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Surrendering To Desire

"An overseas posting to London opens Lauren's eyes"

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Author's Notes

"I briefly introduced Lauren and Jack in a micro called "Walk of shame - hardly" this is the story of how Lauren came to be leaving Jack's flat"

There could be no doubt about the source of the noise coming through the wall from the adjacent flat. The guy in the next flat was jerking off, and really going for it. Lauren was pretty certain she could also hear the tell-tell sounds of a porn channel in the background.

Lauren was not in a position to judge because as she lay there alone in her London flat she was pleasuring herself with a new glass dildo she had bought from a well known British sex retailer online. Lauren was just being nowhere near as energetic as her neighbour.

As the sounds of self-pleasuring grew louder Lauren found herself increasingly aroused and wet. Her nipples hardened and her breathing became deeper. Lauren changed hands with the dildo and began thrusting it into herself with her left hand. with her right hand, she reached for her engorged clit and began to bring herself to climax. She longed for the guarantee of her small bullet vibrator but realised that it was still in her travel bag in her car parked outside. 

Both Lauren and her neighbour seemed to cum at the same time. He was a lot noisier than she but still both had good orgasms. Lauren announced her climax by reverting to her native Afrikaans, something that always happened with good cum.

Lauren withdrew the dildo from her pussy and licked it clean, she carefully put it under her pillow and rolled over. Sleep came easily, it had been a long tiring week.

Lauren had been in London for a couple of months and had settled among the expatriate South African community in Raynes Park, a leafy suburb in the south of the city. She had been sent over by her employer to find out what on earth was happening now that the British had voted to leave the EU. Her firm’s most important overseas market was the UK.

Jobs all over South Africa on farms and vineyards depended on her employer still being able to export produce all year round.

Information on what was happening was not easy to find. Nobody at the airports or container terminals seems to have a clue as to what they were supposed to do. Some shipments arrived and were processed quickly others were held up for days or even weeks. Seeking clarity was Lauren’s task. The constant emails and Skype-calls to her office in Johannesburg or Cape Town showed her frustration. Nobody seemed to know. They weren’t being evasive there just didn’t seem to be a plan.

Lauren was glad to be among the expatriate community, at the end of a long day our week it was good to be able to relax and unwind among people who quickly became friends. Lauren built a good network of friends both South African and British. Her British friends were equally mystified by Brexit and its entirely predictable consequences.

Lauren’s posting to London had coincided with the end of an on-off relationship that had been unsatisfactory for several years. There was no doubt he was a good fuck but Lauren wanted more and wanted some visible signs that he appreciated her. She also began to find him boring.

The expatriate community in London was not just families there were plenty of singles both divorcees and those still single. Lauren was good at making friends. It helped that she worked for an exporter of some of the best South African wine and produce. Nobody hosting a Braai in London forgot to invite Lauren.

It was at one of these parties that Lauren first ran into Sabrina. Sabrina had been in London for five years and looked like shows here for a few more. She was married with two teenage sons who had settled in London. Sabrina was always the life and soul of any Braai and always popular with men and women. It was at one such party that she really latched onto Lauren particularly when she found that Lauren had bought a couple of bottles of Vergelegen which was almost impossible to find outside South Africa. The evening was one of the most enjoyable Lauren had had since arriving in London. Both women went home slightly tipsy but promising to phone each other in the morning. 

The calls became regular and Lauren and Sabrina also began meeting for coffee or sometimes a drink when Lauren’s diary allowed it. Lauren found Sabrina good company. 

One evening while sharing a bottle of wine in a pub in nearby Wimbledon Sabrina described herself as a Rugby widow. She went on to say that her husband and sons were just mad on the sport and would watch it for hours.

“It was okay when it was just the Springboks but now somebody has found a way of streaming domestic games live over the internet in pretty good quality. So whenever the Blue Bulls or the Golden Lions are playing, I’m alone in the house for hours. And my husband and boys are not back until late. I’m just not getting fucked anywhere near enough.” Sabrina’s candour actually aroused Lauren.

While they were waiting for a cab to share home, Sabrina announced that tomorrow she was going to get her pussy waxed and invited Lauren to join her. “I’m a good customer of the salon, they will always find time for you.” There was no hiding the mischief in Sabrina’s voice. 

