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Alex's Awakening: Part One

"An 18-year-old high school senior from a strict family decides to become an escort."

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Alex Hannebrink had always been a good girl— perhaps too good. She was an 18-year-old high school senior with long brown hair, big blue eyes, and a slender figure. The upcoming valedictorian, she had spent her entire life excelling, never once swaying from her steadfast path to academic success. She was the class president; the respectful, well-behaved model student and citizen who never caused trouble or broke the rules.

Or so everyone believed.

Except now, Alex wasn't so sure if being "good" was all she wanted anymore. A few days earlier during a study session at the local library, she stumbled upon a book titled "The Secret Life of A High Class Call Girl" by an anonymous author who named herself only as Chloe. It was the kind of thing her parents would condemn as nothing but filth, but Alex, curious, decided to give it a read.

She spent the entire weekend reading the book in secret under the guise of studying in her room. As she read with fascination about the author’s life and experiences as an escort, Alex felt a growing sense of awe, even envy. Chloe had rubbed elbows with VIPs and corporate executives, and she'd traveled all over the world for some of her clients. She seemed to live a high-class, adventurous lifestyle, accountable to no one and making no apologies or excuses. The way she talked about her body and sexuality in such a low-key and confident manner was mind-blowing to Alex. Contrary to what Alex’s parents had always told her, Chloe didn't seem to feel like her work degraded her or objectified her at all. In fact, the author described how she found sex work empowering and fun, and how much she enjoyed meeting with and connecting with new people while discovering new ways of pleasing both herself and her clients. The more Alex read, the more she found herself identifying with Chloe and wishing she had the courage to explore her own sexuality in the same way. Her fascination geew so great that finishing Chloe’s book, she went on to read about the experiences of other girls who also detailed their lives in the sex industry. Every single one of them described the job as both liberating and high-paying, and while there were some negative aspects to the work, they didn't seem to outweigh the benefits from what Aled could tell.

The more she learned, the more Alex started fantasizing about actually doing some of thr things she read about, wondering if she could ever step out of her comfort zone and join this secret world herself. Was it possible for a sheltered goody-two-shoes girl like her to ever be like Chloe?

The thought was absurd, rebellious, and utterly sinful. But once she had it, it burrowed into her mind like a worm and stayed there. The more she thought about it, the more tempting the prospect was.

Alex knew that becoming an escort would not be easy, especially given her conservative upbringing. But the more she read, the more she realized that there was an entire world out there she had never known existed. A world where women like Chloe could take control of their destinies, where they could command respect and exert influence over powerful men while freely and openly exploring their sexuality. It was an utterly intoxicating and terrifying idea, but even more importantly, deep down she was just so tired. She was tired of feeling repressed. Tired of feeling suffocated. Tired of having to live up to her parents' impossible expectations, tired of being told that having perfectly human urges and desires somehow made her sinful and dirty.

So, one Sunday night, after making sure her parents were asleep, she took gathered her courage, took out her laptop and started researching escort agencies. After a while, she stumbled across one called Cherry Blossom Escorts and read about them intently. Cherry Blossom Escorts claimed they were the premier high-end escorting service in the country with a discerning and demanding clientele that only desired the best. They also claimed to be extremely exclusive, accepting only the most beautiful girls as employees and requiring all potential clients to go through an intensive screening process.

Reading through the company's website, Alex felt her heart race. Could this be the ticket out of her restricted life? She spent hours poring over the agency's web site, doubting herself but feeling a magnetic pull all the same. The idea of such a secret, passionate and lucrative world was nearly irresistible.

Eventually, she took the plunge and made a decision that would change the course of her life. Early in the morning call, she gave them a call to try and set up an interview

"Cherry Blossom Escorts, this is Lydia. How may I help you today?” The woman on the other end of the phone had a soothing voice that instantly put Alex at ease.

“H-hi,” she stammered. “My name is Alex Hannebrink and... and...and I want to be an escort!”

There was a brief moment of silence on the other end of the line before Lydia chuckled softly. "Well, Alex, it's certainly refreshing to hear someone say that so boldly. I'm glad you've taken the first step. I'm Lydia, by the way, the agency manager here at Cherry Blossom Escorts. Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in joining our team? Do you mind if I ask your age?”

“I’m eighteen. I’m still in high school, but I’m going to graduate this year. I want to do it this way because... well, my parents... I’m still a virgin, and I want to reclaim my sexuality, just like Chloe in her book! I want to experience what being a sexual person is like.” Alex's voice shook a little from nerves. “I want to... not be a good girl anymore." She paused, taking a deep breath. "And I've been reading about Cherry Blossom Escorts, and it seems like a great place to start. You seem to come highly recommended.”

