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The Runesmith Chronicles 17.1

"Moved, Night Out, Sharing, Upward"

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Author's Notes

"Welcome back! Just so you know, the first part of this chapter is mostly just for fun, not much for story elements in there. There are some, but not many and you need to look hard for them. For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend going back and starting at Chapter one. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like magic work and what’s going on. I update my Profile with the latest Chapters and projects I’m working on each time I put up a new post. As always votes and feedback are greatly appreciated! Enjoy! Blu Part 1 of 2"

“Come back safe, Kal,” said Perra as she laid in bed with the covers pulled back so Kal could take in the candlelit view of her naked body. He paused every few minutes in his preparations for his extended trip into the mountains to kiss and run his hands over her skin. She was putting herself on display for him and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind he appreciated it.

He was disappointed that he didn’t have the extra time to make more of the situation, but he and Ikuno had decided to leave out at sunrise and the sky outside was just starting to lighten.

“I plan on it,” he said with a smile as he finished buttoning up his heavy coat. All he needed was his cloak that was hanging by the door and he was ready.

“Come back safe and I’ll have something special to give you,” Perra rolled away from him onto her side then twisted back to look at him. One hand went to her bottom and pulled her cheeks apart, displaying her pucker.

Kal was more than a little surprised at the offer. He hadn’t played with her rear yet, much as he wanted to, out of worry that it might drag up bad memories of Sir Michael. He reached over the bed and gently ran his fingers over her backdoor. Perra tensed for just a second then forced herself to relax.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked as he dipped a finger into her sex to collect some of her natural lube before returning to her asshole and continuing to rub his finger around it.

“I know you’ll make it good for me, Kal. I want to replace those memories with ones of you making love to me back there and making me feel wonderful,” said Perra as she started to breathe harder. She knew how much he enjoyed being in a woman’s bottom and she was starting to understand why the other women liked having him there.

Still leaning over the bed Kal licked her juices off his finger, “If you are certain, then how about something for you to look forward to as well?” Taking her by the hips he pulled her over to his side of the bed and dropped to one knee. He then pushed her knees up to her chest and had her hold them there. Kal dragged his tongue through her quim to get more of her juices then started teasing her rosebud with the tip.

Perra was slightly amazed at how good that was feeling. Certainly not as good as when he licked her clit or was sliding in and out of her pussy, but she had never realized how sensitive that particular spot was. She tensed again, but only for a moment, as Kal’s tongue slowly but insistently slid past her sphincter. Kal was doing a wonderful job of chasing away those bad memories already and he hadn’t even taken off his pants.

Kal slowly slid his tongue in and out of her rear, gradually stretching it and carefully observing Perra for any pain, physical or otherwise. When she was taking the thickest part and seemed to be wanting more, unfortunately, he was on a schedule. He finished up with a long lick from her anus to her clit, making the girl’s body jerk.

Perra put her legs down as Kal leaned over to give her a goodbye kiss. Kal was again surprised when she wrapped her arms around his neck and fiercely pressed her lips to his, her tongue darting into his mouth unexpectedly. Their tongues wrestled for a minute before Perra pulled back with an evil grin on her face.

She brought her knees back up to her chest and said, “Do that again, then give Ikuno a hello kiss from me.” Kal chuckled as he bent back down to get another taste of her.

A couple of minutes later Kal stepped out of their room, stopping for a moment to get his bearings. He was still unused to walking out of his room on what felt like the wrong side of the house. His and Perra’s morning activities on the day he went to see Bea had not gone as unnoticed as they had hoped. He felt rightly embarrassed when he returned home late the next day to find that his mother had moved all her belongings into his room and vise-versa. Perra had been sleeping in his mother’s bed since she moved in and had her clothes there already. Lately, it had become more Perra’s room than his mother’s especially since he had put together a small cot for her and set it up in front of the stove to keep her warm.


Having someplace to sleep so close to her sewing chair meant that she was only returning to her bedroom on occasion. The last time had been when Perra snuck out and woke Kal up, Perra wouldn’t have tempted fate that morning by trying to sneak past she if she had been sleeping out on the cot. His mother had been awake the entire time, having woken up when Perra got out of bed to sneak out, and had heard not only their lovemaking but their conversation as well. Later that day she instructed Perra to switch the rooms out, making his mother’s room with the larger bed into Perra’s and his. An equally embarrassed, yet excited, Perra had greeted him at the door when he came home and shown him to their new room.

