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Mix Up 3 - Being Played

"Jennifer's first day working for Mr. Bellfort starts with a bang, and some roles are established."

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The verbal struggle with John, my boss, was short but heated. It ended with my threat to saddle my horses and ride away with my clients in tow, which left him no other choice than to assign my upcoming sales pitches to other employees and counter-sign the contract. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to take him down a notch, and he knew it.

Less than a week later, I was back in the lobby and Carmen was already waiting for me, her expensive red dress showing more cleavage than was allowable and hugging her figure perfectly. Her hair was woven into an elaborate braid, and a Cheshire grin was plastered on her lips.

“Jennifer, so good to see you again!” She hugged me tightly, and when her puckered lips were close to my cheek, she hissed, “Dirty little slut!”

“Likewise!” I piped, hiding my body’s instinctive reaction to the jab. “Carmen, I’m so glad I get to work with you!”

The pleasantries out of the way, I followed her into the elevator, carrying my trolley behind me and leaving the lobby’s inhabitants none the wiser. But my smug grin at that thought only lasted seconds. The lift shuddered and stopped.

Carmen leaned against the elevator’s side wall and looked me up and down. I had been prepared that she’d try and get the power play started once we were somewhere private, but I had expected her to wait until we were in the safety or her office.

“I’ve read your diary.”

How predictable. “I’m sure it must have been an exhausting effort to read that much.” I hid my grin, and for a moment I felt like I was back at college. Messing with each other like this had been my favorite pass-time.

“I found the dream about you and your intern.” She smiled pleasantly. “I can’t help but wonder if a tongue-bath after a long workday isn’t exactly what my poor feet need.”

She sent me a hard stare, then gave her nails a thorough inspection while she nonchalantly wiggled her foot on the high heel.

Yes, I got the hint, even without the silly innuendo. “I wouldn’t know. But I’m sure you have your selection of eager young interns here. Or perhaps you could ask Amy from the reception, she’s such a docile little thing.”

“Cut the crap!”

I couldn’t suppress the smirk. I loved it when others were first to lose their countenance, and the flush that spread over her cheeks told me that I had hit a gold pot. I had to make sure to bring up Amy again. Perhaps I could sneak a peek at the personnel files. The strength of her reaction hinted at something more going on.

“Let’s be clear about a number of things.”

Again, predictable. I gifted her with an impatient gesture. “Start your spiel.”

“Mr. Bellfort asked me to take care of your diary. He never told me not to make any copies though.”

Uh-oh, here it came, just like I had expected.

She smirked. “You wouldn’t want any copies to make it to some of our department heads, would you?”

“I don’t think that Mr. Bellfort would approve of that. It might be…” I tilted my head and paused, making sure that she paid attention, “counter-productive to my work here.”

The amused giggle that wafted through the tiny space made me curse inside.

“Counter-productive? God, you’re naive! It would be exactly the kind of thing that amuses him.”

She had suddenly crossed the few feet between us, and our faces were only inches apart. Her eyes bore into mine, dark green and heavy-lidded. She got off on power just as much as I did. But I wasn’t a newbie in that game.

“I’m sure there are endless other… possibilities… for us to amuse him.” Nobody could say I wasn’t trying to be diplomatic.

“Oh, there are. But another question you have to keep asking yourself is, ‘What amuses Carmen?’ I’ve got this interesting diary entry on my harddrive where you fantasize about sucking a stranger’s cock. I think Mr. Hofman would be just the person to appreciate a little insight into your dirty mind like that.”

I remembered Hofman and his clumsy attempt to hit on me. She was right. Give a cocky but insecure guy a little treat, and you’ll never get your peace of them. I noticed belatedly that I had allowed my breathing to get harder when I imagined myself kneeling between his legs. Damn.

“Looks like the thought isn’t all that appalling to you, is it? But this was just one of many ideas I had while I read through your collection of perversions.”

“So what do you want?”

“It’s actually quite easy.” Her breath brushed my cheeks, and I felt, for the first time in ages, rather uncomfortable in my own game. “I give you two choices. You can tell me you won’t play that game anymore and stop any advances Mr. Bellfort makes, and the diary entries stay where they are. We’ll have a professional working relationship.”

She grinned, well aware that I wouldn’t go for this. Hell, I had agreed to this contract only for one reason, and that reason was Mr. Bellfort’s cock and the forceful ways he’d had with me.

“Or,” she continued, “you’ll be good little slut and follow orders. As long as you are obedient, I won’t have a reason to spread your dirty secrets. Which do you choose?”

I couldn’t answer her. Shit! For the first time in ages, I was beaten in my own game.

She stared at me for a long minute, her eyes expectant and her arousal mounting visibly with every speechless second that ticked by. The corners of her mouth lifted ever so slowly. She was a pro.

