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Deep Dive (Part 4)

"Julian and Kate escape a harsh winter, and meet Michelle."

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Author's Notes

"This is the fourth instalment in the Deep Dive series. You might want to start with Deep Dive (Part 1), and work your way forward. <p> [ADVERT] </p> (And if you're wondering: yes, the bungalow really does exist, and I was lucky enough to live in it for almost a year.)"

Kate and I had been seeing each other for more than six months now.   After crossing paths for ten years, we’d finally become an item last summer.   

From the outset, we’d agreed to an open relationship.  ‘Open’ in the sense that, while we would always be each other’s primary lover, there would also - especially in Kate’s case - be others.  I readily accepted this: she was the most intoxicating woman I’d ever known, and I was determined not to let her slip away.

It was now January, and the weather was literally the worst on record.  Frigid temperatures, blizzards, relentless wind…  We were both getting cabin fever. 

As a freelance photographer, I’d always travelled extensively for my work.  Much of my time had been spent in the tropics, and I began thinking about where we could possibly go to escape the endless cycle of snow, freezing rain, and sleet.

I considered the options.  The Seychelles: too far.  Mexico: too crowded.  Australia: too hot, now that climate change had taken hold down under.

I thought about the year I’d spent in Bali back in my early thirties.  It had been a special time: lamp-lit nights with the sound of gamelan music playing in the distance, amazing food, friendly people.

While living there, I’d become friends with Jean-Marc, a Swiss-French anthropologist studying Balinese culture.  We hadn’t spoken for years, but I managed to track him down via Skype.  He was still living in Bali, in the up-island town of Ubud.

Jean-Marc was overjoyed to hear from me again, and immediately extended an invitation for us to visit.   He knew of a secluded, private bungalow that we could rent on the outskirts of town, and was happy to make the arrangements for us.  I jumped at the chance.

Kate had never been to Asia, and at first seemed reluctant to travel such a long distance.  But as she started doing her research, she became more and more intrigued by Bali, and by the town of Ubud in particular.  The cultural capital of the island, Ubud is a town deeply steeped in Balinese art and tradition.

Finally convinced, Kate agreed to come with me.  I splurged, and booked a one-month trip for mid-February.


We arrived at Denpasar airport after a 15-hour flight via Hong Kong.

The climate felt thick: hot, humid, with the scent of spices, wood smoke and diesel mixing in the air.  It was still the rainy season, so there were fewer tourists about, and the pace was more relaxed than I expected.

Kate - exhausted from the long trip but wide-eyed with excitement - gazed out the window of the taxi as we drove up into the hill country towards Ubud.  She looked a bit lost, but also tremendously happy.

Slightly flushed with the heat, her hair was pinned up off her neck.  She wore a loose cotton blouse, comfortable silk harem pants, and practical sandals.  Although she hadn’t visited many tropical countries, she’d done her research for this trip, and looked every bit the seasoned traveller.  

We arrived in Ubud late in the afternoon, and the taxi took us straight to the bungalow.  Jean-Marc had invited us to visit him at his house the next day, after we’d settled in.

As the taxi pulled up the private drive, Kate stared, fascinated. 

The old, colonial-era house had been built into the side of a large valley.  Only one storey tall, it had a steep, pitched roof, and rested on tall wooden stilts at the front. It was shaded on all sides by a deep, open veranda.  In the far distance, rice paddies shimmered on the other side of the valley.  A small, winding river sparkled on the valley floor below.  

There were no other houses close by.  For Bali, the place was incredibly private.  

I pulled our bags out of the taxi, paid the driver, and stood there with Kate, drinking it in.  A stray chicken ran noisily across the pathway into the bushes.  Kate jumped, surprised, and then giggled.

We walked to the house.  Built back in the early 1900’s, it was very traditional.  Well-worn teak plank floors glowed softly in the late afternoon sun.  There was a small, simple kitchen with a sitting area, an open living room, and a large bedroom with an antique four-poster bed.  A mosquito net hung down over the bed, suspended from the ceiling.  The home’s wide eaves shaded the huge wrap-around porch from the tropical sun.

Outside, off the kitchen, was a large secluded courtyard.  It was enclosed by a tall stone wall covered in flowering vines.  An ancient outdoor shower was built into the far corner.

The place was more than I could have wished for.

Standing on the front veranda, staring far down into the valley, Kate looked mesmerized.  I took her by the hand, and said, “Jean-Marc said there’s one more thing...”

Leading her down the steps at the front of the house, we walked along a narrow path densely bordered with high vegetation.  There was a clearing up ahead.  As we stepped out into the open area, Kate gasped in surprise.  

A small, spring-fed infinity pool had been built into the hillside, overlooking the valley.

Kate squealed, clapping her hands with delight.  She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.


Bags unpacked, I introduced Kate to the intricacies of Balinese plumbing.  While the bathroom had been updated with a western-style toilet and sink, it was the traditional outdoor shower that caught her attention.

“Jesus,” she said, drinking it in.

“Want to try it?” I asked.

“Oh yes please,” she responded eagerly.

She scampered into the house, and came back a few moments later, now wrapped in a bath towel and carrying a small bar of soap in her hand.

