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cigarettes - smoking

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Although i dislike smoking for it`s health risks and the smell ~ lingering after effects, having to stand on the bus next to someone who smells of an ashtray. . . . i`m straying from my main point. For some reason watching someone take a drag of their cigarette, the motion of their wrist, the way they hold it between their fingers, and the movement of their chest as they inhale and then exhale a plume of smoke that slowly escapes from between their lips is slightly erotic in nature. Perhaps i`m alone in this but i`ve always found it to be an enchanting sight. Just wondering if others felt the same way.
Active Ink Slinger
I worked in restaurants and bars most of my life. I don't find it sexy when a woman lights up a cigarette. The odor is strong on a persons breathe and stays in everyone's clothes. Sorry just feel that way. Not good for anyone to smoke. I don't even see how anyone can even afford to smoke anymore. $7+ per pack. I would rather give my money to Lush. More fun on here
i'm not sure about erotic, but smoking sure as hell makes you look cool. i say that as a non-smoker other than the occasional cigar.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't find any attraction in smokers or smoking.

As an observation, I see more underage smokers than anyone else, I'm guessing in an attempt to look cool/adult; for me it's had the opposite effect, and tends to make smokers look slightly juvenile.

A little while ago I went out with a wonderful woman, who unfortunately went back to smoking. I used to find that the day after seeing her, sometimes sooner, my throat would burn and be sore just from kissing her. Also, even though she smoked outside, the odor would creap in.
I agree with clair - its sexy seeing a woman smoke.
but the smoke and the taste of her breath after a smoke - uuch..
Active Ink Slinger
Who wants to kiss an ashtray, Yuk.
I was married to a smoker for nearly 20 years.
She also persisted in smoking in the house.
There's nothing damn sexy about that.
Thanks for your responses guys. I agree with you all. I`m not promoting smoking, but enjoy watching someone perform the action of taking a drag. Everything else that comes packaged along is quite troublesome indeed.
Active Ink Slinger
I smoked for years and after quitting the smell on someone as well as being around smokers who just let them burn really bothers me now. If they light it up and smoke it not as bad, but those who have inch long ashes that never take a draw that smothers me now. My son has taken up smoking and when we are near each other it makes me want one so bad almost mouth watering. Love menthol taste.
There are definitely smoking fetishists--men, mostly, who like to watch a woman smoke--out there. So as to your finding it erotic, no, you are not alone in that particular finding (I wrote an entire story, "Silken Smoke", based around the fetish, because I found it interesting). That said, I do not personally smoke and find it extraordinarily distasteful for all of the reasons previously mentioned by other posters--lingering odor on clothes and skin, the taste of the person's mouth after a cigarette, etc.

New findings in the scientific community that even tertiary (touching something touched by a smoker, without direct exposure to secondhand smoke) exposure to cigarette by-product residue can be harmful to infants, children and foetuses in utero makes smoking not only directly harmful to the smoker herself, but harmful to those in the immediate vicinity whilst she is smoking (secondary exposure) and harmful to those who either come into contact with her after her cigarette or handle an object handled by her during or after smoking or enter the room that she smoked in >24 hours before (tertiary exposure).
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Rainbow Warrior
No smoker gets me in bed, period! ...or even someone who has been around a smoker and smells like cigarettes! But you're not alone. Way too many think it looks sexy/cool. Not me, except for in the film Now,Voyager! On the lesbian site I work on, the owner of the site set up a whole group devoted to smokers! Ugghhh!! Must be a European thing!
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by BethanyFrasier
No smoker gets me in bed, period! ...or even someone who has been around a smoker and smells like cigarettes! But you're not alone. Way too many think it looks sexy/cool. Not me, except for in the film Now,Voyager! On the lesbian site I work on, the owner of the site set up a whole group devoted to smokers! Ugghhh!! Must be a European thing!

I enjoy smoking, how it looks is immaterial to me. Now come where, while I blow smoke in your face lmao
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Active Ink Slinger
Kiss a NON SMOKER and enjoy the difference.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by Melissa999

I enjoy smoking, how it looks is immaterial to me. Now come where, while I blow smoke in your face lmao

This is why we are lovers only in the distant mythological past of Sapphic Tales, Mely! Cigarettes hadn't been invented yet!
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by BethanyFrasier

This is why we are lovers only in the distant mythological past of Sapphic Tales, Mely! Cigarettes hadn't been invented yet!
True, Beth. there again, it was Native Americans who got the habit started ;)
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Rainbow Warrior
Quote by Melissa999
True, Beth. there again, it was Native Americans who got the habit started ;)

Hey! You're not hanging THAT on us, Mely! We smoked tobacco it in pipes! It was some French soldier in the 19th century who rolled the first cig in paper! Blame the French! They STILL think its chic! lol
The Linebacker
The tobacco smoked by the Native-Americans* had not undergone decades of scientific cross breeding to make the nicotine more addictive.

