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Summer Time: Rachel

"Just a day at the beach"

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Rachel and I blasted our lungs out through the open windows. We were getting close to the beach and when WPST started to play Nicki Minaj’s song, we looked at each other and grinned. Rachel took one hand off the steering wheel and cranked the volume up. 

Rachel turned onto 10th Avenue and drove straight to Belmar’s Boardwalk. At the end she turned left and we began to look for a parking spot.

She found a spot on 6th Avenue, next to Ferruggiaro Park, and parked her car. We got out, grabbed our bags and walked to the beach.

An hour before I was still at home. I kissed my wife goodbye, jumped in my car and drove to the carpool spot at the beginning of Taylorsville, next to I-95. Rachel would pick me up there around 9 AM as we agreed upon a couple of days prior.

“Wanna sit here?” I asked her when we walked on the sand. It was 10.15 AM and already eighty-five degrees. It surprised me that the beach was practically empty. Then again, it was a Wednesday, and I figured that not many people were blessed enough to have the day off.

Rachel stopped and looked around. “Nah,” she shook, “Let’s go there.” She pointed to a spot close to the park, and away from the boardwalk. I shrugged and followed Rachel.

Rachel is a colleague; in fact, she is my shift manager. She is twenty-nine years old and quite a character. She trained me when I started to work at the office and I liked her from the moment I saw her.

Rachel is skinny—way too skinny, to be honest, and a couple of extra pounds wouldn't hurt her. Her bottom is… well… it’s not there; completely flat and shapeless. Her breasts are small and most days you can’t even see that she has breasts, but she has a beautiful face.

We stopped at the spot she pointed too, and looked around. “This will do.” She nodded and spread out her towel. I did the same and we began to take our clothes off. For me it was simple—I kicked off my flip-flops, pulled my shirt over my head, and laid myself down on my towel to watch Rachel.

She began to undress herself. First she took off her tank top, and then she opened the button from her cut-off jeans, pulled the zipper down and stepped out of it. She wore a white bikini with soft blue and pink stripes, and I must admit that she looked pretty hot.

She folded her clothes and put them in her bag. She laid herself down on her back, closed her eyes behind her shades, and began to sunbathe. “Ah,” she sighed deeply, “This feels good.”

I smiled and turned myself on one side so that I could watch her. My eyes wandered over her body. Like I said, she is skinny. In fact, the only really attractive thing about Rachel is her face. I know that sounds really bad, but I tell it as I see it.

Rachel has an oval shaped face. Right in the middle is her little nose. Elegant, fragile and with the tip pointing slightly up. Her eyes are big and of a mysterious brown-grey color. Her eyebrows arch perfectly around them, but the most amazing thing are her eyelashes. They always remind me of little suns that surround her eyes. Her smile is big, and it seems that her whole face is smiling, making her look cute, adorable and damn sexy.

My eyes move on, and I move them from her face to her breasts. Normally it is hard to tell how big they are, and I guess it has to do with the fluffy blouses she wears. Now they are clearly visible. Her bikini bra bulges out a bit. Not much, but enough to get my attention.

I lower my eyes a bit further. Her skin is pale but is beginning to get a tan. From her belly button I trace my eyes to her bikini bottom. I stare at it, and try to imagine how she looks underneath it while my mind wanders off.


“What do you think of my hair?” Rachel asked last week. We had snuck out of the office for a cigarette. It was pouring rain the whole day and we were standing under the extended roof of the entrance.

“I went to the hairdresser yesterday,” she smiled when she saw my frowned look. “I took off 5 inches and got it highlighted.”

“Wow, 5 inches? No way.” Her hair still reached her shoulders, and now that she mentioned it, I could see the bright color that weaved through her brown hair. “You look awesome,” I smiled.

“Thanks; I am even getting a tan.” She stretched out her arm to show me. “See!”

I held my arm next to hers and saw the difference. “Nice. I guess we can see the difference between a boss and someone who has to work,” I laughed.

Our work relation was cool, and we joked around a lot. Sometimes she would ask what I was doing and if I was too busy to help her with something. “Just sitting here doing absolutely nothing,” I would reply. “I’m getting paid for the hours that I am here, not for the hours that I work.” It was kinda our thing to fool around like that.

