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Author's Notes

"Chicago Series, Part 14 of many :)"


I was still feeling bad about having to cut my chat with Sam short last night, so when my last meeting of the day got canceled, I figured I’d surprise her with an impromptu visit on my way home. Heather was already expecting me to be home late, so I didn’t even have to worry about making up an excuse. 

I checked my phone and saw that I had a few messages from Sam.

Sam: I can’t wait to talk later

Sam: I have a fun story to tell you

Sam: At least I hope you’ll think it’s a fun story :P

I smiled to myself, feeling a tingle of excitement as I wondered what kind of story she had to tell me. It made me that much more eager to go see her, so I wouldn’t have to wait much longer to find out. 

Mark: Can’t wait to hear your fun story :) 

I kept my response simple for the time being, not wanting to give away my surprise just yet. After another 15-20 minutes of responding to emails and checking in on a couple of projects, I was ready to head out for the day.


I got lucky with a parking spot right outside Sam’s building and checked my phone. She hadn’t read my message from earlier, so I wondered whether she might still be at work. I tried texting again, hoping I’d get a response soon if she had her phone on and could hear the chime. 

Mark: I have a surprise, too

Mark: My last meeting got canceled, and I just parked right outside your building ;) 

Then I wasted some time scrolling through social media and news articles on my phone while I waited to hear from her. 

I gave it a few minutes, but still no response, and no sign that Sam had read my messages. Maybe she ended up having to work late, or she stayed after her lifeguarding shift to work out at the gym. That was the risk of planning a surprise visit, I guess. 

I tried one more message.

Mark: Still on your way home from work?

It was a nice day at least, so I got out and walked towards the park while I debated about how long I could reasonably wait around before I’d need to head home.  

Then, as soon as I stepped out of the car, I heard what sounded like distant moaning sounds, probably coming from an open window nearby. I smiled to myself as I looked up, trying to find the source. The first thing I noticed was that Sam’s bedroom window was open. Could the sound be coming from there? I kept listening, but the traffic and other city noises bouncing off of the buildings made it difficult to tell. 

Just then, the front door to Sam’s building opened as one of her neighbors was on their way out. Instinctively, I jogged over to catch the door before it closed. 

I made my way up the four flights of stairs, noting that the moaning was definitely getting progressively louder. My cock stiffened instantly, and I had to adjust as I kept climbing. 

I think I knew the truth in my gut already, but my mind kept coming up with other plausible explanations. Maybe it was Sam’s roommate Molly hooking up with someone. Or maybe Sam was alone and masturbating. 

But as I reached the door to the apartment and continued to listen, I heard the unmistakable, familiar sound of Sam’s moans and another male voice inside. 

“Fuck, I’m going to cum again! Your pussy feels so good gripping my cock like that,” the guy said.

“Yes! Do it. Fuck me and fill my pussy with more of your cum! I’m going to cum again on your giant cock! You feel so good filling me so deep like that!” 

That was definitely Sam.

There was a tightening feeling, both in my chest and in my pants, as I felt overcome with jealousy, rage, hurt, and arousal all at once. I leaned in and listened closely to see if I could hear a name, wondering who the guy was. I had to assume it was her neighbor, Chris. Unless she was keeping even more secrets from me. 

There were some loud grunts, growls, and moans, and then I heard him cumming. Likely in her pussy, as promised. 

“I’m cumming, too!” I heard Sam yell next.

“Yeah, cum on my cock, Sam! Make me feel it,” he replied.

Then her moans got steadily louder until I heard her letting go and cumming loudly, not concerned with holding back. 

Just then, another door opened on a floor below, and I heard footsteps on the stairs. I knew I couldn’t stay there much longer without risking getting caught listening at Sam’s door with an obvious erection like some kind of pervert. After briefly entertaining the thought of knocking and breaking things up in there, I forced myself to leave instead. I wasn’t even sure what I would say or do if I confronted her at that moment, and thought that a semi-public fight with my college-aged mistress would not be a good look.  

Once outside, I got back into my car quickly, and just sat there feeling stunned, my imagination reeling with what I’d just heard. I’d left the car windows open a crack and realized I could still hear Sam’s moans faintly from there. It sounded loud enough that she might be cumming again already. 

