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How I Came To Be Me Part 2 Paris

"A young woman gains confidence through her mother's lover"

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I'd been working out religiously for four months, eating better, feeling good about myself. I could feel and see the changes in my body as did others. I wasn't the plain girl next door anymore. I was fit and becoming more confident. People complimented me asking if I'd lost weight; they could see it in my face. 

Guys asked me out who weren't losers. I was loving my new body. The changes I'd made boosted my confidence through the roof. Before, when someone screwed up my coffee order, I'd shrug it off and drink whatever they gave me. Now, I take it back and suggest they make it right. I mean I didn't yell or anything. I was polite, but still, the old Celine wouldn't have done that. I felt empowered.

I was already packed for the cruise a week before we were scheduled to leave. I stayed at mom's overnight the night before parking my car in her garage. The three of us sat around sipping wine going over the itinerary looking at the various tours. There weren't many that we all didn't agree on. Mom and I told stories of past cruises for Tam. Her reactions to some of our tales made her eyes light up; we even got a few oohs and awes.

Naturally, mom had a limo pick us up to take us to the airport. The bad thing about Tam going with us was that mom downgraded our first-class seats to business class so Tam could sit with us.

The flight from Los Angeles to Paris was long. I managed to sleep some despite at least two people coughing midway through the flight. I brought earplugs and a sleep mask to help tune out the engine noise from the airplane and people watching movies. I suffered through the long ordeal with a smile on my face.

We arrived in Paris midday. Our limo drive through Paris was nothing, but congestion. He dropped us off at the hotel, helped with the bags with a smile on his face hoping for a big tip. It was minimal.

Mom checked us in while Tam and I wandered around the lobby. She mentioned she thought mom looked a bit out of sorts. I told her it was probably just the long flight. We followed the two bellhops to our respective rooms. They laid out our bags and did their usual 'if you need anything just call spiel'.

Mom and Tam were across the hall from me. Mom made sure of this before we departed L.A. After unpacking and showering, we got together for dinner at the hotel restaurant. Since none of us had slept very well, we planned for an early night. Mom looked the worst; her eyes were red and tired. She coughed a few times, complaining about a headache, but we all figured it was due to slight dehydration. We ate slowly discussing the next days' activities in Paris. Tam had never been outside of California, so all this was new to her. I could tell she was excited while at the same time concerned as I was about mom.

We called it an early night with our plans all set for the morning.

I woke early, refreshed and eager to go. I didn't hear anything from mom and Tam, so I figured they were busy having sex or sleeping off last night's sex. I pulled out my cell phone still on airplane mode and started playing games, waiting. An hour later there was a knock on the door. It was Tam. She looked like crap.

"Your mom is sick, Cee. She was up half the night vomiting, sweating, and coughing."

“Shit! I bet she caught something on the plane.”

I grabbed my key card and followed Tam back to their room. Mom was sitting up in bed, her face was flush. It was obvious she wasn't well. I sat on the edge of the bed near her, asking her what I could do to help. She said she saw a doctor the hotel called who gave her a prescription. When the pharmacy or pharmacie as the French called it opened, she said she’d like me to get her prescription filled. I knew enough French that communicating wouldn't be a problem.

I quietly asked, “I hate to ask, but are we going to cancel the cruise?”

Mom shook her head. "No, I talked with Tam. If you're willing, you two can share a room so I don't get you both sick."

I looked at Tam. “Is that alright with you? How are you feeling?”

The serious expression on her face told me she wasn't lying. "I feel fine. I've been up with Vee most of the night. That's why I probably look like crap. I'm okay with it if you are. I'll sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable with me in the bed. I'd hate to cancel this. I'm sure Vee will feel better after she gets some meds, fluids, and sleep."

I told her, “We're all adults here. We can share the bed. I'll help can bring your stuff over. We can hang out here today and keep an eye on her.”

Tam smiled. “Sounds like a plan, thank you, Cee. You are a doll.”

I managed a smile. “You're welcome, Tam.”

Mom coughed. "Thank you, girls. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and get some sleep."

