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“Fries and a Diet Pepsi.” 

I’d been distracted and horny all morning, unable to dismiss the events of last night from my thoughts, trying to sort out my feelings and, most of all, worrying about the hold Violet obviously had on me. After all, I’d decided, early on, that no, I would not be seeing her anymore and I certainly wasn’t going to allow her to dictate when I could or couldn’t get myself off.

Don’t even think of taking care of yourself before I tell you to.

Her parting words last night after she’d straddled my head on a park bench, her dripping wet cunt grinding against my mouth as I ate another girl’s pussy for the very first time. It wasn’t like she’d know if I did, or had, and yet…

“Fries. Diet Pepsi.” The answer coming automatically, the ‘p’s popping softly, a phrase she probably repeated hundreds of times a day. “Would you like special sauce with that?”

My heart hammered against my ribs as my chest tightened, recalling the scent of her pussy filling my nostrils last night and the sweet taste of her juices on my eager tongue as I lapped at her clit like an eager puppy, desperate to make her cum, hoping that she would return the favor.

“No. Yes. Please?” I replied, stumbling over the words, taken by surprise at the subtle change in our exchange, unsure if she was offering what my sex-obsessed mind thought she meant.

Her laughter was delightful as she read back the total and told me to drive to the window. 

I wondered if she’d considered the possibility that I wouldn’t show up today – that I’d never return after last night – with amusement. She’d known, even before I had, that I was hooked. As much as I was loathe to admit it, I had lost the ability to resist her, made obvious by how hard my nipples had been as I’d pulled up to the speaker to put in my order and how wet my pussy had been on the drive over and by how much thought I’d put into dressing specifically for her…

I pulled forward, pausing behind a short line of cars, using the delay to check my makeup and hair in the rearview, my heart beating a little too fast, my breaths coming a little too quickly as I made a few arrangements, for her benefit, to my wardrobe, hoping she’d approve of my choices. 

Today I’d raided the back corner of my closet, picking out things that had been rarely worn since purchasing them, and for good reason. They were the kind of things that required a special occasion. A dark red tank style dress that showed off a healthy amount of cleavage. It was skin tight and, even if I’d been wearing a bra, the state of my nipples would have been obvious. It was short enough to expose the tops of black stockings held in place by a black lace garter belt. 

I’d debated on wearing panties, finally giving in and putting on a sheer black pair. After all, I could always have taken them off. I’d chosen not to. Needless to say, it had been a wise choice, since they were busy soaking up cunt juice that would have left a dark stain on my dress otherwise. At this rate, it might still be an issue, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

“Pretty,” popping the ‘p’ in a way that made my body respond with a needy shiver as I pulled up to the window and handed her my card. “Have you been a good girl?” she continued, her voice softer now, her gaze boring into mine so that I could not look away even if I’d wanted to.

“Yes,” I mouthed, unable to get my voice to work. Swallowing, I ran my tongue over my lower lip, wetting it, waiting as she ran my card then returned it before handing me my drink and a small paper bag containing my fries.

Glancing quickly around her, she held one hand up to her cheek and mouthed ‘call me’ before flashing five, and then three more, fingers. Eight. Then, unable to resist, apparently, she gave me a wicked grin before I could drive off.

“Show me.” Her gaze drifted from my face to my tits and then lower, to my lap.

My breath caught in my chest. I could feel my eyes going huge, like a deer caught in the headlights as I put aside my order and obediently tugged the hem of my dress up, giving her a view of my bared thighs as I spread them as wide as I could in the confines of my car so that she could get a good look at my wet panties. 

I sat there, watching as she slowly licked her lips, exposing myself to her until her gaze lifted once more and captured mine. She gave me a nod, then, giving me permission to pull forward.

“Have a nice day. Come again.”

It was impossible not to hear the emphasis on the second phrase as pulled over in the parking lot, as much to get my wits about me, as to stick my straw into the plastic cup lid and unfold the top of the bag. That’s when I discovered an unasked for addition to my order; a pink thong. Embarrassment and humiliation made my face hot and turned my cheeks red as I rescued them and buried my nose in them, fingers shaking as I reached between my legs and teased myself for as long as I could stand it without putting myself over the edge. Eight o’clock, she’d told me. Groaning, I tugged my dress back down, tucked her thong into my glove box for safekeeping – for later, an inner voice teased – and fled the parking lot. 