There was another moment of silence before Lydia spoke. "Well, Alex, I have to say that you sound very mature for your age. You’re not the first girl to consider this line of work as a way of exploring yourself and your sexuality. We do take pride in the work we do here at Cherry Blossom Escorts, and we make sure that all of our escorts are well taken care of. We offer extensive training, strict safety protocols, and a supportive environment for you to grow and thrive. Now, if you're still interested, I'd like to invite you to come in for an interview. We can discuss the details further and make sure that you understand what's expected of you. We'll also need to run a background check to ensure that you have no criminal record and do some medical tests to make sure you’re healthy and disease-free. Once that's all been cleared, we'll be able to get you started. The interview will be held at our office, which is located in the heart of the city. We can arrange transportation for you if needed. Are you sure this is what you want, though?”

Alex took a deep breath, doing her best to steady her racing heart. "I'm positive," she replied, her voice even despite the butterflies in her stomach. "I want this. I want to be an escort at Cherry Blossom Escorts. I want to take control of my life. All my life, I’ve done what everyone else expected me to do. I want to do what I want instead.”

There was another moment of silence before Lydia spoke. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. We're looking forward to meeting you in person. Our office is open from nine in the morning until seven at night, so just let me know when you're available, and we'll set up a time for your interview. In the meantime, I'll send you some information about our agency, our policies, and what you can expect as one of our escorts. Feel free to review it at your leisure. And remember, Alex, we're here for you if you have any questions or concerns."

“Thank you, Lydia. Can I be there around five in the afternoon today? I’ll head to your office once school lets out.”

“Five in the afternoon should work perfectly," Lydia replied. “Would you like us to send you an Uber?”

Alex hesitated for a moment before answering. "Thanks, but no. I’ll get one. I don’t want my parents to find out, you know? If the car picks me up, they or my teachers might start asking questions.”

Lydia seemed to understand. "Of course. We respect your privacy and will make sure that your identity remains confidential throughout the entire process. Just be sure to bring your ID and any necessary documents with you when you come in for the interview. We'll also need a few photos of you for our website and promotional materials, but those can be taken discreetly during your interview as well."

“I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Alex hung up the phone, her heart pounding. She’d done it! And right under her parents’ noses too!

She glanced around her room, her heart racing. She was nervous, yes, but mostly excited. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough!

School seemed to go by in a crawl. It seemed to take forever for the final bell to ring, but when it did, Alex texted her parents to say she had a tutoring appointment with one of the freshmen and then called an Uber to come pick her up a few blocks from the school and take her to the office of Cherry Blossom Escorts.

The ride over was nerve-wracking. She kept imagining the worst: what if her parents found out? What if the agency didn't want her to be an escort? What if the interviewer laughed in her face? But then she reminded herself that Lydia seemed supportive on the phone and that she was doing this for herself. She could do this.

Alex, still wearing her school uniform, walked into the building, which from the outside looked like any ordinary office building, and went up to the receptionist.

“H-hi,” she said. “I have an appointment with Lydia at five o'clock. Is she available now?"

“Yes, she’s expecting you in the conference room, through that door and down the hall. I’ll buzz you in.”


Alex took a deep breath, adjusted her uniform, and walked into the conference room. It was tastefully decorated with cherry blossom-themed artwork and comfortable chairs. Lydia was already there, wearing a professional business suit and sitting at the head of the table with her laptop open in front of her. She smiled warmly when she saw Alex.

“Hi Alex, It's good to finally meet you in person. Please have a seat across from me. Can I offer you some coffee or tea before we begin?”

Alex nodded. The other woman's reassuring manner and friendly tone helped ease some of her nervousness. "Coffee would be great; thank you."

Lydia poured them both a cup and then settled back into her chair. "So, Alex, let me tell you a little bit about Cherry Blossom Escorts. We've been in business for over fifteen years with branches around the world , and we pride ourselves on providing our clients with the highest quality escorts. We handle everything from dinner dates to corporate events, and we've built a reputation for being discreet, professional, and extremely selective about the women we choose to represent us.” As she spoke, Alex took a sip of her coffee, feeling more and more at ease. She nodded along, taking in everything Lydia was saying.

