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The Houseboat Incident Chapter 4

"Late Teens on a houseboat for the weekend, sex everywhere was bound to happen"

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The next morning when I woke up, the warm sun’s rays peered in through the open window. I stretched, letting out a squeaky moan, before sitting up to survey my room. My stomach felt like Jell-O, and my throat was still sore from the night before. I could hear the footsteps and low tone conversations of the others all around the boat. I Put on a pair of cut offs and my bikini top. I grabbed a towel and my travel kit out of my bag. With one final yawn, I pulled back my partition and promptly ran into Mark.

“Damn girl, your hair is fucked up,” he stated with a laugh.

“I’m sure it is,” I said, instinctively reaching up to run my hand over it.

“Is anyone in the shower?” I asked.

“Not at the moment, but I would hurry up. I heard Kali saying she was getting ready to take one. You need any help getting to the hard to reach places?” he asked with a smirk.

“I think I can handle it,” I retorted.

“Suit yourself,” he said before pressing on.

I made my way to the shower, pulled the door shut behind me and locked it. The place was a mess and full of five peoples worth of products and hygiene related paraphernalia. I cleared out some space on the small counter and looked in the mirror. My hair tie was still in my hair, but barely. Mark was right my, hair was fucked up. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. While I waited, there were at least three attempts to open the door; no knocking, just quick attempts and then footsteps.

The whole room immediately felt damp from the water, the only ventilation was a small over-worked fan that looked like someone had cut a hole in the outside wall and shoved a tiny fan in it, one that they found in some 1960’s junkyard. I stepped into the shower and squeezed some soap into my shower puff. The water was lukewarm at best and didn’t appear to be getting any hotter. I quickly scrubbed down and washed my face before hopping out. The second I turned off the water, there was a knock at the door.

“You done?” Kali yelled.

“Just a second,” I replied back.

“Hurry up, shower thief!” she yelled back.

I wrapped the towel around my body and grabbed my stuff. I opened the door to find a very annoyed looking Kali. She stepped to the side, entered the bathroom and slammed the door shut without saying a word. I rolled my eyes and headed to my room. I heard whistles from behind me as I passed a few of the room on the way to mine. I didn’t turn to acknowledge whoever it was whistling. I closed the partition to my room, dried my hair, and toweled off. After doing my hair and applying some light make-up, I decided to stick with the cut offs and bikini top combo.

I put on my flip flops and headed down to the deck. As I emerged, the sun smacked me in the face like a 2x4, the light was almost blinding. I quickly grabbed my sunglasses that were conveniently hanging off my bikini top between my boobs. Now that I could see again, I immediately took note of Vance who was standing on the sandbank staring back at the boat. Mark was standing at the helm holding the wheel. They were shouting back and forth about how we were going to get off the bank.

“Sandwich?” my sister asked.

“Fuck yeah, I’m starving,” I answered as I turn to face her.

“Here, it’s turkey,” she responded, holding out a pre-wrapped sandwich from the cooler.

We sat there quietly eating while we watched the boys argue about the boat. They were eventually joined my Cody and Tommy. After about half an hour of back and forth, they finally said, "Fuck it, lets just put this bitch in reverse and take our chances."

Everyone climbed back aboard the boat and Vance revved up the engine and hit reverse. The motor spun and the boat felt like it was rocking, but nothing happened. Vance quickly killed the engine and shook his head. Tommy and Mark jumped back onto the sandbank and started to try to push the boat off of the bank to no avail. Cody joined in and Vance hit the engine again. After much strain and a very loud scraping sound, the boat finally broke free. Everyone cheered as the boys climbed back on to the deck. We were off, everyone’s mood seemed to be elated, and any of the flared tempers from the night before seemed to be long forgotten. The rest of the day was spent laughing, flirting, drinking beer, attempting to fish, and sun bath. Vance was of course overly protective of the helm and wouldn’t let anyone touch it but him.

As dusk fell, the real drinking began. We talked, laughed, finished off a bottle of Jaegermiester, and enjoyed some burgers. Cody and my sister decided to call it an early night and headed off to their room. We continued to sit around and bullshit for awhile longer. It wasn’t long before the discussion of last night’s events came up. Everyone had of course been brought up to speed on everything that had occurred, so the teasing began.

“So you did get your first black cock last night,” Kali said with a nudge.

“What is your point? Are you mad because I didn’t put on a show like you did?” I asked.

