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The Big Bang Theory

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Toby Reichard

Six foot seven; he stands above everyone around him. Two hundred fifteen pounds of pure muscle he could lift all of them people too. Blonde, short curly hair and blue eyes compliment his masculine figure. Arrogant and ignorant and always looking for trouble, he often finds himself living on the edge of life and death, but miraculously, always seems to walk out of his mischief unscathed.


Ramsey Armstrong

He is five foot eight, perfect height for his king size bed and one hundred seventy four pounds of muscle and cuteness. Sandy brown and wavy hair that is barely past his ears, he has almond shaped, green eyes to supplement his face. Shy and quiet, he likes to stay in the background rather than up front like his loud friend, Toby, although a witty comeback is well within his reach when the time is right. Well reserved and thoughtful, he is kind and courteous to all females, especially one certain one he likes but is afraid to confront her.


Johnnie Waggoner aka Waggs

Number 17 for the Junior A Ice Dogs Hockey team, a forward who is also five foot eight and one hundred and eighty five pounds, can slam anyone around on the ice and off. Shoulder length brown hair shrouds his slightly rounded face and broad smile. Very forward and blunt, often offends others but doesn’t care. He also loves to chase the ladies around and get some action, but more often than not is turned down with a flick of the hair and big smirk as they walk away. Not unlike Toby, he is often mixed up in mischief of his own, but unfortunately, doesn’t always come out with his pride in one piece when a lady decides she’s had enough.


Sydney Crawford

A very short but slim five foot one inches, can easily seduce anyone she fancies. A height also perfect for romantic kisses under the moonlight. Long black wavy hair to the bottom of her back often in a single braid enhances her beauty and bright hazel eyes. Her skin is of a cream colored nature and is soft to the touch. Often shy with new people, but quite the talker around her boyish friends. Very sensitive and easily hurt, she constantly seeks comfort and reassurance from her friends who guard her closely.


It was the dead middle of winter in Fairbanks, Alaska, and down-right cold. The thermometer outside the window in the light of the porch read a whopping -56 degrees Fahrenheit. Way too damn cold to go out. This meant all four college seniors were stuck in their shared cabin under thick blankets trying to stay warm while watching Avatar on their decent sized television. Sydney had picked it up earlier that day and couldn’t wait to watch it with the others. Toby wanted to go out in his underwear and run around campus just to be an ass and show everyone he was good at being an ass and to say “I did it and you didn’t.” He is quite annoying, but lots of help to the other three when they need something moved. Security probably wouldn’t even bother arresting his ass, knowing he wouldn’t be out there long.

Sydney of course had one of the three rooms all to herself, seeing how she was the only girl to share the cabin with the other three boys. Toby and Waggs shared a room and each had a full size bed that none of them could understand how they fit in the tiny room. Ramsey, being his private and reserved self had the third room all to himself. He did indeed have a king size bed, that only he slept in. He doesn’t have a girl friend. Hell, he is hardly ever seen with another girl except Sydney when they walk to classes together. When he is around other girls, it is usually to hold the door open for them just to get glared at in return.

All three bedrooms were upstairs with a small bathroom that belonged to Sydney. The bathroom downstairs had the bathtub in it, which unfortunately, they all had to share. The guys couldn’t stand to see girl items in their bathroom, so they forfeited the upstairs bathroom to her even though it was the closest to their rooms.


Dear Sydney,

You are one of the sweetest girls I know. I dream of you at night and wish I could hold you close and let you know that I am here for you. I often hear you crying yourself to sleep in your room next to mine at night and I yearn to run to your aid. I love

My heart pounded with the thought of telling Sydney how much I cared for her. I ended up wadding up that piece of paper also and throwing it unsuccessfully into the trash bin in the corner of my room. I sighed and put my head in my hands and sat there for a minute when I heard the front door downstairs open. Even from up here I could feel the cold draft of air. I knew it must be getting damn cold outside. I got up and went downstairs.


“Hey, Ramsey. Where’s the other guys?” I asked while I shivered, my long black hair frozen still.

