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In your Opinon who is Better at Sex, Men or women

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Advanced Wordsmith
In your opinon who is better at sex In your experice Men or women and is there any difference to sex Between men and women,cause the way I usually hear stories that some girls fake the sex between men because they usually,lack passion and sences and always skip right to sex no kissing no nothing,other stories I hear about women having sex with another woman is alot more fun and exciting,passionate and sensual.for example take kissing when seeing a women kiss another it seems like its more passionate,then when man kissing a woman it looks kind of sloppy and forced kissing.
This is what I herd I don`t know if any of you had those expeirences with men,or women,me I usually perfer a womans touch,for couple reasons,1 they are alot more gentle and soft,easier to connect with and lot more fun to be around then it is with a man,Name some men that can actually sit down and listen to a woman talk,about her ex;s or something personal.It also seems like women understand what you go through then men do.Its easy for men to say òhh yeah just shurg it off and move on` when they don`t get what happend. I don`t mean to insult men or anything like that`s not what I`m doing Just asking which are better at sex men or women.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been told many times that I'm a good listener. I find it amazing when women really tell about their emotions or life. They are so different from men!
As for sex.. never had sex with a man so I will definitely say that women are better at sex. Though I wish they all were...
Rainbow Warrior
Women, of course! We invented sex! Remember the apple?
Active Ink Slinger
It takes two.....or three.....
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
Active Ink Slinger
This is a question like is burbon better than scotch or sunsets better than sunrises. Or we could read the entire works of Masters & Johnston or Kinsey
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
Bad sex has no gender

Just a lack of desire or inspiration

Wait I read this question wrong..forgive me

New post to follow
Her Royal Spriteness
actually, sprites are.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by InnocentBliss87

In your opinon who is better at sex In your experice Men or women and is there any difference to sex Between men and women,cause the way I usually hear stories that some girls fake the sex between men because they usually,lack passion and sences and always skip right to sex no kissing no nothing,other stories I hear about women having sex with another woman is alot more fun and exciting,passionate and sensual.for example take kissing when seeing a women kiss another it seems like its more passionate,then when man kissing a woman it looks kind of sloppy and forced kissing.
This is what I herd I don`t know if any of you had those expeirences with men,or women,me I usually perfer a womans touch,for couple reasons,1 they are alot more gentle and soft,easier to connect with and lot more fun to be around then it is with a man,Name some men that can actually sit down and listen to a woman talk,about her ex;s or something personal.It also seems like women understand what you go through then men do.Its easy for men to say òhh yeah just shurg it off and move on` when they don`t get what happend. I don`t mean to insult men or anything like that`s not what I`m doing Just asking which are better at sex men or women.

Oh my, where to start?

Your profile says you are lesbian. Your post here mentions that you heard about lack of passion in kissing and passion in sex.. skip kissing and right to sex. Are you basing this analysis strictly on what you "heard"? Have you ever personally experienced "sloppy and forced kissing" from a man yourself?

You "usually prefer a woman's touch for a couple reason"..... does that mean that sometimes you prefer a man's touch? According to you, "women are alot more gentle and soft, easier to connect with..." so then you HAVE been with a man and can make the comparison yourself? Maybe it isn't the guy that is dispassionate. Maybe it's you that's dispassionate about kissing guys.

What about if it's two men that are kissing? Are both of them dispassionate and sloppy? Do gay or bisexual men shrug things off and move on? If a man and a woman kissing is less passionate than two women kissing.... does that mean that two men kissing is less passionate than a man kissing a woman? Is it a sliding scale? Or is it only straight guys that are so soulless and passionless and careless and unappreciative of their lovers?

I've been with my share of women in my life. Some were good lovers, some weren't. Sometimes, maybe we were both good lovers (or bad) but our "styles" didn't mesh well. Other women I've been with had no interest in anything romantic, they were there strictly for the sex. The kissing was passionate, but not loving. On both our parts. Others, long term relationships, the kissing was very passionate and connected.

You may not have meant to be insulting, but you are being very general and painting with a very broad brush. To categorize all men as heartless, passionless, pussy hungry beings is a bit unfair.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Men give love for sex and women give sex for love.
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by silveranode
Men give love for sex and women give sex for love. long as each has something the other wants, I suppose it works out!

