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No Ordinary Game CH. 02

"Amanda learns the truth"

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Author's Notes

"A work of fiction. All characters are over eighteen years. This is a cuckold story about a husband who wants to share his wife. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This multi-chapter story is best read sequentially. Start with chapter one for best understanding."

Sy and Amanda awoke just before noon, showered, dressed, and got a late start on the day. During breakfast, neither spoke of their frantic sex of the previous night. It seemed like a dream to them, a crazy burst of illicit energy that neither understood.


Each left to do their errands; Sy to Home Depot and Amanda to the grocery store. They'd talk more about it tonight, after dark.


Amanda drove through traffic and thought about the power Sy's fantasy had given her. The power made her giddy and she laughed nervously to herself, remembering their intense sexual role play this morning, just a few hours ago. Dr. Mueller had warned her to use Sy's fantasy sparingly and to tease him just enough to keep him satisfied. But this was sooo much fun! She had driven Sy absolutely wild this morning with just a few choice words. The power intoxicated her.


Amanda parked at the grocery store and shook her head to clear away her erotic thoughts. Thinking about Sy's fantasy was making her wet.


Could I really have sex with Glenn? she thought. What's the matter with me? I'm a married woman! I can't think about Glenn this way!


Amanda had always been attracted to intelligent men. In part, Sy's intelligence had first attracted her to him. But Glenn was different. Glenn had something more than 'smarts'. He had a combination of confidence and competence that only comes with age and experience. He naturally seemed to be in charge.


Did that extend to his love-making, too? she wondered.




Sy was in the plumbing section of Home Depot looking for kitchen faucet parts when he heard his name being called. He turned and saw Glenn and his wife Tiffany walking toward him.


Glenn was smiling with his right arm extended and the two men shook hands. "Sy, how are you? Good to see you. You remember my wife, Tiffany?" he said, gesturing toward the petite Chinese woman at his side.


"Yes, of course," Sy said. He was about to shake her proffered hand but at the last moment, he noticed she expected something else. Of course! He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, and she smiled back at him.


"It's so nice to see you again, Sy," Tiffany said, with a demure smile and a slight nod of her head.


Tiffany was in her early fifties but looked younger. Her pretty face was porcelain smooth, which belied her true age. She was trim but had a full figure. She was dressed conservatively in a flowered print dress and low heels, rather upscale for a trip to Home Depot, Sy thought, and her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail.


She always carried herself with grace and quiet restraint. Sy had always liked her but thought she could be a little pushy with Glenn, although Glenn never seemed to mind. At times, she had displayed an air of impishness as though she harbored secret thoughts. But overall, Sy thought Tiffany a model of decorum.


After introductions and small talk, Glenn said, "Working on your honey-do list, Sy? I'll bet Mandy keeps you busy. She knows how to rule the roost."


"Yes, she does," Sy replied with a laugh. "She knows how to rule the rooster, too."


Glenn and Tiffany shared a quick glance. Then their conversation politely drifted to other areas until they said their good-byes.


The Talbots walked away, hand in hand, and after they had turned the corner at the far end of the aisle, Glenn said to Tiffany, "Well?"


Tiffany smiled up at her husband. "You were right."




That evening after dinner and while still at the dinner table, Sy mentioned he had seen Amanda's boss and his wife at Home Depot. Amanda gave Sy a worried look and said, "How'd they seem? Was she angry or perturbed at all?"


"No," Sy said. "Why would she be? They both seemed fine."


"Well, just the little matter of me flirting with her husband for the past month, that's all. Plus, Glenn and I went running together, just the two of us, and we usually run in a group. So, yeah, we were alone together. I mean, Glenn likes me and I don't think he would have said anything but you never know. Folks married a long time talk about everything. I don't want Tiffany mad at me. Now I'm wondering if the game has been such a good idea."


"It's fine, Mandy. There's nothing to worry about, don't imagine things. Now, if you'd been sucking his cock for the last month, that would've been different. But I don't think he would've told his wife about that, no matter how long they'd been married!" he said, laughing at his own joke.


