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"Subordinate at work gets what I've been wanting to give her for months..."

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I'd been waiting for this moment for several days. When you lead a team of 30 it's often hard to get to speak to one of them alone - especially when there's only two women - and people talk. This morning was busy; the team had a deadline to deliver a part and everyone was focused on their task to make that happen, including Eleanor. I made an excuse to review her paperwork while she worked and waited until no-one was within earshot. "I'm leaving soon Eleanor", I said. She looked at me with a look of surprise and disappointment, quickly looking away to avert her eyes and think. "How soon?" she said after several seconds. I was waiting to see her reaction and if it was what I was hoping for. After a couple of years working closely together, I had grown very attracted to her and had been hedging my bets that she felt the same. "Very soon...a couple of weeks. So I'm just going to come out and ask you something but before I do I want you to promise me you won't freak out. If you don't like what I ask just say so and we'll move on. Okay?", I was setting up the question but I really wanted to make sure she didn't decide to run off before it came. She looked slightly worried now but she wrung her hands in anticipation and nodded her affirmation. "I want you.", I said simply. She smiled and it was all the encouragement I needed. "I am moving away - a long way away - and very unlikely to be anywhere near here again. Before I go I have to undress have the finest ass I've ever seen and am wild about seeing it and you naked. Is that something you'd be interested in?". It all came out at once and I knew I was taking a big risk. While we were close as team members, as the leader the risk was that she would report this and I would be in deep trouble. She bit her lip and I started to get nervous...had I read the situation wrong? Finally she looked up, smiling, "I would never have asked you since you are the boss and I am just a technician but I'm glad you did. Did you know I manage the Best Western at night?". I did know that. "Yes I heard that", I confirmed. I was relieved, this was going as well as I could have imagined. "Why don't you swing by tonight, I start at 7". The timing was perfect. I had customers in town on a hand-over meetings in preparation for leaving and I would take them to dinner then visit Eleanor afterward.

The rest of the afternoon couldn't go quickly enough. Several meetings overlapped and we finally finished around 5.30pm having spent the entire afternoon going over the details of the hand-over. Dinner was a welcome respite from constant meetings and we had fun chatting about things other than work. When time came for the guests to go back to the hotels I turned my car toward Eleanor's with great anticipation. My cock was pressing against the inside of my pants and I gave it a quick rub as I approached the lobby. Inside I saw her in the office in back. Hearing the tinkling door charm, she looked up and smiled. "Welcome to Best Western. How many I help you?", all the while she was smiling provactively. "Careful," she said, "...cameras. Just act like you are a normal customer. I'll hand you the bill and key, you hand me some money." "Oh I'm paying for this visit am I?" I asked, laughing. "I'll give it back to once we get out of sight of the cameras". She selected a room on the computer, pulled the key and handed me the bill. I handed over the cash. "I'll show you your way to the room, sir." Turning back to the office she called out back, "Jessica?". An assistant looked out from behind the office door, she had paperwork in her hand and pulled down her glasses to peer over, "Yeah?". "I'm taking my break now, I have to make a couple of calls. I'll be back soon - call my cell if something comes up", Eleanor said. "Yep no problem. You know what it's like here mid-week. No activity worth talking about. I'll call you if I can't handle something and I'll need you to review these invoices when you get back anyway", replied Jessica. Turning back to me Eleanor said, "Follow me sir, sorry for the delay". I followed along with the charade, "No problem, it's late and I just want to hit the hay myself". "How about hitting me instead", she muttered quietly. "I was hoping you would ask", I said and smiled.

