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It was springtime 1978 in western Wisconsin. Kelly and I were seniors and had been dating for nearly three years. Virgins when we met, once we started having sex our hormones went into full overdrive. We had been fucking like bunnies three, four, five times a week for the past couple of years.

Kelly was a machine built for sex. She stood 5’2” tall and 105 pounds. Slim waist and all-around petite. Except where she wasn’t. Her breasts were huge. She wore a 32F bra. She had been a 32DD at sixteen, but after she had been on the pill for a while her boobs had another growth spurt. Her areolae were pink and somewhat larger than average – that being what I saw in Playboy and Penthouse each month. Her boobs were milky white, so plenty of color contrast to her areolae.

Her nipples, when erect, were the size of Peanut M&M’s. She was disappointed in her nipples. In the late ’70s, going braless with nipples poking out was pretty much the norm for the good-looking gals. But hers would only get hard when she was sexually aroused. They were not the “thermometers” of some other girls, and she was jealous. When not hard they were pink and just kind of blended in with her areola. When hard though, they were dark pink, nearly red. And those were nipples that she was proud of and loved dearly.

Where we lived, and at that time, no one shaved off their pussy hair. Except for Yvonne, Kelly's best friend. Yvonne kept hers shaved clean as a whistle and had shaved Kelly back in February. Kelly had let it grow back a bit because it was itchy after her first time shaving. At Yvonne's urging Kelly had committed to shaving it bare again before summer.

Kelly lived in blue jeans – Levi’s bell-bottoms. She had a nice little bubble butt. Completely filled those jeans to their limit, no room for anything in a back pocket. She wore the hip-hugger version. They were so low that my fingertips would hit bush as soon as I’d slide them into the front of her jeans.

On this spring day, it was unseasonably warm. It was in the low 70’s. Kelly had three different tube tops. Real tube tops from when nipples were free. They were about a ten-inch tall elasticized band of stretchy fabric. The white one was a fairly smooth fabric and you could clearly see her areolae through it. The yellow one was less see-through, but you could still make out areola in the sunshine. Today she wore the red one. It was a “crinkly” material. There was nothing obscene about it. When she was aroused though you could clearly see her “M&M’s” poking through. To get out of the house and past her folks she always wore a thin summery short-sleeved blouse over it, which she left unbuttoned and tied at her waist.

There she was: Short, slim, huge boobs, tube top under a see-through blouse, hip-hugger bell-bottoms, and long, long hair. “Dishwater Blonde” as they called the color then, hanging down her back all the way to her butt. And she has a damn cute face!

We were part of an organization that had to travel to Madison for a competition. It was a Saturday and I drove. I had a boat of a car: 1968 Chevrolet Impala 4-door sedan. It would be huge today, but just normal back then.

There were six of us on the trip: Kelly, myself, my best friend Patrick (who Kelly had fucked twice before), Scott, Larry, and Mike. Patrick was a year behind us in school and the other three guys were two years behind (each being sixteen years old).

Kelly loved to fuck more than anything, but a close second would be flirting. Any conversation within a short time would move to sexual innuendo and teasing. So, on the couple-hour ride to Madison, that was the conversation: Kelly teasing and flirting. She always had my dick at half-mast, that was a given. But she was really having fun with the “puppies” in the back seat. That’s where Scott, Larry, and Mike were sitting. Kelly was in the middle up front, with Patrick at shotgun.

We did our thing in Madison and were headed back home. On the way to the car, she took off her blouse. With just the tube top on it was amazing to watch those huge boobs bounce with each step. The guys in our group kept jockeying to get a good look as did every guy walking past us. She was enjoying it all! She loved having guys look at her tits. Her nipples were rock hard and jutting out for all to see.

She and I had been horny all afternoon. I had pinched her nipples and grabbed her ass every moment we weren’t being watched. She would stroke my cock through my jeans. By the time we started for home the only thing we really wanted to do was fuck: Long, hard and loud!

But we had the other guys with us. That kept things simmered down for a while, although not for long. She had been nibbling and kissing my neck and ear, licking my earlobe and whispering in my ear about how wet she was and how badly she wanted to fuck me. She could care less that the guys in the back were probably watching us.