Then, more seriously, he lowered his voice, leaned in close, and said, "I've told you this before, Mandy. You really should suck Glenn's cock, just to say thank you for your position and your big salary. You owe him big time, Mandy."


Amanda's eyes widened with surprise and her breath caught in her throat. Sy always caught her by surprise when he talked like that. Naughty pillow talk in bed was sexy fun, but at the dinner table, it was jarring. Was Sy really serious about her having sex with her boss? It made her both uneasy and excited at the same time. She was confused and couldn't think of a way to answer until she remembered what Dr. Mueller had said.


His fantasy can be just as strong as reality. Give a little, get a lot. Dr. Mueller's words gave her courage and she smiled, and let her smile turn into a smirk.


"Maybe I already have, Babe. Maybe I've been thanking Glenn for months."


Sy gave Mandy a startled look and she knew she was on the right track.


"We tried it with me under his desk, you know," she purred, warming to her subject. "But I kept bumping my head so now we do it on the rug behind his desk, with me on my knees. I wear a headband and a special bib to keep it out of my hair and off of my nice clothes."


Sy's mouth hung open as he listened to his wife...maybe now his slut-wife! One of his core fantasies was Amanda blowing Glenn while he sat as his office desk. Had she already done it? It was one thing to tease while they were having sex in the dark, but this talk at the dinner table was much more potent!


Amanda wasn't letting up. "Haven't you ever wondered why I'm late getting home some nights, Sy? Haven't you ever wondered why I come home with peppermint breath? Next time, I'll skip the peppermint and you can taste for yourself."


"Fuck, Mandy! Have you really done it? Have you been sucking him off and you haven't told me? Fuck! I can't tell if you're jazzing me or not!"


"Leave the dishes, Babe. Let's go upstairs," she said. She didn't know how she kept her voice so cool. Inside she was a hot mess.




By Monday, following their weekend of sex, Sy's and Amanda's ardor had cooled. At the office, Amanda reverted to more normal business attire, occasionally adding her open-toed Stuart Weitzmans or her red-soled Christian Louboutins to her more conservative business suits. The effect was to spice it up, but only a little. She wore heavier bras to constrain the sway of her breasts and she kept her blouses buttoned. She took special care to keep all her interactions with Glenn at a formal business level. Both she and Glenn kept their office doors open when conducting business with each other, and they stopped having lunch together.


At the end of the week on Friday morning, Sy was working at his desk when he received a text message from Amanda.


Amanda: I have a meeting tonight downtown. Won't be home until 7-8.


Sy: Okay. With Glenn?


Amanda: Yes.


Sy considered what this meant. Was this legit? Was she teasing him again? Were Glenn and Amanda heading off for a tryst at a downtown hotel? Sy tried to put these questions aside and concentrate on his work. But a vision of his smiling wife, naked on a hotel bed with her arms around Glenn, kept intruding on his thoughts. It both angered and aroused him. He was jealous and he hated it! He hated that he couldn't control his wicked visions, and he hated that his erection wouldn't go down or wouldn't stay down if he managed for a short time to take his mind off Mandy. Most of all, he hated that he wouldn't be there to watch her if she actually did it!


They had an agreement that short of emergencies, they wouldn't call each other at work. Sy also knew Mandy disapproved of unnecessary texts. But finally, while eating a late lunch and after three hours of nervous agitation, he sent Mandy a text message.


Sy: Call me. Your convenience. Please.


Amanda smiled when she read it. She knew Sy was anxious, probably very anxious, so she called him right away.


"Hi, Babe," Amanda said. "What's going on?" She knew very well what was going on.


Sy took a calming breath and said, "Tell me about this meeting. Why so late?"


"It's downtown at a client's office. The client is flying in late this afternoon from out of town. Parking is limited, so Glenn and I are driving there together. By the time the meeting is over and Glenn drives me back to the office, and then I drive home, it's going to be late, seven or eight. Just heat up some leftovers for yourself and I'll eat when I get home. It's okay, Babe, really," she said.