“Nah,” she shook her head, “You look okay… for a working slave.” She laughed out loud. “I realized I hadn't been to the beach at all, so I decided to go every day I have off.”

“You go alone?” I asked. “I can’t remember if Jack was off this week.” Jack was her boyfriend, and the general manager. I am not sure how long they had been together, but it must have been a long time. When I started at the office, three years ago, they were already a couple.

“Yeah, I go alone,” she smiled. “Jack is surprised as well that I go by myself.”

I shook my head—typical Rachel. In the beginning I said that she was quite a character, and it is hard to use one word that describes her. Chaotic? Hyper? Bipolar? I don’t know.

What I did learn in the three years that I worked there was that the relationship she had with Jack was a strange one. Jack was so not her type. Jack was serious; Jack was insecure; Jack was a walkover, and I guess that made him an easy target for her.


“You’re not tanning?” Rachel asked. My eyes flashed away from her bikini bottom.

“I am,” I smiled, “Tanning the right side of my body.”

Rachel chuckled and turned around. “Maybe we should take a dive soon,” she said before she stretched herself out on her belly.

“Uh huh,” I mumbled as I began to stare at her ass, that turned out to be a nicely round shaped one, though still pretty flat.


One time, and it must have been at least a year ago, she told me that she had a boyfriend before jack. I can’t remember why we began to talk about this, but she said that she was even engaged. She was totally in love and they had set a wedding date. Rachel was the happiest woman in the world.

Then the guy took off and broke her heart. Rachel told me that this would never ever happen again, and that explained to me why she picked Jack.

The way I see it is this: Rachel is way out his league, so he feels blessed to have a woman that is that beautiful and hot. He provides her with everything she wants, to keep her happy, and Rachel knows she has a “safe” boyfriend that isn’t able to break her heart again. After all, if there is no real love involved, then a heart can’t be broken.

It sounds cold and calculated, but, in a way, I understood her reasoning. Not that I agree, but I understood why she did what she did.


“Let’s go now,” I said and jumped up. Seeing Rachel in her bikini next to me, the sun burning on our naked skin, and the strange excitement of knowing that I did something that I wasn’t supposed to do, was too much for me. I needed to do something.

Rachel lifted her head from her towel and smiled. “So, you wanna get wet, huh?”

I grinned, nodded and started to run to the ocean. Rachel got up and followed me. We ran into the water while we cheered. I dove directly into the water, hoping it would cool me off and set my mind straight again. We stayed in the water for maybe fifteen minutes. Floating around, playing around and having ourselves wash onto the shore by the waves. We played like little kids. We kicked with our feet to splash water, we dove into the waves and of course we tried to push each other under water. At one point Rachel tried to run away. I grabbed her waist, wrapped my arms around her legs and picked her up.

“You’re not the boss today.” I laughed and carried her further into the ocean. “You’re going down.”

“Oh,” she sighed, “A man that takes control; I love it.”

I was glad that half my body was in the water. Having Rachel in my arms was unleashing some really inappropriate feelings. She had wrapped one arm around my neck as I carried her wet body, but at the same time she was wiggling to get out of my grip. I had to hold her closer to me. She wiggled through my arms, which made my hands go all over the place.

I felt her bikini top sliding through my hands. My fingers touched the side of her body, feeling the curves from her breasts. Her wet buttocks pressed on my other hand and I could feel the shape and softness.

Finally I dumped her in a big wave and dove into it myself. We swam towards each other and Rachel grabbed my ankle underwater. I laughed and shook my head, “You really think that you can pick me up, and throw me around?”

But Rachel’s hand didn’t stop. Her hand crawled upwards along the inside of my leg. We stood face to face, and were swayed slowly up and down by the waves. Her hand moved higher, until she reached my shorts.


“Why don’t you come with me?” she asked. We just lit a second cigarette and stared at the rain pouring down.

“Come with you?”

“Yeah, why not?” she smiled.

I chuckled. I could easily mention a thousand reasons why I shouldn't. On the other hand, I could also mention a thousand reasons why I should.