“We have escorts from all over the world, too,” Lydia went on. “We want to make sure that our clients have a wide variety of options to choose from, and we're always on the lookout for new talent. Now, let's talk about you. I understand that you're in high school, which is a big plus for us. We're always looking for young, fresh faces to represent us. Your unique look and personality will set you apart from our other escorts, but what is most interesting is that you’re still a virgin."

"Now, before you get worried, let me clarify that virginity is not a requirement for working with us. However, we do believe that it can be a selling point for certain clients. There is a certain allure to the idea of being intimate with someone who has never experienced that before. It can add an element of innocence and vulnerability to the encounter.”

“That makes sense,” Alex admitted.

“Now, let me tell you what you can expect from us as an employee. We pride ourselves on supporting all our escorts, so if you are injured on the job or find yourself in legal trouble, we will provide you with the best legal representation possible.”

“Legal trouble?” Alex paled a little. “Is this illegal?”

Lydia smiled reassuringly. "Not at all. We've never had any legal issues with our operations. We're very careful to follow all the necessary regulations and keep everything above board. We also take care of all travel expenses, so whether you're going across town, across the country, or abroad for an appointment, we've got you covered. Now, as for the application process, it's quite simple. First, I need you to fill out this form with your basic information, such as your name, contact information, and that sort of thing. We also require that you provide us with proof of identification and age, such as a passport or driver's license. Once we've reviewed your application, we’ll have our licensed in-house physician run a few simple tests to make sure you’re in good health and check your blood for any STIs. That may seem redundant given your virginity, but it’s policy. Are you on birth control?”

Alex felt a little uncomfortable talking about this, but she nodded. "N-no. Not yet.”

“Then he’ll want to discuss birth control options with you," Lydia said. "We can provide our escorts with a variety of methods, such as pills, patches, or rings, free of charge. You'll be responsible for using one of these methods while working with us. You must remain protected in some way at all times. Once we've gone over your application and medical information, we'll take some photographs of you for your portfolio and create a page for you on our website, and you’ll meet with our marketing team. They'll help you craft an attractive and professional profile that displays your unique assets and personality and give you access to our private messaging system, where you can communicate directly with potential clients, screen them, and schedule your sessions. After that, we’ll set you up with one of our experienced escorts, who will mentor you, show you the ropes, and answer any questions you might have. This process usually takes about two weeks.”

As Lydia spoke, Alex felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside her. On one hand, the idea of having this much freedom and control over her life was incredibly appealing. She could set her hours, choose her clients, and even travel the world. On the other hand, she knew that this lifestyle came with its fair share of risks and responsibilities.

“Can I ask?” She bit her lip. ”Are the, um, clients nice people?”

Lydia smiled warmly. "We take great care in screening our clients, Alex. Everyone who comes to us goes through a thorough background check and is required to provide us with references. We also have a strict code of conduct that all of our escorts must follow, and we expect our clients to abide by those rules as well. We want everyone involved to feel safe and respected. Many of our escorts are good friends with most of their regulars, although, of course, you want to balance that with professionalism too.”

Alex felt a little more at ease hearing this. She took a deep breath and nodded, looking down at the application form. "Okay, I'll fill this out. Give me just a few minutes.”

Lydia nodded and set the form down on the table next to her. "Take your time. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask me."

“Are there other girls my age here?” Alex asked as she scribbled on the form.

"You’re the only one still in high school,” Lydia admitted, “but we have plenty of escorts who are only a year or two older than you are. Now, if I may ask, what about your parents?" she asked gently. "Are they supportive of this decision?"

Alex shook her head. “They don’t know. They’d be furious.”

Lydia nodded sympathetically. "I understand. We have a lot of girls here who have had to keep their lives a secret from their parents. We can help you with that. Once you start earning money, you'll have the means to support yourself and maybe even move out if that's what you want. And if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, we're here for you. At our agency, it’s all for one and one for all.”

Alex finished filling out the form. “How common is it for girls to get pregnant? Will the agency help if it happens to me?”

Lydia nodded a concerned expression on her face. "We take safety very seriously at our agency, Alex. We provide our escorts with free contraception and offer regular STI testing. However, accidents can happen, and we do have a policy in place to support our escorts in case they become pregnant. We have a network of trusted doctors and clinics that we work with who can help you with your options, and we can also assist you with finding adoption services if that's what you decide."

“Has anyone ever decided to keep the baby? If so, what then? Does that mean they stop working for you?”

Lydia smiled warmly. "We understand that each situation is unique, and we're here to support our escorts in whatever decision they make. If an escort decides to continue working with us while raising a child, we can certainly help with that. We have many women who have successfully balanced motherhood and their careers as escorts. Of course, they would need to make some adjustments to their schedules and clientele, but we're flexible and willing to work with them. It's important to us that our escorts feel supported and empowered in their choices."

