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Author's Notes

"Thank you for your loyalty reading our long series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>You are appreciated."

Part 2 - Chapter 9


Pam hurried into the bedroom, where Ted picked up their drinks from the nightstand and followed her onto their private patio. Pam was standing quietly when he got outside, looking out toward the pool. She turned and put a finger to her lips to tell him to be quiet, then pointed toward the pool.

Ted followed her gesture and saw Bill sitting in a chair by the pool, smoking a cigar.

"Do you think they had a fight or something?" Pam whispered. "He's by himself."

Ted looked back toward where the outside bar was and said, "No. Jeanie is behind the bar. She's probably fixing drinks for them."

As they stood there and watched, they saw Jeanie come out of the bar holding two glasses. She strolled back toward Bill, swaying her hips in an exaggerated way for Bill's viewing pleasure.

Ted put down their drinks and tested the water temperature in the hot tub. Finding it was just about perfect, he gestured for Pam to get into the water and watched as she gracefully slid into it, letting the water cover her breasts. He followed her and gave her a glass.

They touched their glasses together, and Ted whispered, "Here's to your beautiful breasts and to my getting lots more time to make love to them."

Pam sipped her drink and giggled softly. They both turned to see what Bill and Jeanie were doing, looking down on them from their location. The motor of their hot tub ran the jets quietly but loud enough that they could not hear anything the couple below might be saying in normal conversational tones.

Jeanie walked up, stopped in front of Bill, leaned slightly, and handed him his drink.

They could see him smile and say something to her, which made Jeannie smile before she touched her glass to his.

From their angle, Ted and Pam were looking at them from the side. Ted was much more interested in Pam's naked body than what the people below them were doing. However, Pam seemed more interested in watching the people below.

As Ted was ready to take her breasts into his mouth, Pam whispered, "Look!"

Ted lifted his face and looked down toward them. Bill was still seated by the pool, and Jeanie was standing in front of him. Pam gripped Ted's arm as they watched Jeanie pull the strap of her dress from her shoulder. She leaned forward and handed Bill the glass of wine she was holding before she stood upright and pulled the other strap down. They continued to watch as Jeanie let the top of her dress drop down to her waist, revealing her tits to his anxiously waiting eyes.

Jeanie stood there quite still, the top of her dress hanging loose around her waist with Bill's eyes glued to her breasts.

Ted and Pam were both still and quiet, waiting to see what would happen next.

Though it seemed like a long time, it was only seconds before Jeanie put her hands at the top of her long dress and pulled it so that it dropped to the ground, leaving her standing in front of Bill completely naked.

Ted wanted to say, "I told you so," but was too busy looking at Jeanie's body and Bill's reaction to speak.

They watched as Jeanie stood before him and noticed that he didn't move. If he said anything, they couldn't hear it, but Bill's eyes seemed to be burning into Jeanie.

Several long seconds passed, during which Ted and Pam didn't speak or taste their drinks. They were mesmerized by the scene below them.

They saw Bill's hand move as he dropped something in front of Jeanie. Straining to see, they saw that it was a cushion. When it hit the ground in front of Jeanie, she dropped to her knees on it. Next, they saw that she opened her legs and put a hand between them. Ted was watching Jeanie while Pam watched Bill. Jeanie knelt on the cushion with her thighs spread wide and masturbated for Bill's viewing pleasure.

They both observed as Bill's eyes seemed to be fixed on Jeanie. He sat there sipping his drink for a few minutes and puffed on his cigar.

Ted and Pam couldn't move. They became voyeurs. They sat quietly in the bubbling water, just feeling the pulsing water jets against their skin as they watched the scene below. They watched two people in pure lust with each other.

After a few minutes, Bill stood in front of her. They watched as she put her hands on his clothes. Suddenly his pants dropped to the ground, revealing a giant cock that made them both gasp.

"Damn," Ted whispered. "He is really hung."

"You think so," Pam whispered back. "Damn. I suddenly understand her attraction to him."

Pam's statement quickly ran through Ted's mind. Before he could say anything, Pam said, "Please, baby. Remember that I've told you that my first lover was built like that. And I've told you several times that he was just too big. I know you men think that size is everything, but it isn't. That said, Bill is well endowed."

Before Ted could say anything, Pam continued. "No one has ever made me cum as you do, so don't you ever think I'm interested in size. But I will also say that anyone larger than you would NOT be acceptable. You were made for me, baby. You are the perfect size for me."

