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Jared's scheme to rid trophy-wife Tabitha of her step-daughter's blackmailing influence is reaching its raunchy naked climax...

At least Sorrel did not have to bend too far to access the head of the towering phallus, Tabitha thought. She stared in bizarre fascination as her step-daughter gobbled Jared into her mouth and guzzled busily on him, hamstrings stretched tautly and bum thrusting behind. Tabitha had never considered herself a malicious person, but a unique sense of triumph welled up within her. That’s me you can taste on him, sweetheart—suck up the flavour of defeat.

“Get out the bath,” Jared ordered Tabitha, as he pressed Sorrel down onto himself. She did not hesitate in response to his command, so committed was she now to whatever he had in mind. “Good—now spank her.” The instruction shocked her. From the widening of Sorrel’s eyes as she sucked, her step-daughter was even more taken aback. “You heard me.” Jared’s eyes shot a challenge. “This brat needs taking in hand. Now, are you finally gonna do it?”

Well, when he put it like that … Sorrel’s out-thrust rear was simply begging to be punished. Tabitha strolled behind the dimpled ass of her tormentor, looking around for some implement with which she could apply the punishment; there was nothing, unfortunately, of which to avail herself. Oh well—skin on skin it would have to be. She caught Jared’s glance and a sly understanding passed between them, right before she whacked her step-daughter’s ass for the first time.

Sorrel’s squeak of outrage was muffled by the cock that filled her mouth. The sound was so gratifying that Tabitha spanked again, the splat of hand on soapy bum-cheek enhanced by the bathroom acoustic. Nice. After that it was easy—she used her hand like a flail, landing smacks all over the bratty girl’s quivering behind, enjoying the moans on each impact and the way Jared held the girl firmly in place. The fundamental weirdness of the situation was held in check by the sheer sense of a wrong being righted, of justice being served with each hard spank on that pert and tight-stretched rump.

Jared, it seemed, had no issue with the weird factor. “See it as parenting,” he said, as he compelled Sorrel to slurp on his dick. “I’m her fuckin’ daddy right now and step-mom gets to show her the discipline she needs, right?”

So wrong—and yet so undeniably fucking right.

A year’s worth of subservience to Sorrel’s grinning wiles drove Tabitha’s response. She took her time with each swipe, making sure she connected squarely with one cheek or the other and loving how the bathroom acoustic enhanced the sound of each slap. A nice rosy glow would complement that honey-blond complexion. As for Jared, the bastard deserved proper payment. With that in mind, she grabbed Sorrel’s hair and plunged the girl down onto Jared’s shaft until she gagged. Go on, make him fucking happy. I want this guy to have the time of his life. When finally she dragged that pretty blond head off him, that mouth was dripping saliva in place of spitefulness. Tabitha was shocked to find that much spite inside herself.

“Nice work, mom,” Jared said, gripping Sorrel’s head and taking over smoothly. He shoved the girl onto himself once more as though to reinforce the lesson, holding her there while she gurgled. “There.” Finally, he pulled her free and looked into her face with mock-sternness. “Okay, sweetheart—you start playing with yourself right now and listen to what I have to say. Oh, and lick my cock while you listen. Tabitha, slow down on the spanking but don’t stop it. Don’t stop it till she comes.”

From what Tabitha could see Sorrel was all attention, her tongue wriggling against Jared’s glans as he scolded and one hand working busily between her thighs. In her proactive step-mom role she applied occasional but firm ass-slaps—all through the monologue. “Now, you’ve been one very bad step-daughter,” the gardener told his temporary charge. “Whatever you think of your step-mom here and what she did, you’ve been a naughty opportunist with your camera and all those sly threats. Don’t forget I heard some of them and now I know what they were all about. Not an honest way to go about things, was it?”

Sorrel shook her head, tongue not breaking contact. Whatever she was thinking, her masturbation increased in vigour. “Being protective of your Daddy is one thing. But using information for your own advantage like that is a whole different game. Well this is karma visiting your hot little blackmailing ass—you get that, right?” Tabitha let fall a particularly stinging smack on the ass under discussion, one she hoped would make Sorrel’s eyes water. The recipient jolted in response but still nodded at Jared’s question. “So I want you to promise me now,” her kinky father-figure continued, “that you’re never gonna try that shit again. That as long as you and her are shacked up in this house you’ll keep out of her way same as she’ll keep out of yours. ‘Cos so long as you keep your footage to yourself, she’ll do the same with what I’ve sent to her, right Mommy?” He glanced at Tabitha.

“Right,” she said, delivering another satisfying thwack.