“Your agency is very…generous,” Alex said. “It’s actually kind of surprising. I didn’t know escorts had this much support behind them. It makes it a lot less scary.”

Lydia smiled warmly. "Thank you, Alex. We take pride in being there for our escorts. It's important to us that they feel safe, respected, and supported in everything they do. We understand that being an escort can be challenging, but we want to help you make the most of it. Now, before we move on to the next step, I do have one more question for you. Can you tell me why you decided to come to our agency in particular?"

Alex thought for a moment. "Well, I guess I just felt like I could trust you. Your agency seems different from the others I've looked into. You seem to have invested more in the girls' well-being. You had a lot of really high reviews from both clients and girls who used to work for you. And I like that you have a code of conduct. It makes me feel like I won't be treated like a piece of meat or anything." She handed the form to Lydia, who read it quickly and glanced at her ID.

“appreciate your honesty, Alex. I assure you that we are genuinely invested in the well-being of our escorts. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. Now, as for the next step, we'll need to have a thorough background check done on you, which will take a lot of time, so please sit back and relax. I’ll come get you when it’s finished, and assuming it comes back clean, I’ll have you off to Dr. Hagen for the brief examination I described earlier. After that, the real fun begins!”

Lydia led Alex into another room, where she explained that the background check was necessary to ensure her safety as well as the agency's reputation. She also informed her that her identity would be kept confidential throughout the process. While Lydia left the room, Alex sat nervously, fidgeting with her hands. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension about what was to come.

Lydia returned exactly 60 minutes later. “Everything checked out, Alex! Congratulations. Now, please follow me, and I’ll introduce you to Dr. Hagen.”

The doctor's office was tastefully decorated, with soft lighting and soothing music playing in the background. Dr. Hagen, a middle-aged man with a warm smile, greeted Alex and led her to an examination room. “So, Alex, Lydia tells me you're here because you're interested in becoming an escort. She's already given you a general overview of what to expect, but I want to make sure that you're fully informed about everything before you make a decision. Does that sound alright to you?"

"Yeah," Alex stammered. She felt a little intimidated but was also relieved that the doctor seemed so understanding. As Dr. Hagen began the examination, he explained that it was just a routine check-up to make sure she was healthy and had no medical conditions that might interfere with her work as an escort. He also reassured her that all information would remain confidential. “I will need you to disrobe. Don’t worry, I've seen it all before. I'm a doctor, after all," Dr. Hagen explained, "and I assure you that your privacy will be respected at all times. I'll only be checking your vitals, and your reproductive system, and drawing some blood for testing. Once I'm done, you can get dressed, and we can discuss any questions you might have. Okay?"

Alex complied, trying to steady her breath as she slipped off her clothes. The doctor was right; he seemed completely unfazed by her nudity. He checked her heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature before moving on to her reproductive system. He palpated her abdomen and examined her breasts, all the while asking her questions about her medical history and any concerns she might have. The blood draw was the most uncomfortable part, but it was over quickly.

Once Dr. Hagen had finished his examination, he thanked Alex for her cooperation and led her to his office. He sat down behind his desk and began going through the results of the tests he'd ordered. After a few minutes, he looked up at her and smiled. "Everything seems to be in order, Alex. You're in excellent health. Congratulations!"

“You got the results back already?” Alex asked.

Dr. Hagen nodded. "Yes, the lab was fast. You’re cleared to start working. Before I let you go, however, there is the matter of birth control. I’d like to discuss your options with you so you can make a decision and choose one.”

"Of course, Dr. Hagen," Alex replied, feeling relieved and grateful. She had always been careful about her health and safety, and it was reassuring to know that the agency took it seriously as well. Dr. Hagen explained that there were several options available to her for birth control, including hormonal contraceptives, IUDs, and barrier methods. He provided her with detailed information about each method and answered any questions she had. After carefully considering her preferences and lifestyle, Alex decided to go with an IUD, as it offered long-term protection and was considered one of the most effective forms of contraception.

“Would you consent to getting the IUD today?” Dr. Hagen asked. “It’s very simple, and we can do it here.”

Alex hesitated for a moment, considering the prospect of getting the procedure done right away. She had heard that it could be uncomfortable, but Dr. Hagen assured her that it was quick and relatively painless. In the end, she decided that it was worth it to get started as soon as possible.