Ted thought Pam should probably go into politics making such remarks but noticed that Jeanie was moving and stopped thinking about anything other than the show in front of them.

Jeanie had taken his enormous cock in her mouth and was doing her best to give him everything he wanted. She was holding the head in her mouth and stroking the shaft with her hand. As she continued to work on his cock, Bill unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside.

For a man in his late 60s, he was in good shape, but it made Ted think the reason for the Viagra pills in the bathrooms might have something to do with Bill's age. Ted also thought it wouldn't be difficult for any man to get it up and keep it up with such a gorgeous naked woman on her knees providing oral sex. And not just giving it. Jeanie was apparently wholly enjoying it.

After several minutes Bill put his hands into Jeanie's hair and pulled her away from his cock. He sat down in the chair and opened his legs, letting her move in on her knees and continue what she had been doing.

Ted and Pam could see her head bobbing up and down. They could see the look of total enjoyment on Bill's face. As they watched, Pam put her hands between Ted's legs to find that watching those two people had inspired him. Pam began to stroke Ted's cock and whispered in his ear, "Would you like for me to do to you what she's doing to him?" Before he could answer, Pam patted the edge of the hot tube and said, "Sit up here."

Sitting on the edge, only his feet and half of his calves were in the water. Pam slipped between Ted's legs and took his cock into her mouth. As he watched, Pam slid his cock deep into her mouth. Ted could tell that Pam had positioned herself so that she could still see the couple below. Watching Pam, it occurred to Ted that this was something she had done to him hundreds of times. What Pam was doing never got old. Ted never wanted her to stop.

But just as he had that thought, Pam did stop. He turned to see what was going on that had taken Pam's attention. What they both saw was Jeanie standing up in front of Bill. He was running his hands over her, touching her all over. They saw one hand caressing a breast while the other went between her legs. They could tell that he was fingering her. Over the next minute, they watched his motions become faster, and it became evident that she was very much enjoying it. Then quite suddenly, he dropped his hands from her breast, took his hand from between her legs, put both hands on her hips, and turned her around.

Ted and Pam quietly slipped back into the water, hoping that Jeanie would not see them.

They didn't need to worry. Jeanie wasn't seeing much of anything because Bill was pulling her down on his cock. She put her hands back on his legs as he eased his big cock into her. This time they heard her as his cock got about halfway in. Jeanie moaned loudly enough for Ted and Pam to hear over the noise of the hot tub. Bill kept his hands on her ass and began moving her up and down on his cock. Each downward motion elicited another moan from Jeanie.

Ted and Pam were both like a couple of kids, on their knees, with just their heads over the tub's edge. They were hoping not to be seen but could not take our eyes off Jeanie's beautiful body gliding up and down on Bill's sizable shaft. Once again, Pam slipped her hand between Ted's legs and found his erection.

"Wouldn't you like to get behind me?" she whispered as she squeezed his cock.

Not needing further explanation, Ted moved around behind Pam as she rose out of the water, placed her hands on the tub's edge, and opened her legs. Moving up behind her, Ted slid his cock into her wet pussy and held it as deep as he could for long seconds. He heard Pam's loud whisper. "Damn! That is so good. I promise you, baby, what she is getting is NOT better than this."

Once again, they were, more or less, mirroring what Bill and Jeanie were doing, except that Jeanie's noises were getting louder. Pam continued to stifle hers. However, it wasn't long before they heard Bill make what might be described as a growl. Jeanie immediately pulled off of his cock, turned, and knelt. Jeanie sucked his cock into her mouth and began stroking it with her hand. Bill growled once more, only louder as he gripped the side of his chair.

They didn't need subtitles to know what was happening. Bill was having a massive orgasm as she sucked every drop of his cum into her mouth. They watched as Bill became still, and Jeanie continued to hold his cock in her mouth and only lightly moved her hands over his shaft. After another minute, Bill put his hands into her red curls and pulled Jeanie up until her face was on his chest. They stayed in that position for a long while and appeared to be resting as they spoke softly.

Again, not wanting to be seen, Ted slipped back into the water beside Pam. She sat down with her back to the edge of the tub. "Would you like for me to do for you what Jeanie just did for him?"

"If I'm not mistaken," Ted said with a big smile, "You did exactly that for me about twenty minutes ago."

