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Author's Notes

"As this series is being written by two of us and the system does not permit linking the stories here are the links to the previous chapters. Chapter 1 - Chapter 2- Chapter 3-"

Finally, Ted collapsed beside her, letting out a loud exhausted sigh.

Pam rolled against him, throwing one of her legs over his. "You are really something, mister," she whispered before lightly kissing his cheek.

He replied, "It's not me."

"Unless there was someone in the room you didn't tell me about, it certainly was you," she said.

Ted looked at her and said, "No. I mean, all of that wasn't me. I can't do that. I can't go that long and cum that many times. I can't produce that much spunk. That wasn't me, darlin'. That was you."

Pam gave him a small, quizzical smile and said, "I don't think I understand what you're saying."

"I'm saying that what I did was caused by you. I… me… Ted… can't do those things. Never in my life have I been like that. It was all because you are so beautiful and exciting. I was letting myself go and responding to you. For some reason, I felt very free to let myself go."

Pam kissed him lightly again and said, "Then I think you've been holding back for a long time because I don't think I've ever been fucked like that."

Ted visibly winced at her words.

"What?" she said. "You don't like the word fuck? That's what we were doing, Ted. And it was absolutely great."

"Couldn't we call it making love?" he asked.

"But we're not in love, Ted," she responded. "I'm going to be your mistress, and you will use my body for your pleasure."

Ted winced again. "Can't we use a different word than mistress?"

Pam gave him a big smile. She had worked for him for a long time, and he had taught her how to close a deal. By allowing him to change the word "mistress," he accepted the offered program with some minor changes. This was precisely what she had wanted. "What would you suggest?"

"Couldn't we say something like, maybe, secret lovers?" he suggested.

"There's that love word again," she said. "But if that makes you feel better, I could accept it. But let's be clear about this. I belong to you from this moment on until you send me away. I am willingly yours. As long as you do nothing to hurt me physically, I will never tell you no. I will never reveal our circumstances at our workplace, so you don't need to be concerned with that."

Ted studied her face for a few seconds and said, "That sounds like a deal that's too much in my favor. I only see an upside for me."

Pam had rehearsed her lines for weeks, and Ted was saying precisely the things she knew he would.

"The upside is mine, Ted, because I'm getting what I want. All I want is you; this is how I can have you as your secret lover. This is what I want with all my heart. If it wasn't, I think you know me well enough that I would have walked away from it if it wasn't what I wanted."

"You've given this a lot of thought, haven't you?" Ted asked.

"Yes, I have," she replied. "I've thought about little else for quite some time. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've agreed. But to be honest, I only hoped that you would be a good lover. If we get any better with practice, I don't know if I'll be able to stand it."

Ted chuckled and said, "Well, to be honest with you, I'm guessing that because I am so much older, it stands to reason that I have more sexual experiences than you have. But I assure you, precious, I've never had an experience to top what we've done today. If that was just the beginning, I might not live through the next ones."

Pam rolled over on top of Ted, straddling his middle, dropped her mouth to his, and kissed him passionately. She ended the kiss and moved her lips only an inch away from his. "You'll never be sorry, Ted. Never."

Sunday evening, just at sunset, Pam rolled out of bed.

"You going somewhere?" he asked.

She leaned over him and gave him a gentle kiss. "Yes, Ted. I'm going home. You must be on a plane at about 8:00 in the morning, and I'm guessing you need to pack. So I must get out of your way and let you take care of your preparations."

"I'd rather take care of you," he replied.

Pam gave him a big smile and said, "I'd rather you take care of me the way you did last night and all of today, but if you get to your meetings unprepared, you'll blame me, and I'd rather that didn't happen."

Ted threw the bedcovers aside and slipped out of bed. He picked up his shorts and shirt, saying, "Well, let me put something on and walk you to your car."

"No," she told him. "Walk me to the front door and kiss me goodbye. If you walk me to my car, you won't kiss me. You wouldn't want the neighbors to see."

That stung a little, but Ted knew it was true. Slipping on his clothes, he asked, "Do you have everything?"

He thought she looked a little sad when she said, "Yes. I've checked. When you get home from your trip, you won't be able to tell I was here."

Ted turned and looked at the bed. Her eyes followed his. He pointed out the stains on his sheets and said, "Only if I change the sheets before I leave, but there is nothing there that I want to forget." He took her in his arms and kissed her gently. "There's nothing here that I want to forget about," he told her after he broke the kiss.

"It's going to be a long week," he continued. "I'll be three time zones away. We'll never be on the same time. When I'm working, you'll be asleep, so we won't have much time to talk. So just promise me that you'll think about this weekend while I'm away and consider if you really want to continue our relationship. I've loved every second we've been together, but I want you to give it continued consideration. Will you please?"