When he asked his mother the next day she didn’t even try to hide her intentions.

“I’m just hoping that Perra might convince you to give up your promiscuous ways and settle down with one woman,” she said with a smile as she sewed a patch into one of Perra’s dresses.

The move did have an unintended consequence. Kal’s mother had known what was going on ever since Perra’s birthday but had largely never had to deal with it since they kept their trysts out in the barn or somewhere away from the house. With them in the same bed, it was a nightly thing, and often morning too, where she had to listen to their quiet lovemaking. It was making her cranky.

A few days later she snapped at Perra badly enough to nearly bring the girl to tears.

“Mother!” said Kal, shocked.

His mother’s eyes widened as she realized what she had done, “I’m so sorry Perra please forgive me I didn’t mean that.” She turned to Kal, “My apologies to you as well for seeing that side of me. I didn’t think having a young, and active, couple in the house would affect me as much as it has.” Kal was pretty sure he understood what she was saying but had no clue what to do about it.

Perra, on the other hand, headed straight for the door, calling over her shoulder to Kal, “Breakfast is yours, I’ll be back in a little while.” Kal and his mother stared at each other in confusion until they heard Bonn headed off to town with Perra on his back. Around a half an hour later she came back and took his mother into her bedroom for a few minutes. All through breakfast his mother sat there blushing furiously, an odd experience for Kal as he had never seen her act this way. After a while, her blush faded and the rest of the day went on like normal, until bedtime.

At Perra’s request, Kal had stoked the fire for the night as the sun started to set then helped his mother settle into bed, an activity that still felt odd to him. His mother wasn’t frail or scrawny, anyone looking at her would see a prime example of a woman in her early forties. Whatever her ailment was it seemed to be sapping the life right out of her, leaving her exceptionally weak with no other outward signs of sickness.

Perra came in as he was finishing up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Have a good night, Mom.” His mother again turned bright red.

Kal noticed the pack in Perra’s hand and gave her a questioning look, “Going somewhere?”

“Yes, and you’re coming with me. Our room at the Inn is already paid for.”


Perra held a finger up to his lips, “No questions. I brought Bonn around front. Let’s go.”

A couple of minutes later when they were out on the trail to Telsin, Kal asked again what was going on.

Perra turned to look back at him, “Your mother is frustrated, Kal, we’ve awakened urges she hasn’t had in many years and hasn’t had properly taken care of since your father passed. I picked up something from Kahrin earlier to help with that and now we are giving her some time alone to put it to use.” Kal’s face suddenly turned as red as his mother’s had been. Perra quipped, “I can see the family resemblance.”

When they reached the Inn Kal saw that Master Ellis was still ill and Kahrin was manning the bar again, he was beginning to seriously worry about the innkeeper. They went and put their belongings in their room, the same one as before but with assurances to Bren that there would be significantly more sleeping going on tonight. After settling in they came back downstairs. Perra and Kahrin chatted behind the bar as Kahrin worked while Kal and Bren manned the door.

The other barmaid, Ada, took issue with Perra being back by where the money was kept. Kahrin quickly silenced her by telling the woman that Master Kal and Lady Perra had enough money to buy the place outright if they wanted and were hardly worried about the few coppers the Inn had on hand. Kal frowned, in actuality, he could buy the entire town. However, he hadn’t realized that his financial status was so widely known, even if underestimated.

Perra seemed to thrive working behind the counter with Kahrin. She happily chatted with customers and poured drinks helping the barmaid as much as she could. After awhile Kahrin even let the girl run things by herself while she went out and helped Ada in the dining room. Things stayed pretty tame for the first part of the night until a traveling minstrel pulled out a lute and began singing a bawdy tale of the many feminine conquests of sir such-and-such from the kingdom of somewhere, each one more lurid and graphic than the last.

Kal’s being there dampened most of the lewder comments and attention directed towards Perra but as some of the customers got a bit deeper in their cups they cared less and less about his presence. Bren nudged him as one of the patrons stumbled towards the bar, a lecherous grin splitting his features as he stared at Perra. Kal smiled at the big man and pulled his hood over his head so no one could see his eyes start to glow.