Finally, either of us couldn’t take it much longer and she unzipped my jeans and tugged out my hard-on. I wouldn’t say she was giving me a hand job because she really didn’t want me to come. She was just playing with my cock. Slowly stroking it, playing with the head, and keeping me rock hard. Patrick saw what was going on. He gave her a “What about me?” look.

As I said, they had fucked each other before. He didn’t exactly have privileges at that time, but she could do whatever she wanted to with him. Kelly started rubbing his cock through his shorts. By the way, he was wiggling in his seat I could tell she had him at full hardness too and he was trying to find a way to get comfortable. Eventually, she tugged at his belt and he took the hint. He undid his belt and zipper, pulled down his shorts and skivvies, and got out his cock.

Patrick’s cock is about five, maybe five and a half, inches long. Shaped just like a banana that points straight up. My cock is six inches and nothing really unique about it. Kelly says that why she worships it. She says it is “beautiful.” Straight, shiny purple head, not veiny – nothing “gross” or “weird” in her words.

She has both of us out and is slowly playing with one in each hand. She was just happy as can be with two hands full of cock. Eventually, Patrick let out a moan. That combined with the fact things had gotten real quiet in the car had Larry popping his head over the front seat. He just stared at what was happening. That got Scott and Mike popping up pretty soon too. Pretty much all at once they quietly moaned “Whoa!”

The silence had been broken. Then they were howling like a bunch of monkeys: “Not fair!”, “My turn!”, “What about us?”, “Time to share!”, you name it! They wanted in. Did I tell you that those three were virgins? And each squirrely as hell.

I leaned down and whispered in her ear: “Sounds like they have a point. It’s not fair. Want to go have some fun?”

“Are you okay with that?” she asked.

“That’s your call,” I said.

And with that, she let go of my and Patrick’s cocks, kicked off her sandals, and shimmied over the seat to the back. I slid the bench seat up some to give them all some more room.

Scott was sitting right behind me. Kelly was on her knees on the floor. She pulled down his zipper. He got the idea and unbuckled his shorts, lifted his ass up and Kelly yanked his shorts off him. When this day had settled, Kelly described to me each of their cocks in great detail. Scott had a short dick, maybe five inches long, but it had a “huge head” she said. “Looked just like a mushroom.” He was pretty soft when she got his shorts off but was growing fast. She grabbed ahold of it, looked him straight in the eyes, licked her way around his head, and then popped his little dick right in her mouth. She said it felt like a lollipop! It was too short to deep throat so she just swirled her tongue all around his big head and bobbed up and down on his cock.

Scott was not prepared for what was happening. It couldn’t have been three minutes and we heard him let out the loudest groan I’ve ever heard a man make. He was cumming hard! Kelly said when he came it was like a rocket shot off in her mouth. She said his cum hit her so hard if she wouldn’t have caught it in her mouth “he’d had shot a hole through the roof of the car!” She felt three distinct blasts in her mouth. She said his cum was really, really thick – almost sticky. Took all she had to hold the whole load in her mouth. Once he had come down from his orgasm (he moaned pretty loud two more times after the first one) and her mouth was completely full of his cum, she swallowed his load. She had to take two gulps to get it all down. Then she went back to licking her lollipop. After a few short minutes, he was hard again. And that’s how she left him: High and dry.

She turned her look to Larry. He seemed too shy to deal with what was happening. She crawled up in his lap and started nibbling on his neck and ear. She was whispering in his ear how much she wanted to see his cock. How she “wants to feel it in her mouth.” How she “wants to suck on it.” How she “wants him to come in her mouth so she can taste his cum.” The poor guy was ready to blow his wad before he ever got it out of his pants!

Then Larry got brave. He reached out and started kneading her tits through her tube top. Kelly loved it. Soon he was pinching her nipples. He found a hot button and she was really loving it! She pulled the tube top over her head and shoved her huge tits into his face. In moments, he was nursing like a starved kid. He was sucking, pinching, pawing, and nearly drooling all over her boobs. She was wet and getting wetter by the moment. Finally, she barked at him “Get out your cock!” He followed orders pretty quickly. He got his jeans opened up and pulled down his underwear. We could all hear his hard-on slap up against his belly when the band of his underwear cut him loose. Kelly had him ready. She dropped her head in his lap and hungrily devoured his cock.

