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Garter Ardor - Part Two

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The party was in full swing when Karen joined her friends on the far side of the dance floor. The DJ, in the middle of a 60s playlist, had the crowd rocking to Sly and The Family Stone while I sat at a table at the edge of the dance floor and busied myself in polite conversation with the table’s occupants who I had just learned were relatives of the bride.

I had discreetly tucked myself back into my pants after Karen left me here and was scanning the crowd for a group closer to my own age with whom I could more comfortably mingle. Occasionally I would catch a glimpse of Karen through the bobbing bodies of the dancers. It was obvious that she was having a good time catching up with her friends. When she wasn’t tossing her head back laughing at something that one of her friends had said, she was making them do the same with one of her own stories.

Karen’s face lit up when she laughed like that. She looked so sweet and innocent. Nobody would ever suspect how brazen she had been just moments ago when she gave me that surprise hand job under this table. I was still amazed at her boldness – pleasuring me like that in the presence of everyone here. So cool above the table. So hot below.

As I gradually withdrew from the banter at the table, I reconstructed in my mind the events of the evening thus far. I saw fragments of a pattern begin to emerge and I mulled over the possibility that I might have been set up. I had this weird feeling that Karen had deliberately gotten Megan and me together. I knew that sounded paranoid, especially since there was no compelling evidence to backup my suspicions.

I had had no intention of taking part in the garter festivities, but Karen’s persistence got me up there. And Megan wouldn’t have been there either had it not been for the bouquet “bouncing” out of Karen’s hands. . . This train of thought was just plain crazy, I told myself. Next I’ll suspect that the groom had a part in the conspiracy and deliberately shot the garter right to me. I shook my head and laughed to myself. Taking a long sip of my drink, I turned my attention back to the dance floor and tapped my foot to the beat of a Beatles song.

A light floral fragrance wafted by me. It was a pleasant familiar scent. Gardenia? I drew a long slow breath through my nose to gather more of the aroma. I hadn’t been consciously aware of her perfume when I was with her before but I knew in an instant that this scent belonged to Megan. I looked around just in time to see her pick the bouquet up from the table.

“Here are my flowers,” the bridesmaid beamed. “Isn’t this such a lovely arrangement?” she said to the other guests at the table. While everyone nodded in agreement and focused their attention on the flowers, Megan slipped something small into my shirt pocket. It was obvious that she didn’t want anybody else to see what she had given me, so I pretended that nothing happened and smiled, just as everyone else did, as she walked away.

A short while later I reached inside my pocket and withdrew a small folded piece of paper. I brought the paper to my lap and open it without glancing down. Very James Bond. I grinned. I looked around and, seeing that nobody was paying me any mind, I gazed down at the bit of paper in my hand. It looked like a torn piece of a bar napkin and there was something written on it. I expected to see a phone number but instead there was a brief note printed in a fine feminine hand.


* * *

I stepped into the room. Megan wasn’t there yet, so I closed the door behind me and sat down on the wide white velvet sofa against the opposite wall. It was plush yet comfortable and I had no trouble relaxing on it while waiting patiently for my tryst with the beautiful bridesmaid. I scanned the suite. This was the holding pen for the bride and groom and their attendants – where they hung out until it was time to be officially introduced to their partying guests.

The walls of the suite were adorned with an elegant white satin floral motif wall covering. In the corner of the room to my right there was a small bar set up. An uncorked bottle of Dom Perignon lay in an ice bucket while the ivory shelf above was festooned with bottles of Grey Goose, Bombay Sapphire, and other quality liquors. I nodded approvingly and poured myself a shot of vodka. Next to the bar was this sofa’s twin while several matching ottomans sat haphazardly here and there. Muted pulses of disco music penetrated the tranquil stillness of the suite. I tapped my foot on the carpeted floor while I carried on with my inspection of the room. On the wall to my left there was a white marble counter in front of a mirror that extended to the ceiling where the bride and her girls could adjust their hair and makeup. I tossed back my shot. Good stuff.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong. I had come to this party as Karen’s date and here I was secretly meeting with another girl. Yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow Karen was behind all this. Or was I just being crazy again? And what about Megan? Why exactly did she want to meet me here? Did she want to get down and dirty with me? Or maybe she just wanted to smack my face for taking liberties with her during the garter ceremony. . . In the middle of my musings, I heard a slight metallic click and turned my attention to the door.

