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Mike the Gigolo Pt3 Last Stand

"Regular client meets Mike with an extra life-changing surprisae"

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Four years into my time as a gigolo with Ron Vincent's business of providing escorts for the mature lady I had acquired quite a reputation. A good number of the clients asked for me on a regular basis.

Having said that, I'd had a few occasions which had ensured I kept my feet on the ground. Like the buxom fifty-two-year-old lady, all blue rinse and chins who only wanted cunnilingus but refused to touch me in any way. It made for a very lengthy two hours of dipping my face in wet lard.

Then there was the ancient lady with wrinkles down to her ankles, who just lay there, legs apart, looking like some putrefied starfish, and ordered me to hump her without any preamble. I near exhausted myself on her. She became the only woman I never managed to bring to orgasm.

And there was the one time when I was tricked or lured into servicing two young ladies at the same time. Ron had told me that there was a booking from a previous customer who had been so keen to have me she had paid double. I was to go to a private apartment. Those two facts alone should have raised suspicions.

When I arrived, I was surprised to find a beautiful young lady in a see-through robe. So attractive that I was almost instantly erect. She explained that her aunt had bought her this experience after talking about my abilities. She asked to see my body immediately and I had no problem with that, having had such requests before.

When I was naked, she gazed at my rising cock, made an ‘oooh’ sound which I thought was admiration, but was, in fact, a signal. Within seconds my left wrist was grabbed and clamped with handcuffs, the other end of which on a short chain was linked to the bed.

When, in shock, I looked around it was to find second young near naked beauty standing leering at me. They made it clear that if I did not cooperate and fuck them solidly they would scream rape. Apparently, they had a whole scenario planned for that possibility.

What could I do? From sucking and slavering over my cock, to having me lick them out, over the next two or three hours, I took them in every conceivable position. If I had cum as many times as they wanted I’d be a trembling zombie by now.  The more brazen one only wanted to be taken anally. She was, she said, saving her cunt for when she got married. Believe that if you like.

By the time I staggered out of that experience I was an exhausted Mr Caution, and I had Ron do more thorough checks on clients. Not that having two, highly sensual women demanding my attention had been totally unpleasant.

Still, I’d had many pleasant surprises and getting paid for it had bumped me through business college with a very good qualification.

So, with what I had learned. I was all set to break away from Ron and set up my own little private enterprise. How could I know that events were about to remove me from the business altogether?

And no, I didn't get injured in any way – not physically anyway.

One day Ron Vincent asked me to call in because he had a special one for me. When I arrived at his office I eagerly asked for details of this special. Ron just shrugged, "Beats the hell out of me. It's one of your regulars, Dawn Soreen."

"Dawn?" I said, very puzzled.

Dawn, a forty-two-year-old, had been one of my early assignments. A beautiful, very mature lady, who worried that she had never had real sexual joy. I had managed to show her what she had been missing, and, over the years, I had enjoyed her custom several times. No hardship in that. She was a hell of an attractive woman, and I was well attuned to her needs and desires. So, I had to ask Ron, "What's special about this?"

Ron blew out his fat cheeks, "Her words, Mike. She asked for you and said it was for a special. More than that I do not know."

My mind went back to my episode with those two young ladies, but I was sure Dawn wouldn’t pull a stunt like that. "Okay, she's pretty special anyway."

Ron laughed, "Maybe I shouldn't pay you for this one, eh?"

I nudged his pot belly, "It's my charm that keeps you in business."

Of course, I hadn't told Ron of my intended defection, and the possibility that it might take some of his clients with me. "Where and when is this to take place?" I asked.

Ron glanced at the sheet in front of him. "The usual. Her apartment. 8.00pm"

"No dining first?" That was different. All our previous meetings had started in some swish restaurant before returning to her luxury apartment.

And the time seemed rather early. So maybe it was special – a birthday, maybe?

Ron treated me to his impish grin as I left, "You must let me know the details of how special this is."

I chucked him under the chin as I shook my head, "Client confidentiality, Ron. You made the rules."

And I was gone.

At eight o'clock on the dot, I was tapping gently on the door of Dawn's apartment having negotiated the elaborate security system pertinent to these prime dwelling places.