Larry’s cock is a standard white boy cock. About six inches long with just a slight bend to the side. Larry’s cock was dripping, running actually, with pre-cum. She really had him going. She wrapped a hand around his cock and started bobbing and twisting up and down on his cock. She wanted him to cum. He wasn’t going to have a say in the matter. Within a few minutes, his sack tightened up. She dropped down so her nose was on his pubic bone. Larry came as if it was his first blowjob, which of course it was. She said it wasn’t so much that he “shot” his cum, but it just “flowed and flowed out of him like a river of molten lava.” She liked Larry’s cock. She swallowed his load and just stayed there and licked and kissed and touched his cock, just as she loves to worship a cock.

Larry finally went soft. She sucked out the last dribbles and with a loud “pop” she pulled off his cock as it sprang from her mouth. She crawled up and gave him another kiss on the neck and whispered in his ear that he “had a perfect cock.”

With that Kelly announced that she was “pretty much all done back here.” As she looked into Mike’s eyes she said: “It looked like I just told him his dog died.” She told him to take off his shorts. He unzipped, unbuckled, and started to slide them down.

Have I mentioned what a little guy Mike is? He’s maybe 5’ 6”, about 120 pounds. Just a skinny little shit.

So, as he slides his shorts off, what we hear in the front seat is “Holy shit!”, “Oh my God!”, “Are you fucking serious?”

I kind of lean back and say over my shoulder “Is everything okay back there?”

Kelly says “Did you know Mike is half donkey?”


He had slid off his shorts and it looked like he had a third leg. He had a cock longer than she could even imagine. The only thing she ever saw close to that long was in a porno (and she knew that those guys “can’t be real.”) The end of his cock was just a couple inches short of his knee. She picked it up and said it felt like holding “a fucking Summer Sausage!” When she held it up it was mostly hard but not completely. She stared at it for a bit. She could barely wrap her hand around it. She started to stroke it. The more she stroked, the harder it got. It didn’t really get any longer and not really any thicker. It just got harder.

She finally quit staring at his cock and looked at Mike and said: “I’m not sure how this will go, but I’ll give it a try!” He had nuts to match his cock: Also huge. She started licking and nibbling on his nut sack. She then started licking up and down his shaft. After a few minutes, she finally worked her way up to the head of his cock. She said by then that thing was as “hard as steel” and “could hit a baseball” if she swung it. Honest to God it was a solid nine to ten inches long and almost as big around as a pop bottle. I have to say, everyone in the car was impressed!

She wrapped her mouth around the head of his cock and started to slowly work her way down. When Kelly and I first started having sex it was just straight fucking. She loved it, I loved it and we couldn’t get enough of it. But after a few months, we were reading Penthouse Forum letters and I suggested she try sucking my cock. Well, that was wonderful! She became a master cocksucker over the next few weeks. She really tried to be as at good at cock sucking as anyone could be. It was her mission. I didn’t cum in her vagina for probably a couple of months. She would practice her cock sucking, let me fuck her until she came (which took no time at all, talk about a hair-trigger!), and then she’d pop off and suck me more until I came. She could deep throat by just dropping on my cock in one motion so her nose was on my pubic bone and stick out her tongue and lick my balls. No building up to it or nothing. Just Boom! cock in her throat.

Cock sucking for her was an art and something she did with ease until she met donkey dick.

She had bobbed up and down on Mike’s cock for a little bit and then decided it was time to get serious. She told the backseat boys her “knees are getting sore so she is coming up.” She laid across Scott and Larry’s laps. Scott was very helpful and started massaging her bare feet and her calves through her jeans. She felt Larry’s cock start to grow and press against her ribs. She loved that. She was happy anytime a cock was stiff on her behalf. She’s up on her elbows and still working on Mike’s cock. Larry is doing his best to reach between his lap and her chest to roll her nipples between his fingers.

Kelly was now at an angle at which things started to work out. She was going further down on Mike’s cock with each stroke. Within a few minutes, she had that monster well down her throat and her nose touching his pubes. She works a few shorter strokes, takes a big breath, drops down and lodges that monster in her throat, and then just held it there for as long as she could. After about five minutes of that, she could tell Mike was getting close. His huge sack had tightened up and his big nuts were ready to let loose.