“Excellent. Please follow me back to the exam room.”

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The procedure itself was quick and relatively painless, thanks to the use of a anesthetic. Dr. Hagen explained each step as he went along, making sure Alex was comfortable and informed throughout the process. Once the IUD was in place, he checked to ensure it was properly positioned and then covered it with a small bandage.

“There you are! That should heal up nicely in a few hours and then you'll be good to go. Congratulations, Alex! You're all set to begin your new career as an escort. If you have any questions or concerns in the future, don't hesitate to stop by for a check-up. Take care, and best of luck to you."

“Thank you, Dr. Hagen. I appreciate everything you've done for me," Alex said with a grateful smile. "I'll be sure to keep your office's number handy just in case."

“I’m glad. Lydia is waiting for you to officially begin your onboarding process. Let’s go see her, shall we?”

Dr. Hagen led Alex out of the exam room and down the hall to a nearby office. Lydia was waiting, smiling happily. “Welcome aboard!” she said, hugging Alex in congratulations. “We’re so excited to have you as part of the Cherry Blossom Escorts family! Now, before we go see the photographer, there’s a few rules and guidelines we need to go over, and then you’ll need to sign some forms.”

Alex sat down across from Lydia, nodding. “That’s fine. What do I need to know?”

“Well, as you know, you'll be working as an escort, providing companionship and intimacy to our clients,” said Lydia. “Your duties will include attending social events, accompanying clients on vacations, and providing them with whatever services they request, so long as you both consent to said services. It's important to remember that you'll be representing our agency, so we expect you to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. We also have a strict code of conduct that you'll need to follow. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:

One: We have a zero-tolerance policy for theft. You will not, under any circumstances, remove anything from the client’s home, room, clothing, and/or person without his consent for any reason.

Two: We take the safety of our escorts and clients very seriously. You are expected to adhere to all safety guidelines and procedures, which will be discussed in detail during your training. This includes checking in with the agency at regular intervals and informing us of any incidents or concerns.

Three: We have a strict policy against last-minute cancellations, unless due to a family emergency or other extenuating circumstances. You are expected to keep and be punctual for every appointment.

Four: You will be respectful of our clients. Our customers expect discretion, privacy, and professionalism. You are expected to adhere to this at all times. This means no sharing of your clients’ details with anyone, no social media posts connecting your clients to our agency, and no discussing the identities of your clients with anyone outside of Cherry Blossom Escorts. You are free to tell people that you work for us, but you are not allowed to discuss the more intimate details of your job. If you fail to maintain discretion, you could open yourself and our agency to legal action.

Five: You will be respectful of and maintain good rapport with your fellow escorts. We are all a team, and your colleagues will be your best source of support and advice. If you have any issues or concerns with another escort, please bring them to my attention privately.

Six: We expect you to maintain a professional appearance at all times. This means dressing appropriately for the occasion and keeping your grooming up to par. You will be provided with a wardrobe of outfits to choose from, which you are expected to keep clean and well-maintained.

Seven: You are expected to maintain a professional demeanor at all times. This means avoiding any sort of excessive drinking or drug use while on the job. Any illegal activities, including the possession or use of illegal drugs, will result in immediate termination from the agency.

Eight: You are expected to take care of your body. As an escort, you will be required to maintain a healthy and fit appearance. This means regular exercise, a balanced diet, and getting enough rest. We recommend that you consult with our in-house personal trainer, who can help you develop a workout routine that meets your needs. In addition, you will be required to undergo regular medical check-ups to ensure that you are in good health and free from any sexually transmitted infections. Refusal to do this will result in immediate termination.

Nine: You are not to get romantically involved with any of your clients. You may come to know some of your regular customers quite well and even consider them friends, but you must remember to keep your boundaries intact. They are paying for your time and companionship, not your love or affection. Any attempts at pursuing a romantic relationship with a client will result in immediate termination from the agency.”

“What if I have a boyfriend outside the agency? Someone who’s not a client?” Alex asked. “Is that ok?”

Lydia smiled. "Of course, that's perfectly fine. As long as you keep your personal life separate from your professional life and you're not sharing any details about our clients or the agency with him, there shouldn't be any issues. Having a stable relationship outside of your job can help maintain your emotional well-being while working here. Just remember to keep your priorities straight and never mix business with pleasure."

Alex nodded, and Lydia continued.

“Ten: You will not discuss the financial aspects of your job with anyone except for Cherry Blossom Escorts management. This includes your salary, commission, and any tips or gifts you receive from clients. This information must remain confidential for the sake of both the agency and our clients.

