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Master - How He Became One

"Waiting for the one you love can be so rewarding."

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My name is Tredem and this story is about how I became a Master.

When I was 16, my life began to change. I was friends with the hottest girl in the town we lived in. I didn’t see her this way at first, Katy was my next-door neighbor and we had been partners in crime for just about every mischievous thing kids can dream up. We did everything together, as we got older our friendship grew and I became the first line of defense against every other male in our town. Now the reason Katy was sought after wasn’t for her charming fun attitude or her incredible smarts. She was sought after for her tight ass, slim waist, and her 36C firm breasts. I would always be around which eliminated a lot of potential (boyfriends). I am nothing special, well at least back then I wasn’t. At 6’6” 175lbs., I towered over most everyone including Katy at 5’8”.

As I mentioned above after I turned 16, I started to notice Katy more as the hottest thing to ever walk. My friendship was important though, so I never ever brought it up with her. Our lives progressed and by 18, I had a new influence flowing through my blood; this influence wouldn’t let me stop thinking about her.

One day out by my pool she was in her bikini, sexy yet modest. Her top was valiantly trying to contain her breasts as she lay there. I was treated to a very nice side-breast view. I told myself today was the day; I was going to ask her out, I wouldn’t let her be the one that got away.

She accepted; I didn’t fear of her saying no, I feared it might ruin our friendship. At dinner, our conversation fluctuated amongst many topics, finally circling around to my belief at the time I was going to get lucky. She wanted to go back to my place since her parents were home and mine were out of town.

She said, “Lets watch a movie.”

I agreed and she picked one out, thinking cuddling will be a good first step. I was still a virgin and was pretty confident she was as well. Laying there caressing her arm, I became bolder and moved my way to her very hot ass. Upon reaching there, she looked up at me with a look of what are you doing. I froze; did I read the signals wrong?

Still looking at me, she started to shift. I groaned inwardly "Crap she’s moving to the other couch or she’s going to leave!" I thought. I say I was surprised a second later because I was. In her shifting, she swung a leg over my crotch and propped herself up, staring intently into my eyes.

Leaning in, I kissed her - a quick peck on the lips and withdrew and looked. I saw a lust burning in her eyes, and then she pounced like a starved animal. My mouth offered no resistance as our tongues met in the air and began to dance in the battle of love trying to get to each other’s mouths.

This went on for an eternity, and suddenly it was over. Looking at her heavenly face, I saw tears flowing.

“What is it baby,” I said.

“ I can’t do this,” she said.

“ What,” I said.

“Us, this, here, now, I can’t do it,” she said.

“Slow down babe,” I said.

“Our friendship means everything to me Tre, and I’m still a virgin. The reason all of my other relationships have failed, is because I won’t have sex till I’m married.”

Stunned, I tried to hide my disappointment, but being a total novice at love, I failed at hiding my emotions.

She cried harder, “I don’t want to lose us Tre,” she choked. “Our friendship, please don’t leave me because I can’t give you what you want.”

“Baby calm down I’m not leaving. I can’t say that I’m terribly happy over your choice, but I can respect it,” I said, “Friends we have always been and friends we will continue to be.” Wiping a tear newly formed off her cheek, smiling to reassure her. “Ok babe, so please stop crying. I’m sorry for trying to move our relationship further.”

She did stop, and we finished our movie. We always cuddled and she lay in my arms, but this time I kept my arm from following commands my cock was trying so hard to issue.

As I promised her, our relationship didn’t change and we got into major scandals as we evolved our friendship to a dual team of elite pranksters. We had the time of our lives through senior year, as the year drew to an end we came to terms with the fact I was heading east to New York City, while she would stay behind in the little Colorado town we always lived in.

I knew our friendship would survive since that’s what we were, not lovers or fuck buddies, just friends. The hottest girl in town and she was my friend. She also seemed to be the one that got away.

Fast-forward to me now 24, out of college, owner of a promising startup Internet Company. Popular with everyone, ladies lining up to anchor me as their man. Now you’re thinking 6’-6” scrawny guy, how does he have them lining up.

Simple, I was now 6’-6” well-defined, not crazy muscle builder status, but I could sport going shirtless and watch ladies hearts stop if they stared to long. Everything was great but no woman could match Katy, because yes her beauty was truly impressive and by then I had seen equally hot if not hotter women.

