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As we sat and finished the beer, I was thankful I had taken the tubs to the car. Loretta had zapped my strength. I hoped by the time we got to my, our, apartment I would regain some strength. Thank God for elevators.

We were leaving, and Loretta turned and looked back into her apartment. She looked a bit sad. She was giving, well selling, almost everything she had worked so hard for. When we got into the car I turned to Loretta,

“Loretta, are you sure you want to sell your things? You worked so hard for them and you are very attached to them, I can tell. We can sell my stuff instead, or go back to our plan of putting my things in storage. Honestly, what do you want to do?”

“Michael, you would give everything away for me. I know that. I do love my things, but I love you more,” Loretta sighed heavily.

“Honey, call Annie and tell her there has been a change of plans. Ask them to look at my stuff, they can have it and welcome. I get you, that’s all I want,” I tried to console her. “Talk to Annie tomorrow. Explain the situation and just see what she says. The worst that can happen is she says no, then we will have to tell her the deal is off.”

Loretta turned to look out of the passenger window. I wished I just put my stuff in storage and brought her things to the apartment. The rest of the drive was quiet. Damn it, I was mad at myself.

I got the tubs and her clothes up to the apartment including her crutches this time. Loretta was looking around, she was deep in thought. She looked around the apartment like a potential buyer. I let her go I knew sooner or later she would come into the living room. Beverages would be waiting for her.

She sat on the couch and smiled at me. I got the pillow and the lotion. I thought she would want to rest her leg. Loretta chuckled and took off her pants. She made herself comfortable. I slid the pillow under her leg and I began to massage the lotion on her. She sat back with her beer, relaxing.

“How did I get so lucky? I have a man who loves me and pampers me. He’s smart, funny, and also a mind reader. He’s like no other man. I love you so Michael. I hope you don’t get mad at me,” Loretta tried to hide behind her beer. She was blushing a little.

“Why would I be mad at you, Baby,” I kissed her leg and continued to massage it. I had a feeling of what was coming.

“Michael,” Loretta sighed heavily, “I really want my things. I’m sorry I got in a rush and, well, I guess I wasn’t being honest with you or myself.” Loretta’s expression was sad.

“That’s fine with me. If Annie isn’t interested in looking at my stuff, into storage it goes. Tomorrow after work, Jack and I will bring your dresser over. Then we’ll set it up with the movers. We have almost three full months to pack up your apartment,” Loretta’s expression changed to a smile.

“Baby, what do you want for dinner, and where do you want your sticks? I’m still in training remember?” I was teasing her.

I’m a little worn out, Michael. I know I didn’t do much, but it was a lot of mental. A hot ham sandwich and a cold beer are fine with me tonight. And just set the crutches here where I can reach them when I want them,” Loretta pointed to where she wanted them.

“Hey, I have some of Michael’s Miracle bar-b-que sauce if you would like it for your sandwich.”

“Miracle bar-b-que sauce?” Loretta gave me a funny look.

“Yeah, if it turns out good, it’s a miracle,” I laughed.

“Sure, slather some on there chef, and put it on the good China.” Loretta laughed.

I brought out my culinary achievement and fresh drinks, on the good China. Sectional paper plates. I brought out a bag of chips and Loretta’s eyes widened. I gave her the bag and she took a handful.

“I haven’t had these chips in forever. I love them for dips. Mmmm, so good,” Loretta smacked her lips.

We talked more about the move. Loretta is very organized, which is fine by me. A little clap of thunder and a quick flash of lightning flashed by our window. Loretta looked out of the window with an unhappy face.

“Michael, I’m afraid of storms. I have been since I was a little girl, eight years old. I was riding my bike to our park when a storm came up. There was a shelter I hid under. Oh, Michael, I was so scared. It seemed to go on forever. It had me trapped, I was screaming for it to go away. I still hate them,” Loretta cringed as another flash ran past the window.

I closed the drapes and held Loretta. She still jumped a bit when there was a loud clap of thunder. She slowly ate her sandwich watching the drapes as though the storm would come through them.

It didn’t last long, and Loretta relaxed. She looked at me with sorrowful eyes and buried her head on my shoulder. She sighed a sigh of relief. I had my arm around her, and my other hand held her head. I kissed her softly on her head, and Loretta cooed quietly.

“Michael, I’m going to get ready for bed if you don’t mind. I’m ready for a hot shower.”

Loretta started to get up and I reached to help her. She smiled and sat back on the couch.

“My love, there are some things I must do. It’s not that I don’t appreciate your love and kindness, but I have to do it.”