Seriously, sex is no different than any other activity you might undertake, whether it's sewing a quilt, building a cabin, or writing a story; if you want it to be good, you try harder. You make the extra effort, you pay attention, you are meticulous in what you do, you take pride in it, and, in the case of sex, you realize that your partner's pleasure and satisfaction is the final mark of your success. That doesn't necessarily mean that there will be earth-shattering orgasms every time, it just means that it was a very pleasurable way to spend some time...although the orgasms are a lot of fun!

Either gender can be very, very good at it - or they can be horrible; it depends upon how much they care, and upon a willingness to be unselfish. Those traits are not gender-specific.
Quote by stormdog100

Seriously, sex is no different than any other activity you might undertake, whether it's sewing a quilt, building a cabin, or writing a story; if you want it to be good, you try harder. You make the extra effort, you pay attention, you are meticulous in what you do, you take pride in it, and, in the case of sex, you realize that your partner's pleasure and satisfaction is the final mark of your success. That doesn't necessarily mean that there will be earth-shattering orgasms every time, it just means that it was a very pleasurable way to spend some time...although the orgasms are a lot of fun! Either gender can be very, very good at it - or they can be horrible; it depends upon how much they care, and upon a willingness to be unselfish. Those traits are not gender-specific.

I couldn't have put it better myself, and agree totally that you should put your partner's pleasure first.
Advanced Wordsmith
In my experience women are much better.

No man can ever get me hard to have sex.

On the other hand, women seem to do it easily. So, I've had sex with over 30 women, and with one man - me. The sex is always good, some better than others of course, but always good. Let's assume for the sake of the argument that I'm absolutely fantastic at sex, that's still around 30 to 1 in the favour of women - from my somewhat skewed sample.

To do a true scientific analysis though I guess we'd need to do some double blind (fold) studies.
Active Ink Slinger
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I don't think sex is the type of thing you can be good or bad at. Different people have different comfort levels, different preferences, different fantasies, differing levels of desire.

You find someone you are compatible with. Hopefully.
Active Ink Slinger
Both sexes are great at it
Have lots of fun
Active Ink Slinger
Women only thank you!
Active Ink Slinger
It's not gender dependent
Active Ink Slinger
In my opinion, this is the funniest question I've seen on Lush so far!
Rookie Scribe
Quote by InnocentBliss87

In your opinon who is better at sex In your experice Men or women and is there any difference to sex Between men and women,cause the way I usually hear stories that some girls fake the sex between men because they usually,lack passion and sences and always skip right to sex no kissing no nothing,other stories I hear about women having sex with another woman is alot more fun and exciting,passionate and sensual.for example take kissing when seeing a women kiss another it seems like its more passionate,then when man kissing a woman it looks kind of sloppy and forced kissing.
This is what I herd I don`t know if any of you had those expeirences with men,or women,me I usually perfer a womans touch,for couple reasons,1 they are alot more gentle and soft,easier to connect with and lot more fun to be around then it is with a man,Name some men that can actually sit down and listen to a woman talk,about her ex;s or something personal.It also seems like women understand what you go through then men do.Its easy for men to say òhh yeah just shurg it off and move on` when they don`t get what happend. I don`t mean to insult men or anything like that`s not what I`m doing Just asking which are better at sex men or women.

They are two different worlds - I love sex with men for the agression, and passion and get the best physical satisfaction. With women, it is so different - it is all about romance, passion and sensuality. Lot more foreply between women. I love them both, in fact equally.
I have nothing to compare to sex with another woman
Active Ink Slinger
Good and bad in both genders..Ill only have sex with a woman, and of either sex im the best at giving girls oral.
Seeing how I'm a guy, I can't speak for women. I know for me it varies with each partner. Some gals are less responsive and some are like a theme park rides. Chemistry is a hard thing to figure out. So my answer to if men or women have the better sex is... Yes.
Active Ink Slinger
Generally speaking, women. But I would not make that assumption entering any individual relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
On both ends each individual is different,it all depends how passionate you are to please sexually