Stepping up to the shower, she let her towel drop to the ground.  Her lithe body glowed in the setting sun.  She had wonderfully firm breasts, a taut ass, and a willowy waist.  Even after six months, I couldn’t see her naked without getting intensely turned on.

Reaching out, she twisted the old-fashioned brass lever.  Water began flowing generously from the showerhead.

She stepped in under the water with a sharp intake of breath, her nipples immediately hardening.  Turning to face me, she said, “Join me?” 

I stripped off my clothes and walked towards her, my stiff cock bobbing in front of me.  She smiled at me coyly, and then turned away, soaping her breasts and shoulders.

Stepping up behind her, I placed my hands on her hips, and slid my shaft up against the crack of her ass.  She sighed happily, handed the soap to me, and then leaned forward slightly, placing the palms of her hands against the wall.

“I’ve been waiting for this since we got on the plane,” she murmured, bouncing herself playfully back against my cock.  She shifted her legs slightly apart, and leaned over further.  I stepped back to look at her from behind.  The bud of her ass and her glistening pussy were on full display.     

I started soaping her at the top of her ass cheeks, and then worked my hand patiently downwards, swirling a thumb gently over her asshole, then moving lower still, down over the slit between her legs, and then up the other side, to her clit.

“Yesssss,” she hissed.  “Like that…”

I massaged her nub with two fingers, and then began working my way back down again.  I fondled her labia, and - just for a second - slipped the tip of my index finger into her cunt before sliding my hand back up to her rear.  She shuddered with excitement.

I gently soaped the puckered bud of her ass, stroking it with the tip of my finger.  I watched it gradually relax, opening up to me.  Easing my finger in part way, I began gently fingering her ass as she groaned audibly.  Once or twice she thrust herself backwards, trying to push my finger deeper inside.

Teasing her, I stopped, and slowly pulled out.

“Noooooo…” she groaned, waggling her ass from side to side in frustration.

Taking my cock in hand, I moved it up against the lips of her pussy, and began sliding the tip up and down her slit.

She shifted her legs farther apart, quietly humming to herself. 

I pressed the head of my cock against her opening, and slid easily into her cunt as she pushed back against me.  She stopped when I was half way in.

“There,” she breathed.  “Now you do the rest.”  One of her hands moved down and began fondling her clit.

I thrust forward, smoothly burying my cock in her up to the hilt.  I stopped for a moment, breathing hard.

“Fuuuuuukkk,” Kate warbled, her ass and legs quivering.  “Ok… ok…” she mumbled, gathering her thoughts and steadying herself.    

I began gently fucking her from behind, as her fingers fluttered lightly over her clit.

“Yes… yes…yes…yes…” she chanted, matching my thrusts with her own backward movements. 

We settled into the steady, familiar rhythm of slow-fucking - moving together, pulling away, moving together again, both of us groaning with pleasure.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, I silently came, spurting warmly inside her.  

She began rapidly grinding her clit with the heel of her hand.  “Don’t stop… not yet… don’t… don’t…” she pleaded, on the verge.  I started thrusting forcefully into her, still light-headed from my orgasm. 

Her legs stiffened, and she slammed almost violently back against me, wailing as she came.  I could feel her muscles contracting, squeezing my cock again and again.

Her hand dropped away from her pussy.  She put it back on the wall to support herself, her legs shaking slightly.

As I starting pulling out, she whispered, “No… stay.  I want to feel you grow soft…”

We stood there, motionless and gasping for breath, as my shaft gradually relaxed inside her.  

It was glorious.


After a long, deep sleep, we woke in the morning to the sound of roosters crowing in the distance.  Cicadas droned in the trees beside the house.  It was going to be a hot day.

After showering and dressing, we ate a light breakfast of honey, fruit and yoghurt prepared by the bungalow’s caretaker.  We called for a taxi, and drove to Jean-Marc’s house on the other side of town.

Driving through the centre of Ubud was an eye-opener for Kate.  The streets were crowded with Balinese dressed in both traditional and western clothing.  Tourists, children, chickens, dogs… it was pandemonium after the quiet seclusion of the bungalow.  We loved it.

Arriving at Jean-Marc’s, we paid off the driver, and got out of the taxi.

He lived in a type of house that had once been common in Bali.  Large, with a palm-thatched roof, it was open on all four sides to let the breeze pass through.  Looking at the house was like gazing back a century to a much simpler time.

Jean-Marc bounded down the front steps, arms spread wide in greeting.  Excited by our arrival, he bear-hugged me, and then turned to look at Kate.

“Ahhh, Kate,” he said, with a strong French accent.  He stood back and admired her. “Bienvenue!  Welcome to my home.”  He clasped her hands in his, and chastely kissed her on both cheeks.  Kate looked dazzled.

Jean-Marc was much older than us - probably now in his late sixties.  Silver haired, with a healthy girth, he looked much as he did when we’d first met years ago.  Life in Bali obviously agreed with him.

When I’d worked in Bali, Jean-Marc and I had come to know each other well.  We were naturally drawn together by our interests: he, studying the traditions of Bali; me, photographing them.  He had become like an old, favourite uncle to me.

After I left, we’d stayed in touch by email, if only sporadically.  But we hadn’t actually seen each other in many years.