I never thought about it that way. She has done all of these things without me forever. I guess I was getting a bit pushy. She got up and tucked her crutches under her arms and off she went. I had no idea how she would get in the tub to shower. I figured if she needed help, she would call.

Loretta was gone for a while, I kept my ears open in case she called. I heard her moving around in the bedroom. Then back into the bath. I sensed her perfume as she was coming toward the living room. I heard her open the fridge and grab a couple of bottles. I sat back on the couch as though I was just relaxing.

“You can relax your ears now. Here’s a beer for my sweet protector,” Loretta’s voice was soft and very feminine.

When she came in front of the couch, time froze. Her hair was curled around her face. Her makeup was a bit dark the way I love it. Her lips were soft pink and glistening. She was wearing a gown that was just sheer enough to allow the outline of her breasts and her sultry hips. Her perfume was already floating through my brain, and her vision sent shock waves to another part of my anatomy.

I couldn’t stop staring. It was as though she stepped out of a romance novel. The beautiful sultry woman of his dreams. Of my dreams.

“How do I look, Michael?” She had a sultry smile and she held out her gown and turned around and smiled at me. “Michael. Michael, say something, anything!”

“Lord don’t take me now. Loretta, you are a beautiful woman,” I gulped. You’re gorgeous, Oh My God you are gorgeous!” I sputtered.

“Give me twenty minutes, please. I’ll be right back,” I jumped up.

I went into the bath showered and shaved in record time. I didn’t cut myself, thankfully. I dug into my closet and found a nice gown my Mom gave me for Christmas twenty years ago clean boxers, and then flew back to the living room.

When I returned, Loretta was lounging on the couch like a Lady of the Manor. Her gown flowed around her and her arms crossed into her lap. Soft music played in the background. What a vision of loveliness. She looked back at me and giggled.

“Well, are you going to open the champagne and pour it?” Loretta purred.

I pulled the bottle from the makeshift cooler and wrapped a towel around it. I gently wiggled the cork until it could no longer resist. It separated from its restraint with a resounding “pop”. We cheered my success and I filled our glasses. With our arms entwined, we took our first sip.

“Ooo, that is delicious. Where did you find this Loretta? It’s wonderful,” I had another sip.

“Alice told me about it. She and Jack had it for their first anniversary. I didn’t want to wait that long to pamper my man. And tonight, Mr. Michael, you are going to be pampered,” Loretta said with a sensual grin.

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Loretta brought out some stuffed mushrooms. Oh my God, they were so good. We sipped the champagne and nibbled our way through nine big mushrooms. We fed each other the mushroom, you would have sworn we were high society. Each time Loretta had a bite of a mushroom, she would lick her soft lips.

When the bottle was upside down in the cooler, Loretta gave me a sensual smile.

“Honey, I have something I have to do. Will you wait here until I call you? Now the pampering starts,” she chuckled and flowed from the room.

I was straightening up the living room when Loretta called me from the bedroom.

“Baby, could you come here and help? I need you to do something for me,” she purred.

I walked into the bedroom, there was another bottle of champagne and glasses with our names on them. But Loretta – her gown was laid out on the bed without her in it. She held the covers over her breasts by her arms, she was just smiling.

“More champagne, My Lady?” I asked, trying to sound regal.

“If you would, My Lord,” Loretta responded with the same tone.

I poured the champagne and sat on the edge of the bed. I handed her a glass when she reached for it, the covers fell. Her beautiful full breasts, nestled in a half-cup bra, now were exposed. She acted as though she was embarrassed and tried to hide behind the glass of champagne.

We clinked glasses and sipped not losing eye contact with each other. Loretta slowly pulled her leg from under the sheet and in a slow sultry motion placed it on top of the sheet. She was making me crazy.

Loretta patted the bed next to her. I moved closer, she put her hand on my chest. She wanted me to lie down. When I did, Loretta lifted her leg over me and bent over and kissed me long and deep. I reached around and cupped her ass cheeks in my hands.

I pushed her up toward my face, she didn’t resist. Her sweet wet pussy was just above my lips, Loretta knew just when to lower herself. I slid my tongue between her soft lips starting from the bottom and slowly licked her to her swollen clit.

When I pushed her over me a little more and ran my tongue back and forth across her tight ass then up to her clit, Loretta mewed Oh Michael, as I retraced my path to her tight ass. Loretta was in a perfect position for me to continue to lick all of her sensitive spots. Her large tits were dangling over my head, I reached up to them and firmly grabbed them. Loretta moaned and slowly started to ride my tongue.

