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The New Fantasy Island

"Living out his fantasy"

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The New Fantasy Island

Jack had been working with the U.S. racing agents promoting their more permanent presence at the Meydan Racetrack in Dubai. So while he was staying at the Meydan, it was an interesting circumstance that a meeting was set up here in the Tiered Restaurant. Jack had seated himself as instructed at a table far to the right of the overlook of the winners circle and watched as a man in a bright green beret walked to his table and waited to be acknowledged.

“Join me George, it’s a fine afternoon in Paris”, Jack said this awkwardly. He had been also been instructed repeat those exact words in English.

“Hello Jack, how did you get our number?”

“Henrique gave it to me and said you could arrange for a very personal experience for me. He was quite complementary about your service”.

“Henrique who?”

“Sorry, Henrique Klaus”.

“Ah, yes did he tell you about our requirements?”

“Only that I had to join an exclusive club to enjoy your services”.

“That is correct. It will cost ten thousand dollars, American, to apply and if you are accepted it will cost you another two hundred thousand before you may request our services. After that you will arrange that one hundred thousand will be deposited in a safe deposit box on the anniversary of your becoming a member. You will supply us with the location of that box and a key. If the money is not there when we come to collect it your membership will be revoked immediately. If it is because of hard times leave us a note to that effect and you will be eligible to rejoin when circumstances permit, if no note is present, you will never be allowed to rejoin. I will warn you that we will conduct a thorough background check and if you decide to proceed today you will fill out an application which gives us extensive information about you. Any discrepancy between the application and what the background check reveals will result in an immediate rejection of your application. A criminal record or outstanding warrants are not necessarily disqualifying if you reveal them. We have our own criteria, which you will not be able to question. Understanding your life will prevent us from putting you into a position where you could be arrested while enjoying our services. Compromising our members compromises us. On the application there is a section where you will describe what you would like us to arrange for you on your first visit with us; the application will guide you about what your fantasy is, what people and places are part of it and how long you will want it to last. If it has elements that we can’t supply you will be notified before you embark. If it can’t be done we will ask you to supply another scenario. Do you understand everything I’ve told you?”

“Yes I do! I brought the cash with me as you asked. Where’s that application?”

George laughed and reached into his attaché and removed a packet of papers.

“Thank you, take this back to your hotel and take your time filling it out. When you finish call me at the same number and I’ll come around and pick it up,” he then handed the papers to Jack. “If you have any questions just make a note of the problem and I’ll go over it with you when we meet. Until then,” and he stood up and shook Jack’s hand.

It took Jack six hours over two late nights to finish the application, a full three hours of that was detailing his fantasy. He reread the whole thing before calling George at nine at night, three days after the initial meeting, and leaving a message that he’d finished. Ten minutes later he received a return call.

“Jack, you will meet my associate at the Infinity pool on the roof top in an hour. My associate will be wearing a royal blue swimming costume and a striking jade necklace and you will greet her by saying; ‘It’s been a long time since we met in Jamaica, Claire’. She knows what you look like. All the best, I do hope you enjoy your future fantasies”.

The infinity pool on the rooftop of the Meydan overlooks the racetrack. It was a stereotype of a perfect Arabian night. A crescent moon hung over the racetrack, horses were moving off the track and there were no late races that evening so all was becoming quiet as the last cabs and people moved on to their late evening activities. It was Tuesday on the second week of the two week long Dubai World Cup Carnival and there was a lull between the excitement of the opening weekend and the remainder of the races and festivities that would begin again on Thursday.

Jack was floating near the trackside edge on a foam raft reading the Paris paper Courrier International when Claire walked onto the pool deck. Claire gracefully stood a few inches over six feet. As he took in the sight of her in he saw a lovely head capped with shining blue black hair, cat like amber eyes and a face that was perfectly formed except for a thin crescent shaped scar that traced the left cheek bone. He let his gaze move slowly down following the line of her jaw where it met the long delicate slope of neck to shoulder. Her collarbones were like the delicate buttresses he had seen on the surface of an Arab mosque he had passed by yesterday. And then came the jade necklace which hung over softly mounded ivory breasts. As she approached he could make out that each link suspended on the silver necklace was carved into Chinese characters interspersed with rearing jade horses. As she came closer he could see that the pendant looked like a true to scale double ought upside down horseshoe.

Claire was like a wonderful gift. As she approached each step revealed sensuous detail. The “swimming costume” was a simple wrapping of royal blue silk that must start somewhere behind her back balancing lightly across upturned breast the thin fabric draping easily detected erect nipples. Jack wished he could examine the wrapping closely, unwinding it until he found the origin and ending. He did not doubt that she was a piece designed to intrigue and attract and give promise of the quality of fantasies the group would fulfill.