Down the hallway she led me to the elevator, pushing the 8th and top floor button. Inside we stood adjacent and she put her hand on my crotch. "I noticed you were ready when you walked in. I hope they don't see THAT on the video!". Now that she was gentling rubbing it my cock responded immediately. Coming to a stop on the 8th floor I followed her out of the elevator and to the room at the very end of the corridor. "This is the most remote room in the hotel and no-one is in the room on the other side of the wall.". She had been thinking ahead it seemed. Inside the room she lit only the bedside table lamps, keeping the room dark but moody. I sat on the bed watching her move around the room, closing the curtains and turning on the TV. "Background noise", she said. She wore skin tight blue jeans and a black polo shirt with Best Western logo and her name tag on. "Turn around, I want to admire that ass without having to worry about who's watching me watching you!", I ordered. She turned around, put her hands on her hips and looked over her shoulder very provocatively. "You like this huh?", she asked. "Are you kidding?" I said, "I've wanted to touch that since the first day I saw you.". She bent over slightly and stepped back until she was just within arms reach. I reached out and slowly stroked her ass. "Thong?", I asked. "Always", she replied. I wanted to fuck her right away but I held back. If this was going to be a one-time shot I may as well take my time and enjoy it. I stood behind her, my hands on her hips I bent her forward a little more and slowly ground my already hard cock against her ass. It felt great and it was something I had dreamed of doing many times as we worked closely on projects. She put her hand between her legs and gently rubbed my balls as we did a slow grinding dance. Standing up she put her hand over her shoulder and pulled me close, my face on her neck and my arms now sliding around to cup her tits. "I want you inside me," she almost panted the words, "But first I want you to slowly undress me and then I want to taste you.". Taking her orders I complied by pulling her polo shirt out of her jeans and up and over her head. She shook her toussled hair and looked over her shoulder biting her lip. She was still grinding her hips back against me. Reaching around I undid her belt and slipped it out of the loops. Then I undid her button and zipper. She stopped me as I reach for her jean tops to pull them down. "Sit", she commanded. I sat down grinning like a mad man. She definitely wanted the same thing as I did - even better she knew how she wanted to get there.

She stepped forward away and out of arms reach. Leaning over she slowly slid the top of her jeans down, stopping as she exposed the top of a white thong. She looked back smiling and building the excitement. My cock was bursting now and I was fixated with her ass. Inching the jeans down I finally got to see the ass unclad by jeans and it was spectacular. Firm, glistening like she had oiled it and tan. I reached forward and took and handful of each cheek. Reaching down she removed the jeans but kept her heels on. Boy this gal knew what she was doing! She turned to me now dressed in on her bra, thong and heels. "Stand up, my turn for some fun", she said. She looked serious but smiled and was obviously very turned on. The husky tone to her voice, breathing fast, lips apart and tongue pacing around her mouth, her eyes scanning my torso down to the obvious bump in my pants; she smiled. Stepping in close to me she slid my tie down and removed it. She put it over her shoulders so that it draped over her tits. She fumbled with excitement at the buttons on my shirt and I patiently let her undo it as I stroked her arms gently gazing are her mouth. The cherry lips were wet and looked appetizing. Tugging now my arms she pulled the shirt off and began on my belt. While she was working I got impatient and stepped out of my shoes. She shot me smile and then went back to work on the belt, slipping it out of the loops and onto the floor. Taking a hold of the top of my pants she undid the button and zipper and let them slip to the floor. My cock was pushing hard against my clinging boxers and the both our excitement was evident now. I leaned into her wrapping my arms around her and felt her warm against my bare chest. Her lips were searching for mine and I kissed her deeply and revelled in her touch as she ran her nails lightly up and down my back. I stepped out of my pants and stumbled to the bed as she pushed me while I was off balance. I sprawled backwards and landed spread eagle on the bed. "Ha!", she said, climbing onto the bed and kneeling at mid-leg. My cock was making a tent that she eyed then rubbed lightly. She looked at me with a look of fevour in her eyes, "Now I get to taste you", she said and smiled.

