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Traveling the Old Route 66

"Lyn, Julie and I travel the old route 66."

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The story until now

Sue, my wife, had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful. I responded by having an affair with Marg.

Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the West. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me, then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child.

Sue lost the child which was fathered by someone else. After a time, I forgave her but it fueled my desire to be with other women, something that I sometimes regretted as it gave Sue the absolute right to continue to cheat.  

Sue was attending the Roller-Skating Nationals over east. I was to be a judge at the world water skiing. This meant that we would be separated for a number of weeks.

Sue was having an affair with another rollerskater, Roy who would be with her at the Nationals.

Given that Sue was going to have an affair while she was away, I had decided to take my long-term friend, Lyn, with me to the Worlds.

On the flight over to the US, Lyn and I stayed the night in Sydney, and despite my request for her not to she had sex with the attendant, Phillip. We later found that Phillip was actually the CEO of the hotel.

In The US, Lyn met a water skier called Julie, and she invited her home to our bed saying that she was repaying me for allowing her to have sex with Phillip.


The story continues.

We set out across the US on a bright and sunny morning. We were all excited. Julie, who was a US citizen had not travelled much and this was going to be something very new to her. On the first leg, Julie sat in the back of the hire car and Lyn sat up front with me.

Lyn kept moving her hand across to stroke my leg as I drove. Of course, I responded as any man would if he was being touched like that, especially so when I looked in the rearview and saw that Julie was watching her intently. It was only right that I return the occasional touch. The sign that Lyn enjoyed it was that she allowed her skirt to hike up to her crotch.

After a couple of hours of this, I looked in the rear and saw that Julie had also allowed her skirt to lift up to her crotch. The vision was intoxicating. Her panties were see-through and her pleasure region was clearly visible. I wondered what to expect next if this was happening within a few hours of setting off.

We stopped for lunch and a rest. When we returned to our vehicle, Sue got into the back and said, “We’ll take turns in the front with Goyse.”

Lyn had set the standard during the first morning of the trip. Once we were back on the road, I felt Julie's hand stroking my leg. Once more I looked to the rear and saw Lyn smile and give me a wink. It was obvious to me that Lyn had set us up so that she could watch. When I next looked back, Lyn was slowly rubbing her pussy through her panties as she watched Julie rubbing my hard-on.

It was my opportunity to talk with Julie. “Julie, I wanted to ask you something personal. Do you mind?”

“No, you guys have told me a lot about yourselves so perhaps it is the time that I opened up to you about my life and my past. Was there anything specific you wanted to know?”

“I was keen to know about your past relationships, mainly. You appear to be quite experienced sexually but there are other physical signs that suggest that you aren’t.”

“I’m recently divorced. My husband is the only man to have sex with me. That is, until you. We married young. It was a big mistake. I had been warned about him. He was a controller. People talk about the small-man complex. I think that was his problem. He was not only shor,t but he was small in other places as well as in his mind.”

“It’s sad because I loved him and it could have been a wonderful relationship, but he tried to lock me away from everyone and everything. About the only place I could go was water skiing and that was only with him present, and he watched me all the time.”

“I made friends with a couple of the girls who water-skied, and he ruined that by coming on to them all the time. Before long they stayed well clear of me. If I went to the shops he would put me through the third degree when I returned. He acted as if I was cheating on him. Cheating was the last thing on my mind.”

“I never once even looked at another man while we were together, although I would have dearly loved to have got with a couple of the girls. He probably detected that so it may have been the reason why he tried to grope them.”

“Eventually, I told him that I was leaving if he kept his behaviour up and he became violent. The next time that he went out without me, I packed up and left. He then stalked me so that I had to go into hiding. Actually, I am still hiding because if he finds me it will start all over again.”

Sue had leaned forward in her seat. “That’s fucking terrible. No one should have to live their life like that. Did you have any kids?”

“No, shortly after we were married, I realised I had made a big mistake so I made sure that we didn’t have children. I was on the pill and a couple of times he threw them away on me. I talked to my doctor and she ran two scripts for me so that if he got rid of the pills I was on I had access to others.”

