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Back story/Lead-in length

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Rookie Scribe

My apologies if this has been addressed before...I haven't come across it yet.

Question for you all: What are your preferences and thoughts when it comes to the length of the lead-in to a story? If the primary sexual encounter of the story is the "climax" (punned!), how much is too much when it comes to the non-sexual setting of the stage? I ask because whenever I write something new, I worry that somebody reading it is sitting there going "get to the good stuff already!"

My opinion is that I prefer enough lead-in to provide context and detail that makes the "good stuff" seem at least a little bit plausible, and I try to work that into my stories. I feel like providing that kind of content makes the sexual parts hotter.

Should I:
A) Keep doing as I'm doing
B) Keep the lead-in as short as possible
C) Stop worrying about it and just write the damn story

Thanks in advance for your input!
Well - here on lush some of the people come just to read the stories as porn and get off to it. (I'm not complaining - just defining part of the audience)

Others might come to find good romance/erotica that focuses on the build-up and character development quite a bit more.

Others come for both - it depends on what mood they're in.

I'm one of the 3rd. I appreciate it all, it depends on my mood. I love romance, I love erotica, I love a little bit of everything thrown in from suspense to violence (frowned on here at lush) within the story line.

I do not need them to have sex right away - and often - I NEED that character lead-in and build up before the sex so I can go on the sensual journey with the characters and become immersed in their reality. One of my favorite romance stories - they don't have sex til after they marry . . .that's 2 years worth of story development - I was more than happy to wait.

Other favorite stories of mine have a tense relationship - and sex happens maybe once or twice.

Someone commented on my one and only 2-chapter story saying they didn't like the first chapter (5,000 words or so) because they didn't have sex right away. Sorry - but there's a category for 'quickies' where people get together and in a short word-limit span of time they have sex or masturbate, etc.

.... and you know what? Oh well - they didn't like it too much. . . not my problem. smile I don't have to put a sexual situation in every single chapter I write if I don't want to - my tag lines will note if it's not there, that's the only bone I'll throw (pun intended). . . I still noted he went on to read the 2nd chapter - and that was a sign that I still wrote a good story. He could have quit reading 1/2 way through the first if it was a major put-off. So that at least showed me I created intrigue.
Constant Gardener
Quote by affengeil

My apologies if this has been addressed before...I haven't come across it yet.

Well, you weren't inputting the correct search criteria, but then again, you're not the first to either admit such or ignore such. Play on, I say. Please try a bit more - in the future.

And - (not to the original poster) but to the rest of you haters...

Fuck off. Why?

Because I can.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by affengeil
My opinion is that I prefer enough lead-in to provide context and detail that makes the "good stuff" seem at least a little bit plausible, and I try to work that into my stories. I feel like providing that kind of content makes the sexual parts hotter.

For me it depends on the relationship between the characters. If you're writing about a couple in a long-term relationship you don't really need a big lead-up to the sex scene because their relationship is already established. If the story involves characters who've never slept together before I'd generally want to read about how they met and what brought them to the point where their relationship became sexual. There are exceptions to this though, because I've read some good "quickie" stories between strangers where there was no backstory and the sex was hot.

I think the main thing is just to make sure there's tension and only add information that helps the story progress, that way your readers will want to keep reading and it won't really matter how much of a build-up you write.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Metilda
Well - here on lush some of the people come just to read the stories as porn and get off to it. (I'm not complaining - just defining part of the audience)

I think I made the assumption this is everyone. Makes perfect sense that it's not though.

Quote by Metilda
I'm one of the 3rd. I appreciate it all, it depends on my mood. I love romance, I love erotica, I love a little bit of everything thrown in from suspense to violence (frowned on here at lush) within the story line.

...and if one person feels that way, then so do a thousand others.

Quote by WellMadeMale

Well, you weren't inputting the correct search criteria, but then again, you're not the first to either admit such or ignore such. Play on, I say. Please try a bit more - in the future.

OK, fine, you got me. I didn't try very hard.

Quote by WellMadeMale

And - (not to the original poster) but to the rest of you haters...

Fuck off. Why?

Because I can.

Did I miss something here?

Quote by Lisa

For me it depends on the relationship between the characters. If you're writing about a couple in a long-term relationship you don't really need a big lead-up to the sex scene because their relationship is already established. If the story involves characters who've never slept together before I'd generally want to read about how they met and what brought them to the point where their relationship became sexual. There are exceptions to this though, because I've read some good "quickie" stories between strangers where there was no backstory and the sex was hot.

I think the main thing is just to make sure there's tension and only add information that helps the story progress, that way your readers will want to keep reading and it won't really matter how much of a build-up you write.