Eleven: You are expected to maintain a positive, cheerful attitude at all times. Your job can be demanding, and our clients often come to us looking for an escape from the stressors of their own lives. It is important that you can provide them with a fun, uplifting experience. If you find yourself struggling with this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any of your colleagues for support.

Twelve: You will be provided a dedicated mobile phone for work purposes, and you are expected to respond promptly to client inquiries and schedule changes. All correspondence about your job will come from this phone. Do not use your personal phone on the job unless in an emergency.

Thirteen: You are expected to maintain a valid passport. Some of our clients are from other countries, and a passport is required to travel to meet them. If you do not have a passport, we will guide you through the process to get one.”

Lydia cleared her throat. “Those are your responsibilities. Now, let me tell you what your rights and privileges are and what you can expect from us in return.

One: You have the right to a safe and secure working environment. Cherry Blossom Escorts takes the safety and well-being of its employees very seriously. You will be provided with a dedicated security team that will ensure that you are never placed in an unsafe situation. In addition, you have the right to refuse any client or job that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. If you ever feel threatened or in danger, you must immediately end the session and inform me or another supervisor.

Two: You have the right to privacy, both in your personal life and at the agency. Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential, and you will not be required to discuss your personal life with anyone at the agency unless you choose to do so. We understand that you may have other commitments outside of work, and we are happy to work with you to accommodate those.

Three: You have the right to set your schedule. As one of our escorts, you have the freedom to choose your work hours, subject to availability. You may decline jobs or shifts if they conflict with your other commitments. However, it is important to maintain a regular presence at the agency to ensure that you are available when clients need you.

Four: You have the right to fair compensation for your services. Cherry Blossom Escorts offers competitive rates and commission structures, and you will be paid promptly for your work. In addition, you may receive tips and gifts from clients, which are considered part of your compensation. However, it is important to remember that these extras are not guaranteed and should not be relied upon as a steady source of income.

Five: You have the right to have a life outside of your job. Cherry Blossom Escorts understands that you are more than just an escort. You have interests, hobbies, and a life outside of work. We encourage you to pursue these activities and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Six: You have the right to respect and dignity. As a member of the Cherry Blossom Escorts family, you are valued for your unique talents, skills, and beauty. You are a human being first and an escort second. We expect everyone—staff, fellow escorts, and clients alike—to treat you with respect and dignity at all times. If you ever feel disrespected or demeaned, please inform me or another supervisor immediately.

Seven: You have a right to look after your mental health. At Cherry Blossom Escorts, we understand that your job can take a toll on your emotional well-being. As such, we provide a confidential counseling service where you can speak to a professional about any issues or concerns you may have. This service is completely free of charge and is available to you at any time. In addition, we encourage you to seek support from your colleagues or supervisors if you ever feel overwhelmed or need someone to talk to.

Eight: You have the right to have fun. Your job as an escort can be demanding, but it should also be enjoyable. Cherry Blossom Escorts wants you to have fun and embrace the unique experiences that come with this profession. We encourage you to form connections with your clients, enjoy the excitement and glamour of your job, and make the most of your time here with us.

Nine: You have the right to access a wide range of services and benefits. As an employee of Cherry Blossom Escorts, you will have access to a variety of services designed to help you improve your skills, maintain your appearance, and enhance your overall experience with the agency. These services include but are not limited to, beauty treatments, personal training sessions, language classes, and workshops on topics such as communication, negotiation, and even self-defense. You will also be eligible for special discounts and promotions at local businesses, such as restaurants, spas, and salons, depending on your performance and client feedback.

Ten: You have the right to expect fair treatment from everyone at Cherry Blossom Escorts. This means that you will not be subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment based on your race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or any other characteristic. We have a strict zero-tolerance policy towards such behavior, and anyone found to be engaging in it will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the agency. We pride ourselves on being strictly meritocratic.

Eleven: You have the right to medical assistance. Cherry Blossom Escorts understands that your health and well-being are of the utmost importance. In case of any medical emergencies or non-emergencies, you have access to our in-house medical team. This includes a licensed nurse and a doctor who are available during working hours. In addition, if you need any medical advice or treatment outside of working hours, we can assist you in finding appropriate healthcare providers in the area.

Twelve: You have the right to acceptance and love. We understand that some of our escorts have friends and family who may not agree with the career they’ve chosen, and should you find that your work is affecting those relationships, we offer free counseling and support services to help you navigate these difficult waters. We are happy to give guided tours of our agency to friends and loved ones and to meet with them privately to reassure them that you're in good hands. Cherry Blossom Escorts is not just a place of work; it is a community, and we stand by each other through thick and thin.