There was a silence on the phone while Sy considered his options. He wanted to question her and get answers! He was excited about the after-hours meeting, but at the same time, full of dread. He felt a delicious but awful brew of emotions. Sy knew he was squelched and Amanda couldn't talk any longer. Deliberately or not, she had effectively boxed him in. His silence grew. Finally, Amanda spoke.


"Babe? Look, I've gotta go. You'll be fine. I'll see you tonight, okay? Love you," she said. And she hung up.


Sy looked at his phone, the connection lost. He felt foolish for having contacted her, and even more foolish for having exposed his fears to her.




Sy came home to a dark, empty house after an unproductive afternoon. He unloaded the dishwasher, started a load of clothes, and made the bed. He heated some leftover lasagna and sat down in front of the television with a glass of wine. He finished his meal and realized he had no idea what he was watching, so he turned off the television and began pacing the living room, like he always did when Mandy was late. He looked at his watch. It was 6:30 pm.


He put on a warm coat and went for a walk. It was overcast with no moon and very dark, and he soon wished he had brought a flashlight. He walked with purpose for ten minutes, then twenty minutes, then suddenly he stopped. With abrupt clarity, he realized Mandy might come home at any time! He felt panic rising in his chest and he began running back to the house, working up a sweat in spite of the chilly temperatures. He had to be there when she got home! He had to see for himself! He had to know!


He got back to the house and let himself in through the front door. "Amanda?" he called.


He threw his winter coat onto the kitchen table and ran to the utility room and opened the door to the garage. Her car wasn't there! He was standing at the open door, breathing heavily from his run and staring at her empty spot, when the garage door began going up. The sudden noise startled him and he jumped.


Man, I'm jumpy! he thought.


The garage door traveled upward and he looked at his watch; it was 7:20 pm. Headlights filled the space and Amanda's SUV slowly eased into the garage.


Amanda saw her husband standing in the doorway to the utility room, staring at her with a grim look on his face. She got out of her car and walked slowly toward him. They were both silent, staring at each other. By now they should have smiled and greeted each other, but neither had. Amanda felt suddenly uneasy. Sy had made no move toward her, nor said a word.


He's studying me! she thought.


She ascended the two stairs from the garage to the main level and almost got past Sy when he grabbed her and kissed her hard on the mouth.


Mandy was caught by surprise and she dropped her purse. A muffled "Mummph!" escaped her mouth. Sy squeezed her and furiously kissed her, and probed her mouth with his tongue. There was no minty taste. There was no foreign taste at all, just the sweet taste of Mandy.


"God, I've missed you so much, Mandy!" he gasped. He pushed her forward toward the kitchen while peeling off her coat and dropping it on the floor. He picked her up and sat her down on the edge of the kitchen table, laid her back onto his coat, and raised her legs.


"What are you doing?" she shrieked as he fumbled with her skirt and pushed it up her thighs. "Here, let me help you unzip before you break it," she said, pushing his hands away.


Sy stopped while she unfastened her skirt and raised her hips. He pulled the skirt down her legs and threw in on the floor. She raised her hips once more and Sy pulled her panties down. Her naked vulva came suddenly into view, framed by her thigh-high stockings.


Her vulva looked dry and entirely undisturbed. There was no evidence of the infidelity he both dreaded and hoped to find. He lingered only a moment before he pushed her legs up toward her head and spread them to create an obscene display. He lowered his face to her cunt and licked her up and down with the flat of his tongue.


"Sy! No!" she cried. Sy lapped and slurped and pushed his tongue into her as far as it would go. He tasted only Mandy. He licked and sucked for long minutes while she squirmed and squealed beneath him. Then he stood and loosened his belt to let his slacks drop around his ankles. He grasped her thighs, pulled her hips to the edge of the table, and once more raised her legs. He rubbed his stiff cock up and down her slit to spread her slickness and felt for her opening with the broad head of his penis. He found her hole and pushed, pulled back, and pushed again, over and over, until his cock was all the way inside her and firmly seated.


