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Beyond Uncool: My Birthday

"Convincing myself and my sister that one more time is the right thing. Continuation of Beyond Uncool"

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So before, I shared with you an experience I had with my sister. Don’t worry, I’m not a sick pervert. It was completely unavoidable. Anyone would have done the same thing I did if they were in the same situation. It wasn’t love or anything, it was an informed decision. It wasn’t going to happen again. My sister didn’t want it, and I didn’t want it…

…Okay I did want it, but not because I lust after my sister. There’s logic behind my reasoning. When we did it, and by did it, I do mean sex, the deed, the act, or whatever you feel comfortable calling it, was too short. It was a sexually charged night…

How do I explain it without coming off as a sick asshole? It wasn’t because we wanted to have sex with each other, we did it to release sexual frustration. It was a logical, educated decision, but in doing so, it didn’t last very long, and I don’t want my sister thinking I’m a two pump guy.

This is what happened. I, Jay, had a night out on the town with my friend Van, the asshole, my sister, Amy, and another girl. One thing led to another and back at this shitty hotel room Van bangs Amy, while the other girl gives me a BJ. But in some weird crazy, there’s no way that happens type of way, me and my sister get stuck sleeping naked on the floor together wrapped in a comforter. Morning wood played a factor and just to get it to go away Amy jumped on top of me and we had sex for maybe ten seconds. My whole reason for sharing that story was to tell everyone what an asshole Van was.

That’s right, not the sex with my sister, the Van is an asshole thing is what’s important. You see after Van banged my sister, he turned around and immediately banged the other girl that had just given me a BJ. This pissed my sister off more than it did me because I really wasn’t feeling the girl, but my sister felt betrayed. To make matter worse, the other girl ended up being a hooker that Van had secretly arranged for. I was more pissed off at that. I’m a good looking guy. I don’t need to pay for sex. So yes, Van is an asshole, and is the person I blame for me banging my sister.

Now all I do is lust after giving it good to my sister, to prove my sexual awesomeness.

So now it’s my 23 rd birthday, and I haven’t really seen my sister since that incident. Actually, we’ve only seen each other twice since then, and they were family things. I live on my own, and so does she. When we see each other we’re friendly, we talk on the phone and text each other, but we never talk about what we did.

However, she did insist on going out with me tonight. Knowing drinks will be involved, maybe, just maybe she has that same desire that I do. I came to that hoping conclusion because a lot of people backed out of my birthday bash because Van was going, and everybody hates him. My friend’s promised to give me birthday fun individually, but refused to go out tonight. Since he’s come back to town, he has alienated most of my friends, especially my sister with the whole banging someone else moments after doing her. I made sure she knew Van was attending, and she still insisted on coming. It gives me hope.

We met at my apartment. It was the logical meeting spot. They could dump my drunken body back here at night’s end, I wanted to avoid another shitty hotel experience like last time. Van was the first to arrive.

“Bro, I got you tonight!”

He was decked out in his hottest club attire and reeked of over doused cologne.

“No hookers tonight.” I reminded him.

“Bro, you ever going to let me live that down? She was clean, besides it wasn’t like you fucked her. I had to take care of that for you.” He laughed.

“Yeah, you’re a real stand up guy.” I said sarcastically.

“No, don’t worry. No hookers tonight, but I am gonna get you a girl. You ain’t gonna have to work for it neither. You ain’t gonna buy no girl’s drinks or work the girl to get her to come home with you. I’ll take care of that and butter her up. The only thing you have to worry about it is not busting your load early when she’s got your dick in her mouth this time.”

God, was he really part of my birthday entourage?

Amy arrived next with a knock on the door.

“I got it! Just like I got you tonight!” Van eagerly ran to the door and answered it.

“Oh god.” Amy mumbled under her breath when the spray tanned, slick haired Van opened the door.

“Amy, so good to see you again!” He smiled with excitement and spanked her ass as she walked in.

She jumped a bit to avoid the womanizer’s hand. “Don’t touch me.” She instructed. “I’m here for Jay, not for you.”

“Oh I like the new Amy. She’s feistier. The attitude make her hotter!”

I smiled at her with sympathy on my face. She looked elegant as ever in a low cut black top with straps, and a short denim skirt. Her large breasts were prominently on display this evening. Sight turned into touch for me as I remember how soft they had been to feel against me. It was extremely pleasurable just to let the smooth weighted skin of her breasts lightly brush across my flesh. Her tan, her honest to goodness tan, unlike Van’s brought her a healthy glow. She had trimmed the length of her hair about three inches raising it to her upper back instead of mid-back. She smiled back with her pearly whites and kissed me on the cheek.