“Uh, Hell I don’t know! Why you ask me? Ya think I’m their mother? News flash, I ain’t.” And he started taking the groceries out of the few bags I brought in and began putting them up with a grin on his face. In the last bag left, he got in it and pulled out Avatar. “Sweeeet! A movie! A good one at that! When can we watch it?” He asked giddily.

“We can watch it, Mother, when you find Toby and Waggs and get their fat asses in here to watch it with us,” I retorted. Inside I was all torn up because it just makes my heart explode when I make Ramsey laugh. Then his face contorted into a weird shape when I called him mother. He hated it when I teased him, but I could tell he didn’t mind it at this moment.

“Fine! You win, Queen B. I’ll go find their asses and kick them so hard they won’t be able to walk for a week then I won’t have to be their damn mother, at least for a little while…” he grumbled as he ran upstairs. I secretly smiled to myself. I guess I was the Queen B. Ha.


“Owww! Fucker! Why in the Hell you do that ass hole?” Toby screamed as he held his jaw where Waggs punched him.

“Damn, you’re a wimp. I didn’t hit you that hard idiot. I thought you were the tough one,” I chuckled as Toby glared at me with those daggers of his. Right about then Ramsey burst in the door asking what the hell was going on.

“Waggs just punched the shit out of me! I didn’t do anything either!”

“You shoulda kept your big ass mouth shut Toby. Only God knows what you said to deserve an ass woopin from Waggs. Good job Bro,” Ramsey said as he gave me a high five. I grinned as big as I could as I asked what the fuck he wanted.

“Oh, Sydney bought a movie. She won’t let me watch it until I bring you guys down to watch it too,” he said softly looking at both Toby and me. Toby was finally done favoring his jaw and answered Ramsey.

“What movie, smart ass?”


“Holy Shit dude! Let’s go! I been waitin to see that shit for four months now! Get your fat asses out of my way before I kick them!” and I literally flew down the stairs into the kitchen to find Sydney in a worn T-shirt and cut off jeans. Her hair was down and she was making macaroni and cheese. That’s our favorite here in this cabin.

“Hey Waggs! Hungry?” she asked in a musical voice that only she can pull off.

Damn she’s hot, I thought to myself. Instead of saying that out loud I said, “Yeah I’m hungry for that movie you got. Let’s go!” I turned towards the living room as the other two guys finally made their way into the kitchen.


We all sat in the living room in the dark watching Avatar as it continued to get colder outside. We were all on spring break so we had nothing to do really.

The movie wasn’t over until about midnight, and when I turned the lamp on, everybody seemed to be wide awake and not ready for sleep yet.

“Okay peeps, that was an awesome movie. Who is up for seconds?” I yelled with a big ass grin on my face.

“Toby! You big ass hole. It’s too damn late to watch it again!” and they all threw their pillows at me. I put my hands up in the air to guard myself and I picked one of the pillows up and threw it hard to Waggs and all he did was catch it and start to assault me. We all started laughing hard and Sydney ended up on the floor beside the couch trying not to laugh as us three guys fought with pillows. Although, the next instant feathers from Sydney’s pillow started to fly everywhere and I realized I was holding her deflated pillow in my hands. I started to whistle and put the pillow behind my back and dropped it and looked as innocent as I could. They all glared at me like, “dude, you are so dead,” look in their eyes. Next thing I know I was up the stairs and all three of them chasing after me laughing still.

I ran into Sydney’s room which was the closest and locked the door. They all three ran into the door and I heard a series of “owws” and curses. I smiled to myself. I looked around and realized I’d never gone into Sydney’s room before. It was spotless and I saw her big bed and thought about how wonderful it’d be to cuddle next to her in it.

“Hey guys! I have a theory!” I yelled to them through the door.

“Yeah! I got a theory too cock sucker! I have a theory that says you’re going to get your ass kicked as soon as I bang through this damn door!”

“Ha! You are right on brother! My theory agrees with yours, except I am going to tweak it a little bit! It is called the Big Bang Theory! Wanna test it out guys?” I heard a pause at the door, and then the struggling began on the other side of the door.

