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Sweet Baby Jane, Chapter Two

"Jane finds oral wonders and then my cock as she cums several times"

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Her shorts were drenched with the cream of her first orgasm, in truth it had been moderate, but for her age and being the first time with a partner worthy of her little experience at how to enjoy or prolong such fruitful wonders.  I would guide her to know these things just as I had her mother before her.  My hands grasped her knees and pushed them together, her head rose to watch me as I reached up and drew the elastic waist over her hips.  She rose them up so that I could slide them over her thighs, down her calves and past her feet dangling from the bed’s edge.  I dropped them beside us and reached again for her knees.  She must have known what was happening as her legs fell open before me, her pussy glistening with cream scented so wonderfully it forced me to groan with pure want; a want to taste of my daughter’s wiles for the first time.  I grasped her knees and drew her to the edge of the bed, her buttocks nestled on the coverlet and her legs parted over my body as I leaned towards the haven that awaited me anxiously.


I propped her feet onto my thighs and pushed her knees apart fully, her labia parted slightly and revealed the gateway to her heavenly core. “Oh baby” I murmured as my hands swept over her inner thighs and then as my thumbs traced over the puffy petals of her labia and caressed the nubbin so swelled with need.  My lips pressed to her inner thigh of one and then the other leg, with each kiss they came ever closer to her flower as my thumbs continued to taunt and tease the petals of her oh-so feminine wiles.  I had done this exact thing with her mother many times; somehow that memory spurred me on with even greater arousal as my cock, now full and throbbing between my thighs cried out for its time to penetrate the portal.  But this was not my wife, not my daughter’s mother I made love to, it was my sweet baby Jane, one who I had fantasized about so many times since Sheila had fallen ill.  My lips found the moist petals and kissed them bottom to top and back again as she shuddered out a wave of joy and coated my lips with fresh scented nectar.  My face rose enough to gaze over her massive breasts to her eyes as she watched each move over her erogenous zones, they sparkled brilliantly as her body gave itself over to me with glee and I whispered “Cum for Daddy, he needs to taste your sweet honey” and I lowered my mouth to her gash and licked from bottom to top of the wet flower of her pussy.  My tongue flickered over her clit as the single swipe ended and she cried out her joy as a flood began to stream from the channel of her core.  My head lowered to capture it and sucked her gash to drink from the fountain until her minor orgasm had ebbed to only tremors of delight.   I sat back onto my heals and gazed upon her, such beauty, such grace, and filled with a love that only a daughter’s gifts can provide to her father.  As her gasping ebbed and heart slowed she sat up and looked at me, my hard cock stood proud, but I had no need of pounding into the succulent layers of her for now.  Her lips pouted as she asked “What’s wrong Daddy?  Aren’t you going to show me how good it would feel with your big penis inside me?”   I smiled up at her as I rose as high as my knelt pose would allow and cupped her jaw into my palm.  My fingers slid to the nape of her neck and pulled her face to mine, we kissed with sated passion and then I whispered to her of my plan. “Jane, I want that so bad; it will be the greatest honor I have ever known to feel your body give over to me all the love you want to share.” A small frown crossed my lips as I continued. “Your mom and I shared this very bed for a long time; it was ours and nobody else’s. It’s time for me to buy a new one, one that can be for us baby doll, and then I can give you what you want, and take what you offer with love.  You understand?”   She nodded and grinned as she asked “Can I help pick it out Daddy?” with an excited breathy cast to her query.  I nodded with a smile and she threw herself onto me and wrapped her arms around my neck as her lips pressed to the still coated petals of my own, coated with her sweet creamy cum.  She giggled as she lapped it from my mouth and cheeks and cooed “Yum, no wonder you like to taste me Daddy, my cum tastes kind of sweet and fruity” and laughed aloud, happy that she had found joy and a way to relieve the needs her Daddy had born alone for so long.   “Yes baby, you taste sweet to me too” and chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her and rose to my feet.  I released her from my grasp and swatted her bottom and said “Go clean yourself up and we’ll go find a new bed at the furniture store, but you have to help carry it up the stairs.”   She giggled and nodded eagerly as she turned to go to her bathroom down the hall.  At the door she stopped and looked back at me, my dick still thick and hard and asked “Will you be okay with that thing, it looks like it needs me too Daddy.”   I smiled and said “I’ll be just fine baby, at least until we get back and set up the new bed” with a chuckle.  She scampered out the door and I went to the shower, nice and cold to refresh me and relieve the pressure the erotic adventure had begun.  Silently as I washed I planned out just how to satisfy both our needs.  I finished quickly, as most do when in an ice cold stream of water and shivered as I climbed out to dry off.  Once I had my hair combed and teeth brushed I went again naked into my room.  This time I was alone and gazed at the place I had brought my wife and now my youngest daughter to climax; a sigh escaped from my mouth as I turned and got out a pair of boxers and socks.  I went to the closet and pulled a pair of khakis from a hanger and slipped into the cargo style pants. A sports shirt was in order, especially with my age and current mood.  “Casually sexy” I murmured with a chuckle muffled by the fabric as I pulled it over my head.  I stepped in to a pair of loafers and was ready except for putting the stuff all men carry in my pockets.  That accomplished I went down stairs to the kitchen, a reasonably fresh pot of coffee had been made by my youngest daughter before our escapade of first discoveries.  I poured a cup and sat at the kitchen table to wait; my wait was short lived as Jane came bounding into the kitchen with all the energy of her age only minutes later.   She was dressed in shorts and a tank top, but at least she had on her bra, I didn’t dare ask if she had panties on, she would have shown me either way and we’d be in the big middle of wanting to renew the newfound pleasures again before we got out the door.  I drove the truck to the furniture store, not wanting to wait for a delivery for some reason I’m sure most folk would understand.  Jane and I laughed over the not wanting to wait part as we entered the local shop.  We looked around for a bit and took note of the various head and foot boards, some wooden, some metal, some with posts and some without, my tastes were simple, Jane’s weren’t.  I thought she had another unspoken fantasy she wanted fulfilled.  I had decided to phase back from the King size monster that now stood in the large bedroom to a queen or even a double, certainly big enough for me alone, yet, all things considered, maybe a queen size would be best.   The sales girl left us alone for a few minutes as we discussed the pros and cons of each design, and the sizes available.  Jane wanted me to stick with the king size; she whispered “What if all four of us are in it at once Daddy?” 