Stepping up to his house, we sat down on the front veranda under the generous eaves.  His cook brought out a tray of black tea flavoured with ginger.

For more than an hour, we brought each other up to date on our separate lives.  Kate listened patiently, gazing around, drinking in the sights and sounds of Balinese daily life.


Around noon, a young, lithe blonde woman walked up the path towards the house.  

This must be Michelle, I thought.  Jean-Marc had mentioned that she’d been visiting for the past six weeks.

“Ah!” said Jean-Marc, standing to greet her.  “Finally!  Michelle!  Where have you been?”

The girl, about 18 or 19 years old, stepped gracefully up the stairs and gave Jean-Marc a perfunctory kiss on the cheek.  She turned, smiling shyly at Kate and me.

“Kate, Julien - please meet my niece, Michelle,” Jean-Marc said.

Dressed in a simple white cotton dress, she was extraordinary.  Of medium height, she had exquisite legs, and a fashion model’s body.  I was immediately reminded of my first girlfriend, Margot.  Her shape was almost identical.  

Michelle’s face was simply perfect: light brown eyes, a pert nose, and full, expressive lips.  Her long blonde hair cascaded down around her shoulders.  There was something both completely innocent and incredibly sexy about her.  I was immediately smitten.

She shook our hands in greeting, her eyes looking down at the ground.  “Hallo, Julien.   Hallo, Kate,” she murmured in halting English.  She sat down with us on the veranda, long legs crossed, her arms gathered together under her extraordinary breasts.

Aside from “Hi,” Kate hadn’t said a word.  She sat silently, observing Michelle carefully.  I knew Kate well enough to realize that she was also completely taken with this young woman.

Damn, I thought to myself, partly in dismay, and partly with excitement.  This may get complicated.


As Michelle listened quietly, Jean-Marc explained that she had arrived from Switzerland for an extended visit back in early January.  Michelle’s family lived in Geneva, and she was studying fine arts at the University of Lausanne.  She would be in Bali for one more week before returning home to resume her studies.

Jean-Marc then told Michelle about us.  She was already vaguely aware of my background, but knew nothing of Kate.

When Jean-Marc mentioned Kate’s work in the fashion industry, Michelle perked up visibly.  Leaning forward, she asked, “What do you do, as a styliste?”

Kate described her job at the high-end salon where she worked, and talked about her work on fashion and film shoots.

Michelle was fascinated.  “So, you… you cut hairs?” she asked.

Kate nodded, smiling at Michelle’s slightly mangled English.

“Ah,” Michelle responded, unconsciously running her hand down her own blond tresses.  Her hair was beautiful, but could use a trim.

Kate immediately intuited what Michelle was too shy to ask.

“Your hair,” said Kate.  “Has anyone cut it since you’ve been here?”

“Non,” Michelle responded, looking embarrassed.

“Well, it still looks pretty good,” said Kate.  “But would you like me to give it a quick trim?”

Michelle broke into a broad smile, looking from Kate to me, and then back at Kate.  She nodded eagerly.

“How about tomorrow, at the bungalow?  Around ten o’clock?”

“Bien sûr!” Michelle responded excitedly.

The ice now broken, Michelle visibly relaxed, and her painful shyness evaporated.  She became almost animated as the conversation progressed, and seemed quite taken with Kate.  Kate looked at me and smiled, happy that she’d managed to draw Michelle out of her shell.  The three of us were now getting along famously, and Jean-Marc looked pleased.

When we left late that afternoon, Michelle kissed me warmly on the cheek, and gave Kate a big hug.

“Lovely girl,” Kate remarked, as we drove away in the taxi.  “Just stunning.”

I looked at her.  “How stunning?” I asked.

Really stunning,” Kate replied.  She squirmed slightly in her seat and smiled, appearing lost in thought.

“Don’t get any ideas,” I warned.  “She could be your daughter.”

“Well, maybe… if I was 40 years old, Kate said almost testily, and then smiled.  “But I’m not.  Not yet, anyway.  Besides, she isn’t a child.  She’s 20!”

“She’s 19,” I corrected.

“Mmmm,” Kate replied, looking distractedly out the taxi window.

We arrived back at the bungalow as the sun was setting over the valley.  The moment we stepped inside the house, Kate wordlessly stripped off her clothes, grabbed me by the hand, and led me to the bedroom.  

She then proceeded to fuck me silly for the rest of the evening.  


The next morning, just before ten, there was a faint tapping at the front screen door.

Still recovering from jet lag and last night’s exertions, Kate lay drowsing in bed, tangled up in the sheets.  I was out in the courtyard, getting dressed after showering off the lingering smell of sex.  

“Shit,” I heard Kate mutter, suddenly awake.  “She’s here.”  She jumped out of bed and wrapped herself in a thin silk sarong.  Ruffling her hair, she shook her head to clear her thoughts, and stepped to the door.

“Michelle?” she called out.

“Oui…” Michelle replied, in a small voice.

Taking a deep breath, Kate pushed open the screen door and stepped outside.  I could hear them quietly greeting each other.

A moment later, they walked into the house.

