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Sex, Lies and Conquest

"Sometimes it takes more than Fire and Sword to forge an Empire."

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Summary: In years long past, Jianna's family had ruled over the rich and plentiful lands of Quilan before being ousted by the conquering forces of the Highlanders. Since that time, Jianna has led a life on the run and was raised by a handful of her bodyguards who groomed her to retake her throne. Now she leads a rebellion against the Highlanders and is on the cusp of a major victory, and she will not let any barrier, physical or moral stand in her way.

Chapter 1- First Strike:

The two guards on night patrol were truly an unlucky couple. One had welcomed his first child into the world, and the other was there because of an unlucky roll of the dice. The night was hot, and soon it began to drizzle. The guards finished their hourly rounds and sat by the fire, with their hoods raised to shield their eyes from the rain.

"How is your boy?" asked Lorben the veteran of the two.

"Oh! He’s beautiful, looks just like his mother and strong as an Ox already..." replied Mogul with the same enthusiasm that new fathers have. "He'll make a General in the army, just you see."

Lorben hawked and spat into the fire, "Don't fool yourself, boy, your son will be like his old man. Walking these borders until his back gives out and have this same conversation with another unlucky bastard who is with him at the time. Don't expect anything from our betters."

Mogul simply smiled, as he knew that Lorben was plagued by the various wars he had fought. His father served during the time of the great conquest, and he took up his father's mantle soon but killed his career prospects for being too cynical and critical of the policies of the army. He was old and was too stubborn to know that he should retire.

"Now, now, Lorben, it isn’t a crime to dream now is it?" Mogul asked.

"With the way this war is going, it may just remain that... a dream," Lorben replied in an ominous tone.

He rubbed his hands against the flame and whispered, "Her armies will take back these lands." A steady plume of steam exited his lips as he said these words.

Mogul slapped his back with a laugh, "You're a rather glum old man, come now, I'll treat you to some ale after we are done. A fitting celebration for a new father."

The arrow glided silently and thudded against Mogul's throat and pinned him back against the stone wall. It took a while for Lorben to realize that his companion was dead, and before he could raise the alarm, a large hand covered his mouth and snapped his neck. Lorben was dead before he registered the pain.

The large muscled man covered in rain and mud stood over Lorben's body and examined the immediate perimeter. He signaled to his troops hidden within the darkness, and they silently scaled the walls of the fortress. Before daybreak, a new flag adorned the ramparts and the courtyard, one that carried the emblem of the burning Eagle. The Southern sector now belonged to Jianna.

Ch-2: Celebration

The courtyard was decorated with various torches and tents to accommodate the guests who would be arriving in the evening. The rooms cleared of all the blood and bile of the morning's massacre, and fresh preparations were under way to create a feast fit for the victors of the Southern Front. Jianna watched all this from the balcony of her quarters. She turned around and surveyed the accommodations. It was spacious and opulent, which as expected of a room that belonged to the commander of the Southern sector. Jianna smiled at the memory of disemboweling him in single combat and glanced at the bandage on her arm, “You’re getting cocky," she muttered

One of her bodyguards entered her chambers with his head bowed, "The preparations are almost complete my Queen." Jianna nodded and dismissed him with a flick of her wrist.

"Uhhh your highness," the guard continued nervously, "The war council would like to have a word..." he gulped his breath in fright. Jianna was unpredictable and was known to throw guards to her pet beasts if their news angered her. However, today was not such a day.

"Send them in," Jianna said in an even tone and began inspecting herself in the mirror as the guard scampered away in relief.

The robe she wore showed far too much cleavage. However, she felt it was always a good policy to have some of the council members distracted from the proceedings; that way she always had the final say. She waited at the war room table until they finally came into her chambers and took their respective places.

They were mostly deserters from regimes that Jianna and her army had defeated during the campaign, "We have a concern my Queen," began the eldest member of the council. Jianna simply slumped back in her chair with a rather bored expression on her face.

"This celebration that you have planned... is greatly ill-advised. It is like a beacon that will attract unnecessary attention. You have even invited envoys from neighboring tribes and provinces. We fear that there may be spies among them."

"It is certain that there will be spies, Councilman Shokan," Jianna cut in and looked at him with a patronizing glare. Jianna's cleavage made it difficult for them to concentrate, Shokan, although a seasoned veteran of politics could barely tear his gaze away from her well-formed breasts and fidgeted with his robe constantly.

Jianna continued, “I want to make sure that the spies see how well we are celebrating, how much we have accomplished and how utterly unafraid we are of the Highlanders."

"But your highness... our war plans...."

"We shall not have any," Jianna replied with an arrogant smirk.


Jianna shrugged and said in a very matter-of-fact voice, "We shan't have any war plans, Councilman. Since it would be foolish to have them fall in the hands of the spies."

"Then this celebration... is just..."