Without another conscious thought, I reached for my cock and started rubbing and squeezing it through my pants. I’d barely started touching myself when I suddenly felt myself exploding in my underwear with a muffled groan. 

Fuck. What the hell was that? I looked all around in a panic, making sure no one had seen me touching myself in my car. Then I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat, feeling the cum oozing in my underwear. 

My reaction confused me, first and foremost. I just found out Sam was fucking her neighbor behind my back. I was angry and jealous, but it also made me cum really hard in my pants, like a horny teenager. There were a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions overwhelming me suddenly, but I turned it all off for the time being, knowing I had to get home. 

I picked up my phone to send one more text to Sam before heading out. 

Mark: Sounds like you’re busy, guess I’ll head home

No way she’d misread that. 


When I got home, I cleaned myself up quickly in the bathroom without Heather noticing anything. I didn’t want to take a shower right away, knowing that might appear suspicious, so I just did the best I could with tissues at the sink.

Trying to act casual was difficult; I couldn’t stop checking my phone, waiting for the read receipt to show that Sam had finally seen my messages. I felt eager to see how she’d respond, but my anger kept building as more time passed with no changes. 

Every time I thought about the sound of her moans and the way she was practically begging Chris to cum inside her, I started getting hard again. I had to keep forcing myself to focus on other things. 

Just as I was sitting down to dinner with Heather and the kids, I finally heard my phone chime with a text. Then another. I hesitated for just a moment, but then decided to ignore it for now. If it was Sam, she deserved to be kept waiting and stressed for a little while. 

“Aren’t you going to check that? Think it might be work?” Heather asked, clearly used to my excuses for checking my phone throughout the evening. 

“Nah, it can wait,” I replied, forcing a smile. 

She smiled warmly back at me, and we went on eating and talking.

Afterwards, I helped to get the kids to bed. I could still feel my frustration bubbling up just below the surface, and knew I needed more of a distraction. So, as soon as the kids’ lights were off and doors were shut, I grabbed Heather by her wrist in the hallway, keeping her from heading back out to the kitchen. 

When she turned back to look at me, I waggled my eyebrows suggestively. 

Heather laughed and then sighed as I pulled her into my arms, ready with an excuse. “The kitchen’s a mess…” 

I held her to me by her hips, pressing my erection into her as I leaned in to kiss my way up her neck. “I’ll clean up after. And you can go to sleep.” 

Apparently, that was a good enough offer, because she let me pull her down the hall the other way, into our bedroom. 

I struggled not to let out too much of my frustration or anger towards Sam as I tugged Heather’s clothes off and pushed her back onto the bed. Normally, I took my time turning her on, making her cum a couple of times before I even entered her. But tonight I needed something different. 

I climbed on top of my wife right away, pushing her legs apart with my knees and grinding against her as I kissed her roughly, taking her bottom lip between my teeth.

She pushed back on my chest and made a slightly irritated sound. “Mark, slow down…” 

I groaned and forced myself to rein it in a bit more, reaching down to run my palm over her mound, my fingers rubbing and pressing in along her slit. “I need to feel you,” I said, hoping that would help turn her on. 

Sure enough, Heather moaned as I kept working my fingers and kissing her neck. I pressed a finger into her opening and felt her getting wet, so I kept going, easing a second finger inside. I tried to make her cum fast, curling my fingers to rub against her g spot while my thumb rolled circles over her clit, listening to her panting and moaning and adjusting accordingly. 

As soon as I felt and heard her cumming on my fingers, I pulled back and gripped my throbbing cock, pushing into her hard and fast with a groan. Then I finally let myself think about Sam again, imagining her getting fucked by her neighbor with his big cock. Hearing her moans and begging, imagining the look on her face as he was filling her so deep. 

With each thought about Sam, I heard myself moaning and felt myself thrusting harder and faster into my wife. It seemed like I was grunting and cumming inside of her within seconds, for the second time that evening. 

I held myself up over Heather for a few moments afterwards, breathing hard. I was almost afraid to look her in the eyes, worried about what her expression might be. Whether I’d given myself away at all, with this frantic fucking. 

“Guess you had a stressful day,” she said.