Now she lowered a foot intricately wrapped in jade green silk cording into the pool first delicately touching the surface of the water with perfect oval toes. Suddenly she stood within a meter of his eyes, and the jade pendant was at eye level now. A silver cord ran through two jade rings that were pierced through the left and right sides of the dish of her navel, the cord then ran up and attached to wither end of the horseshoe. A silver cord from each of the rings descended down her belly into the sheer silk wrapping around her hips and the other end of each cord rose over each hip to disappear behind her. The silk was only one layer around her pelvis and he realized that there was a silvery triangle, condescension, to modesty hiding the cleft of her sex. The cords were visible and were what held the silver covering in place. She was so close now that the relief carving on the horseshoe was visible. The whole horseshoe was carved out of intertwining female and male figures engaged in erotic acts, Jack realized then that his eyes had gone wide and he had probably opened his mouth in amazement. He looked up then to see her smiling down at him and he was able to exchange the required greeting. Jack took a deep breath; Claire was certainly a calculated example of marketing.

Jack rolled off the float and unfolded the newspaper revealing his application. He sat on the edge of the pool deck and motioned her to join him.

Claire sat and glanced through all the pages, in a deep velvety stage whisper she replied; “We’ll get back to you in two to three weeks after running the background check and reading your fantasy. At that time we’ll give you instructions about the transfer of the membership fee and tell you when you will be able to live your fantasy”.

“You can do a complete check in two to three weeks? By past experience that sounds too quick. In the past it’s always taken at least a month”.

Claire, face now without expression, nodded, “We have access to most of the security services in the world. What takes the time is checking on things that aren’t listed in the FBI or MI-6 files. And, of course, we started as soon as we received your phone call, your acquaintance Henrique, had already received our approval to speak with you about our services. That is an absolute requirement of membership. One of our rules, you might say. We’ll call you when a decision has been made”.

Claire stood up, and putting a hand behind her released some unseen clasp and dropped the silk that had wrapped her hips. Jack was astonished that the silver triangle was an orchid design with rolled edges that was actually lying between her labia and not covering them. Her skin a light pink was dusted with something that almost sparkled. She hesitated for only a few seconds and then turned leaving the royal blue silk floating at his knees. From behind she was naked from the waist down, a drape of silk attached from the silver cords at her hip and ending just below the curve of her buttocks. She glided exquisitely across the lobby each step revealing one beautifully curved and silver dusted cheek. He watched unable to stop his arousal, and grasping the silk scarf covered his erection as he came and Claire stepped into the open elevator was gone. Jack felt that royal blue might, from now on, become his favorite color.

Chapter 2

Back in New York City and twenty-three days later George called him back.

“Jack, you have been accepted as a member of the Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Club. Would you mind a personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to; it won’t change your acceptance”.

“Ask away, I’ll decide if I want to answer after I hear the question”.

“Your fantasy included great detail and I was wondering why you fantasized about have a personal slave girl. You are quite good looking, have financial resources and give the appearance of being well educated, do you have difficulty with your relationships with women”?

Jack laughed and said; “Very true, I haven’t had to go celibate but I was so busy making money I never found the perfect woman. My fantasy isn’t about the perfect woman; it’s about having a woman who’s not interested in my money, position or social status. My fantasy is about having a slave to do everything to make me happy”.

“We will supply the perfect slave for your fantasy but we have some questions about exactly what you desire in your slave. You didn’t give a physical description for the woman”.

“I presumed we’d have another conversation before I lived my fantasy, I was waiting until then to fill in the details”.

“Very good, I’ll meet you at Gilt at seven this evening and we can discuss the details. Do you know it? It attached to the New York Internationale Hotel and is housed in what was the nineteenth century Salenak Mansion. Before we meet please leave an envelope with a bank officer at First National Bank of New York. Put the key and number of the safety deposit box you will open for payment purposes in that envelope. Write George Gibson, on the envelope and let the officer know that it will be picked up before 5 p.m. today; George Gibson will have photo ID and the password “Ripe Berries” for him to confirm the pick-up.

“Excellent! A perfect spot to reflect on any fantasy and the arrangements are not a problem. I’ll see you at seven”.

“Ask for George Gibson when you enter; they’ll bring you back to a private room. I will be accompanied by one of our expediter’s”.

“Okay, I’ll do that, see you then”, as he ended the call Jack hoped that the expediter might be wearing royal blue.

Jack had spent the afternoon at the bank, making arrangements. He felt like a kid getting ready to go to Disney, but at this attraction the rides would be very different. Everything was in place by 4:30 p.m., but he was so excited he went to his barber, where he was suitably prepared to impress what he hoped would be a very impressive “expediter”.

Jack arrived at Gilt a bit after six and since he had always had a sweet tooth he ordered a Rusty Nail. At seven he asked for George Gibson and was escorted to a small private room. George sat smiling in the center of the wraparound leather booth, and to Jack’s left was a stunning woman, red hair, perfect facial features and, from what he could see above the table, a perfect figure also.

George motioned for George to sit opposite the “expeditor”, “Jack, this is Fiona, we both hope you will find her a satisfactory expeditor” who smiled and nodded at Jack.

“Welcome! I am not sure how you define “expeditor” but how could anyone object to your loveliness,” and thought Disney here I come.

“I brought her to have her help us to discuss your fantasy. Expediters are a kind of guide. They look for possible un-thought of flaws in fantasies and ask ‘what if’ questions to guide you around things that would subvert your fulfillment. Would you like a drink or something to eat? I can recommend everything on the menu”.