"Of course I will, Ted," she said and gave him a not-too-gentle kiss. "Be careful, and don't fall in love with some Hollywood bimbo while you're out there. I'll be here when you get back."

When she turned toward the door, Ted swatted her delicious ass. She turned, smiled, and said, "When you get back, I'll want you to do that again, but after I've had the chance to remove the covering."

Ted walked her to his front door, kissed her, and then watched as she walked to her car and drove away. He closed his door and locked it. Back in his kitchen, Ted cleaned up the remains of the breakfast he had made. When everything was done to his satisfaction, he returned to his bedroom just in time to hear his cell phone make the noise that told him he had a text message waiting. He picked it up and saw that he had a text from Pam. It read, "Thanx 4 a wonderful weekend. What do you have planned for next weekend?"

He replied, "Wait and see."

Ted hated flying to California. It was a long flight going and an even longer one coming back. Today he considered himself lucky. There was no one sitting next to him. He had purchased a coach ticket to save some company money, but that could be a pain if you were jammed into a seat for hours. And it was even worse if the person beside you decided to give you their life history.

But today, Ted was just lucky. He had no one beside him for the long flight, allowing him to stretch out and relax. Typically, he would have spent his time working and preparing for the meetings ahead of him. Whereas today he really wasn't interested in the conference. Today, for the first time in a long time, he had something else on his mind. He had his iPad in his hands and was playing mindless games, but his mind was on the lovely naked body that had spent most of the weekend in his bed.

As the plane droned on and his headphones tried to block the engine noise, that beautiful body was never far from his thoughts. If he closed his eyes, Ted could feel her nipples in his mouth, how wet she was when he slipped his finger inside her, and hear her moans and cries of joy. One of the best things about having no one beside him was that he didn't have to try to hide the bulge in his pants, which was almost constant.

The dull, droning noise was just about perfect for him today. It allowed Ted to think about all of the weekend's happenings and consider what he thought about them. Without question, he was a foolish old man. The idea of him with a woman twenty-five years younger was ridiculous. No argument. Case closed.

The entire thing was her idea. Ted had not seduced her. He had never been more excited in his life. Ted thought about this one long and hard, only to determine that he had never been more excited and aroused. This situation was wrong and should be stopped at once. What? Really? Certainly. At once. It was the right thing to do.

His mind began to replay their conversations. Pam had wanted him since they met. Pam knew he was checking out her ass and had extended her stays in his doorway to give him extra time to look at her. When he said he was older than her father, Pam replied that it was true, but she didn't want to fuck her father but wanted sex with him. She did want to fuck him. Think about it, he told himself, you weren't evil. You weren't underhanded or untruthful. You did nothing to encourage this woman. Absolutely nothing.

But still, she desires you, and you want her. "God forgive me, but I do desire her. I know it's wrong," he said out loud. But, then he thought, neither of us is married, so maybe, just maybe, it isn't really wrong. Ted closed his eyes and remembered how beautiful her naked body was. He remembered how perfect her breasts were and how wonderful her pussy tasted. Not to mention that perfect ass.

Ted's eyes hadn't focused on his iPad for over an hour as his mind raced through the weekend. He replayed every conversation. He replayed every moment of their sex. He replayed every moan and gasp as they pleased each other. Then finally, he decided to let nature take its course. If this is going to continue, I'll accept and enjoy it. If it stops immediately, I'll be grateful to have had the experience. Ted smiled and said, "When I'm old and sitting in a rocking chair at the assisted living center, I can tell the other old farts about the time that a young chick had her way with me."

At the same time, Ted was flying across the country and thinking about his weekend; Pam was sitting at her desk twenty feet away from his empty office, thinking about the same things that Ted was replaying in his mind. She thought he was everything she had hoped he would be and much more. She had thought that he would be shy, and he was for about five minutes. But, once he had determined that he wanted her, the shyness disappeared, and he became a force to be reckoned with.

As she replayed the weekend's events, Pam couldn't help but smile. She had always known that Ted would be good in bed. But she had never considered that he would be the best lover she had ever known. When lunchtime rolled around, Pam entered Ted's office and locked the door. She took off her wet panties and masturbated while remembering seeing his face between her legs.