Perra had seen Kal smile and put his hood up as he watched, though she didn’t really understand his actions she knew he would keep her safe. Because of this, she stood there calmly as the leering drunkard reached towards her breast.

Motion and music stopped as the man was hit with a blast of air from the side. He opened his eyes to see a hand on his arm stopping him from moving forward. Looking to the side he saw Kal, his hood pushed back by the wind as he dashed the couple of steps to the bar. Terror etched the drunkard’s features as he saw Kal’s glowing blue eyes. The man sobered quickly as Kal moved his hand away from Perra and back to hang at his side with no more effort than if he were a small child.

“You were about to touch something that belongs to me,” he said glaring at the man. “That would be unwise.” One by one the rest of his runes except for his shield lit up. The man about lost his mind with fear when the haste rune appeared and started spinning. Suddenly all the runes along with his glowing eyes faded. Kal clapped the man on the shoulder making him jump, “Understood?” he asked with a genuinely friendly smile.

The man nodded dumbly and for a moment was going to return to his table after Kal removed his hand. Seeing the glares he was getting from the other patrons, he instead turned towards the front door and made a hasty exit. He felt a rush of elation come from Perra at his words that felt out of place, he dismissed the feeling as something to come back to later.

“Bloody hell Master Kal, ye about made the arsehole piss himself,” called out Kahrin as she jumped down off the chair she had been using to watch. The crowd parted to let her through and she waggled a finger in his face. “Rest assured if’n he had ye’d be the one cleanin’ it up too.” She shooed him back towards his and Bren’s table, “Off wit’ ye now, back ta yer ale.”

Kal quickly realized what she was doing and made a production of saying, “Yes ma’am,” and hanging his head as he returned to his table.

“Da fuk wassat?” yelled one of the customers, “‘e was ‘bout ta kill a man. Then gits ‘andled by a fuggin’ bar wench.”

Bren’s rumbling chuckle as Kal sat down drew everyone’s attention. “The bar wench wasn’t about to put her hands where they weren’t wanted. There’s your lesson for tonight everyone: don’t fuck with the wizard’s woman and he’s just another good man. Bard! Play something heroic, save the tales of cocks and quims for another night.” The minstrel nodded at the big man and launched into another song. Slowly, things in the dining room returned to normal.

Kahrin sauntered over and leaned over the table. Speaking just loud enough so only the two men could hear she gave Kal a sultry look and said, “I bet I could put me hands on the wizard’s woman.”

Kal took a sip of his ale and smirked back at her, “You heard the man,” he said nodding at Bren, “I only get involved if it’s not wanted. Perra told me all about the advice you gave her on her birthday. Knowing that, I won’t be taking that bet.”

Kahrin stood up with a smile, “Phooey, she shouldn’a told ye that. Think I might find out anyway.” Bren and Kal both chuckled as she walked away.

Kahrin walked behind the counter and pulled the lone stool over for Perra then had the girl sit with her back to the dining room and lean back against the bar. The barmaid stood close beside her facing the counter and they chatted amiably like that for a minute. Perra suddenly sat straight up putting her hand on Kahrin’s arm. A moment later she looked over at Kal with her eyes wide.

Kal made a point of staring at her face, then at where Kahrin’s arm disappeared beneath the counter, then back at her face before giving her a questioning look. Perra thought for a moment before nodding back at him. Kal raised his tankard in salute. Perra looked back to the barmaid and gave her a similar nod before taking her hand off Kahrin’s arm and leaning over into the older woman.

Kahrin whispered something into the younger woman’s ear and Perra nodded again before scooting down on the stool. Kal couldn’t see Kahrin’s arm any more than anyone else in the dining area but looking carefully he could see Perra breathing a bit heavier. He was amazed and quite a bit aroused that she would be so audacious as to do this in a room full of people. They were interrupted by a customer approaching the bar for a refill, Perra sat back and put her elbows on the counter as though she had just been resting against the older woman while Kahrin got the man his drink. If he had any inkling what had been going on there a moment ago, he never showed it.

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Kahrin stood in front of Perra for a moment and sensuously licked one of her fingers clean. Perra heaved a great sigh as another customer followed by Ada with a handful of empty mugs approached the bar. She hopped down off the stool and turned to help them, a bright smile on her face. Kahrin, meanwhile, walked back over to Bren and Kal’s table.