That's kind of what I was thinking (although wouldn't have explained it as wel).

Thanks for the input!!
Constant Gardener
Quote by affengeil

Did I miss something here?

No mate, you did fine... all's good. Welcome to Lush.

I was lushlyposting last night, and preemptively preempting.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Internet Philosopher
To me this all depends on the story and how it's written. If you can captivate the reader and draw them in, you can write several thousand words before the erotic elements heat up. However, it it drags and the urge to skip ahead kicks in, then your readers will lose interest. Read back what you've written. If you become bored with it, you can be certain your readers will.
The Right Rev of Lush
Well Made Male wrote: I was lushlyposting last night, and preemptively preempting.


The scarey thing is he's one of the saner, less incoherent Lushers. ;)

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Active Ink Slinger
As a writer as well as a reader, I like a bit of buildup to the story before the clothes come off and the action starts. I like to see well-developed, believable characters, and a descriptive scene unfolding.

Unlike the typical porn movie (which we all know are not made for the plots) I like the buildup to the action. And anyone who has read My own work knows that teasing is My favorite thing! I am not really hung up on details and their accuracy, so long as it is plausible. But yes, the writer who can help Me visualize and puts me "into" the story will have My attention throughout.
Cheeky Chick
It all depends on my mood; this is as a writer and a reader. Sometimes when I'm writing I feel the need to just write just about the sex with a little buildup. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a longer one.

If I’m inspired or my fingers are like “Hey! Let’s keep writing!” and I just don’t stop. It’s just more of a how you feel about it. Some people don’t like reading longer stories on Lush. Some people actually like reading the longer ones.

I’ve personally only read a few that were really long. That’s mostly because it’s hard to stare at a screen for so long reading, and since we can’t save our spot or anything it just doesn’t make sense to read them. Sometimes, of course, it’s worth it!
Head Penguin
It depends. I'm one for fairly long, non-sexual intros, with character development. At other times, I'm straight into the action.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

As a reader, I like a little context; something to make me feel that I'm reading about two human being having sex instead of two preprogrammed sex machines going through the motions. One can take this too far, of course, and end up with a mainstream story that happens to have a bit of sex. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not what I come to Lush for.

As a writer, I try to put that context in but the degree varies. In some stories, I start with backstory and development leading into the "action". In others, I get to the action sooner and salt the backstory throughout, dropping hints and facts as the characters interact. Both can work as long as you avoid having "backstory" turn into "infodumps" - long expository passages that really don't advance the story much.
Her Royal Spriteness
it's called Lush Stories, not Lush Porn. it's a site for erotic stories. that word is important to me. stories. not scenes, not porn. stories. that's, obviously, just me, but yeah, i like plot, i like character, i like tales. it's hard for me to get into something, no matter how hot, if i don't have a good feel for the characters involved.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Linebacker
Its best to start with some build up. Let the audience get to know your characters before they get all hot and sweaty. However, some really talented and experienced writers can pull off a sexual sprint at the beginning. But as Louis Armstrong once said about jazzing up a song, that he would first play it straight a thousand times before he started jazzing it up. So figure out what you are doing, develop it and get really good at and then start exploring.
The Right Rev of Lush
(wild cheering for Sprite's comment)

The primary purpose of an opening is NOT to inform the reader, but to hook them into reading more of the story. This is hard enough, but trying to pull it off in a opening backstory is a huge challenge best avoided if at all possible...IMO.

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Opening Hook & Back story length should really be about 3 paragraphs six-eight lines long. You don't want to bore the reader for too long because they just want to get to the point.
Story Verifier
First, hello to everyone, this is my first post here. Before I start making a fool of myself, I want to say thank you to everyone for posting all those yummy stories here smile

My philosphy is that characters and backstory are the bread and butter of a story, in that order. Keeping it to so many paragraphs or lines is, unless in a drabble fic, counter productive to my creativity. The important thing is not to avoid backstory, but to go back and edit it until it isn't plain backstory anymore. There are just so many ways to turn description into action. Weave it into direct speech, disassemble it into small parts that are interspersed with talk, action and - most important - small suspense building events. Like a dirty phone talk in public, an awkward slip of the tongue, things like that. It's never too late to sprinkle small erotic bits into a page of scene layout, and if you also manage to add a small bit of humor or a healthy dose of fear and relief, you've got all the spices on the bread-and-butter base to keep the reader entertained. And sometimes those reassembled backstory parts take on a life of their own and the best scenes and most beautiful openings come from them.

So yes, I'd always support going with option C :)
The Linebacker
There is not a formula. Sometimes a longer back story/lead in is necessary and other times it will work better to have a shorter lead in. You do need a back story/lead in, but use your own judgement. If you feel its dragging on too long then it probably is. If you've gotten to the sexy part and then feel you need some more background, go back and add it.