“Yeah, you could say that,” I scoffed, rolling off of her. 

“Feeling better now?” she asked with a coy smile.

I finally broke, knowing I needed to do better for her. I smiled back, leaning in to kiss her again, more softly this time. “I am. Thank you.” 

She just smiled sweetly up at me and held onto my arm as I pulled back, leaning up to kiss me again. 

Then I got up to go clean the kitchen as promised, while Heather got ready for bed.

I kept looking at my phone on the counter as I loaded the dishwasher and wiped everything down, debating whether I should check Sam’s messages. Fucking Heather had helped to release some of the tension, but I was still angry, and still turned on. 

Finally, when the kitchen was clean, I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch with a sigh, allowing myself to look. 

Sam had sent three messages all around the same time. The dings I’d heard as we were sitting down to dinner. 

Sam: I’m so sorry

Sam: Please call me when you can 

Sam: I know I fucked up, I want to tell you everything

Her messages came in well over an hour after I’d texted her as I was pulling away from her building. I knew it was possible that she’d taken a while to respond after seeing that I’d caught her with Chris. But my guess was that she was still busy fucking him for quite a while after I’d left. 

I thought about not responding. Ignoring her messages, making her wait. But as angry as I was at both Sam and myself for being so jealous and turned on at the same time, I also felt somewhat guilty. I questioned the choices I’d made lately, denying her from being with Chris over the past few weeks. Maybe I should have been letting her have some fun with him while I wasn’t available, busy with my family.  

But I knew that was a dangerous game to play. I thought about how hard Chris made Sam cum the first time they hooked up, and how turned on she sounded today. He lived just across the street from her and was undoubtedly much more available than a married guy with young kids. It would only be a matter of time before she desired him more, and might forget about me. Since she was hiding this from me, it felt a little like that might be happening already, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. 

Part of me knew I shouldn’t push my luck and ignore Sam any longer, but I also didn’t want to let her off the hook too easily. So, I left it for the night. 

I stayed up a while longer, just watching TV, still chasing a distraction, until I finally felt tired enough to pass out and get some sleep. 


As predicted, I didn’t sleep well that night. I tossed and turned, still feeling the angry, jealous, aroused energy that had nowhere to go until I settled things with Sam. I was up well before my alarm and finally texted Sam back. 

Mark: I’m leaving early for work

Mark: Can I stop by on my way in? 

I knew Sam had a later start with her classes on Fridays, so she might not be up yet to respond. But my phone chimed less than a minute later. Maybe she’d had a rough night’s sleep, too. 

Sam: Yes 

Sam: Molly will be gone by about 8 

Mark: Okay, I’ll aim for a little after that

Sam: Okay

Sam: :) 

I felt a little better already, having a plan to see Sam. But I wasn’t sure I’d be ready to have a conversation without yelling. Especially since I had gotten very little sleep. I wasn’t exactly a deep-breathing, zen type of guy on my best day, and this was a far cry from that. 

I got a decent parking spot in front of Sam’s place again, and it gave me a sense of déjà vu from the day before. I could still hear Sam’s moans as she was cumming. The sound burned into my brain. The angry arousal spiked again as I buzzed up to her apartment and then made my way up the stairs. 

I wasn’t going in with a clear plan, but I’m pretty sure I had intended to start a conversation with Sam about what happened. I wanted to give her a chance to explain herself, and I couldn’t deny that I was dying to hear the details. But when I got up to her floor and saw her standing at the door, still in the tank top and shorts she’d worn to bed, something inside me snapped and I knew I had to have her, right then and there. I had to make her mine again. 

“Hi,” she said timidly as I made it to the landing on her floor.

Without saying a word, I walked right up to her and guided her backwards, shutting the door behind me and heading for the bedroom. As soon as we were close enough to her bed, I turned her around and pushed her down onto her stomach so that she was bent over the edge. With a quick glance to my left, I verified her curtains were closed. I felt my chest heaving and actually grunted a little as I yanked her shorts and underwear down hard, probably leaving marks on her sides. 

Sam gasped as I stripped her. She was breathing hard too and moaning. 

I gave her a moment to object as I pulled out my rock-hard cock and reached down to rub her slit, finding it wet already. 

