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Arizona Awakenings (ch. 3)

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They never called themselves hillbillies. That's because they lived beside the Arkansas River. They weren't mountain folk. But lots of their relatives were. The Claggett family lived near the town of Ozark, in Franklin County, right on the southern edge of the Ozark Plateau. But they hated to be called flatlanders too.



It was a large, extended family. Debby was just sixteen years old now. She was ripe. That's what her Daddy and Momma said. They meant she would be ready for marriage soon. But she wasn't interested in that. She was a bright young girl. And pretty. She wanted to get out of this small town and get to Little Rock, maybe.


Debby didn't know it but her second cousin Freddie had noticed her ripening too. He couldn't help seeing that. Freddie was eighteen years old. He lived with his Pappy, about a mile down the road from Debby and her family. He was alone with his father now. They had lost his mother a year ago.


There were five people in this three room shack by the river. Momma and Daddy slept in one room, the two boys and Debby spent the night in another room, and the last was where they cooked and ate and did all their work.


Her little brothers, the twins, were twelve. They had the two twin beds so Debby could sleep alone. The twins fought for room on their bed each night until they finally fell asleep. It wasn't that unusual around here. Some families might have ten or twelve living in the same amount of space. Momma always said they were blessed.


As she grew older and riper Debby was glad she was alone in her bed. It let her quietly and gently touch her changing body. As the curly hairs grew in her lady parts she would stroke it softly and feel the sensations that it gave her, and how it would make her wet sometimes. It was so nice. And when she did that her pink nipples would harden, and she would lightly pass her palm and fingers across them. It was good.


It was part of Debby's chores to go down and check the trot lines in the river every morning. They caught most of the food they ate, besides the vegetables and fruits they grew in their garden. They sold some of the fish and preserved the rest, or ate it fresh. Most of the garden crops were canned to last them through the winter.


Debby was up early one morning and was off to the river. She was bare footed and was just wearing an old sundress. She had on some white panties but didn't bother with a bra yet. Her breasts were developing. They were small, but round and soft. She glanced around, noticed no one was there, and touched her titties. She did it whenever she was alone now.


The morning mists were still drifting about the river as she walked through the damp grasses to the river bank. She had just begun to pull on the trot line when she was grabbed from behind. She immediately began to struggle, terrified of what was happening. Her legs were kicking and she was trying to twist the arms holding her. Then she heard him laughing and she relaxed, and giggled.


"Damn you Freddie. What're you doing to me. Let me be. I got chores to do. Daddy'll whip me if I don't get it done."


"Don't fuss yourself, cousin. I seen your Daddy leaving for town a while ago. He won't know anything for a long time. I just wanted to play a little."


"I don't want to play with you. What're you talking about, anyhow?"


"Don't be that way, Debby. You'll like it. Honest. I've played lots of time with girls down to the river wharf. You'll have fun. I promise." He reached up and fondled her breasts.


"Stop that, you nasty man. Let me go. Stop that Freddie. Don't be touching me like that." She grinned at him, then pushed him away and sat down on the grass, getting her dress damp with the dew.


"Ah, Debby. I know you'll like it. Here, lemme just show you something. It won't bite."


With that he dropped her down to the grass and lay down beside her. She sat still, curious about what he wanted. Now that she knew he was there she figured she could run back home, if she wanted to. The sun was barely coming up over the river to the east as he loosened his suspenders and dragged his pants down to his knees.


His hanging manhood was now exposed. She knew what it was. She'd seen peckers many times around the house. Her brothers were often naked around her. It was no big deal. But Freddie's was big, and kind of purple looking, really. It was lying on his thigh, and his balls were hanging between his widespread legs. Kind of scary, she was thinking. But it was sort of like a snake, too. It was tempting her in a way.


"See, Debby. It ain't anything bad. Watch. I'm gonna make it even harder."


He was stroking it now, watching her face closely to see what she thought. She might get up and run away. She might just laugh at him. One girl had done that. Freddie didn't like that. But Debby was ripe and he wanted her, badly.


It felt odd. Debby was sitting with her dress around her legs, and as he made it harder and harder something was happening to her. Her naughty place was feeling a little itchy in some way. She wasn't sure what she felt. It wasn't bad. Not really. It was kind of good, she supposed, even if what he was doing was nasty.


Freddie knew the look on her face. He'd seen it before. He grinned.


"You could do this too, Debby. Go on, try it. Ain't no one around. Here touch it. Touch me Debby."