I called at exactly eight and listened nervously as the ring tone sounded, growing distraught as they went on and sighing an, apparently audible, sigh of relief when, finally, she picked up.

I heard her laughing softly, knowing I was the reason for it. Thankfully she couldn’t see the blush on my cheeks.

“On time and everything, Jenny. I’m impressed.”

There it was again. The subtle pop of the ‘p’. I imagined how her mouth must look when she did it. Like a playful kiss.

“Thank you,” I replied shyly, my heart beating so loud that I was sure she could hear it in the silence that followed. Thankfully, she took pity on me and didn’t let it last too long.

“Have you been a good girl for me, pet?”

I thought about the drive home, my hand between my thighs, rubbing my pussy through my panties every time I came to a stop light. Of how close I had been to coming by the time I’d pulled into my drive way. Of how my car smelled of sex and of the wet spot I’d left on the seat.

“I haven’t come, Vio-“

“Miss Violet,” she interrupted. “I want you to call me Miss Violet, or just Miss, from now on. Understood?”

It took me a moment to realize she couldn’t see my slow nod, so I responded, my voice soft and subdued.

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good girl,” she cooed. “You’ve been playing with that pretty little pussy of yours, though.”

It wasn’t a question and even if it had been, I wasn’t about to deny it.


“While thinking of me.”

I glanced down at my left hand. Her pink thong was balled in my fist, wet from where I’d rubbed it against my cunt and then licked it, imagining I could taste our mingled juices.

“Yes, Miss.”

More laughter, although it was gentle, and not mocking. 

“You’re adorable, you know that?”

Not quite knowing how to answer, I chose not to. Instead, I carefully placed her thong beside me on the bed and carefully smoothed it out with my free hand, enjoying the sound of her voice as she continued.

“Where are you right now?”

“My bedroom. On my bed. Miss.”

“Describe what I would see if I was there, sitting next to you. Let’s start with what you’re wearing.”

I took a moment to collect myself as I looked around the room, my gaze eventually focusing on the dresser mirror, staring at my reflection, wondering where to start and then, taking a deep breath as I pulled my knees up to my chest, pointed my toes, and slipped my feet into her panties, pulling them over my calves, my knees, my things and then over my hips so they were snug against my pussy. I closed my eyes for a moment, and let the quietest of moans as my arousal skyrocketed.

“I’m not sure what brought that on,” she teased, “but I can hardly wait to find out.”

I let out a quick breath, steadying myself mentally and emotionally before speaking.

“A satin robe. It’s white. It has a tie, but it’s untied right now and open. You’d be able to see part of my breasts and a hint of one nipple unless I moved.”

“What else. Is that it? No panties?”

A moment of silence before I managed an answer.


“Mine? Oh!” she exclaimed suddenly, obviously understanding. “Are they wet?”

“A little. I just put them on.”

“I bet they look hot on you. I want you to leave them on until I say otherwise.”

A thrill shot through me as my hopes rose. I wasn’t sure if I’d see her tonight. She might have just wanted to tease me but she wouldn’t make me wear them all night and then all day tomorrow, would she? I swallowed at the thought, not knowing the answer to that, not daring to ask her in case it gave her ideas…

“Make-up? Polish?”

“Eye liner and a little lip gloss. Just in case.” I giggled a little, and she joined in. “Robin’s egg blue on my fingers and toes.”

“In case I wanted to see you tonight, Jenny?”

“Yes,” I admitted. “I was hoping…”

I let it hang there, unable to finish the thought, chewing on my lower lip as I waited for her to speak again, slowly counting out the silence. One. Two. Three… all the way to twenty, my poor heart pounding against my ribs harder and faster with each numeral until I thought it might burst.

“It doesn’t mean I’ll let you come, Jenny. You have to earn that.”

“I know,” I said in a tone that sounded suspiciously like a small girl’s voice. “But it doesn’t mean you won’t?”

This time, she replied with a soft chuckle of amusement as she chose to ignore my query.

“Same place we met the other night. Eight O’clock. Dressed as you are now. Go ahead and tie the sash. You own a pair of red pumps?”


“Put them on too. I want you standing in front of your car when I drive up. If I don’t see you there, I’ll turn around and go home. Understood?”

“Yes, Miss,” I replied, nodding at her words, a shiver playing up and down my spine. I suddenly realized that I’d been rubbing my clit through her thong and that it was nearly saturated with my juices.

