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The Wait Is Finally Over

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I look at the screen on the in-flight entertainment and can see the plane getting closer and closer. The anticipation and want grow more and more inside me. Today was finally the day. We had been dreaming about this so long and finally, it's here. 

Finally, the captain had spoken over the intercom telling the flight crew to prepare for landing and my heart began to beat so fast that I felt like it could shoot out of me. It had been a very long flight and as much as I wanted to try and get in a good sleep during the flight, my excitement had been that much that I didn't get much at all.

I had heard stories that clearing through customs can be a pain in the ass but today is my lucky day because I go through without any drama. Picking up my backpack, I make my way through to the arrivals hall hoping that I would spot you.

After making my through the arrivals hall, I finally see you. I have a giggle as I see that you have your hair up in a ponytail and I wonder if is because of me that you've done it. I place my hands in my pockets, knowing full well what it does to you, and look into your eyes and it feels like it's just you and me all alone. I stand there not saying a word, breathless and lost for words. I slowly make my way towards you.

"Hi," I manage to say with a massive smile on my face although secretly I wish that I had said something more romantic. It's all I can muster whilst holding you in my arms, not wanting to ever let go. 

After what seems hours, we finally stop our embrace and make our way to baggage collection, holding hands, and we walk, smiles on both of our faces as we go. I grab my bag and we walk to your car. Luckily for us, there is no one around when we finally make it to your car and I place my bag in the trunk and again look deep into your eyes. I can't help myself and again I hold you in an embrace, pinning you against your car, arms wrapped around you, kissing and exploring your mouth with tongue. All those years of not being able to hold you and feel you all come to the surface. 

My hands trail under your top, up your back, feeling your skin on my fingertips, your warmth running through your body.

"Get a room, you two!" someone yells as they drive past and we both stop, both of us red-faced as they drive off.

"I guess we should head off. I call shotgun," I blurt out, trying to compose myself, opening the door for you to let you in.

You start the car and we pull out of the car park.

"How were your flights?" you ask.

"They were very long. I got lucky and managed to score an empty row all the way through so I was able to spread out during the flight which made things easier. Having limited internet access sucked though, although it kinda reminded me of Lush going down and then reminded me of you even more."

We continue our drive along the freeway. And I look out the window watching the world pass by.

I look over at you, taking in every part of you and think to myself how lucky I am to be finally here with you. I place my hand on your thigh and I hear you gasp with excitement, giving it a little squeeze. "I'm glad I'm finally here, Hannah; it's been so long since we've chatted online. The wait has been worth it." 

You pull into a park and turn the car off and look deep into my eyes with want. You climb over the center console and sit on my lap wrapping your arms around me, your tongue exploring mine. I trail my hands up under your top and slide it off, pausing my kissing as I pass the top over your face.

I take a brief moment to take in how sexy you are, admiring you from head to toe. 

"I love you, baby. I've waited so long for this moment," I say, my breathing increasing.

You follow suit and take my shirt off, throwing it in the back.

"I love you too, baby. I want you now." 

I continue to kiss your mouth, exploring it with my tongue, yours joining mine as well.

Without hesitation, I lift you up just enough so I can slide my shorts and boxers off, my cock ready for you.

I help you slide your pants off and I can see you are ready for me. I also make a mental reminder to thank you for deciding not to wear underwear. I position myself at your opening and help you ease down slowly, filling you as my cock slides in you, your wetness helping my cock glide in with ease. I pull your top over your head and throw it in the back.

We continue to kiss each other passionately as I unhook your bra, exposing your beautiful breasts. I then continue to kiss my way down your cheek to your breasts, trailing kisses as I go. I finally reach your nipples and trail my tongue around them, then run my teeth over them, then bite down, pulling them with my teeth, causing you to moan.

You run your fingers down my back, knowing that it drives me crazy. I grab your bottom and your pace increases, both of us moaning, tongues intertwining, feeling your juices run over my balls.

"Oh yes, baby, fuck me. Let all of those years of not being able to do this come to the surface." I grab your bum and squeeze it.

Our breathing intensifies and I can feel my orgasm building. 

"I'm close, baby," I moan.