She whimpered and pressed back on my hand, so I let myself go, content that she wanted it, too. 

“Get your ass in the air,” I instructed gruffly, pulling up on her hips until she was kneeling up on the bed. 

I pressed two fingers into her slit again and then slid them into her, coating them with her wetness. Then I pulled back and rubbed her juices over the head of my cock. 

I couldn’t stop thinking about how Chris had been in here with her yesterday afternoon. He must’ve been fucking her right here on her bed. Some of his cum was probably still on the sheets. Still inside her. 

With that thought, I moved between her legs and pushed into her, hard. I needed her to feel me taking her pussy back. She had to know it was still mine. 

Sam moaned and arched her back as she leaned forward on her elbows on the bed. I felt her pressing back into me and bumped her hips forward with a few fast, hard thrusts. 

“I heard you getting fucked yesterday,” I said. “I heard you moaning. Heard you cumming on his cock.” I held her hips and slammed into her with a hard thrust after each admission. 

Sam moaned and cursed, and I felt her clenching around me already, her toes curling up. She said nothing. I wondered if she was reacting to me fucking her now, or thinking back to Chris. Maybe both. 

That thought brought on another surge of angry arousal. I leaned forward and pressed down on her back, just below her neck and between her shoulder blades. I kept pressing until she was face down on the mattress, and then I held her there, pinning her down as I fucked her harder, continuing to imagine how Chris was fucking her all afternoon. 

“You were such a slut for him yesterday, weren’t you?” I asked through moans and grunts. 

She clenched onto my cock again. I knew she must be close already. 

“Yess!” she breathed. “I was such a slut. Don’t stop, please!” 

I groaned, squeezing her hip, pressing her down into the mattress, and continued with hard, deep thrusts. I started a pattern of a few quick thrusts and then slower, harder ones, more spread out. 

“Such a naughty, horny slut, fucking your neighbor without permission.” 

Sam moaned louder, confirming my suspicion. 

“Do you even know how many times you came with him?” 

She didn’t answer, but I felt and saw her hand sliding down between her legs so she could rub her clit while I continued fucking her. I pushed further, feeling how turned on she was getting from my teasing. 

“Or did you lose count again? Yelling and screaming like a whore. So loud that you could be heard down the block.” 

That did the trick. Sam let out a low moan that got louder and hoarser as I felt her orgasm roll through her. I had to stop thrusting to keep myself from cumming inside of her just yet as she pushed and bucked back against me. 

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“Such a slut. Cumming on my cock while you think about him,” I said, giving her ass a hard slap and a squeeze. 

Once Sam’s orgasm had finally subsided, I knelt up on the bed, thrusting her hips forward and pounding into her until she was lying prone on her stomach.  

“I know you’ve been thinking a lot about his cock, and how many times he came for you. Were you ever planning on telling me?” I asked, somewhat breathlessly, as I held myself up over her, fucking her harder and faster. 

The louder she moaned, the tighter she clenched on my cock, the harder I’d push and squeeze and fuck her. Slapping her ass, calling her a dirty slut. Her reactions let me know I was punishing and rewarding her at the same time, which I guess was my intention. And my hard cock throbbing inside her, my eagerness to fuck her so hard like this, must be telling her I liked it, too. 

“I’m close,” I muttered, not letting up. “I’m going to cum inside you. Using your pussy to cum fast. That’s what you want, isn’t it, slut?” 

“Oh god!” Sam moaned. “Yess, please fill my pussy!”

I grunted, on the brink of release. “Such a slut, begging two different guys to cum inside you in less than 24 hours.” 

I felt her struggling to touch herself as I pinned her down flat on the bed, arching her hips and ass up, pushing back onto my cock again. 

“I want to feel you cum again,” I said, pausing my thrusts briefly to scoot back and pull up on her hips, giving her more space to rub her clit before resuming fast, hard thrusts. 

I gave her ass another hard slap, struggling to hold on as long as I could to bring her over the edge with me.

“You want to be a slut, then be one. Cum for me, Sam! Cum on my married cock!” 

I watched as Sam rubbed herself faster, harder, and heard her moans getting louder. So I pulled up and back on her hips again, slamming myself into her. 

“Cum, you slut!” 