She hung up without another word, leaving me in a heightened state of arousal. Eight O’clock. Less than an hour but plenty of time to debate my sanity and sensibility. Less than an hour to back out of… whatever this was, with a girl I knew next to nothing about. It wasn’t too late. I could simply turn on the television and stay home or perhaps find some internet porn and make myself come as many times as I wanted and, maybe, find another fast food place to go to…

It was the smart thing to do, after all. With a sigh of relief, decision made, I got comfortable in bed, propped up against a pair of plump pillows, grabbed the remote, and turned on HBO.


Forty-five minutes later I was standing in front of my car, shivering slightly as a chill breeze made a sudden appearance. As requested, I was wrapped in a thin white satin robe, tied at the waist and wearing a pair of high heels that matched my crimson lipstick. And, of course, Violet’s pink thong, now thoroughly soaked and smelling of pussy, wondering what I was doing, and why.

The answer became obvious as soon as Violet sauntered up, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses that hid her eyes. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and was wearing a leather biker’s jacket over what appeared to be a plain white tee and had an oversized purse slung over one slim shoulder. Her low slung jeans were skin tight, and her black leather ankle boots with their chunky heels added three inches of height. Oh, and she wore a grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame and managed to both chill me to the bone and ignite a blossom of heat in my core that burned bright and hot. 

“Hi, pretty girl,” she said, greeting me with a kiss that left me longing for more, her tongue sliding across my lower lip teasingly before pushing past my teeth, her wet mouth pressing against mine possessively. It stole both my breath and any remaining resolve I might have had to get back in my car and drive home and forget about her.

“Miss me?” she asked, taking my hands gently, the gesture intimate and almost sweet.

“Yes,” I murmured, wondering if I should admit how much and deciding that it would be pointless to lie at this stage. I wasn’t really sure of our relationship, to be honest. Definitely not girlfriends. That left a lot of other possibilities on the table, though. She lifted her sunglasses, leaving them perched on top of her head, regarding me with curious eyes.

“Yes,” I said, this time with emphasis, maneuvering her hands until we were palm to palm, fingers interlocking, mind curling over her knuckles and squeezing firmly. “You and what you make me… feel. Miss,” I added, a beat later, our gazes locked until, shyly, I lowered my eyes, submitting to her stronger will, knowing that I had just given her permission for whatever was to happen tonight. 

“Give me your keys, pet.” A simple request and easily obeyed. I had slipped them into the pocket of my robe before getting out of my car. I handed them, letting her open the passenger door for me as if it was a simple date. She joined me, taking her place in the driver’s seat, a moment later and started the engine.

“Where are we going?” I asked, both nervous and excited at the prospect of another night as her plaything.

She turned towards me, the car still in park, and studied my face, her eyes unreadable. Swallowing, I sat motionless, once again wondering at the hold she had on me. A minute slipped by and then, her eyes drifted downward. I realized that, in getting in, my robe had parted enough to reveal part of one breast and a hint of a dark pink nipple, hard and plump with desire.

“Does it matter? Here. Put these on.”

She pulled a large white paper bag from her satchel that looked suspiciously like the fast food bag that my fries always came in. I opened it, curiosity overcoming concern. A pair of leather cuffs and a matching collar. I took one out and laid it on my lap, glancing at her profile as she put the car in motion and maneuvered her way out of the parking lot, paused for a moment to slip a CD into the player before pulling out onto the street. Trip hop, although I didn’t recognize the artist. It was kind of sexy. 

“You get high?” she asked, startling me as I ran my fingers over the cuff. It was made of thick leather. Certainly not a cheap novelty item bought at the local adult bookstore. It closed with a three prong metal buckle designed so that you could lock it with a small padlock and there was a round metal ring dangling opposite the buckle. Running my tongue slowly over my teeth, I checked inside the bag, holding my breath and then letting it out slowly. No signs of locks. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. The inside was padded with soft material and already loosely buckled.

“I have. With friends out partying. Not often.”


“Yes,” I replied somewhat distantly as I slid the cuff over my left hand so that it enclosed my slender wrist like a too large bracelet. Slowly, I unfastened the buckle and pulled it snug against my flesh before re-latching it, my heart fluttering in my chest.

“Anything else.”

“Drugs? Mushrooms once. Didn’t care for them. I got queasy.”

“What about Molly?”

This time, I just shook my head, murmuring negatively, my attention on the second cuff. As she pulled up to a stop light, I secured that, as well, painfully aware of how much wetter my pussy had become as I placed myself in bondage at her request. I felt my clit pushing from under my hood, filling with blood, swollen and pulsing in time to the beating of my heart, her words suddenly penetrating my sexual fog.