"A ruse," Jianna completed, "Let them think that we are off guard," She paced the length of the table slowly. Oscillating her hips to keep everyone's attention in a state of flux, "And when lulled into a sense of false security, we will strike."

"But... but we are running short of supplies, the bandits are...."

"I am well aware of the bandits, Councilman. As I understand, they not only steal from us, but also from our enemy. It would appear they do have a sense of fair play. I shall deal with them when the time comes." Jianna went back to the head of the table and stood there. She reigned in her anger and reminded herself that she needed to be tactful with these men.

"I decided to meet the council primarily to make an announcement of my own, and the announcement is that you should enjoy yourselves tonight. No more war council and no more battle plans at least for this day and the next. It's been a long and hard campaign and the men need to unwind."

Saying so, Jianna went to a side table bearing some wine and poured herself a glass with her back to the table. The shock of everyone present was tangible, and Jianna smirked as she took her first sip and rolled it around her tongue.

Once again it was Shokan who broke the pregnant silence, "But...your highness...we must have a basic outline of..."

"Council," Jianna turned around with an annoyed expression and continued, "I have always had the best interests of my empire at heart when I make my decisions."

With a sinister whisper, she added, "Do not ever question my judgment, am I clear?"

They all nodded and the meeting adjourned. Jianna went back to the balcony, studied the preparations for the celebrations, and silently prayed that her gambit will pay off.

The following two days saw the army enjoy themselves to every extreme imaginable; gambling, drinking, singing and fucking themselves senseless. Jianna watched over her army like a strict mother who has allowed her children a few moments of relaxation and even managed to smile out of genuine compassion.

The second day was truly special for her troops as they saw Jianna compete with some of the toughest veterans in her army in a series of duels involving martial skill and dexterity. The swords were wooden but the bruises very real and Jianna gave back ten times more than she received. She personally rewarded the men and women who managed to get through her defenses.

Her display of skill and sense of fair judgment when competing with her troops cemented her position in the eyes of the local rebels as the promised ruler of these lands. After the conclusion of the final bout of wrestling – in which Jianna drew even with a member of her bodyguard – she decided to turn her attention once again to her campaign.

She walked back into her chambers with her hair still wet from the rain, and her fair skin still marked with fresh bruises and began arranging her maps in order. She stood at the head of the table with a goblet of wine in her hand and studied each map. Despite the morale of her troops and their training, she knew that a conventional war is no longer a viable option.

She strolled out to the balcony and watched the men engage in a final bout of drinking. In a few hours, the celebrations would close, and the commanders would spend the rest of the day sobering their troops and whipping some discipline back into their bodies.

Her men were well trained and fit, but very few of them have ever ventured this far North. Even the people she conquered on her quest so far did not have any intimate knowledge of the area's topography, people and most importantly attack and escape routes. Jianna's men captured and interrogated a few spies, but it yielded no usable intelligence.

Spies are often good sources of information, but if they were stupid enough to get caught then perhaps they were too stupid to know anything valuable. Jianna flipped almost all of them, sent them back to their masters, and instructed them to keep her informed of every move the locals make. Those who refused were given to the beasts.

"In war...” she heard her old teacher's voice saying, "It is just as important to coerce your allies as much as it is your enemies."

She turned her attention back to the maps on the table and studied them minutely for a solution to her problem. She called for one of her maidens and dispatched a letter to Shokan demanding a full report on the bandits in the evening. She then turned her thoughts towards a warm bath that was waiting for her, along with the bodyguard who had almost bested her in wrestling.

Ch-3: The Problem

Jianna sat at the head of the table dressed in a simple and elegant purple gown. The dress clung to her body like a suit, even more so after her bath. The water from her high ponytail trickled down the back of her seat and pooled under the chair.

The council were present and accounted for, and Shokan began the proceedings. "The uh," he stammered, "The situation with the Bandits your Majesty is one of great concern." Jianna looked on attentively, fixing her piercing green gaze upon Shokan's face.

"Based on our reconnaissance and local intelligence, it is safe to say that there are anywhere between twenty-five to thirty bandit tribes operating in the Northern Sector."

He pointed to a map placed next to him, "The forest to the North East is particularly dangerous as a large number of these tribes make camp in this region."

"I was under the impression that they are nomadic," a council member put in. Jianna nodded in agreement as this was the very question she was asking herself.

Shokan cleared his throat to hide his annoyance with the interruption, "They are, but even nomads need resources and protection. This section of the forest is almost impenetrable due to its vegetation and none but only the seasoned tribal scouts can navigate through its maze-like paths."

Shokan turned to Jianna and stood up to drive home his point, "Your Highness, it is imperative that we address this issue before advancing to the North. You know as well as I that war comes down to logistics. If any one of these tribes manages to capture or disrupt our Southern lines then your army will starve to death before ever reaching the Quilan capital," he sat back down slowly. Ever the one for theatrics.

