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Maid To Serve - Part One

"Anya goes out of her comfort zone to make more money."

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London. A city that, on the outside, was one of the most celebrated and visited cities in the world. Its history spanned nearly two millennia. The old mixed with the modern, London boasted some of the most photographed locations by tourists worldwide. For me, the London they saw was just an illusion. The divide between the wealthy and the poor was vast, although subtly hidden by London's grandeur. It was rare to see the poverty-ridden people; they were swept away from the tourist traps. If you looked closely, you could see the benches with the armrests positioned to prevent the homeless from sleeping on them or the underpasses that passed under the roads, gated to prevent those needing shelter from taking cover.

I moved here from Argentina three months ago with a student visa. At first, life had been fantastic. Drawn in by the glamour and excitement of the London nightlife, I settled in, quickly making friends at the university I studied at. Most evenings were spent partying, both on campus and out in London's vibrant nightlife. The demand from studying and partying took its toll, and I couldn't hack working a part-time job on top of that to pay for the partying and the luxuries.

I was in desperate need of an additional income to survive in London, and I started looking into more nonconventional avenues to earn money. Becoming a content creator on OnlyFans helped a little. Swallowing my pride, I posted suggestive shots in my underwear and amassed a few followers who subscribed to my page' however, it wasn't enough. I didn't have the time to advertise my page, and I wasn't willing to plaster nude or sexual images of myself online to try to make it in an over-saturated market. Not yet, anyway. The way things were going, I needed to make a change.

During my first few months in London, I had grown close with a handsome young man named Freddie, who studied with me at the same university. He came from a wealthy background and disobeyed his father's wishes by going down a path of his own making instead of taking his place as expected in the family business. We used what little money we had to rent a room in North London since we couldn't share a room with the opposite sex on campus. The room was based in a derelict block of flats that was a far cry from the type of properties you encountered in Central London. Troubled by gang violence and drug dealers, I feared for our safety as we slept here and commuted to university. The police rarely came to these parts unless a serious crime was committed; they knew better than to confront some of the people who lived in this neighbourhood.

The desperation that weighed on me to find my way out of this place and to a wealthier neighbourhood drove me to extreme measures. I didn't want to go any further with my OnlyFans, and Freddie's pride prevented him from turning to his family for help. My own family had used up their life savings to send me here to London for an education, I couldn't ask them for any more. When I asked for suggestions in a WhatsApp group with fellow OnlyFans girls, one of them suggested a worldwide agency that intrigued me. In her home city, New York, there was a growing demand for 'sexy cleaning maids'. The first thing she reiterated was that it wasn't a job where you were paid for sex. You turn up dressed in a revealing maid's outfit and clean the place half-assedly whilst the client perves over you.

The role was a significant step up from what I was doing with OnlyFans, but the money I would earn was significantly more for little work. The girl in the group said the company had clients looking for services like this worldwide, including in London. They protected their agents by screening and giving a rating for their clients, similar to how companies like Uber work with their drivers and passengers. Of course, I would have to get used to creepy men leering at me whilst I wore next to nothing, but at least they wouldn't be touching me.

Freddie was reluctant to let me take the work. We had a little argument that I was whoring myself out, and he was worried for my safety. I explained to him that I would always be clothed and that I was doing this for us. Six months working for clients would provide me with enough to find a safer and more pleasant place nearer the centre of London. We could stay there until we graduated, and as long as I could earn an apprenticeship somewhere, I could apply to stay in the country for another three years until I was classed as a skilled worker. Once I'd got a career as a skilled worker, I was entitled to stay here.

The first client I received was a booking in Central London in an apartment overlooking the River Thames offering incredible city views. The agency had provided me with their standard outfit for the service that had been delivered this morning. Thankfully, Freddie was at the pub with a few friends watching football; I couldn't imagine he'd be too happy if he saw what I had to wear for the session.

The outfit consisted of about five parts. First, there was a sexy pair of Brazillian-styled panties made of mesh and lace that reminded me of a pair I had lost back home in Argentina. They were the type of panties you saved for when you knew someone would end up seeing them. The black skirt, topped with a frilly-edged, white apron, was shorter than I had thought, showing the very top of the back of my thighs and even more when I bent over.

