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Creating an Empire Chapter Two

"Older women are attracted to a young business man"

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Pat was sitting in her lounge. She was thinking about Jack. She was halfway through a bottle of Chablis. She thought of the intense love making this morning. She also thought about Roberta, the Vicar’s wife. Should she tell Jack about Roberta she wondered. Pat had avoided all contact with Roberta today.

Her phone had rung twenty times today and Pat could see the number and each time it was Roberta. She had five emails all saying get in touch as she needed her to do some things for her. Pat knew the things she wanted her to do. Pat thought of Jack and she didn’t want to do it.

Four years ago after her husband died Roberta spent a lot of time with Pat. Pat had told her that her sex life had not been good with her husband as he was much older than her. Roberta had said she was in the same position as Pat. She was going to divorce her husband but in the end they had come to an agreement. Roberta would have her own bedroom, lounge and bathroom within the Vicarage. She must continue with her work with the congregation as the Vicarage was one of the busiest in the North East of England, it was all down to Roberta.

After two weeks Roberta had visited on a Thursday afternoon. Pat had offered her a glass of wine. After three glasses Roberta had kissed Pat, her tongue was deep in Pat’s mouth and Roberta’s hands were exploring everywhere. Soon they were 69ing each other. Roberta made Pat come with her tongue.

They then went into the bedroom. Roberta brought a strap on from her bag and put it on. Roberta then fucked Pat with it, making Pat cum. As they lay in bed afterwards Roberta asked Pat if she was interested in doing some house visits for her as she had many male and female members of the congregation that would appreciate her. Roberta told her she would get fifty pounds for each visit. Pat refused.

The next week Roberta returned. They had some wine then went to bed. Pat enjoyed the sex. Roberta was very good in bed. Afterwards Roberta asked if she would be interested in doing some online work for her. Roberta told her it only paid twenty pounds a session but she could get her a lot of sessions. She could also wear a masquerade mask so no one would know who she was. Roberta then said that if she did it she would visit her every week for sex. Pat told her that she would think about it.

The following week Roberta arrived and she had a laptop with her. She told Pat before they started she would show Pat how easy it was. She asked for Pat’s WiFi password. She then brought a cable and connected the laptop to Pat’s flat screen TV. Pat could watch what was happening but she wouldn't be seen. Roberta then said, “I will do a man first then a woman.”

A man came on the screen. Pat knew him from the church. His wife had died two years ago. He had been a big Architect in Manchester. Roberta said, “Hi darling how are you? Are you in the mood for some fun or will I have to talk to you first?”

The man replied, “You know I am always in the in the mood for you, Berta.”

Berta said, “Would you like me to visit you at the end of the month?”

The man, “I would love that. Can I play with your pussy as you suck me?”

Berta replied, “Of course darling, are their any other extras you would like? You know extras can be expensive.”

The man had been masturbating all the time, his cock was still flaccid. He asked, "Can I lick your wet cunt?”

Berta said, “Of course you can.”

Then the man came. Berta said, “Send me an email next time you want some relief or do you want to make a date now?”

The man answered, “This time on Tuesday would be super. I am looking forward to seeing you at the Vicarage on Sunday.”

Berta replied, “That is two sessions you owe me for, so give me an envelope on Sunday.”

The man said he would do that and he would add a little bonus.

Berta said, "See you on Sunday.”

Berta then connected to an older lady. Pat knew her as her husband had been a surgeon in Manchester. He was now in a home as he had dementia. She was also a doctor. She was still a very attractive woman. Pat often spoke with her. Her name was Sheila. Berta said, “Hi darling how are you today?”

Sheila replied, “Thanks Berta, I am fine. I shaved my pussy for you this morning would you like to see it?”

Berta answered, “Oh yes but take your tits out first then play with your nipples until they are hard.”

Sheila did this. She was wearing an open crotch bodysuit with self supporting stockings. Her tits were so big she could bend down and put a nipple in her mouth which she then sucked.

Berta then said, “That looks super. Now open you legs and start working your pussy. I want you to cum for me. Harder work your pussy harder, cum for me, cum.”

Then Sheila came. Sheila said,”Thank you Berta, I will see you on Sunday at the Church.”

Berta replied, “Yes darling I will be there but remember to bring an envelope as that is three sessions you owe me for this week.”

Sheila answered, "I have it already in my bag, but I will email you when I want to Skype again as I have a visitor next week and I don’t know how long they will stay.”

Berta replied, “Don’t worry I have plenty of work just let me know when you want me again.”

Berta ended her call then said, "Now you know how easy it is. If you had done this that would have been forty pounds you would have earned in under ten minutes. Would you like to help me out here?”

Pat replied, "Berta, can I call you Berta? let me think about it. I will give you my answer on Sunday at Church.”

Then they went to bed. Berta made her cum.

Pat told Berta she would do it on Sunday but not on a full time basis maybe ten or twenty sessions a week. She had taken the user name Naughty Alice. She had done this but also built up her own business. The next day she invited Sheila in for a glass of wine. Sheila never went back to Berta. Berta would charge fifty pounds for the session. If one of her assistants did it was still fifty but the assistant only got twenty pounds so Berta earned thirty pounds from every session her assistants made. Berta was making big money.

The experience Pat had got from working with Berta allowed her to write four erotic books which all were still selling well. She now wanted away from Berta. She wanted Jack but she knew she would have to share him with others as he would want children. Sadly she was too old for that.

Pat then drafted a message which she would send tomorrow morning. It was short and read,

Darling Jack, I have thought of you all day today. My pussy still tingles. I will think of you today, Jack. Please phone me when you can as I have so much to tell you. I want you so bad but I know I will have to share you. I accept that.

With all my love Pat xx

* * *

There were a lot of people at the church and the cemetery. Jack phoned the Hotel to tell them there could be two hundred and fifty for the purvey. He asked the duty Manager to set up the PA system with a wireless microphone as he wanted to say a few words before the purvey was served. He also asked that everyone should have a glass of Champagne so they could toast Mary.

Both the services had gone well. They arrived at the Hotel at twelve fifteen. May had introduced Ruth and Jean to Jack. Both were stunning women. The duty Manager came to Jack suggesting the best reception for the microphone was at this table. He showed Jack to the table. Then Jack invited May, Ruth and Jean to join him. Then his father and Sue arrived. Molly and Claire then joined them.

The staff were wonderful. They all operated with a military like precision. Then Jo sat down at the table next to May. Jack got a shock as Jo was Kate, the girl who Jack had lost his virginity to was Kate’s mother.

Jack got a nod from the duty Manager. Jack then stood up and switched on the microphone. Then he started his speech:

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. First and foremost I would like to thank you all for taking the time to pay your respects to Mary today. I have the mental picture of her sitting in heaven this now looking down at the amount of people here today. She would have her wonderful smile on her face that would say thank you.”

“Mary was most certainly one of life's characters. Sadly she never married. She and my mother looked after their parents when they needed care. Mary has touched so many people in her life. She quietly helped so many people. The amount of charity work she did really amazed me. She did this with a dedication that she had for everything she did in life.”

“Mary was a stickler for detail. As I drove home on Thursday I reflected on Mary. I thought of that wonderful Michelangelo saying, little things make perfection and perfection is no little thing. This was how Mary lived her life. In everything she did she strived to do her best. Nothing could deter her. If she wanted something done then she did it. There was only one Mary.”

“I would like now to propose a toast. Please raise your glasses, Mary thanks for sharing part of your life with us all.”

Everyone in the room stood up and raised their glasses. Then they put their glasses on the table and started to applaud, everyone in the room was clapping their hands. Jack looked round his table. Every woman there had tears in their eyes. Jack’s father said, “Jack, that was a wonderful speech. You said it all in so few words. Mary would be so proud of you.”

They kept clapping then a minute later Jack got up and spoke into the microphone. He said,”Thank you so much. The funeral purvey must be served, the show must go on. Thank you all once again.”

They continued to clap the the food was brought out and then they stopped. Ruth, who was sitting next to Jack said, Jack that was a wonderful speech, one of the most touching I have heard in my life. You are a very intelligent and attractive young man. Do you have a girlfriend?”

Jack answered, “Yes, I have a lady friend. I enjoy being with mature ladies.”

Ruth replied, “I dream of being with a younger man but sadly it just doesn’t happen for me.”

Jack responded, “You are a very attractive woman. Are you married?”

Ruth replied, “Thank you, no I am a widow. My husband, who was much older than I died six years ago. I moved into the new apartment block close to May’s villa. We met May through our coffee mornings.”

Jack asked, “Do you work?”

Ruth replied, “I have a lot of business interests but I don’t really work. I also inherited a lot when my husband died. I have a very busy social life which I enjoy.”

May then said, “Jack, Ruth and Jean are both very good in bed. Maybe we should have a foursome when we get home. I don’t mind sharing your wonderful cock with them.”

Ruth said, “Jack, is it possible I have you to myself the first time as I want to make it really special for you.”

They were both whispering, nobody at the table could hear them. Ruth said,”Jack, next month I am thirty five. The last time I had a cock I was twenty seven. I want you to fuck me every day until I become pregnant. When I become pregnant I will marry you as I believe you would be a wonderful father. I will still be active in the coffee morning group. I will never be with another man. I will not be jealous if you sleep with any of the members of the group. In fact it would be a good thing. It would prevent you from straying.”

Jack replied, “Ruth, I would love too. If we are doing threesomes or foursomes then I will come inside you only. Then you will always have fresh sperm swimming inside you. I have a friend who lives in Windermere, she is a widow and sixty. I would like her to be in the group.”

Ruth answered, “That is not a problem. We could go and visit her or we could Skype with her. My feeling is I can trust your judgement but I am very careful who I get into bed with. Another thing Jack, I am a non practising Jewess. Is this a problem for you?”

Jack answered, "No it is not. If we have children what religion would you like them to be brought up in?”

Ruth replied, "It doesn't matter as I would prefer to send them to the best schools. I think we will have very intelligent children, Jack. I have a very good feeling about you. I want to kiss and cuddle you so much.”

Jack answered, "I am feeling the same way.”

They held hands under the table. Ruth had a very gentle touch. Jack liked that.

People were now starting to leave. Jack stood up and had a word with all who came to speak with him. Molly and Claire came and Molly asked Jack if the three of them could go out for a meal on Tuesday as Molly felt this was the best thing to do as Claire could give all the information for the Wednesday meeting. They now had to drive to Largs as Molly’s cousin was in hospital there.

Then Jack’s father and Sue came. Jack’s father shook his hand and said. “You did very well today. You will go far in life my son. I couldn’t have given a speech like that when I was twenty one.”

Then one of his patients asked if he could have a word with him. Jack’s father took him to a quiet corner. Sue stayed with Jack. Jack said, “Sue thank you for phoning me in Jersey. I am very grateful. If you weren't my step mother I would give you a kiss and a cuddle.”

Sue said, "Jack, You can kiss and cuddle with me anytime but please somewhere quiet where we both can let our hair down. Ask May or Ruth about me. I am in the same coffee morning group as I am getting fuck all sex at home. Let’s whatsapp together then we could arrange a meeting if that is okay with you. I loved your speech, you are a very thoughtful man.”

Jack replied,“I would love that Sue. Whenever you want I will be there for you.”

Then Jack’s father returned then they left.

Jo came to Jack. She said,” Jack that was a wonderful speech. I had tears in my eyes. Have you heard from Kate?”

Jack replied,”I have heard nothing for three months. Is she still in San Francisco?”

Jo answered,”No she left there a month ago. She is now in a private school in Perth, Australia. I haven’t heard a word from her. I get all my information second hand. Jack, you know I live in a flat below Ruth’s Penthouse. Anytime you want you can call on me. You know I am in the coffee morning group. I think Ruth is very interested in you. She never took her eyes off you today. I think she will give you the fuck of your life tonight. I am sure we will see each other soon. Can you give me your mobile number?”

Jack gave her his business card.

Jo thanked him then said,”I will whatsapp you soon but I must go as I have to pick up my sister Moira from the Airport. She has been at her apartment in Spain for the last six weeks. Do you remember Moira?”

Jack replied,”Oh yes I certainly do. Are her tits slightly bigger than yours?”

Jo answered,”No we are the same size. Moira is a widow too, Jack, we are very good when we work together. We both like to be very submissive, then dominated. I will message you soon.”

They kissed each other then Jo left.

There were only a handful of people left. Jack, Ruth, May and Jean went back to the Penthouse. Ruth was driving a beautiful Bentley Continental convertible. Jean had a Mercedes E Class Estate car but a little older than Jack’s car. They both got out of their boots beautiful Louis Vuitton suitcases. Which Jack carried to the Penthouse.

May and Jean disappeared into one of the bedrooms leaving Ruth and Jack alone in the lounge. Jack got some Champagne. Then they sat on the sofa where they started to kiss.

The hugged and kissed then Ruth took off her jacket and skirt. Jack stripped naked, his cock was nearly hard. Jack sat her on the edge of an armchair then went down on her. Her pussy was very wet. Jack started to suck her clit with two fingers he was finger fucking her as he sucked. Ruth was enjoying it. He now had four fingers inside.

Jack was now fisting Ruth and she was moaning with pleasure. Ruth had cum several times. Her pussy was really wet. Jack kept sucking her clit and fisting her. Ruth had just cum. Jack asked, “Ruth darling, are you ready for me?”

Ruth replied, “Yes darling but fuck me doggystyle and fuck me hard. Let me suck you before you go in.”

Ruth then went down on Jack. She was good and soon she was taking the full length of him. Jack was still fisting her pussy as Jill was fisting her ass. Then Ruth said, “Fuck me Jack, I am ready.”

Jack then went into her doggystyle. She was so good with gripping his cock, with every thrust he felt it. Jack was stimulating her clit as he rode her. Jack had been going for thirty five minutes. He was about to cum. Then Ruth came, Jack exploded inside her at the same time.

Jack came out of Ruth as Ruth turned round she kissed Jack. Then Ruth said, “Today was unbelievable.”

Ruth was glowing. She thanked Jack again then said, “My pussy is tingling.”

Ruth then said, “Jack, how do you feel about spending time with me? I mean a lot of time. I want you to give me a child. Jack, how do you feel about that?”

Jack replied,”Ruth, I would love that. I will spend all the time I can with you. I love how you grip my cock when we fuck. On Tuesday night I have a meeting with Molly and Claire as I have a meeting on Wednesday morning. After the meeting we could come back here. Then we can all go to bed together but Ruth until you're pregnant I will only cum inside you.”

Ruth answered, "Thank you Jack we will do that. Now what about the lady from Windermere. Should we call her?”

The took their glasses and the Champagne into the Master Bedroom. Jack said, “I think I should arrange a Skype call. I don’t have a Skype id. What can we do?”

Ruth replied, "No problem we can use mine. I can link the laptop up to the Flat Screen TV so we can see Pat. Phone her first and explain you have told me about her and I lead the coffee morning group. Ask for her Skype id. Tell her mine is love69.”

Ruth then set up the laptop and screen. She had the Skype account on her screen.

Jack dialed Pat’s number. Pat answered on the second ring. Jack said, "Hi Pat. How are you? How has your day been?

Pat replied, "Jack, you don’t know how happy I am that you have called. I have been thinking about you all day. I have so much to tell you. How has your day been?”

Jack answered, "The day has gone well and I am glad the funeral is out of the way but it was a good service. I have a problem that I am a member of a ladies coffee morning club who meet regularly for coffee and sex. I am a very lucky boy as I am the only man in the club. How do you feel about sharing me? The lady who runs the club is a thirty five year old widow. She wants me to make her pregnant. I have promised her I would do that for her. So now we will have sex everyday until she is pregnant. If you are in bed with us then I won’t cum inside you but I will cum inside her. How do you feel about that, Pat?”

Pat replied, "Jack I will do it. I knew I would have to share you but what you are doing for her I respect. I really hope she gets pregnant quickly. At thirty five you could have two or three kids. I will babysit for you. Tell her I didn’t have any children and that is the biggest regret in my life.”

Jack answered, "Are you on Skype then you can tell her yourself. Her id is love69 what is your id then we will call?”

Pat said, "Jack that is a wonderful idea. My id is Naughty Alice. Give me a minute to get my laptop on.”

“Jack, that is me on. I can call you or you can call me.”

Ruth had called Pat. Ruth said to Jack, "Pat sounds so nice.”

Then Pat’s beautiful face came on the screen. She looked stunning. Ruth said, "Hi Pat, I am Ruth. You look stunning.”

Pat replied, "Ruth you are the one that looks stunning. I am twenty five years older than you. If it was possible for me to have a child with Jack then I would at the drop of a heartbeat. He will be a wonderful father. You are a very lucky woman, Ruth.”

Ruth answered, "That is so nice of you to say that Pat. When would you like to come to Scotland then we can all get to know you?”

Pat answered, "I can drive up tomorrow. Since I got my rail card I would have used that as it costs nothing but I have too much luggage. I have a Mercedes Estate car like Jack so I will come in that. Will you be staying with Jack or will Jack be staying with you?”

Ruth replied, "Come to Jack as he has a lot of things to attend to at the moment. I has a wonderful flat with lots of space. I will be staying with Jack but we will be travelling a lot but you can come with us. I love your bodysuit, Pat. Could you take your beautiful tits out for me. I will take mine out for you.”

Pat answered as she took her tits out, her nipples were very hard, "No problem Ruth, would you like me to play with them? I would like you to play with yours.”

Ruth started to play with her tits, her nipples were very hard. Pat said, "Would you like Jack to play with your tits then you can play with your wet pussy? Then I will know how you like your pussy played with.”

Ruth replied, "I would love that, my pussy is already wet.”

Ruth then adjusted her chair so she could open her legs letting Pat watch as she started to finger her pussy. Jack was now sucking and playing with Ruth’s tits. He was naked and his cock was hard.

Pat said, "Ruth your pussy looks wonderful. Do you like that nice big clit to be sucked? Now let's get your pussy ready for Jack’s cock. Perhaps you should suck it as I tell you what to do with your other hand at your pussy.”

Ruth then started to suck Jack’s cock as she fingered her pussy.

Pat said, "Ruth, how would you like Jack to fuck you? Do you want it gentle at the beginning, then harder at the end? The way you are working your pussy I'm thinking you want it hard to begin then much harder when he finds his rhythm. Will I ask Jack to bend you over your chair then fuck you doggystyle?”

Ruth answered, "Yes, I want that and I need it now and the harder the better.”

Jack turned Ruth around, she bent over then slid his cock inside her wet pussy. Jack soon had a wonderful rhythm, he was thrusting hard.

Pat said, "Jack keep riding Ruth like that, keep going I want your sperm to explode inside her beautiful pussy. Jack cum for me. Cum inside Ruth.”

A minute later they both came. Ruth said, "Thank you Pat and Jack, that was wonderful. Pat, I am really looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.”

Pat replied, "Ruth it's my pleasure. I need to go and pack now. I also need to ask a friend to look after my house. Jack, message me your address so I can put it in my navigation system.”

Jack answered, "I will do that, see you tomorrow. Drive safely.”

Ruth said, "I like Pat, I think she will fit in well with us. She really turned me on when she spoke to me but in a very subtle way, the way she spoke to you Jack really got me going.”

* * *

When Sue and Bill got home they went into the lounge Bill said, "Sue, I have something very important to tell you. I have at best four weeks to live.”

Sue replied, "Why did you not tell me earlier?”

Bill answered,”I have known for the last three months. I have had so much stress, that is why I have been drinking so much. Three months ago I went to London to my friend, who is perhaps the world’s best specialist in my type of cancer. He opened me up then sewed me up again. He told me they were experimenting with a new drug, which could considerably slow down the cancer growth. He then prescribed it for me. At eight this morning in the hospital he phoned to tell me it didn’t work.”

“Sue, the mortgage is paid off. Years ago I took out a big Life Insurance policy. You will receive a lot of money from it. I have left everything to you. I don’t think Jack will need it but if you don’t have any children then I would be happy if you leave fifty percent of your estate to Jack. I really appreciate the way you have brought Jack up”

Sue replied, "Bill, you should have still told me. I will leave fifty percent of my estate to Jack, that only would be fair. What can I do to help you?”

Bill answered, "Nothing, today I signed off sick from the hospital. For my last time in Scotland I am going to tour it until I die. I have so many happy memories from the Highlands. My bags are packed. I will leave now.”

Sue replied, "I can phone in and say I need to take some time off in the next few weeks. Then I can be with you.”

Bill answered, "I have a doctor going with me,”

Sue couldn’t believe her ears, she said, "Brenda Baker?”

Bill said, "Yes.”

Sue was shocked. Brenda Baker was a doctor that worked with Bill. Her husband had died seven years ago. Sue had a feeling that Bill was sleeping with her. Sue had not had sex with Bill for over seven years. They had separate bedrooms for the last six years. Sue regained her composure then said, "Thanks Bill, I hope you enjoy your last days and Brenda looks after you well. Bye.”

She then left the lounge and went upstairs to her bedroom locking the door when she was inside. Five minutes later she heard Bill’s car going down the driveway. She thought to herself, will I have Jack before or after Bill’s death. She then started to plan how she would do it before.

* * *

Jo had picked Moira up from the Airport she looked very tanned and relaxed. Moira was going to stay with Jo that night so Moira suggested they go to an Indian restaurant close to Jo’s flat.

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Jo was telling Moira all about Jack. How handsome he looked. She told him about his short speech which had everyone in the room applauding. Jo told Moira that jack hadn’t heard from Kate for over three months. He didn’t know she was in Australia.

They went out for their dinner then came back to Jo’s flat. Moira was tired so she went to her bed. Jo sat in the lounge with a bottle of Chardonnay. She was thinking of Jack. She remembered years ago when Jack had brought Kate home after they had been to the cinema. A short time later Jo had heard the sounds of a couple riding on her sofa. After a few moments a rhythm developed.

Jo had lay in her bed masturbating to the sounds coming from her lounge. She was wishing that Jack’s cock was inside her rather than Kate. She came ten minutes later. But the sounds kept on coming. Jack had been riding Kate for over thirty minutes and he was still hard at it. She had heard Kate moaning with pleasure then ten minutes later she heard Jack cum. She opened her bedroom door then she heard Kate say,”Let me lick that wonderful cock clean. I don’t know how many times I came but it was a lot. Jack, look at all the cum on your cock.”

She must have gone down on Jack as soon he heard him moaning with pleasure. Jo had often thought of that night. She was now determined to get Jack in bed. She could see that Ruth was in love with Jack but she wanted his cock inside her too. She then got her smartphone out then she whatsapped him with some pictures of her and two of Moira so Jack could see their tits were the same size. The pictures of Jo very explicit. Jo was sure they would arouse him. She sent the message finished her wine then went to bed.

* * *

Pat was so happy when she came off the Skype call. She then quickly packed two large suitcases. She was taking a lot of clothes with her. It was now five in the afternoon. She checked her fridge, there was a lot of food in it. She phoned Sheila. She told her she had met a man and was going to Scotland to be with him. Pat told her this was so unexpected as she had a lot of food in her fridge. It was agreed that Sheila would come for dinner tonight. Tomorrow she would take the food to her house. But she would come to Pat’s every day to check it. She would also have a swim and a sauna whilst she was there.

Sheila arrived at seven with a small overnight bag. When they got into the lounge they kissed. Sheila’s lips were moist and warm. Soon they were on the carpet 69ing each other. After they both had cum they went into the kitchen. Then Pat’s iPhone beeped. It was from Jack. The message gave her Jack’s address and it said that both he and Ruth enjoyed this afternoon and both were looking forward to tomorrow.

Pat was very happy. She told Sheila that if things went well with Jack she may well sell her house as the upkeep was very expensive. Sheila said,”Pat, I had an Estate agent contact me to ask if I would be interested in selling my house, which I am but I know of a wonderful flat that I would like to buy but it won't come on the market for another few months. Would it be possible if I sold my house, I could stay in your house until my flat comes up for sale?.

Pat replied, "Of course you can. I would be very happy if you were staying there as I would know everything is safe. When would you sell your house?"

Sheila answered, "I think it would happen very quickly, maybe a couple of weeks as someone is very interested in it. Would it be possible that I stored my furniture in your garage?"

Pat replied, "No problem as there is a lot of space there, if you could keep away from the cars that are stored there. That is an other problem I have got, what will I do with the cars, I will ask Jack."

Sheila asked, "What cars?"

Pat replied, "My late husband collected old cars. When we built the house he wanted an enormous underground garage, we have, I think fifteen cars there.”

They then went to bed.

* * *

Ruth, Jean, May and Jack went over to the Hotel for dinner. The three ladies were all looking stunning. They were all showing a fair amount of breast. They were very happy. Jean said, "That was a wonderful speech you gave today. You managed to completely sum up Mary in a few sentences. I was close to tears when you said it. Had you planned to say what you said?"

Jack replied, "No I had nothing planned though I thought of Mary and the Michelangelo saying as I drove home on Thursday. I didn't want to give a long speech as Mary would have hated someone going on for half an hour about how wonderful she was.”

Jean said, "You are so right, she would have hated that. Mary always did her own thing, she didn't care what anyone thought. If she thought it was right then she did it. She was a real character. I will miss her a lot.”

Jack replied, "Everyone who knew her will miss her. I think we all should have a lot of fun together tonight as that is what Mary would have wanted.”

Jean said, "I think we would all like that, we will use Mary’s bed as it will take all four of us. Jack, I am going to make you cum tonight but don't cum inside me go into Ruth before you cum.”

May then said the same thing. They finished dinner then went back to the Penthouse. They went into the lounge. May went for some Champagne. Ruth sat in an armchair. She said, "I will sit here and watch you. I will play with my pussy. I will be ready for you Jack when you cum inside me.”

Jean and May were soon 69ing each other. Both really enjoyed this as both had very strong tongues, they both could make each other cum very quickly. Jack knew they would be ready for him in ten minutes.

There were a lot of moans coming from Jean and May, they were both hot. Jack went over and felt both their pussies, they were both very wet. Jean and May responded to this with Jean sucking Jack’s cock while May was licking and sucking his balls. The way Jean was sucking Jack sensed she wanted fucked first.

Jack then turned her round and went into her doggystyle. She was so wet she was taking the full length in the first thrust. May was playing with Jean’s tits as Jack rode her. Jack was now riding her with a very good rhythm and Jean was gripping his cock as he thrust in and out of her throbbing cunt.

Twenty minutes later Jean had a very noisy orgasm, as she shouted, "I'm cumming.”

May went for some more Champagne then topped up their glasses. May sat next to Jack on the sofa, she had her tits out of her bodysuit and they looked wonderful. May started to kiss and cuddle with Jack. May then went down on Jack whispering to him that she was going to make him so hard. Jack was fingering her pussy as she sucked him. Very soon they were both ready.

May then got into a reverse cowgirl position, going on top and facing Jack’s feet. May was moving up and down, using her leg muscles to build momentum. May was in control, she was varying the speed and depth of Jack’s penetration. May was gyrating back and forth, also in circles instead of just up and down. She was arching her back, which allowed Jack’s cock to stimulate her G-spot. Jean had easy access to May’s clit and was rubbing it as May rode Jack.

May’s rhythm was wonderful, she was varying her thrusts a lot, they were both really enjoying it. May was doing all the work as Jack just lay on his back enjoying it. Twenty minutes later May came. May then came off Jack. May said, "That was wonderful Jack, my pussy is really tingling as your cock was stimulating my pussy walls.”

Jack went over to Ruth. He said, "I have saved all my sperm for you. I am sure I will cum very quickly.”

Jack took Ruth out of the chair. He then sat in the chair and guided Ruth to sit on top of him. Ruth did this and Jack’s cock slid inside her. Ruth started to ride Jack, she slowly got into a rhythm but the strokes were long, from the base of his cock to the tip.

May and Jean were playing with Ruth’s tits. Jack was playing with her hard clit. Ruth was gripping his cock beautifully. Jack felt he would cum soon. he was now really concentrating and was hoping Ruth would cum soon. Five minutes later they both came within seconds of each other.

All four slept in the same bed. They were all asleep within five minutes.

* * *

Sue was in her bed. She had a glass of wine beside her bed. She was in her iPhone with whatsapp. She was writing a message to Jack. She wrote:

“Hi Jack, It is now after midnight here. You are probably fast asleep as today would have been a long day for you. That was so nice of you saying you would love to kiss and cuddle with me. I would love to do the same. We must be discreet. It must be our secret.”

“Jack, I feel so down tonight. When we got home from the funeral Bill told me he was taking four weeks off to go on a tour of the Highlands. I asked if I could go with him. He said no. I think my marriage is over. But at least I got you through school. Think of the nights I helped you with your homework. It was worth it.”

“The marriage hasn’t been good for a lot of years. We have had separate bedrooms for seven years. I have not had sex with him for over seven years. He is eighteen years older than I am. I married him when I was twenty eight. I have not had one good year out of the nine I am married to him.”

“Jack, Bill is drinking too much. I am not talking about wine. He is drinking over a bottle of whisky a day. Thank goodness you don’t smoke as Bill is now chain smoking. I have tried to help him break the habit but he tells me he enjoys smoking.”

“I am sorry about having to tell you all this but you are as well to know as if you said something to him then I am sure he would listen to you. Jack, Alex’s funeral is on Monday. I was thinking maybe you could drop in at the house about eight in the morning. The funeral is at ten thirty so that would give us two hours together. Please let me know what you think. Hugs and kisses Sue xxx.”

* * *

Jack woke at seven the next morning. The girls were all still fast asleep. He quietly got out of bed then went to shave and shower. He dressed and went to the kitchen for a coffee. He looked at his smart phone and saw the messages. He looked at Jo’s pictures and he was aroused by them. Moira looked good as well.

He then read Sue’s message. Jack replied, “Sue I understand what you are telling me. I wish that we could have let each other know our feelings a long time ago. Do you remember that evening I came into the bathroom as you came out of the bath? That was the first time I had seen a naked woman. That night I masturbated, I thought of you. I really squirted when I came. I will have to check for Monday morning but I will let you know. Kisses Jack xx.”

Sue answered, “Darling Jack, that would have been wonderful if I had known. You know that your dad and I have had separate bedrooms for years. I got so horny in my room at night. I often thought of you as I played with my pussy. I am sure if we knew then what we know now then we would have done a lot of fucking. When we do it on Monday I will make it very special for you. Can I suck your cock until it is hard then you can go inside me? Kisses Sue xx.”

Jack replied, “If I had known we would have been at it all the time. Remember when dad went away on seminars? We could have had a lot of fun then. Did you ever think of taking a lover? You are a very attractive woman. I love my cock being sucked. Kisses Jack xx.”

Sue answered, “Jack darling, I am getting wet thinking about you. No I never took a lover but I did go on dating and roleplay sites. I was totally anonymous. If I skyped then I would wear a masquerade mask. If I send them any pictures they never saw my face only the mask. Would you like me to send you some of my pictures? I think they would make your cock hard. Kisses Sue xx.”

Jack replied, “I would love to see them darling. What kind of men did you write with? Did you write with women too? Kisses Jack xx.”

Five minutes later Jack had a reply which read, “Darling Jack, I hope you enjoy the pictures. As you can see I have my masquerade mask on. I hope you like what you see. Yes I wrote with both men and women. I did a roleplay with a couple of younger guys. I would play “Mummy”. That was a lot of fun. I did a lot with older women. The oldest was in her seventies. She was very hot. A couple of them were in their sixties. I still write with them all. I have had internet sex with them all, some of the older women are wonderful on Skype.”

Jack replied, "That sounds like fun. Sue, last night I had a foursome with Ruth, May and Jean. I only came inside Ruth. Ruth wants to become pregnant so we have all agreed that I don’t cum inside anyone else. I can fuck them but if I am going to cum I cum inside Ruth. I would wake up early on Monday morning, fuck Ruth, then come to you. But I want to ask Ruth if that is okay with her.”

Sue answered, "Jack that is wonderful. I really hope Ruth gets pregnant as that would be wonderful for her. I am sure she will agree then after the funeral we can go to Ruth and have a threesome. You can ride me then cum inside Ruth. Please ask Ruth and let me know. I am getting excited.”

Jack replied, "I will ask her and let you know. I will write later. Enjoy you day. Write when you can. You look super in your pictures. Kisses Jack xx.”

Jack then sent Pat a message, it read: “Pat, thinking about you. Take care, I am looking forward to seeing you. Kisses Jack xx.”

Jack then sent a message to Jo. It read:

Hi Jo, many thanks for the pictures, you and Moira really look stunning. I have got a lot on at the moment but I would really like us all to meet up. Yesterday, I had a foursome with Ruth, May and Jean. Ruth wants to become pregnant so we have all agreed that I don’t cum inside anyone else. I can fuck them but if I am going to cum I cum inside Ruth. If you are interested in this then let me know. Do you ever see Joyce Carter?, she used to tutor me in English and Maths. I heard her husband had died. Let me know what you think. Kisses Jack xxx.”

* * *

May then came into the kitchen. She was wearing a dressing gown. They wished each other Good Morning then kissed. May said,”Ruth and Jean are fast asleep. I was tired myself but I slept very well. Jack, I am so happy but I will be happier after the funeral on Monday. I think Ruth wants to go to her flat on Sunday night as I want that too. I will stay in my house on Sunday as the girls will be there. I think we will all come back here on Monday night or Tuesday morning. I have a meeting with my lawyer on Wednesday, the same as you. Hopefully they will get the Estate sorted out quickly.”

“That is a wonderful thing you are doing with Ruth. I am sure she will be pregnant in six weeks. If you are cumming inside her three times a day then it must happen. I asked her when she had her last period. She is at her most fertile in the next three days. I really enjoy making love with you. My pussy is tingling all the time. I enjoyed last night. I came a lot. What time will Sheila arrive? Ruth said she was very nice?”

Jack replied, "I don’t know but expect around lunch time. She is very nice and very good in bed. She will be a good member of the group. She is a published author, she writes erotic stories, I haven’t read any but I'll message her to bring them or I will go into Waterstones and buy them.”

Jack then sent a quick message saying if she was still at home to bring her books if not he would buy them in Waterstones.

Jack asked, "May, Sue is not getting on well with dad. I am split here as Sue really looked after me in my teenage years. She was so good to me, she spent so much time with me. She wants to see me on Monday before Alex’s funeral. I told her about getting Ruth pregnant. She is all for that. When they got home from Mary’s funeral dad told her he was taking a four week holiday touring the Scottish Highlands but he didn’t want her to go with him.”

May replied, "Jack, I think her marriage is over. I know she has done a lot for you but I don’t think your father is well. When I saw him yesterday I thought he may have cancer. I feel so sorry for Sue, she is a lot younger than your father. She is a wonderful doctor but she went part time so she could be home for you when you came back from school. Tell Ruth, I am sure Ruth will suggest she stays with you on Sunday night.”

Then Ruth and Jean came in. Jack kissed them both then said good morning. Ruth said, "I slept like a log, my head hit the pillow then I was gone. What time will Pat arrive? I am so looking forward to meeting her.”

Jack replied, "I just sent her a message to see if she had left yet. She is a published author, I asked her to bring her books if not I will buy them in Waterstones.”

Jack looked at his smartphone he had a message from Pat, it read:

“Still here, I am showing my friend Sheila how to backwash the filters of my pool. She is going to look after my house while I am away, she will use the pool everyday. I will bring the books with me. Will arrive with you around midday. Kisses Pat xxx.”

Jack said, "She will be here around midday. A friend is going to stay in her house. Pat was showing her how to backwash her pool as her friend will swim in it everyday. She is going to bring her books with her.”

Ruth asked, "What are her books about?”

Jack replied, "Erotic stories, I think they sell very well as they all have been rerun several times.”

May then told Ruth about Sue. Ruth, without hesitation said, "Jack, invite her to stay at my flat on Sunday night. The three of us can share my bed. May could you get some things in for breakfast for Monday morning.”

May said she would. She then started on breakfast with Jean helping her.

Jack sent a message to Sue, "Have discussed with Ruth, can you come to Ruth’s flat at six then we will go to the Italian restaurant. Thinking about you. Kisses and cuddles Jack xxx.”

After breakfast Jack went over to his office in the Hotel as he had hardly been there all week. Jack got a surprise as Molly and Claire were in Molly’s which was next door to Jack’s. Jack wished them a both a good morning then gave Molly a hug and a kiss. Jack asked, "How is your cousin?”

Molly replied, "Much better, she is now out of Intensive Care and the doctor said she could be released on Tuesday, which is great news. Jack, would you like a coffee?”

Jack replied, "Yes please. Molly get Claire what she would like to drink too.”

Claire said, "I would love a coffee too.”

Her mum left the room then Claire said, "Mr. Ryan what I have in life I owe to you and your aunt. That was a wonderful speech you made on Friday. Your Aunt Mary has paid for complete education, my flat and my Mazda car. I am totally indebted to her. I am also indebted to you for making my mother so happy. I know you are fucking her and I am so pleased about that. The change in her is amazing.”

“The two of you work closely together on the new computer system. That has opened my mum’s life to computers where she initially was not interested in them. She is so happy that you have the confidence in her. Mum has told me that you are going to offer me the position of Financial Director in your Companies. I would accept that immediately.”

“I am so happy that you told mum that you were going to do this. Mum and I are very close, we do a lot together. I have been fucking and been fucked by Mary for the last nine years. Mum and I did threesomes together. I have had a lot of pussy but never had a cock. I would love to have your cock. I hope you don't mind my honesty with you.”

