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Waiting After Work - Part Two

"My punishment for letting your friends use me"

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"Rough day, babygirl?" 

You're eyeing me up and down unaware that I look slightly disheveled because I've just been fucked by the four friends you'd invited over before your arrival. My pussy is still throbbing with burning need, but I'm aware of the bruises on my thighs, caused by their hands gripping me, are starting to darken. You slowly move closer to me, still examining me as I nervously smile and kiss your neck.   

"I'm gonna need your help with my friends, dear," you say as I sink to my knees and begin kissing the bulge in your jeans. I'm thinking of all the ways I could "help" your friends, knowing we are on two completely different pages at the moment. 

"What kind of help?" I ask, looking up at you while I undo your belt and slip your jeans down over your hips. 

"The guys are here to watch that UFC fight and I'd love you to make some food and grab everyone drinks, babygirl," you tell me.

A wave of unease moves over me at the thought of serving your friends who have already gotten what they need from me without you knowing. I look up at you before my mouth begins exploring your exposed erection and say, "Of course love, anything you need." 

I squeeze my legs together on the cool floor of your bedroom, trying my best to conceal the marks of my recent infidelity. You drag a finger slowly across my cheek and down the side of my throat before grabbing a strand of my hair. I freeze as you curiously rub my hair between your fingers, examining something, and dread pools in my stomach. 

"What is this?" you ask, yanking my hair in front of my face. I see the dried cum from who-knows-which of your friends. 

"Umm... I... I'm not sure," I stammer after I remove my lips from your cock. You cut me off by shoving it back in, deep into my throat. I close my eyes, blinking away tears as I gag on your eight-inch member.  

"You think I don't know what my cum looks like dried in your hair?" you say angrily while you fuck my face. As quickly as you filled my mouth, you remove your cock, a trail of my saliva dripping off the head. "Tell me," you pull my head back by my hair so I'm forced to look up and lock eyes with you, "who did you let take your body without my permission?" 

"I... I don't know, sir. I was blindfolded," I respond nervously, the dread becoming a heavier weight in the pit of my stomach. 

"Why were you blindfolded?" Your tone is demanding and angry, yet I can see a hint of excitement. 

"Sir, I bound and blindfolded myself waiting for you to come home, but your friends --" 

"And you let them cum on my body?" you interject, pulling my head back harder and rubbing your bulging head across my lips and cheek. 

"Yes, sir." I close my eyes, knowing I have completely disobeyed you. I await my sentence. 

"Did you enjoy it?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"So, you never once told them to stop. Just let them all fuck you like a cheap whore?" 

"Yes, sir, that's correct." My pussy aches with need and I know my punishment will only delay the orgasm I've so desperately wanted all day. 

You pull my hair above my head, making me stand, and push me towards the mattress. I fall back on it, wishing you would just take me over your lap and beat my bare ass until I couldn't sit for the rest of the night. I knew, however, that your punishments were never that simple. 

"Spread," you tell me sternly, and I slowly open my thighs. Your eyes are burning with anger, but I can also see the lust behind them. The wet crotch of my panties is now revealed to you and you grip the waistband tightly, yanking them down my hips. I close my legs so you can easily remove my panties and you shove them apart as soon as the scrap of fabric is off. You hold my thighs wide apart with a hand on each, resting your weight on them while you hover over my shivering body. 

Smack! Your hand comes down hard on my pussy and I moan, wanting to cum that moment. 

"Did that wet cunt of yours enjoy getting used like a fucking slut behind my back?" you ask with desire flooding your face. You squeeze my thighs, stinging the bruises that have recently formed. 

I moan, "Yes, daddy," and the throbbing between my legs grows stronger. 

"Do I have to fuck four other girls while you sit and watch to make you learn?" You growl at me, and the guilt of what I have done sets in with your question. 

"Daddy no, please... I'm sorry," I beg you. 

Smack! I arch my back and my pussy begins to dampen the sheets beneath me with the next smack of your hand. 

"You're going to learn," you growl, "that your body belongs to me, and we're going to prove that in front of every one of them that you fucked." 

"Yes, sir, I'm all yours, I promise," I say, adding, "It won't happen again." 