Instead of the full maid's outfit that covered my top completely, they only supplied a black push-up bra lined with a frilly white design to match the skirt with a strap that hung around the back of my neck to keep it on. The shoes they expected me to wear were stiletto heels. I hated wearing heels at the best of times and generally reserved them for if I was on a night out, trying to pull someone; if I remember rightly, the last time I had worn them had been the night I had pulled Freddie. The finishing pieces were a frilly white headpiece and a neck collar to complete the look. The agency also sent cleaning supplies and equipment, though there was a note to use it sparingly.

There was no way I would head to the client's place looking like this, so I stashed the collar and headpiece in a bag and shoved on a pair of leggings and a jacket to cover the outfit. As I stepped outside, I noticed the usual drug dealer and his cronies standing outside their flat. Their wolf whistles made my skin crawl, and I quickened my pace, ignoring whatever inappropriate drivel they spewed in my direction.

The client was situated in one of the apartment buildings overlooking the River Thames, not too far from the Bank underground station. Nervously, I pushed open the heavy doors and walked into a grand foyer. The woman posted at the reception desk eyed me immediately, as if instantly realising that I didn't belong. As I approached the desk, her look of distrust was replaced by a fake smile.

"Good evening, dear. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"My name is Anya, and I'm here to see Mr. Bruce. I have an appointment."

My accent was thick as I spoke. I'd picked up many English accents and speech mannerisms, but my original accent always came out when I had been drinking or was feeling angry. The way this woman looked at me as if I was dirt whilst she called Mr Bruce's landline was getting to me. The disbelief was visible in her eyes after Mr Bruce confirmed my visitation, and she directed me to the lift, telling me to press the button for the fourth floor and to head to apartment number eight on that floor. I can see that she was considering sending a member of security to escort me up, but in the end, she let me go.

The vast difference in quality of living within less than ten miles irked me. People here lived in such opulence, while people like me lived in squalor, struggling to make ends meet. The wealth on display sickened me, but I had a job to do. Putting on a pleasant face, I knocked on Mr Bruce's door and grinned widely as he invited me inside. He was a small, mousy man, balding and stuttering with every sentence. Like a gentleman, he took my coat and hung it carefully in his entrance hall.

It was clear that the man wouldn't tell me what to clean; he appeared very nervous. Setting down my cleaning equipment, I went around the apartment, dusting and cleaning surfaces while he sat down and watched my every move. His timid nature helped me feel safe, and I felt comfortable acting more seductively. As I wiped the glass table in front of where he sat, I bent down slowly with my ass barely an inch from his face. When I turned to face him, his eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't take his eyes off me. His stunned silence amused me, and I started having fun as I posed in positions that showed off my body while I cleaned. It surprised me to realise that this was turning me on, and I put on as much of a show for the man as I could. At one point, I crawled seductively along the floor as I cleaned a bit of the floor by his feet.

The hour passed so quickly, and it was only when Mr Bruce informed me that his time was up that I realised it was time to stop. The man stuttered, showering compliments my way for the service, and even gave me a small wad of cash as a bonus. As I left the apartment building, I was grinning from ear to ear. I was in such a good mood that even the judgemental look from the reception woman on the way out didn't bother me. I met Freddie as he left the pub and ordered a Chinese takeaway for us to enjoy back home.

Freddie was a little tipsy from spending the last few hours drinking, and he was flirting heavily with me as we walked into our block of flats. Still feeling the arousal from earlier this evening, my clothes were off, and the Chinese takeaway was flung on the side as I pulled Freddie towards the bedroom. He eagerly took my jacket off, and his eyes widened as he took in my maid's outfit.

"Oh yeah, that'll do it."

Freddie grinned and pushed me down onto the bed, laying over me as he kissed me and stroked me through the lace panties. His actions were clumsy due to the alcohol, but he made up for it in enthusiastic effort. I was gagging for it, and I motioned for him to remove my panties. That was enough foreplay; I wanted him inside me.

