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Am I a Whore?

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Active Ink Slinger
I am a very sexual woman. Hell, I love sex! I am in an open relationship with another woman but we are free to have sex with other men and women. Sometimes alone and sometimes together. There have been times where I have been with someone I have known for a long time and others it has been an anonymous one night stand. Does this behavior make me a whore? I had this conversation with another Lush member and she has had similar experiences to me. Neither of us really know for sure. I have never considered myself to be a whore but she did think of herslf as a whore.

Am I?
Alpha Blonde
Hmm... I think it depends on the connotations you associate with that word. Some people take offence to it, some people love the word when it's used as part of dirty talk, and other people celebrate the word as a female who is in control of her own sexual needs and desires (similar to how the word "bitch" has come to be a term of empowerment among some women).

Personally I can't stand when people denigrate or insult women for owning their sexuality and doing what they want and when they want to do it. We've moved out of the dark ages. It's no longer acceptable to call a guy a "stud", but a woman a "whore" (if it's being used negatively) when it comes to people who are free and open with their sexuality.

I think it's all semantics (ie. whore, slut, fuckdoll etc.).... I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. If you're enjoying sex and not hurting anyone, then who's to say how much is too much in terms of promiscuity?

I think it would be sad if your friend is considering herself a "whore" but uses that term in a negative way and as a form of self-punishment for having such an open and active sex life.

Own what you want and what you do. It only becomes a negative thing when you, yourself, start to morally judge your own actions and end up feeling guilty or remorseful because you feel that you're acting outside the norm of what is "allowed."
From a mans point of view (if I may in here), I agree with a point made by Dancing Doll.

If either sex is single, or in an open relationship, then you are free to have sex with who and, as often as you would like.

I say go for it, whoever, in this day and age, is calling you a whore, they are probably either a)single or b)only been with one or two and think the missionary position with the lights on is 'exploring and being kinky!

Enjoy sex in your open relationship, ignore the derogitory comments.
Whores get paid to have sex or give sexual services. So unless someone is slipping you money for it the answer is No. You're a grown woman with a healthy sexual appetite. Just enjoy it and don't label it.
No Nikki, you aren't. Women are allowed to have fun as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Hmm... I think it depends on the connotations you associate with that word. Some people take offence to it, some people love the word when it's used as part of dirty talk, and other people celebrate the word as a female who is in control of her own sexual needs and desires (similar to how the word "bitch" has come to be a term of empowerment among some women).

Personally I can't stand when people denigrate or insult women for owning their sexuality and doing what they want and when they want to do it. We've moved out of the dark ages. It's no longer acceptable to call a guy a "stud", but a woman a "whore" (if it's being used negatively) when it comes to people who are free and open with their sexuality.

I think it's all semantics (ie. whore, slut, fuckdoll etc.).... I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. If you're enjoying sex and not hurting anyone, then who's to say how much is too much in terms of promiscuity?

I think it would be sad if your friend is considering herself a "whore" but uses that term in a negative way and as a form of self-punishment for having such an open and active sex life.

Own what you want and what you do. It only becomes a negative thing when you, yourself, start to morally judge your own actions and end up feeling guilty or remorseful because you feel that you're acting outside the norm of what is "allowed."

This is more of a curiosity thing than anything else. I am quite happy with who I am, see nothing wrong with how I act or things I do and have no intention on changing. I enjoy sex and enjoy my life. I have never had sex for monetary gain or anything such as that. The reason for the question is more wanting to know what others think about it. If everyone who responded said I WAS A WHORE, I still would not change anything at all. I totally agree that as long as no one gets hurt, then whats the harm.

But thanks for the response. You made very valid points!
Active Ink Slinger
No your not a whore unless your getting paid for your services! Your just a slut and we sluts have the most fun of all!!!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Every dictionary that have ever checked has very similar definitions of Whore and Slut. Neither of these terms are a pejorative to this girl. But it seems to me that a significant or a level well above the median on the standard deviation scale from the promiscuity sample would qualify as a whore.

Several have made a distinction between the highly sexed individual and the sex for money person. Yes there are both male and female whores.

I am not sure that this distinction is generally accepted as the dividing line between the two terms but those who think it is may be correct.

We we were discussing the "What is Your Number" would a large say over 50 qualify a person as a Whore? I think it may well be across the line.

As Dancing Doll and some others have indicated that if no one is being injured by your promiscuity, why should any one care it you are a Whore or not. If the term is used in a hurtful or degrading manner that is a whole book in itself.

We all know if we are Whores or Sluts or just have a very active sex drive. And there is only one person who has the right to make that determination.