When Dawn opened the door, I was surprised to see her dressed in only a revealing peach kimono. Her luxuriant dark hair reached her shoulders and the glow in those wide sultry eyes made me believe that maybe there was something special about this one.

I had never met Dawn when she had not been fully clothed---at the start, anyway. As I stepped inside I had to comment, "Eager, tonight?"

She turned, and her arms slid around my neck as she stepped in close, "You know I'm always eager for you, Mike."

And her full lips meshed with mine, her tongue probing along mine with a warm sweetness, her full breasts pressing against my shirt front.

From previous experience as we kissed I guided her towards the major bedroom, where we'd spent some passionate hours. But this time she stopped me.

"No, Mike. Not tonight. This time we're in the second bedroom."

"Is this the special?"

Her eyes gleamed up into mine, "No, that comes later. You'll see."

"Very mysterious," I said, but my words were crushed out of existence by her passionate kiss as we tottered towards the secondary bedroom, her hands already unbuckling my belt.

The secondary bedroom presented all the expensive finery of the main one. The only difference was it was a little smaller, but not much. The silken pillows and bed linen, all in peacock blue were every bit as elegant as in that other room.

Dawn was already pushing my pants down and I was a little overcome by her eagerness. Gently I slid her kimono from her shoulders, and let my hands savour the smoothness and delicacy of her skin.

My fingers glided gently from shoulder to breast, never lingering. Shoulder, breast, belly. A continuous wave of sensuous caressing which I knew she liked.

For her part, she quickly removed my shirt and was subtly fingering my semi-erection as we stood close to the bed.

"Not your usual rapid call to arms, Mike. I hope you're not going to let me down. I need you to be particularly strong tonight."

"Is this the special bit?"

She placed a finger on my lips, "No more talk of that. That's for later." And with that, she gave me a gentle nudge so that we both toppled sideways onto the bed and began our now customary pattern.

Her turn. And I ran my lips down the length of her body, back and forth, briefly lingering at nipple and pussy, but never stopping for more than a second. This action I pursued for several minutes, while she lay panting slightly, her hands by her sides.

Then as my mouth settled more definitely on her nipples, my fingers ran along the crevice between her legs, the swollen lips moistening under my touch. Next, I took my lips down to find her clit, but before we reached that stage she had sat up and ducked her head down into my crotch, her mouth quickly enveloping my swelling cock.

My turn, but it had been reached surprisingly quickly. A break in our usual pattern. More was to come, for as soon as she felt me swell under the ministrations of her tongue and lips, she released me and lay back.

"Inside me, Mike. Now," she insisted.

"But we–"

"Who's the client?" she asked, using a joking tone that I had heard many times before, when she had wanted servicing in a particular way.

"Yes, ma'am," I said with mock subservience, and sliding between her spread thighs, I placed my solid cock in her soaking entrance.

"Mike, I want you to make me cum, without cumming yourself. Okay?"

The request surprised me. Why this eagerness to be done and why–? But not for me to question her motives.

I began thrusting into the deep, secure wetness, varying my strokes, short, then deep. As her breathing intensified, I raised my body so that each stroke smoothed over her clit.

In no time she was gasping, panting and then growling, yelping and heaving her pelvis up against mine as her orgasm rocked her. I kept on driving into her, knowing I could easily hold on as instructed.

At last she lay back, breathing deeply, her eyes glazed as they looked up at me, "Thank you, Mike. You didn't cum, did you?"

I told her that I hadn't.

"Oh, good. I'm so glad." And she sat up, her eyes ablaze now with a strange excitement. "Now go and get yourself a good thorough shower."

"What?" This was definitely away from the norm. Showering this early in the proceedings

"Go on, Mike. Just do it... please."

"Don't you want to join me?" I asked. We had done this so many times.

"I'll get one all in good time. Go on, quickly."

Totally mystified, I went into the en-suite, and had myself a refreshing warm shower. With a large bath towel wrapped around my waist, I returned to the bedroom. Dawn wasn't there.

As soon as I called her name, I heard her response from the major bedroom, "Through here, Mike."

Wondering just what the hell was going on, I strolled through the living area to the main bedroom door and pushed it open.

And that was the moment my whole life changed.

Dawn was there, sitting on the bed, and fully clothed. But beside her, dressed in the peach kimono that Dawn had worn earlier was – well, how to put it?