Freddie was all too willing to comply with my desires, and he fumbled to undo his jeans. The moment his boxers dropped to the floor, his veinous dick sprung to life. Even with the alcohol consumption, Freddie had the stamina and desire that many women craved in the bedroom, and he had an almost feral nature without being too rough. His desire matched my own, and I gave as good as I got, nibbling on his neck as he thrust inside me. As he hit that spot inside, I dug my nails into his back, clinging on for dear life as my eyes rolled into the back of my skull. Oh yeah, that was the spot. The pressure grew inside until it erupted, sending shockwaves of pleasure ripping through my body.

Freddie still wasn't done, and I moaned my appreciation as I rested my face against his, feeling like a rag doll as my body moved with each thrust. I could tell by the expression on his face and the desperation in which he thrust inside me that he was getting close. I bit down on his neck once again, lightly sucking as I did. That pushed him over the edge, and me with him. I cried out once again as the pleasure overwhelmed my body.

Breathless, we lay together in each other's arms, treasuring the moment, I think it was safe to say that he approved of the maid's outfit. The last couple of months with Freddie had been nothing short of incredible, even with living in this shithole. It was such a culture shock when I moved here to study; thanks to people like Freddie and some friends I made at university, it had been easy to adapt.

A few months passed, and I took at least one client weekly. I tried to time it when Freddie was out with his friends; it made it easier for him to accept what I was doing. Mr Bruce had been impressed by my first session with him so much that he booked me another four times, with another one scheduled in a couple of weeks.

Thanks to the scrupulous screening by the agency, I haven't encountered any issues with any clients so far. Their ratings had been close to perfect, and I rated them so they would rate me back. I boasted a score of 4.98/5, and because of that, I was rated near the top in my region. With the popularity came the demand. I was receiving more and more requests. With the money that could be earned, I couldn't turn the requests down. If this continued, I'd be able to afford to rent a place in a better area of London sooner rather than later.

On my fifth visit with Mr Bruce, I became more adventurous, hoping it would earn me more of a tip. Ten minutes into cleaning his apartment, I slowly removed my panties and handed them to him to look after. His face was a picture as I bent down in front of him again, revealing my nether regions in all their glory.

My naughty behaviour turned me on; this was quite unlike me. Mr Bruce didn't complain about the scent of my arousal that slowly became more noticeable. The grin on Mr Bruce's face told me he was enjoying the show. He was usually so timid that it surprised me when he held my panties up to his face and sniffed them. Behaviour like that would usually creep me out, but I had developed a soft spot for Mr Bruce, and I wanted him to get the most out of my sessions. As he breathed in my scent, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of arousal.

Mr Bruce tipped me generously to show his appreciation. He still stuttered when he spoke, but he was much more animated when he talked to me. It was lovely to see him coming out of his shell. He handed me back my panties after one more smell, and he had already booked the next session before I left his apartment.

A few days later, I received an email from the agency informing me that a new client had booked me for a session. The booking was double my usual rate because the client was new and had no rating. Should I accept the booking, the agency would provide an intimidating, muscular man to accompany me to the booking. They would act as a deterrent for any unwelcome behaviour and stationed inside the apartment near the entrance. I was still a little dubious until I saw that the client was an eighteen-year-old woman. She had travelled from Cuba half a year ago, and I imagined her feeling lost and alone in a foreign land. I immediately felt sorry for her and decided to accept the booking.

I didn't tell Freddie about my first booking with a woman client later this evening. At the moment, he was happy with the money and the little treats that came with that to argue against it. Our sex life had also benefited from my role, and that was another thing he couldn't argue against. I'd given him a little extra money to treat himself at the pub with his friends, and he was happy.

I met up with the security man accompanying me this evening by Hyde Park. He looked somewhat like a biker; tall and hairy, tattooed, dressed in leathers, and built like a brick shithouse. To my complete surprise, the man spoke with a soft and soothing voice. He introduced himself as Blade, and he looked like he was in his late twenties. I had dreaded meeting him due to the nature of the work, but he instantly filled me with ease.