I massaged her tits and rolled her hard nipples between my fingers. Loretta slid back and forth on my tongue sometimes stopping and letting me tease her tight ass. She was breathing heavier and I could feel her soft skin dampen.

The more I squeezed her tits, the more Loretta panted the more nectar flowed from inside her. I grabbed her hips and held them. Now, I could flick her clit with my tongue and suck it into my mouth. Loretta was quivering and cooing with joy. She was pushing against my tongue and moaning louder.

Loretta let out a high-pitched squeal and her cum flooded my mouth and face. She was riding my face again and purring as her climax began to crest. In one final long low moan, Loretta’s orgasm pushed out all of the sweet warm cum she had left.

As her breathing returned to normal and she realized her body was so sensitive, Loretta lay down next to me. Her loving eyes seemed to say I love you, as we gently kissed. I started to move on top of her, Loretta smiled, put a finger to my lips, and pushed my head back to the pillow.

She had a playful expression and her eyes glistened. She pulled my boxers down just enough to expose my cock and balls. She gently licked and sucked my balls sack then took one at a time in her mouth. She sucked and licked it, then did the same to the other. She never lost eye contact with me.

Then she pursed her lips and slid them over the head of my cock. Now that my cock head was captured, she used her tongue to lick the head lightly and just underneath it. My insides were screaming to roll her over. Loretta slowly sucked my cock up and down stopping at the head to further destroy my strength.

She wrapped her fingers around my swollen shaft and smiled, “Just relax, lover. I want to love you, I want to make you happy and I -want – to – make – you – cum,” Loretta’s voice was deep and sexual. Even her facial expression seemed to exude sex. She kissed my chest down to my boxers.

Loretta removed my boxers and kissed my cock again. She straddled me and I watched as my cock slowly disappeared into her. She closed her eyes and smiled as my cock filled her demanding pussy. When I felt her clit against me, she rocked back and forth a little. She slowly rose and lowered herself on my cock. It felt like she tightened her muscles around it.

She bent over and pushed my hands onto the pillow. She entwined our fingers. She grinned as she teased me by dangling her tits just far away from my mouth. She let them swing in front of me as she whispered, Something you want? Instead, she traced my lips with her tongue, then slid her tongue into my mouth.

Every time she slid her tongue down mine, my cock would pulse. Loretta liked that. When we parted lips, she lowered her tit for me to suck. After sucking her right one for a while, she pulled it out of my mouth and inserted her left one then back again. I wanted to cum then.

Loretta sat up and raised her arms over her head. Those beautiful tits I was sucking were now swaying in front of me, out of reach. She started the move her hips and ride back and forth on my cock. She cupped her tits and squeezed them. She licked her nipples and sucked them all the while looking at me.

Loretta began to ride up and down on me. She was grinning because she knew she was in control.

“Would you like a belly dance, Me Lord?” Loretta teased.

She rode up and down on my cock as she rotated her hips. As she did, I could feel the walls of her steaming pussy. She had a way of rubbing my cock head and stroking it. It felt like she was using her hand, it felt that good.

I started to pump up to meet her stroking. Loretta admonished me by waving her finger at me. I had no choice but to comply. My cock kept appearing and disappearing inside of her. Her hips kept slamming my cock against her pussy walls. I couldn’t take it anymore.

When the first explosion from my cock splattered her pussy walls, Loretta had a satisfied grin on her face. My cock continued to spew my thick cum into her and Loretta smiled each time she felt the cum in her pussy. Now she just rode me until I had no more cum. She exhausted me.

“Baby, I have nothing left. You’ve drained me,” I panted.

“Are you sure,” Loretta teased and rode up and down a few more times.

“God, Loretta. Where did all of that come from?” I was still panting a little.

“My heart,” she purred.

“Michael, the first time you made love to me. I was still wearing my prosthesis. It was as though it wasn’t there. I even asked you, and you said you didn’t care. You always make sure you make me happy first.

Most guys get on, get off then get off, not you. You cuddle, you make love to me even after the physical part. You brought me a warm cloth and gently placed it between my legs. You don’t stop loving, Michael. I could think of no other way to tell you from my heart how much those things mean to me. I love you so much, Michael,” Loretta was passionate about her feelings.

“Lady, come lie next to me. I want to feel your body against me. I want to hear you breathe, I want to feel your heartbeat, I want to feel your soul. We give each other everything and demand nothing. Loretta, I want our lives together to be forever,” I held her close to me.

“Oh, Michael. So, do I. You own me body and soul, and I feel as though you belong to me and me alone,” Loretta sighed and rested her head on my chest.

Written by DepartedSoul
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