“The very sad thing about it all is that I actually was very much in love with him. I thought that he wasn’t a bad lover. Now I know that he was pretty average but I didn’t know any better at that time so I thought he was great. If he had treated me right I would never have known any difference.”

“My downfall is probably my attraction to women. I don’t know what it is but I just like the look and feel of the female body. Although I like women making love to me, I find that men satisfy me more. I can’t really explain it. It’s as if I need both sexes to feel content. I had a girl lover when I was in college and those feelings keep coming back to me.”

“Our present arrangement seems to be perfect for me. I can be with Lyn whenever I want to be, then Goyse can come and join us. I just adore watching you pair together. There’s no jealousy and you are both receptive to me no matter where we are or what we are doing. Both of you respect me and my needs. You look after me as if we were family. It is wonderful.”

I didn’t comment and neither did Lyn. I expect that Lyn, like me knew that what we had could not last. We were living a dream existence and eventually we had to wake up to the fact that we both had family and responsibilities. I was not going to mention it because I had seen the impact that it had on Lyn a week ago when I had mentioned that I was married. I didn’t want her worrying about what lay ahead. Our holiday was about getting away from all that for a break, at least that is how I saw it.

All the time she was talking, Julie was rubbing my erection. I was glad that we were approaching our destination as I felt that much longer and I most certainly would have needed a clean pair of trousers. As I stopped at our hotel unit, Julie leant across and kissed me. She had placed her arm around my neck and held me very tight, and it looked as if she was not going to let me go.

Lyn came to my aid, “Come on you two, I’m hungry and by that I mean food.”

We both laughed. I unloaded our bags as the girls walked off. I then joined them in the motel room. Shortly after, Lyn walked towards the restroom saying, “I’m going to the toilet and then going to have a shower. I won’t be too long.”

As soon as she had closed the door, Julie reached down and removed her panties and handed them to me. She then lifted herself up onto the bench and said, “Drop your trousers and come here.”

Her behaviour took me by surprise but I did exactly as she asked. She opened her legs as I approached and I moved to drop to my knees, but she said, “No, there isn’t time for that.”

She reached over as I stood. She pulled me towards her with one arm and with her free arm she guided me into her pussy. She was extremely wet and I slid almost all the way into her. She humped her back to make it easier for me. She kissed me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

“We don’t have much time. Lyn will be out soon. Don’t hold back. Give it to me hard and fast.”

I did exactly as she asked. Under her direction, I didn’t need to worry about her pleasure. This was going to be for me. It had been a long time since I had sex in such a way that my satisfaction was the focus. I stroked all seven inches in and out of her with a thrust that lifted her off the bench every time. She met my every stroke.

I knew that I should have been careful because every time we had made love before she had flinched in pain when I initially buried myself too deep into her. I was too horny to ignore her invitation and to take care. My animal instinct took over and I thrust as hard as I was capable. To my amazement, she showed no sign of it hurting her. Her grip on my neck got tighter and tighter which stimulated me even more.

“Give it to me, Goyse. Shoot your seed into my slippery little hole. Make me yours, lover boy,” she whispered in my ear. It was just too much. My first blast must have been the largest ever. I had been teased for six hours of the last seven. I had lost count of the number of times that I had almost shot my bolt in my pants during the day. First off, it was Lyn who played with me and then later during the afternoon Julie was rubbing me while Lyn played with herself in the back seat as I watched. My orgasm went on and on and on. My legs buckled but I was able to regain my balance as my orgasm ended.

“You liked that, didn’t you? You are always looking after Lyn and me. It was about time one of us looked after you. Remember, don’t be frightened to put your needs ahead of mine whenever you need to,” she whispered in my ear.

I didn’t know what to say to her so I just took her in my arms and kissed her long and hard. When we broke the kiss she smiled and said, “That was nice, lover. I like it hard and fast sometimes. Don’t forget that.” She reached down and pulled her panties back up.

No more than a minute later, Lyn walked in, looked around, sniffed and said, “You fuckers have started without me, haven’t you?”   