"Don't you worry, Miss, I'll be out of sight, but if you have any worries, call out to me, and I'll respond instantly."

Blade continued making small talk as we walked towards the apartment building. I'd seen some wealth recently at my client's properties, but I could immediately tell that this one was going to top the lot. The apartment building was modern and tall, with balconies that overlooked Hyde Park and the city. The foyer of the apartment building had its own security team present, and there was a grand water display with well-kept indoor plants and art hanging on the wall. I approached the receptionist at the desk, and he was far more pleasant than some of the others I'd encountered. Especially that judgemental bitch back at Mr Bruce's apartment building. My visit was already scheduled on his computer, and he pointed me to a separate lift guarded by a security member and metal detectors.

"Good evening, Miss."

The security man was so tall and well-built that he made Blade look small. He was polite as he searched my bag of cleaning supplies, and I walked through the metal detector without setting it off. Thankfully, I hadn't gone ahead with the nipple piercings I was thinking of getting; that would have been a fun one to explain.

As the lift doors closed, I realised that we were travelling up to the penthouse floor at the top. I grew nervous once again, and I looked to Blade for reassurance; he smiled warmly in return. The doors opened to an entrance lobby with space to hang coats and bags and even a seating area to wait. The door opened and out stepped one of the most stunning women I had ever seen in my life.

"Welcome, Anya. My name is Livia."

The first thing I noticed about Livia was that she was slightly taller than me. She was wearing a short pair of denim shorts and a white crop top that rested on her large chest, two with two little peaks in the fabric showing that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. Her skin was tanned and flawless, and she was slim and toned. I was envious of her immediately. The question was, why was she hiring me? With her looks, she could probably get people to clean her place for free.

Blade sat in the entrance lobby as I was led inside her place. The penthouse took up the entire top floor of the building, and it was mostly open plan with a modern living area, a contemporary built-in kitchen, and separate rooms for a luxury bathroom, shower room, bedroom and personal gym. The more I saw of her place, the more envious I got of this mystery woman guiding me.

After the tour, Livia took a seat on the sofa as I got to work. The place was nearly immaculate; there wasn't much to do. Still, I put on a show, just like I had with Mr Bruce and others before. Livia had the same hungry gaze on her body as my other clients as she watched me clean, biting her lip at times as she watched me bend over in front of her.

Towards the end of the session, Livia made me a cup of tea and thanked me for my service, saying I performed perfectly and that she'd be booking me again. There were so many questions I wanted to ask her. Like, how did she afford a place like this? Or why did she hire me? Instead, she made small talk, asking about me and how I was enjoying the job. She did reveal that she had come from Cuba and that she had only been over here half a year. It was easy talking to her, and ten minutes had passed before I realised that Blade was waiting for me, and if I didn't go out there soon, he'd come charging inside to check on me.

The next month passed in the blink of an eye as Autumn came to an end, and my workload became a little overwhelming. University work was piling up, and since my popularity had grown so much with the agency, I was getting so many requests that I needed to turn some down. I decided that I'd make sure that I would always accept Mr Bruce's bookings. I don't know whether it was because I felt a little sorry for him or that he tipped well, but I enjoyed my time with him. Livia had booked me another three times since the first time, and I was getting on very well with her. Sure, the girl intimidated me a little with her beauty and stature, and she always seemed to have this smirk on her face as if she knew something I didn't, but she was very easy to get on with.

On top of everything, Christmas was approaching, and I was looking forward to spending my first festive season in London with Freddie. He had treated me the other day to a trip to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park, I had such an amazing time and it really got me into the spirit. Despite the gloom associated with the part of London I lived in, the centre of London was truly beautiful this time of year. Of course, it was also much colder than I was used to.

Tonight, I had another booking with Livia. I no longer needed Blade to accompany me since I trusted Livia as a client. The receptionist waved me up with a smile, and I took the lift up to Livia's penthouse floor and knocked on her door.

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"Sorry, I've just got out of the shower."