“Thank you and I insist on beginning this with a toast to this occasion, a bottle of a nice Cuvee maybe” he said. George pressed a button; a waiter entered and took Jack’s order, and came back in less than two minutes with the chilled wine. “That was rather quick service,” Jack said.

“We often meet here and they like our business. Now we will discuss implementing your fantasy. Fiona, if you please”.

“Thank you George,” her voice matched her looks. “Jack we will need more details to fulfill your fantasy. Would you please describe how you would like to obtain your slave and what you would expect her to do”.

When Jack started to talk, Fiona held up her hand to stop him and went on.

“Let me finish please, how long do you want to spend in your fantasy, do you want to train the slave to your own standards or do you want a trained slave? Do you want her waiting to serve you when you arrive or do you want her delivered as a newly captured slave, do you want to buy her at an auction or do you want to capture her yourself? Let us start with these questions and I’ll ask some more when you are finished”.

“I never thought about these questions. Let me think a minute,” Jack said and sipped his drink. “Let’s start with appearance, I want her to look as good as you,” that drew a laugh from both of them. “”Oh, let’s say she should be proportional height and weight; she doesn’t need to be a movie star, just a normal good looking woman. I wouldn’t know how to capture a woman without hurting her or myself”. That got another laugh. “You said I could buy her at slave auction or have her delivered?” That got a nod from Fiona. “Would she be a willing slave or would I have to keep her restrained?”

“Which would you prefer?”

“Which is easier for you to supply?”

“We can supply any kind of slave you wish; what do you want?”

“I don’t know! I never thought that far ahead! I think that I would like to explore that darker fantasy that I have had. Deliver a bound slave for me to use and train! I wouldn’t have to beat or whip her would I?”

“We value our staff and would only provide a slave that wouldn’t need or be expected to endure that kind of discipline. You would not have been accepted into membership if we had found indications of that mentality in our background checks. If you want to train her you might have to teach her what you want her to do with the threat of physical discipline, that would be enough. If you want to keep her restrained, she will try to escape anytime you don’t restrain her properly. Whoever we select to be your slave will be briefed in your wants and desires before she ever sees you. Please continue,” Fiona said.

“I don’t know what to say! What else can I tell you?”

“How long would you want this to last? A week, a month, a year? Would you want a job to go to during the day or be a wealthy ne’er-do-well? Do you want to be a noble exercising his privilege over his serfs or a warrior with his spoils?”

“More things to think about,” Jack said and refilled his champagne flute. At that moment the waiter returned with the first course of foie gras on crostini.

As they started on the appetizer Jack offered, “I think a week would be as long as I could take the first time. If I decide to do this again, would it be the same woman?”

“I couldn’t guarantee that, it depends on what other members want and if the same woman is available”.

“I understand; for this session have her delivered, as if I had ordered her from a slaver. I want to be her first master and I want to train her to serve me. I don’t want to have to punish her but I will keep her restrained to begin with, she can earn her partial freedom by being easily trained and at least act as if she enjoys the way I’m treating her. If she talks back to me I’ll gag her, if she tries to escape I’ll tie her in a stricter position. Does this sound realistic?”

“Yes, we can prep her to expect all of this. What else would you like her to do, be, or not be?”

“I have no experience in this! I don’t know what else to say! Do you have more questions?”

“When do you want this to start?”

“Anytime you can give me at least a week’s notice after next month. Is that a good enough time frame for you?”

“Perfect, it will take at least that long to set up. When we are ready we will tell you to meet us at a location where you will be given a shot to put you to sleep. When you wake up you will be in your fantasy location. One last question, what time period do you want this to be? Modern, 1800’s, 1400’s or the future?”

“Another thing I never thought of! Make it modern, I enjoy my comforts too much”.

That drew another laugh; “That is fine as long as you realize that you will not have communication with any non-members while you are there; so no business dealings”.

“Understood and not a problem! I don’t want to deal with business while I’m living my fantasy”.

“Understood; we will get back to you when we’re ready to begin,” George said and stood up.

Jack stood and asked; “Why am I to be put to sleep before it begins?”

“You will not know where you are or who the people are around you except what fits the fantasy. We will stock your house with everything you’ll need for a week, including movies and TV shows. If you have any special requests for movies or shows tell us in an E-mail to this address,” and Fiona handed him a piece of paper. “You will also be asleep when you return to New York”.

“Okay, I will be waiting for your call, by the way, how many fantasies can I get over the course of a year?” Jack asked.

“As many as you want provided we can fit them into the schedule along with all the other members”.

They all shook hands and left.

Five weeks later he received the call. “Jack,” a voice he recognized as George said; “be at Mitchell Field on Long Island at three PM a week from Tuesday. You can leave your car there, it will be cared for, and you will return to Mitchell Field nine days later. Go to the charter flight terminal, ask at the delivery entrance and the gateman will give you directions. Do you have any questions?”

“Not a one, will I see you there?”

“Yes, I will be flying with you to make sure that you don’t have any reaction to the sedative. I am a doctor”.