On her next “into the throat” stroke. Mike held the back of her head down, bucked up off the seat, and said “Ohhhh Fuuuuuuuckkkkkk...” and pumped his load straight into her throat. It took him a few moments to pump it all out and come down from his orgasm. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly let go of her head. Kelly popped up like she was drowning: Sputtering, gasping, eyes were watering and red. Mike started apologizing furiously. He was saying “how sorry” he was over and over. Felt kind of bad for a guy that had just had his cock sucked for the first time. Hell, it was the first sex of any kind he had with a woman.

She finally caught up and told him to “Shut up. It was fine.” It was all fine. She just needed a second. She then announced to all of us how “amazing” that was. She was amazed she was able to get that huge thing in her throat. She was amazed by Mike coming down her throat. No cum in her mouth. He had literally pumped his load straight into her gut. And between Mike’s huge cock and the boys rubbing on her, she had also had a nice orgasm. She was cumming as Mike was drowning her in cock and cum. Her first “O” of the day! She told the boys “You made me cum you little devils!” You couldn’t knock the grins off their faces with a bat.

She climbed up on Mike’s lap. Kissed him hard on the lips, busted her tongue through his teeth, and nearly sucked his tongue out of his mouth. Her hand slipped down and just brushed up and down his cock. She was enthralled by his size. His cock was something she simply adored. She finally broke their kiss and whispered in his ear “I’m not done with you, Buddy.”

While she had been sucking on Mike’s cock, Larry had been Mr. Hands. He was playing with her tits. Massaging her ass. Trying to slip his fingers into her jeans. No luck with that as tight as those jeans were on her butt. He had then been just rubbing her crotch through her jeans. Kelly used to call herself a “Juicy Girl”, way before any rapper stuff. When she would get totally turned on she could pump enough lubricant to fill a jar. She was so turned on by sucking the biggest cock of her life, getting her feet massaged, feeling a hard-on rubbing her chest and having her pussy rubbed, and then cumming, that her jeans were literally soaked. They looked like she had pissed right through them.

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Well, the past hour had been pretty incredible. For the back seat, that is. Kelly finally sat up, leaned over the front seat, and said “What’s going on up here?”

I said, “Patiently waiting our turn.”

She got up from the back seat so her ass was in the air and started flirting with Patrick and me. Giving us some shit about how “amazing” the back seat had been and the “pressure was on”, blah, blah, blah. The whole time she had her ass up all three of the guys were rubbing her ass and crotch just dying to bust through those jeans and get to her pussy.

Then, just to drive them nuts, she unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them down to just below her butt cheeks. They dove in like piranhas and with that, she dove into the front seat. She couldn’t count how many fingertips got into her slit. At least a couple of fingers had shoved all the way into her vagina before she made it across.

My limp cock was still hanging out of my jeans. Kelly made some sort of comment about he looked “so lonely”. She laid down in the seat and started to suck my cock. Patrick had closed up his shorts as we waited for the back seat to get their rocks off. He now was out of them in a flash. His banana dick was hard and on a mission. He tugged Kelly’s jeans off her legs and onto the floor, he pulled her left leg straight up into the air. It split her gash wide open. Patrick nearly drooled at the sight of her cunt, bright pink, soaking, dripping wet. He turned himself sideways and plunged his cock straight into that wet pussy. She screamed.

Did I mention Kelly’s a screamer? Oh, yeah. She does everything with gusto: Play, laugh, fuck. When Kelly cums, we all know it. And Patrick’s cock sliding into her had brought her to orgasm virtually just by contact.

Now that she had another orgasm out of the way she got serious on my cock while Patrick got serious about fucking. He was literally going at it like the Energizer Bunny. She pulled off my cock (so she wouldn’t bite it off!) and had another orgasm. Then she dropped down on my cock and really went at it. Tugging me, sucking me, deep throating me. This was clearly a “hurry up and cum, please” cock sucking.

It worked. I blew my wad like there was no tomorrow. I closed my eyes and we started to wander toward the gravel. I got my senses back about me and got the boat straight on the road. My cumming got to Patrick. He was fucking her at warp speed and sweating bullets. She was panting, moaning, cumming again, and begging him to please cum in her. He finally went over the edge and grunted out that he was “cumming!!!” He got Kelly off three times as he had fucked her. And the third orgasm, as they came simultaneously, she had squirted like a fire hose. That’s the other reason she called herself a Juicy Girl. She is a squirter. Not every orgasm, but the ones that get to her clit just right, she will soak you like a broken water pipe.