The barmaid leaned over the table again and wiggled one of her fingers under his nose, Perra’s familiar scent was unmistakable, “Care for a taste, Master Kal?”

Kal smiled and shook his head, “I’ll get some straight from the source later. You worked for that, you should have it.”

Her smile turned mischievous as she turned to Bren, “Hear that Bren? He says this one’s for me,” she said as she began to teasingly clean her finger. Kal saw a whole new side to the giant of a man as Bren’s eyes locked on Kahrin’s finger while she ran her tongue over it then took it all the way in her mouth and sucked it clean. When her finger came away from her lips Bren’s eyes locked on Kahrin’s and the man made a growling noise that started deep in his chest and vibrated his and Kal’s table.

The barmaid leaned towards Kal while continuing to give Bren a sultry look and said in a conspiratorial whisper, “One o’ the big lout’s favorite things is seein’ me tongue buried in another woman’s puss, drinkin’ her juice. Yer woman and ye just made certain I’m goin’ ta have a good night.”

Kal and Bren shared a look as Kahrin walked away to help Ada get caught up. Both men adjusted themselves before returning to their ale.

Eventually, things wound down and most of the patrons wandered off to their respective homes. Those that didn’t, like the minstrel, just found their way to their rooms. A few late nighthangers-on were gathered around the low burning fireplace chatting. The bleary-eyed night cook and clerk came out and took their positions relieving the kitchen staff along with Kahrin, Bren, and Ada. Kal took note that Ada went into Master Ellis’s room instead of her own. Perra bounced over to their table, still full of energy from the excitement of working the bar.

Kahrin pretended to drag Bren up out of his seat as the large man stood up. As they walked away the older woman called out to Perra, “There’s some things I’m needin’ ta get ready, I’ll be up in a minute.”

Kal shot a confused glance at Perra as they walked upstairs towards their room. She looked up at him and said, “She asked me if we would help her do something special for Bren, if you say no that’s fine. She said there’d be no hard feelings.”

“I’m curious now. Do I dare ask what this special thing is?”

“Can it be a surprise?”

“Sure,” he chuckled as they entered their room. Kal drew a small rune and magically lit the candles scattered about. By the time he was done Perra had already stripped and was standing in front of him naked. “This is certainly a change from last time we were here,” he said smiling as she began helping him undress.

“I didn’t know how good it would feel that time. If I had, then I might have just flipped up my dress and bent over the bed,” she said as she pulled down his trousers. Perra immediately sank to her knees and took his half-hard dick in her hand. She pointed it at her mouth and moved forward enveloping the head with her soft lips and making Kal groan in pleasure. Perra then bobbed up and down on the top half while stoking the bottom with her hand until he was fully hard.

After instructing Kal to lay down, she threw a leg over his hips and quickly sank down onto him. Then, in a complete change from their norm, she sat back on his cock and began lightly playing with her clit.

“I’m guessing this is part of that special thing you were talking about?”

“Mmm hmm,” she answered with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the pleasant feelings.

There was a light tapping on the door before Kahrin, wearing only a nightdress, let herself in. The older woman smiled as she took in the sight of the Perra sitting astride Kal. He noticed she was walking awkwardly as she came over to the bed, remembering her toys sitting in her bedroom Kal could guess why. By the time Kahrin was standing next to them, Kal could feel Perra’s juices start to run down his sack and drip to the bed below.

“Yer sure ye don’t mind, Perra?” the barmaid asked. “I’ll not blame ye if’n ye be wantin’ Kal ta be the only man here ta know what ya taste like.”

In all of the excitement of the night, Perra hadn’t thought of that. She looked down at Kal with a questioning expression.

“You’re my woman and my lover, not my slave, Perra, the choice is yours. I will say that Bren is a good man in my eyes, in that respect, I don’t have any problem with this.” Kal smiled, “I just wonder if you will be able to look him in the face after he knows what you taste like.”

Perra flushed bright red.

“He don’t know what I’m up here for so if’n ye changed your mind ye won’t be dissapointin’ him,” said Kahrin.