“You’re not going to make me, are you?” I asked, suddenly worried, looking up sharply as the light turned green and we moved forward, much to her amusement.

“Have I ever made you do anything you don’t want to do, pet?”

I held my tongue and sucked on my lip, wanting to dispute her claim, but unable to. 

“Well, have I?” she asked with a hint of impatience.

“No, Miss. Never”

“The collar too.”

She turned her head, raising a perfectly formed eyebrow that spoke volumes. I quickly withdrew the third piece. In design, it was much like the other two, only much slimmer. Hesitantly I put it on, fastening the buckle over my windpipe so that there was enough play for me to wiggle my pinky finger underneath before leaning back in my seat and trying to get my breathing under control, not oblivious to the fact that the rising and falling of my breasts had completely uncovered the one nearest her. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feeling of being partially exposed, the feel of the restraints erasing the last vestiges of inhibitions. Whatever Violet had planned for me this evening, I would be a willing participant. Whatever she had planned.

We left the main road, turning onto a residential street, passing under street lamps, the street growing darker as it curved lazily past a small park in the midst of peaceful suburbia. Violet slowed and turned into the parking lot. It, too, was dimly lit. I noticed that one of the lights had burned out. I also noticed that she chose to park in the shadows and that we were the only car.

“Shoes off then get out,” she told me bluntly as soon as she turned the key in the ignition, silencing the engine. Unbuckling my seat belt, I quickly complied, closing the door behind me as I awkwardly waited, nervously rubbing trembling fingers over the cuffs trapping my wrists, the rough pavement chilling the soles of my feet, shivering slightly as a cool breeze plucked at the hem of my too short robe.

 Violent joined me, her oversized bag hanging from her shoulder. She took a moment to fish her phone out.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

“Smile, pet,” she told me, waiting until I appeased her before taking the picture and slipping it into her back pocket. 


I quickly obeyed, holding out my hand, wondering what was coming. She took it, her fingers slipping between mine before starting forward, forcing me to walk alongside as we held hands like lovers.


“A little chilly,” I replied truthfully as she led me down an asphalt path, taking it slowly. I think it was for my sake, barefoot as I was, for which I was thankful.

“Soon, you’ll barely notice,” she giggled, giving my fingers a playful squeeze, before going on. 

“Watching you masturbate – watching your face as you play with your dirty little pussy, as you come, knowing you’re doing it because I’ve told you to. Because it pleases me. My sexy little plaything. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful when you come for me, Jenny. Did you know that?”

I didn’t answer her right away. Instead, I took a moment to survey our surroundings as best I could. As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, made less so by the light of the moon and the ambient street lights, strange shapes emerged from the landscape. For a moment, I was puzzled, and then it all made sense. To our left was a playground; a slide, swings, and a metal jungle gym. On our right was the first of a number of exercise stations. A fitness trail. 

“Thank you, Miss,” I said, breaking the silence. I was glad it was too dark to tell that I was blushing furiously although I was reasonably sure she at least suspected as much.

“Here, this way.” She led me off the trail and towards one of the stations; a pair of thick wooden posts supporting a metal bar – the kind used to do chin-ups. The grass felt soft and cool beneath the soles of my feet. As we drew nearer she let go of my hand and gave my satin tie a sharp tug, pulling it loose so that my robe parted, exposing my tits and the borrowed pink thong. I froze, a sharp gasp catching in my throat, which gave her plenty of opportunity and time to thread the white sash through the ring on my right wrist like a leash. She tugged sharply, setting my feet in motion once more, leading me towards the exercise equipment.

“Grasp the bar, pet.”

She’s led me to a set of parallel bars. They were positioned so that, if I were to extend my arms while on them, my feet would be about a foot or so off the ground. 

“I come out here to work out sometimes. I enjoy the peace and quiet. Not a lot of people come here after dark,” Violet imparted, giving me a very tiny glimpse of something personal, something that didn’t have something to do with the perverse delight she took in toying with me. A moment later, her words registered in a different way. Not a lot of people. She was standing close enough that I could tell she’d picked those particular words for my benefit. She continued, pulling me closer, stepping into me, her hand under my robe, caressing my ass, her face so close that if I leaned forward just a little, I could kiss her.