The doorknob turned and the door swung silently inward. I stood up and, when I saw the maroon fabric of a skirt push into the door opening, I quickly stepped forward to greet Megan. She smiled broadly when her eyes met mine and shut the door with a swift backward kick. She leapt into my arms, pressed her mouth against mine, and kissed me passionately. Much better than getting my face smacked.

You would think that we had been lovers coming together after a long absence and not a couple who had only met for the first time a little more than an hour ago. Megan pushed her tongue into my mouth and clawed at my body, one hand tugging on my shirt, the other clenching my butt.

Was this the same woman who a short while ago sat blushing while I attempted to fix a garter onto her leg?

She was a woman consumed with lust. And it was contagious. I sucked the tongue that swam into my mouth and wiggled mine around it. Each of my hands squeezed Megan’s tits. The horny bridesmaid’s nipples were so erect that I could feel their hardness through the layers of her dress and bra. Her right leg rode up my hip as if she wanted to mount me. To say that I was hard would have been an understatement.

“I want you so bad, Billy,” she panted as she pulled her mouth from mine. I didn’t respond. I was too busy trying to figure a way into her dress to release her tits.

Megan was more successful with my clothing. In no time at all, she had my belt unbuckled, pants unbuttoned, and zipper down. With a little more coaxing my trousers were on the floor around my ankles. She gave my boxers a similar treatment and soon my woody was in her hands. She tugged on it tenderly but with hurried purposeful strokes.

“We have to be quick,” she whispered coarsely. “I don’t want you to get in trouble with your girlfriend.”

Similar thoughts were crossing my mind.

Abruptly Megan pulled away from me and moved hurriedly toward the makeup counter. I winced when her hand abandoned my cock and I stood in stunned silence and watched her cross the room.

“I want to feel you inside me,” I thought I heard her moan.

Hoisting her dress above her hips, she tugged her panties down and stepped out of them. She faced the mirror and bent over, resting her forearms on the marble. The hem of her dress was bunched up on her lower back exposing her bare bottom fully. The sexy black lace garter was in place, high on her thigh, exactly where I had fixed it a short while ago.

“Fuck me, Billy,” she pleaded.

I moved across the room as fast as I could. With my pants snuggly around my ankles I waddled forward like a penguin. A horny penguin!

Some guys are into tits. Others dig legs. Me? I’m an ass man. And what an ass Megan had. The sight of it before me was a thing of beauty – a work of art framed in the burgundy chiffon of her bridesmaid gown. It was a perfect ass – firm, full, and round with velvety smooth, unblemished skin and that enticing feminine flare at the bottom. Below Megan’s sweet cheeks the alluring plump lips of her pussy extended invitingly, reminding me of a split succulent peach, ripe and ready to be picked, with the fuzz of fine closely cropped pubes adorning her lips and droplets of nectar-like secretions oozing slowly from her cleft.

I knew that Megan begged for my cock and was braced for a quickie but I just couldn’t resist the lure of the sight before me. I dropped to my knees and knelt before the altar of Megan’s ass. I licked my lips.

The beautiful bridesmaid’s legs were spread far enough apart that her slit was welcomingly open, revealing the tantalizing secretions that had welled up there. My mouth was only inches away. I paused a brief moment to inhale her delicious fragrance, then pushed my face forward. My tongue found its way into Megan’s slick crevice and I lapped upward, tasting her delightful sweetness for the first time. After teasing her like this for short while, I wiggled my tongue downward in search of her clit. When I finally touched that tiny sensitive spot, I heard Megan moan and she pushed back and downward onto my face. I went on probing and caressing with the tip of my tongue. With my face pressed tight against her bottom and my nose buried in her wet slit, I breathed by sucking quick gasps of air through my mouth between the steady flicks of my tongue. I swallowed the juices that flowed into my mouth to keep from drowning. Megan thrust her hips quickly back and forth, rubbing her sensitive button snuggly against my lips and tongue. I licked and gasped while she writhed and moaned. Soon she came and I lapped up her nectar until she calmed.