“I would never have guessed that. I’ll be there!”

When he drove into Mitchell Field and found the private terminal, an employee took his car and directed Jack into one of the hangers. Inside was a rather large private jet and George was standing by the stairs up to the plane. After shaking hands George led him into the plane and Jack noticed that it wasn’t a normal plane inside. Jack was led into an enclosed area, about eight feet by six feet with a bed with the covers folded back.

“This is where you’ll be for the flight. I will inject you with a sedative and I’ll I will be here to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions. Please remove your jacket and roll up your sleeve.

“You said I could ask questions first?” At George’s nod he continued. “How do you find people to fill my fantasy or anyone else’s? Once I’m into my fantasy can I leave my quarters and walk around, or do I have to stay where I’m put? Can I take my slave with me?”

George laughed and answered; “Often more than one person has the same fantasy. You want a slave girl; some woman wants to be a slave. If no member fits the fantasy we have a large group of people who are well paid to take part in a person’s fantasy. Some are professional actors and actresses; others are employees who enjoy being part of the action. You can walk around the town you’ll be in; everyone in it is either a member or a supporting actor. If you want to take your slave with you and have sex on the beach, you can if you wish. She can be naked and chained, or clothed and free, that’s entirely up to you. If you want to purchase something you can just sign for it. Does that answer your questions?”

“One more, can I ask her how she got to be a slave, or about her life before being a slave? Will she answer truthfully?”

“You can ask, if she is an actress, she will have her lines rehearsed beforehand. If she is a member, it will be up to her as to how much she wants to tell you about her former life. When her fantasy is finished she will be returning to that life”.

“Understood, go ahead and shoot away,” Jack said and gave George his arm.

When Jack awakened, he stretched, and sat up and knew he was no longer on the jet. He looked around at the room; it reminded him of the cottages he had seen in Clearwater, Florida. Tongue and groove white washed walls, and through the billowing blue chintz curtains around a window opposite he could see live oaks with moss hanging down. Filtered sunlight moved over watercolor landscapes hung on the walls. The sheets and bedding were soft ivory colored cotton. He understood that his interview with George and Fiona had disclosed his nervousness about this new experience, and he appreciated that they had given him their version of an upscale comfort food environment. He looked down and he was naked under the sheet.

He rolled out of bed and walked naked to the window. He could see what looked like a small gulf coast town outside his bedroom window. He saw a set of clothes on a chair near the door, he laughed at the luau style silk shirt and the khaki Bermuda shorts. Suddenly he realized that he felt no tension, no fear and he was looking forward to living this fantasy. He arose, checked the dresser and found underwear in his size, got dressed and went into the living room, looked around and saw a kitchen to his left. He went there and started some coffee brewing. When he looked in the refrigerator, it was stocked with plenty of different kinds of food, at first glance, everything he liked. After he’d poured the coffee there was a knock on the front door. When he opened the door, a rather large man was standing there.

“I have a delivery for you, shall I bring her in?”

“Definitely!” Jack watched him walk back to a mini-van, slide open the back door, reach in and pick up a large bag and carry it back to Jack, who held the door open. He laid it on the living room floor gently, as Jack closed the door and started opening it. He lifted the open side of the bag and started sliding it towards the floor; as he did he revealed a large bunch of red hair, a face masked by a blindfold and a gag, a slim body of average height in a white silk sleeveless shift. He then laid her back on the floor and lifted the bottom of the bag so she slid out. She turned as she slid out of the bag so Jack could see her hands were cuffed behind her back and her arms were tied to her torso above and below her breasts. Her shift had slid down so one nipple and areole was exposed. Her legs were tied above the knees and at the ankles. Jack was so busy admiring her that the man had to touch his arm to get him to sign for the delivery. Jack signed and the man said; “Here’s the key to the cuffs and your copy of the receipt. There is a message for you on the back of the receipt”.

Jack broke off looking at her and read the note. It said everything he needed for slave training was in the bedroom closet.

When she started wiggling Jack took a deep breath and started by taking the blindfold off so he could see her eyes. They were jet black and beautiful; they fit right in with the hair and the fit body. She mumbled behind her gag.

“You do know why you are here,” Jack said.

Her eyes went wide and she nodded.

“Good, I will remove your gag but I don’t want you to say anything or it will be put back, understand?” At her nod he reached behind her head and untied and removed the gag. She licked her lips, swallowed and waited for him to say or do something. “Good, you can take instructions! I’m going to untie your legs and help you stand up.

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I want you to just stand there while I look at you, understand?”

“Yes sir,” she said.

“You will address me as Master from now on”.

“Yes Master,” she said and looked away.

Jack untied her legs and helped her stand up. She stood there with her eyes down cast while he walked around her, touching her gently as he circled. He moved the left strap of the shift off her shoulder pulling the neckline down until both breasts were exposed and framed in silk. “You are very beautiful, I am going to enjoy owning you,” he said. He then led her into the bedroom. “Are you a virgin?” he asked.

“No Master, but I don’t have much experience pleasing a man”.