"It won't after I'm done with you. Ground," you order. I climb off the bed and kneel in front of you, waiting for my punishment. You walk to your closet, reach inside, and pull out a black silk collar with 'David' embroidered on the front, and clasp it around my neck. 

"Now I'm going to walk out there and sit with my friends. You are to put on your black stockings and belt, no panties, no bra, and come out to fetch us drinks and make the food. Understood, slut?"

Even though your friends have obviously seen my completely bare body, the thought of being so intimately dressed in front of them, exposed in a whole new way, makes me fearful. I bite my lip and cover my fear with a slight smile. "Understood, daddy."

You stand me up by my hair again and pull me close to you, purring into my neck, "Good girl." 

You leave the room and I begin searching for my nylons and matching garter belt. Part of me is mortified at the thought of being so exposed to your friends. This time, I will have to see their reactions to watching my naked body. I'd never been around your friends in anything less than a bikini. The other part of me, some secret exhibitionist, is enthralled that four other men will be lusting after my body while I serve them like your little slave. 

I stretch the stockings over my toned legs, then clip the garter belt into place. You didn't ask me to wear any shoes, but I slip on your favorite black stiletto heels, hoping to satisfy you. A little more lipgloss on, I check myself in the mirror. My face flushes with embarrassment as I look up and down my barely-covered body. 

I quietly leave the bedroom and peer into the living room below. You are sitting with your friends watching the TV screen as if nothing happened between you and me -- or me and your friends. As silently as I can, I make my way down the stairs and try sneaking to the kitchen to avoid as much embarrassment as I can. It is in vain because the click of my heels on the tile gives me away and I sense all five sets of eyes ogling my figure. The noise of the TV is loud enough to mask the mumbles and laughter from your pals, but I have an idea what they are saying anyway. I open the refrigerator and grab some things to make for you and our guests.

"Babygirl." Shit, I have no clue what you'll do next. "Why don't you bring a couple beers out here?"

No way of hiding anymore. I grab a bottle for everyone and quickly set them on the coffee table, spinning on my heels trying to hurry back into the kitchen. 

"Stop," you say and I freeze. "Turn around and stand in front of us, gorgeous." 

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I spin back to face everyone and lock eyes with you, shifting my feet uncomfortably. Your friends are all devouring my body with their eyes and smirking. 

"Now, don't you love the attention of all these men?" you ask me, smiling evilly. "Makes you feel like a slutty little girl, doesn't it?" 

I still stand uncomfortably in front of everyone but I am suddenly aware of the throbbing heat between my legs again.

The man sitting next to you says, "You sure are a lucky man to have a hot little thing like her around, David."

My nipples harden as I recognize his voice and remember the large cock that was first shoved into my mouth not that long ago. 

"I'm well aware," you respond to him dryly, and motion for me to come to you. I move closer and kneel, placing my hands over my shaved pussy in embarrassment at being closer to your friends now. You brush my hair behind my shoulders and pull me close by my collar. 

"Jacob, will you grab that magazine beside you?" You motion to the man sitting furthest from you. Jacob is younger than the rest, much closer to my age than yours, and looks almost boyishly innocent. My mind wanders back to feeling four different cocks on my body at once and I try to figure out which one might have been his. 

You interrupt my thoughts by saying, "Go get the magazine from Jacob." Before I can stand, you order, "Crawl." 

Any dignity I had left vanishes as I make my way on hands and nylon-covered knees to your friend holding out the magazine. 

"Now bring it here. With your teeth," you say smugly. I wish you would just get on with my punishment, but the humiliation is far from ending. I kneel between Jacob's legs where the bulge in his crotch looks like it will rip the seams any second. He brushes my hair back from my face and sticks the magazine between my teeth. I crawl back to you, knowing as I pass each man, that they will see the moistness forming on the lips of my cunt. 

You take the magazine from my mouth and instruct me to lie across the coffee table on my stomach. The table is solid oak and my nipples harden as they touch the cool wood. I am anxious but aroused. You roll the magazine tightly in your fist. 


The paper crashes against my bare ass and I lurch forward, yelping. To keep me from moving again, you place my hands on the floor at one end of the table and stand over my legs at the opposite end. I am now face-to-crotch with Jacob, whose jaw has dropped and his cock is even harder. 