I stood up as gracefully as I could with my ankles still shackled by my crumpled pants. My hard cock was aching for release. I leaned into Megan’s body and positioned my cock into her slick crease. I didn’t have to use my hands, my rod found its own way as though it had a build-in GPS. As my tip entered into Megan’s opening, I hummed with delight. It felt so good.

That moment of initial penetration was so blissful. The sensation of the warm moist walls of Megan’s pussy yielding to my entry and then closing snugly around my girth was divine, causing an exciting rush of delicate pulses of pleasure through my mind and body. I wanted this moment to last, so I resisted the urge to plunge quickly in. I held the bridesmaid’s hips to prevent her from anxiously pushing back onto me and eased my shaft in slowly but steadily. I could tell by Megan’s expression in the mirror that she was experiencing similar feelings with my gradual entry. As soon as my cock was buried to the hilt, I began to pump in and out, increasing in speed and intensity with each thrust, until I found a comfortable rhythm.

I continued to grip Megan’s hips and tipped her down onto me each time I pushed in. Her hair bounced and her tits jiggled when our bodies collided. The thumping bass that crept into the suite from the main party room accompanied the sounds of our sex – my body repeatedly smacking against Megan’s ass, our raspy anxious panting, and the soft wet squishes of my cock sliding back and forth in her pussy. My partner in crime rested her head for a moment on her arms as I plunged into her from behind – her eyelids peacefully shut, her lips arced in a contented smile. She picked her head up suddenly and bit her lower lip.

“Oh, Billy! Billy! Billy!” Megan called in a coarse whisper and each time she said my name the pitch of her voice grew progressively higher.

She was about to cum and I was right behind her – in more ways than one. I pumped vigorously and watched her face in the mirror. I could feel that throbbing tingle building at the base of my cock, the precursor of explosive delight. I struggled to hold it back. As soon as Megan’s orgasm would hit, I was ready to let mine loose. All of a sudden she froze.

In the blink of an eye, Megan’s expression went from enthusiastic lust to shocked surprise.

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She stared into the mirror at something in the right side of the room. I slowed my thrusts and turned to see what had caught her attention. The door to the suite was wide open and standing there in the entrance way was Karen.


I stood like a statue, my cock halted halfway into Megan’s pussy. I racked my brain for something to say. This isn’t what it looks like? No, that definitely wouldn’t work. Karen stepped into the room.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding out,” her tone was casual. Her mood unreadable. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

I was speechless. Seconds ago, Megan and I were both on the verge of cumming, but that moment had quickly passed and I felt my woody deflating. Karen came over to where I stood joined to the bridesmaid. When I began to back away from Megan, Karen smacked my ass.

“Stay put,” she ordered.

I did as I was told – I was in enough trouble as it was and didn’t see any point in pissing Karen off further. She moved around us, studying our bodies. I followed her image in the mirror. Her lips turned up in a smirk as she inspected us. Was that one of those sinister smiles that precedes a sudden outburst of anger? Was I about to get my ass kicked? I, sure as hell, deserved it.

“C’mon, guys,” Karen burst out laughing. “Don’t stop just because I’m here.”

Neither of us moved. I couldn’t believe how well Karen was taking this and I was still prepared for the worst. I assumed that Megan, who had been avoiding any eye contact with our unexpected guest, felt the same. Karen bent her body next to the bridesmaid and brought her face between Megan’s and the mirror.

“Nobody has ever called me a party pooper,” she smiled jovially. She brought her mouth a breath away from Megan’s lips. “And they’re not going to start now.”

Karen’s lips parted and surrounded the bridesmaid’s mouth. They kissed. Their faces twisted, pivoting on their lips. One of them uttered a long soft moan and the other responded with one of her own. They were into it.

I was taken aback at what I saw unfolding in front of me. I tried to process in my mind exactly what I was witnessing. Was Karen telling me that she could get it on with Megan just as well as I could? Or maybe she had been turned on by what she saw when she walked in on us and now wanted to be part of it. Regardless of what she was up to, the sight of two women making out always turned me on. My deflation stopped and began to reverse.