Should I labour the clichés? She was just the most stunning girl I had ever seen, about my own age, I guessed. But what was she doing here?

Something caught up in the back of my throat. My heart? Yes, here come the clichés. I just stood there, totally stunned, mesmerised by her hair, the colour of a late summer field of corn, eyes of palest blue, high cheek bones, and a bosom that thrust against the silk of the kimono. And then there was the shy, slightly worried smile that played on full generous lips.

"Ah, Mike, " Dawn said, getting to her feet, "I want you to meet my daughter. This is Rebecca – call her Becky. Becky, meet Mike. He's just as cute in clothes as without." And with those words she grabbed at my towel and whipped it away.

Like some immature school kid, I covered my groin with both hands, desperate that my action would somehow effect what this girl would think of me. Did that matter? Oh, God, yes it did. It mattered. Yet, I noticed her eyes had hardly glanced at my exposed body but were fixed on my face.

Dawn came up close to me. "Why, Mike, I've never known you be so shy and modest about your attributes." She handed the towel back to me and I quickly wrapped it around my waist. But I feared I'd already made a fool of myself.

Dawn was frowning at me, "Listen, Mike, this is the special part of the evening."

Her voice lowered as though she didn't really want her daughter to hear. "She is still a virgin. And I can't abide the thought of her first experience being in the clutches of some macho idiot, full of his own importance, caring only about his own pleasure. I want her to have a positive attitude to sex."

I was listening but could not take my eyes off Becky, who sat now with her head down, as though embarrassed by what her mother was telling me.

Dawn was going on, "Look what happened to me. She needs her first experience to be a good one. And you can do that for her. Mike. You can show her how thrilling good sex can be, "

My brain could hardly take in what she was saying. She was offering me her daughter. More than that, her daughter's virginity. This stunning girl was there for me! So why did I feel so horrified? Why wasn't I panting to get started on this delicious task?

Dawn patted my shoulder, "I'll leave you together. Be gentle, Mike. But I know you will be."

She stood for a moment in the doorway, "Oh, and there'll be nothing to break through. She's ridden horses." Then to her daughter, “I do envy you, darling."

And she was gone.

Becky raised her eyes to mine and something melted inside me. I just stood there, gaping like an idiot.

"How do we start?" Becky asked, and her voice had the soft huskiness that matched everything else about her. "Do I take this off?" She shrugged one shoulder free of the kimono, a tanned rounded shoulder sloped down to one delectable breast, its pink tip seeming to reach up towards me.

"No, please don't." It was my voice, stopping this beautiful girl from stripping. Was I crazy?

"You don’t want me to take it off?" she asked.

Rousing myself out of my stupor, I sat beside her on the bed.

"Is this what you want?" I needed to know.

"Mother thinks–"

"Never mind what mother thinks. Is it what you want?"

"I'm nervous. I don't know. You look very nice."

"And you look terrific."

"My mother said you would show me everything."

"Becky, are you here of your own free will?" The question had to be asked.

Her eyes moistened as she answered, "Not really. Why are you asking so many questions? Don't you want me?"

Want her? The thought pounded through my brain, Oh, yes, I want you. But then added that fateful extra word... Forever. That's the state I was in. I leaned towards her and placed my lips gently on hers. Her mouth, full and soft, responded, while her eyes remained wide and uncertain.

Gently I raised one hand, intending to rest it on her shoulder, but on the way up it somehow connected with her bared breast, and lingered on that incredible round silkiness.

She gave a sharp intake of breath and her face pulled back from mine. She said nothing, but I could see the confusion in her eyes.

"It's not right for you like this, is it?" I suggested.

She shook her head, "I wanted the first time to be good, but with someone I knew and liked."

I drew in a deep breath, "Would you like to get to know me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, have dinner with me, tomorrow, the next day... next week... whatever suits you."

"I'd like that... only..."


"This kind of work you do. It's a bit–"

I took a deep breath before saying, "Don't worry about that. I'm getting out of the business anyway."

Yes, it was a lie, but only a little one. I didn't know at that moment that it was actually the truth.

"But what about mother?"

I had to think about that. "Tell her you enjoyed it. But go get a shower – that'll disguise the fact that we've only talked."

She gave me a grateful smile, "Thank you, Mike." And there and then we arranged to meet the following night.