It took a minute, but we realized that someone else had shouted out too. Scott had his little mushroom cock out and had been stroking it all along. While Larry and Mike were leaning over the seat, slack-jawed, watching Kelly suck me off while Patrick was fucking the hell out of her, Scott had been sitting back and working his own business. (The next morning while the folks were at church I went out to clean up my car. Where Scott had been sitting there were three big cum splats on the headliner. Kelly wasn’t kidding. That guy came like a rocket!)

The car literally smelled like a cum factory. Kelly was completely naked. Her jeans on the floor were soaked and smelled of her cunt. The seat by Patrick was soaked from her squirting. Patrick’s cum was starting to leak from her pussy. Her own cum was dripping from her thighs and running down her ass. My cock was dribbling out the last stream of cum. Scott had jacked off and now had cum all over his shirt, cock, and hands. Larry and Mike had been dripping pre-cum with their hard cocks still hanging out.

Patrick opened the glove box and passed out some fast food napkins. We all wiped up cum from wherever. The guys got their pants or shorts back on. The back seat tossed Kelly her tube top. She just laid her jeans in her lap.

We were back in town. Scott’s place was first up. He got out and thanked Kelly profusely. Kelly reminded him that if he said a word to anyone that she would “hunt him down and kill him.” He believed it and bounced up the driveway. He was planning to say he spilled a milkshake if anyone asked about the cum stains before he could get to his room.

We’re at Larry’s place a couple of minutes later. He leaned up over the seat, slid his hands down her tube top, and pawed at Kelly’s tits one last time, he told her “thank you” and then was out of the car and on his way.

Kelly turned to me and said, “Let’s go for a ride.”


“You heard me.”


“You’re not dropping Mike off until I fuck that donkey dick.” Mike’s ears perked up.

Kelly shimmied over the seat, bottomless. She laid on her back, put one foot on the floor and the other on his shoulder, looked up at Mike, and said: “Fuck me with that thing, I want to feel it in me.” Mike got his shorts off again, started stroking his cock, and moved around into position. Kelly rubbed her pussy lips, stuck two fingers deep in her pussy, and rubbed them around. Then she took out her wet hand and rubbed Mike’s cock head as she guided it to her slit and lined his cock up to her vagina. Mike started pushing it in slowly, mostly because he had no idea how to fuck. She kept a hand on his chest letting him know how much to put in at once. A couple of minutes later and after lots of short strokes he pretty much had his whole cock in. Honestly, I would have lost a bet. I didn’t think her twat was deep enough for that monster.

Then she had him pick up the pace. “Oh my God, that feels good! Oh, my God, it’s good! Oh, my God, it’s huge! Oh my God!” Kelly was off to the races. Moments later she had her second orgasm with Mike. He was now in a rhythm. And she loved it. Patrick was leaning over the seat taking in the show.

She gave Patrick the “come hither” finger curl. He dropped his shorts and crawled over. She had him put his hands on the back of the seat and lean over her so she could suck his cock. She kept sucking and Mike kept fucking. A couple of minutes later Kelly spits out Patrick’s dick and she came again. Patrick pulled off her top and played with her nips. She put her hand on his ass and pulled him back toward her and went back to sucking his cock. The same thing happened another time a few minutes later. She had cum yet again. These boys had had their nuts drained and were ready for a marathon! Finally, Mike had fucked Kelly to orgasm four times. That last one was the winner! She had her second huge squirting orgasm of the evening. As a virgin, I’m sure Mike was confused as hell. She sprayed her cum up onto his stomach and chest. It was dripping off him and running down her slit and through her ass crack.

After that one, she said her vagina was really “starting to feel raw” and could he “please cum.” “Please Mike, cum for me. Please, I need to feel you cum in me. Oh, hurry I want to feel your hot cum fill my sore pussy. Pump it in me, baby, fuck me good.” Mike let loose his final “Ohhhhh Fuuuuckkkk…” of the evening and shot his second load of the night into her snatch.