I was so absorbed, watching my two favorite ladies suck face, that I didn’t notice the hand that had slipped between Megan’s legs and mine, until it was clamped around my balls. Was this where I get de-nutted?! I didn’t know whose hand it was, but the grip wasn’t tight and surprisingly didn’t hurt. The hand began to pull me forward. I had no choice but to move in the direction that I was tugged. My cock slid deeper into Megan. When I was fully planted inside, the hand pushed my sack backward. My cock slid with it. Then I was pulled again. The tugger wanted me to continue fucking Megan. When I began to do just that, the hand fell away from my balls. Whew!

In no time at all, I brought my thrusts back to the rhythm that I had before we had been discovered. Karen had the top of Megan’s dress and bra pulled down and her tits fully exposed. How did she do that so easily? The bridesmaid’s nipples were being twisted and tugged as I serviced her from behind. By the movement of her body beneath me, I could feel how much she was enjoying all the attention. All at once Karen pulled away from Megan’s mouth and knelt beneath the marble counter. The bridesmaid whimpered.

I looked down to see what Karen was up to and saw the front of Megan’s dress rumple and rise. Soon, I felt my balls smack against something warm each time I plunged forward and, at the same time, Megan’s body tensed and she gasped and shuddered. Karen was eating her! Eating her while I fucked away!

I could feel wayward flickers of Karen’s tongue on my shaft as I slid in and out. Megan raised herself up and fell forward – her face pressed against the plate glass mirror. She wailed and cried out something unintelligible. She jerked and squirmed and jerked again. When Megan’s cries began to dwindle, the wet smacks of Karen’s tongue became more audible. The bridesmaid’s body pushed heavily down on me. Her legs had turned to jelly and she would have fallen to the floor had she not been impaled on me. I couldn’t hold out any longer and released my cum. With a final firm forward thrust I exploded into Megan. I trembled as I squeezed out the last drop and collapsed onto her back.

The three of us swayed – our bodies interlocked. The only sound in the room was the steady muffled beat of that intruding disco. As Megan lifted her body, I backed away a step. Her dress lifted and Karen climbed to her feet.

“Okay,” she said excitedly. “Now it’s my turn.”

In one swift motion Karen had her dress up and over her head and tossed it onto one of the couches. Her bra and panties followed. Quickly she was in the center of the room pushing two of the ottomans together against the other sofa. She lay down on the improvised bed and spread her legs as if to say, “Who’s gonna take care of me?”

I knew that I owed her big time. My cock was out of commission for the time being, but my tongue was fine. I moved quickly toward Karen and fell flat on my face. I forgot that my pants were still bunched around my ankles.

While Megan, still dazed from her orgasm, stood by and watched, I got up, got naked and positioned myself at the ottoman where Karen’s feet rested. On my knees, I pulled her toward me by her legs until her butt was at the edge of the cushion. I kept her legs up, spread them a bit, and pushed them back against her body. I dove in. She was pleasingly wet and fragrantly fresh. Immediately I had my tongue dancing among her slippery folds.

Before I knew it, desperate hands descended on my head and clutched fistfuls of my hair. My face was pulled snugly against Karen’s slick pussy. I licked and sucked. I tugged and probed. Her juices gushed. Her swollen clit felt enormous under my tongue and I attacked it vigorously. She pushed her legs downward and expressed her gratitude for what my tongue was doing to her by closing her thighs securely around my head. In the midst of my munching, I managed to peek up over Karen’s mound and noticed that Megan had joined us. She was completely undressed and was kneeling beside my squirming girlfriend. The bridesmaid had her mouth around one of Karen’s nipples while she tweaked the other with her fingers. The combined effect of Megan’s mouth and mine proved more than Karen was able to bear.

“Oh! My God!” she screamed as she thrashed about on the makeshift bed.

Karen’s body twisted and rose excitedly beneath me. Her hands pulled solidly on my head. Her thighs crushed against my cheekbones. I was surprised that my neck wasn’t broken. Her e cstatic screams filled the room, interrupted only by occasional gasps. When she was fully sated, her legs and hands fell away from my head.