For Jianna, the bandits were the answer to her question of conventional warfare. The Northern Sector was notorious for its dense forests; this made conventional fighting of no value since there are no open fields to maneuver men or for cavalry charges. The only way to win is by raiding the enemy supply lines and camps, and to do that her army would need accurate intelligence about evasion and attack routes through the Highland territories.

She stood up and walked along the side to the table. Her gaze is never leaving the easel and, in particular, the northeastern quadrant.

"Which of the tribes do you recommend we deal with immediately, councilman?"

Shokan tried getting up, but Jianna motioned him to sit back down. It was a small gesture but to allow Shokan to stand shoulder to shoulder with him would send the wrong message to the council. No one stands shoulder to shoulder with Jianna.

"That would be the Tribe of the Deer," he continued after regaining his composure from Jianna's rebuff, "they are few in numbers and lack the might to repel our forces. They are rumored to have the most gifted scouts in the region, though I think they stand little chance against the full might of our army."

Jianna shook her head gently while still looking at the map. Shokan's arrogance blinded him to the real problem. Scaring away bandits is one thing but waging an all-out campaign against them is quite another. Jianna needed these people to work for her, and if she were to use force, she would not only deplete her army of fighting men but also lose valuable local assets with the deaths of the tribesman.

"Which of these tribes is the Matrix?"

"Matrix your majesty?"

"Every community has a Matrix, councilman. An alpha if you will," she strolled back to her chair and smirked as she felt the gaze of the council on her shapely hips and ass.

She sat back down and continued, "As you said, most of the tribes prefer the Northeast quadrant due to resources and protection. Protection comes in various guises."

Jianna sipped her wine and twirled the goblet in her hand, "I want to know which of these tribes can protect the whole sector." She gazed at everyone at the table and rested her piercing green gaze at Shokan, "A tribe capable of holding its own against a military assault."

"An army of thieves your majesty?" put in a council member. Jianna smiled and nodded, "That is an excellent way to put it." Jianna watched with relish as the council member beamed, and Shokan smoldered in his jealousy. However, he was too professional to let it show for too long and spoke as if nothing happened, "That would be the Tribe of the Apes your majesty."

With a nod from Jianna Shokan continued, "They outnumber the other tribes four to one, and their command structure is quite organized and disciplined. Some say that the sole function of this tribe is to maintain security in the forest; a service for which they are paid by the other tribes. Though I find it highly unlikely that such a collection of rabble can have a..."

Jianna slams her cup down onto the table, "Be mindful of how you speak of our enemy Shokan. I am sitting here today precisely because your former masters thought the same of my men and me. Give our enemy the respect they deserve or it weakens us." Jianna slumped back into her chair and slowly calmed her outrage. Shokan was speechless and trembling at his spot and the other members of the council though scared were suppressing smiles of delight at Shokan's plight.

"M-My Queen I had no intention to... I mean, I..."

"Of course, not Shokan, even you aren't that stupid," she says in an even tone and stands, "I apologize as well. My youth gets the better of my temperament at times." She levels her gaze with Shokan once more, "I would like to know more about this Ape Tribe. Who leads them?"

Ch-4: Bedfellows

Tents and torches were laid out in a neat grid pattern with a large tent in the center. Jianna's entourage rode into the camp and brought their horses down from a gallop and into a slow and disciplined trot. Jianna noticed several of the camp members line their path; hands on their sword pommels and knife handles, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Some of them sniffed at the air as Jianna and her bodyguard trotted by them; it was as if they sniffing for fear or hostility like predators.

Jianna surveyed the camp and its occupants intently. They seemed like rabble, yet the organization of their camp, as well as their discipline in not attacking immediately, suggested that someone with great skill and expertise led them. Jianna's entourage reached the large tent in the center and dismounted. Two guards waited outside and watched the horses while Jianna and two more guards entered the tent and beheld the opulence that lay within.

A fine carpet lines the tent floor. Tables and chairs stand on one end of the room and a massive chair that looked like a throne on the other. Between the two lay a large four-post bed adorned with red and gold curtains with fleece lined quilts on top. If Jianna had not seen it herself, she would never believe that a mere bandit lived in such opulence and luxury. There was no one in the tent, so Jianna and her entourage sat at the table and waited patiently.

Soon the tent flap opened, and a large man came into the room accompanied by two bodyguards of his own. His stature was massive enough to dwarf every other person in the room. Even Jianna's strongest bodyguard managed to reach only his chin. His face was that of a warrior, bearded and well worn, but the eyes shone with intelligence and cunning.

"This one is dangerous," Jianna's instincts told her as she quickly recovered from the shock of his presence and regained her composure.

"Greetings Jungir, the Khan of the North. I come in peace and with a proposition that can aid us both in the days to," Jungir's massive hand came up as he stopped the introductions.