Michelle, her blonde hair pulled back into a casual ponytail, was wearing a sheer, sleeveless sundress that stopped just above her knees.  

Her long legs were clearly silhouetted by the sunlight behind her, and I could vaguely make out what looked like white cotton panties in the gap between her legs, 

Her full breasts pushed out against the top of her dress, the outlines of her nipples clearly evident.  I stared, unable to pull my eyes away.  My cock stirred slightly.  I fought it back down.

"Julian?” Kate said, snapping me back to reality.  I looked at her standing behind Michelle. She waggled her eyebrows and smiled at me, as if to say, “You see?” 

I did.  


In the kitchen, after a brief chat about what kind of cut Michelle wanted, Kate asked her to sit, and then went off to the bedroom to get her grooming kit.  She came back, put the kit down on the wooden table, and said, “Back in a minute - just need a quick wash before we start.”  

Michelle nodded, watching Kate walk away.  I noticed that Kate had positioned the kitchen chair in such a way that the shower was visible from where Michelle sat.   

I sat across the table from Michelle, making small talk.  The sound of running water started outside, and I could see Michelle glance toward the shower in response.  She froze.  I followed her gaze, and watched Kate, now completely naked, step into the cascade of running water.  Turning sideways to us, she began soaping her body.  

Acting as if she had no idea that we were watching, she slid her hands up her thighs and across her stomach to her chest.  Slowly massaging the soap onto her breasts, her hands stopped briefly at her nipples.  I could swear that she pinched them gently before moving back down her belly and then slowly, almost sensuously, in between her legs.

Turning her back to us, we stared silently at Kate’s perfect, bare ass.  She bent over, still soaping her crotch as we watched her from behind. We could see the occasional flick of fingers between her labia as she washed herself.   Michelle watched Kate intently, sitting as still as a statue, hardly breathing.   

Standing back up, Kate sluiced off the remaining soapsuds and turned to face us head-on, her eyes squeezed tightly shut in the running water.  She flashed her exquisite, small breasts and neatly manicured pussy before turning around to shut off the shower.  She wrapped herself snugly in a bath towel.

Kate walked nonchalantly back to the kitchen, still wearing the towel, and said to Michelle, “I’ll be right back.”  Michelle nodded mutely, looking almost shaken by what she’d just seen.  

Kate stepped into the bedroom, and thirty seconds later came back wearing a short, white slip dress.  It was evident that she was buck-naked underneath.  No panty line.  No bra.  Nipples hard.  I heard Michelle take in a single, deep breath.

Kate led her over to the sink and placed a towel around her shoulders.  Bending Michelle over the basin, Kate began gently washing her hair.  

I watched them from behind.  Michelle’s dress rode up the back of her gorgeous tanned legs, draping itself seductively over her ass.  Kate’s slip dress, already quite short, flashed the occasional tantalizing glimpse of her hazel-coloured bush as she leaned over Michelle.

Kate rinsed and towelled Michelle’s hair.  I watched as she repeatedly brushed her left breast - deliberately - against Michelle’s bare shoulder.  Every time she did it, Michelle seemed to shiver.

Sitting the girl back down in the kitchen chair, Kate began the methodical process of cutting her hair.  Feeling like a third wheel, I left them to their business, and went out to read on the veranda.

Thirty minutes later, they walked out the front door.  Michelle’s hair was now freshly cut, and already almost dry in the warm breeze.  She looked both very happy, and very distracted.

They spoke briefly, and then chastely kissed each other adieu on both cheeks.  Michelle waved at me, and then walked up the path towards town, looking slightly unsteady on her feet.

I turned and looked at Kate.  She was watching Michelle intently as she left.

“Well that was interesting,” Kate murmured, half to me, and half to herself.


Kate looked at me.  “That’s one very conflicted girl right now…” She sighed, and then changed the subject.  “Let’s go for a swim,” she said, as she turned and walked back into the house.


Ten minutes later, we were down in the small infinity pool, drifting lazily in the cool spring water.  Once again, the day was turning hot and humid.  Rain clouds were building on the horizon.

Kate, taking the travel book’s advice about dressing conservatively in Bali, wore a modest (for her) black bikini.  It showed off her attributes, but not in a way that would shock anyone.  I wore my standard khaki shorts.

After a few minutes of floating on our backs, Kate quietly swam over to the valley side of the pool and rested her arms on the edge, gazing down into the dark green jungle below.  The valley ran for miles in both directions, with rice terraces fading off into the haze as far as the eye could see.  The pungent smell of cooking fires hung faintly in the air.

I swam over behind Kate, put my arms around her, and held her close.

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She sighed happily, and pushed gently back against me.  An invitation.

I silently reached down, hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her bikini bottoms, and slid them down around her knees.  I unzipped my shorts, pushing them partly down my legs as well.

Wordlessly, I entered her pussy from behind.  Languorously, we began to slow-fuck.

We weren’t making love to climax.   We were making love because, in that singular moment, we simply wanted to be as close together as possible.


A few minutes later, I silently withdrew my still-hard cock from Kate, and gently tugged her bathing suit back up over her bum.  Pulling up the zipper on my shorts, I pushed back from her, and turned to climb out of the pool.

I froze.

