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"A chance encounter in a coffee shop leads an strange encounter"

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Author's note: To fully understand this story I recommend you first read 'The Red Dress'. 

Sunday and I am working. Still, it could be worse. I have had a few days off and the weather is glorious.

It is eight thirty in the morning, the sun is up and warm and I have a few minutes to spare, so a cup of coffee is what I need. Get the system started so to speak.

On the station is a coffee bar, one I use regularly, so I head there.

A young, attractive blonde woman greets me with an eastern European accent.

"Good morning," she smiles, "What would you like?"

"A filter coffee with two espresso shots please," I smile back at her.


"Oh no!" I reply, feigning shock, "Black please."

She smiles again and turns away to make the drink.

As she does so, another Barista appears from behind the food cabinet.

"Hello!" she says brightly, "How are you?"

She has served me many times before but we had never said more than a few words.

I hadn't really noticed before but now I saw that she was a rather pretty young woman. Her medium length black hair pulled back in a pony tail.

I estimated her age to be early twenties but she had an air of maturity about her.

"I am very well, thank you," I replied to her question, "and yourself?"

"I'm fine thanks," she said with the smile never leaving her lips. "I went to the 1940's weekend yesterday."

"Me too!" I exclaimed, "I probably passed you and didn't realise."

"Yes, probably," she laughed, "Did you dress up for it?"

"Nooo," I replied, "I just go and enjoy the displays and watch those who do."

"Oh, I do, I love it!" she enthused, "Last year I wore a dress and it was a bit cool so this year I wore a uniform and was too warm. Can't win!"

"No, indeed not." Her enthusiasm was infectious. "I imagine you look lovely in that style of dress. I think it probably suits you."

"I think it would suit you too," she replied, "You have a nice figure and your hair would set nicely to match. You should try it."

"Do you think so?" I wasn't sure and it must have showed in my face.

She paused for a moment, looking at me as if wondering whether to say what she was thinking.

Eventually she said, "Hmm, yes, I do." Another pause and then, "Look, I have never done this before but I live in town. Why don't you come round one day and try on some of my dresses, see what you think. We are about the same size."

I was a bit surprised but I quite liked the idea.

"You know what?" I said, finally, "I would like that."

She picked up a serviette from the counter and began writing.

"I am off tomorrow if that is any good." She handed me the napkin.

"I am working in the morning but finish around two." I took the proffered paper.

"That's fine," she replied, "I will see you soon after then?"

"Okay, " I said, "I will see you then.

No more was said and I picked up my coffee and walked away.

I realised, as I walked, that I did not know her name so I stopped and turned back but I saw that now, there was a queue and she was busy.

"Never mind," I thought, "I am sure I will find out tomorrow."

I opened the serviette she had given me. There was an address but no name.

For the rest of the day that morning's conversation replayed in my mind. There was something about that girl I just couldn't put my finger on. She seemed familiar somehow. I had seen her many times before, when she served my coffee but it wasn't that, there was something else, something I just couldn't identify. It wasn't just how she looked but her mannerisms too.

In the end, I gave up. She must just be like someone on the television or in a film.

The following morning I showered and dressed for work. I don't know whether, subconsciously, I was thinking about the previous day's conversion but I decided to wear a pleated skirt and satin blouse with stockings and suspenders along with matching pink satin underwear. The nearest thing I had to a forties style.

The day passed quite quickly and I didn't really think too much about what the afternoon might hold until about one o'clock. That last hour seemed to drag as my mind began to wander away from my work and more towards the young woman in the coffee shop. What kind of outfit did she have in mind?

It occurred to me that I didn't really fancy any of those scratchy woollen uniform clothes and besides, it was a bit warm for that, as she had pointed out. I had also seen women dressed in the beige dungarees of the ATS or Land Army, as they were known. The women who worked on the farms whilst the men were away fighting.

Eventually, two o'clock arrived and I cleared my desk and headed for the car park.

Checking the map on my phone, I saw that it would be better to leave the car where it was and walk and so I set off to walk the short distance.