I reached forward with one hand, grabbing her ponytail and pulling. 

“Naughty college slut! Cum for me!”

And then she was. I felt her pussy contracting around my cock, her loud moans filling the room, vibrating off of the walls. 

I pulled all the way out of her quickly to keep myself from letting go. As badly as I needed it, I didn’t want to cum just yet. I needed to feel and hear her cumming hard for me again, wanting to replace or at least add to the memory I had of her cumming so loudly for Chris. 

I flipped her over, so that she was lying on her back, and climbed back onto the bed on top of her, moving between her legs and pushing them up and back. Reaching down between our bodies, I rubbed my hand over her mound and pressed two fingers between her lips, then curled them up inside of her. I watched her eyebrows furrow, her mouth falling open as she moaned softly while I fingered her, brushing over the spongy flesh of her g spot. 

“I heard you moaning and cumming through the window,” I told her, looking into her eyes and still fingering fast, rubbing hard. “I could hear it from all the way downstairs. I heard you cumming and then I came in my pants in the car, barely even touching.” 

Sam’s eyes widened a little, and her back arched. I could feel her getting wetter as I told her, the fresh wetness easing the glide of my fingers. She lifted her hips, grinding on my hand. Then she was slipping her hand down again to rub her clit while I fingered her. 

“You like hearing about how I came in my pants like that? While I listened to another guy making you cum?”

“Yes!” she moaned. “That’s so hot!” 

I felt the walls of her pussy clenching around my fingers and she pressed up onto my hand, trying to feel more. I squeezed her breasts with my other hand, pinching and teasing her nipples before sliding up to her neck and gripping her there. Squeezing. Holding her down against the mattress.

“I can feel the difference, you know. Your pussy still feels so swollen and stretched from him. I bet you barely felt me slipping inside your slutty, gaping hole.”

“Oh, fuck!” Sam yelled. 

And then she was cumming hard, rubbing her clit as I fingered her and stimulated her g spot. Her whole body writhed beneath me and she yelled out even louder than before, making my eardrums buzz. 

Then, without warning, I pulled my fingers out and sank my cock back into her clenching pussy, thrusting and grunting, filling her with my cum almost instantly. 

“Fuck!” I groaned, both of us breathing hard and settling together. 

Sam smiled up at me and moaned contentedly, her fingertips trailing up and down my sides, nails scratching lightly. 

I felt tempted to give in and smile back at her, to lean down and kiss her like I normally would. But even after all of that, the anger and jealousy hadn’t quite dissipated. 

“I have to get going,” I said, getting up suddenly and readjusting my clothes, pulling up and closing my pants, and tucking my shirt back in. 

Sam’s smile faded a bit. “Okay.” 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. It was already going on 9:00, and I had to get to work. There wasn’t time for us to have much of a conversation at that point anyway, but I knew we’d still have to have it. 

“Heather’s parents are coming over for dinner tonight. But I can come back tomorrow afternoon after swimming lessons. I’ll tell her I have to go in to work for a bit.” 

“Yeah, that works,” Sam said with a timid smile. 

“I still want all the details,” I said firmly. 

“I know.”

“And those curtains stay closed in the meantime,” I demanded. Then I had another thought. “Has he called or texted you again? Or come by?” 

“He texted me later last night, but I haven’t responded. That’s all,” she replied. 

“When did he leave yesterday?” 

“I told him to go as soon as I saw your texts. Right before I texted you back.” 

As I’d suspected. “How long was that?” 


“How long was he here?!” I yelled. It came out harsher and louder than I’d intended, and I tried harder to rein it in.  

“It was almost two hours,” Sam answered cautiously. “We were leaving campus at the same time and he came up to walk with me. So, it was probably about 4:30 when we got here, and he left a little after 6.” 

I’d already calculated all of that myself, but I wanted to hear her confirm it. More and more questions kept pinging in my brain, but I forced myself to stop and save it for later. 

“I don’t want you to respond to him again before I’ve heard everything.” 

“I won’t!” Sam responded right away, shaking her head, eager to reassure me. 

It helped, hearing her quick reply. I nodded and got myself together, reaching down to pick up her shorts and underwear, and handing them to her somewhat awkwardly.

“Okay. I have to go.” 