“Oh whatever, sounds like that is your sister’s job anyways,” she replied with a laugh and a smile.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, someday you can watch me suck cock,” I said somewhat flirtatiously.

“I volunteer!” Tommy shouted.

“Dick,” Kali responded.

“It’s only fair, she got to watch you suck my dick,” he said smiling and taking a sip of his beer.

“Like she wants your dick, now that she’s already had the ‘Black Mamba’, Vance said jokingly.

“Jesus, do you really call it that?” I asked.

“No, I’m just fuckin’ with him,” Vance answered.

“Ya’ll just gonna have a big fuckin’ orgy or what?” Mark piped up.

“Nah, Kali’s too much of a chicken shit for that,” Tommy noted.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Kali asked as she stared daggers at Tommy.

“What? It’s true. Remember that time your friend wanted to fool around and you were all cool with it then got all nervous and backed out?” he asked.

“First off, private conversation, second I was drunk when I agreed to it,” Kali explained.

“Whatever, that counts, you owe me a three way,” Tommy replied, looking completely serious.

“Well, your never gonna get shit if you keep acting like an asshole,” she responded, taking a sip of her own beer.

“Fine, prove me wrong. If I had a willing girl right here right now that we both found attractive, would you be down for a three way or wuss out?” he asked.

“I guess we will never know, because we don’t have a willing participant,” Kali responded.

“Heather, you down?” he asked, causing everyone stop what they were doing and wait for my answer.

“Well, if Kali isn’t down with it, it doesn’t really matter now, does it?” I answered.

“Ah fuck, whatever, that’s just as big a cop out answer as Kali’s,” Tommy said.

“Well as riveting as all this non three-way conversation is, I’m going to go on the roof and chill for a bit with some Mary,” Mark stated.

“I’m hella down for that,” Vance said.

“Later, bitches,” Mark said as he grabbed a fold out chair and a towel and headed off.

“I’ll check you later,” Vance said, winking at me as he gathered a chair, towel, and a bag of chips, before following Mark to the roof.

“So now that everyone is gone, what’s it gonna be?” Tommy asked, rubbing Kali’s knee.

“You wanna do this?” Kali asked looking at me.

“To be honest, I think we should just ditch Tommy and go fool around just the two of us, just because he is being a dick about it,” I answered.

“I agree,“ Kali said sticking her tongue out at Tommy.

“That’s cool too, as long as I can watch,” Tommy said looking excited and clapping his hand together a rubbing his palms.

“Bitch, you’d be lucky if we let you listen outside the door,” Kali responded.

We both laughed, Tommy looked confused as he gauged her seriousness. There was a short bit of awkward silence before Kali grabbed my hand and led me to their room. Tommy immediately jumped up to follow us. Just as we passed through the partition, she slammed it shut and locked it. She sat down on the bed and giggled. She motioned for me to sit down next to her by patting the bed.

“Ah, what the fuck, are you serious?” Tommy yelled from outside the partition.

“Quit buggin’, we are busy making out!” Kali yelled, then turned and smiled at me.

“Sorry, I just wanted to fuck with him,” she said softly.

“Way to get a girls hopes up,” I said smiling.

“Oh shit, I didn’t mean to give you the wrong idea. I thought you knew,” she said, looking very serious and worried.

“It’s okay, I’m just teasing,” I said.

“Not that I wouldn’t, you're fucking hot, I’ve just never done that before, let alone a three-way,” she said.

“It’s totally cool, either way I’m having a good time,” I said back smiling.

“Have you ever?” she asked with a look of intrigue.

“Fooled around with a girl? Or had a three-way?” I asked.

“Both, I guess,” she answered.

“Yes, on both accounts,” I responded.

“Did you like it…them? You know what I mean,” she asked.

“Yes, I enjoyed both very much,” I answered smiling.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. She pulled back slightly out of shock before her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into the kiss. I could taste the faint flavor of her watermelon chapstick that she had used earlier in the night. I placed my hand gently on her cheek as she placed one of hers on my waist. My face went flush, the temperature of the room seemed to go up by ten degrees instantly. Her lips parted as her tongue slid from her mouth into mine, her breathing intensified, the smell of beer and cigarettes still fresh on her breath. I stretched my tongue out meet hers, and she moaned softly the moment they made connection. The seal of our kiss became tighter as I gently sucked on her tongue while sliding mine around hers. She leaned in further, scooting slightly across the bed till our bodies were pressed against each others. I broke our kiss biting her bottom lip and tugging gently. She pulled back and took a deep breath before placing her fingers over her mouth.

