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Needy MILF Meets Horny Rocker

"Two strangers meet at a concert and share an erotic night."

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Author's Notes

"Toby1970: This story was shared with me by a great friend here on lush, He sent it to me, and I climaxed many times reading it. After clearing up some detail. I asked to publish it and be a coauthor. He said yes, so enjoy our story. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Jkthekat: This started out as wishful messages through a Lush friendship, then blossomed into a unique collaboration of like wants and desires. Thank you, Gaylee, for your sensuous contributions!"


 My Name Is Jack, and I was the lead guitar player for a rock band back in the day. We toured and had quite good times. It was springtime in Colorado, Perfect for outdoor and indoor concerts; this is where my story begins!


I stood behind the curtain, waiting for the roadies to clear the stage from the opening act and set up for our show. Six shows in ten days were kicking my ass, I was dragging from it all, and I loved it! This is what it’s like to be on the road with your band. Always tired and keyed up at the same time.  

The opening act had just finished their set and left the stage to a nice applause.

This outdoor venue was cozy. It was different than most other venues that we had played as the audience was allowed very close to the stage, The stage was slightly higher than the audience seats, so we as the band could interact with the audience better, There was no railing so we could take a knee and touch our fans. 

As the stagehands cleared then replaced instrument mics and such, I would stand to the right side of the stage just out of sight and watch the audience. From this vantage point, I could see all the people moving to find their seats.

 I would pick a woman with nice cleavage and a toned body at every concert. Of course, there were always plenty of women that loved to dress up for the band. Often, I would invite some to come backstage for the after-the-show party, this would be at our hotel most of the time. Sometimes, I would even ask one of them to come on stage to dance and be the envy of her friends. 

Anyway, as I slowly gazed at the line of fans, this one fan stood out to me. This vision of beauty moved into my line of sight. She was not tall; she was in her mid-thirties, about five feet two, blonde, in a tight red dress that clung tight! I mean tight! I could see her erect nipples from twenty feet away, and as she turned to talk to a man that could be her husband, I saw the dress was slit up on the left side almost to the top of her thigh.

 Watching her, I noticed the husband was in his cups, and she wasn't happy about it. 

Her brunette friend was stacked and wore a sexy top and shorts, The kind my bass player Ted lusted after. When the band started to play, both women would be situated right in front of where I performed on the stage, playing the guitar, singing rock and love songs. 

 These women would be less than five feet away from me as I performed, and I couldn't wait for the blonde to raise her arms to see how high that slit went! She had those full, round boobs that would be bouncing around right in front of me! I hope my guitar would hide my erection when I sang! 

The M.C gave us the usual build-up, and with loud applause, we ran out on stage and grabbed our axes (guitars) and, with the drummer counting off with his sticks, broke into a high energy tune we had recorded. The crowd sang along with us and gyrated, jumped, and got into the show. 

The blonde was moving her hips along with her arms, and I became mesmerized by the sight of her killer body moving beneath her dress, her body stretching that red dress in extraordinary ways—it was very sensual. Noticing her gazing at me and smiling, I winked at her; she blushed. Her mouth fell open in a stunning surprise; she grabbed her girlfriend's arm, then yelled something to the friend, and pointed at me.

I pointed back with my guitar, I took one of the picks from the stand and tossed it to her, but her ass husband, now drunk, snatched it from her outstretched hands; she looked at him in disbelief and yelled at him. He paid no attention and took another sip from his cup as he turned to go to the bar I guess. 

She looked at me with a grimace, and I smiled back and pursed my lips at her as if sending a kiss. She brightened up and went back to dancing.

The song ended with great applause, and Ted, our bass player, thanked everyone for coming and being part of the show. As he was talking, I grabbed another personalized pick from my mic stand, kissed it, and knelt at the edge of the stage, leaning forward, I beckoned her to come close and took the pick from my outstretched hand.

She got right up to the bottom of the stage, accepted the small token, and kissing it, yelled, ”thanks, Jack!” 