“That is fine; I will train you to please me. Look at me now,” Jack said. When she did he gently took her head with his hand and kissed her gently. The second time she was kissing him back. He reached down and stroked her left nipple. That got a moan from her and she leaned into his hand. He laughed and said; “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years and I’m not going to put it off any longer”. He left her there and grabbed a pillow from the bed. He put it over the footboard and bent her over it so her butt was facing him. “Spread your legs apart,” he told and she did as quickly as he lifted the shift to discover she was naked from the waist down, the only decoration a thin gold chain encircling her hips. He had been hard since he first saw her, so he dropped his pants and entered her from behind. It wasn’t long before he came. Her legs were trembling but he stayed inside her until he’d shrunk back to normal. Taking her arms still cuffed behind her he walked her around and sat her on the edge of the bed.

“That was a start, but far from perfect. You will sit there quietly and I will display the contents of my closet. Opening the closet he found a trunk filled with silk ropes, leather cuffs, smooth lengths of chain, small locks with keys and a bag with long feathers, horsetail whips, dildos and vibrators of different shapes and textures. There was a tray with crèmes and herbal ointments with descriptions of their effects on skin and membranes and how they might be applied. A jewelry box contained what looked like a necklace but had many small clamps attached to delicate silver chains. The girl looked on wide eyed, but he noticed that once again her eyes were bright and her chest flushed and nipples tight and upright.

He came to the edge of the bed and spread her legs with his hands. Running his left hand up to cup her cunt he felt warm wetness and his sperm suddenly flowed from her into his hand.

“Do you have orgasms?” he asked.

“I don’t know, sometimes I think I do when I am alone, but not with a man”, she whispered.

Jack went back to the closet and found a small hand vibrator, and laid it on the nightstand. “Let’s explore what your body can do shall we?”

“Yes Master,” was the breathless response.

“First, let us start fresh”

Jack pulled her to her feet and led her into the bathroom. The bathroom was as large as the bedroom, with upholstered stools, a large round tub and a walk-in shower with many shower heads. He stepped her into the shower and turning on one of the shower heads that he could take down he adjusted the water.

“Spread your feet apart”.

Now that he saw her standing, feet apart, he realized just how pretty her body was. Slim and fit she was proportioned in a very pleased way, and her sex was shaved so that the pink inner skin, swollen with arousal showed between the flesh of her labia. He brushed his fingers across the exposed pink and a shiver ran through her. Making sure the water was very warm he directs the jet of water up between her legs, adjusting it to a rapid pulse. Gasping she fought for balance, groaning and breathing in short gasping breathe. Quickly he pulled the water jet away.

“Please Master, more, I am almost there”.

“No little one, we have only just started”.

Jack took a towel from the rack and slowly started rubbing front to back over her crotch; she leaned into him, rubbing herself dry.

“Now back to our toys,” Jack said and was surprised to think about how well this was going.

“Oh yes Master, yes please!”

In the bedroom, he noticed that there was a sort of high rectangular upholstered ottoman, and on top was a heavy tapestry, leading her to it, he removed the tapestry and noticed that there were straps crossing over it that ran underneath and seemed when he pulled on the to be attached. What a promising piece of furniture Jack thought. Lifting her up to sit on it he began to explore the straps. Reaching under he found clips and various adjustments. He had lots of ideas, enough at least for a week.

“I think I will call you Wench, and you will be either a good Wench or a bad Wench.” Do you think you can always be a good and submissive Wench?

“Yes Master, always” she said with conviction.

Jack, now had an idea of how the straps on the bondage ottoman worked and so turning her to lie on it lengthwise he positioned her so that the her hips were at the lower edge of the ottoman and then crisscrossed the straps so that her legs were legs were spread wide and down. Her lower legs were bound to the feet that supported the ottoman but not too tightly so that she could move them a bit as she became aroused. Then he turned her at the waist and for the first time took the key and removes the cuffs. There were soft sheepskin lined cuffs attached to straps at the either end of the ottoman and he cuffed her hands quickly down so that they hung down on each side of the platform. There were still more straps and these he crisscrossed again over her breasts.

Jack stepped back then to survey what he had done. He then took a small gag from the truck and inserted it into her mouth. A moment’s anger flickered in her eyes, but he ignored it, he was becoming aroused again.

“Since that made you angry, I will leave you for a bit, until you are a good Wench again and I will leave you something to thinks about”.

Taking two of the small clamps from the trunk he grasped the right nipple and tightened it a bit until she gasped, then loosened it just a bit. He then did the same the left nipple. The chains had clamps at each end and the chains adjusted by pulling them though a small loop with a clip in the middle. Lengthening them enough to reach he attached the clamp on the opposite end of each chain to each labia, and then shortened the chain until the labia were pulled up and there was tension on her nipples as well. The girl was moaning but her pupils were dilated with desire. He knelt and lightly brushed the exposed clitoris with his lips. He smiled as her hips rose and pushed into his mouth. He sucked strongly on her clit for just a second and then stood up.

“I will be back, do not come without me, do you understand?”

She nodded and another moan escaped around the gag.

“By any chance do you know how to cook?”

She shook her head.

“Will you be ready to come when I return?”