She didn't remove the boxers right away. Instead, leaning in, she rubbed my erect cock on her face, breathing heavily. Her bright red lip stick blazed against my white boxers. She took the head in her mouth and the sensation was amazing. I closed my eyes and uttered a loud "Aaaaah". Running her nails down my sides, and with my cock still in her mouth, she grabbed greedily at the sides of my boxers and slid them down taking my cock out of her mouth only long enough to get the cloth out of the way. Back in her mouth her tongue gently massaged the shaft of my cock while her head bobbed slowly up and down. "Hmmmmm", she said. Releasing my cock she looked up at me and said "How do you like that?". "Oh that is very good," I said. She continued bobbing up and down on my cock, roughly grabbing my balls and then pushing my cock as far into her mouth and back into her throat as she could. She almost gagged and her eyes began to wander but the sensation of the head of my cock touching the back of her throat was amazing. Gripping the sides of the now glistening cock she ran her tongue down the sides looking into my eyes. I was wild with desire now and I could tell she was being overtaken by her emotions. Pumping my cock she said "I fantasized about doing this a few times when I was taking a bath. I wondered how big it was and what it would taste like." "Oh man if you keep pumping like that this won't last long", I said with a groan. "What do you want to do to me now? Tell me anything. This is one night and I want to enjoy it.", she said. A millions thoughts rushed through my mind but here, now, in this situation I knew what I wanted. "I want to stand over you and watch you suck my cock. When I am about to burst I want you to pull it out and shoot it on your neck and tits. Then I want you to stand over me as I lick you until you come so much you can't stand up straight. Then I will lie on the bed and I want you on top of me so I can watch your tits bounce as my cock slides in and out of you. After you come I want you to turn around so I can watch that amazing ass bounce on my cock. When you are ready I want you to kneel on the bed and the edge and I will pump my cock into your pussy from behind. how does that sound?". I was almost out of breath, my cock was burst and I was danger of coming on her hand. Though as excited as I felt it would probably fountain into her face. That thought almost sent me over the edge. "Just one more to add," she said taking my cock long and deep into her mouth, making me wait, "Ummmmmmmm." She sloppy pulled my cock from her mouth, her drool making a bridge to the tip of my cock. "I want you to fuck me in the ass hard, slap it, pull my hair and come in me as hard as you can. When you come grab my tits and pull yourself as hard as you can. Push that cock all the way in me. Can you do that?" her eyes were slits, she was grinding her pussy against my leg and she looked like she might come at any minute too. "Let's get started", I said standing up. She kneeled in front of me and pulled the cup of her bra down exposing her tits, the nipples were dark and prominent; the breasts small and firm. Reaching up for my cock she said, "Can you hold off coming? You look pretty close?". "I am close", I said, "just be gentle and I'll do my best. I want to watch you rub your pussy as your sucking my cock. Rub it on your tits." Obediently she rubbed my cock on her nipples, sighing. With the other hand she reached down and pulled her thong to one side exposing a shave and beautiful pussy. Rubbing her hand on her clit, she closed her eyes and lolled her head back, her mouth open and tongue pacing up and down her pert lips. She pumped my cock slowly but I was distracted enough watching her to forget about my own orgasm. Timing her strokes across her pussy with her hand pumping my cock she very quickly came, her teeth clenched, head thrown back, I took in the sight of this beautiful woman kneeling in front of me, her tits and pussy exposed, my cock in her hand. She gazed up at me with a wild look, "Come on me now. I want to feel it on my skin, watch it burst and taste it". She held my cock in front of her face and focused on the head, pumping hard and fast with her hand. This was going to be a big one. I could feel it welling up for what seemed like several minutes. Finally I tensed and she knew it was coming, "Oh fuck yes. Do it. Come on me now!", she commanded. I held back, the physical effort made me clench my teeth but I wanted this to be as good as possible and just letting go too early wasn't going to be enough. She put the head in her mouth and that sent me over the edge, I came violently several times, sending stream after stream at her neck. She pointed my cock at her tits and sprayed white milky liquid on them. It lokoed great against her olive skin and dark nipples and she admired it too. Looking up at me, griping my cock tightly, she licked the end then took the whole cock in her mouth, closing her eyes and uttering, Ummmmmm". I watched the come trickle down her neck and onto her tits. The wet streaks came off both tits and met in the middle making a tiny stream down to her navel. She rubbed it on her tits, my cock still deep in her mouth, her eyes closed she started bobbing back and forward.

Finally we both lay on the bed. She idly and gently rubbed my cock. "Turn around, I want to see the ass again.", I said. She rolled over and I marvelled at how perfect it was. There was a slight tan line. "You tan with your thong on then?", I asked. "Yes I love how it looks"m, she replied. The line was faint so the thong must have been very stringy indeed. It made a perfect looping curve across both cheeks and met gracefully at the top of her crack.