She must be a great fan I thought, she already knew my name. Looking down at her, I could see her hard nipples begging to be set free from that red dress. Smiling, I took her hand and, pulling her closer to the stage.

I asked, "What’s your name, beautiful?  

“Gaylee,” was all I heard as I released her hand.

Holding the pick tightly, she hugged her girlfriend, and they danced, moving to our music. I pointed down at her and smiled broadly. The crowd loved it.

We belted out a dozen more of our repertoire, gyrating and acting like rock stars, which to a degree we were. And I could see Gaylee watching me with an adoring look on her face which became more animated after someone in her group passed around a doobie, and without thinking, she took a hit, visibly relaxing. 

As we played, I noticed a commotion at the back bar where Gaylee’s husband was into an altercation with security. I don’t know what was up, but he was being escorted out by a cop, along with another man who was very pissed at him.

Looking back to Gaylee, her movements had become more sensual as the smoke affected her body and mind. I watched as her hands slid slowly down the sides of her boobs to her waist- all while staring at me. I was mesmerized by the show the sensual lady was giving me. 

I was deep in a hot lead on my guitar when Ted waltzed over and yelled in my ear. “Is that her friend? I’d like to meet her. Let’s ask Don," that was our stage manager, "to invite them backstage. They look ready to party hearty!”

I nodded in agreement; Ted yelled to Don and gestured to Gaylee and her friend. Don slowly made his way thru the crowd, and I watched him talk to the ladies, who became excited and followed him to the back of the stage, where they watched us in amazement. Mission accomplished! 

The band finished the set, and we walked off stage to cries of, "Encore! Encore!” Ted and I walked over to the two stunning women to say hi.

Gaylee said, “this is Kat, my best friend.” Kat moved off with Ted. Gaylee hugged me, thanking me profusely for the backstage invite, as she hugged me, and I could feel her hard nipples on my chest, while the yelling for encore got loud.

Hugging Gaylee tighter, I said, "Don’t go anywhere, baby. I’ll be right back soon!"

The band ran out and prepared to do two more songs. I dedicated one to Gaylee, and Ted dedicated the other to her friend Kat. We rocked out our encore set; when we finished our set, we thanked all for coming, then exited the stage to great applause.

We walked to the limo. Gaylee and Kat already stood at the gate to the parking lot where the limo would pick us up. 

“Was that your husband who got kicked out earlier?” I asked Gaylee. “It’s a pity he missed the show.”

Kat answered, “Yeah, I got a text from him just as we moved to the back of the stage. I did not want to upset you, Gaylee, but he got arrested for drunkenness after fighting with some guy, and would you believe it? The guy was an undercover cop. Stupid if you ask me.”

Gaylee piped in, “He had the car keys! He was our ride! How are we going to get back to the apartment? I can’t afford a cab that far.” She appeared distressed.

 “Whoa, ladies! “Our drummer, Vinnie said. “Why not ride in the limo to the party at the hotel, and when you are ready, the limo can drive you wherever you need to go because we have him all night.”

Gaylee was visibly nervous and spoke up, saying, “Oh, I don’t know! I’m married! I’ve heard how wild those parties can get.”

I chipped in. “Aw, come on, Gaylee, you’ll be safe with us.

Looking at Kat, I asked her, “do you have any more of that pot I saw you passing around at the show?” 

Kat produced a thick doobie, fired it up, and then handed it to me. I took a nice hit which instantly relaxed me.

Passing the doobie to Gaylee, I said, “live life a little bit! We’ll get you home safe, and the wild parties are overrated. We have fun, drink, eat, dance, and come down from the show’s high, but nobody goes too nuts.”

 “I… I don’t know, if my husband finds out, he’ll be mad!” Gaylee mumbled.

 “Aw, come on and let it rest, Gaylee. You’ve been separated for the past three months,” Kat said. “We can’t help your dumbass husband if he’s in jail tonight.” Kat puffed out smoke in Gaylee’s face. “Lighten up and have fun for a change.”