After she had got back to her flat and checked her laptop for emails and Skype-calls, Lauren decided to call it a day. She had a quick shower and slipped into bed. Lauren fully intended to read a book but instead found herself masturbating. She was amazed at how wet she was just thinking about the conversation with Sabrina. She also realised that her own pussy required a good tidy up. 

Lauren woke the next morning feeling aroused with anticipation about seeing Sabrina and visiting the salon. While she was making coffee she glanced out of her window and saw her neighbour returning to the flats they shared. He was dressed for the cold and was carrying a rucksack that contained all of his camera equipment. The giveaway was that he was carrying a tripod. Lauren looked at him approvingly. An older man with a distinctive military bearing. Quiet but clearly capable and comfortable in his skin. Lauren found him immensely attractive and made up her mind to introduce herself at the earliest opportunity.

Later that morning Sabrina called and said she was outside and ready to take Lauren to the salon. Sabrina was driving her Mazda convertible with the top down. Lauren jumped in and they both kissed.

Sabrina had called ahead and the salon was expecting Lauren as well. The salon was beautiful, tastefully decorated with plenty of house plants and good art on the walls. Both women were offered coffee or mineral waters and shown the wide range of lotions and oils that the salon stocked. 

Both women took their places in adjacent cubicles. Lauren was surprised to find that she had been booked in for a full “Hollywood” wax. She traditionally opted for a Brazilian with a small landing strip of hair left behind. The lack of sex recently had meant that even that was now long overdue.

The procedure was simple and the assistant who carried out the procedure was quick and very careful. Lauren was surprised to hear Sabrina through the partition. She was clearly not enduring any pain or discomfort but obviously enjoying her treatment. Lauren’s assistant remained poker-faced and gave away nothing about what might be happening in the next cubical.

After they had both had their treatment Lauren suggested that she would like to treat Sabrina to lunch as a thank you for sorting out the salon visit. They jumped in the Mazda and headed into Wimbledon. Two sexy looking MILFs out for lunch.

They enjoyed a good lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant and then headed for the car. Sabrina offered Lauren wine at her house after she had parked her car.

The house in Raynes Park was tastefully decorated with plenty of art and artefacts from their native South Africa. Sabrina’s husband and sons were just leaving as they arrived there was a big game this afternoon and they were joining all the other South African rugby fans.

As they finished their first glass of wine Sabrina offered Lauren a top-up and put some Hugh Masekela through the streaming speakers. Sabrina sat next to Lauren on the sofa.

“I love Hansie very much, he is a good husband and a great father who works hard for us all. I don’t begrudge him his rugby but I just wish he would pay me more attention. I practically had to order him fuck me last night.” Sabrina’s voice was laden with frustration.

As the second glass of wine kicked in Lauren countered by saying that at least Sabrina was getting fucked although obviously not enough. She was not getting any and it had been months. 

“I have no intention of cheating on him, particularly in this small community but my pussy needs a lot more attention than it is getting.” Sabrina then made a very bold move and kissed Lauren on her lips. Lauren was shocked but did not pull away. After a few seconds, she returned the kiss. Both women moved closer to each other on the sofa still kissing.

Lauren and Sabrina were quickly entwined and passionately kissing each other. Their arms held each other close and their hands and fingers began exploring each other.

“Let’s take this upstairs,” Sabrina said with a mischievous look on her face. Now would be Lauren’s opportunity to leave. It was the last thing she wanted right now.

Sabrina’s bedroom was the largest in the house facing the road, Unlike the two boy’s rooms, there was no sporting memorabilia or rugby posters. it was tastefully decorated in the colours of home and above the bed was a huge panoramic picture taken in the Kruger National Park at dusk.

Sabrina and Lauren shed their clothes and fell upon each other on the bed. heir lips and tongues sought out each other's mouths and their fingers quickly found each other's freshly waxed pussy. 

Lauren had never for a second thought of her self as anything other than straight, but what was happening now was opening up a whole new world to her.

Both women fingered each other to orgasm and Lauren was both surprised and delighted to hear that, like her, Sabrina reverted to Afrikaans when she climaxed. The language really emphasizes deep guttural sounds.

Sabrina sensed that Lauren was slightly worried about being found naked in her friend’s bed.

“Don’t worry, the game has only just started,  we have the place to ourselves for hours,” Sabrina reassured Lauren. With that, she headed downstairs stark naked to retrieve their wine. 