Michelle was standing on the path, her arms entwined almost anxiously in front of her, silently watching us.

I coughed softly to get Kate’s attention.

She turned, with a dreamy, post-coital look still on her face, and also stopped dead when she saw Michelle.

Awkward seconds ticked by.

To break the tension, I stepped up out of the pool.  Kate followed closely behind.

“Hey, Michelle,” I said softly.  “Welcome back.”

“Is everything OK?” Kate asked from behind me.  “Did you forget something?”

Michelle didn’t respond.  She continued to stand there, tongue-tied, looking at us with her wide brown eyes.

Not wanting to spook her, we waited patiently.

“Sorry…  I am so sorry,” she stammered, her voice quavering.  “I did not want to bother you, but I… had to come back…” She looked like she was ready to burst into tears.

Concerned, Kate stepped forward and reached out, taking Michelle’s hands in hers.

Looking intently into Michelle’s eyes, Kate crooned, “Heyyy… it’s OK.  Everything’s OK…”

Michelle dropped her gaze down and spoke to the ground at her feet.

“You both are so… kind,” she said.  “And… so in love.  When I see you together, it makes me warm.  I feel… safe?” she queried, as she searched for the right word in English.

“Safe,” Kate nodded, still holding Michelle’s hands in hers.

“So… I wanted to be here, with you.  With you both,” Michelle whispered.  She stopped speaking, and looked up at us, afraid of what we would say.

Kate regarded Michelle for a moment. “Come,” she said finally.  Holding Michelle by the hand, Kate led her back up the path towards the house.  


In the deep shade of the bedroom, the three of us stood, facing each other.

Michelle’s eyes were no longer brimming with tears, and her body had visibly relaxed.

Kate stood confidently in her bathing suit, looking - as usual - like she’d just stepped out of a fashion ad.

Michelle, now barefoot in her thin sundress, looked both virginal and outrageously seductive at the same time.  

It was intoxicating.  My cock stirred, stiffening.  The bulge in my crotch was immediately visible.  Kate glanced down at my waist, and then up at my eyes.  “Slowly,” she mouthed silently, giving her head the slightest shake.

I nodded.  I understood.

Now standing directly in front of Michelle, Kate placed her hand almost tenderly on the girl’s flushed cheek.

“So tell us…” Kate said.  “Tell us what you want from us...”

Michelle looked at Kate, then at me, and then at Kate again.  She seemed lost for words.

“I am… not sure,” Michelle responded quietly.  “I have little - I have no - histoire with this…”

“No history?” Kate queried, unsure what Michelle meant.

“No… experience.”

“Have you not been with anyone before?” Kate asked, looking surprised.

Michelle hesitated.  “One man.  Pascale.  He was not kind...”

Ah ha, I thought.

“No-one else?” Kate pressed quietly.

“Yes, someone else… since Pascale…  Arielle.”


“She is my conseiller académique… my… advisor at the university.”

That explains a few things, I said to myself.

Kate nodded, smiling reassuringly at Michelle.  “And do you love Arielle?”

“I think so,” Michelle responded, her eyes brightening.  “She teaches me things… wonderful things…” Her voice tapered off, lost in remembering.

“That’s good,” Kate smiled.  She stepped towards Michelle, put her arms around her, and gave her a reassuring hug.  “You’re lucky to have her.”

Michelle melted into Kate’s embrace.  “But… I want you too,” she whispered.  She pulled her head back, looking longingly at Kate, and then at me.  “And Julien…”

Kate leaned forward and softly placed the tip of her index finger on Michelle’s lips.  Michelle stopped speaking.  

Kate tilted her head, looking almost lovingly at Michelle.  She smiled, leaned forward, and kissed her softly on the lips.  They lingered, mouths slightly open, the tips of their tongues lightly dancing together.

Kate pulled away, still completely focussed on Michelle, watching her reactions closely.  She seemed to come to a decision.

Bending her arms up behind herself, Kate unhooked her bikini top.  Shrugging her shoulders slightly, it fell away to the floor, exposing her small, firm breasts.  Her nipples looked hard and aroused.  

Next, Kate slipped her hands into the waistband of her bikini bottoms, and slid them down her tanned legs.  Stepping out of them, she now stood in front of us, completely naked.

Michelle flushed with excitement.  She was fixated on Kate, eagerly studying her perfect, compact body.  Suddenly making her own decision, she took a deep breath and reached down to the hem of her sundress.  She pulled it up and over her head in one fluid motion, dropping it at her feet.  I literally forgot to inhale for a moment.  She truly was exquisite.

Dressed now only in white lace panties and a matching bra, Michelle stood self-consciously, illuminated from behind by the daylight.   There were goose bumps of excitement on her arms and legs.  A damp patch was clearly forming on the fabric between her legs.

Kate looked at me.  “Julian?” she prompted softly.

I quietly stepped up behind Michelle, caressing her hips with my fingers.   She shivered in anticipation.  Reaching up to her bra strap, I unsnapped it, easing it off.  Slipping my hands carefully around from behind, I cupped her breasts in my hands, and nuzzled her graceful neck.  She shuddered, her eyes half closed, almost as if in prayer.

