If I get her pregnant, doesn't that change everything? Do I really want to have her bad enough to take big risks? Maybe Richard is right. There are plenty of white girls out there, and it ain't that hard to get with them!


Written by skycap_mascot
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