We got Tam's stuff together, shuttling it to my room. She didn't unpack much since we were staying just a couple of days. We spent most of the morning in our room talking about mom. We were trying to figure out what happened. I insisted it was the people on the plane. She mentioned mom been stressed the past week or so and it probably lowered her immunity. I just shrugged, telling her she sees her more than I do. We had room service deliver breakfast which was okay, mostly fruit with oatmeal. Tam had converted me to eating better which made ordering easier, two of whatever.

We checked on mom about every hour, putting the ‘do not disturb’ sign out on her door. I took her prescription to the pharmacy when it opened to get it filled. My French was adequate for such a simple transaction. Even so, the person behind the counter spoke enough English we made it work. When I returned, we woke mom to start her healing process. She took her pill along with a little soup.

Soon she fell back asleep, so Tam and I went out for a walk. I didn't want to go too far so we strolled around sightseeing. The Eiffel tower wasn't that far away; we could see it peeking between buildings at times. I told her I had a nice view from my room which made her eyes light up. I'd been here a few times, each time there's something new to discover. I delighted in being the knowledgeable one and educating Tam. It felt good to be the teacher and not the student.

We passed a small boutique that I didn't notice until Tam seemed to be missing. She was staring into the window as I walked back. It was a lingerie shop and she'd spotted something she liked. I shrugged my shoulders when she asked me if I wanted to go inside to look.

Smiling, she sheepishly asked, “Can we? I don't want to be out here too late. I'm still worried about your mom.”

I didn't see why not. "Sure, we can look a bit. We're missing out on a whole day of shopping. Mom would understand. Besides, it's for her, right?"

She grinned. “It is Miss Cee. Very astute, cutie.”

I blushed, holding the door open for her. She gave me a sly smile as she passed me walking into the store. I looked up to see the name of the boutique, 'Princesse Tam Tam'.

I followed her in not knowing what to expect. I've never bought anything sexy for myself so this would be a new experience. I was sure Tam had plenty of sexy things to wear at home, but buying lingerie in Paris is sort of cool.

I followed her around like a puppy just browsing the multitude of sheer garments. I was amazed at the colors and different styles. A saleslady came over to help us, initially speaking French to Tam. When Tam looked clueless, I cut in asking if she spoke English.

She laughed, “Of course, Cherie!”

Tam smiled, the two of them began discussing sizes and colors while I wandered about. After about ten minutes Tam caught up with me a small package in her hand.

“Oh, you found something? Cool.”

She grinned. "Well a couple of somethings. They don't take up much space, silly."

I blushed, my ignorance showing.

“Let's get back and check on mom,” I suggested.

Tam smiled, leading the way back to the hotel. We peeked in on mom who was still sleeping. The room was in blackout mode. We could hear her snoring, so we figured she was okay. Back in our room Tam opened the curtains to take in the view. I'd mentioned the tower and now she was seeing it for herself.

"Cee, I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd see the Eiffel tower live and in person. This is just so special."

"I felt that way too the first time, Tam. Wait until tonight. It gets better. We're east of it so hopefully, the sunset will create a better view. Later when it's dark it's all lit up and a beacon revolves around like a lighthouse."

“I can't wait! I wish your mom were well so we could both take it in.”

“We're back here at the end of the cruise. You two can have my room then if you want.”

“Awww, that's so sweet of you!”

She turned and gave me a big hug. I blushed telling her she was welcome. She let me go and we stood there looking at each other until I got uncomfortable holding hands.

"I'm going to go for a quick run if you don't mind. I'm getting antsy cooped up here."

She smiled. “That's my workout cutie. I'm glad you're thinking of keeping up with it all even on vacation. I was going to look for the hotel gym. I know it's not like home, but it's something. I'll wait until you get back to check it out.”

“Sounds good, I will just do my usual five. I'm waiting until we get back to start my marathon training.”

“Okay, I'll read some and change. I'll be ready when you get back.”

With that, I found my running things then headed to the bathroom to change.

She laughed. “Still a bit shy, are we?”

I stopped. “I guess. Well, since we're roomies I guess it's silly to be so modest.”

She smiled. “I won't look.......too much.”