"So I did," Pam responded, returning his smile, "And as I recall, it was not only exciting, it was delicious."

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Pam leaned over to kiss Ted and said, "I guess our floor show is over, and we'll have to entertain ourselves now."

Giving Pam a little kiss, Ted said, "I doubt very seriously that the show is over. I think we've just reached a rest period. Until they get ready for the next act, I'd like you to sit here where I am now." Ted moved away and could tell Pam wondered why she should sit there. She faced Ted and quickly understood his request as she moved into the sculpted seat.

Her eyes got large, and she said, "Oh, Isn't that just the perfect little water jet?"

Ted had no idea if the tub manufacturer had planned it, but there was a jet of water that he knew would hit any woman in the perfect spot to give her great pleasure. He watched her face until Pam closed her eyes. The look of sensuality was spreading over her face. Ted watched as she adjusted her position and moved one of her legs to give the jet better access. 

Moving over beside her, Ted gently took each of her breasts in his hands, lightly touching them, and felt her nipples begin to get stiff. "It's not easy to get stimulated without being touched," he whispered.

"Are you kidding?" Pam answered without opening her eyes. "This is heavenly."

As he continued to touch her breasts, Ted watched the expressions on her face and could tell she was getting the sensation he was hoping for. Suddenly she reached over and took his cock in her hand again. She squeezed it and said, "This jet will get me off. I love it. It's going to make me cum!"

As Pam opened her mouth to moan, Ted stood beside her and slipped his stiff cock into her mouth. Instantly she closed her lips around him, silently screaming as her orgasm rocketed through her body.

After Pam's pulse returned to something close to normal, she smiled at him and asked, "Can we get one of these at home?"

"Sure," Ted said, "I can see it now. At about 3:00 in the morning, I'll be looking for you and find you sitting in the hot tub. Instead of calling out my name, you'd be gasping and saying, 'Oh, Hot Jet, I love you,' and that would piss me off."

Pam pulled him down to her mouth and gave Ted a lengthy kiss. She looked into his eyes, and he was expecting her to say something sweet. But, instead, her eyes got large, and she asked excitedly, "Are they ready for act two yet?"

Ted lifted his eyes over the tub's edge and reported, "I believe we need to return to our seats. It looks to me like the players are ready, and the intermission is over."

Once Pam turned around, they watched as Bill moved the pad around and laid down on it.

He rolled over on his back and held his hands out to Jeanie. She walked to him, put one foot on each side of his body, and took his hands. Ted could tell that Bill was talking to Jeanie but had no idea what he was saying. They watched as she listened for a while and then knelt down, adjusting her position until she had placed herself directly over his head.

Pam looked at Ted and said, "I'm thinking you are going to like Act Two 'cause I'm guessing he's going to get oral on her now."

Because Bill had moved the pad Jeanie had been using, she was now facing Ted and Pam directly. They could see all of her beautiful body as she slowly lowered herself until she was touching Bill's mouth with her hairless pussy. He appeared to put his hands on her ass and pushed her because she began sliding her sex over his mouth.

Ted watched in total silence for over a minute, but his insides were boiling. What they were watching was so erotic and so unbelievably sexy. If Pam hadn't just had an orgasm, Ted would have put her up on the edge of the hot tub and put his tongue in her while watching.

Putting her mouth next to Ted's ear, Pam whispered, "You like that, don't you, baby? I know that you do. You get so excited when I rub my pussy on your mouth."

Pam watched a little more and then continued, "She's going to cum in just a few seconds. I'll bet her nipples are as hard as rocks, and I'll bet that his face is covered in her juices. I know you love that too."

Putting her hand down in the water between his legs, Pam started stroking Ted's cock. Ted couldn't take his eyes off them, and what Pam was doing magnified the moment for him. "She's ready," Pam whispered. "Look at her face."

Pam was so right. The look on Jeanie's face told it all. She was ready to cum. It was obvious to Ted that there were only two things in the world that she was connected to at this moment, her pussy and Bill's tongue. When her orgasm hit her, she left nothing behind and screamed, repeatedly rocking before she collapsed.

Pam let Ted watch and cool down a little before she asked, "Will there be a third act?"

"I don't think so," Ted replied. "Both of them look totally spent. There may be a third act, but I'm guessing that it will be in a softer place, like the big bed in their bedroom.