“At some point, it occurred to me that you could have all sorts of fun if you wanted to be creative,” she continued, her voice sensual and dripping with meaning. “I could play all sorts of games if I found the right girl…”

She kissed me. Just a soft, intimate kiss that left me longing for more, her fingers trailing over my cheek and then, between my legs. The ghost of a moan escaped my lip as she pulled her face away, her gaze holding mine, her eyes dark and glittering in the darkness.

“Someone who desperately wanted to be my submissive little pet. My dirty girl.”

Her fingers pressed between my thighs and, naturally, I spread my legs for her, just enough that she could brush the material covering my sweltering cunt, stroking me through the fabric with one fingertip, observing my expression as my breaths grew shallower, quickening as she slowly descended, her warm, wet kisses teasing my vulnerable throat, her tongue tip trailing over the swell of her breast, her teeth brushing against my aching nipple. She took it in her mouth, sucking at first, one hand teasing me from behind, the other stroking down my ribs, my hip, my thigh and then cupping me, thumb rubbing circles over my clit until I couldn’t think straight, the fingers behind, trailing over my taint, parting the cheeks of my ass before pressing against my puckered ass, probing playfully.

“Me,” I managed as I slowly drowned in ecstasy, my legs trembling uncontrollably as she slowly forced me to turn in place until my back was to the exercise bars.

“I want to do so many things to you, pet,” she murmured, panting as she pulled back, her chin tilted up towards my face, watching me as I watched her. “It will be better for both of us if I am patient, though.”

She straightened out, kissing me once more, her tongue exploring my mouth, hand abandoning my ass and cunt, sliding over my belly, lingering on my breasts, then shoulders and, finally, sliding down my arms, making me shiver with desire, until they were resting on the leather cuffs I wore. 

“Reach back,” she purred, guiding my hands to the metal bar, maneuvering my fingers so that they gripped it loosely. “Don’t you dare move.”

She reached into her bag, producing a length of rope. It wasn’t long before she had it looped through the ring on my right cuff, winding it around the bar forcing me to bend my arm at the elbow. She repeated the process on the other arm so that my hands were trapped behind me, halfway up my back. 

“How badly do you want to come, Jenny?” she teased, cupping my pussy once more, and pushing her purloined thong between my outer, and then inner lips, with her thumb.

“Real bad, Miss,” I managed to whimper as, unable to stop myself, I tried to hump her hand. I got my pussy spanked for my trouble, the blow stinging, leaving me simmering with lust.

“Good girls behave themselves, Jenny. Can you behave yourself?”

“I don’t know,” I answered, quite truthfully. “I’ll try?”

She laughed at the, and lowered her bag to the grass, squatting next to it as she dug through the contents, using the flashlight on her phone.

“I’m counting on you to fail, pet. Sometimes bad girls are more fun.” 

She made a satisfied sound and stood once more, her hand closed around something. Unceremoniously she hooked her fingers into my panties and pulled them outward, slipping her fist into them and rubbing something hard and smooth up and down my swollen lips.

“You’re sopping wet, aren’t you.”

It wasn’t exactly a question. I blushed hard and nodded, then gasped as she roughly pushed what felt like a gold ball into my tight cunt and then let go of the thong, letting the elastic snap against my skin. I gasped, more in surprise than pain.

“That should keep my toy nice and snug.” She picked up her phone from where she’d set it aside and tapped the screen. I felt buzzing vibrations begin within me. 

“Oh, no,” I breathed, shutting my eyes tight, concentrating on the sensations suddenly coming to life in my pussy, the cool air at odds with the heat that was slowly building between my legs. When I finally opened them again, it was to the sight of her sitting on the lawn, her arms wrapped around her legs, pulling them to her chest, her chin resting upon one knee as she regarded me with a crooked smile. I could see her illuminated phone screen lying alongside one hip.

“You look so pretty, Jenny. I could just eat you up.”

“Please,” I whimpered, the image of her kneeling on the lawn as she kissed, and licked, and fucked my pussy with her tongue was powerful. I let out a small moan as she picked up her phone and slide her fingertip over the surface, making the vibrations stronger.

I writhed, tugging half-heartedly at the rope that secured me to the apparatus. I didn’t actually wish to escape my bonds, after all, not that it seemed to be an option. Her knots seemed secure enough to hold me there, even if I had been unwilling.

“I wonder what kinky things you’ll agree to if I keep you on the edge for a while, pet?”