"It would be best if we dispensed with such trickery. Do you not think so, Queen?" Jungir locked eyes with Jianna, who dressed as a bodyguard stood next to the 'Queen' with her face covered by a veil and a sword at her hip.

Jungir laughed loudly and clapped his hands, "By the gods you have spunk in you. Never letting your guard down eh?" He walked to the throne at the other end of the room and sat down with a patronizing smirk on his lips.

Jianna came forward, motioned her bodyguards to leave, and stood in front of Jungir's throne. Jungir dismissed his men as well in a show of good faith, but Jianna could make out the end of an ax sticking out from behind his throne. Out of curiosity Jianna asks, "How did you know?"

Jungir merely kept smirking at her, much to her chagrin and leaned back in his chair, "You are aware of what they call you on the battlefield?"

"Yes, they call me the Witch Queen."

"True, but after that little celebration you threw at your fortress, the natives have a new name for you. They call you The Green Death, on account of your beautiful eyes." Jungir sat up and waved his hand across, "Please, dispense with that veil. It would be best to conduct our business face to face, wouldn't you agree?"

Jianna did not expect this; she came here to negotiate with what she thought was a brutish man, and instead she confronts someone who is not only brutish but also intelligent. Jianna slid her veil off her face and looked Jungir square in the eyes with a mixture of respect and amusement.

"By the gods," Jungir breathed as he took in Jianna's beauty, "Oh if that face is the last thing I see before I die, I shall die a thousand deaths gladly."

"Shall we get to business then?" Jianna continued in an even tone

"Yes, to business." Jungir once again leaned back in his chair and let his eyes wander over Jianna's small but full body with undisguised lust, "How may I be of service to you?"

"I assume you already know why I am here?"

"When people like you come to people like me it usually means one of two things," he reaches for a flask of wine and a cup kept next to the throne. Taking a sip he continues, "Either you wish to parley, or you wish to fight. And you've obviously not come to fight."

"How can you be certain? I might have my army hiding close by waiting to attack."

"We've had you under observation since you crossed the toll bridge. You are alone."

Jianna's pleasure showed on her face, "Well clearly your tribe possesses the skills that are rumored." She takes a few steps towards his throne, "I wish to hire those skills for my campaign."

"Hire our skills?" Jungir mocked and let out a laugh, "Did we give you the impression that we are in desperate need of employment?"

"No, but you are in need of funds."

"Look around you Queen, there are funds aplenty."

"So are your men. You no longer lead a tribe Jungir, you lead an army, and an army requires discipline and food and rations. I admit you've done a good job so far but how long do you think it'll be before they realize that there are simply too many mouths that need feeding and then turn on one another?"

Jungir sipped on his cup with an expression of boredom, but his eyes betrayed him. He knew Jianna was right. A bandit chief was only as good as the bounty he brought his men, and the last few raids had cost Jungir heavily in terms of men and yielded far less than expected in terms of bounty. The other tribes that gave him money and supplies in exchange for protection are rapidly moving to other areas of the forest. By all accounts, Jungir's days as the head of the tribe were numbered for some time now.

"So what do you propose?" Jungir asked as he drained the whole of his wine.

"I offer you one hundred silver raqs per fighting man, plus a quarter of the bounty that we capture with your assistance."

"A quarter? That is hardly fair. We can make twice that much without your employment."

"True but you only make money during the trading seasons. I offer you and your men year-round work. Plus food and places to stay."

Jungir rubbed his beard and eyed Jianna intently. He would have agreed simply for the hundred silver raqs, "My men may be worth silver but what about me? Surely you don't plan on keeping me in the same bracket as that lot?"

Jianna smirked as she expected something like this, "Then what is your price, Great Khan?"

Jungir looked over Jianna's body once more and let out a deep growl. He slumped back and adjusted the bulge in his crotch, "Fifty gold raqs," Jungir announced and leaned forward, "and you in my bed."

Jianna raised an eyebrow and then laughed.

"You fire my blood woman," Jungir continued, "Share my bed and I shall cut off the balls of Death itself if you so desired."

Jungir's eyes lit up with the kind of lust Jianna saw on the battlefield. Jianna snapped her fingers and summoned her bodyguard, the one who dressed as the Queen and took from her three purses laden with silver and dismissed her. She dropped them on the table close to the bed and was aware of Jungir's labored breathing and his gaze on her body.

"This is half of your men's pay." She turned around with an amused smirk, "You shall have your payment and my company after winning the battle." Hearing these words, Jungir stood up, poured another cup of wine, and took a sip from it.

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He stepped down and then offered the cup to Jianna, "Let us drink to the Gods then. To keep the scum in hell and you in my bed." Jungir grinned as Jianna met his gaze and drained the strong local wine in a single gulp.