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I felt my cock stir and was amazed at how quickly it had happened. She was amazing sexy. "I want to lick you now, are you ready?", I asked standing up. "Oh yes please", she said rolling over and spreading her legs. Her pussy was gorgeous, cleanly shaved, dark lips slightly apart and wet. I kneed over her pressing my face between her legs, first gently and lightly kissing the inside of her thighs. She moan and closed her eyes. Her nipples were fully erect and she gracefully ran her hands over her tits, clasping on hand over each. She thumbed her nipples and pushed her hips up at my face. Starting out gently I licked her labia, marvelling at the sweet taste and very gentle aroma. She became wild and aggressive quickly and I realized she wanted this very badly and it had probably been a while. Through clenched teeth she said "Lick me you dirty boy. Make me come. I can still taste your come on my lips and feel it on my tits.". Her dirty talk drove me wild. My cock was at full attention again. She was grinding her hips against my face, her hands grasped at my hair and I licked for all I was worth. I paused to slip up to her tits, the nipples were looming too large and inviting in my perpiheral vision and I had to have them. Putting one deep in my mouth, I slipped two fingers into her pussy and ground her clit with my thumb. That was enough to push her over and she came strenuously and several times in quick succession. "Oh my God," she finally said, "that was amazing. I hope your cock is ready because I want it in me now as deep as you can get it.". Laying back on the bed I grabbed the base of my cock and pointed it skyward. She couldn't help but to lean over and put it into her mouth once, dripping the shaft with her spit and then, climbing on top of me, she positioned her pussy over the cock I offered up for her. She used both hands to pull her lips apart and then drove onto my cock in one swift move. The sensation was amazing and I pushed as hard as I can against her thighs, my hands pulling on her hips. She leaned backward and I watched her tits move in concert as she bounced hard and fast on my cock. I wasn't going to last long like this and I didn't want to go again but she was entranced in the emotions overwhelming her and I loved watching her olive skin glisten. The tiny rivers of come from her tits down to her navel glistened in the bedside lamplight. I concentrated on how she looked, relieving the pressure from my cock that was beginning to build. "Wow you are amazing", I said. " She looked at me, desire and passion burning in her eyes, her dark hard tousseled and strewn across her face, "Your cock feels like nothing I've ever felt before. I feel like I am going to come again already.". I pulled her forward and took a nipple in my mouth, biting down, I rubbed my hand over her thigh and lightly tickled her ass. That was enough, she came quickly, tensing and falling onto my chest, convulsing in ecstacy. Finally she looked up at me through he hair, "Now that was deep but I loved it when you tickled my ass. I want you to fuck me there now, will you do it?". "Yes I want to. Flip over, " I ordered. "Hold on," she said and ran to the bathroom. Apparently she was prepared, as she came back with lubricant; hastily uncapping it and handing it to me. She kneeled on the bed and thrust her beautiful ass high in the air. "I want to feel it in my ass. Please hurry." She looked desperate. My cock was bulging so I grabbed her by the hair and thrust it into her mouth. She sucked it greedily as I applied lubricant to her ass, leaning over her to do so. I insert a finger and she paused sucking but held me in her mouth, "Ummmmm". She closed her eyes and relaxed as I inserted another. Now I was wild with desire and quickly moved behind her. I grabbed the base of the bursting cock and rubbed it lightly on her ass. She loved it, squirming and pushing back against me. I gripped her hip roughly and started easing into her. She bucked and almost came, grunting loudly and issuing encouraging sounds. I applied a little more lubricant and started to slowly pump in and out of her, with the insertion getting a little easier each time. I was concentrating so hard that I knew I wouldn't come too quickly. Finally I was pumping in and out of her. "Oh fuck yes. Fuck me. Fuck my ass. That feels so good." She was bucking back and forward, looking over her shoulder at me, her face a mixture of pleasure and pain. I leaned forward and grabbed a tit. "You're a dirty girl. You like it in your ass, huh?" I asked. "Yes. Look at my ass. Look at my tan like it don't you? Does my ass feel good?". She was definitely more aggressive now pushing back hard. I was pumping hard and fast now, heeding only my own growing sensation, trying hard not to come. I put one leg up on the bed so I could lean forward and cup both her breasts. I leaned down and bit her on the back while pushing my cock hard into her. She was in esctacy now, her eyes slits, her mouth a wide o-shape, breathing heavily in time with my pumping. "I'm going to come in you now. Are you ready?", I asked. "Oh yes, I am so ready. Please do it. Please come in my ass," she replied. Sweat was running down my brow and my climax was building quickly. Grabbing her hips with both hands I pumped hard and fast into her, again holding back as long as possible. I realized I was holding my breath and gritted my teeth trying to get one or two more strokes in before going. Like a diver counting out the steps to the end of the board I was timing my pumping with when I would let go. Finally I could take it no longer and on one long deep and slow insertion I came. Streaming come into her, "Come now!", I gasped. She came too bucking wildly under me, uttering half sentences and nonsense, overcome with the joy of the climax and moment. I felt, for the second time this evening, that I came into her several times. My cock felt huge, bursting and my balls tight and pressed against her cheeks. She reached under and toko and handful of my balls, which made me convulse a couple more times.