Now she also needed Patrick to finish. She was giving him a handjob while she had her big squirt and was talking Mike into blowing his wad. Patrick had cum just a short time ago and it seemed like the end was definitely not near. When Kelly was practicing how to suck cock on me we had read about a “hooker trick” as it was called. She had done it to me twice. The first time I thought I had cum so much I may never cum again in my life. The second time we were fooling around in a public place and literally had just a couple of minutes. I wasn’t ready that quick. She slipped her middle finger up my butt hole, rubbed my prostate and I came immediately. And according to her “at least twice as much cum as ever.”

She popped her finger into her mouth, slobbered it up, and then reached around and pulled his butt closer, guided his cock into her mouth, and slowly slid her finger up his asshole. Then she started thrumming her finger on his prostate. And just like that, Patrick came with a huge load into her mouth. She sat up and opened her mouth to show Patrick and Mike how much cum Patrick had pumped in her. And then in a gulp, it was gone. Patrick said “That was the most amazing feeling in my life. What the hell did you do to me?”

Kelly sat up and said, “I need to pee!” She was naked. We found a quiet street. Didn’t mean to, but stopped right under a street light. Mike opened the door, she climbed over, turned, and faced the guys.

She hung onto the door with one hand, spread her legs, started to squat and both Mike and Patrick said: “Can we watch?” She looked at them as though, what the fuck? She stood back up, spread her legs even wider, bent forward a little from the waist, put her hands on her thighs, and pissed like a racehorse. And at the end of it, Mike’s cum load slid out of her twat and fell to the curb with a splat I could hear from the front seat.

Mike was watching her pee like it was the first time he saw a woman. And Kelly realized it kind of was. He hadn’t yet gotten a good look at her pussy. After she finished peeing, she swiveled her hips forward, just about a foot from his head, and asked: “Do you like how it looks?”

“Yes, very much!”

Then she reached in with both hands, grabbed her lips, and spread her cunt as wide open as she could. It was a deep red. It had been fucked by Patrick’s banana dick and Mike’s donkey dick. And neither was in a hurry. She had a cock stroking her pussy for the past thirty minutes straight. And her pussy looked like it had the living hell fucked out of it. I could just imagine the heat that had to be coming from that thing!

Mike reached toward her. Kind of rubbed around all with his hand and then a finger slipped in her vagina. He started to slowly finger bang her. She said, “use another one.”

He obliged. And then a third. And he started going faster. Her knees started to shake. Her voice was hoarse, thank God! She wouldn’t wake the neighborhood. And then she let loose a throaty “Oh God!” and sprayed her cum all over Mike’s leg and the car and the street and the curb. She came hard. “I need to lay down” she moaned. She quickly crawled over Mike and laid on her back with her head in Patrick’s lap. Her legs splayed wide open. Mike kept his fingers in her the whole time and started banging her again slowly.

I got out and went around to close the back door. I didn’t need trouble from anyone being nosy. Started driving away. Mike was still slipping his fingers into her sopping wet hole. He was feeling around everything. Found her clit even! Patrick started rolling her nipples. Mike was back into a rhythm. Now he was finger-banging her hard and fast. Patrick reached down and started diddling her clit. That was it. That was the mother of all orgasms. Looked like she was having a seizure, kind of scared Mike. I said, “Don’t stop, whatever you do! Keep giving it to her!”. And he did. Three fingers glistening with pussy juice moving as fast as his arm could piston them in and out of her.

This was the moment she had been building up to all evening. An earth-shaking ground-pounding orgasm. Her chin was shaking like she was freezing, she was clawing her fingers into the car seat, bucking her ass up off the seat trying to meet the guy’s fingers so they would rub even harder. Her head was thrashing back and forth and she was screaming “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” with her hoarse voice. And then at the top of the peak, her girl cum shot out and sprayed Mike down like a garden hose. It took her quite some time to finally settle down. Mike’s eyes were the size of platters. This kind of orgasm was something he had not only never experienced; it was something he didn’t even realize was possible!

We pulled up to Mike’s house to drop him off. This guy had literally had a religious experience. The glaze wouldn’t leave his eyes. A few hours ago, the closest he had been with a woman was Playboy. He had been sucked, fucked, squirted on, French-kissed, felt her up, sucked her huge tits, watched her take a piss, stared at her wide-open pussy, and had finger banged her to a monstrous, squirting, orgasm – twice! He could have literally died at that moment and felt fulfilled.