Amanda looked into the face of her husband and saw ferocious passion. He gripped her thighs and began a hard, frantic thrusting as if to expunge their demons! Amanda felt her arousal building but before she could become truly excited, Sy ejaculated in short, hard thrusts and a staccato of "UH, UH, UH's!" that were urgent and primitive. Their fevered coupling exhilarated Amanda and left her dizzy with wonder. Her sensitive and cultured husband had been transformed into a caveman reclaiming his wayward woman!




The next morning was Saturday and they said nothing of the previous night's crazy kitchen table sex. Sy's wild behavior seemed like a dream. Both knew it portended something big, but it seemed too early to discuss what it might be.


Sy replaced the leaky kitchen faucet and made another trip to Home Depot to pick up things he had forgotten. Amanda went for a solo run, took a shower, dressed, and ate breakfast. She was thinking about going to the mall when she received a text message. This time it was her turn to worry. The text was from Tiffany Talbot, Glenn's wife.


Tiffany: Meet me at the Cattle Club for a late lunch, 2 pm, Monday. Glenn will give you the afternoon off. Don't tell Sy anything. Tiffany Talbot.


Amanda read the text over and over with a gathering sense of dread. Very likely, Tiffany was going to tell her to stop flirting with Glenn and to leave her husband alone! Amanda had known this stupid game was going to backfire, and now it had! Her flirting had caused her husband to act like a caveman and her boss to act like a love-sick schoolboy. Now, Glenn's wife was on the warpath! If HR got involved, there could be hell to pay! She felt sick. Maybe Tiffany would make Glenn fire her! Could Tiffany do that?


When Sy got home, he sensed something was bothering his wife.


"Is everything all right, Mandy?"


"I'm fine, Sy. Just thinking about something at work."




Amanda worried for the rest of the weekend and by Sunday night she had resigned herself to the worst. Monday morning came and she went mechanically about her job. Glenn noticed but said nothing. She'd find out soon enough, he thought. The appointed hour arrived and Amanda left her office for the Cattle Club.


The Cattle Club was a downtown restaurant that harkened back to an earlier time when wealth meant owning cattle. It previously had been a private club but it was now the premier restaurant in the city. Over the years, the various owners had maintained its dark, polished-wood ambiance. Everything about it, from its coffered ceilings to its Venetian Gold granite floors, spoke of elegance and old Colorado money. The Cattle Club was a long-time local favorite for conducting business over lunch and dinner.

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Tiffany was waiting in the back of the dining room in a private booth. She was shorter than Amanda and immaculately dressed in a below-knee, form-hugging white dress. Her hair was pulled back into a bun held in place with two lacquered bamboo stays. Her makeup was sparse but well applied. She was the picture of a mature, self-assured woman accustomed to being in control.


The lunch crowd had thinned and they could talk privately. Tiffany rose to greet her guest and they kissed each other on the cheek. They eyed each other in the way of friendly rivals as they exchanged pleasantries. A waiter appeared with a silver tray holding two cocktails and the women were seated. Tiffany spoke first to break the ice.


"Hector makes the best Manhattans and I took the liberty of ordering one for you; I hope you don't mind. The Manhattan has always been my favorite cocktail. It's so utterly American. It has a very forward taste, almost a swagger like my adopted country. Hector uses only the best small-batch rye whiskey and sweet French vermouth. Nowadays, so many use bourbon instead of rye and that's just wrong; it makes the drink too sweet," Tiffany said, making small talk to relax her obviously nervous guest.


Amanda smiled and took a sip. The cocktail did have a bold taste, not the sweeter taste of a lemon drop or cosmo. She could taste the alcohol, too. High proof, she thought.


"It's good," Amanda said, setting her glass down on the table. She exchanged smiles with her hostess.


"Let me get right to the point," Tiffany said. "I know about you and Glenn."


Amanda felt the color drain from her face. Her mouth went dry and she wanted another swallow of her cocktail, but her hand wouldn't move. Tiffany saw the mortified look on Amanda's face and reached across the table to gently squeeze Amanda's hands.


"It's okay, Amanda. I know all about it and I think it's fine," she smiled. "Glenn told me everything. Believe me, Glenn is tickled pink."