Sam pulled her underwear and shorts back on as she stood up and walked me to the door. 

“I hope you have a good day at work,” she said warmly, standing at the door as I stepped out into the hall. 

“Thanks. Have a good day with classes, too,” I replied, heading down the stairs.

I felt a little guilty for coming over and using Sam like that, noting how tense things still felt between us. But I let myself off the hook, since it was pretty clear she’d enjoyed it, too. 


At work that day, I still couldn’t focus. I kept playing back the sounds I’d heard while Sam was with Chris, getting hard again at my desk, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. 

More and more questions kept popping up, too. I wasn’t sure I could make it another whole day before asking Sam anything. It was getting harder to resist just texting her to ask certain things. 

I finally gave in to the temptation around lunchtime.

Mark: Did you cum more than last time? 

Mark: Did he?

When Sam’s response came, it made me wonder if she was reading my mind.

Sam: Do you want the answer now or later?

I only gave it a few second’s thought before replying.

Mark: Now

Sam: Yes, he came 4 times yesterday and only 3 before 

Sam: And I came 5 or 6 times yesterday, 4-5 last time

Sam: I think

Fuck. I knew I wouldn’t make it through the day without cumming again. I went straight to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall, opening my pants. Then I braced myself on the wall behind the toilet with my left hand, while the right one squeezed and stroked my throbbing cock. I came almost instantly, muffling my groans as I shot spurts of cum into the toilet. It was a little shocking to see how much there was, even after I’d cum so hard inside of Sam that morning.

Afterwards, I closed my eyes and waited for my breathing to return to normal before flushing the toilet, going out to wash my hands, and then heading back to my office to text Sam again.

Mark: Don’t tell me any more until I’m there. 

Then I clicked my phone off and dropped it into my desk drawer, determined to put it all out of my mind for the rest of the day. 


Heather texted me a few things to pick up for dinner, so I made a stop at the grocery store before heading home. 

As I waited in line, I checked my phone and scrolled back through my messages with Sam, feeling more stirrings in my pants as I reread her message from earlier, telling me how many times she’d cum with Chris, how many times he came. I wondered what positions they were in when he made her cum, and where he came each of those four times. What numbers were they on when I heard them? The questions kept coming.

There was one more question I couldn’t resist asking, though. I typed out another text to Sam as I got up to the front of the checkout line. 

Mark: Are you still thinking about how he fucked you?  

I paid for the groceries and waited until I got back to the car to check for Sam’s reply. 

Sam: I’m still thinking about the way you fucked me this morning

Sam: I had to go to the bathroom to make myself cum during class

Sam: I couldn’t stop thinking about it

I smiled when I saw that, feeling my cock stir once again as I thought about Sam getting turned on during the day, too. 

Mark: I came again into the bathroom at work during lunch. 

Sam: :)

Sam: I can’t wait to see you tomorrow

Sam: Hope you have a nice night with your family

Mark: What are you doing tonight?

Sam: I might go out with my friends 

Sam: Don’t worry, I’ll be good ;) 

I thought about Sam going out and drinking with her friends, flirting with other guys. Maybe dancing. Another guy grinding on her, trying to hook up with her. Suddenly, I realized I was fully hard again in the car. Part of me clearly didn’t want her to be good. 

Mark: Have fun

I left it at that and let her interpret it however she wanted to. 


I resisted the urge to check my phone during dinner, and even afterwards, as I was cleaning up in the kitchen while Heather and her parents talked and played with the kids in the living room. I felt tempted to check in, but wasn’t ready to let Sam off the hook and act normal yet until I heard about everything that had happened with Chris. 

Then, as Heather and I got the kids in bed once her parents left, I felt the lack of sleep from the night before catching up with me. Still, I went out to the living room rather than following Heather to bed, telling her I was going to stay up to watch TV for a bit. 

When I finally checked my phone, I saw I had a couple of new messages.

Sam: Just made myself cum again in the shower 

Sam: Thinking about the way you were holding me down and fucking me

Sam: I’ve been so wet all day

My cock stirred again, thinking about Sam touching herself in the shower, and knowing she’d been turned on all day, too. 