“Please tell me he’s not the only other one attending.” She knew many people had canceled on Van’s account. It was part of my explanation when I was confirming her attendance.

“No, I have one more friend coming, but that’s it.”

After a few minutes I was able to pull her aside into my room as Van was occupied with something on his phone.

I closed the door. “So about last time we went out.”

My sister responded immediately. “Hey, before you continue. I just want to say we’re never ever, and I mean ever going to talk about that. Ever!”

“Come on Amy. You know we should.”

“But we’re not going to. Let’s just enjoy your birthday.”

She was being defensive, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want a piece of me. “I’m not going to enjoy my birthday if there’s this weird tension between us.”

She bit her lower lip, just like she did before she crawled on top of me that night and slipped my dick inside of her. “Alright fine. We talk about it for two minutes. And that’s it for the rest of our lives.”

I was excited, but if my sister said two minutes, she meant two minutes. “Okay, I’ll start. It was weird, it was crazy, I’m not a sicko, I don’t think of you a sicko, but at the same time, it was hot. So hot that I didn’t give my best performance, and that’s really really frustrated me, and I’m sure you’re frustrated to, I need to release this frustration and show you that I can do better. I think if we do it one more time. If I just rock your world that’ll settle any and all desires, and we’ll be done with it.”

“You want to do it again? Are you insane? What does Van say? That’s beyond uncool.”

That was not the answer I was hoping for, and sadly it wasn’t the only thing I was focusing my attention on. My sister had such wildly smooth sculpted legs.

“I have been a mess since then trying to deal with the fact that I fucked my little brother. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I haven’t been around much. I’m finally okay with it, and can hang out with you again. There’s no way we could do it again.”

“Then why’d you come out again when you know Van was going to be here?”

“Because it’s your birthday, and I’m your sister. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She went to the door. “But Jay,” She turned around with a smirk. “Don’t worry about how long it lasted. I had my fun too.”

And that was my sister, a tough, good sport about everything. She was down-to-earth and able to joke and make right any situation she encountered, even our situation, which was quite a feat.

The last and only other person to arrive was another high school friend, Dan. He, like Van, was part of the high school crew.

“It’s been a long time bro.” Dan said hugging Van.

That’s right, Dan and Van, we had our goofy fun rhyming their names in high school.

“…And this is your sister. Van you are right she is a knockout.”

“Why thank you.” Amy grinned any properly introduced herself. “It’s amazing my little brother managed to surround himself with such good looking friends.”

Oh boy, was my sister really going to fall into the clutches of another one of my friends. And don’t get me wrong, Dan was ten thousand times better than Van, but she didn’t know that. Would she really put herself in another situation like before? And don’t worry, I’m not getting jealous. Hearing my sister tell me no was enough. At least we talked about it, and now I know having sex with her is never going to happen again. The desire was squashed.

The night out was an epic fail. Not for Amy and Dan though, they hit it off quite well, too well in fact, and I soon came to the realization that they were doing their own thing so I was left with the asshole, Van. And Van, who wanted me to do no work to get a woman, was striking out. The girl’s all knew his shtick now. It fooled girls in high school, but now matured girls blew him off and laughed at his lame ass. I began to wonder if Van pulled any women nowadays. After all the one time he did score was with my sister who I introduced him to, and a hooker. We tried the club and the bar, but Van had done nothing but hurt my chances.

Van suggested we take our drunken asses to a titty bar, so we all piled into a cab and hit the closest one. Not the best one, but at Van’s request, the closest one. My birthday fell on a weekday too. The place was cleaned out and had minimal girls.

Somehow, someway though we got the attention of the cutest girl there. She had a skinny physique and pulsed her body in front of me dropping her white bikini top off and exposing her handful sized breasts.

Van tossed out the singles raining them onto the stage and kept shouting that it was my birthday. The girl slinked down in a sexy manner and pressed my face between her tits. My nose pressed firmly against her sternum and the naked touch on the female skin, the strength behind the sexually charged woman who was willing to do all the work invigorated me. I wanted sex. I was just drunk before, not feeling the birthday bash, but now I wanted a girl. I wanted sex. I wanted to run my hands over some girl’s naked warm body. The sheer essence of sliding my hands upward over a woman’s abdomen feeling her ribs under her skin, passing over the mounds of breasts that were ten times softer than the rest of her skin, and feeling the small erect nipples passing over the palms of my hand gave me an instant hard on.