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“You two step aside. Let me work my magic. You dumb asses don’t know which way is right,” I heard Sydney say and then I thought, Oh shit… She was unlocking the door from outside. The door flung open as the other two guys didn’t give her a second and they burst through the door I’m guessing to whip my ass.

Sydney then said from the sidelines a couple of minutes later, “What is your theory big guy?”

We all froze and looked at her. Our eyes about popped out of our heads. Sydney was stark naked standing before us.


“I wanna test out your theory,” I said seductively.

“Uh, what?” the three boys sounded in unison.

“Okay, dumbo’s. I said I want to test out Toby’s theory. I’m ready for a big bang. Show me what you got boys.”

Well, Toby and Waggs didn’t have any second thoughts about dropping their drawers but Ramsey just stood there looking. He didn’t smile or nothing, just looked at me. The other two guys were by then as naked as me with their man tools bouncing in front of me as they looked at Ramsey still fully clothed.

“Dude, common, you can’t miss this!” they both whined at him. Ramsey shook his head and came back to reality as he smiled but still didn’t move.

Ramsey said instead, “I’m not missing this, I’m savoring it friend. You guys are way too damn hasty. Life is too damn short to ruin the moment.”

So I moved for him. I walked up to him and began to undress him one piece at a time. Nobody said anything while I did this. Except I did notice Toby was massaging his thick meat with vigor.

Once Ramsey was undressed, I realized he had the nicest looking cock I’d ever seen. I immediately got onto my knees and took his whole hard on in my mouth and began to suck hard. He groaned as my hands reached around to fondle his butt cheeks. One of my fingers mischievously entered the crease of his ass and touched the outside of one of his two holes. He gasped and tensed as he quickly shot a load down my throat. He didn’t last long, but then again, I bet he liked every second of this.


“Dude, it’s my turn!” Toby grunted and shoved Ramsey onto the bed as Sydney sat there on her knees licking her lips. I was happy just to watch. But I soon realized Toby was on the floor and Ramsey was standing up with a look of pure hate on his face.

“Ain’t no one gunna get their turn until Sydney says so you fat bellied cock sucker!” Damn, Ramsey can be a fighter. Never thought… and my thoughts were cut short as I felt my cock engulfed in something hot and wet. I looked down and saw Sydney looking up at me while sucking me and bobbing her head up and down on the head of my dick. She had all 8 inches down her gullet and I loved every part of it.

My hands grasped onto her head and I look down and saw her tits and realized they were the most beautiful set of tits I had ever seen. They had to be about a B cup with areolas the size of quarters and very erect nipples the size of the tip of her pinky fingers.

She sucked me till I came too and she sucked me dry. I walked backwards and landed on the bed while she laid Ramsey on the bed beside me and she crawled up on him since Toby was still gathering his senses on the floor. It was all I could do not to laugh. If I laughed, I’d be the next one on the floor for sure.


Sydney crawled on top of me and knelt there, hovering over my 7 inch tool standing straight up in the air. She smiled down at me with her hair surrounding her beautiful face.

“Sydney,” I whispered.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Sydney, I really like you,” I told barely audible.

She just smiled and came down hard on my cock and began to ride me. I was laying there and I feel Waggs moving his way above me and I see his cock enter Sydney’s mouth. She rides me and sucks him at the same time.

By now, Smart Ass Toby has gotten up and is again watching the scene with wide eyes. His cock is now fully hard again as he watches Sydney get fucked in two of her holes.


“Ms. Sydney, may I have the honor of going through your back door?” I asked nicely this time. I saw Ramsey smirk under Sydney as all she could do was groan her approval.

I got on my knees on the bed and eased up to her, putting my mushroom head against her butt hole. She whimpered and I pushed slightly making a “pop” and she screamed while her mouth was still on Waggs engorged cock. I smiled and grunted as I felt her tight ass spasm on me. I thrust completely into her ass as she rode Ramsey.

“Hey Sydney, how you like having all three of your holes filled up with fat cocks? Huh?” I laughed.