She nodded vigorously. “I like that! But I am going to get something to eat and then we’ll explore your body and how to make you moan again,” and he left the room.

He went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. He knew he was just stalling and wanted to go back, but he also felt that this was what he had always fantasized about. A girl who was waiting, hoping for his return and wishing to play with him and satisfy both their erotic fantasies. How strange that so quickly the idea of a slave was becoming much less important than a willing participant.

As he sat in the kitchen his thoughts went back to Clare and the orchid jewelry that lay on top of her clit and vagina. Jewelry upon a precious jewel. He would take his time to explore the orchid open to him.

After an hour of contemplation he decided that he had a plan that would progress to ecstasy for himself and his “good Wench”, and he got up and returned to the bedroom. When he entered he could tell she was drowsy but each time her body stretched to relax, her labia were pulled, and cool air played upon her clit at the same time as her nipples were pulled and pinched by the clamps. Amazing, but a butterfly, attracted by the minerals of her sweat and vaginal moisture had come to light on her clitoris drinking in delicately with it proboscis and with the lightest of possible touches arousing the girl almost to a frenzy.

Jack approached slowly amazed at the beauty and eroticism of the moment. He was moved to release the gag. The girl smiled and swallowed but made no sound.

Slowly he put his finger under the butterfly touching both the softness of its wings and the moist warmth of the space between clit and vagina. He lifted the butterfly to his lips, looked into the eyes of the woman and blew under the wings of the butterfly lifting it away.

Suddenly in the long shadows of the afternoon coming through the windows he fell to his knees to worship the deep pink orchid on the ottoman. Silver clamps spread smooth white flesh, exposing the deep flamingo pink of the inner flower. The ruffled pink edges of the tissue surrounding the clitoris were swollen and extended exposing the button like seat of pleasure. Below that was the way to pleasure, pulsing and throbbing and waiting for him to enter. Kissing the woman’s clitoris and sucking rhythmically he took his index finger and inserted it. An introduction of what his pulsing penis would complete. Now she was moaning and writhing and pushing into his face. He stopped again and stepped away. Her face was desperate, could not believe that he would not finish. He went to the nightstand and taking the vibrator and a pillow return to the ottoman kneeled on the pillow he threw down and thrust himself into the now spasmodic contractions of her vagina. He flipped the switch on the vibrator and touched her clit pressing on the hot rolling knob. Her body arched, clamps pulled off of her nipples, and the entire world exploded into the brilliant pink and orange sunset.

Later that night as cool breezes roused him he arose and went back to the closet. Pulling out the collar and leash and a long chain with cuffs on each end he went to the ottoman where the woman was still restrained. Kneeling he buckled the collar around her neck.

“That will give you enough freedom to eat and walk around here slowly. Any attempt to escape will result in you being whipped,” and he showed her the whip in the closet.

She shuddered and said; “Master, I would not try to escape from what gives me pleasure”.

Jack released her hands and put them in front of her with the cuffs and chain, once again attached the chain with the clamps to her nipples and labia and then released her from the ottoman and led her into the kitchen. “You may sit it that chair,” he said, indicating a chair at the dinette. He then fastened the leash onto the back of the chair. He proceeded to make scrambled eggs the way he liked them and put some bread to toast. “I presume you’re hungry?”

“Yes Master, I am. I don’t know how long it’s been since I ate last”.

He found plates and silverware, poured himself coffee and dish out two plates of eggs. “Would you like coffee?”

“Yes Master”.

He poured her a cup and put it and a plate and a fork in front of her. She waited until he sat down to start eating. When she tasted the coffee, she made a face. Jack laughed and put the sugar and milk within her reach.

“Thank you Master”.

Jerry gave her two pieces of toast and put the butter dish, with knife in her reach. After they had started he asked; “What was your name before you were brought here?”

She blushed and said; “Chastity, Master”.

Jack had to catch himself so he didn’t spit out food as he laughed. “Chastity?” She nodded. “I think Wench will do for our time together,” he laughed. “Do you know how you were brought here?”

“No Master, I don’t. I was walking into my apartment when I felt a sting on my neck. The next thing I remember I was in chains and naked. I guess when they saw I was awake a woman came in and told me I was no longer a free woman, I would be a slave from then on. She gave me a lecture about what would happen to me if I didn’t please my owner, complete with rather gross pictures and showed me what being whipped felt like,” and she shuddered. “I don’t believe how calm and accepting I am about all this,” and she attempted to wave at the room and was brought up short by the chain on her wrists. “I think I must have been drugged with something to soothe me, I was never this laid back before!”

“I will have to remember that! I wouldn’t want you to go ballistic on me when it wears off!”

“No Master I wouldn’t want that either”.

“Let’s head back to the bedroom to discover more things about you”. He undid her leash and started leading her. When he got there he fastened the leash to the foot of the bed while he investigated the contents of the closet. There were a lot of different lengths of different types of rope and chains, different types of cuffs, metal, plastic, vinyl. There were three different types of whips, a riding crop, a bridle for a human head and several pulleys and hoists. “I’ve never seen most of this equipment; hopefully I won’t need the whips”. He brought out a set of cuffs and figured out they were designed to hold her hands to her thighs. “Ah, let’s try these on you,” and he proceeded to take them and put them around her thighs and then take the chain and cuffs off her wrists and lock her wrists to her thighs.