I blushed again. She had a habit of doing that to me. It was kind of fun. I was enjoying our time together more and more. I changed into my running attire without any further problems or teasing. I said goodbye, checking to make sure I had my id with me.

I'd mapped out a route on my phone beforehand. After exiting the hotel I took off without stretching. My run was uneventful, thank goodness. I had been worried after seeing so much unrest on the news, but Paris was quiet. I took longer than I thought having to wait for stoplights and traffic through the streets of Paris. When I got back, Tam as ready to hit the gym. Dressed in modest workout attire, she said she found the hotel map and knew where the gym was. She wouldn't be too long since it was inadequate for her needs. I laughed as she grabbed a towel along with a water bottle. She smiled closing the door behind her.

She didn't mention mom so I went across the hall to check on her. She was awake but still looked a mess. I suggested she shower to help make her feel better; she thought it was a good idea. She asked how Tam and I were getting along. I told her about our day omitting the lingerie part figuring that was a surprise for her which I didn't want to spoil. She asked that we check in around dinner time, that she might feel like eating something solid. I know she hated being sick being the go-getter that she is. I told her yes then I left her to shower, walking back to my room to do the same. The hot water felt good as I stood there thinking. I hoped Tam was true to her word about not cheating on mom. I was liking her even with the teasing. At some point, if my newfound curiosity got the better of me, maybe she had a friend.

I did notice a few of the trainers at the gym. One that caught my eye was Rosalinda. I had no clue if she liked girls which didn't matter anyway because I wasn't in the market at this point. Most of the trainers at the gym were nice looking. I didn't know if it was a lesbian breeding ground or what. I'm sure things were going on under the surface. I hadn't heard any gossip from the ladies I'd befriended so far, but you never know. Then again it could be my wild imagination going down the wrong path.

Tam returned about an hour later, her towel was soaked from sweat and she had that red face from overexertion. I asked how the gym was, she laughed.

“It's far from a gym, girlie. Just a couple of treadmills, a TV, an elliptical and dumbbells up to thirty pounds. I did what I could with two German guys watching. I think they were trying to flirt. Their English was pretty good. I wasn't rude, but I didn't flirt back.”

I smiled. “That must have been funny. I wish I'd have been there to see it.”

“They would have gone after you in a heartbeat, my buff cutie.”

I blushed big time.

Changing the subject. "I talked with mom while you were gone. She was still sick, but she at least hasn't thrown up today. She'd like us to order in dinner if you don't mind."

Tam started to get undressed. “I don't mind at all; the food here should be excellent. I want Vee to feel better so we all can enjoy this trip.

I sat in the chair by the window talking to her as she stripped. Her skin was shiny from sweat which added to the mystique. We kept talking about dinner, mom, and Paris as she raised her ratty gym shirt up over her head. Looking around, she asked if I'd started a dirty clothes pile. I pointed to the closet and she left it in there. Next was her sports bra. I tried not to stare as she slipped her arm into it, lifting it off her body revealing those small firm breasts I remembered seeing the first day I met her. I looked out the window quickly hoping my gaze had gone unnoticed. I swallowed hard trying not to show any emotion. Inside, I wanted to ask if I could touch.

She continued getting undressed not saying anything about my looking away. I heard the bed squeak which meant she was taking off her shoes. I turned back watching her bend over to untie and toss them aside.

I don't know why, but I asked, “You don't run, do you?”

She laughed. “God, no. I hate running. I don't see how you and Vee do it. I do enough cardio to maintain but that's about it.”

My next comment was probably a mistake.

“You have a belly piercing, right?”

She grinned, walking over to show me. She was now only in her workout shorts, her abs, breasts, and piercing in full view. They looked good as usual. Inside I was feeling my heart race as my panties became moist.

She stood maybe three feet from me. Arching her back slightly, she placed her hands around it, fingers and thumbs connecting to show off her jewel. I nearly died.

“It's my only body adornment. You like?”

I tried to maintain my composure. “It's different, at least to me. Why did you get it?”

"I don't know. I wanted something, just not a tattoo. I don't wear jewelry, so a friend suggested this."