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The rest of the afternoon was spent in sexual bliss. Lauren adored having her pussy licked and no-one had ever done it as well as Sabrina. It was also her first time eating pussy since a drunken night at Stellenbosch University aeons ago.

As the afternoon turned to dusk both women got up, showered and got dressed although Lauren noticed that Sabrina didn’t bother with any underwear. They went downstairs and started preparing supper for Sabrina’s family when they returned from watching rugby.

Supper was delightful and Lauren found herself warming to Hansie and Sabrina’s sons. She understood why she would never cheat on him. The odd knowing glance between the two women that none of the males present noticed sent thrills through Lauren’s body. Sabrina also let it be known to Hansie that he should get the boys to bed at a reasonable time and then join her in the bedroom. He had work to do. 

Lauren and Sabrina tried to meet a couple of times a week and had sex as often as they could. Lauren was still trying to come up with a detailed plan for work back home but every day seemed to throw up a new problem that nobody had thought of. It also soon became clear that she would have to travel to Northern Ireland to try and make sense of the post-Brexit clusterfuck that was going on over there. Even after getting their wine into the UK Lauren’s company now appeared to have to get it cleared a second time if it was to go on sale in Belfast or anywhere else in the Province. Most big retailers decided to just stop importing wine. This was going to be another problem for Lauren’s company. The people of Northern Ireland were very partial to the mid-priced South African wines that her company sold there. The loss of the Northern Irish market would quickly show up in the balance sheet.

After a gruelling and fruitless trip to Belfast, Larne and Dublin Lauren was sitting in the terminal of George Best Airport waiting for her flight back to London. She pulled out her iPad and checked the SARFU website she was delighted to see that the Blue Bulls were playing a late kick-off floodlit game. She knew that she would be able to unwind with Sabrina. She had even picked up a bottle of one of the new whiskies that were beginning to challenge the dominance of Jameson’s and Bushmill’s.

Lauren landed at Heathrow and got the tube to Wimbledon and then a cab to Sabrina’s house in Raynes Park. Sabrina answered the door naked and told Lauren that she had already run her a bath. Lauren luxuriated in the deep oily water while Sabrina fingered her to orgasm and they both enjoyed a glass of the new whiskey.

Later while lying together in bed. Sabrina reached for her iPad and showed Lauren the best website in Britain for sex toys. Sabrina said she had ordered a new sex toy and that she was convinced they would both love it. Lauren was familiar with the site and had recently ordered a glass dildo and a new bullet vibrator for when she was travelling.

Lauren’s work-life continued to be gruelling and often frustrating as she tried to understand the new rules regarding imports from South Africa. She found out that in essence there were none and that the former trade agreement that South Africa had enjoyed had been with the EU and not Britain. In reality, this meant that any decision about whether to allow good into the UK fell to individual customs officers who had nothing to refer to that would assist them. She was also sensing a great deal of frustration about the lack of clarity from her bosses in Johannesburg and Cape Town.

When she wasn’t working or spending time with Sabrina Lauren found her self increasingly attracted to her neighbour. She found out from the post that was left in the shared hallway hat he was called Jack. She would often stand at her window and with him return in the early morning or late afternoon from his photography walks. On some mornings she stood at her window naked and watched Jack as he walked. Everything about him exuded confidence and a man clearly in control of the situation.

Lauren started running again, she needed the endorphins to help her get through the days of pointless Zoom meetings with clearly befuddled officials. She also planned her route carefully to make sure that she found where Jack went to take his photographs up on Wimbledon Common.

From this point, it was easy to engineer a conversation with him and she would often stop on her run and make small talk with Jack.

Having initiated small talk, Lauren took her plan a stage further. When she saw where Jack had set up his tripod she would often plan to end her run where he was so that they could walk back to the flats together. Jack was good company and easy to talk to. Lauren made sure that on these runs she wore her tightest leggings. 

Alone at night in her bed Lauren often found herself thinking about Jack while she was masturbating before going to sleep. 

One Saturday morning while she was sipping coffee and tidying up her email and paying bills online, Lauren got a call from a clearly excited Sabrina.

“I need you to get over here as soon as you can this afternoon. It has arrived and I can’t wait to use it with you. The Bulls are playing the early game this afternoon so the coast will be clear from just after lunch. Seriously this thing looks wicked.” Sabrina was not only excited but she sounded aroused.