Ch-5: Keeping Promises

The months that followed saw the systematic take-over of the tribes in the area. The smaller tribes volunteered their allegiance. Drawn by the promise of steady wages and full bellies, the larger and more independent tribes, however, required a more forceful approach. With the aid of Jungir's scouts, Jianna's army could move around the forest like specters. Soon Jianna's forces swelled in numbers and while the tribesmen were not as disciplined or well-trained as Jianna's, they did their part admirably.

It had been three months since Jianna and Jungir shared the goblet of wine in Jungir's camp; Jungir's lust for her grew with each new moon. The very sight of her sent him into a frenzy. Jianna had been subtle and coy enough to string him along for the time being, but she knew well that this sexual tension could easily turn into strong hatred if she did not allow him his prize.

It was now the night of celebration. All the tribes have either submitted or ceased to exist. Jianna had now successfully secured her supply lines for the Northern Campaign. To honor the tribes of the forest whose bravery and cunning no less matched that of her army, Jianna decided to hold the victory celebrations within the forest itself.

The venue was Jungir's camp, and everyone joined in the revelry. Including the perimeter guard since there is no one to guard against anymore. Jianna strolled around the camp and gave both her army and the tribesman words of encouragement for the battles ahead and congratulated them on a job well done. Jungir watched her move from one group to the next and witnessed her weave her magic over all of them. In less than three months, she had won their loyalty. A feat that took Jungir far longer and involved a lot of spilled blood.

He had seen her prowess on the battlefield and held no doubt that he was much better off as her ally than her enemy. She moved with the speed and ferocity of a demon and yet there was elegance in every thrust and parry of her sword.

The sway of her hips, as she walked, was hypnotic for the giant bandit leader. He shifted in his seat and adjusted his growing bulge constantly. He undressed her with his eyes as she walked by every group of soldiers and tribesman and imagined what it would be like to slide his calloused hand over her pale, soft skin. How he would enter her and watch her green eyes grow wide with passion and ecstasy. How her nails would feel when she would dig them in his chest or his back. Draining his flagon of wine he muttered under his breath, “Tonight I collect my payment, your highness,” he eyed her bountiful bosom, “And I expect nothing less than complete satisfaction.” Adjusting his bulge once more, he stood up and walked out to meet her.

Shokan stood next to Jianna's tent and waited anxiously for an audience. He nursed a half empty flagon of wine in his hands and looked around for a glimpse of her.

"I simply must speak to her tonight," he muttered and paced back and forth in front of the entrance. Ever since the night when Jianna and Jungir forged an alliance, Shokan's importance both as a strategist and as a politician had steadily diminished. He was too stubborn to admit that he was completely out of his depth when it came to war, and often relied on seeking a diplomatic solution to a conflict. Jungir's presence made things worse, "The man is a low-born brute," he whispered and drained the remainder of his drink.

The tap on his shoulder made him jump out of his skin, "By the gods!"

He was greeted by the smiling face of Kaldor, a member of the council, and perhaps Shokan's closest rival, "As brave as ever I see eh?" Unlike Shokan, Kaldor did not possess a powerful frame, but his dead eyes and peaceful smile sent a shiver down many a council member.

"Fishing for an audience?" he asked.

"No, I was promised an audience," Shokan replied with a slight slur in his voice. Kaldor gave a warm smile that frightened Shokan to his marrow.

"I believe the Queen is busy elsewhere." Kaldor offered, "It would be wise of you to not wait too long, lest they found you drunk and incapacitated in front of her tent."

"I was promised, an audience," Shokan said, "my audience is vital to mounting future campaigns."

"The Queen is certainly busy 'mounting', but just not campaigns my dear Shokan." Kaldor's smile was warm bordering on sympathetic, "Come and rest yourself in my tent tonight." Kaldor motioned towards his tent, "The Queen will not be coming back here."

"B-but I, but she...," Shokan stammered and walked with Kaldor on unsteady legs.

"Yes, yes, you were promised an audience but it is the way of those who rule that they must prioritize their promises, and at the moment she is undoubtedly fulfilling one which was made previously."

Jungir lay back against the thick pillows of his bed as he waited for his prize to enter the tent. He lay wearing only a loincloth and flexed his arms and shoulders with anticipation. He still remembered the moment he came up to her from behind and whispered, "Tonight, I collect my dues."

In reply, she merely cupped his crotch with her palm, stroked it gently, and whispered, "I am feeling rather generous this evening."

With a tantalizing smirk, she sauntered off to talk to a short man with a bald head, and an unusual smile on his face. Jungir's attention came back to the present as his tent flap opened and Jianna entered; clad in an elegant riding dress with knee high boots.

"Are you planning on keeping those boots on?" Jungir asked with a grin.

"Perhaps," she replied and walked towards the bed slowly. Her finger twirling around the leather knot that held her dress together at the hip. She gave Jungir's powerful battle-scarred body a look and raised an eyebrow saucily. She now stood at the foot of the bed.