Then her hand touched my jaw and her thumb stroked softly over my cheek, making me fight the urge to pull away. It was my answer.

“Good girl, Jennifer.” Her smile turned into a satisfied smirk. “You’re not into women, are you?”

“No,” I answered with flushed cheeks, knowing how much this would sweeten our deal for her.

“But I bet you’re aroused now. Here is what I will do. I will slowly undress you, right here in the elevator. And I will love watching your body. You do have a pretty body, and I appreciate the female just as the male. Or perhaps even a bit more, with the exception of Mr. Bellfort.”

Her fingers guided my jacket off my shoulders and down my arms, letting it drop onto the thankfully clean floor panels. Then they started to undo the buttons of my blouse, slowly, one by one, while her eyes stayed riveted to mine.

She reveled in her power, and it didn’t leave me untouched either. It was true, I wasn’t into women. I could appreciate their beauty, just like I appreciated my own appearance in a mirror. But up to now, I had never had erotic thoughts about them that involved myself. It was the power that got to me, and I felt moisture seep into my panties.

“As I said,” she continued, her voice quiet and throaty from the excitement she no longer needed to hide, “I am going to undress you. You don’t know me well, and I could simply re-start the lift once you’re naked. It might be funny to see you scramble to get dressed before anybody can see you in your glory.”

It was another of my fantasies, I realized. It had been a man when I had written it, but it was just the right scenario. She pulled my blouse away and the cool air on my exposed upper body gave me goose bumps. She giggled.

“Nice!” She commented, giving my white, lacy, almost completely see-through bra an appreciative look. “Just the thing a slut you should wear. But let’s get you out of it.”

My labored breathing brushed over her cheek when she reached around me and opened the clasp.

Her grin was wide when she pulled it away and exposed my erect nipples. She dropped my bra to the floor and wrapped her fingers around my breasts, studying my expression when she touched me. “That’s the problem with submissives, see. They get turned on by just about anything. Like cats on heat. Ever got yourself off on a lamp post?”

“I’m not a submissive, thank you very well!” Shit, the last bit of my countenance just flew out the window.

She didn’t react to my jab. Her fingers reached for the zipper on my skirt instead, and a second later I was almost completely bare. Only my dark stay-up stockings and my green panties were left. Panties she quickly pulled down to my knees, exposing the stained crotch.

“Oh my,” she whispered with a giggle, such a dirty girl! Tell me, how many days have you been wearing these.”

I clenched my lips together.

Her hand gripped my chin forcefully. It was a gesture of power, and I wanted nothing more than to slap her beautiful face. A drop of moisture dripped from my pussy lip and she chuckled. Her grip became painful.

“Five, I stammered to her delight.

Thankfully, she let go of me. “I’ve brought you a present.”

Of course. Up to now, it had been too close to one of my forbidden fantasies. She had to leave her own mark. I smiled sweetly at her.

“Smile all you want. In fact, I’d like you to keep smiling like this the whole time you’re around me.”

Shit, again. Where had I let things slide out of control like this? But I knew already. It had happened the moment I had found Mr. Bellfort reading my diary and, instead of kicking his sorry ass out of my room, let him have his way with me.

She pulled another pair of panties from her pocket, dark red and lacy. When she dangled it in front of my face, I could see and smell that it had been worn at least as often as mine. It was revolting.

She grinned at me and lowered them, but I knew she wasn’t done. True enough, the fabric was pressed against my pussy, and she began to push them inside me little by little. I tried to keep still, but the depravity of the moment overwhelmed my senses, and without wanting, I met each push with a forward movement of my hips.

“Smile,” she ordered, and I held my fake, sweet expression while she pushed her soiled underwear into my dripping snatch.

One final shove, and it was all the way inside, her dried juices mixing with my own fresh ones, and I felt degraded and incredibly turned on. Why, oh why, did she have to be right about my submissive side? I loved being the dominant, but lately, these submissive fantasies had taken up more and more space in my diary. And she knew every single one. I didn’t dare to think about which ones she would try to make come true as well. This one was far from the kinkiest.

She flicked the stop switch again, and I almost tumbled to the floor when the elevator started moving upwards again. My body wanted to freeze from the fear that the doors could open any moment and allow strangers to witness my debauchery.

I hastened to put on my clothes again, clumsy and trembling. I had just made it into my blouse when suddenly a ding sounded and the doors slid apart with a whooshing noise. I pulled the flaps of the blouse closed and prepared for the worst. Gazing out of the elevator, I saw - the flat roof.

Carmen giggled next to me. “Oh, the look on your face! Precious!”

I cursed myself for falling for her trick. Of course she wouldn’t go to the office floor with me like this.

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While it might have put me in a more than just embarrassing spot, she would have faced some awkward questions of her own.