She took her mouth off of Waggs and looked back at me fucking her in the ass and said, “Okay fucker, is that all you got? I said I wanted to test out your damn theory. I want a big bang. Now all three of you give it to me right now or I’m going to throw you all into the snow bank single handedly!”

That got my heart to racing. I pumped her for all I was worth and then some. Then Ramsey stopped meeting her thrusts and suddenly flipped her over making her cry out in pain with me still in her ass as he was now on top of her and I ended up on my knees beside the bed still embedded in her ass hole while she was on her back. I have no idea how Ramsey and I managed it, and I couldn’t really give a visual image of it, but damn, we did it, and Sydney apparently seemed to love it the whole thing as Waggs stuffed his meat back in her mouth to suckle on.

Sydney’s room smelled of sweat and sex and the sounds coming from the room were like bulls in rutting season. Good thing our neighbors weren’t close. At least we found a constructive way to stay warm. I could do this any day. I’m sure any of us three guys could actually. Maybe even Ramsey could now. I didn’t know he had it in him.


I woke up with the sun shining through my window and three heavy bodies lying to either side of me. Ramsey was behind me holding me close and Toby and Waggs just seemed to be sprawled out on my bed wherever they could fit. I smiled to myself and wiggled my way out of the bed and put on some shorts and a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for us.

About twenty minutes later, Ramsey walks into the kitchen still naked with a grin on his face.

“Are the other two still sleeping?” I asked.

“Yeah, they sleep like rocks it seems. What’s for breakfast Sweetnes?” he asked softly.

“Aw, the usual. Bacon, eggs, and toast.”

“What if I don’t want that for breakfast,” he said.

“Well then make something else, but this is what I’m making,” I replied as I turned around to continue making breakfast for the boys.

“I don’t want to make my breakfast. I want to eat it now,” he said and I turned around as his hands grabbed onto my shirt and pulled it over my head revealing my already erect nipples on my nice round supple breasts. His hands came to rest on them and slowly massaged them. I looked into his eyes and said something totally unexpected, to both him and me.

“Ramsey? I love you.” His eyes went wide and I thought I said the wrong thing despite not meaning to say it in the first place.

Then he said, “Sydney, I love you too. I’ve been trying to tell you for so long.” At that, he undid my shorts and let them drop to the floor beside my shirt. He picked me up and set me down on the sturdy table and without warning thrust his cock up my pussy that was already soaking wet. It startled me, but also felt so damn good I couldn’t keep quiet. My hands rested around his shoulders as he relentlessly fucked my brains out on the table. I was screaming and moaning and whimpering for what had to be a good half hour.

Ramsey was grunting very hard by the time his sac let his wad explode into me. He sounded like an animal and growled as we both climaxed together. My cum slid down my thighs and onto the table, just to drip onto the wooden floor making a wet stain. Fuck, that’s going to stain… I thought quickly before putting it out of my mind.

We both stayed there, his flaccid cock still in me, and I turned to look to see two pairs of eyes looking around the corner at me and Ramsey.

“Okay, smart asses, you can come out now,” I announced bringing Ramsey out of his slight delirium.

“Damn girl! That was some awesome fucking. Do it again!” Toby smarted off. I reached over and tried to smack him as hard as I could but he jumped back and Ramsey had to catch me to keep me from falling off of the table. Both silent Waggs and Toby started to laugh hysterically. I only scowled at them and held onto Ramsey.


From that day on, all four students lived together peacefully, well, mostly peacefully. Everyone always put up with Toby’s antics and Waggs smart ass, but Ramsey and Sydney hit it off like no other and began to actually share a room and Waggs got Ramsey’s room.

All four graduated that May but didn’t separate their ways. The four best friends moved into a bigger house on the other side of town and started their careers.

They all still had their fun and still watched Avatar every weekend. Two years later, Sydney and Ramsey had a little baby girl they named Lyra. She grew up to call Toby and Waggs both, “uncle.” They all lived together for quite a long time and even into a bigger house as a big happy family.

Written by Syd
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