Jungir slid off the edge of the bed and towered over her as he gazed down her full cleavage with a lusty grin. He gently took the knot of her dress in his fingers and plucked it open, "Allow me." he whispered and opened her dress to reveal her flawless pale skin, with large rounded breasts and small but erect pink nipples. Her green eyes never left his as he undid his loincloth and let it drop beside her dress.

His gaze wandered over her body, as his hand gently slid up her hip and caresses one breast. Her fingertips slowly trailed up and down his veiny shaft, feeling it pulse and respond to her light touch. Jungir gasped and shivered as his shaft grew and stood up to her touch, just like a pet responding to the touch of its mistress.

Jianna pulled his face down and kissed him deep while her hand slowly caressed and stroked his thick member. Jungir's body shivered, as he tasted her tongue, his hands wrapped around her body and pulled her into his hairy and scarred chest. Jianna cupped his heavy sack and squeezed gently which incited a small groan from him. She placed her hands on his chest and tugged his lower lip with a low growl, and then pushed him back on the bed.

Jungir lay on the bed and looked up at Jianna as she slowly crawled onto the bed with him. Sex was a lot like a battle, and Jungir realized that he was facing an adversary without peer. She bent her head and slowly sucked on his heavy sack and flicked it slowly with her tongue, much to his pleasure. His large hands slid into her dark auburn hair and gave a little tug to bring her lips to the base of his shaft. She responded by sliding her moist tongue up the shaft and then rolling it along the throbbing tip which was barely covered by the foreskin.

She looked up at him and gave the shaft a kiss before grabbing it and gently squeezing the pink mushroom head out of the foreskin. Jungir gasped and shivered as he saw his engorged tip slide out gently from its casing. With a grin, she rolled her tongue tip over the mushroom head and cooed gently against its sensitive pink flesh. Her mouth opened and she slid the shaft inside and began bobbing her head up and down slowly. Her lips trailing against the thick shaft as she held the shaft upright with one hand and raked Jungir's chest with nails of the other.

Jungir let out a groan and threw his head back. This was better than his fantasies, "You may be a Queen, but you can suck a shaft like a whore." Jungir whispered as he gently held her hair in a bunch to aid her movement. Jianna moaned loudly onto his tip and felt the vibrations ripple down the length of his member. Jungir's spine arched in pleasure and his grip tightened in her hair. She bared her teeth and dug them gently into the hardening shaft, and tugged upward with a low growl. His eyes widened and he looked down at her bobbing head with a mixture of fear and excitement.

His breathing grew more labored as he felt his shaft thicken even more under her skillful tongue. Jianna slid her lips up the shaft slowly, and then slid back down taking the entirety of the shaft down her throat without gagging. Her tongue snaked out from under the shaft and flicked the scrotum gently. Jungir sat up and marveled her technique. He felt her throat clamp around his shaft and massage it gently.

"I knew you had a mouth on you but this..," Jungir's mouth fell open in a silent moan. His eyes rolled back into his head and he looked up at the tents ceiling as he felt his shaft throb in agony inside her throat. She slid the shaft out gently, gave the tip a kiss, and looked at his face. She licked up his torso slowly and bit a newly healed scar on his chest, making him hiss at the sting.

"Are you a woman or a beast?" Jungir breathed and slid his hands down her back and felt a peculiar texture. As she nibbled on his nipple playfully, Jungir moved some of her hair to look at her back and came face to face with a burning eagle. A large and intricate tattoo of a burning eagle adorned her back, but the most striking feature, however, were the feathers. The outline of the eagle was etched in silver, thus allowing it to glow lightly in the otherwise dimly lit tent. She crept up to his neck and bit him hard.

Jungir shivered and landed a loud smack on her ass. "I am your lover not your dinner, woman," he said in mock irritation.

"You'd be surprised how often those two words are the same for me," Jianna whispered in his ear and began sucking the earlobe gently. Jungir groaned and wrapped her legs around him and sat with her in his lap. She stirred her hips on top of him to bring her cunt in line with his cockhead. Jungir pulled her hair back and looked into her eyes, "This was well worth the wait," he breathed and pushed her down on top of his shaft.

The moment played out exactly as Jungir had imagined. Her thighs clenched his waist and her body stiffened as his thick shaft penetrated her. Their eyes widened in pleasure and their mouths opened in a silent scream. Her nails dug into his muscular back and raked his skin inch by inch, just as his shaft entered her, inch by inch. With a guttural moan, she slid down and felt her thighs slap against his as he entered her all the way. He dipped his head, licked her throat gently while she stirred her hips and clamped her cunt down onto his shaft hard.

"Is there any muscle in your body that you do not control?" Jungir breathed into her neck as he felt his shaft being clenched in a tight grip. Jianna grinned, pulled him into her thighs as if gripping the back of a horse, and enjoyed the sound of his groans echoing in the tent. She released some pressure off his shaft and began to sway slowly side to side and then up and down against his body. Moaning and breathing hot air into his ear before finally latching onto the curve of his ear with her teeth and tugging with a muffled moan.