“I’m just worried he’ll find out.” Gaylee looked at her feet in embarrassment.

“You said you liked Jack, and he sang to us and everything! The least we can do is go to a party with the band- something I remind you - we have never done and probably won’t again. Let’s live it up while we have the chance!” Kat held the joint to Gaylee’s mouth and said, "Here take a nice hit and relax, girl, cause I’m going to the hotel with the band!"

Gaylee said, ”okay,” and drew in a significant hit, and slowly calmed down. “Thanks, Kat. I’m sorry I’m a wuss.” Taking my arm, she asked. “Where’s our limo?”

The limo arrived just at that moment. It was a bit overcrowded with all of us and our sexy new friends. When we entered the back of the limo, the seats were too tight to have us all on a seat, this was always a planned routine with the band that we had set up long ago; both women had to move onto Ted’s and my lap.

 Gaylee took a seat on my lap, which put her face even with mine. I held her close with my right arm and kissed her cheek gently.

“Don’t forget I am married!” She told me then said, “Oh, what the hell! A kiss isn’t breaking any promises."

 Turning to me, she gently kissed my lips, and I felt her breast press against my chest. My hand lightly caressed the side of her boob. I slid my thumb across her hard nipple. We both inhaled sharply, and the kiss became intense. We parted lips and looked at one another.

As we were both pleasantly buzzed, I said, “That was nice. I wish you’d do that some more."

Again, we embraced and kissed, my hand gently squeezing her boob. I felt Gaylee tremble a bit. We pulled apart, both of us breathing heavily.

Looking around, I said. “Don’t stare, but look at Kat and Ted getting acquainted.”

They were profoundly tonguing each other, hugging, and exploring each other’s bodies. Ted’s hands were slowly squeezing Kat’s boobs. Her hand looked to be stroking lightly on his cock. The rest of the band seemed not to notice. They all talked about how great it was to play in this outdoor arena.

“OMG! They’re into it! But don’t take advantage of me just because I think you’re sexy!” Gaylee said to me.

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 “Sexy?" I spoke up. "Not me, because you are the hottest thing I’ve seen in ages! Now kiss me good, so we don’t look like brother and sister!” We both chuckled.

I kissed Gaylee with a soft, lingering kiss, full of promise. I let my tongue slide gently over her lips, and before we could go any further, the driver announced we had arrived at the hotel. A white-gloved attendant opened the door and, pointing, he stated,  “the private elevator is right over their folks, enjoy the penthouse! But please keep it down!” He had a smile on his face as I watched him check out Gaylee in that tight red dress.

Everyone seemed excited, all talking about the show and the upcoming party in the penthouse room. The ladies' mouths fell open at all the luxurious appointments and spaciousness of the room. Gaylee asked me if she could use the ladies' room; I pointed to the door that led to the bathroom.

I watched as Gaylee and Kat headed off to the bathroom. I could hear Kat saying to Gaylee, “I could pee a river!”

As the door slammed behind them, it hit so hard that it bounced open a few inches. Both women did not notice that the door was ajar, just a tiny amount. The bathroom I pointed to was the on-suite to my room. I went into my room to change into some loose khaki pants and a nice tee-shirt that showed off my upper body. I looked good and started to return to the main living area when I heard the girls talking through the ajar door in the bathroom.

Okay, I’m nosy, but it was my room, right? Besides, I was buzzed and curious. And I could hear Kat talking to Gaylee.

“Girl, if you don’t want to stay, go! But I’m going to stay. These guys are hot, and I like the attention for a change.” Kat then went on, “My husband wouldn’t even come with me! I think this could be the best party we’ve ever been invited to - and all because we dressed to the nines tonight.”

"I’m not a slut Kat! I dressed for my husband! I hoped it would spark something in him. Now I feel like shit for even coming.”

 Gaylee obviously had a guilt trip going.

“I know you’re not a slut, honey,” Kat said to Gaylee, ”but did you see everyone’s eyes light up when we came in? We are hot! Let’s not waste it!"