Megan and I picked our heads up at the same time and looked down at Karen. She lay with her head thrown back staring up at the ceiling. A subtle smile creased the corners of her mouth and her chest rose and fell energetically, as she panted through O-shaped lips. A small rivulet of juice trickled down her crack onto the ottoman. An awkward silence threatened to fill the room until Megan spoke.

“Judging by how you sounded, I’d say that it was good for you,” she grinned at Karen.

“It was indeed,” Karen beamed as she propped herself up on her elbows.

“I hope that nobody heard you,” the bridesmaid teased. “It must have sounded like someone was being murdered.”

“Sorry about that,” Karen’s face flushed. “I do tend to be a little bit vocal sometimes.”


“I didn’t think you were so loud,” I tried to sound encouraging but had trouble keeping a straight face. “But then again, I couldn’t hear much of anything down there.”

A darker shade of red covered Karen’s face after my subtle jibe about her leg lock around my head. We all laughed with post-orgasmic giddiness.

“I just realized that the music has stopped,” Megan observed.

“I guess that means the party’s just about over,” I said as I stood up.

“We’d better hurry up and get dressed,” Megan said. “I’m sure we’ll be missed if we’re…”

“Not just yet,” Karen interrupted with an impish grin while she stared at my rejuvenated hard-on. “We have some unfinished business to attend to.”

Somewhere in the middle of eating Karen, my cock had gotten hard again and now she was looking intently at my woody with hunger in her eyes. Reflexively she dragged her tongue across her lips.

“I want some of what you gave Megan,” her voice had serene quality to it but, make no mistake, Karen’s request was not negotiable. She lowered her head back down onto the ottoman and spread her legs. “Give me that cock.”

I didn’t need a second invitation. Hurriedly I took hold of her legs and held them up in a V. I lowered myself down onto her and immediately found the warmth and heavenly delight of her naturally lubed pussy. I knew that Karen was in no mood for a slow savor-the-moment entry, so I plunged right in and began to fuck her with reckless abandon.

Soon Megan picked up where she had left off moments ago, caressing Karen’s full tits with her hands and mouth. She then proceeded to climb onto the ottoman and, facing me, she straddled Karen head. While Megan rode the face of our common lover, we kissed and fucked each other’s mouth with our tongues. Karen accepted Megan’s pussy and ate it passionately while I continued to fuck hers with deep and forceful thrusts. The girls came almost simultaneously and I followed before they were nearly done. This time Karen’s screams were mercifully muffled by Megan’s pussy.

* * *

By the time we got back to the main party room, most of the other guests had already gone home. The three of us had rushed to get dressed and be there before the bride and groom said their final goodbyes. We didn’t look our best. I was the most disheveled – my pants were so wrinkled that they looked as if I had slept in them and my shirt was noticeably missing several buttons. Karen and Megan were upset about how their makeup and hair looked, but I thought that they were both remarkably beautiful and told them so.

At this point, I still wasn’t sure whether Karen had actually orchestrated our little ménage-à-trois or not and I had to remind myself about how involved setting up something like that would have been. It was just classic paranoia to believe that others would have had a part in it. But still…

When the girls stopped to talk with the bride’s parents, I went off to fetch my jacket and tie. As I crossed the room, I passed the table where Karen had given me that unexpected hand-job. The bride’s aunt and uncle were in a heated discussion there with the maître d’. I overheard enough of their conversation to learn that his pants and her shoes had been splattered with some unknown substance. Whoops! The uncle was blaming the mess on the serving skills of the waiters, while the maître d’ apologized profusely and promised to take care of their cleaning bill.

With my jacket hiding my half-buttoned shirt, I got back to Karen and Megan in time to catch the last of their chat with the bride’s parents.

“...those screams had to be coming from a TV show that the restaurant’s employees must have been watching,” the father said to Megan and a red-faced Karen. Evidently, music wasn’t the only sound that had passed through the walls of the bridal suite.

Karen’s embarrassment subsided when the bride and groom approached to thank us for helping celebrate their special day. After she introduced me to them, I kissed the bride and extended my hand to the groom. He squeezed it firmly and shook it energetically like we were old friends.

“I know you,” he grinned and gave me one of those sharing-a-secret winks that men often exchange. “You’re the guy that I tossed the garter to.”


Written by Fogticus
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