Thirteen: You have the right to be proud of what you do and never be ashamed. Cherry Blossom Escorts recognizes that being an escort can sometimes be a source of shame or embarrassment for some people. However, we believe that you should be proud of your work and the service you provide to your clients. Your job is not only about physical intimacy but also about emotional connection, companionship, and making people feel special. It is a valuable and respectable profession, and you should never feel ashamed of it. Succeeding in this business takes a unique blend of skills, confidence, and empathy. We encourage you to embrace your role as an escort and to be proud of the positive impact you have on the lives of your clients.

Fourteen: You have the right to do what you wish with your body. We take every precaution here at Cherry Blossom Escorts, but should you find yourself pregnant by a client, you have the right to make your own decision regarding your body and your future. We will stand by you and provide whatever support you need, whether it be medical care, counseling, or assistance in finding alternative employment. If you choose to keep the pregnancy, we will provide a generous severance package if you decide not to keep working with us. You are not obligated to continue working as an escort if this is not what you want, but should you choose to stay on, we will help provide you with all the necessary resources and support to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. We also offer a complimentary daycare service operated by licensed childcare professionals if you choose to use it, and you may use our in-house physician for doctor’s appointments for the first year of the child’s life.”

Alex was stunned. “How can you afford to do all that?”

Lydia laughed. "Oh, we're quite successful. Cherry Blossom Escorts has been around for years, and we've learned how to manage our resources well. Plus, we have a large and loyal base of clients around the world who appreciate the quality of service we provide. We want our girls to feel safe, secure, and taken care of. It's the best way to keep them happy and motivated, which in turn helps them provide the best service to our clients. Again, we take the absolute best care of our girls.”

“Additionally,” she added, “if you can identify the child’s father with certainty, you have the right to expect assistance from our agency in any legal or financial matters that may arise, such as child support or joint custody. We will provide you with legal counsel to help navigate through this process. We do, however, require the client to be informed, as not doing so could have negative legal consequences for our agency. If you choose not to keep the pregnancy, you have the right to expect confidentiality from us, and we will not disclose any information about the father to anyone without your express permission. We will also help you find a clinic and provide therapy sessions for any emotional or mental stress you might experience as a result of your decision. Do you acknowledge, Alex, that you understand all these rights and responsibilities?”

Alex nodded slowly, taking in everything Lydia had said. It was overwhelming, in a way. She had never expected such comprehensive support from an agency. “It sounds almost too good to be true,” she murmured.

Lydia smiled reassuringly. "It is true, Alex. We accept only the best and give the best support in return. Now, are there any other questions you have?"

“No, I think that covers it,” Alex admitted.

“Great! Then let’s go see our photographer. Right this way.”

Lydia led Alex to another room, where a professional photographer was already waiting for them. He was a tall, lanky man with a warm smile and kind eyes. He introduced himself as David and explained that he had been working with Cherry Blossom Escorts for several years. He understood the unique requirements of the job and was dedicated to capturing each girl's true beauty and essence.

“Would you be comfortable getting nude?” he asked.

Alex blushed, feeling self-conscious. But Lydia put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Alex. We're professionals here, and David is a very skilled photographer. He'll make sure you look stunning."

Still blushing furiously, Alex began removing her clothes. When she was completely naked, David nodded appreciatively.

“That's perfect, Alex. You're even more beautiful than I suspected. Now, why don't you strike a pose for me?" David said, his voice warm and encouraging. He led her to a raised platform in the center of the room, where a variety of props were arranged: soft, plush blankets, delicate fabrics, and even a few sensual-looking pieces of lingerie.

Alex hesitantly tried out a few different poses, feeling self-conscious but also oddly empowered. David patiently guided her, offering gentle suggestions and praise. He seemed genuinely interested in capturing her essence, and Alex couldn't help but feel a bit more confident under his guidance.

As they worked together, Alex began to relax a bit more. She found herself enjoying the process, even though it was so foreign to her. She never imagined herself modeling nude for anyone, let alone a stranger. But somehow, David's warmth and encouragement made her feel comfortable and at ease.

"That's it, Alex," he whispered, capturing a particularly alluring expression on her face. "You're doing wonderful." She smiled shyly, feeling a strange combination of pride and embarrassment. It was surreal, being naked and exposed in front of him, but there was also something strangely liberating about it.