She wiggled her hands around and said; “I won’t be getting out of these until you release me Master”.

“Good, that’s what they’re for”. He undid the leash from the bed and said; “Now go to your knees,” when she had complied he walked in front of her, took his penis his hand and said; “Now you are going to suck me hard so I can fuck you again”.

“Master! I’ve never done that before!”

“You will now! You will use your lips and tongue to arouse my manhood. Do not use your teeth or you will be punished, understand?”

“Yes Master, I’ll do my best,” and she brought her face forward with her mouth open to receive his penis. She licked at it very tentatively at first but as she learned to use her lips and tongue, she started to suck gently.

As she was sucking Jack removed the nipple clamps and rolled her nipples firmly in his fingers which caused her to rub against his knees. When Jack was almost ready to cum he pulled out of her mouth, lifted her up to the bed and pushed her down on it. He stroked with his hands down her belly and tugged on the chain still attached to her labia clamps. She spread her legs and lifted her pelvis up to him. He laughed, and removed the clamps then slid his penis into her and started stroking slowly, trying to make it last. He knew she was coming as she arched up under him. He thrust faster and harder and again her breathing got shorter and fast until he had to hold her down while she thrashed back and forth. He could feel the pulsing of her vagina and finally he climaxed as well. He lay on her until he was no longer hard and then got up looking down he saw that she just lay there with a smile on her face. Jack left her there while he went and got the cuffs and chain he’d taken off her. When he went back to the bed she was asleep. He woke her up by lightly pulling on her leash and as her eyes opened he helped her sit up and move off the bed and led her into the bathroom.

There were thick cotton rugs on the floor. No tub was in this bathroom but the shower behind clear glass sliding doors was all beautifully intricate Dresden blue and white tiles arranged in a mural of a very erotic mermaid whose tail only began below an inviting shell shaped sex and surprising in how much she resembled his Wench. The winding tendrils of the mermaids’ hair were hundreds of tiny wave shaped tiles that recreated the tresses of Titian’s Violanta.

The shower stall was easily 10 by 12 feet. On the back wall of the shower was a trough shaped bench the seat being concave with a mat on top. On all three of the back walls spaced at about 5 foot high and 2 feet apart were rings about 2” in diameter, the pattern of rings was repeated about 10 inches above the tiled floor. On the right and left walls each there was a ring bolted at about 7 feet high. There were two fixed shower heads on opposing walls as well as extendable shower heads on six foot hoses. All had settings indicating that the jets could be adjusted to different intensities and pulsations of the water. Jack used one of the high rings to attach the chain that led to her cuffs adjusting the length until Wench could just stand on the floor with her hands straight up. Finding a container of shower gel in an alcove with a thick washcloth he took his time washing him off and watching her. She looked back at him saying nothing. He rinsed off and then started to wash her body running the cloth from her neck down. He paid special attention to her breast kneading them under the cloth and running the cloth down between her legs. She started begging;

“Please Master, let me rest, I can’t take any more, Please!”
He covered her mouth with his hand and said; “Don’t say another word! I will decide how much you can take, understand?”

She nodded as he still had his hand over her mouth. He took his hand off her mouth and once more cupping his hand over her shaved and soaped sex he ran his index finger over her clit and into her again. Stroking her clit with his thumb and thrusting another finger into her slippery vagina he worked his hand until she moaned and her knees buckled. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from saying anything, and he realized that her body was respond to his teasing even though she was sexually exhausted! He turned off the water and unhooked her from the overhead ring. He laid her on the shower bench and then took a shower head and rinsed her body slowly ending by driving a gently pulsing stream of water into her cunt. She moved against the shower head and he quickly withdrew it. . He dried himself off and then told her to stand up and he handed her a towel. She worked at trying to dry herself with her still handcuffed hands, but he interrupted her and led her back to the bedroom. He fastened the chain through the headboard and said; “You can rest now while I do some exploring,” he then fastened on ankle to the footboard and walked out. She was asleep before he left the room.

Jack came back after exploring the town and looked in at her. She hadn’t moved. He gave a little self-satisfied snort through his nose and went and made himself a martini. He came back to the bedroom and put the cold glass next to her side. She awakens with a shout. The chain and the ankle tie prevented her from jumping out of the bed. Jack untied her ankle and undid the chain from the headboard, putting her hands back on the six inch chain. He then sent her into the bathroom. “Do whatever you need to do”. He then walked into the living room. Fifteen minutes later she entered the living room, saw him siting and reading a book, walked over and knelt down on the right side of the chair. He put his hand down and stroked her hair. She responded by leaning her head on his leg. When he finished his drink he said; “Do you know how to make a martini?”

“Yes Master, I can make a martini”.

He handed her the glass. “The liquor is in that cabinet next to the TV screen, the ice is in the freezer,” and gestured towards the refrigerator. He then watched while she made it. When she brought back to him she knelt, bowed her head and offered the drink to him. He took it, took a sip and said; “Very good, a good martini. For an untrained slave you presented that very nicely”.