Perra smiled at them both as her face returned to normal, “I gave my word and I’ll keep it. If Kal doesn’t mind, then I see no reason not to help you and Bren out tonight.” She slid up and down Kal’s cock a couple of times then leaned over onto his chest.

Kal’s prick slipped out of the girl only to be immediately engulfed by the barmaid’s mouth. Almost lovingly she cleaned him of Perra’s fluids, her tongue seeking out every drop she could get beneath the crown and even swiping the tip of her tongue through the slit at the top. After running her lips down the underside and cleaning the couple of drops off his scrotum she took his cock and pointed it at Perra’s entrance.

Perra had lifted herself up had been watching between her legs as the barmaid made love to Kal’s cock. It was apparent that this woman may not love the man, but she certainly loved the part of him currently in her mouth. Perra wanted a better view so she stood up on the bed and turned around facing Kal’s feet before slowly lowering herself back onto his prick. Kahrin watched intently as Kal’s cock slowly disappeared into the young woman. There was something about these two that turned her on fiercely and she unconsciously swallowed hard as the girl’s pussy completely engulfed the young wizard’s dick.

Kahrin swore under her breath, annoyed with herself for forgetting her purpose here, as the two young lovers quietly laughed at her. Perra lightly brushed her fingers across her clit and said, “Don’t worry I have more.”

Three more times Perra rode Kal until they could hear how wet she was, with Kahrin cleaning him up afterward. As the barmaid went to work on his cock a third time Perra whispered quietly into Kal’s ear. He gave her a questioning look, seeing the curiosity and excitement tinged with nervousness in her face he nodded with a supportive smile. Something that is more difficult than it sounds when your cock is being worked by an expert fellatrix.

Kal raised himself and Perra off the bed until they were sitting up, Perra throwing one arm around the back of his neck to make it easier for him to watch. As Kahrin finished cleaning his prick and pointed it back at Perra’s dripping sex, Perra pushed Kal’s cock off to the side and put a hand on the back of the barmaid’s head. The delight on the Kahrin’s face was unmistakable as the younger woman pushed the barmaid’s mouth towards her pussy.

Perra leaned back and groaned in pleasure as Kahrin’s tongue went to work teasing her lips and clit then gathering up the young woman’s natural lube. Too soon for Perra’s liking, Kahrin began paying attention exclusively to her clit. This indicated to the younger woman that the barmaid had collected a mouthful and was now trying to get her off.

Perra laid her hand gently on Kahrin’s forehead and shook her head when the woman looked up in confusion. “Kal will take care of that,” she said with a smile, “I think Bren has been waiting long enough.”

Kahrin nodded and gave both Perra and Kal a nuzzle on the cheek before almost running out of the room.

Perra and Kal both sighed as Kahrin left, the sexual tension seemed to drain out of the room as soon as she was gone. Perra leaned forward and got on all fours. “No offense Kal but I’m exhausted and had about as much foreplay as I can take, I’d love it if you would fill me up before we went to sleep.”

Kal chuckled, “No worries, I’m right there with you,” he said as he lined up his cock and pushed home. Kal set a blistering pace and Perra just managed to get in two orgasms, the second with help from her fingers, before Kal emptied himself inside her. Just as they were laying down and getting comfortable they heard a loud rhythmic banging coming from directly below them followed by what sounded like a low roar from some wild beast.

Moments later they heard Kahrin’s voice through the floorboards saying, “I’m okay! I’m fine! If it happens again I’m fine then too!” The young lovers laughed as Perra pressed her back onto Kal’s chest and he draped an arm over her side. Within minutes they had both fallen asleep.


Kahrin had almost tripped in her haste to get back to Bren’s room, the large stone cock inside her made it hard to move quickly. When passing through the kitchen she grabbed a small cup and let some of the contents of her mouth drain into it. Entering Bren’s room, Kahrin saw that he was laying on the bed naked and had nearly fallen asleep waiting for her.

The barmaid put the cup down on his nightstand and pulled the big man into a sitting position, earning a drowsy groan of annoyance. She quickly threw off her nightdress and removed the stone phallus before dipping her hand in the jar of lube, similar to her own, sitting on his night table. Bren was awake enough to know something was odd with the normally chatty barmaid, but he had a hard time focusing on it when she started lubing and stroking his massive cock.