“It was alright for you. You could masturbate in the back seat but I would have run us off the road if I had started stroking like you were.”

Lyn started laughing with, “Don’t worry, honey. I told her to look after you while you were getting our bags. It must have been a quickie. I hurried and thought I would catch you still at it. I was starting to get horny myself wondering what you were up to.”

“My guess is that you probably wore out the soap lathering up that little pussy of yours.”

We both laughed. Julie headed for the bathroom while Lyn and I hugged and kissed.    

“Why don’t you join her and I’ll make us a drink while you wash up. It’s getting on a bit so we had better hurry if we are going to catch the restaurant.”

We showered and dressed and headed out to eat. Once we returned, the three of us undressed and climbed into bed together. Lyn took the lead by reaching over and placing her hand on my cock. I reached down to her crotch but someone had beaten me to it, and I came in contact with Julie's hand. I looked over at her and she smiled back at me. I placed my hand on the top of hers and realised that her fingers had penetrated Lyn.

I could have taken the initiative but decided to sit back tonight and watch the girls. I removed my hand, lifted myself up on the bed, and lay my back on the pillows. Julie must have interpreted my movement as allowing her the opportunity to make love to Lyn as I had intended. She moved her body across and kissed Lyn. They kissed for some time during which Lyn removed her hand from my cock.

From my higher position on the bed, I could now see what was happening. The girls were fingering each other as they kissed. Suddenly, Julie pulled back and turned one-hundred-eighty degrees, placing her face into Lyn’s crotch then swung one leg over Lyn’s body. In that position, Lyn was looking directly up at Julie’s pussy. Julie then lowered herself down onto Lyn’s mouth.

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I could see Lyn working her tongue into Julie while she placed her arms around her posterior to pull her down onto her tongue. Lyn was using her tongue like a flat penis working it in and out of her pussy. After doing this for a couple of minutes, she then took Julie’s clit between her lips. I could see from the movement of her cheeks that she was using her tongue to work on her clit.

Lyn's action must have been having the desired effect on Julie because she started to hump her hips as if to drive her clit further into Lyn’s mouth. I looked down to see how Julie was working over lyn and realised that Lyn was also humping. Lyn’s movements were reminiscent of a man who was being sucked off and trying to drive his cock further into his woman’s mouth. I wanted to see more so lifted up and turned around so that my head was near to Julie’s. 

The sight is one that I will take to my death bed. Lyn’s clit was like an erect two-inch cock sticking straight up from the top of her pussy. It even had a head on it like a man’s penis. Julie was sucking it into her mouth and then pulling back on it so that it just cleared her mouth. She then ran her tongue across her lips to wet them and then thrust her head forward to slip it between her lips again. Every time that Julie thrust forward, Lyn lifted her hips to meet her thrust.

This continued for around five minutes when I saw Julie lift her head higher than she had been. She let out an enormous groan followed by, “Oooohhhhhh.” I looked up towards where Lyn was working her over and saw Julie shoot her juices all over Lyn’s face. Some even squirted across my feet. Altogether there would have been eight or nine squirts. Each squirt was accommodated with another low pitched groan and, “Ooooohhhh.” Lyn didn’t miss a beat. She just kept working her over.

When I looked back at Julie, she had already started work on Lyn's clit again. It wouldn’t have been more than thirty seconds later that Lyn reached her orgasm. Like Julie, she squirted her juices across Julie’s face. Lyn was much quieter than Julie. Each time she squirted she just let out a little moan. Shortly afterwards, the girls just seemed to collapse on each other.

Julie had turned her head towards me with her eyes closed and her head resting on Lyn’s crotch.  I lay there admiring how beautiful Julie was. Her orgasm seemed to make her look even more attractive than I had observed before. I suddenly realised that she had opened her eyes and not only was I watching her, but now she was watching me. We lay like that for a few minutes just looking at each other and then I heard Lyn start to snore.

Julie started to smile. I guessed it was because of Lyn's snoring but then she whispered, “I love you.”