We collapsed on the bed. My cock softening and slipping out of her. A stream of my come dripped out of her and she shivered as it trickled down her ass cheeks. I marvelled at the perfection of her ass. The tan line perfectly formed against the firm roundness. She turned to me, "That was unbelievable. I don't think I've ever come so hard or so often. Will you fuck me again?". I was amazed. We had just blown everything we both had and fallen to the bed exhausted and here she was asking for more. "I might need a little while, I'm beat", I replied. "Let's take a shower and see if that helps", she smiled, sliping off the bed and walking toward the bathroom. She looked over her shoulder provactively. "Let's go. I want to see that cock hard again. Watch me soap my body, I bet that will do the trick". She giggled and disappeared into the bathroom. I followed. She already had the water running, the steam pouring out from behind the curtain when I got there. "Get in," she commanded and already had a look in her eyes that meant business. Inside I let the hot water cascade over me, putting my head under the water stream I relaxed and let my thoughts of her overtake me. She got in and closed the shower door; reaching immediately for the shower gel, she poured a copious amount on her hands and began to rub it on my chest. We rotated positions so she was under the water and I watched her wash my come from her chest. She looked great wet, sensational in fact. The water streamed over her leaving rivulets on her skin, down her breasts to her navel and dripped off her pussy. I felt a stirring. My cock was already waking up. Amazed I looked at it and she realized what I was doing. "Oh this is working then", she said with a smile. I continued to watch as she soaped her body, her nipples erect. She turned and I gazed at her ass, that perfect rump and too good to be true tan lines. She leaned forward and rubbed her pussy from between her legs, her long french manicured nails splitting the lips. My cock was hardneing quickly now but a little tender. I soaped it and stroked it to full attention while watching her rub her pussy. She looked over her shoulder and smiled when she saw what I was doing. There was a knock on the door. "Oh shit", I said. "It's fine, don't worry. Just answer", she said turning to me. "Yes?", I called out. "Ah sir this is Jessica from the front desk. I brought you some complimentary snacks.". I shot a look at Eleanor. "She's a nice girl - a bit kinky in fact. She's told me lots of stories that I've ended up fantasizing about!". "Okay," I replied, "I guess I'll go see what she wants". Hastily I grabbed a robe off the rack and stepped out of the shower. I opened the room door and Jessica was there with a tray. It looked like quiche and a half bottle of white wine. "Our compliments", she said then I noticed she was looking down and that my cock was still at full attention and gaping out of the gown. "Oh, sorry", I replied, "I was in the shower". "No problem," she smiled, "Looks like a nice cock to me. Shall I put this on the table? I see you are still showering. Sorry for interrupting". "Yes fine, on the coffee table is great. Thank you", I said stammering slightly. She deposited the tray on the table and turned to me. "Do you need some help with that?", she asked slyly. ""Umm actually I have some help already", was all I could muster in reply. Eleanor stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked and wet, water drippping on the cartpet she looked sensational. "Ah that's where you are", Jessica said, "You sly dog". "Close the door", Eleanor said to me. I looked at her confused then saw she was smiling and obeyed the order. "Why don't you come on in, the water is nice", she said to Jessica. A myriad of thoughts went through my mind but my cock wasn't confused. I shrugged off the robe and stepped back into the shower. Eleanor followed and immediately went to her knees in front of me. She grabbed my cock, "I want some before she gets it" and greedily pushed the whole thing in her mouth. Jessica stepped in and assessed the situation. "Damn, beat me to it". I mavelled at her tits. They were large but not sagging. Wide aerolas and tan lines for, what looked like, a very skimpy bikini. She had a landing strip nicely trimmed bush and I felt my cock give a little start. "Don't be coming yet, we have to