She had leaned forward, watching as his pecker grew, and now she did touch it. Hesitantly at first, feeling the warmth and the stiffness. Freddie groaned as she began tightening her grip, and then stroking his cock. She had an intently serious look.


Some sticky stuff was leaking from the hole in it. A look of discovery came over her face. She spread the stuff over the hood. Her other hand ran its fingers up her exposed thigh. She found her wet panties, slipped a finger inside, and touched the hairy triangle and lips of her naughty place.


"You like that, girlie. I know you do. I can see it. I wanna show you something, Debby. I promise, you'll feel real good. Real good. I promise."


Freddie curled up his legs, causing her to release his hardness, and he moved to press her back onto the grass beside the river. He quickly pushed her dress up. His hand was squeezing a breast as his other hand began to pull down her panties.

"Please, be careful Freddie. Promise it won't hurt me."


He leaned down to cover her mouth with his mouth, kissing her roughly, and tickling her moist pussy. She was moaning around his mouth, spreading her legs apart. Then her hips moved to meet his fingers thrusting into her wetness.


He leaned back a little. "See girl? I told you. It's nice. I promise. Hold still now."


"You promise, Freddie? Oh, that feels good. Make it feel better."


He placed his prick at her pussy and gently pressed the head into her warmth. He watched her face intently as she looked up into his eyes.


He rammed his cock into her roughly and deeply and her maidenhead broke. She cried out. He slowly began pumping his prick in and out while he was trying to kiss her face. She cried his name, over and over. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer. He sucked on her neck and nuzzled her tits, but his main business was fucking her. He took her faster and faster. He was coming in just two or three minutes. He filled her with sperm as she was still begging for more.


"There you go, Debby. I know you liked that cause I did. It was good fucking girl. You know that. You'll come to love it. You got a nice pussy, girl. Now lick my cock. That's what girls do."


She did as she was told, just like Momma always told her. The man was always right. She licked it clean of his sperm. Then Freddie laughed, got up, tucked his prick back in his pants, and went on back home to get some breakfast.


Debby was lying back on the grass. She didn't really know what had happened. Her mother never told her anything about this. It had been so different from anything she knew. Now she realized what her Momma and Daddy did when she could hear them in the next room. She touched herself, feeling how her lady parts were still tender. She looked at her fingers and saw the redness, showing that she had bled. There was a lot of other sticky stuff there too.


She wished it had been different. But something was nice about it too. She had come close to something. Her body had felt like something great was going to happen. And then Freddie had grunted and humped harder. Just as he stopped doing it she had felt like something was going to happen. Something so good.


She lazily ran her fingers over the lips of her cooter. That's what Momma called it when she was younger. It still tingled. She liked it. Debby started touching herself and found that special button on top. She knew it was special because of how it felt when she washed it on bath day, and when she had her nighttime play in bed. Now she pressed it harder and it sent tingles into her.


Now she was getting close to that feeling she was so close to before. When Freddie had been pushing his pecker deep inside her. But she was making this happen herself. She liked this a lot. Oh lord, have mercy, she thought. Oh lord, what is this. Her body began shaking as spasms moved out from her cooter and through her.


She rested there awhile. Finally she used the river water to get cleaned up, washing the spunk and blood off of her thighs and her pussy. She had a lot to think about. She wondered what it would be like if Freddie was nicer.


Finishing up the trot lines she carried some of the fish back to the shack. The rest she left in the river for her Daddy to pick up later when he was taking his boat down the river to deliver some things to the market in town. She was in time to see Momma cooking some bacon and eggs and grits. But she wasn't hungry.


She started showing a few weeks later. Her mother noticed first. She took her aside.


"What you been up to girl? You been messing around with some man? I know you been doing something to get this way Debby. Tell me. Who you been messing with?"


"Momma, I didn't mess with anyone at all. I don't know what you mean."


"Girl, you're growing a belly. I know what that is and so do you. You been making a baby with some swinging dick. Now straight up, tell me who done this to you."


"Momma, I haven't done nothing at all. Freddie put his pecker inside of me one day. I didn't think anything would happen. I didn't know, Momma."


"Damn that boy! Lord, save us all. Your Daddy will kill you both. You was enticing him weren't you girl? Your Daddy will be fit to be tied."


"Momma, I don't know what enticing is. What do I have to do?"


"You got to have you a baby is what you got to do. Lord. Your Daddy will beat you both."