I was awed by her whispered comment, surely my face turned beet red at the thought of not just my baby girl and I having sex in the new bed, but the other two daughters as well.  I put my hands on her shoulders and asked “Is there something you haven’t told me young lady?” in a completely parental tone and voice. 

She giggled and whispered “Maybe Daddy, I thought I had told you about our plan, but, anyway, I think you still need the king size.” 

My mock anger disappeared as she spoke, my thoughts went to what all three of my girls were cooking up, and somehow I figured I was on the menu.   We settled on a king size, Jane was adamant about it and I succumbed to her advice for obvious reasons.  She not only got her way on that, but picked out a nice heavy four poster that matched the color of the other furnishings in the room.  What could I say? I had been had, and when I thought about it; loved the idea to the point of embarrassment as my cock began to grow while the new pieces were loaded into the truck by Jane, me and a helper.  One of the store people helped and even offered to come set it up as we struggled with the weight of the box springs and mattress.  It seemed the guy helping us was a friend of the girl’s from school, the same class as the twins, and offered to help on his lunch hour.  Jane’s eyes glistened in hopes I’d say yes, I guessed so that the bed would be set up sooner.  I spoke to the young man, his name, Jake and said “Well if you’re willing to help I certainly can’t turn it down.  I will insist on paying you for it though.”  He nodded as the last piece fit neatly into my one ton pickup.  We tied it in and he went to clock out for lunch and help the customer with his new furniture.    Even his boss was pleased with the ease of a $4000 sale and free installation, well, free for him anyway.  I gave Jane that look as we prepared for the journey home, the one a father left out of the loop gives when he wants an explanation.  She grinned and said that Jake had the hots for Tammy, and had never had the courage to ask her out because of her never ending string wannabe boyfriends. I nodded in response as Jake returned and said he’d take his truck so I wouldn’t have to come back to drop him off.  We headed out and made it home with no difficulties; while we went along Jane explained that Jake’s father was Dr. Thomas, a name I was quite familiar with as he was one of the doctors that had tried desperately to aid with my wife’s pain and suffering.  He was the captain of the track team, just sort of shy when it came to her older sister, well older but not oldest by all of three minutes anyway, but minutes count sometimes.   I backed the truck into the drive and parked it as Jake pulled up at the curb.  As he walked up I was untying the ropes that bound the new bed in place and he piled right in to help.  I was impressed in this day of lax peoples and self interested ways, especially when he offered his condolences on the loss of my wife with perfect charm and polite courtesy.  I thanked him for the comment as we pulled the box springs from the truck and Jane held the downstairs door for us.  It was a struggle up the stairs but we made it into the master bed room and set it to the side away from where the frame would be set up.  He looked at the perfectly good frame and mattress set and asked “What are you going to do with the old ones?” 