Livia stood there wrapped in just a towel as she invited me inside. We spoke a little as I started cleaning, catching up with each other like old friends. I could tell that Livia was getting more excited than usual, and she laid the towel on the sofa to sit on as she sat down, wearing nothing. Her body was more perfect than I imagined, and I could barely keep my eyes off of her as I went around cleaning. She watched me with that same intense desire as she played with herself in front of me. I wasn't naive; I expected that other clients would do the same as soon as I left, but this was the first time anyone had done so in front of me.

"You don't mind, do you?"

I nodded my head, unable to meet her eyes, as she continued touching herself while looking in my direction. I never imagined that I'd be in the presence of a woman in a sexual situation; I'd never felt that way. Seeing someone as attractive as Livia playing with herself over me was turning me on. Her fingers glistened from the wetness of her arousal, and I briefly considered sucking them to see what she tasted like. Where the fuck did that thought come from?

I was brought out of my stupor by the sound of the door knocking. There was still an hour left of my session; Livia must have been expecting the company, and she walked over to the door, still naked.

Through the screen that divided the living area from the entrance to the apartment, I saw a tall figure enter the room. I stood still, scared that Livia had brought someone else to our session. That wasn't something I had consented to. She led him straight through to her bedroom and closed him in before approaching me.

"I'm so sorry, he was meant to come later. Are you still okay to stay here for the rest of the session? I understand if you don't feel comfortable."

"Not at all."

My voice wavered as Livia stood inches away from me, her breasts within reaching distance. Even if I did want to say no, I couldn't find the words, feeling so flustered with her so close. It was alright, though; it wasn't like I had any plans this evening. My friends were already out on a session, and Freddie was enjoying the football with his friends and wouldn't be back until later.

Livia thanked me and ran off excitedly back to the bedroom. I could hear the sound of her giggling, and then it was quiet. I didn't need to guess what was going on in there. So, what did I do now? She didn't exactly say that I could use her things, and I'd agreed to stay until the end of the session. Walking around cleaning seemed redundant since the place was spotless, and it wasn't like she was in the room to enjoy the show. Feeling bored, I paced the room. I couldn't even go on my phone since it was out in the entrance part next to the lift.

As I paced, I spotted a wet spot on the sofa where Livia had been sitting, playing with herself. Feeling ridiculous, I leaned down to take her scent in through my nostrils. Curiosity got the better of me, and I licked the wet spot. Well, that wasn't awful. A familiar twinge confirmed that it turned me on. The grunts and gasps from the bedroom grew louder, and I had given up on resisting the urge to go closer. The door was ajar, and my heart was pounding as I pushed it slightly so that I could get a look.

I didn't know why I wanted to see Livia having sex, but I felt like I needed to. The man was on his back on the bed, barely visible. I focused on Livia, who was straddled over his dick, riding him. The shape of her body as it moved invigorated the twinge that I felt between my legs. I couldn't look away, and it took all my willpower to resist touching myself to the show before me. Lost in the show, I was frozen statue-like, and that was when Livia turned to face me. There was no shock on her face, nothing but pure elation from the pleasure she felt, and she winked at me as she closed her eyes and climaxed before my very eyes.

I scurried away from the door back behind the screen, pretending to clean the coffee table by her sofa as she thanked the man and saw him out the door. I followed her silhouette through the screen nervously as she walked back towards the living room. When she came into view, I saw the sweat that glistened from her beautiful, tanned, slender body. She walked by me as she sat back down on the sofa and spread her legs in an unladylike manner.

"Sorry about that."

Livia looked anything but sorry. She was beaming from ear to ear, and when I looked closer, I could see that her freshly-fucked hole had cum leaking out of it. I was too stunned to do anything other than clean the same spot I had been cleaning the last two minutes.

"So, how's the university going?" Livia asked casually, breaking the silence.

"It's going well, I guess. The work is piling up, though."

Livia nodded in understanding and even offered me the chance to study or relax in peace at her place if it all became too much.