After I removed Michelle’s bra, Kate stepped forward and slid Michelle’s panties down her legs to the floor.  She unconsciously stepped out of them.

The three of us stood, silent, regarding each other, breathing deeply.  

Still facing Michelle, Kate stepped closer, whispering, “We’ll only ever do what you want to do, chéri…” Michelle nodded, smiling shyly.

Kate kissed her again, this time more deeply, and with far greater passion.  She placed her right hand on Michelle’s hip as they kissed, sliding the tips of her fingers over the girl’s flawless, youthful skin.

As their kiss became more animated, Kate’s hand slowly slipped down, her fingers trailing over Michelle’s silky blond bush.  Slipping her hand gently between Michelle’s legs, Kate began fondling her labia, and brushing a finger tentatively over her clit.

Michelle groaned with a sound much deeper than I thought she was capable of.  She separated her legs slightly to give Kate more access.  Her nipples grew as hard as pebbles in my cupped hands.  

Slowly, she began moving her hips back and forth over Kate’s exploring fingers, pressing her ass firmly back against my crotch at the same time.

I could sense the very instant that Kate first slipped her finger into Michelle’s vagina.  Michelle gasped, and her knees buckled slightly.  She pressed herself firmly down on Kate’s hand.

I let go of Michelle’s breasts as Kate slowly slid her finger in and out of her opening.  Unzipping my shorts, I dropped them to the floor.  Stepping back up to Michelle, I pressed my pulsing cock against the crack of her ass.  She breathed a sigh of contentment, and rubbed her butt cheeks gently against me. 

Looking at me over Michelle’s shoulder, Kate subtly tilted her head towards the bed.  I nodded, and stepped back.

Kate gradually slowed the pace of her fingering, and finally withdrew her hand from Michelle’s cunt.  She led Michelle away from me, over to the bed.  My prick throbbed with excitement.

Michelle sat down on the side of bed, her back ramrod straight and her feet planted firmly on the floor.  She looked questioningly at Kate, a tense look on her face.

Kate reached down and slowly separated Michelle’s legs.  Kneeling on the floor in front of her, Kate gazed at Michelle’s pussy.  

A hard, pink button jutted out from under its hood at the top of Michelle’s swollen labia.  She was obviously very, very aroused.

Kate shifted forward, breathing in Michelle’s scent.  “Like roses, and the ocean…” Kate whispered to herself, looking almost dazed.

As I stood watching, I unconsciously gripped my prick in my hand, and began slowly stroking myself.  As Kate moved forward to flick her tongue over Michelle’s aroused clit, I saw Michelle gazing at me.  She watched keenly as I slid my hand down my cock, spreading pre-cum along its shaft.  

Kate’s tongue touched Michelle’s bud for the first time.  She shivered, closed her eyes, and moaned.

Pressing deeper, Kate swirled down Michelle’s pussy, over her slit, and then deeply into her vagina.

Michelle’s hands now firmly gripped Kate’s head between her legs.  She spread herself wider, and began to pant rapidly as Kate performed her magic.  

“Mon dieu… mondieu… mondieu,” Michelle chanted as she edged towards orgasm.  Her breasts shook with excitement, and she began urgently moving her ass back and forth on the edge of the bed, pushing her cunt repeatedly towards Kate’s probing tongue.

Kate’s left hand snaked down to her own pussy.  I watched her from behind as she began flicking at herself, now in sync with Michelle’s rapid breathing.  I stepped closer to the bed, jacking myself with abandon.

“Soon…” I heard Kate whisper into Michelle’s bush.  “The first one, soon…” Her tongue was now thrusting urgently into Michelle, who was whimpering almost uncontrollably.  Kate’s fingers flew in a blur over her own clit.

“Oui, oui, oui, oui… yes… ahhh… mon dieu…” Michelle moaned.

She suddenly stopped vocalizing, and hunched sharply forward. “I… I… come!” she cried out.  Shuddering violently, her legs gripped Kate tightly as she climaxed.

“Cumming… cumming too…” Kate exclaimed.  Her fingers thrust deeply up into her own opening.  From behind, I could see her juices dribbling down as she spasmed over and over.  A small puddle of liquid pooled on the floor between her legs.

Michelle fell backwards onto the bed, exhausted. 

Kate continued to kneel on the floor between Michelle’s legs, her hand now gently cupping herself, slowly squeezing her mound.  Head down, eyes closed, she was desperately trying to catch her breath.

I stood next to her, gently stroking her shoulders as she regained her equilibrium.   

My cock now hung at half-mast, still twitching slightly.  I’d stopped jacking myself when I saw both women climax so perfectly together: I had been completely transported.

Kate sat back on her haunches and looked up at me, Michelle’s juices shimmering on her face.

“Didn’t come yet?” she asked, still panting, looking at my half-stiff cock.

“I got lost in watching you two…” I responded, not really caring if I’d come or not.

“Awwwwww…” Kate smiled.  “So sweet…”

She reached up with her right hand, and gently gripped my prick.  “But we can’t have you feeling left out…”

She started slowly stroking me, watching happily as more pre-cum oozed out of my swollen, purple tip.

I heard the sheets rustle, and glanced up at Michelle.  She was now propped up on one elbow, watching us.  Her other hand had quietly moved down to her damp, blonde bush.  The smell of sex permeated the room.