Mark: Mmm

Mark: I like that

Mark: I’m probably going to bed soon, still tired

Mark: Hope you have a fun night, horny slut 

Mark: ;) 

Before I clicked my phone off, I noticed Sam was reading my messages.

Sam: Hi 

Mark: Hi

She started and stopped typing a few times. I watched the dots bouncing and stopping, on and off, waiting to see what she’d say. 

Sam: I know you want to talk about everything that happened, but I really want you again, too

Mark: What are you thinking about?

Sam: I want to suck your cock

Sam: I want to feel you in my mouth 

More stirrings. 

Mark: You will

Mark: Tomorrow

Mark: I want you to stroke and suck my cock while you tell me about what you did with Chris

Sam: Mmm

Sam: Okay

Sam: It’s going to be hard to get through swim lessons tomorrow thinking about that

Mark: Naughty swim instructor

Sam: :P 

Mark: What are you up to now?

Sam: Drinking lol

Sam: Getting ready to go out with Molly and a few others

Sam: Pretty soon I think

Mark: Okay

Sam: Going to bed?

Mark: I need to

Sam: Okay

There was a lull then. Maybe Sam was waiting for me to say goodnight. Or to not say it. 

Mark: Feeling tipsy already?

Sam: Yes :P 

Sam: Molly and I have already done 2 tequila shots lol

Sam: And drinks

Mark: Sounds like it’s going to be a slutty night

Sam: No

Sam: Not unless you sneak out to meet up with us

Sam: I would be slutty with you

Sam: I wouldn’t care who saw us

Sam: I’d suck your cock right there at the bar

Sam: Or somewhere hidden if you want

Mark: You are a naughty slut

Sam: A tipsy, naughty slut

Sam: Tipsy, horny, wet, naughty slut 

Sam: lol

Mark: Mmm

Mark: Better be careful 

Mark: You might get taken advantage of by an older, married guy

Sam: :P 

Sam: I want him to take advantage of me

My cock was fully hard and throbbing at that point, and I reached down to adjust as I sat back on the couch.

Mark: Might end up in a storage closet again

Sam: Mmm

Sam: We should do that again soon :P 

Sam: I came so hard on your fingers

Mark: I know you did

Sam: And again after you fucked my face

Sam: I want that again

Mark: I’m so hard right now

Sam: Fuck

Sam: I’m sitting here squirming on the couch

Sam: I’m going to go back to my room

Mark: And what are you going to do in your room? 

Sam: I’m going to cum

Sam: And make you cum

I felt tempted to go along with Sam’s plan and let things keep progressing, but part of me wanted to punish her a little more. 

Mark: No, you’re going to wait

Mark: No more cumming until I say

Sam: Fuck

Mark: You’re going to keep yourself wet

Mark: Wear Eggy out

Mark: But don’t let anyone know and don’t let them get close enough to feel him

Sam: Okay :P 

Mark: Keep yourself wet for me

Mark: And leave me messages to let me know what thoughts you have

Mark: I want to feel you dripping by the time I come over tomorrow

Sam: I will be

Mark: Heather’s taking the kids to stay the night at her sister’s

Sam: Oh

There was a lull, as Sam was likely piecing together the implication of my message. 

Sam: So you won’t have to rush home?  

Mark: Nope ;)

Sam: That’s good :) 

Sam: You could stay over, if you want 

Mark: Think Molly would be okay with that?

Sam: Depends on what you mean by okay lol

Sam: But I think it’ll be fine

Mark: lol

Sam: But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to

Mark: I want to 

Sam: :) 

I had a big smile on my face, looking at my phone. So much for continuing to punish Sam. But I was excited and felt better to have things feeling a little back to normal between us. Even that was surprising to me. All the strong, conflicting feelings I was having caught me off guard.  

Mark: Smiling at my phone

Sam: Me too :) 

Mark: ;) 

Mark: Okay, I’m going to bed

Mark: Have fun with your friends

Mark: Don’t forget Eggy, and the messages 

Mark: And be good;-*

Sam: lol

Sam: I won’t forget him, and I will be good :) 

Sam: Going to get him now ;)

Mark: Good girl

Sam: Sleep well

Mark: Thanks

Mark: Goodnight

Sam: Goodnight :) 

Written by AJPages
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