Pam kissed Ted once more and suggested, "If the show is over, perhaps we should get out of this tub before we turn into prunes. Then we could get into our big bed. I'm one orgasm up on you. Maybe you'd like me to take care of your hot, hard thing."

Ted glanced over the tub's edge and saw that Bill and Jeanie were beginning to move. Jeanie was looking for her dress while Bill was putting on his pants. Their actions assured Ted the show was over. He got out of the tub and turned the jets off. Picking up a large towel, he held it out to Pam, wrapping her up in it. She giggled as he ensured that her breasts were appropriately dried and went to work on her butt.

"Anything else that needs to be dried?" he asked.

Pam gave Ted a sly smile and replied, "Just one other thing, but you always tell me that you prefer it wet."

They went back inside the air-conditioned coolness of the house. After being in the hot tub, it felt pretty good on their bare skin. Ted took their towels into the bathroom before coming out to find that she had pulled the covers back on the bed. Pam pitched a pillow in the middle of the bed and instructed Ted to lie down with his head on it.

"When did you become 'in charge' of the weekend activities," he asked.

"It's not an order," Pam said shyly. "Let's call it a suggestion. I want to work on getting us even in the orgasm department."

"Well then, that sounds like a suggestion I could take." Ted flopped on the bed, putting his face into the pillow.

"That's not exactly the optimal position for what I had in mind," she said with a laugh. "Perhaps you could flip over on your back?"

While he was turning over, Pam saw to it that all the lights were turned off. They ended up with a faint glow coming into the room through the window over the bed. It was moonlight but strong enough to see.

Pam stretched out beside him, rubbing her breast against his chest and kissing him. She lifted up, looked into his eyes before smiling, and said, "Now I'm going to take care of you."

Pam gave Ted another quick kiss and then sat up and did something he couldn't see on his side of the nightstand. The truth was, he was quite happy to stay right there. He waited quietly while he studied her perfect ass.

When she finally turned around, Pam was surprised to find that his cock wasn't exactly lying there calmly. Instead, it was about half erect and waiting for attention. Even in the moonlight, he could see her smile as she leaned over and took his cock into her mouth. She gently sucked it in and out of her mouth for several minutes as his erection changed from slightly hard to solid stone.

Once she had him in the condition she wanted, Pam sat up and straddled his leg.

Immediately Ted could feel the heat coming from her pussy, and the rock got just a little harder.

Pam leaned over and took his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. One hand stroked softly while the other lightly pulled his sack and pressed on his balls. It all felt so good to him that he only hoped that what she had planned would take hours. Ted was in no hurry for this to end.

Pam began to slide her pussy on his leg while stroking his cock and gently squeezing his balls. She continued to do it while Ted lay there with his eyes closed, just taking in the sensations. Pam was delivering a delightful massage with her hands and her wet pussy on his leg. He recognized that his juices were flowing as her hand slid smoothly over his cock because it was covered with his own personal lube.

"I'm going to make you cum," Pam whispered. "You will cum as hard as I did when you made me squirt all over your face." As he moaned, Ted's anticipation grew as she stroked his cock. But then he noticed that her hand had left his balls. So he waited to see what she would do next.

The wait wasn't long. Ted heard a slight noise and wasn't entirely sure what it was until he felt her hand nearing his rosebud. It became apparent very quickly that the noise he heard was her opening and using the tube of lube. He felt her applying the lube all around his ass, and then one finger slipped into him. Pam squeezed his cock harder as she pushed her finger inside Ted's ass, applying pressure and moving it deeper and deeper.

"Does that feel good, baby?" Pam asked as she began to finger his ass while stroking his cock.

All he could do was groan as he felt his total concentration move below his waist. All Ted could feel or think about was what Pam's hand and fingers were doing to him. He had a fleeting thought of him doing the same thing to Pam, but it was quickly gone as his mind concentrated on what Pam was doing.

At the same speed, she stroked his cock; Pam's finger was fucking his ass. Ted's mind was near total inability to think coherently. He could only think of the sensations caused by her hands.

Pam stretched out beside Ted and whispered in his ear, "You like that, don't you, baby?"

Before he could make a sound, Pam said, "I know what you like. I know what you want." She quickly removed her finger from his ass and let go of his cock. "Just be still now and watch," she said and began to move.

Ted next saw Pam's beautiful ass as she moved on top. She turned around and said, "Watch, baby. I want you to be still now and let me take over. Just watch!"

Written by JefferyB
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