"Oh fuck, Isaac; I love you!" you scream as we both cum together.

"I love you, Hannah." I feel your inner walls constrain my cock as my seed shoots deep inside you.

I hold you tight as you come down from your orgasm, feeling you twitching, still continuing to kiss you.

"So, I see that you had your hair up," I say after catching my breath, reaching over the back for both of our shirts, handing yours to you.

"Yeah, I heard that there was a sexy Aussie in town so I thought I'd put my hair up. I hear he likes that sort of thing," you giggle as you slowly move into the driver's seat and put your shirt and pants back on. I notice that you choose not to put your bra back on.

"Oh yeah; I think he was on the plane with me," I respond, poking my tongue back to you and get dressed.

You giggle and pull out of the park and continue driving.

"I was right when I said that it'll take me a while to get used to driving in the wrong side of the road." 

We finally reach your driveway and I hop out of the car. I yawn and stretch, my arms trying to remove the effects of the long flight. I also realise that I have no idea what the time is.

"Why don't you go have a shower to see if that helps?" you suggest as you open the boot of your car. I reach in and grab my bag.

"Maybe I should," I respond while retrieving my bag and placing it on the driveway. I pull the handle up and follow you inside, holding your hand as we walk, feeling the electricity running through me. I look over at you the look on your face tells me that you feel the same.

You show me to my room. And I place my bag on the bed. I turn to you and plant a kiss on your lips.

I open my bag and start to unpack my clothes that I am going to wear after my shower. I decide on my favourite pair of tracksuit pants and a plain white shirt. I also remember to grab a clean pair of boxers.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask, opening a door as I do only to realise that it's a cupboard.

"Let me show you," you respond, trying to hide your laughter at me.

I follow you into the bathroom.

"So this is how you turn the hot water on," you say while poking your tongue at me.

"I do know how to turn things on, Hannah; I mean, I seem to be good at it," I respond back, giving you a slight smack on the bum.

"Yes, you do," you respond back, giving me a wink.

You sit on the edge of the bath and watch me undress.

I turn the water on and after a few minutes, get the water right and hop in, letting the water run over me. I look over at you and smile.

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"Care to join me?" I ask, smiling at you

"I thought you'd never ask," you respond as you strip off.

You hop in under the water in front of me and I watch the water run over your body.

"Would you like me to wash you?" you ask, grabbing some body wash and a loofah. 

"If you're up for it," I respond 

You squeeze out some of the shower gel and lather it up. You start with my chest, moving it in circles slowly as you go. You move the loofah down over my stomach then down just before the start of my pubic hair. Next, you decide to concentrate on my left leg, trailing from my ankle, moving it upwards to just below my balls. Once you reach them, you then decide to move to my right leg, copying the exact same way as my left.

When you reach my balls you make sure to give them extra care which cases my cock to harden even more. 

You then drop the loofah and decide on replacing it with your hand, cupping my balls with one hand while starting to move your other one along my shaft, causing me to let out a moan and run my hands through your hair. 

"I love you, Isaac," you say, moving your hands along my shaft.

"I love you, too," I manage to say before you decide to slide your mouth over my hard cock. I let out a moan and grab your hair as you do.

I watch as your breasts move as you take my entire member deep in your mouth, running your tongue along the length as you go. I run my fingers through your hair. 

You look up at me with your lusty eyes, continuing to run your tongue along the entire length of my shaft, trailing your hand over my balls, causing me to tilt my head back and moan out your name. I watch you increase your pace, your mouth taking my entire length. 

I run my fingers down your back and watch your nipples harden more. I then dig my nails into your shoulders as I feel my orgasm start to build.

"I'm so close, baby," I moan out and you run your finger from my balls to the base of my shaft.

"Oh fuck!" I moan, as my load shoots deep inside you, filling your mouth. You swallow the entire load and make your way up to my face, kissing me when you do. I pin you to the wall and kiss you again.

I then begin to trail kisses down your body, down over your breasts and around both nipples, biting them as I go, causing you to let out a moan. 

I then trail it down over your belly button then down over your pubic line, noting that you are nice and smooth after recently shaving.