Amanda's face changed to puzzlement and Tiffany patted her hand. "Confused, Amanda? I know about your dress-up games and your flirting, and I know Glenn was watching your jiggling bottom last Saturday when he fell flat on his face. Too funny!" she said with a laugh.


"You're not mad at me?" Amanda asked, truly puzzled by this turn of events.


"No, not at all, darling," she said, pausing to sip her Manhattan. She could see relief washing over Amanda's face and the beginning of a smile. "Glenn told me that Sy has been pushing you to flirt with him. Is that true, Amanda?"


"Yes, it's true," she confirmed. She realized her boss' wife was not angry with her and the weight pressing upon her chest lifted. Combined with the alcohol, it made her feel slightly euphoric.


In the newly relaxed atmosphere, Amanda shared the whole story of the game, including Brenda's suspicions and Amanda's decision to tone it down at work. Amanda was surprised to learn that Glenn had shared everything with Tiffany as it had happened, including their embrace in his office and Glenn's chaste kiss on the top of her head. By the time they had finished their Manhattans, they were both laughing about their husbands and about themselves.


A light lunch was served along with a delicious cabernet. For a few minutes they ate in silence, then Tiffany spoke.


"Amanda, this is what I think."


Tiffany waited until she had Amanda's full attention, then she placed her hands over Amanda's. The two women leaned their heads together across the table as co-conspirators. Tiffany spoke in a soft voice, slowly enunciating each word in a precise, breathy whisper.


"I think Sy wants you to have sex with Glenn."


Amanda recoiled her hands in surprise and sat bolt upright.




She put her hands to her mouth in embarrassment and looked around the room to see if others had heard her outburst. No one looked their way.


Tiffany persisted. "Sy has asked you to do this, am I right?" It was more a statement of fact than a question.


"He's been teasing you, correct? He's not teasing, Amanda, he's serious," Tiffany said, taking another bite of her Caesar salad. She looked at Amanda and knew her judgment had been correct. Amanda was blushing and looking down at her food, hands in her lap.


"It's okay, Mandy. May I call you Mandy? Lots of husbands think those thoughts and a few, like Sy, actually try to make them happen. Now, tell me what Sy has done. And please, eat. And please, don't be embarrassed, I won't tell anyone. Except Glenn, of course."


Amanda looked up in horror as she realized Glenn would soon be privy to the most intimate details of her fantasy sex life. How could she face him at work? She forced herself to take another bite of salad and was glad she had ordered a light lunch. Amanda looked up and saw Tiffany staring at her expectantly, and she felt a sudden compulsion to explain herself.


"Well, Sy has these fantasies. And...and...he tells me about them, and...I...I...I don't know if I should be telling you this!" She took a gulp of wine and her cheeks burned with shame.


"Go ahead, Mandy, dear," Tiffany said in a soothing voice. "Both Glenn and I already know, or we've guessed, what's been going on. Sy instigated your dress-up game for Glenn's benefit. That means Glenn is already involved and that means I am, too because I'm Glenn's wife. Don't you think I deserve to know?"


Tiffany's logic made some sense to Amanda, but Tiffany's equanimity in the face of Glenn's potential cheating confused her.


Amanda felt her despair rising again. And yet? Hadn't she enjoyed her dress-up game and flirting with her boss? Hadn't it made her feel bold, powerful, and sexy? Hadn't she enjoyed using the power of Sy's fantasy to control him? She thought for a moment, then made her decision.


"Yes, Glenn is your husband so you should know. But you can't tell anyone besides Glenn. Promise? Please?" she pleaded. Tiffany nodded and inwardly smiled. Amanda was hooked and it remained only to reel her in.


"Yes, of course, darling. You have my word," Tiffany said. She smiled as though she knew she'd won.


Amanda took a deep breath and looked down at her hands in her lap. She leaned forward and in a low voice said, "Well, uh, Sy...Sy wants me to...Anyway, he asked me to...uh..."


Mandy took a cleansing breath and swallowed, then she continued.


