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Caught Watching Porn Chap 3: Unexpected Changes

"Grace takes disciplinary control even though the youngest in the family"

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Grace and Angela went to Grace's school for a parent-teacher meeting. Grace's teacher was actually her Auntie Joanna, her Mum's sister, who never married but was close to Angela and the girls, Rose who was eighteen, and Grace who was sixteen. Angela was thirty-four and Auntie Joanna was thirty-six.

That morning, before leaving for the school, Angela shaved both girl's pussy lips as she did every morning. As usual, she washed both girls' pussy lips with warm water before shaving them again and applying cream afterwards. The girls still didn't mind their Mum's fingers running up and down their pussy lips as she carried out her very intimate shaving duties, just as they didn't complain when their Mum spanked them, and caned them, which was a regular occurrence.

Once at the school, Angela and Grace sat down at the desk with Auntie Joanna and discussed Grace's progress at school, which was extremely positive.

Partway through the meeting, Auntie Joanna asked, directing her question to Angela, "Is discipline at home working well?"

Angela looked down at the desk and didn't answer, which Grace noticed, and so she answered, "Mum spanks and canes both Rose and me when we need it."

Auntie Joanne acted surprised and asked, "Really?"

Grace replied, "Yes, Auntie. It only started after I had turned sixteen, and Rose did spank Mum once, but they both agreed that was the wrong way round with Rose preferring to be subject to Mum's authority. I followed suit and accepted that was right."

Auntie Joanna said, "I recall celebrating your sixteenth birthday. You were just so authoritative and made so many of the decisions that day. You are a real alpha woman, and I know that I would willingly be subject to your authority."

Grace again looked at her Mum who she saw was still looking at the table top. Was she agreeing with Auntie Joanna, she wondered? Grace then looked back at Auntie Joanna and asked, "Are you saying, Auntie, that if you were living with us then you would accept my disciplinary control over you?"

Auntie Joanna replied, "No question there, Grace. I know from the way that the prefects here at college act, some are so more alpha than the teachers and should be the ones in charge. That might not be able to happen here, what with the teachers being older than the prefects, but should certainly happen at home where, like with you as you are the most responsible of the three of you."

Grace persisted and asked, "Are you saying, Auntie, that I should be in charge of both Mum and Rose?"

Auntie Joanna replied, "For sure."

Grace thought for a moment and said, "This morning, I had to remind Mum about today's meeting. She had forgotten about it. If I hadn't reminded her, we would have missed it."

Auntie Joanna said, "That shows you, Grace, that you need to be in charge. Maybe you should give your Mum a spanking to set the scene."

Grace again looked at her Mum who was still looking at the table but wasn't contesting anything.

Auntie Joanna also saw that but wasn't surprised as they had discussed this before the meeting and Angela was all for Grace taking over her place as head of the household as she was the most responsible one of her and Rose. They also discussed Joanna coming to live with them, also under Grace's disciplinary control, and Joanna was up for that.

Grace said, "Mum gives us the cane as well, so if I were to give her a spanking then I should cane her as well."

Auntie Joanna replied, "I'm coming back to you after the meeting, and I know it would certainly set my mind straight if you were to spank and cane me. In fact, we are the only ones left in the building, and we could go to the headmistress's study right now and you could spank us both and cane us both and take control.

Angela was still silent and staring only at the tabletop. Grace was sure that that meant that her Mum wanted the decision to be made and was more than likely to accept it.

Grace made the decision and said, "Right then, the three of us will go to the headmistress's study, you will both get undressed, I will spank your bare bottoms and cane your bare bottoms, and after that, you will do as you are told by me or get spanked and caned if you don't."

Auntie Joanna immediately replied, "I am up for that, Grace," and stood up.

Angela immediately stood up as well and said, "So am I, Grace."

As they walked towards the headmistress's study, Grace said to Auntie Joanna, "When we disobey her, Mum sometimes withdraws our right to finger ourselves to an orgasm. We have to ask permission, although whenever we are spanked that permission is given automatically."

Auntie Joanna replied, "It can be right that whoever has disciplinary control in the home should control the rights of the others in the family who are under their control if and when they can have their orgasms. It can even be that the one in control should be the one to finger the others to an orgasm. I would accept that control over me because obedience and sexual excitement should go hand-in-hand."

Grace liked that answer, and as they walked she was excited at the prospect of taking disciplinary control over her Mum and older sister, and, it seemed, her Auntie Joanna as well. That excitement was causing her knickers to get damp, but then she did know that out of the four of them, she was certainly the most decisive and authoritative, and up until then had accepted submission to her Mum because she was following Rose, her older sister, who was so often her mentor. Over recent weeks Grace had had increasing doubts about that, and maybe now that would change.