“Oh my god, I am so turned on right now,” she said, still shielding her lips.

“You okay?” I asked with a smile.

“I’m totally okay, I just… I‘ve always found women attractive, just never acted on it,” she stated, dropping her hand to her knee.

“Fuck, it got hot in here,” she stated, glancing around the room and fanning herself.

“Do you want to stop?” I asked.

“No, I just feel guilty about Tommy,” she stated, looking at the door.

“I understand,“ I said, comforting her with a soft pat on her leg.

“What the fuck is going on in there?” Tommy shouted through the door as he banged on it.

“For fuck's sake, we are just fondling each other’s tits! Give it a rest!” I yelled back.

“So what do you want to do?” I asked looking back at Kali.

“I don’t know. I just don’t want to feel like I’m cheating on him,” she said nervously.

“There is a simple answer to that,” I responded, while standing up and unlocking the partition.

“It’s not cheating if he is involved,” I stated as I slid the partition back, revealing a somewhat distressed Tommy.

“Oh, I knew it your hair isn’t messed up and you’re not even naked,” Tommy stated, pushing his way into the tiny room.

“Well we were trying to fool around but ‘somebody’ kept killing the mood,” Kali said sarcastically.

“S-u-ure you were,” Tommy responded.

“Actually, Kali was very interested in fooling around, she just felt guilty leaving you out despite you being such an ass about it,” I explained casually.

A hopeful look crossed Tommy’s face before his eyebrows narrowed to a look of serious disbelief. He shook his head slightly, indicating that he just wasn’t buying it. I reached behind my back and pulled the partition closed. Kali hopped up and slammed in to Tommy, knocking him back against the wall, her lips crashing into his. I walked around the couple and sat down on the bed and watched as Kali viciously attacked Tommy with her lips. After catching himself, he responded in kind, returning her aggressive kisses.

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His hands moved down to her ass, squeezing hard, his fingers spread wide. His other hand wrapped around her back, pulling her in tighter.

I grabbed the pillows and stuffed them behind me and leaned back. Tommy’s eyes watched my every movement while continuing to kiss Kali. I carefully unzipped my cutoffs and placed two of my fingers in to my mouth licking them while maintaining eye contact with Tommy’s the whole time. He eyed me hungrily as I slid my hand down the front of my cutoffs and began to rub myself with my now wet fingers.

Kali broke their kiss and glanced back. Her eyes widened as she watched unflinching as I rubbed myself. As she turned her body to the side, I could see a well formed bulge pushing against Tommy’s shorts. He raised his hand and cupped Kali’s breast giving it a rough squeeze, I could see him grit his teeth as he did so. Kali reached down and began to massage the swollen growth in Tommy’s shorts. His eyes briefly started to close before shooting back open. As she caressed him, the fabric of his shorts pulled tighter, revealing the outline of his hard cock.

“Heather, take your top off, I want to see those fuckin’ tits of yours,” Tommy said in a heavy breath as he jutted his chin out.

I smiled and looked at Kali. she smiled back as if to give me the go ahead. I pulled the strap over my neck and let it fall; my top dropped slightly, allowing them to see the very top of my areolas. I held the sides of my top tightly in place with my arms as I reached around and unhooked it. I place my hand across the front of my top to keep it from falling off. I looked up at Kali and Tommy. Both of them looked at me, patiently waiting to for me to move my hand. I glanced down at the vigorous over the shorts hand motion before dropping my hand. I watched the delight in their eyes as my tits became visible. Tommy bit his bottom lip as Kali licked hers.

“That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!” Tommy said excitedly.

“I showed you mine, now it’s your turn,” I said, pointing at Tommy’s crotch.

Without hesitation Tommy pulled down his shorts and kicked them off. His hard cut cock hung down at a ninety degree angle, pointing right at me. It was about seven inches in length and was a little thicker than a roll of quarters, the shaft curved slightly to the left. His pubic hair was well trimmed and his sack was quite large and cleanly shaved. Kali reached down, gripping his cock overhand, and began to stoke it. She placed her other hand around the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips locked and he began to moan his eyes closed tightly.

I stood up, pushing myself off the bed, and walked over to the couple quietly and dropped to my knees. I reached up, cupped Tommy’s large heavy sack and began to massage his balls in my palm. His eyes opened for a brief moment to check as to the origin of the third hand that was being placed on him, and once we acknowledged each other, his eyes rolled up slightly before the lids closed. I let go of his sack and pushed his cock upward slightly. Kali glanced down and changed her grip on his cock to underhand and continued to stroke before returning to his kiss. I knelt down further and ran my tongue along the bottom of his sack, and he spread his legs wider and changed his stance, allowing me better access.