"He asked me to perform fellatio on Glenn to thank him for giving me my job. And for my promotions." She looked up hopefully at Tiffany and saw a thin smile on the older woman's face.


"Go on, Mandy."


Amanda told Tiffany about Sy's pillow talk and about her husband's many fantasies: She and Glenn having sex while Sy watched. She and Glenn sleeping overnight. She and Glenn going on week-long business trips.


Tiffany smiled and took mental notes of every detail. Glenn will love to hear about this! Tiffany thought.


Amanda paused and took several sips of wine. She needed fortification.


"And...And I've been teasing Sy about Glenn. What I'd do with him...The details...And what Glenn would do to me," she said, her voice becoming tiny.


"And what do you want, Mandy?" Tiffany let the question hang in the air and noted Amanda's flushed cheeks and rapidly blinking eyes. Tiffany had Amanda cornered and nearly speechless, so Tiffany answered for her.


"Here's what I think, Mandy. I think you want to give yourself to Glenn. You want Glenn to take you completely, whenever he wants and however he wants. Isn't that right, Mandy?"


Tiffany was bearing down on her young guest, making her confess her most secret thoughts. Amanda couldn't find her voice but with the greatest of efforts she finally squeaked out, "Yes."


"And that's not all, Mandy. There's more, am I right?"


Tiffany was fishing but she sensed there was more to the story. Amanda nodded her head 'yes' while gathering her courage to speak.


"Sy's been suspicious lately. It excites him to, uh...think of me...doing things with Glenn."


She told Tiffany about Sy's ambush on the kitchen table the week before, and how he had searched for any signs of Glenn. Tiffany nodded knowingly.


"Sy wants this, Mandy. He wants to find traces of Glenn on your body, even traces inside your body. You just saw this for yourself."


Tiffany paused to let this idea take root in Amanda's mind, then she added, "And you want this, too, don't you, Mandy." Again a statement, not a question.


With downcast eyes and red cheeks, Amanda nodded and whispered, "Yes."


They finished eating in silence.


Tiffany can read me like a book! Amanda thought. She just made me confess everything!


Amanda burned with shame thinking about the secrets she had just told Tiffany. And yet, she was aroused.


The waiter reappeared and cleared the table. Tiffany ordered two coffees and a single order of cheesecake for them to split. It appeared a moment later.


"The cheesecake here is world-class and they make it themselves. Andre is a superb dessert chef," she said. "Enjoy it, it's a celebration of your new life, Mandy. You are about to get the most exciting sex a woman can have."


"I don't understand," Amanda said.


"I'll explain in a minute, dear. Just eat," Tiffany said, waving her fork.


They ate in silence while Amanda's head swirled with questions. Tiffany certainly had a way of controlling the conversation! The cheesecake was good, the best she'd ever tasted, and the coffee was strong and delicious. But, what did Tiffany mean by the most exciting sex a woman can have?


The waiter arrived with two glasses of port and Tiffany picked up her glass and motioned for Amanda to do the same. They gently clicked the rims together and Tiffany said, "To new beginnings."


"To new beginnings," replied Amanda, wondering just what Tiffany had in mind.


"Positively indecent to finish a lunch like this without a glass of port. This is very fine port," said Tiffany.


The table was cleared of all but the port glasses. The dining room was now empty and it was the perfect time for delicate discussions.


"You're probably wondering what I meant by 'the most exciting sex a woman can have'," Tiffany said. She eyed the young wife critically, looking for signs of rejection. She saw none. In fact, Amanda was now paying close attention.


It was time to spring the trap, Tiffany thought.


"Mandy, I'm proposing that you take my husband, Glenn, as your lover. He adores you, you know. And he's really a very good lover. He's kind, patient, considerate, strong, has good stamina, well equipped...all the things we girls look for in a bed partner. He hasn't had many lovers, not compared to me, and I know he would enjoy being yours. He's quite a bit older than you but that can be an advantage. And I think you are attracted to older men, am I right? Sy is older, yes?"


Amanda was stunned. Tiffany tilted her head and gave a look calculated to extract a response.