Jungir watched the muscles on her back ripple as she danced on his cock. The softness of her skin made him acutely aware of how rough his hands are, and he almost felt guilty touching her with his calloused hands. His eyes fell upon her swaying ass cheeks and he delivered a sharp smack on both of them as she rode him in perfect rhythm. The sting made Jianna hiss in his ear and she began regulating the pressure on his shaft with her cunt. Clenching and unclenching in harmony with her hips.

Jungir's eyes rolled back into his head and he felt himself go limp before regaining focus and gripping Jianna tight. He swung her body around bringing her under him and sank down between her thighs with a forceful thrust and a beastly growl. "I admire female authority, but I cannot on principle remain at the bottom for long," he whispered to her lips and gave her a deep kiss. He thrust his weight down again and felt the bed creak slightly, Jianna's body tensed and she let out a loud muffled moan into his mouth as he slid his tongue down her throat. Her legs clamped around his hips harder and the points of her stilettos dug into the flesh of his ass cheeks. He arched sharply and broke the kiss with a grimace, "Perhaps the boots aren't such a good idea."

In response, she rolled and brought herself on top of him. Her legs folded and rested on his thighs. Jianna leaned back to grip her stilettos and began grinding on his cock gently. Weaving her body in and out with her eyes half open and a light gasp escaping her lips with every movement of her hips, "I take that back," Jungir groaned and held Jianna's hips, "The boots are an excellent idea," he arched his back and hips and entered deeper into her tight cunt. His palms slid back down her hips, cupped her shapely ass cheeks, and spanked them playfully while she rode him.

Jianna grinned and bit her lip, "It's all," she breathed between strokes and groans, "in the execution," she arched her hips and gave a forceful thrust, making his shaft bounce inside her. She released her boot heels and spread her thighs wider; placing her hands on his chest, she leaned forward and began bouncing her hips on top of his shaft faster. The smell of their musk accompanied by the sticky noises of their sex soon filled the room.

Jungir's mouth busied itself with her hanging tits while her nails dug deep into his chest and added to his collection of scars. Jungir bit and tugged one nipple and relished the sound of a sudden gasp from her lips. His hands slid up and down her back as he continued to tease and nibble on her breasts. His hands finally rested once again on her hips as she twerked faster on top of his cock. He slid his long tongue between her breasts and licked up her throat and to her chin, before biting gently and then lifting her off his shaft.

He turned her onto her chest and got a good look at her tight yet fluffy asscheeks, which looked as if they were sculpted out of white marble. He slid behind her and ran his massive palm over her back, getting a clear look at the tattoo. Jungir teased her tight asshole with his thick cock tip and pushed gently; at first she did not respond but after a smack from Jungir on her rump Jianna gave a giggle and loosened her anus just enough for his tip to penetrate. He groaned and sat up straight on his knees to facilitate a smooth entrance. He watched as his shaft slowly inched its way inside her ass, sliding and glistening in the dim light of the tent. His eyes focused themselves with difficulty as the pleasure was overwhelming his senses. His eyes fell back on the tattoo once again and he noticed a flaw, the outline of the Eagle was unfinished. Some of the feather tips did not carry the bright glow of the silver edge.

Suddenly Jianna arched her back and began popping her hips up and down from the front. She then widened her anus and Jungir watched as her ass sucked in his shaft hungrily. "God's woman, which whorehouse did you learn this in?" he grunted and groaned as he felt his thighs slap against her soft ass cheeks. He gripped her hair in one hand and began rutting from behind like a bull. Every thrust was accompanied by a grunt from him and a moan from her. Her fingers clutched the fabric of the bed and she bit into the edge of the pillow to muffle her almost bestial screams. Jungir grinned and felt more in control for the first time since she walked into his tent to forge their alliance,"Learn what it's like to feel true power between your legs." He grunted between strokes, "And learn to stay like this for your lover, and your new king."

If Jungir were not so completely swept away by his lust, he would have noticed that Jianna's moans of ecstasy had ceased and her body tensed for the briefest of moments. She tilted her head to look back at his face, which was upturned towards the lamp overhead as he hammered his shaft inside her. A smile crept on her lips and her eyes lit up with the same kind of fire her opponents saw on the battlefield.

She wrapped her legs around him from the front and pulled his body down on top of hers. She slowly began to grind back into his shaft and rubbed her ass cheeks on his belly and thighs. She felt his hot breath in her ear as she twirled her hips under him, she could hear the agony in his voice and felt it in the grip of his hands on her wrist. He was about to cum. Jungir prided himself on his self-restraint in such matters but tonight he was with a woman who was testing his resolve to its limit.