As she vanished into the en-suite she dropped the kimono and I had a momentary tantalising glimpse of her slender seductive curves.

By the time there was a tentative knock on the door I had done a few press-ups. So that when Dawn responded to my 'Come in', I looked red-faced and sweaty.

"Where is she?" Dawn demanded.

I indicated the shower.

"You've done it? That was fast," she said suspiciously.

"We both came very quickly."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Were you listening?"

She looked rather flustered, " No but... well..."

"It was a very quiet affair," I lied, just as Becky came from the en-suite towelling her hair and wrapped in a thick robe.

"How was it, darling?" Dawn asked.

"Marvellous, mother. I couldn't have guessed it would be so – quick" Our eyes met briefly, secretively sharing our deceit.

"I told you he was good, darling," Dawn said.

I wouldn't admit to myself at that stage just what was happening to me. All I knew was that I had to get to know this girl who had been thrust into my life.

The next night I was as excited as a school kid on a first date. Becky's face kept appearing in my mind's eye, sensuously beautiful. I bathed thoroughly, sprayed deodorant lavishly and applied after-shave exuberantly. I couldn't have been any higher.

I arrived at our agreed restaurant ten minutes ahead of our appointed time and had to sit through each of those elongated minutes, telling myself that she had changed her mind. But she hadn't.

Spot on time she appeared in the restaurant doorway, numbingly beautiful in a dark green dress that hugged her figure and exposed her tanned shoulders.

I saw the male heads turn as she passed, on her way to our table. She was just so delectable. Standing, I took her hand in greeting and she apologised for being late, but her smile was generous and warm, and the evening went beyond my wildest imaginings.

First, the food was excellent, but more importantly, from my standpoint, we seemed to hit it off right from the start. We had so many interests in common; books, cinema, going to the theatre. Although I had to admit that I had no experience on horseback.

"I'd be delighted to show you how," she said bathing me in that wide smile. "But then I can't play basketball. Mother said you do. "

"I do. I'd be delighted to show you how. " And we both laughed, breaking the ice even further.

I learned she had just moved into her own small flat, "The reason mother wanted me to have that experience. She seemed to think I was going to open an orgy centre or something."

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I told her about my success with my business degree and she asked the question I had feared, "And what business are you in?"

Desperately I tried to explain how my time as a gigolo had paid my way through college, "Now I'm looking for something more challenging."

That was when she told me about her own business, "It's just a little shop – but shows promise. "

"What do you do?"

"Classic books and film tie-ups. My uncle set me on the track of tracing old movies that people wanted – I extended it to books. "

"God, that sounds great. Working at your own interests. "

She told me that although she was good at figures some of the aspects of trading bothered her. Her eyes held mine at that point, "Maybe your business knowledge could help. "

The rest of the evening went as if in a dream. We hit it off so easily. When it was time to part I kissed her gently as she was about to climb into a taxi and we arranged to meet again two evenings later.

I could not get her out of my mind. Our second date was even better than the first, we talked, laughed, even held hands briefly as we strolled to the taxi rank. Our goodnight kiss was warmer and deeper, and I was thrilled when her arms wrapped around my neck.

For our third date, we settled in the same restaurant. It was a warm evening and she wore a pale blue button-up dress that made her look like the goddess of summer. We were halfway through the meal when she laid down her knife and fork and looked across at me.

"Do you remember why we set up these dates?"

"To get to know each other," I replied, feeling a strange trembling inside.

"And why did I want that?"

I pretended not to know that, although, as I tried to keep the trembling out of my hands, I knew only too well that she had said she could only have her first sexual experience with someone she knew and liked.

Her blue eyes never leaving mine she kindly reminded me, "Well, " she added, "I've found that person. I'm ready. "

I decided to play coy, "Is it anybody I know?"

Her forehead puckered, then she laughed, "Oh, Mike. Do you remember on our first date I said I'd be delighted to show you how to horse ride?".

"And I said I'd be delighted to teach you basketball. I remember. "

She reached a hand across the table and placed it over mine. "Mike, would you be delighted to teach me... may I be delicate... love-making?"

Having a heart attack must be something like I felt at that moment, only without any pain. My heart felt like a massive drum. This girl, this beauty, was asking me to... to... God, I couldn't form the thought.