Squirming in my chair a bit, I was still staring. “It must have hurt.”

“It wasn't too bad; they numbed me up a little before. Want to touch it?”

I looked past her to avoid staring at her muscles, so taut and yummy.

I lied. “I'm good, thanks.”

Her voice was playful, “Oh, Cee. I know that avoidance look. It's very endearing.”

Then she took a more serious tone, “Touch it.”

I looked back at her navel then her face. I knew I couldn't just touch it. “Seriously, I'm good. It is pretty.”

Her voice took an even more serious turn as she moved closer to me, "Touch it, Cee. I want you to."

I looked up at her knowing I couldn't get away with not touching it. I sighed then reached out hesitantly with one hand, finger extended.

“I thought we were going to be adults here, Cee.”

My look grew stern at that point. She was daring me to touch it. I couldn't back down. I pressed my finger to her taut tummy, then slowly brushed it over the piercing. Somehow it wandered off the ornament to circle her belly button. I was enthralled.

“That's a good girl.” She smiled. “You like how it feels, don't you?”

Her tone was seductive. All I could do was nod, affirmative.

Then she backed off giggling. "That wasn't so hard was it?"

Out of my trance, I looked up at her. “No, it is impressive, Tam. Not for me though.”

She winked. “We'll see.”

Turning, she walked over to the closet with the dirty clothes, her back to me then proceeded to do a slow strip of her shorts and pantie. I knew it was a show for me and I couldn't help but watch it. When she had them to her knees, she looked back at me over her shoulder grinning. I quickly looked away knowing I'd been caught. She sauntered into the bathroom to shower as if I wasn't there. My heart was racing after her little show. Just when I thought she was going to be kind to me with no games, she pulls this off.

I was thinking about leaving the room so I wouldn't have to endure another show. I'd just returned from mom's so I couldn't go back and disturb her. I suffered in silence waiting for Tam to tease me once more. I thought I'd gained some confidence in the past few months, but when it came to dealing with Tam I was just worthless.

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She walked out of the bathroom in just a towel. Smiling at me, she finished drying off then got dressed.

“You didn't tell Vee about my shopping trip, did you?”

“No. I promised I wouldn't, and I didn't.”

“Mmmm, good girl. I knew I could trust you.”

She didn't tease me for the rest of the evening. We had dinner with mom then leaving her to rest, she didn't eat much, but drank a little soup. She still looked like crap which was expected. Hopefully, she'd be over it in a few days.

Tam and I slept in the queen-sized bed without any incidents. I was grateful. I did toss and turn a bit, but she didn't say anything. We got up early, checked on mom then did a quick 'workout' at the gym. We weren't supposed to embark until the next day around four, but I knew we could from two on. I was trying to think of things to do that Tam might enjoy. I decided to see about one of the local tour busses, so I called down to the front desk and set it up. Tam was all in favor of it. We told mom who was delighted we were getting along so well and that I was showing Tam around in her place. We had a small breakfast while waiting for the bus to arrive. I'd done this before with mom, so I tried not to act too bored. Tam enjoyed the heck out of it, and it killed the day.

We returned just before dinner, checked in with mom then went back to our room to shower and change. We dressed in some floppy nightclothes, headed back to mom's to order dinner. Mom managed to eat some more and stay awake longer which was encouraging. We called it a night around six, much too early really. As we entered our room the sun was just off the top of the tower. Tam threw the curtains back then turned to me.

“Cee? Would you do me a massive favor?”

“I guess, what is it?”

"I hate to ask, but I've seen these sexy pictures on Tumblr where the model poses with the Eiffel tower in the background. I know my phone doesn't take the best pictures, but would you?"

“Yes, sure. Where's your phone?”

“Thank you, cutie.” She handed me her phone. “Here, could you let me change first? I don't want to be seen in this mess.”

“Of course, go ahead.”

With that, she opened the closet grabbing her tiny lingerie bag.

“Wait, that's what you bought for mom. You want to take pictures in that?”

“Those, I bought three. Yes, I do. What, you're not going to do it now?”