There was a very slight, warm, breeze and now and again my skirt drifted up to reveal my stocking tops. At first I would quickly catch it and hold it down but then I thought, no, if anyone sees they may like it, so I stopped catching it and allowed the wind to do just as it pleased.

I quite enjoyed feeling the warm air blowing up around my thighs and bottom. I felt naked and yet not so, an exhilarating feeling.

Before long I reached the apartment block that was on the napkin but, as I walked around the corner towards the main entrance a sharp gust caught my skirt and raised it high. Before I had a chance to catch it I was revealed in all my satin glory!

Looking quickly about to see if anyone had seen, I spotted an elderly man staring at me, mouth open.

Unfortunately, I had to walk past him and as I did so, my face as red as the bricks of the building.

"Absolutely beautiful, my dear," he said.

I smiled with embarrassment but managed a weak, "Glad you enjoyed it!" before scurrying through the doors and into the lobby. "Ah well," I thought, "At least I made someone happy."

I checked the serviette again. Tenth floor. I pressed the lift button and waited.

The doors opened, I stepped inside and they closed. I felt a slight pressure as the lift began it's ascent.

"What on earth am I doing?" I suddenly thought. "I am forty-five years old and visiting someone I hardly know, to try on dresses!"

I smiled inwardly. I felt like a teenager again and I liked it!

Just a few seconds had passed by before the doors opened again and I stepped out into a bright, modern hallway and right opposite was the door to the apartment I was looking for.

I stood for a moment then took a deep breath and pressed the button on the frame and waited.

I didn't have to wait long until I heard the sound of a chain being slid from the door and the latch being released. The door swung open and my eyes opened wide and my jaw dropped with stunned recognition.

"Laura!" I all but shouted out.

Standing in the doorway was a stunning, elegant young woman, her jet black hair styled up in the wartime fashion. She was very pretty with slim waist and hips.

Her dress was red and fitted her figure beautifully, accentuating her full, but not large, breasts. It was buttoned down the front from her collar to just below her knees and she wore seamed stockings with black, patent leather, strapped shoes a with wide heels of about three inches. On her head she wore a small black hat with lace netting and around her neck, a black fur stole. Her face was made up with plenty of foundation powder which was a pale colour, contrasting perfectly with her crimson lipstick and black Kohl.

I just stood, rooted as she grinned widely.

"Hi!" she said breezily, "I wasn't sure if you would come. Come in, come in."

She stepped back as I recovered my senses and I went inside. She closed the door behind us.

"Wow!" she exclaimed again, "You look great! I love your outfit."

Recovered, now, from the initial shock, I smiled.

"You are not the only one," I grimaced, "An old man downstairs got an eyeful when my skirt blew up. He liked it too."

I thought she said 'lucky man' but I wasn't sure so I didn't comment. Instead I told her, "You look stunning. I knew you would but even so, the whole ensemble is gorgeous!'

She seemed to blush as she said, "Aww, thank you. I wanted to show you how nice it is to wear this."

"It certainly looks lovely," I agreed. "Are they stockings too or do you just settle for seamed tights?"

"Oh gosh no!" she answered, "The whole outfit is authentic. I like it that way. Not just for looks but I like the feel too. It's almost like being there."

As she talked she lifted the hem of her dress to show me the flesh coloured nylons attached to suspenders which were themselves attached to a rather solid looking girdle. She also wore large silk knickers. A little shiver of excitement ran through me. There was something going on in my head which I didn't quite understand.

She dropped the hem and brushed down the fabric with her lace gloved hand.

"Now, would you like coffee... Oh, I don't know your name."

"Anna," I told her, holding out my hand.

"Pleased to meet you at last, Anna. I am... but you already know my name." She frowned, "How did you know?"

"I must have seen it on your name badge," I lied.

"I don't wear a name badge," she frowned.

"To be honest," I started slowly, "I don't know your name. You just looked remarkably like someone called Laura."

"Oh, how strange," she smiled again. "I am actually called Laura. I was named after my Grandmother's sister, Laura Pendleton. She died the day I was born so my mother named me Laura."