"Mike, come back to my flat with me tonight, please. "

Please? For this? I might have just won the lottery, I felt so high.

The rest of the meal passed in a haze of gazing at the wonder of her, at the pertness of the mouth, the sultry promise behind those blue eyes, the intriguing valley hinted at the neckline of her dress.

I was totally captivated.

As we stepped out onto the heated street she suggested we walk rather than take a cab. "It's a lovely night and it's only a fifteen-minute walk. "

By the time we had walked for five minutes we already had our arms wrapped around each other. If that walk had been all the night had in store for me I would have been satisfied.

Her flat was in a quiet part of the city, up a carpeted stair, in a well- maintained property. When she opened the door and led me inside I found a simply furnished but neatly feminine apartment, not as flash as her mother's place, but the colours and style so matched the girl I was with.

As soon as the door closed behind us she turned to me and whispered, "Just kiss me. "

We stood there locked together, her soft lips, so warm against mine, slowly parted and accepted the tip of my tongue, meeting it with her own. Instant electricity between us.

As we broke the embrace I realised that the heat of the night, not to mention the situation, had left me all sweaty. So, I asked her, "To make this perfect. Could I take a shower before... well, just before everything.”?

"Good idea," she said huskily, and she indicated the bathroom.

Standing in the pink of her shower cubicle luxuriating in the warm flow over me I briefly wondered whether she might be tempted to join me. But she didn't, and I guessed it was early days for that.

I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. She laughed delightedly, "That's exactly how you were when I first saw you." And she stepped in and kissed me before pulling away to add, "It was mean of mother to pull the towel off you. I could tell you were embarrassed, but I think that's when I started to like you. "

She disappeared into the bathroom herself and I heard the rush of the shower once more. I sat on the edge of the sofa and wondered what was wrong with me. After all the women I had been with, why was this dashing, debonair gigolo now feeling so damned nervous. It was almost like my own very first time with Sadie all those years ago. My breaking in by an older woman.

Now here I was on the verge of being a first time for the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I felt like a beginner myself.

When she reappeared in the bathroom doorway though, all my worries disappeared. She was wearing a silky see through robe which disguised little of her curvaceous shape and I could make out the shadow of a delicate bush.

Her face had reddened, and it wasn't just the shower. Despite having led me to this I could see the doubt and uncertainty in her eyes. "Through here, Mike, " she murmured and pointed to the door next to the bathroom.

I followed her into the delicate pink of her sweetly perfumed bedroom. "You like pink," I said.

"I like you," she said, coming into my arms. "Be kind to me, Mike. "

"I'll always be kind to you, Becky." Always? A funny thing for me to say, but then we were kissing, gently at first, then with rising passion until our tongues meshed and fought each other.

Very gently I guided her until we were at the edge of the bed then I broke the kiss and looked into her clouded eyes.

"Ready?" I asked quietly.

"As I'll ever be," she replied, with just a little shake in her voice.

I slipped the robe off her shoulders and let it rustle its way to the floor. Then I removed my towel and carefully laid her onto the bed and stood there for only a few seconds giving myself the luxury of viewing her slender smooth body.

"You're staring," she said, huskiness more pronounced. She raised her arms to me, an action which lifted her full breasts as though in anticipation. I lay down alongside her, my thigh against her thigh, my hand stroking along her cheek then into that wonderful tawny hair.

In the back of my mind was the strange sensation that I didn't yet have an erection. What was wrong with me? A face and body like this and I couldn't respond?

We kissed then for a very long while and all my hands did was move up and down the side of her body, charting the curves, enchanted by the magical smoothness of her.

I broke the kiss a couple of times just to look into her face. The second time she asked, "Do I do anything?"

"Just what you're doing now," I whispered.

Her fingers had traced over my face and neck as though absorbing every small detail. Then she'd set her hands running down my back, over my buttocks and up to my shoulders and arms, where she squeezed at the muscles.

Her touch was feather-light yet rousing. So much so that, with some relief, I felt my cock rising, pressing against her thigh.

"May I?" she asked unnecessarily, and her hand reached down to trail her fingers along my erection.

My hand glided down from her shoulder and dallied over one breast. Silkiness, fullness, a delightful handful. I delicately fingered her nipple and felt it rise, encourage sheng me to run my lips down the side of her neck and on down to tickle the tip of my tongue against that lovely pink nub.