I shrugged. “Dunno,” I mumbled.

“You are off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, right?”

I nodded, we happen to have the same days off. I looked at her and was surprised that I was considering her offer. My brain went into full speed and I quickly began to list the pros and cons of this idea.

I am married. Happily married for five years now, except for one minor detail. My wife is a lot older than me—sixteen years to be precise. Age was never an issue for me, but over the last few years she had become less and less interested in having sex. My wife is fifty six and already went through her menopause, which seemed to have killed her libido completely. In the beginning we were steaming. We had sex multiple times a day, and it seemed that we couldn't get enough of it. Though sometimes I got this awkward feeling that my wife was pretending to have a huge libido.

I just turned forty, and it feels that my sex drive is only going up. I’m not sure if it is a natural thing or if it is caused by my lack of having sex?

I love my wife; I really do. Let’s make that absolutely clear. But I am a strange guy. I don’t know how it is with other guys, or girls, but for some reason I categorize women as soon as I meet them. Must be an evolutionary thing, or maybe I am just a cold, heartless, sex-obsessed person. I don’t know.

I put woman in two categories: Yes, I would fuck her, and Nope, forget about it. I was a bachelor until I met my wife, and I know it sounds really bad but this is how I looked at women. I was not doing this on purpose, or even to actually have sex with the “Yes, I would fuck her” ones, but it just happens automatically.

As soon as I met Rachel, I knew she was a “Yes, I would fuck her” woman. It doesn't mean I was trying to get inside her pants, or that I made advances or anything. It only means that I could see myself having sex with her. I wasn't thinking about cheating on my wife, or considering starting a relationship with Rachel. Rachel was not the type that I would want as a girlfriend. She was too frantic, too hyper and too self-obsessed.

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Could I have fun with her in the bedroom? Definitely.

I decided to throw the ball back at her and see what would happen. “Nah, that wouldn't be a smart idea,” I answered.

“Why not?”

“First of all, I don’t think that my wife would be happy if I went to the beach alone with a beautiful woman.” I smiled.

“Ah, thank you.” Rachel giggled with a little blush. “But it would be just two friends who are going to the beach, right? Doesn't she trust me?” Rachel asked.

I grinned, “Oh, she might trust you, but I’m not sure she would trust me.”

Rachel’s face began to glow, realizing the meaning of those last words. “Then maybe you shouldn't say anything to your wife.”

I shook my head and couldn't help laughing. We both knew that I was going, and we both knew what would happen.


“The cold water doesn't help much, does it?” Rachel smiled as she gently squeezed my crotch.

“It’s too late for that.” I smiled and laid my hands on her hips. I brought my face closer but she pulled away a bit.

“No kissing,” she said with a devious smile. “Not yet.”

Her hands pulled down my swim shorts a bit, and she hooked it underneath my penis and balls. She stared at my cock and closed her hand around it.

“Wow,” she whispered as she squeezed my hard shaft. Slowly she began to jerk me in the water while she cupped my balls with her other hand.

“What would you do with it?” she asked as her fingers began to tease up and down my balls.

I pressed my hand between her legs and touched her wet bikini bottom. “Fuck the hell out of you.” I moaned softly as I wiggled my hand inside her bikini bottom. My hand slid down from her belly, over her soft and smooth pubic mound and down to her closed lips.

My cock bucked when my fingers began to look for a way inside her, and although we were inside the water, I still could feel how wet she was. Rachel closed her eyes and was waiting for my fingers.

She opened her legs a bit to make it easier, and slowly they sank inside her. My cock bucked more wildly when I realized I was entering Rachel’s pussy, and I began to fuck her with my fingers. Rachel let go of my balls and wrapped her arm around my neck. She came closer and increased the rhythm of her jerking hand.

“Make me cum,” she moaned as her hand moved faster up and down. “After that, I might let you fuck me.” I slammed my finger inside until the palm of my hand began to softly pound on her clit. My hand stretched out her bikini bottoms, but I needed more room.