When they got to the headmistress's study, Auntie Joanna immediately went to the cupboard and took out a hook-ended senior cane and put it on the headmistress's desk. She and her Mum then stood on the far side of the desk whilst Grace sat in the headmistress's chair, all of them seeing that as her rightful place of authority.

When Grace saw both her Mum and Auntie standing so obediently, she ordered, "Right, both of you get undressed."

Grace was delighted that both her Mum and Auntie started to get undressed without even a querying look on their faces. It was just straightforward obedience. Grace even thought that her Mum looked relieved that decision-making was being taken away from her, and that, like Rose, she wanted to obey whatever instructions she was given, or suffer the consequences if she didn't.

As soon as both women were undressed, Grace ordered, "Put your hands on your head."

Again, Grace was delighted when both women immediately did as they were told. With their hands on their heads, she was able to see that both had clean-shaven armpits, and they both had clean-shaven pussy lips. Grace didn't know about Auntie Joanna but didn't realise that her Mum had shaved her pussy lips. Well, she would certainly be having her pussy lips shaved for her in the future, by her daughter, and had better not try to object.

Grace then got up and walked around the desk and went to behind both women. She first went up to her Mum and tapped both bottom cheeks and it was clear that her Mum was not objecting.

Grace then went and stood behind Auntie Joanna, and before tapping her bottom saw that there was a tattoo on one of her bottom cheeks, which was an artistic G. Grace asked, "What is the meaning of that tattoo, Auntie Joanna?"

Auntie Joanna replied, "A couple of weeks after your sixteenth birthday, so, about four months ago now, I knew that I needed you to control my life. However, I wasn't living with you. So, I had the tattoo so whenever I needed to calm down I would look at my bottom in the mirror and see your initial, and whilst it would never be anywhere near as good as you actually spanking my bottom, it helped, and certainly made me want to have you control my life just as a strict Mum controls her daughters' life. As I explained about the prefects earlier, I know that age has nothing to do with who should be in charge and who should obey, and I knew without question that you were the one who would be best in charge of me."

Grace could understand what was being said, more so when her Mum said, "Rose and I could have that tattoo as well, Grace, if you told us to."

Grace replied, "No need, Mum. I am living with you, so my control over you is automatic and will be there every second of every day, with you being spanked and caned by me the natural result of any disobedience on your part. Immediate red bottoms and thick welts will be what you and Rose will both get so you won't need the reminder of a tattoo."

Grace could see that her Mum readily accepted that answer.

Now that was sorted, Grace went and sat on the high-backed spanking chair that the headmistress used when spanking the students sent to her to be disciplined. Grace had never been spanked herself but had learned from some of her friends who had, all about the chair. She then glared at both her Mum and Auntie Joanna and instructed, "I will spank you first, Mum. Come here and get across my lap. Auntie Joanna, come and stand in front of me, but keep your hands on your head."

Angela obeyed her daughter immediately, went and stood by her, and bent down across her lap. The last time she had been in this position was that one and only time that Rose spanked her all those months ago. Now she was there again, knowing that this was her future, but knew that she felt relieved that Grace was taking control over her, and whilst she was dreading all of the pain, she knew it was the right thing to happen to her and she fully intended accepting every spanking she was given and every stroke of the cane. Not just this time, but every time. She therefore lay obediently across her daughter's lap with her bare bottom unprotected, and ready to be spanked, and now welcomed the pain and no doubt the tears, not just today but going forward as well.

Grace had to admit that having her Mum across her lap felt right, and control was being passed to her. She didn't see anything wrong with that happening, particularly in the way that Auntie Joanna had explained things, so wasn't concerned that she was just sixteen and was about to spank her Mum who was thirty-four followed by her Auntie who was thirty-six. So, as she rubbed her Mum's bottom in circles, she glanced at Auntie Joanna and saw that she was standing there obediently still with her hands on her head. In fact, she had two very obedient women doing everything she told them to do, which was cool, she thought happily.

Auntie Joanna looked down at her so authoritative niece of sixteen and her sister who was thirty-four, so pleased that Angela had asked her to discuss the transfer of control to Grace. She knew this was the right outcome, and that the lives of the whole family would be improved with Grace in control of her Mum, sister, and, indeed, her Auntie.