Her hand closed tightly around my cock, a spasmodic reaction to what I was doing to her. While lavishing worship on her breast with my mouth, I trailed my hand down over her belly, feeling her tense briefly as I tickled through her tawny bush. Her breathing quickened, and fingers explored my balls. “I’ve never felt a man down there,” she murmured.

Putting a laugh in my voice, I said, “I should hope not.”

She shared the laugh, “It’s nice.”

“Nice? I hope my equipment is better than nice,” I joked, giving her breast a gentle squeeze.

Her hand spread back to my throbbing cock.

Her slightly parted thighs allowed my finger to touch tenderly at the start of her cleft, carefully parting the fold of flesh. And, after all the women I had performed this action on, this time I felt peculiarly honoured. The little button of her clit seemed to be waiting for me and as I rubbed it her breathing quickened again.

"Can we do it?" she gasped. "Get it out of the way. "

"If you're nervous I can stop. "

"Stop and I'll kill you," she hissed. "Please. Do it. "

"I don't know if you are ready," I said, probing back and deeper into her moistness with my fingers.

"I am. I am. I want to feel this inside me."

Indeed, she was ready. My fingers glided easily into the delicious depths of her. I rolled between her thighs and placed my cock head against her opening. Most gratefully I entered her. Her first time, so there was a tightness, and I entered carefully and gently.

Her hips rose up to meet mine and for ecstatic moments we undulated together. As we moved I kissed her eyes, her open mouth, her breasts.
I was shocked to find that I was very close to cumming. This couldn't be. This was my strong point. But the pressure in my groin was uncompromising.

I thrust deeply into her, desperate that she would cum before me. I couldn't let her down. Her own eager thrusts matched mine and although aware of a remaining shade of tightness as I drove deeper, there was none of the agonising loss of virginity I had encountered in the past.

Her head began to roll from side to side and suddenly she was muttering, "Good, good, oh, good. "

A few more thrusts and I knew I could not hold out any longer. Her inner walls were pulling at me as though I was entering mouth after mouth. Then she suddenly heaved against me, almost throwing me aside with the force of her orgasm and I was able to drive deep up to her very womb and feel the trembling there as we gasped and grunted in unison before collapsing side by side.

"Oh, Mike, it was wonderful."

"It gets better," I promised.

"Did you cum? Mother said you could go on–"

"Yes, I did cum. And let's not talk about your mother. You have had this effect on me."

"Does that make me special?"

"Very," I said truthfully, and we kissed languidly.

We showered together. Soaping each other with sensuous enthusiasm we laughed as the cold spray cooled our heated bodies. Slippery hands glided over breast and into groin with delicately applied precision.

Towelled dry and totally naked we lay down again on the rumpled bed. "Now what?" she asked quietly.

"Now it's exploration time. Slow and easy," I told her, adding. "I think I would be content just looking at you. "

It may have been a half-truth, but I was captivated by the slimness of her waist which seemed to give her breasts added prominence. Her mouth was soft and full, lips slightly parted.

But I knew I couldn't just look. I had to lean over her and lay my mouth on her bare shoulder. Skin was never meant to be so soft, so smooth. Altogether she was just eminently desirable.

Without any further action, I felt my cock begin to rise. Was it just the sight of her, the touch of her skin, or the fragile aroma that came from that skin?

I so needed to treat her with distinction, to glory in the beauty of her.
As she lay still beneath me I set my hands roaming the whole length of her, shoulders all the way down to her feet.

"Oh, that feels so lovely, Mike. Your touch... But I could get so lazy," she raised her head as my hand lingered in that wondrous smoothness between her thighs. "What can I do for you?"

"Anything that comes to you. Just having you under my hands is pleasure enough for me." I wasn't just being gallant. This was how I felt about her. As I leaned to kiss her breasts, she stroked her hand across my chest, her fingers flicked at my nipples before beginning a circling movement around my abdomen.

Her rousing touch was so stimulating that my erection hardened immediately, and she noticed. "Look at that, " she teased. "He's woken up quickly, hasn't he?" And she played her fingers over my cock as she would over the strings of a harp. For a first timer, she had all the right instincts.