Kahrin smeared the rest of the lube on her stretched pussy then wrapped her arms around the big man’s neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. She pushed the remaining fluid into Bren’s mouth as their tongues swirled around each other. Kahrin pulled away and watched while Bren tried to figure out the strange flavor.

“Tell me, Bren,” the barmaid purred, “how are ye likin’ the taste o’ Lady Perra’s cunt?”

Bren’s eyes widened then narrowed, “You’re lyin’.”

Kahrin laughed, “On me life I’m not. Was willin’ ta suck it offa Master Kal’s cock if need be. Lady Perra was kind enough ta let me get some straight from the source,” she said licking her lips and sinking slowly down onto the man’s steel hard rod with a groan.

“I’ll be damned,” he said breathing in through his nose and savoring the taste in his mouth, “Would’ve loved to see you lickin’ that girl’s pussy.” Bren put one hand behind Kahrin’s back to support her and brought the other up to her throat, then growled, “I’m supposing you are wanting your reward for being so good to me.”

The barmaid's eyes flicked to the cup on the nightstand before she smirked and leveled a challenging stare at him. Pressing her neck into his palm she said, “I’m fuckin’ countin’ on it.”


The next morning Kal, Kahrin, and Perra all got a shock. Perra had needed some time to collect herself before she went down to face Kahrin and Bren, they had been woken up twice more last night by the activities below them with Perra knowing the cause all too well. Finally getting up her courage she almost strutted down the stairs.

Kahrin came around the bar and gave Perra a hug and a tender kiss on the lips, while Kal gracefully settled for a chaste kiss on the cheek from the barmaid. What surprised them was when Perra went over to do the same for Bren. As her lips touched his cheek the normally quiet and unflappable giant of a man turned bright red and seemed to be stumbling over his words as he attempted to say goodbye.

Perra took pity on the man and rushed out the door while Kahrin and Kal burst into laughter. Kal was still laughing when he clapped the big man on the shoulder and walked out the front door himself.

Kal and Perra returned home that morning to a much calmer but brightly blushing mother, it wasn’t until that afternoon she was able to look either of them in the eye.


All of that had happened a little over a week ago and it still made Kal blush to think of what his mother had been doing that night. However, he had to admit she had become far more pleasant to live with. Kal was only slightly disappointed as he made his way to the door that the cot he put together for her was now sitting in the living area going unused since his mother was now spending nearly every night in his old bedroom.

It was still dark as Kal stepped out of the house. Popping the last of his small breakfast of dried meat and cheese into his mouth he started the two-hour trek to Ikuno’s home, eagerly awaiting the sunrise so he could use his magic to get there quicker. Even though he knew the way by heart, running at high speed through a forest in the dark didn’t seem like a smart idea.


Ikuno had all but tried to devour Kal when he told her about Perra’s gift, using her long tongue to get every tiny bit of the girl’s flavor she could from his mouth. When she broke the kiss she growled, “Damn that girl, doing this on a day we don’t have time for more. I’m positively soaked right now.”

This little game had started the day he came home after impregnating Bea and was likely the reason she had been open to their fun with Kahrin at the Inn that night. Ikuno hadn’t been willing to wait until his next visit and Kal was feeling recuperated enough that they spent some intimate time together just before he left.

Upon returning home, Perra had called him over to the barn where she was doing chores when she saw him arrive. Once she had pulled him out of sight from the house she immediately dropped to her knees, tugged his trousers down and took his soft prick in her mouth. A moment later she pulled back and smacked her lips together at the strange taste.

Kal looked down sheepishly, “I would have warned you. Ikuno and I were together just before I came home.”

Perra’s expression went from surprised, to disgusted, to thoughtful, then finally to accepting before she sighed and said, “It was bound to happen someday. Besides, she doesn’t taste bad, I just wasn’t expecting it.” The girl shrugged and took him back in her mouth.

His next trip to Ikuno’s Perra had made certain to return the flavor, making sure that his cock was loaded up with her juices before he left and giving him instructions as to what to tell Ikuno. The oni’s reaction was far different, nearly ripping his trousers open then spending the next few minutes carefully cleaning his dick with a look of unbridled lust on her face. After that, nearly every time he went between his and Ikuno’s home he left with a gift for the other woman.

~~Edited by: Old Fart~~


Written by BluDraygn
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