I surprise you by trailing a finger from the back of your bum across to your slit, then trail my tongue over your clit. You spread your legs wider for me then grab my head and push it closer to you. I return the favour by sliding my tongue along your slit noticing that you are already very wet and ready for me. 

I look up and notice that you have started to play with your nipples by trailing your fingers around them, then pinching them.

My tongue burrows deep inside you and I take your sweetness, then slide back out, then along your slit and over your clit, repeating this over and over, looking at up at you, watching your facial expression as I go, knowing that you are close.

Grabbing your bum tightly, I can feel your release starting to build and I concentrate on sticking my tongue in and out of you.

"Oh, Isaac!" you scream out, cumming hard over my face covering me with your sweet juices. 

We finishing washing up and hop out of the shower, watching each other as we get dressed, then head into the kitchen to grab something to eat 

"I love you, Isaac," you say, looking into my eyes

"I love you too, Hannah;" I respond, grabbing your hand as we walk.


I look at my phone to see what the time it is. Stupid jet lag, waking me up at four in the morning. I place the phone down and roll over and see that you are fully asleep. I can just make it out thanks to the slight morning sun that is starting to peek through the window. I lay there watching your naked body move up and down as you breathe in and out, laughing at the fact that when we first started talking you didn't sleep naked but now you do. I move my pillow so that I can see you better and continue to watch you.

Realising that I'm not going to get back to sleep, I decide to have a little fun. I start by giving you gentle kisses on your shoulder to see how you react. I notice that this causes your breathing to increase slightly but you are still asleep. I move my kisses up to your neck, and I hear a slight moan coming from you. I stop and you continue to sleep. I decide to trail kisses down your body, over your breasts, and watch as your nipples grow harder as I trail kisses around them. I hear your breathing increase, hearing a little moan escape from you, and again I decide to stop and watch you sleep.

I start trailing my fingers around your hard nipple lightly and give it a little squeeze, giving it a little pull then letting go. I trail kisses down over your stomach, then down towards your hips and along your pubic bone.

I trail a finger along your slit to see if I'm having an effect on you and I am rewarded with a coating that dribbles down my finger as well as a slightly louder moan from you. Your legs part open more, giving me better access. 

I again trail my finger along the length of your slit and over your clit. I notice that this sends a shiver down your body.

I adjust my body and slide my finger in very slowly then back out again, curling it up as I move it out, then repeat this process over and over.

After repeating this a few more times I decide to replace my finger with my tongue, trailing it along the length of your slit then flicking your clit. I feel your hands in my hair, pulling at it with your fingers, hearing you moan.

I trail my tongue over the entire length of your slit, feeling how turned on you are, your moans increasing as I go.

"Oh fuck, I'm coming," you manage to say before you cum hard over my face, coating it with your juices and you push my face hard into you.

After you let go of my hair, I move up beside you and kiss you on the lips. "Good morning, beautiful," I say with a big smile on my face.

"Good morning to you," you reply. "I see that you still haven't adjusted to the correct time zone."

"What makes you think that?" I respond while poking my tongue out.

"I'm not quite sure," you respond as you hop on top of me, positioning my already hard cock as you do, your juices from earlier making it slide in with ease as a little moan escapes from you as you do.

You bend down and kiss me once more, this time with tongue, exploring my mouth as you slowly move up and down my shaft.

I trail my fingers down your back, causing a shiver to run down your spine and another moan to escape as you continue to kiss me. 

You increase your pace slightly as you break our kiss and sit up. I can't help watch as your breasts bounce up and down. You notice what I'm doing and you cover them with your hands, poking your tongue while giving me a wicked grin and increasing your pace.

"Aw, that's not fair," I moan out as I grab your arms and pull you close to me

Your pace increases and I grab your bum, giving it a little squeeze as I feel your orgasm starting to build, kissing you with tongue.

You increase the pace and I feel my own orgasm building.

You scream my name as your orgasm takes over your body; your contracting inner walls is enough to send me over the edge and I release my seed deep inside you, coating your inner walls.

I hold you close and kiss you as our orgasms subside.

You hop off me and snuggle me close, resting your head on my chest and we both fall back asleep in each other's arms.




Written by SpeedyC
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