But Daddy didn't beat them both. He just went over to talk to his cousin, Earl, Freddie's father.

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"Earl, you know your boy has gone and knocked up my Debby. What you gonna do about it?"


In the end they decided to go over to Mulberry, in Crawford County, and get the two young ones hitched by a justice of the peace. Debby and Freddie got married with Momma and Daddy there as witnesses, along with her brothers and cousin Earl. Then they all piled into the beat-up Studebaker sedan and drove back home. It wasn't anybody's business what their family was doing.


Debby and Freddie were going to live with his father. That evening, after her family had gone home, Earl told his son to go on down to the river and check his trot lines. Then he called Debby into the back room of the shanty they were living in now and he was smiling. Debby smiled back. She had always liked cousin Earl.


"Now girl, this is how it is here. You're my boy's wife now. And I'm his Pappy. So I got some rights. You get out of them clothes girl. I want to see what condition you're in. Take them all off. Hear me? Do it now."


Debby wondered what this meant, but she did as she was told like a good girl. She dropped her dress, and then her panties and bra. That was all she was wearing. She covered her breasts with her left arm and put her little right hand in front of her pussy. She was ashamed of the belly she was showing. Earl reached out and moved both of her arms aside. He looked at her intently, and then he reached out and began squeezing each breast and pulling each nipple.


He kept that up until he heard her whimper. He stopped and looked at her.


"Girl, does that hurt or does that feel good. Tell me true now, you hear?"


"It doesn't hurt cousin Earl. Maybe a little. And maybe it feels good. I don't know. It makes me tingle down in my lady parts."


"You mean your pussy girl? Say it. You're having a baby now, Debby. You can use the words now. Your pussy. It was fucked by a prick. You remember that girl? I think maybe you need reminding what you done. Get down on your hands and knees for me. That's a good girl."


Earl watched her getting down with her round belly hanging down a little and her growing tits hanging down, too. He opened up his drawers and pulled out his large cock. It was already hard. He got on his knees on the quilts and pushed the huge mushroom head of his prick into his daughter-in-law's pussy. He slowly pushed his fat cock into her, groaning with the pleasure, There was nothing like fresh, young cunt.


"You remember this don't you girl? Getting fucked by my boy, Freddie? Well, I get to fuck you too, now. So take it little girl. Take this cock. Oh sweet jesus. This is fucking pussy. Unh. Unh."


He was rutting like a hound in heat, and Debby was slowly moaning as he tore into her tight, young pussy. She couldn't help but feel some pleasure. Well, lots of pleasure, really. She knew what she wanted. She leaned on one arm and put the other hand back under to touch her naughty place. She found the magic place and she was rubbing it as Earl thrust harder and harder.


Her whole body shook as her father-in-law fucked her for the second time in her life. But this time was a little better. A lot better. For one thing he didn't finish in a minute or two. Earl Claggett was getting all the fucking he could out of this pussy. He hadn't fucked young cunt in years now. He was enjoying this. His son's ripe wife was pleasing him a lot.


After twenty minutes it was time for him to spurt out his spunk. He didn't know if she had come and he didn't care. What man cared if the woman had any pleasure. But she had. She had felt her whole body shivering and shaking, not with just the hard thrusts, but with something deep inside. Something strong and good and sweet. Debby was having her first orgasms from being fucked.


As he grunted and came she felt the wet, sticky stuff dripping out of her pussy and down onto the tattered old quilts. He humped once more and then fell down on her back. She collapsed under his weight and he just stayed there for a few minutes.


"Cousin Earl, are you alright? You okay Earl? You're heavy, sir."


"Girl, I'm fine. Damn, girl. Let me up now. I got work I got to do. Clean yourself up now."


He rose up and left, leaving the door open. Debby was getting up and trying to find her clothes when Freddie came in. He closed the door and just the lamp lit the room now.


"I heard you in here with Pappy. I told you that fucking was fun. I know you had fun. Now I get to have some fun with you. They all say you're going to have a baby. My baby. That means we can do all the stuff we want. I want to get some cock sucking now. I don't want sloppy seconds today. I want that fresh, clean mouth of yours, Debby girl."


"Okay, Freddie. But I really don't know anything about this. We're married so I have to do what you want. That's what Momma says."


"Yep, you're my wife and you're the mother of my baby. I'm a man now. You got to treat me like a man. You got to give me what I need. You're...

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Written by Green_Man
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