I couldn't reply. My tongue seemed cleaved to my mouth.

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I couldn't believe she was saying this.

When I finally managed to move my jaw I said, "Laura Pendleton?"

"That's right," she replied, "Did you know her?"

What was I to say? She was my lover in my dream?

"I had an operation on my head last year," I finally managed, "I was treated in the Laura Pendleton wing. You are her grandniece?"

"Yes, she financed that wing."

I was in shock.

"My husband looked her up while I was in theatre. I owe her my life."

"Aww, she would be so pleased to hear that," Laura smiled broadly. "My Mum used to tell me about her. How upset she had been when she couldn't save her neighbour and how she worked tirelessly to raise money for people who suffered head injuries and brain damage."

"You look so like her." I was trembling slightly, inside.

"Yes, My mum always says so."

There was an awkward silence.

"So, coffee? I will make it strong for you."

"Mmm... please." I said. I felt I needed as much caffeine as I could get now.

As we sat and drank we chatted about her love of the forties.

"I think it was because of the stories about my great aunt that I developed an interest in the forties," she said. "She was a wonderful woman and would help anyone." I couldn't say so but I knew what she meant as she continued.

"My Mum always says that she thought there was something we didn't know. Great Aunt Laura changed dramatically after the bombing of her neighbours house. I know her husband was killed during the war but apparently she never had another boyfriend. Always seemed to prefer the company of women."

I offered an explanation although I felt I knew the real reason.

"Maybe she just never found anyone to replace her husband or just didn't want to?"

"Maybe," Laura agreed, "But, well... Perhaps." She finally conceded.

Draining the last drop of coffee she stood up.

"Now then," she said, "Would you like to try something on, see how it suits you?"

I smiled.

"Okay then, I have all afternoon, what do you suggest?"

"I keep all my outfits in the spare bedroom, let's go and see what would look nice on you."

I stood and followed her through to the spare room where she opened two wardrobes. One was full of dresses, skirts and blouses and the other had a few uniforms. I saw a WRAF uniform, a WRAC uniform, dungarees and a WRNS uniform. There was even an authentic nurses uniform complete with apron and head-wear.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "You are really serious about this stuff!"

Grinning, she pulled open a drawer. It was full of forties style underwear and in another, nylons and ankle socks. Shoes were at the bottom of the wardrobes.

"Would you like to try something on?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

I chose a nice fitted, green summer dress and held it up.

"Yes," Laura agreed, "I think that would suit you very much but before you put it on, how about I do your hair and make up?"

I agreed and she directed me to the old dresser where I sat in front of the mirror whilst she curled and styled my hair, setting it with copious amounts of lacquer.

Next, she carefully applied make-up similar to her own and when she was done I looked at myself in the mirror. I was enthralled. Was this how her great aunt saw me?

"You look lovely Anna. Don't you think so?"

I blushed but I was happy with the reflection that gazed at me from the glass.

Laura's hands were on my shoulders.

"Shall we try the dress now?"

I stood as she continued.

"There is only me here but if you prefer you could change in the bathroom."

"No," I answered her, "This will be Okay."

I began to unbutton my blouse and realised that she never once turned her eyes away from my hands, watching them as they unfastened each button.

I slipped the blouse from my shoulders and lay it carefully on the back of the chair by the dresser.

Still, her eyes followed as I turned my skirt and unfastened and unzipped it and stepped out of it.

"Oh my goodness, Anna, How beautiful!" I blushed as she spoke. Such a pretty set and suits your slim figure so well."

"Thank you," I managed an embarrassed smile.

As I picked up the dress, Laura stopped me.

"I was just thinking. Would you like to try the whole outfit... underwear as well? Then you can get the feel for it as well as just the appearance."

I noticed that her pupils were a little dilated and she was breathing heavier. I noticed because the same applied to me.

"Okay," I said, "As long as you don't mind me wearing your underwear."

"Oh, no, Anna. Of course I don't," she smiled, "I don't think you will contaminate them."