"As long as I'm here, you're welcome to use my place to escape. As you know, I have a jacuzzi and plenty of spaces and equipment to relax and unwind."

I thanked Livia, debating taking her up on that. Right now, though, the session was over, and I needed to get away to process the thoughts running through my mind at a million miles an hour. As I went to leave, Livia stood barely an inch from me again, and she casually stroked my cheek as she said goodbye. I couldn't help but notice it was the hand she had been playing with herself with.

That night, I struggled to get to sleep. Images of Livia playing with herself and her cries of pleasure whilst she was being fucked echoed through my dreams. That twinge turned into an inch that needed to be scratched, and as Freddie was fast asleep beside me, I reached down and started stroking myself. Closing my eyes, the images of Livia vividly replayed through my mind, and I had to cover my mouth from the excited sounds I was making. My back arched as pleasure surged through me, and I bit down on my knuckles to stop me from screaming out. I had no idea what that was all about, but it felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. Feeling satisfied, I drifted off to sleep.

My mind was somewhere else for the next two days, and I struggled to focus on my studies. I gave Freddie some money to treat himself to some new clothes since I was going to get some more money tomorrow night with another session booked with Mr Bruce; it was all go recently. I had a text message from Livia apologising if she made me feel uncomfortable last night. She also repeated her invitation to use her place if I needed a quiet place to study or relax. I thanked her and then thought I'd take advantage of her offer tomorrow afternoon before my session with Mr Bruce. Livia sounded thrilled that I was coming and joked that I wouldn't even need to bring the maid's outfit.

I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up with my studies. Freddie had used some of the money I gave him to buy me a sexy, black, semi-transparent bodysuit. I wasn't expecting that, and I embraced him to show my gratitude, promising that he would experience more of my gratitude when I wore it for him after the session tomorrow evening.

I started making my way to Livia's place around midday after enjoying a cheeky Nandos for lunch with Freddie. He was catching up on some of the chores at our flat to allow me the opportunity to catch up with my studies in peace and relax a little.

"You're early today."

The receptionist at Livia's building smiled warmly as he went to allow me access to the elevator. The foyer had been decorated with a tall Christmas tree, lights, and decorations that looked magical.

"Did you do all this?"

"I did the most of it."

He was so proud of his display, and it looked incredible. I high-fived him before stepping into the elevator and heading up.

Livia opened the door and welcomed me in with a hug.

"Sorry again for last night. He was meant to come a little later when you had finished your sentence, but his schedule had changed. I would have sent him away, but as you could probably tell, your presence had me a little worked up and in the mood."

The vivid images of her sitting on the sofa, touching herself, flashed through my mind, and I nodded to show I had noticed as my cheeks blushed.

"It's okay."

My voice was shaky. I didn't know what it was about Livia that made me so nervous. Sure, she was one of the most attractive women I had ever seen in my life, and she was the only woman I had seen fully naked in front of me, playing with themselves. There was something about her demeanour and stature that was so intimidating.

"Do you have a client tonight?" Livia asked, noticing my bag of cleaning supplies.

I told her that I did, but not until nine that evening. She led me to a door of her apartment that I hadn't been through before, and it opened up to reveal another lift. I followed her inside, and it travelled a short distance up, leading to the roof the floor above. The doors opened, revealing a beautiful garden area complete with flowers, trees, a swimming pool contained within a glass balcony, a couple of outbuildings, and a seated area.

"This is amazing."

I looked around in awe, taking everything in. It was such a serene place high above the noise from the city. The seating area had a fire pit and heating, which turned out to be the perfect place to work on my studies. Livia sat and joined me with studies of her own, and it was nice to have someone to work with and talk to a little without disrupting the studies too much.

After a couple of hours of solid studying, Livia announced she was taking a break, and she stripped down completely before jumping into her pool. It must have been heated because it was far too cold to do that otherwise today. Once again, I was transfixed by her body, unable to keep my eyes off of her.

"You're welcome to jump in and join me."

"I don't have my swimming costume."

"You don't need one, sweety. Not here. Come in; the water is beautiful."