The girl stretched out over the bar showing off her curvy ass. I placed a dollar in her thong bottoms and Van slapped the girl’s ass. It seemed rude, even drunk, but the girl didn’t seem to mind. The stripper whose name was Eve even took things a bit further and went to my sister. Amy had been such an awesome sport. She was not only in a strip joint, but she was sitting at the stage handing out tips.

Eve seductively leaned into her and with a devilish grin slid her hands over Amy’s breasts. Amy responded with an open mouthed smile and a giggle. This made my erection grow. This girl was down to party and I wanted her.

Once her stage time was over she came over to us and sat in my lap where we became good friends, as much as drunken birthday parties at strip clubs bring good friends. She rubbed on my shoulders, slid her hands down my chest and squeezed my cock every now and then. She pushed for a dance, and I didn’t get one, as Van was in control of the money situation. He insisted that he get her warmed up for me, and they went off for their own dance. What an asshole! That was beyond uncool.

Actually it turned out to be pretty cool, because Van while getting a dance from her convinced her to come back to my place with us, so once Eve got off we all hopped a cab back to my place where things started happening.

Van busted out some beers for all of us and Eve sat me down on the couch next to Dan. The girls then gave me and Dan a little ride. Eve immediately removed her top and straddled me while my sister got on top over Dan.

Now my sister was no stripper and wasn’t an expert in lap dances, but she didn’t seem to interested in giving Dan a lap dance she was more in making out with him softly as he pet her breasts.

Eve on the other hand was all about grinding on my erect cock, reaching under my shirt, and scratching her nails down my chest. As she straddled and bounced her micro skirt rode up onto her hips and you could see she wasn’t wearing panties, a thin line of pubes sat just above her tiny pussy which rubbed at the bulge in my jeans. She must have seen me staring because she took my hand and placed it on her clit. I pressed down and felt the moistness coming from her. She was soaking my jeans in it. I looked up into the girl’s hazel eyes and kissed her. After our lips separated she got off of me.

“It’s time to see what you’re working with.” She quickly unbuckled me and violently yanked down my pants and boxers. My cock sprang up like a cobra. She awed, “Oh yeah.”

With her off my lap I could see that Van had taken a seat sipping a beer watching the action. That seemed a bit weird. It was like he was watching a porno, and it would have bothered me, but the girl quickly put my cock in her mouth and started sucking with skill. I soon forgot about anything else, rested my head back, and closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw that Amy had also unleashed Dan’s dick. Again if I wasn’t being sexually satisfied at the moment I may have been disturbed at how many of my friend’s erect cocks I’ve seen.

Eve had gone to the floor and gotten on her knees for the favor, but Amy slid down to the open cushion in the middle of the couch to settle in and get to cock sucking level with Dan. It put her ass right next to me. I immediately began to have flashbacks of that night and how hot it was to simply watch her do very very hot sexual things. I took a deep breath trying to control myself and not cum. No sister thoughts. This is all about Eve and letting her do her thing until she was ready to fuck me.

And then, the asshole joined in. I should have fucking expected it. Van took off his fucking pants, got to his knees, positioned himself between Eve’s legs, and started fucking her from behind as she was sucking my dick. The pounding jostled her rhythm and her very good blowjob turned into a bad one. Teeth were scrapping, and not lightly. Should I tell him to stop and fuck off? No, that’d ruin the night, besides Eve was letting him do it. Fucking Van and his beyond uncool smug smile. He tossed back a swig of beer as he maintained the pounding. My dick wasn’t going to maintain an erection now. I could already feel it going down.

I looked over and saw Amy bobbing up and down on Dan who wore a constant enthused smile and reached over pulling Amy’s skirt up over her ass. She had a sexy, lacey, and tiny thong one that Dan easily pulled off her pussy and exposed her bare lips. A wet glisten glazed over her swollen womanhood that Dan pressed his fingers over. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but I was very interested in my sister’s vagina.

My limp dick needed some inspiration and soon Dan removed his hand from my sister and went back to simply enjoying the blowjob, but he left the skirt pulled up the panties pulled away. No one was paying attention to me, so bravely I placed my hand on my sister’s ass. Surely if she didn’t want it, she’d stop me. My hand firmly gripped her rounded rump and I got no protest from her or my cock which returned to full attention in Eve’s mouth who appeared to be enjoying it from both ends.

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Van didn’t bother me anymore. My mission was now Amy’s pussy.

I slipped my hand down and grazing her taint and lightly touching the swollen skin of her pussy. It sent chills down...

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Written by TallerThanYou
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