For Ted, the week flew by. He moved from one meeting to the next. The last meeting of the day was followed by cocktails and then dinner. When he returned to his hotel, it was at least 11:00 in the evening and much too late to call Pam. He remained so busy during the day that the only way he could keep in touch with her was to send her email messages from his cell phone. But when he finally managed to crawl into bed at the end of the day and close his eyes, she was in her naked beauty, haunting him. In his mind, he could hear her whimper and cry out. For the entire trip, Pam stood on his bed whenever his mind was still and said, "I know you want to feel it. Touch me, Ted."

As he was driving to the airport, a plan began to form in his mind. It was pretty well put together when he took his seat on the plane. When the plane wheels finally touched the ground in his home city, he had finalized his plan. Because Ted wouldn't get home until after 11:00 PM, he determined that he would say nothing to Pam about it until he walked into the office on Friday.

For Pam, each day of her week seemed to never end. While at work, she kept looking at his darkened office and wondering what he was doing. The few messages she had received from him were short and always related to business matters. By the time Thursday rolled around, she had decided that, given several days to think about it, Ted had decided to change his mind about their "relationship."

She was convinced that he basically couldn't deal with someone so much younger than him. He was feeling both guilt and embarrassment. On Friday, he would call her into his office and tell her that it wouldn't work out between them, and she would… what? What would she do? Pam understood she would have to resign her position and give him two weeks' notice. Now that she had known the real Ted and been intimate with him, she would be unable to return to the "Manager/Assistant" relationship.

Pam was tired when she got home from work on Thursday. She had been thinking about her situation with Ted the entire day and was mentally exhausted. She just wanted to change her clothes and open a bottle of wine. She would probably drink the whole bottle and fall asleep on the couch.

But the habits of the last year took over once she was home. As she did every day, Pam undressed in her large walk-in closet and turned around to see herself in her full-length mirror, standing in nothing but panties and bra. As it had so many times in the past year, she could imagine Ted standing behind her, watching her take off her bra and drop it on the floor while his hands moved around her and cupped her breasts. He'd nuzzle her neck and kiss her ear before whispering, "I want you naked on the bed."

Just as she had done in the past, Pam stood beside her bed, peeled back the covers, and let her panties drop to the floor. She took her "Ted toys" from the nightstand and slipped into bed. The only thing different now was that the memories she recalled as she began to please herself were real. She could replay the things they had done together last weekend at Ted's house. She was no longer limited to her fantasies.

Ten minutes later, when the vibrator had done its job, and she was lying on her back feeling the afterglow of a wonderful orgasm, she thought, Maybe I've been overreacting. He's been away before and not kept in touch. Pam laughed loudly as she thought, No one in their right mind could walk away from sex that good.

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After her breathing had returned to normal, she put her toys away, slipped into a man-sized denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and headed off to the kitchen. That bottle of wine was still a good idea, and now she would have to consider what she would do if he didn't end it. This would be much more fun.


Pam reached her desk on Friday morning at 8:45. She was required by Ted to be there before 9:00, but this morning she was anxious to get to her desk so that she could greet Ted when he arrived. Within five minutes, her computer was humming, and she popped open her email to find the first message of the day was from Ted.

"Moving slowly this morning. I'll be in by 10:00."

Pam sat there staring at her computer screen, wondering what she needed to do to be ready for him. Nothing in his message gave her a clue about any decision he might have made concerning the two of them. However, she felt a little better after last night about Ted's decision. She had spent so much time reliving everything they had done together last weekend that she couldn't believe that he would now turn her down.

Nonetheless, she had her resignation letter in her head. If he said he didn't want her in his life and in his bed, she would resign and never see him again. Really? She asked herself. Would I really do that? Pam turned to her keyboard and pulled up Word. "That's what I have to do, no questions asked," she answered her own question.

By 9:15, she had her letter of resignation written, printed, signed, folded, and put into an envelope. She put it on the side of her desk and returned to her email. "Why is it on Friday everyone and his damned brother need to send us an email?" she said out loud.

The assistant, whose desk was just ten feet away, heard Pam and answered her, "Isn't it the truth? It seems like every Friday, we just get deluged with email."

Pam hadn't even noticed that Karen was sitting at her desk. She had been so involved with her thoughts about Ted that she had failed to see or speak to her. Pam smiled at Karen, "Is it just me, or is our email three times heavier on Friday?"

Karen smiled back and replied, "I think that about half of the world takes Friday off, and they send out emails to make those working think that they are also working. I guess they are sitting on their asses at home, drinking coffee and laughing at those of us who went to work."

Pam pretended to be amused, but her mind was still on Ted. When was he going to get here? She had gotten up early this morning and spent a long time deciding what to wear. She had been thinking about it all week and had made the decision on Wednesday, then changed that decision on Thursday and woke up on Friday, still unsure if her decision was correct.