She went to the drawer and took out a full cup brassiere which looked more like armour than underwear but, nevertheless, was still pretty. With it came a pair of baggy satin French knickers and finally a girdle that looked like a torture item with four straps hanging down to clip to the nylons which she produced from another drawer.

"They are all clean," she said when she saw me watching her lay them out.

The memories of what happened twelve months before were uppermost in my mind now. I was no longer with Laura the Barista, I was now with Laura Pendleton, my surreal lover.

Reaching up behind I released the hooks and let the pink garment slip down my arms before placing it on the chair.

I turned to pick up Laura's brassiere from the bed and realised she was standing almost against me. I stopped and looked into her eyes. They seemed glazed and just inches from my own. I couldn't help myself, I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the mouth. I expected her to jump away and protest but she didn't. She responded warmly, parting her lips and allowing my tongue to pass between them, seeking out her own eager tongue.

I felt her hand move up behind my head as she pulled me to her, The bright red lipstick smearing as our lips moved over each other. She smelled of violets as I breathed heavily and begin to notice her other hand sneak down my stomach and begin to slip inside the waistband on my satin panties.

Our lips parted long enough for her to whisper breathlessly, "Mmm... Anna, you are wet already."

I didn't answer but pulled her back against me, kissing urgently as her fingers slipped easily over my clitoris and between my glistening petals.

I was in heaven and could feel the moisture being spread around as her finger slipped easily into my soaking entrance.

I leaned heavily against her and began to lift the back of her dress, running my hand over the naked flesh above her stocking and clasping her buttocks as it slid over the soft silk of her knickers.

I begin to moan from deep in my throat, our tongues still dancing feverishly.

I parted my legs a little, giving her more room, and lowered my hand to the top of her leg, massaging the base of her buttock and running my finger along the almost non-existent crease that separated it from her leg. My fingers worked up, under the loose hem of her knicker leg, gently pulling the soft but firm flesh and feeling the heat radiating from the core of her valley.

As I worked thus, she herself was not idle. Our lips slid apart, leaving a faint red streak towards our cheeks as she moved her head to my shoulder, moaning now and pressing against me, her fingers, two now, worked inside me and I could feel them pressing and rubbing against the ribbed wall at the front. I couldn't breathe and was struggling to keep my knees from buckling as I pulled her buttock and found the now open and soaking entrance to her vagina. I worked two fingers deep inside her. She took a sharp breath and, for a second, held it, until, "Haaahhhh..." she breathed out loudly, pushing deeper into me and burying her face into my neck.

I bit her ear and inhaled the fresh clean scent of her hair.

It was no use, I could hold off no longer and, as the pressure built up inside me and my clitoris ached and throbbed under her caresses, I pulled her to me and pressed my body against hers as I flooded and exploded.

I screamed out, "Laura!"

It was all I could do to remain standing as I felt her own orgasm explode through her, my fingers pushing deep into her and pulling her open as my own muscles contracted uncontrollably. I could feel her moisture flooding over my fingers as my own must have done to her as her fingers stiffened and then relaxed, slowly slipping from me.

We stood for a moment, unable to speak or even breathe properly until I gradually stepped back and, holding her hands, looked at her flushed young face, beautiful but a little serious.

"Laura, that was wonderful," I reassured her.

She began to laugh gently, the serious look changing to one of relief.

"Oh, Anna," she replied, haltingly. "I have wanted you since the moment I first saw you."

I was surprised and told her so.

"You have?" I said in astonishment.

"Yes," she replied. "The first time I served you coffee, something clicked inside me. It was as though I already knew you and yet..." her voice trailed off. "You are not cross are you?"

"Oh sweetheart, no. I am not cross. Quite the contrary. I am very happy."

I looked at the green dress on the bed then back at her, still looking beautiful, if not a little dishevelled, in her lovely red dress.

"I have all afternoon," I smiled, "unless you have somewhere else you need to be."

Oh no, Anna. now I have found you again I want to spend as much time as I can with you, if you'll have me."

"Again?" I queried, "What do you mean, again?"

Laura frowned.

"Did I say 'again'? How strange."


Written by Annamagique
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