My cock now fully erect again, Kate leaned towards me, and flicked at the head with her tongue.  Licking her lips, she then engulfed me with her mouth, taking me about half way in as she jacked the lower part of my shaft with her hand.

“Mmmmff…” she moaned.  

Her lips began moving up and down my cock, her tongue swirling on my glans, sucking…  She started pumping me harder.

Glancing back at Michelle, I saw that she’d raised her legs onto the bed.  Knees pulled up, her legs slightly apart; her hand was caressing her crotch as she watched my cock sliding in and out between Kate’s lips.  She certainly seems less shy now… I thought wryly.

As I watched Michelle grow more excited and begin running her middle finger up and down between her slick labia, I could feel my own orgasm building.   Seconds later, my cock contracted, and semen squirted copiously onto Kate’s fluttering tongue.  My eyes blurred for a moment, and I groaned with pleasure as I climaxed.

Slowly, Kate withdrew her mouth from my cock, swallowed, and ran the tip of her tongue over her glistening lips.

I looked back at Michelle.  She had stopped fondling herself and was staring at us, her eyes large.

Kate looked up at me. 

“Breakfast!” she cried out, grinning goofily.


After our first encounter, the three of us tumbled onto the bed, exhilarated but exhausted.  We cuddled closely together, Michelle nestled between us, gently caressing each other as we drifted off to sleep. 

About half an hour later, I woke to the sound of giggling, and the sight of two naked bums quickly disappearing out the bedroom door.  A minute later, I heard the shower out in the courtyard, and more laughter.  I drifted off again, a vision of the two women slowly soaping each other flickering behind my eyes.

I came back around to find Kate and Michelle quietly kneeling beside me on the bed.  They were still damp from the shower.  I was lying on my back, the sheets tangled around my knees. My soft cock was fully exposed.

The two women were looking at me avidly.  They seemed to have plans.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I looked at them, wondering what was coming next.

Kate reached out, placed her palm on my chest, and gently pushed me back down onto my back.

“Your turn,” she said, smiling sweetly.

Michelle, looking both anxious and excited, edged herself towards me.  Placing one hand on my thigh and the other on my stomach, she eased herself down towards my slowly waking cock.

Her lips parted, and she experimentally drew the entire length of my soft prick into her mouth.  Pulling up slightly, she began to focus on its head, gently sucking.  I immediately began to stiffen.

“That’s it…” Kate whispered.  “Yes… like that.”

Kate looked at me. “Her first time…” she mouthed silently, her eyes wide.  She gently eased herself around until she was kneeling behind Michelle.

I was taken aback.  Michelle had never had a man in her mouth before?  My cock instantly surged.

Caught off guard by my rapid shift to a full erection, Michelle jerked back with a surprised look on her face.  My cock slipped out of her mouth with a soft, wet ‘popping’ sound.

Kate giggled.  “Strange, huh?” she said to Michelle.  “One minute, as small as a mouse, and the next minute, as thick as your wrist…”  

While she spoke, she reached her right hand out and quietly began stroking Michelle’s exposed ass.  I saw Michelle waggle her butt back at Kate in invitation.  Kate’s hand slid down between Michelle’s legs to her wet bush.  She began exploring Michelle’s pussy again, slipping two fingers in between her enlarged labia.

Michelle stiffened as Kate’s fingers entered her vagina.  She looked down at my shaft, smiled, and eagerly took me back into her mouth.

Kate moved closer to Michelle, and began rhythmically sliding two fingers in and out of her cunt, occasionally stopping to rub the tip of her thumb on Michelle’s virgin asshole.  “Mmmmmm,” Michelle murmured, my cock now deep in her mouth as Kate fingered her from behind.

I watched Kate reach her left hand down to her own slit and begin purposely frigging herself.  She alternated between swirling her finger around her clit, and slipping the tip of it briefly into her opening.  Her eyes were half-closed, almost as if meditating.  In her own way, I think she was.  

The moist sound of wet fingers and Michelle’s sucking filled the room.

I was close to coming: Michelle may never have gone down on a man before, but she was an extremely quick study.

I moaned involuntarily as my balls prepared to empty themselves.  Michelle seemed completely focused on my cock as she coaxed me towards orgasm.

Unexpectedly, Kate leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Not yet… not yet… wait.  Let’s switch it up.”

I opened my eyes in surprise and looked at her.  She nodded her head.  I wasn’t sure what she had in mind, but I’d learned to follow Kate’s whims, especially in bed.

She slowly withdrew her fingers from Michelle’s pussy, and began gently stroking her back instead.  At the same time, I quietly pulled away, slipping my cock as softly as possible out from between Michelle’s lips.

Michelle looked back over her shoulder at Kate, and then at me, unsure what had just happened.  “Quoi?” she questioned.  What?

While Michelle looked at me uncertainly, Kate scooted up to the top of the bed, her back propped up against the pillows.  She pulled her knees up, and spread her legs slightly apart.  She gently tapped her knees together, then apart again.

Looking at Michelle, she whispered, “Here, babe…  viens ici.”  She spread her legs wider, revealing her wonderfully damp pussy.  Her labia were more engorged than I’d ever seen, and her crimson clit jutted out almost angrily.