Maddeningly, she turned down the vibrations again, leaving me standing there trembling as juices started soaking through her pink thong, my breasts heaving, my nipples so swollen and hard I thought they might explode.

She teased me like that, simply watching, her expression intense and unreadable, playing me, bringing me closer and closer to the edge each time before leaving me frustrated and begging.

“Oh my god, please make me come!” I cried out loudly at one point. She simply laughed, shaking her head and shutting off the device inside of me.

“Only if you do it my way.”

“Yes, please, anything,” I sobbed in desperation, panting as she stood and walked towards me, circling around so that she could unbind my wrists and release me. I didn’t waste any time in falling to my hands and knees, exhausted by the ordeal. If I had to guess, I’d say I’d been tied for close to an hour while she continually denied me release. 

“Anything, pet?”

“Anything,” I mumbled, laying my head down on the grass, ass raised, moaning pathetically as she pulled the thong down my thighs and carefully pulled the wireless vibrator from my poor abused pussy before having me roll over on my side so that she could strip me of everything but the collar, leaving me vulnerable and naked. 

“On your knees. Now.”

It came out as a command. I wasted no time in doing exactly that, desperate to please her if it meant some relief from the pent-up sexual frustration that burned within.

She had me crawl back to the car, following her on my makeshift leash, moving slowly enough that it left me plenty of slack. Thankfully she kept to the grass so that the experience was only slightly uncomfortable, if humiliating. It also gave me a lovely view of her ass sheathed in her incredibly tight jeans, swaying sexily with each measured step. 

It wasn’t long before we were where we’d started, standing in front of my car in the dimly lit lot. I was so focused on what she promised that I no longer cared about modesty as she reached into her bag and produced what would turn out to be the final surprise of the night; an impressive looking black rubber cock mounted on a suction cup. I wet my lips nervously with my tongue. It was quite thick and, since I had a good idea of where it would be going, I had every right to be nervous. Unless she planned on fucking me in the ass with it… I felt a sudden stab of fear down my spine at the thought. I wasn’t sure I wanted an orgasm that badly. That said, I was under no illusions about her hold on me. If that was what she intended, I wouldn’t stop her.

She cupped my pussy with her hand, casually slipping a pair of fingers inside. The wet squelch was faintly audible in the otherwise silent parking lot.

“Your pussy is nice and lubricated, pet. Perfect.” Again, that maddening pop that seemed so natural and effortless every time she pronounced her ‘p’s. Not nearly as maddening as the look in her eyes as she withdrew her digits and held them up, the faint light making them glisten, soaked as they were in my juices, before making a show of smearing them over the underside of the dildos suction cup. Smiling, she held them to her mouth, holding my gaze as she cleaned them off, one at a time, first with her tongue, and then sucking on them with a soft yet lusty sigh. Still holding my gaze, her chin tilting slightly down, she let a rope of drool slip between pursed lips and pool on the base as well.

With very little ceremony, she turned and almost literally slapped it on the headlight of my car, releasing it to bob hypnotically up and down until, finally, it was still, thrusting out vertically with a slight downward curve.

With a wicked grin, she circled me, warm hands settling on my naked shoulders. 

“You’re shaking. Cold? Nervous?” A long pause. “So horny you can’t think straight?”

“Yes, yes, and yes,” I admitted, fascinated with the black rubber toy. 

She turned me slowly, standing in place, until I faced her, her hands drifting down to my breasts, thumbs and fingers capturing my nipples and squeezing until I sucked my breath in sharply, pain blossoming and spreading outwards. Slowly, she backed me up until I felt the tip of the large fake penis poke into my thigh. 

“Bend over, dirty girl. We’re going to fill that hot little pussy of yours full of black cock.”

Wordless, my brain too scrambled with sensory overload, I let her guide me, spreading my legs wide as she reached between them and guided the tip of the toy into my slick cunt. I was forced to bend over, supporting myself, palms pressed flat on the surface of the deserted parking lot, and then backing up for her.

I moaned like the dirty slut I was for her as I felt it fill me, stretching me wide open, my ass bumping against metal as I was impaled.

“Don’t move, not yet,” she commanded, her voice betraying her own arousal. “Eyes front.”

She moved towards the driver’s side, and I heard the door opening. A moment later, the headlamps burst into light, illuminating me as I stood there, bent over and naked, a black rubber cock stuffed deep into my dripping wet cunt.