The thing that did it for me with Katy was her heart and her mind, something most males overlooked, and I couldn’t overlook it though, I had watched her grow up since we were old enough to remember.

I had to make a change. I hadn’t been back to that small town in 5 years, and my Facebook stalking of Katy was getting just a tad bit unhealthy if you know what I mean. I had to see her, to laugh with her, to hear her version of the local gossip and how we would put our own spin on it.

I packed my things and left New York City for good, my company followed me, which was handy as it was starting to pick up on demand.

Arriving home, nothing had changed too drastically, just the same old town I had left. Katy was waiting for me at the little airport, excitement bursting at the seams when she saw me. She ran up and hugged me, lifting her straight up; I twirled her in my arms. “Tre you’re so big now,” she said as she lightly punched me. All I could do was smile, there she was, the reason I returned happy and excited just as I remember.

She told me everything, every minute detail of everything that I had missed out on. All I could do was shift my eyes occasionally so my staring wouldn’t irritate her. She told me she was single again, with a look of disappointment and wistfulness.

I knew her dilemma though, and I was bound and determined to date her but now I was older and slightly more mature. I wasn’t going to let history repeat itself this time; we were going to do this right and no little suggestions on my cocks part was going to mess this up.

She would trust me not to force her into that decision I knew where she stood on the issue. She would marry me someday and then I would get unfettered access to the rest of her treasures.

About a year and half went by and we grew steadily and steadily closer, our kisses became longer and more heated. To the point that I was nearly overruled by my cock on a handful of times. I always managed to end the kiss just in time and I could see the contentment and glee in her eyes, I could do this I could be the one that didn’t demand sex as the binder to our relationship.

It was August and as became our tradition on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I would cook at my place. So Friday night came, Katy appeared in my backyard after letting herself in, we had swapped keys a while back.

I was grilling up our dinner for the night; the evening was beautiful the sun was giving off very majestic colors as it sank below the mountains. The air was warm and the wind had taken the night off. She brought out the wine and we sat down to eat.

Tonight she was particularly shy, so I asked what was up. So she started talking, dominating the conversation as usual. I never minded this, I enjoyed listening to her. She then asked me point blank what I really thought about her choice to wait till marriage, I was not at all prepared for this.

“Well babe, I am a male so my mind is always devising new ways to try to have sex, but at the same time your way too special to me and I respect your decision and would never want to force you to change your mind.” She sat there lost in her mind. Then she blurted out “What about fantasies, the hypothetical if I wasn’t a virgin prude but a wanton slut?”

“Babe you’re not a prude,” I said.

“Stop," is all she said, “Answer my question Tre.”

“Okay, well I would probably bend you over the railing and spank you for talking about yourself like that.”

"Oh," was the only response she could muster.

“To really answer your question though, I have always enjoyed the idea of dominating a woman, to have her at my whim whenever, however, and she had no say in the matter simply because she would enjoy letting me have my way.”

"Hmm," was all I got then.

“Ok your turn; tell me one of your deepest darkest fantasies,” I said.

She started giggling and laughing, then got all serious. “Well I happened into a sex shop in Denver,”

Intrigued, I had to hear more. “Go on,”

“Well as I was strolling through, I saw a 9” strap-on kit followed by a video of a woman fucking the snot out of another woman. I haven’t been able to shake the idea of doing that to another woman.”

“I do like your idea of a fantasy.” I said.

“I’m not done though,” she stopped me. Taken back, I stayed silent as she finished. “I would want to be fucking her and then have a man fuck me from behind so that I was sandwiched in.”

“Wow babe, you really thought this out.” I said. She shyly looked at me, maybe to see if I would think it was repulsive, I’m not sure.

“I love it babe when and where do you want me,” she looked confused, “Yeah, babe when and where do you want me to fuck you as you fuck a woman.”

“Tre it’s just a fantasy,”

“I know, but who says I can’t assist you in making it real,” I said with a mischievous smirk.

“Tre you know I’m waiting till marriage,” she said

“I know love, but I never miss an opportunity to give you a hard time,” I got another playful punch in my arm.

This got me thinking though, if I proposed soon, then I could at least begin to fulfill half her fantasy.

The next Friday, I had it all planned: dinner at my place, a walk around a moonlit path, and champagne when we got home.

Now by the time this would all take place, she had moved some of her stuff into the second bedroom of my house. It wasn’t much, but enough to get her by when she drank too much and had to crash at my place.