“You’re good,” I admitted grudgingly while I buttoned up my blouse, still smiling sweetly.

“Thank you, Jennifer! It was my pleasure!”


I had to give even more credit when we reached her - our - office. My desk was already set up, she gave me a login, and she had assembled all their process diagrams, business rules and department structures into a folder. She even brought me a glass of water, though her whispered comment of “I’m sure you need to replenish some fluids!” made me less grateful about it.

We worked without talking to each other for the rest of the day. I dug through all the information she had provided me and drew up plans with whom I wanted to meet in which order, while she scheduled meetings for Mr. Bellfort and wrote letters. I almost managed to forget about the red panties buried in my pussy.

Until five, that is, because that was the time my phone rang and I heard Mr. Bellfort’s voice, dark and sharp. “Pick up Carmen and get to my office. Now.”

“Mr. Bellfort wants us,” I told her and halted her efforts to pack up.

“I should have known,” she sighed. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

When we entered his office, he was busy stowing away a folder in one of the wall-high cabinets. “So how did you two get along on your first day, Carmen?” he inquired.

“Brilliant,” she piped, “it is wonderful to work with Jenny.”

I glared daggers at her for mutilating my name, but she just grinned back.

“And what do you think, Jennifer?” He closed the door and turned around.

“Fine,” I told him, “really. Carmen’s made sure that I have all the information I need for now.”

“She is many things,” he declared with a wink at her, “but most of all, she’s efficient. I couldn’t survive here without her.”

Was that a hidden message? Don’t mess with my secretary? But it went against what he had told me after he had signed the contract. My radar normally didn’t take that long to pick up sublime messages. Ah, he was placating her. Or were they both playing his game?

“I need to go to the loo. Jennifer, I want you naked and bent over my desk when I return. You already know the position. Carmen, you come with me!”

Just like that. I froze for a moment, but they were already leaving the office. Carmen turned around and mouthed something, and though I couldn’t hear a thing, I got the message. Keep them in. My fingers shook when I undressed, this time myself opening the buttons and zip, and folded my clothes neatly on a side table, putting my drenched panties on top and probably making a stain on my blouse.

While I bent over the table, memories of last time assaulted me, and my juices trickled down my thighs. I was a sexual person, had been ever since I had discovered the power of sex in my last college year, but they were turning me into a wanton slut faster than I could comprehend what was happening. And what was Carmen doing in the loo with him? Hold his cock while he peed? Or… dirtier things? My breath hitched, and I had to grip the edge in front of me to keep my hands from wandering to my exposed plum.

They took their time. When the door opened again and after I had gotten over the sudden fear of someone else discovering me like this, I was a quivering mess of arousal. They were apparently finishing a joke and both chuckled. They came to stand right in front of me and he kicked off his shoes. Without any spoken commands, Carmen opened his trousers and pulled them down, helping him out of them. The black boxer briefs were bulging in the front, and when she pulled those down too, his cock, just as beautiful as I remembered it, sprang forward eagerly.

Watching her wrap her pretty lips around it and seeing her cheeks bulge inwards while it vanished in her mouth made my chest constrict. It should be my own lips wrapping around this wonderful rod.

I could hear a plopping sound when he pulled free, and he walked around the desk, leaving Carmen kneeling in front of me with a disappointed look that made me tingle with glee. A second later, his cock pressed against my pussy, and I closed my eyes and welcomed his penetration.

His disgruntled groan reminded me with a start that I had forgotten all about Carmen’s panties. He tried once more without success, and then his fingers roughly dug into my pussy, making me squirm with discomfort. A moan escaped my lips when he pulled them out of me.

“What,” he walked around the desk again and dangled the panties, dripping wet and smelling like a whorehouse, in front of my nose, “is the meaning of this?”

“Oh,” Carmen piped with a wide smile as if it was the most natural thing in the world, “these are mine! She was so eager to have them, so I gave them to her.” Her lips formed into a frown. “I should have known what a slut like her would do with them.”

Mr. Bellfort looked questioning at me.

“That’s not true!” I protested. “The bitch forced them into my pussy!”

“So, so.” Amusement colored his voice, and it enraged me even more. “She forced them into your pussy. And how could she have access to your pussy in the first place?”

“She stripped me!”

“Really, Jennifer? You’re telling me that a consultant with your experience can’t defend herself against my secretary’s sexual advances?”

My breath sped up. I could tell him all about the blackmail, but then I saw the twinkle in his eyes. And realized that, whatever I said, he would still find a way to have his fun with me.

“I’m sorry!” I gasped, and a strange, cozy feeling spread through my body.

“You shouldn’t call Carmen names, though. I guess a punishment is in order, don’t you think so too, Carmen?”