He reared up on his arms and slid his shaft out and back in with a fleshy slap of skin on skin. His breathing was labored and his eyes barely open, beads of sweat glistened on Jianna's back and dropped off Jungir's nose. A day of battle would not wear him down, but half a night with Jianna proved more than he could handle. He slid out and back in repeatedly and arched his back sharply as he felt his body shake and toes curl. Jianna's thighs gripped his waist tighter from the front and pulled his shaft deep inside her ass. She clenched her cheeks and held the shaft in a vice-like grip, "Aggghhh! woman your ass is like a bear trap."

He dipped his head, bit Jianna hard on her shoulder blade, and shuddered violently as he came inside her ass. The grip of his teeth loosened with each successive twitch of his shaft, and soon his body fell on top of hers. His hands caressed her sides and gently fondled her breast. He drew back out of her ass slowly and felt her anus loosen just enough for his shaft to withdraw. His cock was slick from his own cum and he saw some of it drip off the edge of her asshole. He rolled off her and collapsed on the bed taking lungs full of air.

"I've never, finished so quickly."

Jianna propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him with an amused expression. "You've never been with a real woman before," she replied in a husky voice.

Jungir glanced at her and observed that while she was sweating and breathing hard, she was nowhere nearly as exhausted as he was. His face flushed with embarrassment and anger, "It must've been the wine," he mumbled, "It takes a toll on my body."

"Indeed," Jianna said, with a giggle and slid closer to him, "Perhaps I've successfully burned the wine out of your system?" She twirled her nail along the fresh scars on his chest. Jungir grinned, wrapped an arm around her waist, and rubbed her back. The rough texture of the tattooed skin caught his attention yet again, "Why is it that your tattoo is incomplete?"

Jianna’s eyes held an eerie stillness that sent a shiver down his spine for a moment, “It’s a work in progress, I complete a small part of it after I achieve something worthwhile in my campaign."

"How long have you had it?"

She looked away and gently slid her palm down his torso,."It's been a while," she whispered and kissed the scratch mark on his chest and continued to do so for the others, "D... does our alliance not add to the progression of your tattoo?" Jungir breathed as he felt the blood running back down below his waist and his cock throbbing in pain from the exertion.

"I have yet to achieve what I set for myself in our partnership," she whispered and slid back up and slid her tongue down Jungir's throat and sucked on his lips. She broke the kiss, slid her thigh up his body, and gently rubbed his aching cock with her inner thigh. Jungir groaned and smiled in delight, "I am sure that come morning, I will have given quite a few things to be proud of."

He pushed her onto her back, kissed her breasts, and slid his tongue down her body slowly as his hands opened her thighs. As his tongue reached for her smooth pink cunt, Jianna slid her hands into his hair and arched gently with a whisper, "I am sure you will." Her toes curled sharply followed by a loud moan of pleasure.

Ch 6: The Conquest

The next day saw frantic activity in the camp. Tents were dismantled, fires were put out and horses were saddled with men and equipment. The clearing that was once home to the Army of Thieves was once again just another large clearing in the forest.

Jianna trotted her black mare along the ranks and inspected the troops, "Men and women of my army," she said in a powerful voice, "Witness this day the birth of a new Empire. Witness this day the birth of a new era. But most of all witness this day the price you pay if you cross me."

She swept her hands towards the edge of the clearing where no less than one hundred bodies stood impaled upon wooden spikes, their faces twisted in a grotesque and painful smile, "Let his be a lesson to all of you, that I will lay my life down to protect any one of you on the field of battle, but I shall not hesitate to punish you for betrayal of any kind.” She let her words sink in before continuing, “I will give you the world, and in return I demand your absolute loyalty. ARE YOU WITH ME?" She asked and she received a loud and enthusiastic reply from her troops. She nodded to her commanders to move them out and stood to the side as they filed out of the clearing in an orderly and disciplined manner.

As Jianna stood with an accomplished smile on her lips, Kaldor trotted his smaller horse towards her and stood next to her, "A fine addition to the ranks your majesty." Jianna looked at the little bald man and smiled, "You think so?"

"Indeed and especially how you managed to add them to your army. If I may say so, it was inspired."

Jianna smirked at the flattery and looked across the clearing towards the line of bodies. As with every change of power, there are those, who would rebel against authority, and while it is a waste of time and resources such people need to be dealt with and used as an example. Jianna's gaze fell on the second tallest spike upon which the body of Shokan was being picked at by the crows. The rest of the council except for Kaldor was also scattered amongst the bodies. She had no need of many counselors when only one was sufficient.

The honor of being impaled upon the tallest spike belonged to Jungir. Jianna smiled at the memory of him being bound and gagged while naked in his bed and then being dragged away by none other than his own men. Those loyal to him shared his fate. For a thief, he did keep his promise; he gave her an army with which she will conquer an empire. She turned towards Kaldor, "Have Mara visit me when we reach the fortress. My tattoo needs a touch-up."

Written by Eroticbaroness
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