Nikki have you been talking to me?
Active Ink Slinger
To further clarify I go by the Urban Dictionaries #1 definition of the word slut:

Slut - A woman with the morals of a man.

Which means to me we do as we please.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
I agree with Bunny. I'd say you were a slut...not a whore. Whores get paid for sex and while that doesn't make it a bad thing..thats not you. Just call yourself a slut and be happy about it...I am.
For years we've been brought up to believe that sex should be a monogamous activity between two, opposing gendered, people and that females who transgress this rule are sluts and men are studs. What absolute rocking-horse-shit!!! What the hell is so different between the needs ...and conquests ...of male and female? Only the stigma!!
Lose it!!! ...we are living in the 21st century and as such; are equal in both, our desires and feelings of fulfillment.
Nikki are not a slut at all. You are a warm-blooded female, in touch with your sexuality and as long as it doesn't cause any harm to others; continue enjoying the exceptional rewards this has to offer - something so many others only fantasize about.
Active Ink Slinger
OP, I get the feeling you already know what you are. And want people to know what you are 'cos sluts are hot, jaunty, sprited and sassy and have oh so much swagger.

Nothing wrong with that, particularly today.
Active Ink Slinger
whores get paid, sluts just enjoy themselves and express their sexual needs openly!!!

Enjoy, get laid, but first and for most..BE CAREFUL!
An open mind is the greatest thing on earth, it allows creativity, acceptance, and new ideas. It can encourage those locked in their own minds to break free and experience everything life has to offer. Open your mind to anything and everything, you never know what pleasures you may be missing!
To me there's a huuuge difference between being promiscuous and enjoying sex and being a slut/whore.

I think a slut or a whore will sleep around regardless of who she's hurting, she'll sleep with people she knows will cause trouble eventually like friends boyfriends, friends brothers, people who are off limits. This isnt to say that any woman who has done this is a whore, my current sex guy has a girlfriend, but women who just dont care and go about doing just to get their leg over and leave everyone else with the pieces to clean up.

I think as long as everyone's enjoying themselves, is legal, nobodys getting hurt, you're safe, and you dont go shouting and parading your conquests down the street then dont worry about what people think and enjoy yourself!!
No way sex is healthy for all and very natural
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks to evryone who replied! I guess most people here would not consider me a Whore, LOL!

If I am or I am not, I really dont care. Was just curious what everybody considered what A WHORE is!

Not gonna change, like who I am, and what I do.

I am just very sexual and I guess most people here are too or they wouldnt be here right.

Just enjoy who you are!!
Bunny and the rest of my Lush brothers and sisters, I do not mean to be picky. But if you check further in Urban Dictionary the term slut and whore can be used interchangable.

But, Nikki if your a Slut or a Whore or just a woman with a very high need for sex, who cares only you need to be happy with Nikki.

You know all your friends at Lush love you just as you are. Maybe some more than others.
R U a whore?

Short answer : NO
Long answer :No

Look hun you are given a gift you are pleasing men and woman and in turn you get what ya need, everyone wins, god knows this world need more like you.
my name says it all, i am a slut not a whore
Rookie Scribe
I hate the words whore and slut. I prefer sexually liberated. If it feels good and your significant other is good with it, do it. It's OK for guys to do, so why not you.
If you didn't charge someone for sex then you're not a whore, instead, like me, you're a woman who enjoys sex and doesn't care who knows it, in other words a slut.
Quote by Nikki703
Thanks to evryone who replied! I guess most people here would not consider me a Whore, LOL!

If I am or I am not, I really dont care. Was just curious what everybody considered what A WHORE is!

Not gonna change, like who I am, and what I do.

I am just very sexual and I guess most people here are too or they wouldnt be here right.

Just enjoy who you are!!

Well done. We can do whatever we want if we feel ok, if doesn't hurt us or anyone else and of course safety first.
Active Ink Slinger
I am very much the same as you sexualy except I am not in a relationship.
Nobody has called me a whore or whatever the male term is. Keep having fun and fuck what people say.
"If it doesn't leave you breathless, sweaty and ready to fade, it's just not worth doing."
Active Ink Slinger
From the Oxford English Dictionary:

Slut - a woman of slovenly habits or appearance; a kitchen maid or drudge; a sexually promiscuous woman, a hussy, a tart.

Whore - a prostitute; a promiscuous woman, a man's mistress, an adulteress.

Both words can be used as either descriptive or pejorative and the sense derives from the context.

When paid, a whore or prostitute has also been described as someone who is paid to leave.

I think what you've told us about yourself is that you engage in sexual activity that you really enjoy.

Go for it!