I stripped down, suddenly feeling self-conscious as Livia not once took her eyes off of me as I jumped into her pool. She was right, of course; it was lovely and warm. For a while, we did a few lengths of the pool together. It had been far too long since I'd exercised properly, and it felt good. It was a little unnerving being able to see the hundreds of feet drop beneath the pool, but it wasn't long before I appreciated the beauty of London beneath and around me.

Lidia climbed out of the pool first, moving quickly in the brisk air to a wooden outbuilding a few yards away. I followed her inside and discovered the outbuilding contained a jacuzzi, sauna, and steam room. I was growing more envious of this place. Livia invited me to join her in the sauna, and I immediately followed; it had been so long since I'd been in one.

We sat in a comfortable silence, resting after the swim in the intense heat of the sauna. It didn't take long to dry in here, and I soon noticed that Lidia's skin was glistening in the heat. It reminded me of when I saw her the night before after she had sex. I quickly tried to distract myself with something as I felt that twinge again between my legs. It didn't work, and I sat on my hands uncomfortably, waiting for Livia to leave so that I didn't have to stand up first.

"Hey, Anya, can I ask you something? I'm sorry in advance if it offends you."


I looked at her nervously in anticipation, resisting the urge to touch her glistening skin.

"Would you accept more money if I asked you for extras during our sessions?"

"Like sex?"

Sex was the first thought that passed through my mind. While I was curious, I wasn't confident enough to go with another woman, and the fact that I was being paid for it seemed to put me off further.

"Not sex. I can get sex whenever I want. I want to be pampered, specifically by you wearing that maid's outfit."

"I think I can do that. If I find it uncomfortable, can I stop?"

"Of course."

I agreed to try it out; for the extra money Livia offered, it was worth attempting it. Livia and I stepped out of the sauna, quickly went under the shower, and then got into the jacuzzi. It was lovely, though I still felt a little inferior in the presence of her beauty.

The sun set, and we made our way back inside. Livia ordered us both a healthy meal from the restaurant downstairs. As if this place couldn't get much better. The premium places had their very own personal chef downstairs who would cook a fancy meal and send it up to their room.

We exchanged stories about ourselves over lunch as I told her about why I came to London; her story turned out to be far more interesting than mine. Her father had been the head of a rather dangerous and successful drug cartel back home in Cuba. He had made billions before the government cracked down on control over its borders, and exporting his product became a problem. In exchange for information, Livia's father got immunity from prosecution and was living in luxury somewhere in the Caribbean.

"I wanted nothing to do with him."

Livia spoke seriously, her eyes narrowed as she reminisced.

"He was a bad, selfish man, and he was the reason I had lost my mother. He gifts me money constantly to talk to him from time to time, but he understands that I can't do more than that. I'm not sure I will ever forgive him."

It was the first time I had seen Livia show any signs of vulnerability, and it made me admire her more for it. I wanted to cuddle her, but I wasn't sure if she'd find that condescending. We continued speaking until it was time for me to get ready, and Livia watched with a smile as I got dressed in my maid's costume.

"Thank you for today, Livia; it was lovely."

"No worries. It was lovely to have you for company. You're welcome anytime. I'm sure I'll see you sooner rather than later anyway."

Livia looked up from her phone with a grin just as I received an email with a new booking request for her this weekend. I laughed as I left and made my way to Mr Bruce's apartment.

I was in such a good mood from today that not even the receptionist in Mr Bruce's building could annoy me. Mr Bruce was in a very good mood as he welcomed me inside. He took his normal seat on the sofa as I put on a show while cleaning around. Riding my good mood, I took this session a step further. Holding the broom upright like a pole, I rubbed my pussy against it through the panties, dancing to the sensual music he had playing. Mr Bruce's eyes bulged as I stroked myself through my panties teasingly. When I was soaking through, I took the panties off and threw them in his direction. He caught them eagerly and immediately held them to his face, inhaling their scent.