I moved forward turning my head and started to more fervently tongue his balls before sucking on his sack. His knees buckled slightly as his muffled moans got louder. Kali released his cock, placed her hand on my head, and began to pet me. Tommy’s cock fell from her hand gently crashing against my face. I rose up slightly running my mouth from the base of his cock and up his shaft. I could hear the moisture spread across his cock as it ran through my lips and across my eager tongue.

Once I reached the head, I leaned back further and pushed my mouth forward, feeling it slide into my hot wet mouth, causing my pussy to instantly become wet. Tommy’s moaned loudly into Kali’s mouth, she intern pushed my head forward making me take the entire length of Tommy’s cock. I could feel all of its contours as it slid down my tongue till I could feel the tip of his cock push into the back of my throat. My nose smashed into his groin, the short hairs tickling the inside of my nose. His cock expanded in my mouth the taste of copper and sweat slowly permeated my senses.

Kali’s hand slipped from my head as I pulled back, wriggling my tongue on the underside of his shaft, before moving forward and engulfing his hard wet cock in my velvety mouth. I pushed hard, this time squeezing the head of his cock with my throat muscles; this caused his knees to shake. As I pulled back this time, I opened my eyes and looked up at Tommy, and his eyes stared back at me. Kali stepped back, pulling her shirt off and removing her top. Her tan tits fell freely as she tossed her swimsuit top to the bed. She knelt down next to me and smiled.

I released his cock from my mouth and wrapped my hand around its base pulling it to the side towards Kali to offer her a taste of her man’s cock. As she moved forward opening her mouth I smacked her with his cock, she winced in shock before smiling and moving in once again sticking out her tongue. I slapped his cock against her tongue, the wet contact noise pushed me into overdrive. She moved forward more, sucking his cock into her mouth her cheeks caving in as she moved back and forth, the shape of his cock’s head evident in the curves of her cheeks.

I reached up with my other hand and ran my fingertips over her hard nipple. Her lips curved in to a smile as his cock continued to run through them. I spread my fingers and massaged her breast before squeezing, her tit was soft and squishy as if they had grown too large for their contents. She moaned, Tommy’s cock obstructing the noise from fully escaping. I let go of his cock and cupped her other breast and started to knead them, her nipples pinched between my fingers. Tommy pulled his cock free of Kali’s mouth, bent his knees, and slapped his cock against my tits.

“Oh fuck, those are some nice tits,” Tommy said, and his eyes looked as if he had formed an evil plan.

“Babe, I want to see you suck those tits,” Tommy demanded as he raised back up and started stroking his cock.

Kali hesitated for the briefest of moments before leaning down. I turned slightly and puffed up my chest presenting my tits to her. She ran her tongue in a small circle around one of my nipples before opening her mouth wider and sucking it into her mouth. The hot breath and heat of her mouth gave me goose bumps. I placed my hand on her back running it down her smooth tan skin as she suckled on my tit. She flicked at the nipple with her tongue as she massaged my other tit with her hand. I felt her teeth bite down on my nipple, softly forcing me to moan.

“Mmm, that is fucking hot,” Tommy stated stroking his cock.

I turned my head back towards him as Kali continued to lick and suck on my tits alternating back a forth with mouth and hand. I glanced up at Tommy and open my mouth inviting him to give me his cock. With a smile he once again bent at the knees and placed the head of his cock on my lips. He continued to stroke his cock making the head slap against my lips. I slowly closed my lips around it, causing him to moan as his cock rubbed against my soft wet lips. Kali rose up to see what all the moaning was about, and she eyed Tommy’s cock as he stroked it furiously into my lips, his knuckles gently pounding against them.

Tommy pulled his cock from my lips presenting it to Kali, and she quickly wrapped her mouth around it, pushing his hand half way down the shaft of his cock with her lips. She rocked back and forth, sucking his cock. She reached up, placing her hand on his shaft as she forced herself forward taking more of his cock. Tommy let go of his cock placing it on her head. She struggled to force more of his cock into her mouth, but couldn’t quite make it all the way. I could see the tears start to squeeze from the corners of her eyes as she pushed on. Kali started to choke. She quickly fell back coughing and gasping for air, a thick streak of saliva connecting her bottom lip to Tommy’s cock, then it bowed and fell to the ground. I rubbed her back gently as she regained her composure.