I replied “Not sure, probably send them to the dump, I…” pausing as a lump formed in my throat and then gulping it down “…just needed a new one, you know, that’s where Sheila passed away.  It’s time to move on.” 

He nodded and said “Well, if it’s okay with you, we can load it into my truck and I’ll give it to the home for the disabled, they’re always needing more stuff, especially furniture” with a spark of joy at the idea of donating to a worthy charity.  I nodded and smiled as we hauled the mattress off of it that Jane had stripped the sheets and coverlet off of, thankfully.  I had forgotten completely that her sweet juices were still damp in the coverlet’s edge.

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  After only five more trips the new bed was all upstairs; the old one neatly piled onto his truck.  Together Jake and I assembled the new one without a hitch.  As we set the mattress atop of the rest Jane piled into it with a glee that resounded through the whole upstairs and yelled “Just think Daddy how much fun we can have when we roust you out of bed in the mornings” and laughed aloud as I cringed knowing how I took her comment and hoped that Jake took it differently.  We all laughed at her excitement.

Jake said “You know; I wish my parents were as cool as you are, we never get to kid around like that.” 

I chuckled again as I walked him to his truck and stuffed 50 bucks into his pocket which he tried to hand back as I refused. “You deserve it Jake, I really don’t know how I’d have gotten that monster upstairs without your help.  Come by and visit some time when the other girls are here” with a wink “maybe you can even get up the nerve to ask Tammy out, if you still want to that is.” 
His jaw dropped and then a smile came over his face “I’m gonna kill that Jane for squealing on me, she is the only one who knew about my crush on her sister.” 

I patted him on the shoulder and said “Give her a break, she was trying to clear the way with the old man, and has” I ended with a broad smile.  He drove off and I walked back into the house, ready to rest up from my labors, but somehow figured my rest would be short lived if Jane had anything to say about it.   I stood at the base of the stairs and hollered out to my baby girl “Come on down Jane, we need to eat some lunch, I’m starved.”  I heard her groan even from downstairs as her feet hit the floor; she had collapsed on the new bed after putting clean sheets and a fresh comforter on. 

She looked like someone had stolen her puppy when she sauntered sullenly down the stairs, her comment sounded equally discouraged when she said “They’ll be home before long Daddy…you promised” in a pouty tone that wrenched at my heart and loins. 

I pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her head as I whispered “If they get home before we’re finished baby, they will just have to wait.  If what you said in the store was even close, they already know we would have gotten busy this morning.” 

She smiled and threw her mouth against mine as she giggled “It figures that you would see through our plan Daddy, they knew if they were out of the way I could get you used to the idea.  Are you used to it yet Daddy?” she ended with another round of giggles.  I slipped lower and lifted her as my hands clamped around her buttocks. Up and against me she rose as my mouth claimed hers.  I pulled the joining of her parted legs against my hips and swelling cock as her legs surrounded my hips and laughed softly in response.

“Yeah baby, I am.”    She snickered as she asked me a serious question “Daddy, why do you keep calling me baby? I’m not a baby any more, am I?”   My reply was simple fact “Jane, you will always be my baby, even when you’re old and grey.”  She grinned and kissed me again and thrust her tongue deep into the cavity of my mouth as our tongues danced in swirling twists with each other.  I carried her as our mouths pressed with heated passions that increased with each step, when I arrived I set her down on the edge of the kitchen table and stepped back a half a step to look at the sweetest daughter a man could have ever dreamed of. 

She smiled and said “Daddy, this reminds me of when we were upstairs” as her legs quivered and parted a little bit to show off her moist shorts. 

I grinned and said “But baby girl, if I do that what are you going to eat for...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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