He just looked at me and said “Thanks for the ride” and then floated up the driveway. He would never be the same!

Patrick jumped back into the front seat and pulled his shorts back on. We tossed Kelly’s clothes into the back seat. She just curled up on the seat and started to doze off. I have to admit, Kelly and I had some pretty wild sex for being teenagers. We had covered a lot of ground and really had some amazing orgasms. But what had just happened to her, no, I had not yet gotten her to “seizure” level orgasms. She was simply wasted at that moment.

I was starved. Patrick and I decided to head to A&W. When we got close I got Kelly’s attention and told her where we were going. She pulled on the tube top and her jeans. Left the blouse and panties laying on the floor and then kind of slithered into the front seat. She said she felt a little nauseous. I’m willing to bet there were five big loads of cum behind that problem. She had a root beer and an order of fries. It helped settle everything.

After we ate, Patrick knew the cool thing to do was suggest we drop him off at his place. Kelly had fallen asleep as soon as we left A&W. She was leaning on Patrick’s shoulder. She slipped down onto the seat when he got out.

On one hand, I felt like she had been such a trooper I should just take her home, carry her in, and put her to bed (her folks were so cool with us it was amazing). BUT… I hadn’t been laid. With what had been going on that I had watched and heard and smelled and felt… I had a major case of blue balls. To be blunt, I needed to get my rocks off before I was going home. Nothing slow and quiet. I needed to fuck her hard. She had a pussy. I needed to cum in it. Simple as that.

I drove to a parking lot that had become a regular late-night fuck stop for us. I nudged her to wake her up. She was pretty hazy. I told her I need to fuck. She just mumbled, “Do whatever you need”. I pulled her legs up on the seat, pulled her jeans down to her knees, got out my cock, and stroked it to get rock hard. I shoved her legs up over her head and basically had her folded in half. Luckily she was still a wet cum mess and I slipped right into her pussy. I knew she was sore so I started slowly. Her cunt felt velvety. She was so wet and smooth. Couldn’t say she was really tight, but it was a very good feeling. I learned, many more times in the future to come, that fucking Kelly with sloppy seconds was actually a great feeling. Cum is a different kind of lube. Feels pretty damn good.

I just started playing back some of that trip in my head. I started replaying her orgasms. Cumming as she blew Mike, three times as Patrick fucked her, four times as Mike fucked her, two more times as he finger-banged her. As I played those scenes back in my head I kept getting closer to a full boil. I picked up the pace and was really banging her. I finally got there. I just held my cock deep and still in her cunt and the orgasm swept over me. It was one of those cums where you just feel such relief. I could feel each spurt flow from my nuts all the way up and out my shaft. Four good spurts and I left her with yet another cum mess.

Her house was just five minutes away. She just laid there once I had cum. Her legs were down and across my lap. My cum load (along with some other leftover cum I think) had slid out onto the seat. I woke her up and said we were at her house. The house was dark which always meant her folks had gone to bed. She crawled out, tugged up her jeans. I came around and helped her to the door. Then helped her to her bedroom. She just flopped on the bed. I pulled off her jeans and top and wrestled to get the covers out from under her so I could cover her up. At one point, one foot was in the bed and one on the floor. Wow, what a view of that cunt. Still bright red. Half-dried cum matted all over in her pussy hair. I damn near got my cock out again. But I didn’t. I tucked her in and kissed her goodnight.

I went home and straight to bed. Could I sleep? Oh, hell no. I mean holy shit! I’ll admit that up to that point I thought Kelly and I had to be having the greatest sex life of anyone in school. But this day?!

I pulled down my underwear and started to stroke my cock. It was still wet from fucking Kelly. I just kept thinking about all the incredible sex of the day. And how crazy turned on I was watching and listening to her suck and fuck those other guys. It wasn’t long and I came. Granted, it was a pretty small load. But not bad for a third cum in a few hours. It dribbled onto my stomach. I just left it there and rolled over and fell asleep.

Our sex life was certainly moving in the direction of sharing, exploring, exposing, and experimenting. And that was fucking awesome!

Written by GoodToBeMe
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