I stammered, “No, no. I'll do it. I just thought those were special.”

“They are, I want to remember Paris in a sexy way. Think you can handle that?”

I sighed, “Go ahead. Change.”

She giggled then stripped down to nothing. I glanced over, she was bare down there, her mound had no hair. I trim, but no hair? I turned back to watch the sun sink a bit more. It didn't take long for her to put on the first set.

“Ready, girlie?”

I fumbled with the phone finding the camera function. Turning to look at her, my jaw dropped.

“Jeezus, Christ, Tam. It barely covers anything.”

“That's the whole point silly girl. Don't you have any?”

“I swallowed hard, no.”

I was staring and I didn't care if she said a word. She was wearing next to nothing. Two tiny triangles in black covered her nipples and a third covered her bare mound. The rest was all Tam in her muscular glory.

She strolled over to me. "Mmm. With that new body, you really should, sweetie. Now, let me pose before the sun sets."

I clicked god only knows how many times as she posed/contorted her body to look sexy. When she was done with that one lingerie set, she changed into a red number that was just as alluring. Another group of clicks and on to a white set that looked more like a bridal one than anything else. I could feel my heart pounding as I took her pictures wondering how I would look wearing them.

When she finished, I handed her the phone for her to scroll through. Her only comment besides thank you was that she should have worn heels.

“Thanks, Cee. That was nice of you. Would you like to try them on? We're close to the same size, give or take. You'd look hot I bet.”

She took the white one off as I sat contemplating her offer. She wasn't flirting or making me feel bad. It seemed she genuinely wanted me to try them on. So, I said yes.

She smiled as she finished removing it. I got up to start taking off my baggy clothes. She arranged the three outfits on the bed for me to try. She didn't bother to put any clothes on then as stood back to watch me undress and select.

I set my things on the bed feeling a bit exposed, but she'd seen me in the gym's locker room a few times. I shrugged it off without a second thought.

I selected the black one first repeating her sequence. Glancing over, I made sure the phone was not in her hands as I slipped it on. When the tiny cloths were in place, I looked in the mirror at myself.

I was impressed with my new body. “Wow, that does look good, doesn't it?”

She moved over to me, standing right behind me her head resting on my shoulder, hands on my hips. I could feel her press against me as she whispered in my ear.

“You look good enough to eat, cutie, but heels would make that soooo much sexier. Shows off those toned calves you have now.”

She kissed my shoulder then turned to hand me the next one. I stood there gawking at myself enjoying what I saw. I twisted and turned, posing for myself, viewing myself at all angles. My workouts had sculpted me. Not as well-defined as Tam, but there was a difference.

I turned back to Tam to try the next one on. I noticed her nipples were like small rocks, all nice and hard.

I smiled. “Is it cold in here?”

She grinned. “No, and it's getting hotter, girliepoo.”

I giggled as I slipped out of the black one. She handed me the red set, her eyes checking me out.

I put it on turning to look at myself once more.

“I love this color!”

She slipped behind me once again. I could feel those hard nipples in my back.

She smiled. “I do too. I should have gotten a powder blue for you.”

This time as she looked at me via the mirror, she kissed the nape of my neck. I just about melted.

Whispering, “You like that girlie?”

My eyes closed as I nodded. Then she did it again only this time she licked also. I could feel goosebumps rise on my arms as I settled back into her grip. She continued kissing and licking my neck as her hands flowed over my tummy to my breasts. The little red cloth that covered each breast was quickly replaced by Tam's fingers. She manipulated my solid nipples causing me to moan loudly.

She whispered, “You've been wanting this since you saw Vee and I that first morning, haven't you?”

I nodded slowly then whispered, “Yes, Tam. You have an amazing body. I couldn't get it out of my mind.”

She purred, “I like the sound of that, sweetness. Let's just take this off, okay?”

“Yes, please.”

I tried to fight it, I did, but seeing her so close, naked, then in those negligees just broke down my resistance. I almost asked her about her no cheating policy, but I was too far gone to care. She loosened the strings letting my outfit drop to the floor. She turned me to face her then teased my lips with her tongue and soft sexy lips.