“We’ll see.” I smiled and grabbed her bikini bottoms, pulling them down to her knees. I pushed my finger back inside and continued fucking her. I was now able to move my whole hand, and began to really pound her pussy. Faster my finger jammed inside her and opened Rachel’s pussy for me.

I squeezed a second finger in, and slammed them both upwards. My hand moved as fast as I could and each time I rammed him upwards a bit harder, until my palm began to crush her clit. Rachel let go of my cock and wrapped both arms around my neck, leaving just enough space between us for my hand to pleasure her.

She pushed her head against mine. “Oh, that’s it baby,” she moaned in my ear. I could feel her breath tickling my ear as she panted, and she began to kiss the side of my neck. I looked down to see her nipples poking right through the wet fabric of her bikini.

With my free hand I yanked down one side of her bikini top and brushed her nipple with my thumb. Rachel squirmed and pushed herself closer to me. I captured her nipple between my thumb and index finger and began to twist it gently as I plunged my fingers down her pussy.

My hand kept battering her clit while her pussy soaked my fingers. I squeezed Rachel’s nipple, and the harder I squeezed, the wetter she became.

“Oh, fuck,” she moaned as she squirmed and bucked on my fingers. I knew that she was about to explode, but I wanted to fuck her. I pulled my fingers out of her pussy, and quickly lifted her from the water. I looked around for a good spot. There were still not many people and it seemed to me that the ones that were at the beach were not paying attention to me and Rachel.

I carried Rachel to the shore line and laid her down in the sand. “So, big boy,” she smiled, leaning on her elbows, “Are you going to finish it?”

“Hell yeah,” I grinned and kneeled down, looking at her. Her breast still hung out of her top, and her bikini bottom dangled around her knees, it was the first time I had actually seen her bald naked pussy, and what she showed me was hot, horny and a valid reason for me to cheat on my wife.

I grabbed her bikini bottoms and took them off. Rachel quickly peeked around and when she saw that there was no one in the area she began to spread her legs.

My cock bucked wildly and I pulled down my own shorts. I took them off as well and, together with Rachel’s bikini bottoms, it began to form a small pile in the sand.

Rachel smiled and laid her hands on her pussy, she parted her lips with her fingers, and kept on staring at my cock. “Come,” she moaned, “Come here and fuck me.”

I crawled between her legs. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked. Until now it was pretty much innocent stuff that we did. Out of line, inappropriate, not done, and reason enough to get us both in trouble, but in my mind it was quite innocent.

“Oh, yeah.” She moaned and grabbed my cock. She traced it over her wet split, looking for the right spot. I softly pressed forward until my cock slipped inside her, and then I pushed forward.

“Ahhh,” Rachel sighed when my cock parted her walls and sank inside her.

“Oh, shit,” I moaned, holding my breath. I was on the edge of exploding, and if I were to move my cock even a little bit, it would burst out in flames. Rachel grinned; she must have known that it was months ago that I last had sex.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled my face towards her. She began to kiss me and parted my lips with her tongue. We made out in the sand and suddenly she rolled me over. Rachel pulled the other side of her bikini top down, and laid herself on top of me.

Her hands began to stroke my hair as she kissed my face, and she began to sway her lower body in a gentle circular motion. She captured me with her body, squeezing us together. She took my hands and pushed them in the hot sand above my head, making me completely defenseless. Her head moved to my neck and she began to kiss and nibble on my ear. “I've dreamed about this,” she whispered as she changed the circular swaying of her pelvis into a slow rocking one.

“Oh, Rachel,” I moaned as her wet pussy began to slide up and down my cock. I closed my eyes and wanted to enjoy every second of this. Her breasts tickling my chest, her moaning and sighing, her tongue playing with my ear, and above all, her wet and hot pussy that was slowly swallowing my cock—I loved it all.

Rachel began to move a little bit faster. She made shorter, but faster strokes. I opened my eyes and looked right into Rachel’s brown-grey eyes. Slowly, she raised herself, and when she did her hands traced down my body, till she had reached my chest.

She began to ride me, increasing the rhythm until she found a nice and steady pace. Then she stretched herself out and wrapped her hands around her neck and pushed her tits a bit forward.