“Thank you Master. I have read enough stories that have slave girls in them to think that is the way I should hand you a drink. Is there anything else I can do for you right now?”

“Since it is getting close to dinner time and I decided to let you eat with me, you can go into the kitchen, find two similar sized potatoes, wash them and put them into the oven at four hundred degrees. You can also make a salad with lettuce, tomatoes, radishes and bean sprouts. Make it in a big bowl and we’ll save whatever is left for another day. Any questions?”

“Not now Master but May I ask you questions as I work?”

“Yes you may as long as the question is about what you are doing in the kitchen, understand?”

“Yes Master, I’ll get right on it. May I use one of the aprons while I’m working?”

“Yes, go ahead,” he answered. He kept reading with frequent looks at her working away. When she’d finished she came back and knelt by his right leg again. After the potatoes had been baking for almost an hour he put the book down and went into the kitchen and started broiling a steak. She had followed him so he told her to set the table. “Help yourself to some salad,” he said as he turned the steak. When it had cooked enough for his taste, he let sit a minute before slicing. He put a plate in front of her with slices of steak and a potato. He fixed his own plate and sat down. “Go ahead and eat,” he told her and dug in himself. When he’d finished, he stood up and told her to clean up and went back to his book.

When she finished she came back and knelt next to his leg again. “Master, may I ask a question?”

He put down his book and said, “You may”.

“Can you tell me why this feels so right to me? I never thought I would just settle in to a slave’s life. I thought I would be looking to escape, or hurt the person enslaving me, but I don’t feel any of that. Have I been drugged?”

“I don’t know the answer to that question. I can say that I love having you as my slave. You are very pleasing to look at and you are very good in bed, even if you don’t think you can handle it! I think I will keep you, I decided on a new name”. She looked at him expectantly.

“I will call you Dolcinea after the character in this book”. He laughed and caressed her hair. “Let’s head back to the bedroom, I think I’m ready to explore your talents again”. He stood, took ahold of the chain between her hands and headed to the bedroom. She followed along meekly. When they got into the bedroom he stopped her in the middle of the room and told her to stay there. He then looked around the room, saw what he wanted on the bedposts, got some leather cuffs out of the closet, and proceeded to fasten her spread-eagled on the bed. She had very little wiggle room. He also put a pillow under her butt to allow him easier access to her vagina. He then proceeded to tickle and tease her for over two hours. Each time she got close to orgasm he’d back an off and watch her frustration. After two hours he decided he was ready, sat on her chest and offered her his penis to suck. She went right to work and had him as hard as he ever got very quickly. He slid down her body and inserted it in her vagina and started stroking slowly. He could feel her vagina pulsing and contracting as soon as he entered and tried to remain slow and steady to prolong the feeling. But finally he could not restrain himself and had to speed up for his own orgasm. When he withdrew, she was still having aftershocks. He got up, went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When he came out she was sound asleep. He untied her, shook her awake, put the chain on her wrist and sent her into the bathroom to clean up. When she dragged herself back into the bedroom he was ready for her. He put leather cuffs back on her wrists and clipped them together. He then tied a chain from the cuffs to one bedpost and patted the bed for her to lie down. He then turned off the lights and climbed in next to her.

“You have made me very happy today! I hope this will continue and he kissed her and stretched out to sleep. She snuggled into his side and went right to sleep.

That was the last time he needed to restrain her except when they were playing. They spent their daytime hours on the beach, swimming naked in the ocean, her bikini was his invention using the fine gold chains he found in the closet. They also walked to a jetty not far from the cottage where they explored the tide pools and each other. Wrapping and binding her with kelp she became his mermaid of both the sea and the cottage.

On the seventh day the phone rang for the first time. “Hello... Hi George... Yes everything has been perfect... Okay, what do I do? ... Do I have to? ... Sure, I leave her that way... See you”. And he hung up the phone. “Dolcinea, come over here,” when she knelt by his leg he continued; “I have to leave for I don’t know how long. Since I won’t be here to care for you I have arranged to have you cared for. I have to leave you here the same way I received you”.

“Whatever you wish Master,” she said.

“I don’t, but that’s the way it is. Go get the cuffs, rope, gag and blindfold”.

She ran off to the bedroom and returned with the items.

He cuffed her hands behind her back, turned her around and kissed her hard. He then lowered her to the floor, tied her ankles and knees and put on the blindfold. “Any last word before the gag goes in?”

“Just that I loved being your slave and I hope you liked me enough to request me again,” and she held her mouth open for the gag. He gagged her, made sure all the knots were tight and went to the door. George was waiting there.

“Ready to go home?” He asked.

“Not really, but I guess I have to”.

George then put a needle into Jack’s arm and Jack woke up sitting in his car back on Long Island. He drove back to Manhattan, went to his apartment. It would never look the same.

Three weeks later he went to a different restaurant for lunch. As he was seated he swore he saw a woman with brilliant red hair and what looked like a collar leaving.

Written by Horsecatcher
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