It took me back. Initially, I didn’t know what to say or do so I moved over and kissed her. Damn, what was happening? We had warned Julie that she could not become emotionally involved. I needed to escape this. I got up and moved to the bathroom. A few seconds later the door opened and Julie walked in. She then closed the door behind her and leaned against the wall looking at me standing there.

“You didn’t have to run away.”

“What made you think I was running away?”

“You went to the bathroom and now you're just standing here looking in the mirror. What else am I to think?”

“You shocked me, that’s all.”

“What, you expect me to kiss you and screw you morning and night and not develop feelings for you?”

“I guess not. I don’t know what to say to you. I don’t want to hurt you but I have a wife and kids. No matter how I feel or how you feel I can’t make any commitments to you.”

“I’m not asking for you to make any commitments to me. I just want you to be honest with me about how you feel. That’s all.”

“I’ve got Lyn. You must know how I feel about her. I don’t have the right to hurt her. She and I go a long way back. We’re not only lovers but we are also best mates.”

“I don’t want you to hurt Lyn, and I’m not asking you to. She is important to me, too. Don’t worry about it. I thought I saw something in your eyes, that’s all.”

She turned to walk away. Before she got to the door I grabbed her by the arm, spun her around, took her in my arms and kissed her. When we broke the kiss she said, “I thought so, thanks. That tells me what I needed to know. Maybe in time, you will be able to tell me in words.”

She went to pull away again but I held her firm and kissed her again. I lifted her up onto the vanity and pushed my cock slowly into her pussy. She wrapped her legs around my waist and placed her heels high up on my back leaving herself fully available to me. Each time I pushed into her she let out a low pitched groan. I could feel her juices running down over my ball sack.

I worked her slowly. I wanted it to go on forever. I wanted her to remember this moment. She had told me she loved me. I wanted her to love me and enjoy me more and more. I wanted the rest of the world to disappear so just her and I were left with our pleasure. Fuck the world, fuck Sue, fuck even Lyn. They could all disappear and leave me alone with this person who wanted nothing from me except my love.  

“Of course I’m falling in love with you. You can see that. I think Lyn can see it too. It’s just that I can’t offer you anything except what I’m giving you now. I’m trapped like a fish in a net. I can move, I can try but at the end of the day my net is my marriage and it holds me. I can’t offer you more than I am now.”

“I don’t want or expect any more than we have. I just want to be with you whenever we can get together. I know that you told me not to get emotionally involved but it’s something that I couldn’t control. It may sound stupid but I knew on that first day when we stood in the lift going up to the apartment. It’s not going to go away, either.”

We kissed again. We continued to make love for a long time. I don’t know how long it was; an hour, maybe two hours, but eventually the inevitable happened. We reached our orgasm. Hers arrived first and the heat of her juices sent me over the top.

 After we kissed again, she told me to go back to bed while she cleaned up.

As I climbed into bed, Lyn spoke, “She told you then?”

“Told me what?”

“That she is falling in love with you.”

“What made you think that?”

“It’s Okay. She told me she was going to tell you. Did you tell her?”

“What did you expect me to tell her?”

“The truth, what else. Did you tell her that you are falling in love with her too?”

“What makes you say that?”

“I’m not stupid. I’ve been watching you, and I’ve been watching her.”

“Yes, I had trouble but I ended up telling her.”

“Good, then I can get on with my life then. No more sitting around waiting for Sue to leave you.”

“Lyn, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know that, Goyse. If it was anyone else but you I would say that it was bullshit but I know you better than anyone alive today. I know that you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose.

“I wish that it made me feel better but I have let you down. Can we remain friends?”

“Yes, of course, we can. There is something that I need to tell you, Goyse. Perhaps the time is right tonight.”

“I don’t think that I’m going to like this.”

“You have Julie now so you should be OK.”

“Then it’s dear John then, is it?”

“Not really but I have met someone. I’ve been trying to make a decision for a while now. You know that I’ve waited a long time for you to become single again. Eventually, Sue will leave you and if she had done it a few months ago, I would have been keen to become your next partner. With the months and years, I started to wonder if I should start to get back to leading a normal life again. You know, go out occasionally to the movies or even to the local tavern for a drink.”