"Well, yes, I like older guys. I mean, I respect them, their maturity, their stability, that sort of thing."


Tiffany looked at her and smiled. "Yes, older men have many advantages, including being very discreet and knowing things you haven't had time to learn. Glenn would teach you those things and Sy would benefit from your new knowledge. Dare I say it? It would make you and Sy a stronger couple."


"But he's your husband! And I've got my own husband!" Amanda pleaded.


"Yes we do, and both are very good husbands. But this is just sex, dear. Very good sex, of course, and very physical sex. But I know Glenn will never leave me and I will never leave him. He is very passionate and I think you will imagine yourself falling in love with him. All that kissing and cuddling! And all those fantastic orgasms, too, don't forget those! It will be a very hot affair and so deliciously sinful. And so much fun to watch!"


She took a sip of port and winked conspiratorially.


"Won't Sy be jealous?" The anxiety in Amanda's voice had been replaced by curiosity.


"Of course Sy will be jealous. In a way, that's the whole point, Mandy. Men like Sy crave the anxiety and the anguish. For him, it will be a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain, massive arousal and severe jealousy. Check for yourself, Mandy. His penis won't lie."


"Won't he hate me?"


"No. In fact, just the opposite. He will love you even more, and more often, as well," she laughed. "He wants you to have good sex, Mandy. Glenn will be Sy's gift to you. Sy imagines that sex with Glenn will be better and more exciting, and it will be. Affair sex is always better. Otherwise, what's the point?"


She took another sip of port and continued. Amanda listened in rapt attention.


"It's so much fun, Mandy. It's the novelty of the new. A new man, a new penis, a new way of making love. It never gets old. It's the thrill of being wanted, being desired, seducing and being seduced!


"Imagine yourself at work, Mandy, trying to act normally, interacting professionally with your lover and trying to keep it secret in front of all those people! So exciting! Sneaking off for a quick nooner and trying for the rest of the afternoon not to give yourself away. Oh, yes, Mandy, so very exciting.


"And the best part? You will be sharing all of it with Sy. You'll be telling him all about it! And he will love hearing about it, too! And he'll be loving you more often as well, I'll wager. You wait and see," she laughed. "Something about competition stirs a man to action!"


"But we could get caught!"


"Just don't get caught. It'll put your acting skills to the test and that's part of the excitement. Glenn will take the lead. He'll keep your affair safe and discreet, and he'll know when to back off if it gets too hot. And don't forget the trail runs, Mandy. When the weather gets warmer? Outdoor sex? Well, let your imagination go," she said with a little laugh.


"But we could fall in love!"


"You might think you are falling in love and that's all very exciting, dear, but you won't be. That's not love, Mandy, that's infatuation; infatuation and lust. You're in love with Sy and he loves you, which is why he wants this for you. Sy wants you to have great sex, Mandy. Besides, Glenn is so much older than you and not a good match for marriage. But as a lover? Hmmm?


"Truthfully, Mandy? These affairs burn out rather quickly, like dry tinder. A quick flash of heat and the fire is soon out. It will go perhaps six months but burn very hot while it lasts, until the novelty wears off and reality intrudes. That's been my experience with my affairs. I regret none of them and Glenn and I both agree, our affairs have made our marriage stronger."


Tiffany sipped her port while appraising her young companion. Amanda was paying rapt attention but she looked overwhelmed. Tiffany smiled and continued.


"It's not a bad thing for a woman to experience new love, Mandy. Just don't confuse it with real love. An affair is just a beautiful fiction, a brief interlude, a dalliance. You're already friends with Glenn so when it ends, and it will end, Mandy, you can go back to being just friends again. Friends who every now and then share a secret smile or occasionally a little more, who can say? But an affair is something you will never forget and always treasure. And the very best part? You don't have to hide it, Mandy. Sy wants this for you and he's already told you so."


She signaled for the check and gave the waiter her credit card. Amanda sat in stunned silence.


"We'll talk more later, dear. Now, you go home and talk with Sy. This is going to be a lot of fun for all of us!"




End of chapter two. Thank you for reading.


Written by Tennesseered
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