Lauren in turn felt herself getting aroused. She knew that in Sabrina’s company she would cum many times as she was licked, fingered or they used toys. She in turn knew that she would bring Sabrina off many times and liked forward to a marathon sex session. Something in Sabrina’s voice told her that this afternoon was going to be intense.

When Lauren received a text to say that her cab was outside she virtually ran downstairs to the waiting car. She didn’t see Jack watching her every move from his window.

Yet again Sabrina answered the door naked and let Lauren upstairs to where the bed had already been turned down. She kissed Lauren on the lips and without hesitation felt for her pussy through her leggings. Lauren quickly stripped off and joined Sabrina in the bed.

The thing turned out to be a Feeldo; a dildo that rather than being held in place by straps or velcro, was actually inserted into a pussy and held in place with muscles. The other end was just like a regular-sized cock.

“I’ve already had the end inside me and it felt great, prepare to be fucked.” Sabrina’s voice was lustful and authoritative.

Lauren and Sabrina had regularly used toys on each other but had not yet found a dildo that could satisfy them both. The reviews of strapped ones were not great with most pointing to overly complicated harnesses and other shortcomings. Since buying her glass dildo Lauren had persuaded Sabrina to upgrade as well. Having tried the glass neither woman was keen on going back to cheaper plastic sex toys.

Lauren was used to having a dildo in her pussy and also comfortable with Sabrina putting it there but this was sex at a new level. The intimacy achieved as Sabrina thrust into her with the cock end of the Feeldoe was amazing. Sabrina had laid Lauren on her side, opened her legs and thrust into her from behind. Because there were no straps or harnesses to worry about Sabrina was free to feel for Lauren’s nipples and clit as she fucked her. Sabrina was also enjoying the feeling of the Feeldo in her pussy as she fucked her friend. Both women came and came quickly, both in Afrikaans.

After a brief lull while they caught their breath, it was time to change places. Lauren laid Sabrina on her back and asked her to raise her knees as she spread her legs. She extracted the Feeldoe from Sabrina’s tight wet pussy and immediately went down on her friend bringing her to a sudden climax with her skilled tongue. Lauren then inserted the thick end of the Feeldoe into her own pussy  and looked down proudly at the “cock” sticking up from between her legs. It felt good inside her, thicker and tighter than her biggest dildo. Lauren crawled up between Sabrina’s legs and mounted Sabrina. The cock end slid easily into Sabrina’s soaking pussy. Lauren found her pace and began fucking Sabrina. With every thrust, the other end of the Feeldoe sent waves of pleasure through her own pussy. This was sex on a whole new level for both women.

The afternoon passed in a haze of passion and cum, both women lost count of the number of orgasms they achieved. The bed sheets were soaked with pussy juice and the room smelt strongly of raw wanton lust.

“I’m going to have to change the bed before Hansie gets home, not that he ever notices,” Sabrina said

“Surely he must notice something about you when we have fucked? Doesn’t he notice how wet you are or how swollen your pussy is after I have fucked you?” Lauren enquired

“No, He’s a man, a typical man, he probably thinks it is all his own work.” Sabrina kissed Lauren as they got up and headed to the shower.

Lauren helped Sabrina change the bed and they opened the windows to let in some fresh air to mask the smell of sex.

Sabrina asked f Lauren would like to stay for dinner but Lauren said she needed to crack on with more research ahead of yet another meeting on Monday. Johannesburg needed answers.

Sabrina called a cab for Lauren. She kissed her n the lips and stuck her tongue in her mouth as she was leaving. 

As Lauren entered the hallway of the flats it never occurred to her that she looked like she had just been fucked. Her eyes were ablaze and her skin alive with the endorphins that had followed her many orgasms this afternoon. 

Jack missed nothing, his military training made sure of that. As Lauren climbed the last set of steps Jack stood in the doorway of his flat. He had been working out and was wearing gym shorts and a tight tee-shirt. For a man of his age, he was in great shape. He fixed his eyes on Lauren and held her gaze.

If it was going to happen, it was going to happen now. Lauren soaked in the sight of  Jack and looked into his lustful eyes. Without hesitation, she walked to his door and walked past him into his flat.

Jack carefully closed the door and as he turned Lauren was on him. Her mouth found his and she thrust her body against him. He wrapped his strong arms around her and carried her into his bedroom.


Written by JamesMerton1960
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