I moaned softly when she pushed her little perky tits towards me. Her bikini top dangling underneath them made it even more erotic. I reached out my hands and touched both of them.

“Oh, yes,” she sighed as she began to bounce up and down on my cock. I caressed her tits and captured her nipples. Gently I squeezed them and rolled them through my fingers. “Crush them, baby,” she moaned as she laid her hands upon mine, and pressed my fingers. “Don’t be afraid to hurt me.”

I was surprised. I never got the impression that Rachel would like it a bit rough, but I guess that the old saying is true: never judge a book by its cover.

I squeezed harder and watched her nipples bulge out from in between our fingers. Rachel stopped fucking me and re-positioned herself. She placed her feet on the sand, laid her hands flat on my stomach and began to ride me like this.

She used my chest to push herself up, and when my cock almost slipped out of her pussy, Rachel crashed down on me. Time after time she repeated this, and each time she tried to move a bit faster. Her tits began to bounce up and down, with her nipples still being crushed and twisted by my fingers.

“Oh, fuck,” she moaned, as she kept on crashing down on my hard cock. She was sweating and panting heavily, slamming her body up and down as hard as she could. The sound of our crushing bodies began to overpower the sound of the waves rolling onto the beach, and it sounded like heaven to me.

She leaned backwards and placed her hands on my knees for support. Her nipples stretched out of my fingers and when I couldn’t hold on to them anymore, they snapped back. Rachel still fucked me as hard as she could, but was now offering me a perfect view on her bald pussy. She looked at me, with her eyes wide open and locked on my face. It felt as if she was trying to imprint a visual of the pleasure that she gave me.

I could only stare at her pussy, watching how she slammed up and down on my cock. My cock bucked, seeing how it got devoured by her hungry cunt, and watching how it rammed between her inner lips was simply addicting. I could look at it the whole day.

My balls were burning and I knew it wouldn't take that much longer before they would explode. “Oh, baby,” I moaned, “I’m gonna cum.”

Rachel leaned forward, and placed her knees on the sand again. She laid herself on top of me, and kissed my lips. “I want to cum with you,” she whispered as she began to use her inside muscles on my cock. I grabbed her hips and guided her movements.

“Are you ready baby?” I moaned, hoping that she was. I tried not to ejaculate, but the more she squeezed my cock, the more my sperm was crying to be released.

“Uh-huh,” Rachel sighed. Her body tightened around me and I felt a shiver going through her. She stopped riding me, and I began to slam my cock up and down. She threw her head back and goose bumps appeared on her arms. Rachel shivered more and I knew she was on the edge.

“Come on, baby,” she rambled, “Fuck me ‘til I cum.” Rachel threw her head from side to side as I rammed my cock inside her as hard as I could. I couldn't hold my sperm any longer; it began to crawl up my shaft, and I knew I only had one slam left.

I pushed my cock as deep as I could just before it exploded. I screamed and bucked underneath her, gushing my cum inside her.

“Oh, shit,” she panted, feeling how I filled up her pussy. She began to lose control over her body. “I’m cumming…” she cried out and exploded on my cock.

Rachel fell on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around her. I began to buck my hips up and down again, fucking her exploding cunt. I wanted her to keep on cumming; I wanted to keep on feeling how her hot cum drowned my cock.

And she did. Time after time she exploded until she finally lay exhausted on my chest. We both were sweating and out of breath. We didn't speak for a few minutes, and slowly the overwhelming feeling of lust and passion faded out.

“Let’s take a dive again,” Rachel smiled. She kissed my lips and got up. I raised myself as well, and looked around us. The beach was still practically empty. A few people here and there, and it didn't seem that they knew what had just happened. If they did, so be it.

“Nice!” Rachel whispered and nodded down. I looked to see what she was pointing at, and grinned when I noticed the little puddle of our cum that slowly disappeared in the sand. I took her hand and we began to run to the ocean again. We ran into the water and dove into the waves that washed us back to the shore.

We sat down, partly in the water, and stared at the horizon. Rachel took my hand and laid her head against my shoulder.

“You know,” she whispered as she looked at me, “We could do this every week… if you want to?” 

Edited by: Clum

Written by AdrianCf
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