“God, you look…” was all she said, camera in hand as she took picture after picture of my predicament, finally coming to a halt before me and squatting until she was eye level with me, her fingers in my hair, gentle at first, and then, tightening, gripping so hard that my scalp tingled.

“You still want to come, pet?”

“Oh, god, yes,” I managed, shaking so hard that I could barely speak.

She stood again, and made a show of unbuttoning her jeans to reveal a lack of panties. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband, she pushed them down to mid-thigh, exposing her smooth shaved pussy. It was as wet, if not wetter, than mine. Anticipating her next request, I extended my tongue.

“Good girl,” she praised as she moved close enough to press herself against my mouth, allowing me to lick her, the tang of her juices like ambrosia on my taste buds.

“Fuck yourself.”

I wasted no time. I stopped caring that I was naked and on display for anyone happening upon us. To be honest, the idea of someone seeing me in this debauched state turned me on even more as I began to rock back and forth, leaning forward until I could only feel the tip splitting my pussy lips, and then back until the entire length filled my tight fuck hole. Over and over, each time a little harder, a little faster, feeling the pleasure build as I worshiped her cunt with my mouth and tongue, the sound of the cock filling me mixing with the pounding of my heart and her increasingly loud moans. 

I rode it, cheeks slapping against the grill, held up on shaky arms and her hand wrapped tight around my tresses, her scent overwhelming me, her taste in the back of my throat, my clit throbbing as I pleasured her, my own ecstasy mounting until I thought I might explode, and yet, I was unable to go over the edge. 

As for Violet, she cried out several times, thrusting her hips, mashing herself against my face, clearly on the brink of orgasm, somehow prolonging it until, finally, she gasped out, almost incoherently.

“Come for me!”

A moment later, I was wracked in an orgasm so intense that my senses reeled, hers hitting her as well, heightening mine until my whole world consisted of the explosion of pleasure between my thighs, and my mouth against her pussy as I thrust my tongue as deep as I could, her entire being stilling for a fraction of a moment before shuddering into a climax matching mine in intensity…

Afterwards, we sat on the grass, or rather, she sat on the grass, her jeans pulled up, but still unbuttoned, her jacket covering me as I lay, otherwise naked, with my head in her lap, half dozing. She’d turned the car lights off, but my eyes had become accustomed to the dark, and I could still see the dildo mounted on the headlight. 

“My dirty girl,” she cooed softly, stroking my hair soothingly. “You are so beautiful when you come for me.”

I could hear the smile in her voice. I felt a stab of emotion at her words and shivered. No, not shame. Something else, something that I wasn’t prepared to put a name to. Something that scared me more than a little. Pushing the thought aside, I did my best to live in the moment, enjoying the sensation of her fingers teasing through my hair, brushing my scalp, tracing over the ridges of my earlobes, trailing over my cheek. I rubbed my other cheek against her thigh, a sound much like that of a contented cat easing from within me. 


We stayed like that for perhaps half an hour before she decided it was time to depart. Slowly, we made our way back to the car, her jacket hanging from my shoulders, keeping the worst of the cooling night from skin still damp with passion. Violet helped me inside, making sure I was belted in, before removing the cock from the headlight, laughing as she joined me.

“I am tempted to leave it there and drive around with it like that, see If anyone notices.”

I giggled sleepily, feeling suddenly worn out by our adventure, so much so that I dozed off on the short drive back to our original meeting place.

“You look tired,” she murmured, concern in her voice as she pulled into the parking lot, reaching over and cupping my chin, turning my head to the side and leaning in to brush her nose against mine before kissing it.

“I’m fine,” I murmured, yawning, before managing a sleepy smile. It had taken a lot out of me. Fortunately the drive home was short. I giggled, suddenly.

“I think my robe’s still at the park, Miss.”

She winced a little, then chuckled. “Oops.” Then, her voice grew quiet and slightly serious. “I think you should stay at my place tonight. I don’t want you driving.”

Too tired to think it through, I nodded, yawning again, closing my eyes again, just for a moment. “Anything you want, Miss.”

The ride home was full of little flashes. Her hand on my thigh, nails scraping gently against sensitive flesh. 

Paused at a stop light, her giggling at I knew not what.

Pulling into a driveway, getting out of the car, and being led by the hand through a door.

Being tucked into a bed, Violet pressed against my back, her arm around my waist, our heads sharing a pillow, her kiss brushing the nape of my neck.

And then…



[thanks to Emily260 for catching some typos for me!]

Written by sprite
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