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3 days ago
Bisexual Female


Active Ink Slinger

It tastes beautiful and comes in the most perfect of containers. I have had the pleasure of helping two surrogates dry up after birth of their babies.

Active Ink Slinger

Not for me- It stops at the base of his cock as far as I am concerned.

Shaved balls are a must for me too.

Active Ink Slinger

Without a doubt. To me it is the most satisfying form of sexual pleasure.

I am Bi so I enjoy sexual pleasures with our men as well but the pleasures I have with my girlfriends more often exceeds that with the guys.

Oh Dani - there are female operated sex sites who only have woman directors/photographers. (Abby Winters is one.)

Active Ink Slinger

Just had a holiday weekend with all our FWB and WAS I IN THE MOOD.? You betcha.

It was not only the guy/girl I was with, but one or more if the others around. Nothing is private in our place. It can be quite interesting chatting to another while also enJoying the most ‘intimate’ of contacts. I enjoy just being with them and doing what we are doing so I am not adverse to extending our activities by having a conversation as we both enjoy the pleasures it gives us. It is not a race so why rush.

Active Ink Slinger

Nudity at home is normal for us. We only cover when necessary. We are regulars at nudist beaches and wherever it is safe to be outdoors. I worked as a nude model for two years and was frequently seen in public places naked when on a photo shoot. There were never any problems as there was never a hint of sexuality.

Active Ink Slinger

Not only watch but have a chat while they are going for it. It is quite interesting to be an onlooker at times. There are no closed doors in our place.

Active Ink Slinger

My guys get theirs devoured every time - never a drop wasted. I love it.

Active Ink Slinger

Jane gave me a beautiful finger and lick this morning. She gets the same from me tonight.

Active Ink Slinger

Never thought of it.

I have a perfectly live warm an wonderful body that welcomes me and provides everything live. No make believe with us.

Active Ink Slinger

I began to enjoy nudity as a young teen when we skinny dipped for fun. It started me on my lifelong journey enjoying being naked at every opportunity. I have worked as a nude model years ago which Ioved. Too many people associate nudity with sexuality - both have their place but not publicly.

Active Ink Slinger

We trimmed our guys not long after we began our friendship. They never considered it previously. Now they are trimmed short and look magnificent. Their balls are shaved completely.

Active Ink Slinger

Been there done that - not happy.

Rimming is fine but nothing bigger than a finger.

Active Ink Slinger

I have had electrolysis - no problems with regrowth. I have a strip and always have.

I have tried both and I prefer waxing.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes - I always have a towel beneath me just in case. I have found my orgasms are far stronger when we do it - the guys done mind - enjoy it - and we always shower afterwards.

Active Ink Slinger

There are six of us in a FWB partnership. We are all Bi. My gf and I live together as partners but each of us has a regular guy that visits each weekend and has sleepovers with us. The other couple live together and visit occasionally.

We all copulate with one or other and openly with no closed doors. It is not unusual for one or two of us to be engaged in sex in the same room with either same sex or with one of our male partners.

Active Ink Slinger

I had not had an "older" man until recently, apart from one when I was a teenager.

Recently I attended a swinger's "Club" where I enjoyed several much older men. I enjoyed each occasion. All treated me well and I consider they enjoyed their time with me as much as I enjoyed doing what I did with them. It was sex as I like it. Their wife was there and aware of who he was with as nothing was done behind closed doors. Their experience and performances were most enjoyable. The age differences were not a consideration.

Active Ink Slinger

Not particularly - I get more pleasure from my sucking, licking, swallowing etc

I have a better place for him to fuck.

Active Ink Slinger

At times, even a couple of times. There can be days between depending upon my desires. Lately I have been enjoying it regularly daily or more because of one friend that constantly arouses me and the thought of him and I having sex really turns me on.

Active Ink Slinger

My guy and I were on a weekend away. We met another couple who became curious and interested in our relationship - we are in a FWB (with another couple) and she was fascinated. They had never had sex outside their marriage. things developed and she found herself wanting to 'experiment' - my boyfriend soon found himself with a 'Hot Wife" and she had the best time of her life apart from with her husband. I enjoyed a somewhat cooler husband but after one experience he liked the experience and they agreed to spent the night with us - in each others bedroom.

The next morning was a debriefing and an admission that both of them had enjoyed their experience. So had we.

We met once more after that and decided things may get out of hand so we cooled it. She honestly admitted she had never had such a good time being bad in her life. He hinted we might meet again in a years time. That is yet to materialise.

Offputting - perhaps the fact they had teenage kids and how they would feel about what happened ...and enjoyed..

Active Ink Slinger

Old .... Older ?

I prefer "antique" for a man that is still attractive - naked - and still has a function in life.

Not overweight, with all his working parts in good order, still appreciated, and can still bring a smile to my face.

Active Ink Slinger

I will be maintaining my strip

I have noticed that there are more full bushes at the nude beach lately.

A post Covid thing or?

Active Ink Slinger

I have and have used considerable experience that I have gained over many years with partners of both sexes. I like to discuss our experiences with the people I have had a relationship with. Both before and after. Asking your partner what they expected and how they enjoyed their experience with you in a commonsense way (not erotically) has given me the perspective I can write about. Being bi has helped get opinions and experiences from both my male and female partners and even during a relationship, the thoughts and feelings they are having. I enjoy a chat whilst we are ‘together’ as it adds a bit of spice to what we are doing and have done with others.

Some if my stories reflect these chats with a lot of literary licence to spice it up a bit.

Sex to me is a pleasure and often recreational. Some can, and others can’t accept sharing your body with another in a friendly way. I am not one of them.


Active Ink Slinger

I enjoy watching him cum - as to whether it is my hand or his doesnt matter.

Tributes - Not my scene.

Active Ink Slinger

Why do I get an indication I have ??? Of items when there are none?

I can read them all and still told (today) I have 5

Active Ink Slinger

Yes - I worked as a nude model for two years. Also did some art posing for students. I worked for a professional photographer who sold his work - we were threatened with dismissal if we did porn.

It was a satisfying career as I am a nudist by choice and had no inhibitions about being seen naked.

Active Ink Slinger

Last weekend - two guys - two loads each.

It is a regular thing with us at weekends when tney sleep over.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Beffer

My first BJ I quit before he could cum.


I had similar experiences but eventually one did and it was a surprise to us both. I swallowed it without realising what I had done. He was so excited and I got him off three times that afternoon - more to explore and look and play with it.

I actually got him to taste it off my fingers and it was hilarious.


Active Ink Slinger

For me - the face is out- never.

My boobs are fair game but I have not had the desire for some time.

As a teen I let guys cum on my boobs providing they were prepared to lick it off - a few would most would not.

There was a falacy at one tine that if they came on your boobs and you -or they- rubbed it in it made your boobs grow - I let a lot try but I knew it never worked.