She wanted Ted to look at her and think she was HOT, but she couldn't do that in the office. She had gone through everything in her closet at least ten times, looking for just the right thing, only to come up with at least ten different perfect things. Finally, this morning she had decided on a soft cashmere sweater with a matching skirt. She was wearing no stockings. Pam had selected a bra that would show off her lovely breasts and might even show some nipples if she was aroused. She had done everything she could and now just had to sit and wait.

Five minutes before 10:00, she looked up to see Ted striding down the hallway toward her. He stopped twice to say something to the people he was passing and then appeared at her desk. He looked down at her and said, "Pamela, give me fifteen minutes to get geared up and then come in, please." He turned and walked into his office.

"Fuck!" she said to herself. "He was so formal. I've been deluding myself. He's decided that he doesn't want me! Damn!" She sat quietly for several minutes, stewed, and thought about what she would say or do. Finally, she pulled out the envelope with her resignation. She put it into the notebook that she would take into his office. She wanted to throw something. She wanted to scream or do something to express her exasperation. "Damnit!" she said under her breath.

The minutes passed, and she walked into his office, pulled out the chair in front of his desk, quietly sat down, and crossed her legs.

Ted looked at his computer screen and said, without looking at her, "Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee? I need to read this message first."

One of the things that Ted never did was ask her to "fetch" his coffee. The other managers in the building were famous for "asking" their assistants to do various things that weren't exactly appropriate. Still, most of the assistants did those tasks to secure their jobs. In all the time Pam had been with Ted, he rarely asked for things like coffee. She was a little surprised, but it wasn't an outrageous request. He'd asked for a cup of coffee, which required her to walk about ten feet.

As she set the mug down in front of him, Ted turned and smiled at her, saying, "Thanks."

Pam sat down again and watched Ted as he read the message on the screen. Finally, he picked up the mug of coffee and took a sip.

He put the mug down and turned to Pam. "It's been a heck of a week, hasn't it?" he said.

"It certainly has," she replied.

"Unfortunately, we've been in different time zones, and it's been difficult for us to communicate," he said without looking at her. Then he looked directly into her brown eyes and said, "Have you thought about our weekend together last week?"

"I've thought about little else," Pam replied. She looked him straight in the eyes and didn't flinch. If he was going to toss her aside, she had no plans of showing any weakness.

"And the discussion of our relationship, I believe you described it as becoming my mistress. You've thought about that?" he asked.

"Ted," she said sternly, "I gave that every consideration before letting you have sex with me."

Pam thought she might have seen the slightest smile before he said, "And you still think our relationship is a good idea?"

She wanted to sigh from exasperation but finally said, "Ted, I think I've made it very clear that I want you very badly. I'm happy to be your mistress, your slut, whatever you want. But I do want you in my life and in my bed. Maybe I should say in your bed. I found out last weekend that you are my perfect lover. I couldn't want or expect more. You made me feel things that I've only dreamed about. I know this creates a problem because we work together, and I'm perfectly willing to resign if you want me to."

She looked into his eyes and said, "I want you, Ted. Do you want me to beg?"

For a very long minute, they sat there looking into each other's eyes without a word being spoken.

Ted broke the silence, "You know the answer came to me at about 39,000 feet on Monday morning. I would have to be a fool to turn down your offer."

It took a few seconds for the message to reach her, but Pam's eyes opened wide, and she said, "Really?"

"Look," Ted said. "I'm kinda old and not too smart, but it occurred to me that having a gorgeous woman beside me, a gorgeous, NAKED woman beside me was something a sane man should not reject. Of course, I understand that we work together every day and that only complicates things, but the truth is that I have desired you from the second I first saw you. And for some reason that I can't understand or explain, you feel the same way."

Ted hesitated and took a sip of his coffee. "Sweet girl, we can only be headed for trouble, but we should see where this goes."

Pam sat quietly for a full minute, just watching Ted's eyes before she moved. She wanted to jump for joy or scream. She wanted to do something but decided that she should remain still and see what he had to say next.

Ted assumed the position in his high-back leather chair she had seen many times. "The idea you will be my mistress seems a little strange to me. However, I'm certain that there are some better terms to describe it. Don't you think?" he asked.

"Actually," Pam said with total confidence, "I don't know of a better term. The idea is that my job is to have sex with you any time you wish and in any way you wish. I'm not unhappy with that designation. I'm yours when you want me, Ted. I want to be your business assistant during the day and your mistress after business hours. I will never say no to you. Never."

"You are absolutely certain about this?" he asked.

"I am, Ted. I think I've already said it several times, but if you want, I'll repeat it. I want to be your mistress. I give you my body to use as you want. As long as you promise not to hurt or abuse me, I am yours until you no longer require me."