I took a leap of faith, and bought her a dress to wear for the evening. Laying it on her bed, I dropped a note on it. “Put this on and join me on the patio for dinner.”

Like normal I was out finishing dinner, when I turned to see her walk out. I nearly dropped the plate of food. She was stunning; the emerald color accented her beautifully. My mouth had the lost the battle to close or utter anything understandable.

I was already dressed in my suit minus the jacket; I sat down and still couldn’t talk. I finally mumbled for her to turn around, the blush on her cheeks was to die for. She slowly turned around; the front of the dress covered all the way up to her neck where it encircled her in a semi tight grasp.

As she turned I could see just how much of her back was exposed. The material started to wrap around from her front about halfway down to be joined an inch or so above her luscious ass.

My cock was instantly almost hard, and I was panicking trying to cross my legs so she wouldn’t see it.

After what seemed like forever of watching her stand there shy and blushing, my mind finally re-engaged. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the black velvet box.

She gasped as I knelt in front of her, “Katy, my love will you marry me?” A tear escaped, standing there looking into her eyes. First it was a nod followed by a yes. I lunged up and lifted her into my arms, eyes locking with another, followed by the most passionate kiss.

I finally withdrew from her lips of gold; desperate for air I set her down.

"Let’s eat, love."

"Ok, you sit I need to run inside for a second," she said.

"Ok, love, hurry back," I said.

My excitement had no limitations, but my utter shock and surprise had no conscious understanding the very next moment.

Sitting with my back to the door, I heard her reappear, “Tre please turn around.”

This time it was her kneeling, totally naked, head down. “What is this baby?” I asked.

“Tre for some time now I have dreamed of serving you all the time, to have you command me, and at the end cherish me. After last Friday your own fantasy made my dream a sudden reality.

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So tonight as your future wife, I offer you everything I can. I wish to only love, serve, and submit to everything you desire. You have been nothing short of an angel with me since you returned. I trust you will always take care of me.”

“Babe look up at me,” I told her. As she looked up I could see fear, excitement, lust, and love dancing through her eyes. “Is this what you truly want Katy my love? For so long I have dreamed of this day and have waited because of your wishes.”

“Tre that is exactly why I know tonight is the night to begin this journey. Your gentlemanly spirit has long proven that you will always be there for me and not force me into something I truly don’t want.”

“Well stand up so I can see you.” As she stood, her breast bounced slightly, her nipples were hardening. Her skin was perfect, smooth tan throughout followed by crisp tan lines from all the time next to my pool. Her breasts were full and stood proud on her chest, no real need for a bra. My eyes passed along her toned stomach, trailing down to the edges of her thick raven curls. Beads of her juice pooling on her hair, her arousal made my cock go to full attention. Her body was very athletic, yet very smooth looking.

“Come here, baby, sit on my lap,” I said. She did exactly what I had asked her. She sat on my strained cock, my bulge nestled nicely in her wet folds. “Now, love, I have to ask, you say you wish to serve and submit.”

“Yes, Tre that is what I said.”

“How far will you submit though?”

“Tre, I trust you, your fair and kind, I know you will do right by me, and I know I won't always like it, but I know you won’t go too far.” Such trust this woman had of me, such a daunting responsibility to manage. How would I know things had gone too far?

“Ok then, babe, do you feel my hard cock touching your folds?”


“Good you have tortured me with your body for many years. You stopped me from having sex with you all these years over a notion that you wanted to save it till you married. I respected this decision and didn't push it. Now with only an hour or so since I proposed you’re naked in my lap ready for me to possess you. Stand up and turn around for me, bend over and grab your ankles I want get a good look at your glistening pussy.”

Hesitantly, she followed orders. Her ass was to die for; “Now my love I'm going to swat your pretty little ass seven times on each cheek for each year you denied me your treasures. After each one you will say the number and my name or you will say Thank you Tre; you will alternate each phrase. Do you understand and each time you mess up a phrase I will add another stroke per cheek are we clear?”

“Yes Tre.”

Massaging her ass, gliding along her smooth skin, savoring the feel as my hand shifted across her curves. I could feel her anticipation for what was to come, but I wanted her to feel the anger for being denied her and my lust to fuck her silly.


The gasp was music to my ears, as she panted finally saying, “One Tre."

“Good girl.”