Michelle looked at me, smiling almost apologetically, and then quickly crawled up the bed on all fours towards Kate’s waiting cunt.

Settling on her belly, her head between Kate’s legs, she began to expertly tongue Kate’s pussy.  She’s certainly no stranger to women, I thought.

Looking at me over Michelle’s writhing ass, Kate winked, and whispered, “What are you waiting for?”

Taking my cue, I knelt behind Michelle.  Placing my hands on her hips, I gently urged her up onto her hands and knees.  She hardly missed a beat with Kate, continuing to tongue her clit almost fiercely.  

Kate’s thighs were literally quivering with excitement.  She was roughly tweaking her nipples, and her face, neck and breasts were deeply flushed.  Beads of sweat were trickling down her belly towards her bush.  Her eyes were tightly closed, and her head thrown back in ecstasy.  She uttered a long, deep moan.  Michelle moaned with her.

Looking down, I was fascinated by Michelle’s ass and pussy.  Everything sparkled with her juices.  Her labia were red and engorged, and her vagina was wide open, as if waiting for my cock.  Her fine blond cunt hairs dripped with moisture.

I moved forward, took my prick in my right hand, and began sliding its head up and down her labia, marvelling at how wet she was.  She froze for a moment, and I immediately stopped what I was doing, unsure about her reaction.   I started to pull away.

“Nonnnnnnn,” she groaned, urgently pushing her ass back towards me.  Her pussy wrapped its lips around the head of my cock.  She pushed back harder, panting, still tonguing Kate frantically.  “Oui… oui… oui,” she chanted into Kate’s cunt as she took in more and more of my shaft.

Certain of myself again, I thrust forward into her, sliding deep inside until my pelvis ground against her ass.

Now almost losing control, Michelle threw her head backwards, eyes squeezed tightly shut, crying out with pleasure.  She began slamming herself back onto my cock, her juices flowing out in a small flood.  She was so slippery now that I could hardly feel myself moving inside her.

I looked up at Kate.  She was watching us, fascinated, her pupils huge.  

When Michelle had pulled her head away from Kate's cunt to concentrate on fucking me, Kate immediately slid both hands down over herself, picking up where Michelle had left off.

As she watched us moving towards orgasm, Kate masturbated almost desperately, one hand fluttering rapidly to and fro over her rock-hard bud, the other eagerly plunging her middle finger in and out of her cunt.  She groaned loudly, now on the edge.  Michelle opened her eyes and watched her, spellbound. 

“Now…” Kate whispered hoarsely.  “Now…” 

With a high, wailing cry, Kate spasmed, squirting forcefully over her fingers and onto the sheets.  She shuddered, over and over, as the muscles deep inside her contracted repeatedly.

With that, Michelle began pushing herself almost roughly back onto my cock, huffing loudly with each thrust.  I reached down between her legs, and began tweaking her clit, urging her onwards.

“Uhnnnn, uhhhh, uhhhh…” she grunted, sounding much older than her 19 years.  I could feel the first spasms begin to ripple through her pussy as she rode me towards orgasm.

And then she came.  

Letting out an ungodly cry, she arched her back, ass quivering as she jerked back on my prick.  It was as if she was having a small seizure.  

Her fluids flowed out over my cock and down her thighs, dripping onto the bed.  Unable to hold back any longer, I thrust as far into her as I could.  With an animal grunt, my balls exploded as I came, and Michelle squealed with pleasure as I squirted deep inside her.  

Her spasms slowly diminished, and she finally went still.  Sweating, her head hanging down, she was completely winded.

After thirty seconds, I gently eased out of her.  A gush of our liquids dribbled out from between her legs.  She sighed deeply and lay forward on her belly, her head resting on Kate’s stomach.

Exhausted, I rolled onto my side and lay beside them on the bed.  Holding them both close, I watched Kate quietly stroke Michelle’s long blond hair.   They looked almost like a Romantic era painting: two women resting languorously in the dim afternoon light.

Like clockwork, the daily rain began.  It must be 4 o’clock, I thought.  

Sluicing down, the rain drummed on the bungalow’s roof above our heads.  The scent of frangipani blossoms suddenly filled the air.

I pulled the sheet up over us.  We lay quietly, entwined in each other, and fell asleep to the sound of falling water.


Later, after the rain had eased, we spooned together on the bed, talking quietly in the darkness.

Michelle was now upset.  She’d suddenly realized how little time was left before she flew home to Geneva.

“A week…” she sighed.  “I leave in a week, and we have only just met.  This is not fair.”  She suddenly sounded very much like a 19 year-old, railing against imagined injustices.

“No…” Kate murmured.  “It isn’t fair…  but we can always make good things happen.”

Michelle looked at her, confused.

“I’ve always wanted to see Switzerland,” Kate said.

Michelle sat up, clapping her hands together and laughing like a small child.  “You would come?  To see me?” she asked innocently.  “Soon?”

“Absolutely,” Kate and I responded together.  

“Hey… and we can meet Arielle!” Kate exclaimed, looking directly at me with her inscrutable deep blue eyes.





Written by 010JulianP
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