She'd lick mine then drawback as I chased her tongue then kiss me full on. The teasing went on until I was craving her lips against mine, her tongue playing with mine.

When she'd toyed with me to her satisfaction, she stopped completely.

Looking me in the eyes she told me, “Mommy will never know, will she Cee.”

“No, Tam. Mommy will never know.”

“That's my girl. Now let me introduce you to your first girl given orgasm.”

“Yes, please.”

Tam placed me on the bed after pulling down the covers. She turned out the light, making sure the door was latched. When that was done, she opened the curtains so the lights from the tower would illuminate us. She then glided back onto the bed straddling me at the hips. The scene was strangely erotic. The lights from outside lit the room enough I could see Tam's face along with the outline of her body.

She looked down at me. “Are you sure about this, cutie?”

“Yes, Tam I am. You're been edging me closer to this moment since we met.”

She grinned. “I haven't edged you at all yet, but I will.”

Leaning in to continue her teasing, her elbows at my sides, I could feel her bare, moist labia on my stomach. It was strange yet arousing knowing I'd had that effect on her. I hungrily returned her kissing, playing her little keep-away game again. She giggled as she toyed with me. My hands clasped her firm butt cheeks, massaging them slowly. They were a mix of feelings to my palms, hard yet soft. I loved how they felt.

When she'd had enough toying, she returned to my neck, nibbling it while whispering how much she was going to enjoy popping my girl cherry. She painted down my body with her tongue, crisscrossing over my breasts suckling each one in turn. Little tugs at my nipples with her teeth sent me close to climax.

When she sensed that she stopped, whispering, “No cutie, you have to wait. Miss Tam doesn't want you over the edge yet.”

From my breasts, she skimmed across my torso, swirling her expert tongue in my belly button, bringing me closer to her ultimate goal. Down my stomach, she veered right. She raised my leg slathering it with her saliva while fondling the butt cheek attached to it. Her firm, soft hands gently placed my leg into a bent position while she worked the other leg in the same way.

When she’d finished up with that one, she slipped between them, her face millimeters over my swollen labia. The tip of her tongue teased me once again, tracing my other lips from top to bottom. I writhed in delight. Her sweet torture had been worth all the wait. This was truly amazing.

I managed to move my hands to her head and was quickly rebuked.

“No, I'm I charge, darling. Understand?”

“Yes, Tam, I do.”

She went back to work, sticking her tongue into me, sliding it up and down inside me. I was a sopping, wet mess. I could hear the sounds of her lapping my juices up. It was strangely different than others before her. It was more intense and focused which was driving me up the wall.

She lifted my hood to engorge herself on my clit. I had been close before, but her actions completely sent me into oblivion. My body couldn't handle anymore; I bucked, gripping the mattress so I wouldn't bounce off the bed.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I held back not wanting anyone in the hotel to know especially mom. Tam continued driving me insane until I had to beg her to stop. She slowed her actions, letting me enjoy the repressed feelings she'd ignited.

In the dimly lit room, I could see her sitting back on her heels. I couldn't see her face clearly through my glazed-over eyes, but I could feel her smile. The conquering warrior queen had a new slave, her name was Celine.

As I laid there catching my breath, I could feel the bed move as she slid next to me, her lips nibbling my earlobe.

“So, my no longer straight friend. What's the verdict?”

I didn't say a thing. I rolled over onto her and kissed her deeply. Then I moved lower to suckle those small firm breasts that had been a fixation from day one.

I could hear her giggles as she stroked my hair.

“I think Cee liked Miss Tam's tongue.”

I nodded as I suckled not wanting to break contact. She cupped my head with her hands bringing my face to her lips.

“That's it for tonight, my new love. Get some sleep and we'll explore more tomorrow night.”

I pouted but she hushed me.

I reluctantly rolled over, my heart still racing. I think it took me an hour and a half to finally calm down enough to fall asleep. That night I slept undisturbed until Tam woke me at six to go work out. She acted as if nothing happened. We went down to the little gym, did a bunch of burpees, lifted dumbbells, and did a few planks. I wanted to run to clear my head; I was still in a state of confusion. I'd been so strong until last night.