Sorrel swallowed her squeal. Somehow she managed to force out what concerned her, through all the stimulation she was experiencing. “How do I know? That she’ll never let anyone see it? That you won’t?”

“There’s some shit I just don’t do,” Jared told her, making her suck his cock again. “I got nuthin’ against you, baby, but I’m rightin’ a wrong here. And as for Step-mommy here …” He looked at Tabitha and she felt the weight behind his stare. “If she lets anyone else see, unless you’ve gone and done the same, that is, I’ll find her and thrash her ass redder than a fuckin’ radish. Understood, Mom?”

In that moment Tabitha didn’t doubt that he would. These were Jared’s rules and if they worked, she was fine with them. “Understood,” she said.

“So,” Jared inquired, looking deep into Sorrel’s eyes as her mouth savoured him, “do you promise to behave from now on?” He withdrew from her mouth so she could respond.

“Yes,” she said meekly.

“That’s ‘Yes, Daddy’.”

This time there was a pissed-off edge to her reply. “Yes, Daddy.

“Good. Now get yourself off and think yourself lucky I’m letting you.”

Sorrel fellated and frigged and took her slaps from behind like a good girl. It did not take long. Horniness swept aside all else she might have been feeling and she went wild on her clit, rubbing herself into a thrashing hysteria. You’re damned lucky, Tabitha thought, enjoying the girl’s sorry abandon as she came long and hard. By the time orgasm was done with Sorrel was a panting mess between her two surrogate parents.

Jared gave her a moment to recover her breath, before reaching down with both hands and dredging her up from the floor. “You’re one hot piece of ass,” he told her with a fingertip to her chin. “Trade off it all you like, but don’t be a bitch to your step-mom again, you hear?”

Sorrel nodded.

“Now, pick up your stuff and get that sore ass out of here before I make it sting even more. Set it down in the car seat and go drive. That lingerie’s a gift by the way. Wear it and think of me.”

She obeyed without a word or a glance at either of them, scrabbling her bits and pieces from the floor with her bum-cheeks glowing red and ejaculate trickling down her thighs. Her impulse was to scuttle for the door, but she gathered up some of her poise at the last, throwing her hair back and managing a defiant strut. Jared reached out however and whacked her naked ass; the resonant splat of hand on wet bum-flesh was accompanied by an undignified squeal and Sorrel scurried the rest of the way. The door slammed and Tabitha took satisfaction imaging the dawning fury on her step-daughter’s face at that moment, fingers curling tight into fists.

She went to speak, but Jared put a finger to his lips. Together they paused until the stomping of feet could be heard on a downstairs descent. A hastily-dressed Sorrel was departing as rapidly as she could carry herself. The front door slammed with even more force than the bathroom one had done.

Jared had been lazily palming his erection the whole time. Christ, did that thing never go soft? “And that,” he said, rising from the bath’s rim and strolling to his partner-in-cunning with his cock still in hand, “is how to school a brat.”

“You did it so well—I’m guessing that’s not the first time.”

“It’s always a special kind of fun.”

“You were kind though,” she remarked as they drew together, his elevated cock brushing her stomach. “I wouldn’t have let her come.”

“Hey, I’m not that cruel. I always give a little bit of sugar—along with the spice.” On the final word, his hands came down on Tabitha’s ass cheeks, bouncing off them in a double-smack.

“Owww! Fuck! What was that for?”

Jared grappled her to him with his hands tight on her smarting bottom, his eyes glinting with enjoyment. “Guess I got to thinking about bratty girls who need teaching a lesson.”

On principle, Tabitha grabbed hold of his arms and tried to break free so she could slap his infuriating face with the force it deserved. His erection shifted against her lower belly as she struggled, reminding her of how wet she was for him. “I’m not the brat, she is!”

“Are you sure about that?” His arms girdled her waist and she indulged in a kind of wrestling match with him, the experience far from disagreeable. “Are you sure you don’t want punishing?” His lips found hers and the mouth-to-mouth caress, tender like that of a true lover, calmed her. He had such a way of doing that and it worked every time.

“You think I’m a brat then?” she asked, their lips still brushing. “You think I need punishing?” The words were breathless, her heart pounding as she spoke them.

“It’s not what I think,” he said, his lips murmuring at her ear. “It’s what I heard from you. Yesterday when you told me your story … I think you think you need punishing, for all the mistakes you made. Tell me if I’m wrong.”