The session continued for almost an hour before Lydia said, “I think we have enough wonderful shots. Why don't you get dressed now, Alex, and join David and me in the next room while we review the photos together?”

Alex obeyed, quickly slipping on a robe that had been provided for her. David had taken so many photos, and she wondered how they would all turn out.

Lydia led her over to a large computer monitor, where the photos were already being uploaded. As they appeared on the screen, Alex couldn't help but gasp in surprise. The images were stunning. She looked confident and alluring, more so than she had ever actually felt.

"These are amazing," she breathed. "I can't believe they're me."

Lydia smiled and nodded. "David is truly talented. I'm so glad we were able to work with him. Now, let me show you the next step. We'll choose a few of our favorites and show them to our marketing team. They will help us create a beautiful portfolio for you and help you craft your profile on our website and our social media accounts.”

As they went through the photos, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had never considered herself to be particularly attractive, but these photos showed her in a whole new light. She began to see herself through the eyes of others, and it was a revelatory experience.

Lydia selected a handful of images that she felt best captured Alex's essence, and they worked together to choose the perfect ones for her portfolio.

The next step was to create a compelling profile for Alex on the Cherry Blossom Escorts website. Lydia sat Alex down with Richard, the head of the agency’s marketing department, and said, "Now, we want to make sure that your profile pops, Alex. We want clients to be drawn to you from the moment they see it." Richard nodded, pulling up Alex's photos on his computer screen.

“Damn,” he said, impressed. “These are stunning. You have an incredible presence. It's rare to find someone with a mix of natural beauty and confidence. Our clients are going to love you." He paused, considering it for a moment. "To make your profile stand out, we want to focus on what makes you unique. We'll use your bio to tell your story and these photos to display it. We'll make sure every man who visits your page feels like he's meeting the real you. So tell me a little about yourself. Why did you decide to do this?"

Alex hesitated for a moment, wondering how much of her story she should share. She decided to start with the truth and see where it led. "I grew up in a really strict family,” she said. “My parents always had high expectations for me, you know? They’ve always wanted me to be this perfect daughter, and they never let me have fun. Everything is either school or extracurriculars, and they don't even let me date, much less talk to me about sex. I’m doing this because I’ve decided to take charge of my life for the first time and I want to explore my sexuality.”

Richard nodded, his expression thoughtful. "That's a powerful story, Alex. You're not just another pretty face. You've got depth and a strong sense of self. We'll make sure your profile highlights that. So, how would you describe your ideal date? What kind of client would you like to see?”

Alex considered the question, feeling a flush creep up her neck. "Well, I'm still pretty new to all of this, so I'm not sure what I'm looking for exactly. I guess someone open-minded and respectful. Someone who's not afraid to have a good time but also understands that this is about more than just sex. I want to feel like I'm connecting with someone on a deeper level."

“Of course. Many of our escorts say the same thing. We'll highlight your intelligence, your confidence, and your desire for a deeper connection and new experiences. Are you willing to travel to meet a client?”

Alex bit her lip. “I’d love to, but I’m still in high school. I’m happy to travel—I’ve always wanted to—but it’ll have to wait until after I graduate this year, unless I can think of some way to make it work.”

Lydia smiled reassuringly. "No worries, dear. We can work around that. There are plenty of clients who are interested in a local experience. Now, let's get back to your profile. What are some of your interests and hobbies? Is there anything you'd like to highlight about yourself?"

“I love books!” Alex chirped. “I’d love to meet a client who is well-read. I enjoy history too, especially anything about the medieval period. Ooh, and I love animals, so if a client has a pet, that’s a bonus.”

Lydia smiled, nodding. "Very well, Alex. I think we have all the information we need to create a compelling profile for you. Richard, would you like to begin working on it right away?"

“Will do! I’ll send you both a link when it’s done so you can both see it.”

Alex paused as a sudden, troubling thought occurred to her. “Is my profile publicly viewable? Someone at my school might see it.”

Lydia gave her a reassuring smile. "No, dear, the profile is only accessible to our clients who have signed up with Cherry Blossom Escorts. It's a private, members-only site. Your information is kept strictly confidential. You don't have to worry about anyone from your school finding out."

“Whew. That’s a relief!” Alex giggled nervously.

Lydia smiled at her, patting her hand. "I'm sure you'll be just fine, dear. Would you like to meet your peer mentor?”

Alex nodded eagerly. "Yes, please! That would be great."

“I think you’ll like her. She’s one of our best.”

Written by LordCorvusCorax
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