Rubbing her ass more, gripping her cheeks, feeling the radiating heat from my hit.


She grunted this time, “Thank you, Tre”

Moving right along with 3-10 her legs shaking and the last hit she let out a grunt and I could hear a soft crying noise. The heat on her was delectable; moving into her crack my fingers lightly grazed her dripping lips. A soft moan was my reward, not wanting to lose my resolve I finished her off.

“Stand baby and face me,” I said. Looking over her I pulled her close; the heat radiated off her ass. Tears were rolling down her cheeks; I reached up and caressed her cheek wiping away the tear as it fell. “Do you understand why I spanked you?”

“No,"she mumbled.

“Because my love, the internal frustrations you have caused me over the years. I also wanted to instill that giving up on your beliefs and values, is not what I want from you. I want you to submit and learn, but not give up the very beliefs and strengths that made me fall in love with you.” Holding her tightly, “I love you so much,” I felt her nod as her tears soaked into my shoulder.

“Now, my love, we need to make some slight changes to your beautiful body.”

“Like what, Tre?, she said, her voiced strained from the crying.

“Well, for one as I caressed the side of her breast, I want no more tan lines so sunbathing nude is necessary.”

Her eyes lit up with confusion, “What about the neighbors?”

“Do you trust me my sweet girl, to care for you but at the same time push your limits?”

Her eyes lowered and finally after a few debatable seconds, “Yes Tre, I trust you, it’s my commitment to us, my trust to you.”

Smiling I pulled her into a kiss. Releasing her, “Then there is this untamed mess down here; my hand cupping her sex, it must be smooth every time I want to touch it. These changes are not up for discussion.”

“Yes Tre, anything else?”

Just this, I swiftly pulled her into my arms, tossing her over my shoulder, I lightly swatted her still super red ass, and she moaned and let out her angelic laughter. “I love you so much,” rotating her back into my arms, cradling her, “And this submissive gift you have given me, I will do my absolute best to always honor it. I want you to always be ready to be pleasured by me. Now you have felt pain from my frustrations let me show you the electrifying feelings of my love.”

“That sounds good; I would love to feel your love,” she said.

“Go get your shaving kit out of your shower I have some cleaning I need to do to this pussy that is mine now. While you’re doing that I will go retrieve a weed wacker.”

Her head snapped around, “Very funny mister, I have had no need to maintain my area as nobody else has touched it till today.”

All I could do is laugh as she sauntered away. “Better hurry up or I might have to swat you again.” That got her moving giving her ass a nice bounce. I was so horny but I was going to make the night memorable for the both of us. No quick fuck for her first time.

Warming up the tub I stripped down to nothing, turning my head to a low whistle, there she stood, my woman, my sexy goddess. Helping her in as we stood in the tub and kissed so long. “Here babe, sit right here and spread those legs for me, time I put my landscaping skills to use,” another giggle sounded. Kneeling down lathering up her sex, her breathing changed as I slowly rubbed her clit grazing along her lips.

A moan escaped her lips; I looked up to see her head tilted back and eyes closed. I slapped her clit, eyes flying open wide; a squeal escaped her lips, “What was that for?” Her eyes spoke hurt and confusion.

“It's my pussy to do with as I please,” I said with a big smile on my face. “Now if you don't want that to happen again then watch me as I shave your pussy.” With that I went back to teasing and massaging her button a little further.

Taking the razor I started to make passes across her flesh making sure my finger always touched her clit each time releasing a moan. Slowly but surely the hair vanished and was replaced by sexy smooth skin. When I was done, I leaned in and kissed all around her naked lips.

“How often do you touch yourself,”


“Answer me love.”

“I only touched myself once before,”

“Oh and why only once.”

“It was the first night we kissed when we were eighteen, I was so worked up when I got home that my hand just found its way there.”

“Interesting, so out of all the guys I'm the only one to work you up.”

“Yes," she said meekly. Pulling her into the tub, she laid on top of me, my cock sliding along her slit. “It feels so good she whispered,” her nipples hardened and poked my chest.

“Babe, do you know just how gorgeous you really are?” Kissing her more I never wanted this moment to end, when my cock twitched reminding me of its displeasure in being neglected. I laughed and she just looked as our kiss ended.

“What’s so funny?"

"Well my cock says enough kissing,” I said as I laughed more and she started giggling.