Remember though, not every reader will see it the same. No matter how successful, well scored or how much serious acclaim it receives, there will always be someone who doesn't like it. Don't worry about them. You will never please everyone. Do your best to create an interesting and entertaining high quality erotic story. Once you feel you've done that then post it. You will get feedback and the more your write, the better you should get.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by RumpleForeskin

The primary purpose of an opening is NOT to inform the reader, but to hook them into reading more of the story. This is hard enough, but trying to pull it off in a opening backstory is a huge challenge best avoided if at all possible...IMO.

this is really key for me... typically a lot of stories here start with... my name is jill, i have blue eyes, blonde hair, i'm 120 pounds with DD tits... that's not a hook for me, that's not a story, that's a list. authors; draw your audience in - make the first paragraph grab them and MAKE them want to read more - stand out. Think of your favorite not erotica story - does it start with a list of physical attribute for the main character? no, it finds a way to set the scene, the tone, the setting - and it hooks you into wanting to read more - you can sneak the rest in later, but first, make someone want to read your story - personally, i tend to gloss over all that stuff or worse, just put it aside and go find something else.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by affengeil

My opinion is that I prefer enough lead-in to provide context and detail that makes the "good stuff" seem at least a little bit plausible, and I try to work that into my stories.

Yeah, you do seem to imply that the sex scene is the only "good" part...and the rest of the story is almost irrelevant...and you say something in a later post to the effect that you assume most people here only come here for the sex scene...

Heck, to me at least most of the best stories could stand on their own without the sex scene...if all I wanted was a sex scene, I'd go right to a video site and skip all this reading crap...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Buxom Enigma
As a writer and reader, I love the build up. Even in my 'stroke story' ("Shelby's Surprise") I have a lead-in. It's a sexy one, but still a lead-in.

I find myself enjoying a heated scene if I've got some kind of connection with one or both characters. Especially if there's been some leading tension that I can ride. Immediate sex doesn't have the same response, not all the time. I'll agree completely with Alan (DirtyMartini) on that one. In fact, the first two chapters of my trilogy are no-sex, just backstory and foreplay.

And I'm all in with what Sprite said: we're an EROTICA site, not a porn site. Also as Alan said, (in my own words, of course) if I just wanted a one-off, I'd go look at some porn or something and skip this reading stuff!
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
My best suggestion is to go with what you like to write. If you're really interested in high scores and votes then you need to play to your audience a little, but barring that, write a story that you enjoy. It's pretty much guaranteed that some of the 204,000 member of lush will also enjoy it.
Recommended Reads by TheScheherezadeFeint:
Undeniable - Erotic Poem
Disappearing Act - Love Poem
Synthetic Hours - Fantasy/Sci-fi - Eighth Place, 'Some Like It Hot' competition, January 2015
Night Work - Erotic Poem
Eating Breakfast In Glass Slippers - Straight Sex - Fifth Place, 'The Morning After The Night Before' competition, November 2014
Miracle of Night - Love Poem
The Brightest Black You've Ever Seen - Love Story - Ninth place, 'Toy With Me' competition, September 2014
Scream Fire - Erotic Poem - Audio read by MadameMolly
At First Sight (He) - Quickie Sex
Head Nurse
Quote by sprite

this is really key for me... typically a lot of stories here start with... my name is jill, i have blue eyes, blonde hair, i'm 120 pounds with DD tits... that's not a hook for me, that's not a story, that's a list. authors; draw your audience in - make the first paragraph grab them and MAKE them want to read more - stand out. Think of your favorite not erotica story - does it start with a list of physical attribute for the main character? no, it finds a way to set the scene, the tone, the setting - and it hooks you into wanting to read more - you can sneak the rest in later, but first, make someone want to read your story - personally, i tend to gloss over all that stuff or worse, just put it aside and go find something else.

what super girl said. she's rarely wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by affengeil
What are your preferences and thoughts when it comes to the length of the lead-in to a story? If the primary sexual encounter of the story is the "climax" (punned!), how much is too much when it comes to the non-sexual setting of the stage?

It depends on the story. Are they a married couple; did they meet an hour ago; or are they a couple co-workers who have been flirting for years when things ... just ... happen?
The Right Rev of Lush
NaughtyNurse wrote: what super girl said. she's rarely wrong


Correct as usual, super nurse writer. Of course, there was that time she said of Alan and moi, and I quote from memory, "For a couple clueless, single-digit IQ, drunken hacks you two are okay." Granted, she got four out of five right but still... .

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN