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Jonathan's Birthday Celebration

"He doesn't want a big party for his sixtieth birthday, so his wife makes other plans."

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I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said:
I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.
Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see huge, delicious-looking beasts jutting out from her unbuttoned blouse. It was hard to tell precisely from the photo, but I would have wagered that she was older, likely in her forties or fifties.

I stared for a moment… what sane man wouldn’t? Then I shook my heard and deleted the message. I assumed that it was an ad for a MILF website or chatline. I must admit that I have browsed some mature sites when my wife had gone out for the evening, though I’m not really into porn.

I quickly forgot about the text, finished my work and headed for home.

My name is Jonathan, but everyone who knows me well still calls me Jonny, even though I’m fifty-nine years old. For the past thirty-five years, I have worked as an executive at a bank in the City, London’s financial district, and I was now a senior executive. While employers in the UK can no longer force people to retire at age sixty as they could only several years ago, my wife and I are well enough off that I plan to retire in a few weeks, just after my sixtieth birthday.

When I got home that evening, Jessica greeted me with a big kiss. Don’t get me wrong, Jessica and I have a great marriage that I would not trade for anything in the world, but after 27 years of being together, a big, juicy welcome-home snog is not a natural event.

That’s too bad, because Jessica is still a very beautiful woman, thin and trim with a beautiful face. She quit work when we had our daughter, 24 years ago. Once Lily began primary school, Jessica discovered physical fitness in a big way. She still goes to the gym three times a week. She walks rather than drives, if possible. She is now chairwoman of the local tennis club. While she’s fifty-five, I think she looks more like she’s forty.

Once we broke off the kiss, I had to ask, “What was that all about? I don’t get a greeting like that most evenings!”

“Well, to be honest, I was thinking a lot about you and me today,” Jessica said. “I had lunch today with Elizabeth, and she says that I should be worried about you. In two weeks’ time, you will be hitting the big 6-0, and you’re just few more weeks from quitting work altogether. That’s a lot of change. Are you really ready for this?”

I thought, “Oh God, here we go again.” Elizabeth was her latest tennis partner, who I had not yet met. It was probably just as well because she sounded like a real busybody. Jessica was always telling me that “Elizabeth says this” or “Elizabeth thinks that,” even when the topics were none of Elizabeth’s damned business… such as my impending retirement. Dinner conversations had lately been largely dominated by Elizabeth’s words of wisdom. If Jessica wasn’t talking about Elizabeth, she was probably telling me about Elizabeth’s wonderful husband, who was a world famous transplant surgeon. I sometimes wondered if something was going on between my wife and her new best friend.

For once, I wanted to give my opinion rather than just hear about Elizabeth’s.

“Honey, we have been talking about retirement for years,” I said reassuringly. “Our daughter is now twenty-four and has a great job in Newcastle. She already has her own life. I’m tired of working everyday like a dog, and we said we always wanted to travel and enjoy each others company before we got too old. We have plenty of money, so what’s the problem?”

Jessica thought for a moment and then said: “I guess I am worried that you will be bored, Jonny. So is Elizabeth. I know you are tired of working, but that’s all you seem to have done since you left university nearly thirty years ago. Yeah, we had four or five weeks’ holiday every year, but most of that time we spent with Lily. You are accustomed to having lots of people around you each day. Will you be satisfied just being with me?”

As I tied to say earlier, Jessica is the love of my life. So I again reassured her, despite what Elizabeth may have told her. “You don’t know how forward I am looking towards spending lots of ‘private’ time with you,” I said, raising my eyebrows suggestively. “Hell, there are days when we won’t have to leave the house. In fact, I hope there will be days when we don’t ever get out of bed.”

Jessica punched me lightly in the arm as she does when she thinks I am being silly, and then headed into the kitchen to start our supper. Like most people our age, the sexual fire that we maintained years ago had all but been extinguished. Once upon a time, we couldn’t get enough of each other. Jessica could suck my cock for what seemed like hours; I doubt whether she had given my dick a friendly goodnight kiss in the past two or three years. But then, how long has it been since I gave her muff a good licking? Probably just as long, if not longer.

While we still had sex about once a week, it never lasted more than 15 minutes. I was often too tired, or she wasn’t really in the mood. I sometimes wondered if Jessica was finding satisfaction elsewhere, but I didn’t really want to ask. Perhaps I just didn’t want to know.

Later that evening, Jessica asked how I wanted to celebrate my birthday, which happened to be on a Saturday this year.

“Nothing major,” I replied. “You know me, I don’t like to make a big thing out of birthdays, whether it’s fifty-nine or sixty. If you are considering a horrible surprise party, just forget it. Remember, guys in their sixties can still file for divorce, and my best friend is a lawyer.

“Seriously,” I continued, “it would be nice if Lily could come down from Newcastle, or we could go up there. It would be great if just the three of us could celebrate over a nice dinner, or four of us if she is seeing someone.”

“Not that I know of,” Jessica replied, “but I talked to Lily yesterday and she has to work the weekend of your birthday. She feels rotten about it, but she thinks it would be bad for her career if she tried to take that Saturday off.”

“I understand,” I said. “Well, then it will just be the two of us. Why don’t we just go out for a nice dinner, maybe with some drinks afterwards? You can surprise me, but no parties, OK?”

“Fine,” Jessica said, turning on the television. “I’ll give it some thought, and I’ll plan something intimate.”

The next two weeks went by quickly. As my retirement date approached, my bosses wanted to make sure there was an orderly handover of my duties, so my days were filled with meetings. During the evenings, I had already started the rounds of celebratory dinners or drinks that were customary when an executive retired from the bank.

I had been so busy, the night before my birthday Jessica asked me: “Do you remember what tomorrow is?”

“Of course, it’s my frickin’ birthday,” I replied somewhat grumpily.

“Don’t be such a grouch,” she said, smiling. “You said to surprise you, so I have thought of something that I think you will like. Don’t worry, there will be no big party, it will be intimate, just like I promised. You should wear your best suit and that red-striped shirt that I really like. You look so good in that.”

“OK, that sounds great,” I said more happily. “Remember, I have a golf game tomorrow. I’ll be home by five unless you need me earlier.”

“You will definitely be home by five but no earlier. I told Betty to tell Howard that you are only allowed one beer after your finish playing.”

Great, I thought. Not only do I have to hear about Elizabeth’s cockamamie opinions about my retirement, but now Jessica is telling the wife of my golfing buddy how much I can drink on my birthday.

As we went to bed that evening, I asked if any pre-birthday bedroom action was in the offing. “This is your last chance to fuck a fifty-something gent,” I said with a smile.

“That’s not true,” Jessica responded. “I can go out and fuck someone who is fifty or even forty whenever I want. Go to sleep, you old goat. You should save your energy for tomorrow when you are officially old.”

Now I was worried? Had she been fucking someone younger while I was toiling at the bank?

The next morning, Jessica surprised me with a beautifully cooked breakfast, a corny birthday card and a new iPad to replace the corporate tablet I would soon have to hand back to the bank. She promised more presents later. Then, it was off to my golf match. My buddies did their best to let me win, even if Howard had to drive five balls into the lake on the 13th. We had a quick drink afterwards, and I was home by five as promised.

Jenny met me at the door in a dressing gown. “Take your time and unwind,” she said. “I’ll be getting ready, so why don’t you have your shower and dress in the guest bathroom? I’ve already laid out your clothes for this evening.”

Great, I thought. I am now sixty, but she treats me like I am six. Actually, I understood: she wanted me out of our bedroom because she likes to be alone when she gets dolled up.

And dolled up she surely was! I was waiting in the sitting room for the taxi to arrive when I heard her walking down the stairs.

Jessica looked lovelier – and far sexier – than I had seen her in years. She usually wears her brown hair down, but tonight she had pinned it up. That accentuated her bare shoulders as he was wearing a midnight blue strapless top that showed off her bosom. Jessica is not very big in the chest, but the top looked as if it was designed to lift her 32Bs deliciously. She also wore a flowing chiffon skirt of the same colour, that ended just shy of her knees, along with matching high heels. Jessica is usually a pretty conservative dresser, but her outfit was perfect: much sexier than her usual garb, but entirely appropriate for a fancy night on the town.

I let out a low whistle, and then I kissed her as she got to the bottom of the staircase. “The taxi driver has called and is waiting, Jonny, and I want to get to the restaurant on time. They’ll be plenty of time for hanky-panky later.”

The taxi headed toward the West End and finally stopped in front of a new restaurant in Mayfair that even I knew had received rave reviews from the newspaper critics. As I paid the driver, Jessica leaned over and said, “Is this OK?” It certainly was; I was surprised that she could nab a reservation.

We were shown to our table and were just about ready to order drinks when Jessica suddenly said, “Oh my goodness, darling, Elizabeth is here!”

A woman about Jessica’s age approached the table and said hello, kissing Jessica on both cheeks continental style and then shaking my hand.

“Jessica, it’s so great to see you tonight, but I don’t want to linger,” Elizabeth said. “I know it is Jonathan’s birthday. Anyway, I am just about ready to leave; I just got a text from my husband who has been called to the hospital to perform emergency surgery. It’s no fun eating in a fancy place like this on one’s own.”

“Nonsense,” Jessica said. “I am sure they can set another place at our table. I can’t have you going home alone on a Saturday night waiting for Charles.”

“That’s the life of a doctor’s wife,” Elizabeth said. I was now expecting her to say why she couldn’t stay, but she surprised me. “Well, if it wouldn’t be any bother?” she asked.

So, here I was, sitting in one of the poshest restaurants in London, listening to (in no particular order) the problems facing the Hampsted Women’s Tennis Society, Elizabeth’s wonderful husband, the merits of various face creams and the new butcher that had opened in Belsize Park. That’s what I get for saying I do not want to make a fuss about my sixtieth birthday.

Since I was not saying much and Elizabeth was saying a lot, I had a lot of time to check her out. She was attractive in her own way, but certainly was not stunning like Jessica. Elizabeth wasn’t fat, but she definitely wasn’t thin, either. She appeared to have an ample bust, but I couldn’t really tell what was hiding under her frumpy, high-necked dress that looked a size too large. Her hair, which looked like it had not been styled in a long time, hung loosely down to her shoulders. She wore large, rather ugly glasses.

Dinner dragged on. While Jessica tried her best to keep me involved, Elizabeth controlled the conversation, even venturing her opinions about religion and politics. I was happy when the waiter brought the bill.

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“Jonny?” Jessica asked when we were leaving the restaurant. “Why don’t we ask Elizabeth to come home with us for a nightcap? I think it would be rude not to. She only lives on the next street over, and her husband won’t be home for hours.”

As Elizabeth was listening, what could I say? “That would be wonderful, darling.”

Jessica and Elizabeth continued their girl talk in the taxi. In fact, the only time I was asked to contribute anything was when Elizabeth remembered it was my birthday and said she was sorry to have broken up my wife’s and my special evening out. She immediately resumed yakking about an upcoming tennis tournament.

Once we got back to the house, Jessica told me to go to the kitchen and get a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator along with three glasses. “We have to toast your birthday, Sweetie,” she said. “While you’re getting the drinks, Elizabeth and I will go upstairs and powder our noses.”

“OK,” I said lamely, disappointed at how the evening had turned out. It took less than two minutes to get the bubbly, an ice bucket and three flutes. However, it took more than ten minutes for the ladies to reappear.

When they did, what an appearance they made!

I turned around as I heard their heels on the steps. Jessica and Elizabeth had more than reapplied their makeup. As they walked side-by-side, I couldn’t tell who looked sexier.

My lithe, gorgeous Jessica had left on her blue strapless top, but she had had removed everything else but her high heels. I mean absolutely everything. It was obvious that she had been doing a bit of grooming while I was golfing because all I could see was smooth skin around her pussy rather than her usual hairy thatch. She looked sensational.

However, it was Elizabeth who really surprised me. She had brushed her hair, removed the ugly glasses and applied red lipstick. She had changed out of her baggy dress, removed her underwear and put on a skin-tight fishnet catsuit. While I was amazed at the entire package Elizabeth was presenting, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her tits; if Jessica was a 32B, Elizabeth was at least a 38DD and probably then some.

I didn’t know what to do, so I just kept sitting on the sofa feeling my cock stiffen. Jessica snuggled in on my left, with Elizabeth sitting very close on my right.

I turned to Jessica to ask, “What the …” but she kissed me passionately before the words came out of my mouth.

“Happy birthday, Jonny,” she said after finally pulling away. “I know you don’t like surprises, but I thought …”

She stopped in mid-sentence as Elizabeth turned my head towards her.

“Jonny,” she said, looking deeply into my eyes. “I’ve been waiting to meet you; Jessica has told me everything about you.” She paused, reaching for my crotch, and said “Absolutely everything!” She then leaned over and gave me what I could only describe as an X-rated kiss, thrusting her tongue into my mouth while rubbing by bulge in my trousers at the same time. “Happy birthday, Jonny. I do hope you will enjoy our little party.”

I turned back to Jessica, but she could read the puzzled expression on my face. “Don’t worry, everything is OK,” she said. “Tonight is your special night, Jonny, so just relax for a change.”

With that, Elizabeth started fiddling with my tie and shirt buttons, while my wife knelt on the floor to remove my shoes and socks. Elizabeth managed to remove my shirt, while Jessica undid my trousers and pulled down my shorts. My hard cock sprang free, and within seconds she was slurping on my happy todger.

Jessica broke off for a moment, pointed to Elizabeth next to me and said, “I don’t think you have been up close and personal with tits like those for a long time… at least I hope you haven’t. I think you should enjoy them while you can.”

I turned to look at Elizabeth, who had pulled down the neckline of her bodysuit to release her breasts. She guided my mouth to a nipple, and I sucked greedily while my wife continued to work on my cock with her mouth and tongue.

I knew I would not last long as Jessica increased her pace. I started to try to pull my cock away from her mouth, but she wasn’t having any of it. As I started to cum, she backed off and let creamy goo shoot all over her face.

Jessica then pulled me away from Elizabeth’s tits, stood up and snogged her girlfriend, so that my cum was now splattered over both Jessica’s and Elizabeth’s faces.

“Well, well,” Jessica smiled as she came up for air. “Someone popped his cork before he even opened the champagne. What should we do, Elizabeth?”

She looked at me and said, “He’s probably no use to us for awhile, so let’s have some fun ourselves while the old man recovers.”

Jessica pushed me away from Elizabeth and began kissing her again. Elizabeth broke off the kiss, only to erotically lick some of my semen from Jessica’s face.

“Why don’t you open the champagne, Jonny,” Elizabeth said. “Pour yourself a glass, go sit in that chair and watch two women get it on as we do on many afternoons.”

I did as she said. Jessica was now lying face down on the sofa with her face between her friend’s huge breasts, while Elizabeth was squeezing Jessica’s small ass. Elizabeth’s hand slowly moved from my wife’s bottom to her newly bare pussy and plunged one and then two fingers into her slit.

Jessica immediately lit up like a rocket. “Oh yeah, Elizabeth, fuck me with your fingers.”

This continued for another minute or two, until Jessica shifted around on the sofa with her legs spread wide.

“Lick my cunt and suck my clit,” Jessica demanded. “I want to cum while Jonny watches us.”

As Elizabeth shifted around to lick my wife, I got my first full view of her uncovered breasts and then it hit me: Elizabeth had to be the woman pictured in that text! “What in the hell was that all about?” I thought, but then I stopped thinking because I had to concentrate on what I was watching.

Elizabeth had her face plastered between my wife’s legs. I was unable to see exactly what Elizabeth was doing, but she was doing a damned fine job. Jessica was writhing in ecstasy. While I had not licked her clit in years, I knew from experience that my wife was ready to cum soon, and it would be a big one.

“Yesss!” Jessica hissed. “Don’t fucking stop, it’s so fucking good! Lick me, Elizabeth, please keep licking my cunt.”

Elizabeth did as she was told, Jessica climaxed over and over for several more minutes – I don’t know where she got the stamina – until it appeared that Elizabeth’s talented tongue needed a rest. Elizabeth pulled back from between my wife’s legs and smiled at me, her face still covered with a little bit of my cum and a lot more of Jessica’s juices.

I was so enamoured at my first sight of two women making love, one of them my wife of twenty-five years, that I didn’t realize that I was bone-hard again. Elizabeth did. While Jessica lay on the sofa, still recovering from her orgasms, Elizabeth crawled on all fours towards my chair.

When she got there, she looked up at me and said, “I was a very naughty woman this evening, interrupting your romantic birthday dinner with your sexy wife. But then, Jessica and I have been naughty together for several months. Let me try to make it up to you.”

While Jessica watched lazily from the sofa, seemingly on another planet, Elizabeth orally assaulted my cock, swallowing it whole on her first attempt. After deep-throating me over and over, she slowed down and began licking the entire length of my cock, working her way down to my balls. She gently licked them for a long time and then began to softly suck one, then the other. When I began to squirm from all this attention – Jessica had also paid attention to my balls – Elizabeth eased up and began sucking my cock again with gusto. It was as if she could not get enough of it in her mouth at one time.

I looked across to Jessica’s reaction, and she was finally recovering. While her friend was still orally assaulting my manhood, Jessica motioned to me to come back to the sofa. With considerable difficulty, I managed to get Elizabeth to disengage and together, arms around each other, we walked back to Jessica.

My wife started giving orders. “Jonny, I want you to lie down on your back. I told you that I would give you some special presents; this is one of them.”

As I lay back on the sofa, both women eyed my cock, which was standing straight up as hard as it probably ever had been. Elizabeth slowly climbed on top of me and positioned herself so that my erection slid through the hole conveniently place in her catsuit and into her slit. It felt wonderful being inside another woman for the first time in God knows how long, but I felt guilty that I was fucking another woman as my wife watched.

However, Jessica simply sat on the floor and watched. As Elizabeth’s tempo started to pick up, Jessica began fingering herself until she, too, was getting hot and moist once more. Then Jessica stood up, approached me and climbed on top of my face so that she was facing Elizabeth.

I could hear her speak, even though her pussy was now covering my mouth and her legs were pressed against each of my ears.

“Lick me, Jonny,” she gasped. “I want to feel your tongue up my cunt. I want another orgasm, and I want it from you at the same time that Elizabeth gives you the birthday fucking that you deserve. I know you can’t see it, but I am about to snog Elizabeth as you fuck her with your cock and fuck me with your tongue.”

Jessica was quiet for a moment as I could feel her bend towards Elizabeth, but all I could see was her arse as I explored her newly shaven cunt with my tongue. My wife then started talking again, describing what was going on while she sat on my face. Jessica can get quite vocal during sex, but I never heard her quite like this. .

“That’s right. I want you to be fucked like you never have been fucked before, Jonny, and Elizabeth is just the woman to fuck you. I know you can’t see them now, because my arse is covering your eyes, but imagine what it is like being fucked by a woman with such big tits. They’re all yours tonight, Jonny, as long as you keep me satisfied with your tongue. Keep licking my clit, Jonny. I know you can’t see anything now, but after you cum, I’ll let you watch me suck Elizabeth until she…”

Whether it was my licking or her fertile imagination, Jessica again erupted in orgasm. She can squirt if she gets really turned on, and I soon felt my face flooded with her juices. Jessica continued to shake on top of me, while at the same time Elizabeth settled into a steady rhythm, sliding her twat up and down and around my cock. It was an unbelievable feeling.

Jessica finally rolled off of my face and onto the floor next to the sofa, spent again. However, as she regained her senses, she continued her commentary.

“Just look at those tits, Jonny. Now you can see them as she fucks you. Have you ever seen anything like them? Of course you have, but I bet you stupidly deleted the text that Elizabeth to sent to you. Don’t you wish you had kept it so you could look at those big fucking tits whenever you desired? Fuck her good, Jonny, and maybe she’ll send you another photo.”

Elizabeth was now bouncing as if she was on a trampoline. I had never been fucked so hard in my life.

Jessica then said. “You better be really nice to Elizabeth later, Jonny, because this was all her idea. She was fucking me with a big dildo one day, and she said that we should do something special for your birthday. I told her you hated surprises, but she said she had a plan. It was pretty fucking good, wasn’t it Jonny. Are you surprised?

All this talk was getting me really hot, and it was having the same impact on Elizabeth. I was thinking that I would be unable to hold out any longer when Elizabeth suddenly stopped moving on top me. A grin slowly appeared on her face, and I could feel her pussy begin to spasm.

“Oh fuck, Jonny,” she said softly, rather than shouting like my wife when she cums. “This is a big one, a really big one. If they’re all going to be like this, we’ll have to fuck a lot more often.”

I could not hold back, so I shot my second load of the evening into Elizabeth as she continued to mutter about her orgasm. After a few minutes, she also rolled off me and onto the floor so that her head was in Jessica’s lap.

I was spent. Jessica reached for the champagne bottle on the coffee table and poured a glass for each of us. She raised her glass for a toast and said, “Happy Birthday, Jonny.”

I muttered something about my birthday being over; the clock on the mantelpiece read 12:15.

“Your mother told me that you were born at 2:30 pm,” Jessica said. “I figure that you have another 12 hours left of your birthday, and Elizabeth and I want you to enjoy every minute of it. Let’s go to the bedroom. You can recover while you watch me suck Elizabeth off. Then you get to choose which one of us you want to fuck next.”

Well, I thought as the three of us walked up the stairs with our champagne glasses, Jessica did promise me an intimate evening. I only wish she would have given me some little blue pills as a gift. I think I was going to need them.
Written by mrotis
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