Helping her stand, I couldn’t get enough of her body. I loved her body and mind. I grabbed her towel and started drying her off.

“Oh I never would have expected a towel drying as well.” I had to smile at that; she would learn very soon that I planned on touching her as often as I could no matter the situation.

I led her into my bedroom and draped both of our towels on the bed. "Lay on your stomach for me babe." With such grace she got on and laid down. Grabbing some oil I slowly began to work up her legs, soft moans escaping her lips. I could smell her enjoyment filling the air.

Caressing every inch of her body, my fingers made their way to her still rosy pink ass from earlier. Tracing the outline of my palm print massaged deep and slow all the tissue surrounding her ass. I was graced with a sigh of contentment

Working her inner thighs I leaned down and kissed her rosy bottom, as my fingers brushed her sex. Lingering there kneading her thigh flesh, making sure my knuckles tickled her lips each time. She began to squirm.


“No moving till I tell you to.”

“Yes Tre.”

Easing a finger into her love hole, she was so tight. Slowly finger fucking her, increasing my tempo as her juices proudly came out to greet me. I could feel her getting worked up, so I pulled out; a moan of frustration came this time. I laughed; “It's not funny, Tre,” she said.

Moving up her back, her body obviously enjoying the treatment it was receiving.

“Babe flip over,” she demonstrated the grace in her movements again, with her tits exposed and her nipples saluting me, begging me, and pleading me to play with them. I grabbed each one and massaged her breasts, each one using my full hand to hold. Rolling her nipples between my knuckles, her moans of enjoyment increasing, her eyes began to close, to which I pinched her nipples and pulled them up her eyes once again flying open. “Keep your eyes open love watch every move I make with your body love.” Nodding, she tried to move her hands to her hard clit. This time I slapped her nipple; frustrated she glared at me, “No self pleasure till I say so. Also, for that little glare you gave me that will be 10 swats, and I will be keeping track.”

The thoughts of the earlier spanking raced through her mind and she whimpered at the memories. Removing one hand I placed it down on her sex rubbing her clit hard, she gasped, started to squirm, but remembered my warning. I smiled “Good girl,” and that only spurred her on as her breathing increased. Once again I stopped and moved across the room. Frustrated, she pleaded with me for release.

I was struggling now I wanted to fuck her senseless, I was almost ready. I kneeled next to her head, my cock resting on her cheek. She knew what I wanted and took me in, her mouth accommodating my 7 inches as I slid all the way to her throat. Her tongue was circling my length trying to taste all of me; I wanted to see if she would gag pushing in deeper my balls on her cheek. She didn’t gag; this was great news to my sex filled mind. Pulling out I positioned myself at her pussy, pushing her legs up, her knees on her tits.

Knowing this was her last chance to back out of her commitment I asked, “Babe is this what you want,” and all she could do was nod. I pushed my member in slowly till I came to the gate of her womanhood. She was so tight that I went slowly up to it, her walls squeezing me. I pulled out the look on her face was comical. Without waiting for her to re-accomodate me I slammed right in balls resting on her puckered flower.

The shriek she issued along with a handful of cuss words, I stopped and she yelled “No keep fucking me.” I needed no encouragement; her look of pain rapidly vanished as I sank in and withdrew.

I was increasing tempo till I was slamming her pussy, lifting up her ass, I slid deeper my cock growing. Her orgasm was so close; her moans became whimpers back to moans and sighs. Till finally the look of abandonment and wonder displayed across her face, eyes rolling back. Her pussy squeezed my cock bringing me even closer, never ceasing my constant pounding. Her body finally started coming down as she gasped for air. Sucking in a cool draft of air into her deprived lungs.

As I witnessed all this, my load released as I felt myself shoot rope after rope into her. Resting there to get my breath I pulled out, as a river of her juices and my cum came flowing out. Her breathing still ragged and mine near hyperventilation, we starred at each other smiling content, and exhausted I removed the towels and lay next to her. She finally found words, “That was amazing Tre, thank you so much. I’m so happy I could give you so much enjoyment,” she said,

“The honor was all mine,my love, the bliss on your face right now has my mind in overdrive.”

A little more talk and we were out. Cuddled close to each other we spent our first night of forever holding each other.

Please leave comments, and any suggestions mail me. The story will continue with Katy explaining how she chose to submit to her new Fiancée.

Written by MasterTredem
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