When Tam thought we'd had enough she said, “Let's shower,” then patted my ass.

We stayed in silent mode until we reached our room. I sat on the chair and waited for her to shower. She looked at me wondering why I wasn't getting undressed.

“Sweetie, there's plenty of room for us both in the shower.”

She tossed her shorts at me playfully, giggling as she did.

I smiled, then hurriedly undressed to join her.

When I walked into the spacious shower, she'd already had the water up to temperature. It felt good. She was standing under the stream, water cascading off her taut body when I entered. She turned to me, drawing me to her. Wrapping her arms around me, she kissed me deeply.

I melted once more.

When she broke the kiss I asked, “Why were you so quiet this morning? I was afraid I'd done something wrong.”

Her hands felt good on my ass holding me to her. Her look was one of adoration, love or sympathy, I don't know.

"I had a feeling you'd want to think about it. You did, didn't you? You'd been wanting it for such a long time, denying yourself. It took me a while to get you to that point. Was it worth it?"

I blushed and looked away. I had thought about it while we were working out and parts of last night. I was torn on a few levels. I was cheating on my mother for god's sake. I'd never had feelings for a woman before. What was happening to me?

"Yes, I did think about it. I enjoyed it so much, but there is one problem with it."

“I'm your mom's lover. That's it, isn't it.”

I nodded slowly looking into her eyes.

“I know. This little thing between us is only going to happen as long as we share a room.”

I sighed, “I understand. What happens after?”

"We'll go back to the way it was before we embarked on this little journey, Cee. I told you I enjoyed fulfilling curious girl's wishes. I'm doing just that aren't I? I told you I don't cheat, so you're a once in a lifetime exception for me. Whether you believe it or not."

My hands wandered over her body as we stood talking. I wanted to do more. I wanted this to last a very long time. She was right. This couldn't go beyond our time as roomies. Mom would disown me at the very least. I felt bad enough as it was. I was still torn about being here now.

“I want to believe you, Tam. It's going to be difficult to act like this never happened.”

She cupped my ass harder with her strong hands then kissed me. Her breasts against mine felt exciting. When she broke our embrace, she looked me straight in the eye.

"You don't have to act like it never happened. You can take this experience and build on it. I saw how you were before you started working out. I've talked to your mother about you. You've grown these past few months. I know I sort of set you back. Inside you're a strong woman, Cee. I can help you become strong in more ways than just physically."

Then she kissed me as I'd never been kissed before. Her leg was between mine pressing into me, the water streaming over us. I wish it could have lasted much longer than it did.

She continued her pep talk, “We can continue this on the ship, Cee. Let's get Vee fed and ready to go. We have at least a couple of nights on the ship to get into this and more. Okay?”

I melted into her body. She felt so comfortable and sexy to me. “Yes, I guess.”

"No. It's either we do, or we don't. You need to start making decisions and quit being so wishy-washy, Cee."

I'd just been scolded by my mother's lover who had seduced me. I had a choice; it was to remain unsure of myself and bury the way I feel or accept what I was feeling. I decided to accept the new one. I told Tam 'yes'.

We kissed again, then actually showered. Soaping each other off playfully. Giggling and teasing each other the entire time.

After the shower Tam went to mom's room. I waited about ten minutes before going over. I didn't want mom even in her flu-like state to think we'd showered together or even suspect.

She was in better spirits, still suffering though as we had breakfast then packed her up. We stayed in her room talking and going over the tours we'd do on the cruise once we got underway. We ate lunch via room service. Mom slept a bit after that while Tam and I went back to our room to finish packing.

We returned about two, waking mom up to head to the ship. It didn't take too long to get there thanks to mom's selection of hotels. We were greeted by the cruise director whom we told mom wasn't feeling well. She looked sad, but mom assured her she would be fine in a couple of days. The director said it was fine, it happens frequently with long flights. If there were anything she could do, just ask.

We all thanked her and were shown to our rooms. Our bags arrived within minutes. As soon as mom was settled in, we left her to unpack in our room.






Written by _O2_
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