It became clear to me. They had planned that on his trip to the loo. I cursed inside, helpless and humiliated, but my arousal surged like flame when the soiled panties were suddenly right in front of my face and his voice told me to open up. His fingers bunched up the sodden fabric, and when my mouth opened for him and he pushed them inside, my whole being was filled with the musky taste of my pussy. And Carmen’s, as my mind didn’t fail to remind me, sending that hated shiver of submissive delight once more racing over my skin. His hands gripped my wrists.

“She insulted you, Carmen, so it is only fair if you are the one to chastise her.” His eyes returned to my face. “How many spanks should she give you? Twenty?”

I only stared at him while I raged inside. Not her!

“Thirty?” He paused. “Forty?”

My eyes widened and I desperately shook my head. That was way too much!

“I guess that meant agreement, didn’t it? Sorry, I forgot you can’t speak.” He smirked. “Forty it is.”

He knelt down in front of me, his hands still gripping my wrists, until his head was level with mine. Carmen’s hand touched my backside, and I could see his grin widen when my eyes narrowed at the unwelcome contact.

The first swat took me by surprise. It echoed through the room, sharp and painful, and pushed my body forward. A whining sound escaped through my nose. God, she had a mean right hand. Smack. The other cheek went up in flames, and he studied every little emotion that flittered over my face with fascination. Smack. This one really hurt, and my hips jerked. Smack. I had no idea how I could make it through all forty of those.

I quickly lost count. Soon, my eyes blurred and my backside stung like hell. Every new slap was accompanied by a slight gasp of effort from Carmen and rocked my body. She laid into me with all she had.

A sudden pause in the spanking gave me the opportunity to get back some of my breath. My lower lip was quivering. God, how I hated to be this weak.

Her hand delved between my thighs, stroked over my burning pubes, and she declared with glee, “Her cunt’s sopping wet.”

And with that, she commenced her spanking. The spanks felt even harder than before, vicious stings that rocked my existence. Then she started with underhanded swats, right where my thighs met my buttocks, and tears streamed down my cheeks. My legs trembled and my nose started to run. I had to look a fright. The spanking went on and on, and pools of tears formed on the desk under my chin.

But worst of all, each slap also made my lower body explode with pleasure. I had never felt so small in my life, trying futilely to squash these lustful feelings. I sobbed and moaned and sniffled, and the slaps of her hand resonated all around me.

Then they stopped again, and I felt my hips move on their own volition. A chuckle sounded behind me. Was it over? I feared that she was toying with me, that her hand would swat down on my cheeks again any minute, but when Mr. Bellfort slowly stood up and walked around the table, the feeling of relief washed through me with a liberating power that took my breath away.

“Look behind you, Jennifer.” His instruction sounded casual, and I didn’t think about it.

The whirring sound of a camera made me freeze.

“Brilliant,” Carmen giggled, “this is going to me my new screen background.”

“Make sure nobody else sees it, though,” he warned her, “or you won’t like what I do with you.”

Was that a shudder? Did the flush on her cheeks just deepen? Perhaps, I dared to think, she had a submissive side herself, one that I could exploit and even the playing field. Things didn’t look as black and white all of a sudden.

“You can dress and go, Jennifer.”

This managed to sober my mood again. God, I had yearned to be fucked by him, and my pussy had been wet for his rod. I slid from the desk and righted myself, unable to look them in the eyes.

“Will you do me a favor?” he asked, and I watched him undress Carmen from the corner of my eyes.

I pulled the soggy red panties from my mouth, holding them in the flat of my hand to avoid dripping my saliva on the floor, and worked my jaw in circles. “Of course, Mr. Bellfort.”

“Wear the red ones home. I think they’ll look wonderful on you.”

I was too humiliated already to form a protest. It wouldn’t helped me anyway. I put the offending garment on, and it felt wet and slippery against my pussy and bum. I would have to move carefully to avoid my skirt getting soaked, which would be the high point of an embarrassing day, and sitting down in a taxi was out of the question. While I slipped into my blouse, Mr. Bellfort had Carmen lay down on the desk on her front side, the very same position I had been in earlier, and my heart constricted with envy.

Then he shoved his cock into her pussy in one single thrust, and her moan filled the air while his shapely buttocks rippled deliciously. My own pussy tried to clench around nothingness. I righted my skirt and pulled up the zipper. Mr. Bellfort’s pelvis slapped audibly against Carmen’s ass, and both of them moaned and grunted.

I crossed the room and opened the door.

“Jennifer!” His voice shook with desire, but most of it wasn’t for me.

I halted in mid-step.

“No cumming!” he growled. “I’ll know if you do.” And then he pulled Carmen’s head up by her braid and bit down on her neck, making her jerk and moan in heat.

I went to the hotel on shaky legs, knowing it would be a long, unfulfilled night for me and both dreading and anticipating the next day.

Written by ChrissieLecker
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