I don't know what was up with me, but I couldn't stop. I sat on his coffee table, facing him with my legs spread and my fingers gently tracing my clit. Mr Bruce couldn't contain his desires any longer, and he pulled down his jeans and started stroking his small and unimpressive cock. I put on a show for him, fingering my hole and sucking my fingers, picturing Livia in the sauna earlier until he came hard. I was close to climaxing myself, but I wanted to save it for when I got home with Freddie.

Although it was frustrating, I kept myself on the edge of climax throughout the whole session with Mr Bruce. When the hour passed, he was thrilled with my performance and tipped me a larger amount than normal.

"Hey handsome"

I met Freddie outside the pub as he said goodbye to his friends. He was a little shocked to see me, but I couldn't wait for him to get home. Instead, I lead him down a quiet alley down the side of a derelict building. I got on my knees and unfastened his jeans. Freddie was too drunk to protest, and his erect cock told me he was all too willing to go ahead. I took him in my mouth, teasing my clit as I bobbed up and down on his cock. The sound of sirens and traffic in the distance added tension and risk to the arousal, and my god, did it mix well. Freddie got into it and was slightly rougher than usual, holding the back of my head and pushing hard against my gag reflex.

Coughing up drool, I stood up and pulled my panties down, kicking them off impatiently. Freddie picked me up with ease, and I rested my legs on either side of his hips as he pushed my back against the wall and fucked my hole. His enthusiasm tonight was something else; it was like there was a greater desire than normal, almost animalistic and feral. I rested my head against his shoulder as I dug my nails into his shoulders, moaning with every deep thrust inside me. I felt light-headed as my mind floated in the euphoria of the moment, feeling the pleasure travel through every nerve ending felt electric. Freddie reached down to grab my panties and shoved them in my mouth for me to bite onto, muffling the sound as I cried out in pleasure.

Fuck, Freddie was always good in bed, but this was something else. My legs felt weak as he placed me down, and I had to steady myself against the wall as I tried to reorientate myself. Fuck me, that was amazing. Freddie caught his breath and beamed at me; he had enjoyed it as much as I did. It was only when Freddie reached for my panties in my mouth that I remembered they were still there. He pocketed them and kissed me. I then linked my arm with his and slowly strolled home with his cum leaking down the inside of my leg. It looked like we'd have to try out my new bodysuit another night.

The next morning, I woke up in such a good mood. Freddie had to head into class early, but I had the day off. It was grey and pouring down outside, and I was under my duvets, not willing to get up just yet. I was going to have to soon, I'd fallen asleep the moment we had got in last night, and Freddie's cum had dried upon the inside of my thigh. Feeling it there brought back visions of the night before, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I felt the urge to touch myself again; I was turning into a right little slut lately. Having been a little bit of a prude for so long, this was such a foreign feeling, and I loved how it felt.

The work with the agency had done wonders with my finances, and I found myself on top of my student loan and rent for the first time with money to spare. When I eventually went out, I would treat myself to some new clothes and toiletries and also start looking for places to rent nearer the centre of the city. I wasn't there yet, but I was beginning to save some money to put down for a deposit.

I over-indulged with the retail therapy and treated myself to a spa afternoon with several treatments, including a massage. As I came back carrying bags of new clothes and items, I was feeling very happy. While I was out, I signed up for membership at a gym near my university and had a quick exercise there. Swimming at Livia's yesterday had put me in the mood for it, and I wanted to work on improving my body image and confidence.

I resisted the temptation to contact Livia again before the next session. Sure, it would have been nice to go back and use her place again for studying, but I didn't want to take advantage of her generous offer or become too accustomed to the luxuries she had. The session was booked for this evening, and I was curious about what kind of pampering she expected me to offer. It worried me that I might mess this up if I didn't feel comfortable doing what she asked, and aside from Mr Bruce, she was my only consistent repeat client.

I turned up to Livia's apartment building early, and I stopped to chat with the man working the reception desk for a moment for a moment. He was a very pleasant older guy, and he told me about the additions he made to the Christmas displays. Not once did he question why I came here, and he didn't seem to judge me, unlike the woman at Mr Bruce's building.

Written by elementsoflife
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