"This is what naughty little girls who like to fuck her owner's friends get," you say, and I can feel the smirk on your face. Judging from Jacob's reaction, your friends must be getting slightly uncomfortable, knowing that they're not innocent either. 

Whap! Whap! Whap!

More blows come down on me, harder this time, and I moan through gritted teeth. Jacob and the man next to him have started to rub their cocks through their jeans. 

"You little whore, getting wet for any cock that teases you," you say, continuing the assault on my bottom. "You know damn well that pussy is owned by one cock and you're going to remember why right now." 

You yank my head back by my long hair and I'm pulled off the table. There's a slick spot on the wood right where the apex of my thighs had been and I notice all four of your friends are touching themselves now. One has pulled his cock completely out of his pants. 

You stand in front of the table, facing your friends, and make me sit on my hands and knees, pussy spread open to your friends. You unzip your jeans and I gladly slip my mouth over your cock. I moan on it and slowly work my tongue around the head when the rolled magazine comes swinging down on my ass again. 

You wrap my hair around your fist and shove my head down all eight inches of you. "You're enjoying this too much, slut. This is your punishment, not a sex show." The hand holding the magazine moves under me now and you smack my cunt with it -- hard, and directly on my aching clit.  

"Mmmm," I moan around your cock, instinctively closing my legs, feeling the urge to cum. You release my hair. 


You slap my face and growl, "Keep your legs spread. And don't you dare think about cumming." 

You pull your dripping cock from my mouth and spin me to face your four friends. They're all holding their cocks, watching you take what's yours. You shove two fingers into my dripping cunt and I have to fight just to hold myself up on the table, wanting to orgasm with every bone in my body. You slip your fingers out of my cunt and shove them into my mouth and I suck them clean, tasting my salty-sweet juices. 

"Look how wet you're getting, my little fuck toy, in front of these horny bastards," you say. "You know you're a slut and you just love getting used like one, don't you?" 

"Mmmm yes, daddy," I moan watching the man directly in front of me furiously stroke his thick cock. My hair is pulled back again so they can all watch my face as your cock stretches my pussy. My juices leak down my thighs and drip onto the coffee table as you ram your cock into me, taking ownership of my pussy. My tits bounce and my clit is throbbing; I don't know how much longer I can take the torture of needing to cum. 

Sensing my impending orgasm, you slow your strokes and begin rubbing your thumb around my asshole. 

"Do you enjoy disobeying me?" you ask while slipping your thumb inside my other hole. 

"No, sir." 

"Do I own every inch of this body?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"Are you going to cum before I tell you to, slut?" 

"No, sir," I reply, tensing every muscle in my body to keep my promise. 

Your friends are moaning and breathing harder now, and Jacob has stood up from the chair and is closer to us, stroking his cock right beside my head. You pull your cock and thumb out of me and lay me on my back on the table. You place each of my legs over your shoulders and my head hangs off the edge. You thrust deep into me and I grunt, needing to cum around your throbbing erection. 

You pound my cunt and growl, "Who's pussy is this?" 

"Yours, daddy" I moan breathlessly, feeling as if I could black out from pure pleasure. 

"Do you need to cum, babygirl?" You smile wickedly down at me. 

"Yes daddy... please," I beg. My cunt is dripping, my walls tighten, gripping your cock like a vise, while you mercilessly impale me. 

"Say my name," you growl. 

"David," I groan, closing my eyes and feeling my release building. 

"Say my fucking name!" you yell at me and I feel your balls tighten as they slap against me. 

"David," I say loudly feeling the convulsions of my orgasm begin. You pull your cock from my pussy and thrust it into my ass. Fingers slip deep into my pussy and your thumb presses hard on my clit, tipping me over the edge. 

"Cum for me," you yell, and I scream your name, not caring about anything in the world but your cock controlling me. I shake violently on the table and my cum coats your hand and cock below it. You give one final thrust and hold my legs against you while you fill my ass with your hot seed. 

My head is spinning and I open my eyes to your four friends shooting their cum onto me, for the second time tonight. You slowly pull out of me, our mixed cum dripping onto the table. 

You brush my hair out of my face, lean down beside my ear and whisper, "Mine." 



Written by kyra1284
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