“What do you mean?” Gaylee asked.

Listening, I heard a lighter spark, and someone inhaled deeply. “Ahh! here, take a hit. It will calm you down. It’s good stuff - they call it evermore!” Kat said.

Listening, I heard someone take a big hit and hold it in. Wow!

“That’s not the stuff you had earlier! It’s much stronger, and it’s making me glow all over!” 

"Good! I was saving it for later, “said Kat, ”but you needed to calm down right now. Just so that you know, I’m going to give myself to Ted very shortly, so if I were you, I’d cuddle up with Jack before one of those other women that came here decide you aren’t interested and put a move on him. Now get your face and act together and go get some romance. You deserve it!” said Kat. “And by the way- I know you haven’t been intimate in months! Think of that when you go out and see Jack.

"I suggest you take off your thong and put it in your handbag. Now go and snuggle up to that man!” Kat suggested. "You can have Jack eating out of your hand in minutes!"

I gulped and hurried out the door to grab the love seat and casually waited. I was rock hard by now from listening in and seeing Gaylee all night in that red dress and her nipples on full display. I also wanted to know if she was nude under that dress after overhearing the conversion in the bathroom.  

Kat came out first and pulled Ted up to dance and snuggle into him with the soft music playing from the speakers. They danced as I watched them; she slowly began to grind her lower body on Ted’s manhood as they kissed passionately, moving around the room in that slow dance of lust.

I was so intent on who would cum first, Ted or Kat, that I did not see Gaylee come out of the bathroom until she stood in front of me, asking, “Is this lap taken?"

I was looking up at her standing like a goddess in front of my chair.

From my vantage point, I was able to see her full breasts on display under that red dress. Her nipples were fully hard and on full display. They pointed to my eyes. She smiled more sensually than any woman I had ever seen in my life.

“No, ma'am! Won’t you join me?” I licked my suddenly dry lips and patted the cushion next to me.

Gaylee looked me in the eyes and, reaching for my head, she slowly pulled my face to hers.

We kissed for a long time; at this point, my cock was straining to be released, we played like we were teenagers. When we pulled away from each other, both of us struggling for breath, she looked at me, then moved her hands to her thin shoulder straps holding up her red dress. I looked on in pure lust as she slowly allowed her top to lower and expose her gorgeous tits to me. Her nipples were pointing right at me.

 She wiggled her hips to let the dress fall to the floor. I could see that she had taken her friend's advice and removed her panties.

 She stood in front of me, looking into my eyes, and said, “I need you, Jack!”

 She then placed her knees on each side of my legs and moved her way up until she was sitting against my manhood. The woman was so close to me that I could smell her womanly perfume.

“I think I'll just sit here where I can kiss you, and you can touch me wherever you’d like.”

 Gaylee sealed the statement with a rich, sensual kiss that curled my toes and hardened my manhood to the point of pain. I slowly raised my hands to her firm but yielding breasts and gently rolled her nipples between my fingers. I had wanted to touch her all night long, and now she was mine.

Gaylee moaned erotically as she moved her hips closer to my body, she was moving her wet opening right against my manhood. Rocking her hips against me, she rubbed herself on my manhood on the outside of my pants. I felt her heat on the shaft inside my pants. I could feel precum ooze out of me as she slowly slid up and down on me.

Her fluids were rapidly wetting the front of my pants.

Our kiss intensified, I felt saliva slowly escape our lips as we groaned and moaned into each other’s wet mouths. Gaylee’s valley of warm pleasure continued its erotic pressure against my captured cock. Wow, I thought, she was one of the hottest partners I have ever had.

The goddess leaned back and, looking intently at me, asked me to remove my clothing. I did as she asked, and with her help, stood, then finished taking off my clothing, I sat back down on the couch.

She was on her knees and between my legs now and taking my cock into her mouth, gently sucked and licked until I was ready to explode into her mouth. I had to stop her, so I pulled her to her feet, telling her I wanted to climax inside her warm wet tunnel of love.