Grace focused on her Mum's bare bottom, raised her hand, and brought her flattened palm down on her far bottom cheek, and as that surrendered to her hand so she proceeded to spank her Mum on alternate bottom cheeks time and again. The one benefit of having been spanked herself so many times was that she knew just how to give a really hard spanking, and so wasn't surprised as her Mum squirmed around on her lap, but stayed in position, letting out gasp after gasp after each spank landed with each gasp getting louder and louder as each bottom cheek was turned darker and darker shades of red. Grace always thought this was a beautiful red colour. Indeed, it was her favourite colour of all time.

Angela found it increasingly hard to deal with the spanking. She had when Rose had spanked her that one time, but psychologically this one was different because she knew this was her future, and she needed it to be.

So, as Grace changed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and even the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and then moving around her bottom cheeks doing exactly the same, Angela found the stinging became intense, the pain difficult to cope with, and the tears naturally followed. In fact, it was a further relief to find herself crying because she also needed to know that every spanking had to involve her crying buckets, and the horribly intense stinging pain that she found so hard to cope with, but had to, as it was going to be the penalty she would have to pay whenever disobeying her authoritative daughter who was now rightly in control of her for all aspects of her life.

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As Auntie Joanna stood there with her hands on her head watching the spanking, she too was pleased to find that Angela was finding it so hard, indeed impossible, to cope with the spanking because she knew suffering pain that she couldn't cope with was the right result of any disobedience whatsoever, and as today was all about transferring control, she knew the same would apply going forward. That was why she was looking forward to going across her niece's lap and having her own bare bottom spanked, and suffering the pain because she knew that giving her disciplinary control was something that was absolutely right for her as well.

Grace remained focused, spanking the backs of her Mum's legs and turning them the same lovely red colour she had already turned both bottom cheeks, and was so pleased that her Mum was being so obedient. When she was finally happy with the spanking that she had given her Mum, she ordered, "Right, Mum, stand up and face me with your hands on your head. No rubbing your bottom for sure. Watch as I give Auntie Joanna her spanking."

Even though Angela was crying, she knew she had to obey her daughter and pushed herself up and managed to stand and place her hands on her head. She wasn't sure that she could have managed it that easily, but because that was now an instruction from her daughter, she knew she had to do everything she could to obey, and was very happy that she had.

Grace then looked at her Auntie and said, "Right, Auntie, get across my lap."

Joanna was still eager to get across her niece's lap. She wanted to show her just how obedient she would be if given the chance to live with them and be under her control. She couldn't actually remember the last time that she had been spanked, but knew that she was going to do her best to submit just as she had watched her sister submit, and reconciled herself to the pain that she knew that she would welcome.

Once her Auntie was settled across her lap, Grace rubbed her bottom a few times whilst checking that her Mum was standing obediently with her hands on her head and was pleased that she was. She then proceeded to spank her Auntie's bare bottom in much the same way that she had spanked her Mum's bare bottom, and got the same reaction of gasps after each spank, squirming around on her lap, whilst clearly forcing herself to stay in position and take every spank that she was given.

Grace continued to spank her Auntie's bare bottom very hard, all over her bottom cheeks in the same intense way she had spanked her Mum, and then also spanked her Auntie's legs. She loved it when her Auntie dissolved into crying whilst still taking every spank, and this told Grace that it wouldn't be a problem if she came to live with them in the spare bedroom if she continued to be this obedient and submissive.

Once Grace had turned both bottom cheeks and legs the same gloriously red colour that she had turned her Mum's, Grace told her to get up and face her with her hands on her head, which her Auntie obediently did.

As Grace looked at her Mum and Auntie, she was so excited when she saw the tear streaks on both their faces, and listened to the continuing sobbing, and still they were both standing there obediently.

Grace stood up and picked up the cane and said to her Mum, "Bend across the desk and grab hold of the far side, Mum. It will be twelve strokes today, although expect many more in the future."

Angela heard the instruction and did as she was told, bent down, and grabbed the far side of the desk. She knew that when Rose had caned her with twelve strokes that time it hurt and was so tense as Katie tapped the cane a couple of times on her bottom and rubbed it from side to side, and then yelped as the first stroke bit into her bottom.

As the second stroke and then the third stroke bit into her bottom she yelped louder and clasped hold of the far end of the desk wanting her bottom to remain in position to receive the next stroke and the one after that and every one after that.

She knew it was easier to lay on top of a pillow and hold the end of the mattress as when Rose caned her, but she managed it here, although yelped louder and louder as the pain was so much more intense than when she was across your daughter's lap being...

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Written by SusanHarper
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