have much more fun first." Eleanor said taking the cock from her mouth. "Oh let me suck that please", Jessica said leaning over Eleanor. She took it in her mouth, her tits drooping over Eleanor, who couldn't resist taking a wide nipple in her own mouth. "Wow", I thought. Jessica was pumping long and slow and Eleanor seemed to be timing her sucking with Jessica's. Eleanor stood and allowed Jessica so slip in front of me on her knees. Eleanor grabbed my balls and bit one of my nipples. "She can suck you but I want you to come for me, not her", she said. "He can come in you, I just want to feel this cock inside me. Can he fuck me first?", Jessica was almost pleading. "Rub your pussy for us. We will watch while you come then we'll see who gets the cock", Eleanor said. Obeying Jessica stood, soaping up her body she quickly got taken away by desire running her fingers into her pussy and grinding on them. "Lick her", I told Eleanor. She slid in front of Jessica and shoved her face into Jessica's pussy, licking wildly. Her own hands were pulsing at her pussy. Jessica took my cock in her hand. "Did you fuck her already then?", she asked. "Yes several times", I replied. "That is a nice cock." she admired, stroking it. Her eyes closed and I realized she was about to come. I grabbed her tits hard, putting a nipple in my mouth. My cock was released but hanging my Eleanors ear. Jessica came in waves, holding Eleanors hair and gasping. As she relaxed Eleanor turned and immedaitely took my cock in her mouth. I almost lost control but she slowed when she felt me tense. "I want to put my cock in Jessica" I said. She nodded. Jessica bent over offering her pussy. I slid in easily given that everyone was wet now. Pushing it in hard, she gasped again, "Oh my god, I'm going to come already". I gave several quick pumps and she climaxed again, this time with Eleanor rubbing her clit. I pushed a finger into her ass feeling my own hardness inside her. She bucked wildly and came several times over, each time gasping loudly and cursing. Eleanor looked pleased that I had not come. "Good boy," she said, "I bet you are bursting right now. Please let me suck it out of you. I want to go home with your taste on my lips". I slipped out of Jessica and right into Eleanors mouth. Now I knew I couldn't hold back. Eleanor knew how to make sure I would go when she wanted to me but she was ready now and she buried my cock deep into her throat. I knew I wouldn't have much to give her but I tried to hold back all the same. She pulled me out of her mouth, "Do it, please". She was rubbing her clit fast. "Come in her mouth," Jessica said in encouragement. I nodded. Thrusting back into her I tensed and braced myself against the wall. "Oh fuck", I yelled as the pressure built up, "Wait..." I implored myself but it was too late. I came, my cock buried deep in Eleanors mouth, her hands crushing my balls, I still somehow managed a few streams of come and she swallowed it greedily. When I pulled out, a small amount trickled from the side of her mouth. "Oh let me taste it", Jessica said, leaning in and kissing Eleanor, tongues lapping against each others, their mouths wide. "Nice", Jessica said finally. "I actually came when you did", Eleanor said, "I've never done that before, it was unbelievable to come without touching my pussy. Speaking of which, my pussy feel like its been well and truly been used", she giggled. "Oh and my ass, I loved that", she said. Jessica was wide eyed and looked jealous now, "You fucked her ass?", she asked. "Have you seen that ass?", I asked exhausted. "Are you kidding I get to see it every night behind jeans. It is amazing", she replied. Eleanor actually flushed with embarassment.

Back on the bed we all lay together. I was sure I was done. I'd come three times in less than two hours, twice violently. I closed my eyes and doozed. Hands lightly traced lines on my torso. Jessica was at my ear "I am really horny right now. I watched you fuck her, come in her mouth. I want you to fuck me again. Fuck my ass. Can you do it?", she asked. I looked at Eleanor, she was asleep. "I honestly don't know if I can. It's been a long couple of hours", I replied. "How about I try. I think these big tits might do the job. No harm in trying right?", she asked.

To be continued...
Written by azzuri23
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