Putting her hands around my chest, she again drew me into another spine straightening kiss and slowly rubbed her boobs across my chest.

“Oh Jack, this is so sexy, it's making my pussy very, very wet! Can you feel it? I am so wet, and I’m getting you wet too!”

Smiling seductively, I said, “I’ll have to do something about that.“

The teasing game we had going all night had made me rock hard! We moved back onto the love seat; I sat on the chair as Gaylee slid over my legs, moving her way to my still very eager cock. Gently taking it into her hand, she placed it at the opening of her pussy. Then slowly, inch by inch, she slid down onto my shaft. I could feel the heat as I slowly entered, then filled her with my manhood. She was tight and needed extra time to accommodate my girth.

Our kissing again began in earnest as we both knew we were only inches from sexual ecstasy, with unbound erotic pleasures. Our loins ground tightly together. We held each other even closer when we heard groans coming from the sofa next to us.

Pausing and turning our heads, we watched Ted and Kat on the sofa, half undressed and fucking in a slow erotic manner. We saw Ted’s cock withdraw from Kats' bushy pussy and slowly lower into her upthrust hips to accept his penetration, over and over. I felt Gaylee tremble and moan, watching the sight of her best friend being taken by Ted.

“Fuck me slowly like that, Jack. I have wanted you all evening, Make it last all night, Jack."

Gaylee lowered herself fully onto my iron-hard dick. This first penetration of Gaylee’s pussy had left me with an erotic feeling of uniting. The next gave me such a euphoric glow that I had to pause and savor her incredible body. My hands reached for her boobs as we watched our friends slowly copulate.

“I’ve never watched anyone before," Gaylee said. “Jack, it’s so erotic! 

I immediately found the rhythm she desired and pulled her closer. I pushed up into her now wanton and needy pussy. One hand on her boob, the other on her ass cheek, pulling her deeper onto my manhood.

We continued our lovemaking and kissing when Gaylee said matter-of-factly, “Jack, I’m going to cum.” And she began to pant and coo in anticipation. “Jack… Jack, Jack, this is so good! I’m ready! Cum with me, Jack!”

Gaylee slowly pulled back and began a needful and rapid ramming of my dick. The wetness from her warm pussy saturated my pubic hair and was leaking down and coating my balls, which were swollen and pulled tightly up in anticipation of spewing my load deep inside this wonderful woman's cunt!

Anticipating the explosion, I felt her inner muscles ripple and clench me, pushing me over that knife's edge I had been enjoying. My ejaculation was long and joyous. Gaylee groaned, then tensing, began her long and very intense orgasm. Her pussy thrust hard, seeking the very last drop of my pleasure. The deep kissing never wavered, such was the complete union and afterglow. Our mutual joy left us drenched. We were both saturated with our combined body fluids.

I rolled us over until I was on top with my still hard cock happily thrusting deep inside this still receptive love goddess. I asked her, “What did Kat have in that last joint?”

Still happily moving with me, Gaylee said. “I think she called it Everlove, is that okay? I still feel horny, like I can cum more, and I want to feel you cum again too.”

“Uh, yes, but we’re going to be here a while.  Everlove makes you cum over and over for a couple of hours sometimes. Each orgasm is stronger than the one before until it wears off, and they keep getting better. I hope you’re up to it.”

“Oh yes, Jack, I want you to enjoy this with me, can you keep up?"

 Chuckling, I said, “yes, and I want you to meet  my tongue and fingers.” Laughing softly, Gaylee introduced me to a sex-starved woman in return. For several hours we bonded until I surrendered to exhaustion and passed out in her arms.

I awoke sometime the next morning.

Gaylee was gone, a note on the nightstand thanking me for the great night of love, but she needed to get her man out of jail. However… she looked forward to our next concert anywhere close. 

Her beautiful body and spirit still invade my dreams. Gaylee is one special and unique lover.

Written by jkthekat
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