I start to kiss and suckle on the side of Tommy’s cock while Kali recovered. His cock was now coated with Kali’s spit, the taste of copper and sweat had been replaced with the slight taste of watermelon and saliva. Kali leaned forward placing her lips on the other side of Tommy’s cock, licking and sucking it, our lips occasionally touching. Tommy’s knees once again buckled slightly, he started to grunt and moan. We started at the base of his cock on either side and slid our wet lips and tongue down the length of his cock and back, jerking him off with our lips. We started building a nice slow rhythm, our speed increasing as we went.

“Oh my, fuck, that feels amazing,” Tommy moaned. “Are you enjoying sharing my cock, baby?” Tommy asked between moans,

“Mmmhmm,” Kali moaned.

We both looked up to meet Tommy’s gaze as we slid our lips from one end of his cock to the other, the look of pure ecstasy was plain on his face. We slid to the head of his cock our lips meeting as we sucked on it. I ran my tongue underneath it as she ran her tongue over the top. Our tongues swirled around each others as we worked his head, his moaning now more intense than before. He placed his hands gently on the backs of our heads. I felt his head start to expand and contract, little drops of salty pre-cum dripped out of the tip, but I wasn’t ready for him to blow his load just yet, I was having too much fun. My cutoffs drenched from my own juices.

I turned around and leaned backwards, placing my hands on Tommy’s legs for support. My head rested against the wall between Tommy’s thighs. I anxiously reared up, sucking Tommy’s fat sack into my mouth and tonguing his balls wildly. Tommy spread his thighs little wider dipping slightly as he tea-bagged his nuts into my mouth. Kali position herself in front of me making use of the space between my legs to place her knees. She gently massaged my tits as she continued to suck Tommy’s cock, her hands were hot and smooth.

“This is the best fucking day of my life,” Tommy said.

Kali and I continued, working over his cock and balls. I could feel his closeness to shooting his load, his thighs were beginning to shake and his breathing was loud and heavy. My tongue lashed at his sack rolling over his balls. I could hear the slurping of Kali suction on Tommy’s cock above me, her saliva sliding down his shaft and mixing with mine before rolling down my chin.

“Fuck, I’m so fucking close,” Tommy said in a strained moan.

I pushed myself up, being careful not to hit anything. Kali leaned back, allowing me room while Tommy stroked his cock. Kali and I positioned ourselves next to each other facing Tommy’s cock. He started to strokes faster his cock pulsating. We leaned forward, our cheeks touching as we waited beneath his cock for his load, our mouths open and tongues out both of us moaning for our hard earned reward.

“Uck, oh fuck,” he moaned.

A hot thick blob of cum shot from his cock landing on my upper lip. It was followed by a thinner stream that hit my cheek before settling on my jaw. He turned slightly, aiming his cock at Kali, and another thin stream of cum shot into her mouth, covering her tongue. He smacked his cock against her tongue, shaking out more cum, before shooting one final shot across her lips. I leaned forward licking a small bead of cum that rested on the hole of his tip. He grunted hard trying to squeeze more cum out, beads of sweat sliding down his forehead.

“Oh fuck, yeah, take it all,” he said in a low grunt.

Kali began licking the cum from my cheek. I sucked on the tip off his cock, getting what little cum out that he could muster, before turning to Kali and licking the cum from her lips. Our tongues rolled over one another’s, the cum wrapping itself around our tongues as it slid from one to another. We moaned hungrily as we exchanged our earnings. Tommy slid down the wall to the floor, his legs spread around us, his sticky soft cock resting on his wet saliva covered sack.

“God, you got great tits,” Tommy said, reaching out to grab them.

I ignored the statement as Kali and I continued to swap cum and spit, our lips locked, the heat between us rising. She finally swallowed our shared bounty, then returned to my lips. I could feel the cum on my cheek and chin starting to dry as the salty taste of it faded from our mouths. I stood up, lifting Kali to her feet. Tommy’s hands still reached out as my breast were pulled away. I backed up to the bed, falling backwards, pulling Kali on top of me. She climbed up, straddling me, our lips slamming back together, and the same wet spot as mine could be seen through her shorts as well. Tommy sat on the floor, watching as we made out.

I opened my eyes to see Tommy standing up, his now hard cock in hand as he approached us.

Written by HeatherHeathen
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