She twisted her body so that she was nearer to it and she fingered around the head, opening its tiny mouth. Slowly she moved both hands so that they were treating me with some adulation. Her body movement had brought her bush closer to my face and I lowered my head to lick along the incredible smoothness of her inner thigh

Then I raised my head slightly and with two fingers I parted those her lower lips and my eyes feasted on the glowing pinkness of the folds of flesh like some opening rose.

So irresistible was the sight that my tongue immediately reached out to caress along the pouting lips, trailing along the exquisitely soft hairiness and tender moistness. Like sipping at good wine, I licked between those pouting lips.

"Oh, that is... it's so... Oh, God... you know, don't you? Know how to..." She stopped to catch her breath as my tongue homed in on her clit.

"Can I use my mouth on you? Will that please you as much?"

"Only if that's what you want to do," I advised her. Oh, yes, please do it, my inner voice screamed. Yet I would not offend her with any demands.

Tentatively she lowered her face to where her hands had been so busy. When I felt the tip of her tongue touch my swollen cock head I jerked with instinctive pleasure. Immediately her lips began kissing and gobbling along my whole length, lingering briefly on my balls before sliding back up to the head.

My tongue began lashing lavishly at her clit and my fingers probed into her soft wetness. Suddenly she gasped, and her teeth clenched against my erection, "Oh, God Mike I'm going... oh, quick... I'm..."

I stopped only briefly as her thighs heaved and her pelvis rose to meet my face, "You're all right. Enjoy. "

She gasped and twitched for nearly a minute, her arms and head flinging out of control. As she settled she moaned, "Oh, shouldn't we have made more of that. I mean, didn't you want to be inside me?"

"You'll do it again. "

"Will I?" she gasped. "Will I really?"

Without another word, she returned to running her lips along my length. She stopped for just a moment and said, "Mother says... Sorry... I've heard it can be taken in the mouth. I've never–"

"You don't have to," I assured her.

In our twisted position, her eyes briefly held mine before she turned away and her lips closed around my cock head and her tongue flicked at it. Revelling in the sensation of it I had to resist the urge to thrust into her throat.

But slowly her mouth widened, and she took more of me into her and I sensed myself making her cheek bulge. I set about licking and fingering her now dripping sex. I drew back my head to view again the honeyed pink petals of her.

Then, as her mouth became bolder and her tongue continued to honour my cock I felt the pressure beginning to build. I increased the pressure of my tongue and fingers. Tasting her, smelling her, wanting her. With relief, I felt her release my cock and gasp, "Oh, Mike, it's happening again I'm..."

Now I quickly laid her back and rolled between her thighs, her eager fingers helped me place my heaving cock into her entrance. I plunged in full length, right to the cervix I was sure. Then slowly withdrew.

"No," she grunted as she felt me right at the lips again. But I plunged once more and felt her respond. It was like placing my cock along an avenue of grasping rings.

I leaned over her, placed my hands behind her shoulders and lifted her so that she was sitting astride me. Without any instruction, she immediately began gyrating her groin around my erect cock. She followed this with an up and down movement that treated me like her own personal piston. All the while we kissed and tongued each other’s face.

We heaved together like that for only a while. Then, as I sensed her increasing excitation and knew that I was close, I lay her back and raised my body over her so that each stroke caressed her clit. I drove into her faster and faster and for every stroke I made, she responded equally.

So that we were both heaving and grunting madly as our joint orgasms hit us, and I was pumping my fluid into her as though there would be no end and her eyes were wild upon me as she gasped and finally made a broken shrieking sound, that just filled me with extra joy.

We lay side by side, absolutely still for a few minutes, regaining some measure of composure. At last, she murmured, "Mike, you've spoiled me for anyone else."

"Good," I told her, and made the admission that had lingered inside me since the day I first saw her, "Because I don't want you to belong to anyone else – only me. "

She sat up then, her eyes wide, almost tearful, "Do you mean that?"

I told her how I felt, and she kissed me, and I knew it was good, and it was settled. Words were no longer necessary.

Her mother was mightily aggrieved at our liaison. Said it wouldn't last. And was wrong.

So that was how my time as a gigolo came to an end. I became a businessman – strangely enough a business dealing in old books and films. Surprised?


Written by redwriter34
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