Tabitha knew the truth of it. Her confession to him had been heartfelt, the culmination of self-punishment that had been going on for over a year now. Well, there were better, more cathartic ways in which a girl could atone for her mistakes than fretting about them. “You’re not wrong,” she said, her hands now kneading the muscles of his upper arms. “In fact, you’re dead right. I’ve been a brat, Jared. An unconscionable brat.” She whispered the fateful words into his ear. “And this brat needs punishing.”

In the distance, the wheels of Sorrel’s car were tearing up gravel on the Cranleigh Manor driveway, as the girl made her escape. “No more interruptions,” Jared said, his palms following the slope of her back to her firm ass. “You’re gonna get exactly what you need.”

Fuck, I don’t doubt it. This guy was good to his word. Tabitha hooked her hands behind his neck and tried to disguise her trembling. “One request please?”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Give it to me in my husband’s bed.”

“Tabitha girl, I love the way you think.” His kiss to her neck made her gasp. She had only regained the facility to breathe when he grabbed a fistful of hair and smacked her soundly on the ass with the other hand. Owww. Shit. “Bedtime?” he asked, his jaw steely.

“Uh-huh,” was all she could manage in the aftermath of the spank.

“Then lead the way.” He sustained a firm grip on her hair, so that there’d be no scampering free of his chastisement on her ass-cheeks as they proceeded from bathroom to boudoir. Her horny bastard reined her close to him the whole distance, his spade-calloused hand applying meaty slaps to her rear, each one of which made her yelp. The hard-dicked fucker was loving this, getting off on her shocked excitement, knowing how sopping-wet she was from everything he did.

He let go of her hair once in the room and spun her around, letting her sway and gasp before him as her backside smarted. She had no idea what his next move would be, but she knew it would drive her fucking wild. He was all instinct, this man. Did he even know the effect he had? Whatever the answer, Tabitha was supremely glad to be in his power. All the glossy trappings of the bedroom she shared with Grant Chesterfield meant nothing to her now. Bring it on, you fucking Wildman.

He brought it all right, by slapping a hand to her well-spanked bottom and dragging her into a hard full-body clinch. His mouth crushed itself to hers, hand closing on the back of her neck to seal their mouths together. Her tongue wagged in surrender against his and her hands clung to the muscles of his back. When they broke for air her delirium had increased. His hand, grabbing hold of her breast and moulding slowly, did nothing to clear her head.

“I don’t go looking to fuck married women,” he told her bluntly, “but I do enjoy it when it happens, shafting them behind their asshole husbands’ backs. And I’m going to take a special pleasure in fucking you, Mrs Chesterfield.”

“I thought you’d already fucked me.”

“Call that a fuck? I call it a warm-up.” He lifted her like a doll for all her five foot nine and she wrapped her limbs instinctively around the naked iron of his body. His gaze drilled her all the way to the bedside. “On hubby’s mattress?”

“Yes,” she said, gulping down her trepidation. “Hard. Hard as you like.”

“I like very hard.” He flung her onto the crisp linen surface and she bounced there on her back, splayed wide open before him. She was still brushing the hair from her face when he gripped her by the thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed, his cock spearing the air above her stomach. Jesus, it looked even more vast from this angle. Tabitha marveled that he could find room for it inside her.

And here Jared was, about to achieve the feat all over again. He was directing and fitting his length to her ready pussy, his face dark with anticipation. Her own was every bit as fevered, she was sure. “Got a good view?” he asked.

“Mm-hmm.” That she most definitely had. She glimpsed it for a moment as he thrust, a vision of that great fuck-shaft storming all the way inside her. Then her head was flung back as it slammed tight and her other senses took over. Her body succumbed to the sheer physical sensation of the man, all her dimensions put to the test as that massive extension pumped her. The beauty and obscenity of the squelch, as cock reamed out wet cunt, the scent of her own excitement as he churned up the juice inside her and drew it out on each long retraction … And then when she found the wherewithal to look up again with her fingers clutching the covers for support, there he was standing tall between her legs—a great tattooed Tarzan who gripped her thighs, gritted his jaw and drove in each time like both their lives were staked on it. His wet hair fell in thick strands about his face and his muscles knotted on every concerted thrust.

He’d been admiring his own progress in and out, but glanced up at her, the faintest trace of a smile on his face. “That punishing enough?”

She tried to respond, but her jaw simply sagged, her gaze scarcely managing to stay on his face.

He climbed on top of her still tight inside and slipped a hand behind her head. “How about this?” The stroke he leveled inside her was long, hard, and searching, causing her body to jolt on impact. It was the first of many, equally demanding, and soon it felt like every part of her was being fucked.