“So I did it. I wasn’t looking for a man. I had offers but I kept saying no, sorry, I’m spoken for. There was this guy who always said hello but initially made no approach to me. Eventually, one evening when I went for a drink, he sat at the table next to mine and struck up a conversation. He said that he noticed that I always had lemon with my drink. I said, yes, I like lemons. I asked him why he said that? He said he had a lemon tree and if I wanted some he could supply them.”

“Well, no harm in that so I said that would be nice. He said he would drop them off for me. That was it. He went his way and I went mine. I guessed he was just talking because he didn’t ask me where I lived.”

“The next morning, I looked out when a car pulled up. It was this guy with a bag full of lemons. To be polite I invited him in for a cup of coffee. We talked. I found he was good to talk to and very knowledgeable. Before long I realized it was time to pick the kids up. We had talked most of the day.” 

“As he went to leave he turned around and looked at me for awhile. He then said that he enjoyed talking to me. He also told me that he had been told that I had been spoken for. He went on and said that he would love to spend some more time with me. He explained that if I agreed he would promise to not try anything that could jeopardise my relationship with you.”

“I told him I enjoyed it too and that I would like to spend some more time with him if he respected that I was committed to another man. He came over a couple of times and then he invited me to join him for a drink. We had a great time and he never once acted inappropriately. The issue is similar to what you find with Julie. Feelings sneak up on you.”

“I have been thinking of going out with him on a date but I wouldn’t do that without your blessing. I have been looking for an opportunity to raise it with you. Would you give me your support to allow me to go out on a date with Ron? That’s his name.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her. “Of course you can, Lyn. Even if I didn’t want you to, what right do I have to say no to you? No person could be more dependable or honest and reliable as you have been. You have my blessing.”

“I may want to have sex with him. How do you feel about that?”

“I would be awfully disappointed with you if you developed feelings for him and you didn’t.”

“You know that no matter what happens between Ron and  me, you will always hold a place in my heart.”

“The same goes for me. You have been pushing me on to Julie, haven’t you? You’ve been trying to get me involved with her. I was watching you since we met in Sydney and I knew something was worrying you. I’m glad it’s out in the open now.”

“Yes, I was testing you with Phillip. I actually did want to sleep with him but I would not have pursued it if it hadn’t been for this. I thought that maybe you would stop me and cause some conflict. When you didn’t stop me I realized how committed to me you really were. Only a very committed man could let the one that he loves have sex with another man. It made me have second thoughts. I know you love me but I’m glad that you have Julie to fill that hole in your life.”

“Thanks, mate. Friends forever, Okay.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way, friends forever.”

I looked past Lyn and saw Julie in the shadows listening to our discussion. I smiled at her and beckoned her over.

“Does that mean that you and Lyn are no longer lovers?” she asked.

I looked at Lyn who smiled. “I don’t think anything has changed just yet. What do you think, Lyn?”

“It hasn’t changed for me. Maybe it will after our trip but not yet. How do you feel about it, Julie?”

“I think the three of us are great together. The longer it lasts for me the happier I’ll be. I love that big clit of yours Lyn. It’s almost as big as my ex-husband's dick when you get excited.”

“I’ve never ever told anyone before but I’ve always been a bit self-conscious about it, actually.”

“Self-conscious? I wish I had one like that. Mine is so small that I have trouble finding it when I masturbate. In fact, Goyse is the only lover other than you that has ever found it hidden away in my little folds. All the girls at college had big clits and those days I thought I had been born without one. I only found it after I was married. That’s how small it was. I’d do anything to have one like yours. Wear it proud, Lyn.”

We all laughed at that. We huddled together on the bed and drifted off to sleep. The only thing noticeable was that Julie slept next to me, with Lyn on the other side of Julie. Julie spooned Lyn, and I moved up behind Julie and spooned her. The roles had changed. Julie was no longer the third wheel, Lyn was. 



Written by goyse
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