Smoking looks sexy in the movies, but in real life there's all that nasty cigarette smoke, as well as lung cancer and emphysema. Don't forget the second hand smoke killing people who don't deserve it.

I will smoke a cigar occasionally, but am very careful who i smoke around. If it bothers them I will not do it. Plus, I don't inhale cigars, just taste them.

I'll not mention smoking any other items. hmmmmm.....

I am part Cherokee.
Years ago, my fingers were very busy opening pack after pack, gave it up entirely. As far as those fingers, still busy.... if you catch my drift, (not of smoke)
Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by BethanyFrasier

Hey! You're not hanging THAT on us, Mely! We smoked tobacco it in pipes! It was some French soldier in the 19th century who rolled the first cig in paper! Blame the French! They STILL think its chic! lol

LOL.... well you have start somewhere in the blame game. As you know, French Girls smoke, it's considered chic. And if you recall, my first meeting with the elegant stranger in Pizzo, she smoked black paper cigarettes with gold tips, which complimented her simple but expensive black evening dress, she wore about her neck, a gold pendant necklace and from her ears, hung gold and pearl earrings. No cigarettes would diminished the scene I was painting there.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by LadyAnnWest
Years ago, my fingers were very busy opening pack after pack, gave it up entirely. As far as those fingers, still busy.... if you catch my drift, (not of smoke)

Every Cigarette, I smoke is my last one, maybe one day that will be so
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Υπηρέτης της Αφροδίτης
Quote by LadyAnnWest
Years ago, my fingers were very busy opening pack after pack, gave it up entirely. As far as those fingers, still busy.... if you catch my drift, (not of smoke)

Every Cigarette, I smoke is my last one, maybe one day that will be so
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

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Active Ink Slinger
I LOATHE tobacco. Unfortunately my wife resumed her smoking habit and tried unsuccesfully to hide it from me. When I smelled the scent in her hair during sex one night I almost gagged and was instantly turned off. That is one reason why we haven't been intimate for more than three years.
I love the act of smoking - women / men - if they're attractive smoking just adds to that [lol - yeah, if they're not - it takes away and makes it worse].

I had a boyfriend sometimes in the 1890's that used to smoke while we were talking on the phone - I never told him, but I'd get off while we were talking while listening to him take a drag.
I am a smoker unfortunately. Given up a few times but always restart.
I do think it can look sexy in both men and women. The vision of it can be appealing and sensual but I have to say the smell is turn off. Even with a partner who smokes, freshen up regularly.
Active Ink Slinger
I have never found it sexy looking, but when I smoked it was always easier to date another smoker. It's a huge turnoff now, even though I sometimes miss the act of smoking.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mrd82
i'm not sure about erotic, but smoking sure as hell makes you look cool. i say that as a non-smoker other than the occasional cigar.

What about smoking makes you look cool? Just curious

I grew up with both parents smoking and my father eventually dying from Lung Cancer, I think it looks about as cool as putting a loaded gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger!
Quote by Nikki703

What about smoking makes you look cool? Just curious

I grew up with both parents smoking and my father eventually dying from Lung Cancer, I think it looks about as cool as putting a loaded gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger!

the consequences aren't cool. you shell out a bunch of money to support a habit that makes everything you own smell bad and wrecks your health. don't get me wrong; i'm not supporting or defending a nasty habit.

i'm just saying this fucker happens to look like a badass:

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mrd82

the consequences aren't cool. you shell out a bunch of money to support a habit that makes everything you own smell bad and wrecks your health. don't get me wrong; i'm not supporting or defending a nasty habit.

i'm just saying this fucker happens to look like a badass:

First off, I don't think it is a "Cigarette" that he is smoking.

Secondly, its not the "cigarette" that makes Johnny Cash a Badass!! He would be the same badass with a lollipop in his mouth!
Quote by Nikki703

First off, I don't think it is a "Cigarette" that he is smoking.

Secondly, its not the "cigarette" that makes Johnny Cash a Badass!! He would be the same badass with a lollipop in his mouth!

while the jury's out for me on the first point (johnny got on pills and pain meds pretty bad but i'm not sure whether he was into pot), you've definitely got me on the second. biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
I once had a girlfriend that smoked. Her pussy tasted and smelled like smoke. I moved on. My current girlfriend smoked socially when I first met her. I told her that when her pussy tasted like smoke, I would not lick it anymore. She quit smoking.
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