Jack replied, "Claire please call me Jack, I really appreciate your honesty. You are a very intelligent and attractive young woman. I am six years younger than you. You're mother and I have been able to work together and also share a bed together. It has worked with her, I'm sure it will work with you.”

Then Molly came back with the coffees. Jack sat on a chair opposite Molly’s chair. Claire sat on the left hand side of Molly's desk.

Claire then said, "Mum, I have told Jack that I want his cock. Jack has told me he can work with you then share his bed, he sees no reason why he can't do the same with me.”

Molly replied, "Jack darling, I know my daughter, she will be exactly the same as me. You can rely on both of us completely. Will we go into your office and lock the door?”

Jack answered, "Yes.” He then explained the arrangement he had come to with Ruth. They both thought that was a good idea.

Jack said, "We will go to my office, I will fuck you both but I will not cum though I will make both of you cum. Next week we will arrange an evening with Ruth. I am sure this will work out.”

They went to Jack’s office then locked the door. Molly asked, "Jack, do you want Claire and I to arouse you?”

Jack answered, "Yes please.”

They then took their clothes off. Both were wearing crotchless bodysuits with self supporting stockings. Molly took Claire’s tits out as Claire took Molly’s out. Both of them had beautiful big tits. They both played with each others tits then their pussies. After ten minutes of this Molly asked, "Jack, can we take you out?”

Jack unbuckled his belt then unzipped his trousers and took them off then sat back down on the sofa. Molly and Claire then went down on him. Claire’s tongue was going everywhere. She then started to suck him but could only take half of him.

Molly said, "Let me show you.”

She then took the whole length of Jack. Then said, "Claire you take his cock by opening your throat just as you would do as you are yawning.”

Claire said, "I'm sorry but I will learn. That is the first cock I have ever had in my mouth. It felt so good.”

Claire went back down, this time she was kissing the tip of Jack’s cock. She was also licking the same area as she was kissing it. Then she put the cock into her mouth. She was now taking the full length. Jack was moaning with pleasure.

Claire was fingering Molly’s pussy then taking the wet finger she felt round Jack’s ass hole. She then slid the finger in as she sucked. Jack said, "That’s nice but only one finger as two is uncomfortable.”

Jack was thinking Claire is very good, she was also very nice. Then Claire said, "Jack, I feel ready for you. Do you mind if I go on top for our first ride.”

Jack replied, "Of course, that is good thinking, then you can control it all.”

Jack sat back in his chair. Claire then mounted him. She was rubbing her clit with the head of Jack’s cock. After a minute of this she let a third of his shaft inside her. She then started to ride Jack. She had a great rhythm and was soon taking all of Jack’s cock.

Jack could feel she was gripping his cock as she rode him, it felt wonderful. Soon Claire was riding Jack very hard. Two minutes later she came.

They then kissed. Jack thought this was their first kiss. Jack then kissed her again, then he said, "Thank you Claire, that was wonderful. We must arrange more meetings. Are you going to Alex’s funeral on Monday?.

Molly replied, "Yes we are. We are thinking of driving up on Monday morning.”

Jack answered, "Let me arrange it that you come on Sunday evening, we will be staying with Ruth. I will message you, Molly once I know.”

Molly replied, "Will give Claire your number then she can message you as I get very confused when I write on a small smart phone.”

Claire asked, "Jack, are you on whatsapp?”

Jack replied, "Yes, I find it very good.”

Jack then started on Molly who was already very wet. Jack went down on her then sucked her clit. Molly loved this as she could cum very quickly with it. Jack sensed she would cum soon. He stopped sucking her clit, then turned her around bent her over the chair then went into her doggystyle.

Jack knew she would cum within five minutes and she did. They kissed, then Molly said, "Jack, it's over four months since we last had sex. I have missed it but that was wonderful.”

Jack had bathroom with shower in his office. He went for a quick shower. When he came out Claire told him she had sent him a message on whatsapp. Jack thanked her then left as Pat was due to arrive in ten minutes. Jack thanked them both then left.

* * *

As Jack left the Hotel Jack’s mobile beeped. He had a message. It was from Joyce Carter. It read:

“Dear Jack I was so happy to hear from Moira and yes I remember you well. Remember after your lessons you would sit on my knee and I really enjoyed your cuddles. I used to look forward to it and remember I asked your mother if you could come two days a week well my real motive was to have two days of cuddles.

When you started playing with my breasts that really turned me on. To be honest yours were the only cuddles I got as George had big problems with his prostate so I was living in a sexless marriage and really did enjoy our bit of fun together. I was really tempted to take it further but decided against that. I knew you were seventeen and what we were doing was legal. Moira has told me you are doing very well and have a wonderful Penthouse. I see Moira and Jo often for our Coffee Mornings and we have a lot of fun at these meetings.

Moira has told me you have a wonderful cock and you fisted her pussy and then ass fucked her today. Oh I wish I had been with you. When Jo and Moira are with me we only use Dildos and Vibrators and we ass fuck with these. I would really like to meet you again Jack. I have attached some pictures of me in my lingerie but as you will see I am wearing a Masquerade mask as I use these pictures online and do not want anyone to see my face.

Jack you are now too big to sit on my lap but we could lie together on a sofa and I would wear one of my nice bodies but would not wear any panties so you could finger me when ever you wanted.

I am in Germany at the moment visiting my cousin. I will be back in Scotland in nine days time. We can write if you want but I am desperate to see you on my return.

Let me know what you think darling

Joyce xx.”

* * *

Written by jack1107
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