He looked into her eyes, and there was no doubt she was being candid.

After another long pause, Ted said, "Then I think we are agreed. I don't know what comes or what we do next, but I'll start right here." He leaned over his desk toward her and asked softly, "Are you wearing panties?"

Her eyes blinked twice before she answered, "Yes. Yes, I am. I'm wearing the thong panties that you liked so much."

"You can take them off now or wait until you get to the ladies' room, but I don't want you wearing panties anymore. I want you to take them off and give them to me."

Pam blinked a couple of times and stood up. She stepped to the side of his office where she couldn't be seen from the hallway, lifted her skirt, and pulled her panties down and off. She stepped forward and handed them to Ted, and sat back down.

"Thank you," Ted said. "I would rather you never wear a bra, but I know that isn't possible. Those beautiful nipples of yours would be on display, and I'd rather keep them in reserve just for me."

He paused a second before saying, "And now, when you come here to talk with me, I want you at my side. Then if I want to put my hand up inside your skirt, I can do that without anyone noticing. When we are alone, I will want you naked, but when we're here, we have to play by the rules of the office. We can't be suspected of anything. Do you agree?"

Pam's head was spinning. She had thought she would have to resign from her position and look for another job. But now, the man she had lusted after for so long was giving her the rules of engagement for their affair. She was stunned into silence but nodded her head in agreement.

Ted's phone rang, and he answered it. He listened for thirty seconds and replied, "Sure. When would you like for me to come down? Absolutely. I'll see you in about twenty minutes."

While he was talking, Ted never took his eyes off Pam. After hanging up, he explained, "I've got to talk to the old man in a bit. But I've got a question for you before I go."

Pam sat quietly and nodded.

"Did you masturbate last night?" he asked.

Pam's face flushed bright red, and the answer was obvious. She merely nodded.

Ted smiled and asked, "How many times?"

Her shade of red darkened by three times as she stared at him.

"Pam, sweetheart," he said softly. "How many times did you please yourself last night while thinking of me coming home?"

She paused a long time and finally said, "Three times."

He smiled and said, "And this morning?"

She closed her eyes and whispered, "Once."

"I can't imagine your orgasm this morning was any stronger than mine," he said softly.

She looked at him in surprise and said, "Did you masturbate this morning?"

"Yes, I did," he said without the slightest hint of embarrassment. "I woke up thinking about you sitting on my face. I felt that if I didn't satisfy myself, I would have come in here and ripped your clothes off. While we might have found it enjoyable, the company frowns on it."

Pam giggled and said, "Yes, they do. But we would have enjoyed it. And before you ask, I'll tell you that we must have been having the same dream. That's why I had to get my vibrator out."

"I wish I had been there to watch you," Ted told her. "Now let me talk to the idiot in charge, and I'll be back in a bit. We'll need to discuss some papers here on my desk when I'm finished with him. But just so we're clear, I'll want you out of here by 3:30 this afternoon, and I will expect you at my house no later than 7:00. You'll be there all weekend, so you won't need to pack anything other than your toothbrush and your toys."

Ted lowered his voice. "I've thought about little other than your beautiful naked body for the past four days. Don't expect me to be gentle or respectful. I plan to fuck you until we are both incapable of walking. Is that a problem?"

With wide eyes, Pam leaned forward and said, "No, sir. Is there anything I can do for you while you are bullshitting the old man?"

Ted smiled brightly and replied, "Sure, baby. Type up my resume so that I can look for a new job. And if I don't get fired, we'll talk about your favorite position."

Pam stood up. "Is there anything else?"

Ted looked her over and said, "There are a lot of other things that I'd like to do, but I'm called elsewhere. But when I'm finished with them, I'll want you back in my office."

"Trust me," Pam said with a wicked tone that he had never heard before, "When you get back, I'll be here waiting for you." She stood up and turned to leave, but Ted stopped her.

"You know what? I do have an assignment for you," he said. "While I'm down the hall, I want you to write something for me. I was hoping you could think about what will happen when you walk inside my house tonight. So write out what you think will happen or want, and I'll read it when I get back."

"That will be easy," she said in a voice just above a whisper. "I've thought about it enough." Again she turned and walked to his doorway, stood motionless for a few seconds so that he could admire her ass, and then returned to her desk.

As Ted watched Pam's delicious ass, he lifted his hand to his nose and smelled the panties she had given him. "Those who are about to die, salute you," he whispered. When Pam was out of sight, he added, "Live boldly, Ted. Live boldly while you can."

Written by ChrisM
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