She stared into his face as he shafted, and saw absolute purity of lust. There was no anger here, no vengeance, for all his bravado about shagging the married woman. This was a gift to her—one that satisfied his own rampant libido, true—but a gift nonetheless. Her hand shot up and grabbed his shaggy locks as he buried one particularly deep thrust. “Fuck! Give it … Give it … Please …”

He pulled her face to his and kissed her hard. “Beats confession, doesn’t it?” he said.

“Hell yes.”

He gripped her body and sped up the motion, gunning a long hard volley of strokes into her, as all the while she clutched him and screamed, her head lolling back on the covers. Christ, her cunt was being properly wrecked, and she was the one loving it now. Then with no prior indication of intent, he dragged her to the end of the bed and lifted her up with hands clasped to her back. She was sitting on his thick insertion now, her legs wrapped desperately around his lower back. Holy hell, the strength of the man …

She found herself being carried in reverse, gripping her gorgeous ravisher around the neck and willing him to sustain this crazy interlude. Her ass landed on the edge of the dresser’s polished teak with a gentle thud and he let her encircle him with her limbs, heels resting on the upper swell of his ass, before he set about her cunt with his cock all over again. The penetration, while still deep, was tempered this time, his hold of her body softer. He was taking the time to savour the clutch and slither of her pussy on his cock. “Bedroom hasn’t seen this much action in a while, has it?” he said.

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“God, not ever.”

“I don’t know right now whether I’m fucking the neglected wife or the spoilt girl.”

“I don’t care. Fuck them both. Keep doing it like you’re doing.”

“You gonna come for me, Mrs Chesterfield? You gonna come for me, Tabitha?”

“Oh God yes, soon. Really soon.”

“I say now.”

He pulled his cock out of her pussy in a long wet rush and grabbed her crotch with his hand, middle finger thrusting inside her. She cried aloud at the sudden development, louder still when he grabbed her breast and began to pump the digit back and forth inside her, the heel of his palm mashing against her clitoris. “Come on, baby, come all over my hand. Show me whose bitch you are this afternoon.”

Oh fuck, I’m yours … She wanted him to hear the words, but no doubt the orgasm that erupted through her body provided him with all the affirmation he needed. The drizzling-wet clench of her pussy on his nasty fucking hand would flatter that ego all it damn well deserved. The moment extended long and crazy, as she shook on him like a puppet. She must have been quite a sight, some self-conscious part of her brain was telling her, wailing and shuddering and gushing. Neither Sorrel nor her husband would have believed what she had become for this man.

“Oh God …” She knocked ornaments across the dresser as she fell back, hands groping behind to prop herself. “You filthy gorgeous bastard.” The last of the orgasm fizzed from her body along with his fingers from her cunt, leaving her sweating and exhausted.

Jared thrust his dripping fingers into her mouth as it sagged open and she was sucking on them before she knew it. “I try,” he said, reveling in her back-handed compliment. “You’re on clean-up detail now. Keep going. You got your juice all over me, you messy girl.” She sucked her sweet nectar from each of his fingers, eyeing him throughout the operation, making sure she did a thorough job. “Now get off that dresser and on your knees.”

She was hazy in her tiredness and he hauled her ass from her wood surface when she wasn’t quick enough in her response. Gently he lowered her onto the floorboards before his swaying cock, so she could complete her task. “See? You spilled all over me. Mop it up.” She laid hands on his ass and gave him a complete tongue-bath, starting at his glistening tip and slathering all the way down, curling around his girth so as not to miss a single spot. On reaching the base she sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time, washing them with painstaking attention.

It was only right she go the extra mile with this task, so she reached up again with open mouth, bending his length to meet her, and took him inside. She swallowed as many of his inches as she could on her own initiative and when she stalled, he helped her accommodate the rest. His hands closed on her head like he was blessing her and guided her that extra distance to the root of his shaft, as she fought off the impulse to gag. Her throat completed what her tongue had begun, clutching tight on the whole of him and rinsing him clean. She came off him gasping, heady with the thought that she had taken him so completely, without panic overwhelming her.

“See?” She smiled up at him, her fingers stroking his newly cleansed cock. “I can take my punishment.”

Something in his laugh made her stomach tighten. “That wasn’t your punishment, baby.”


“That was my employer’s wife giving me my due. I’ve fucked her, now the brat needs my attention.” The promise of his words had her breathless again even before he dragged her to her feet by armpit and hair.

“How much attention are we talking here?” She just about managed to force out the words.

Jared took her hand and wrapped it around his shaft. “Feel that?”

It was fiercely hard. She nodded.

“I’m gonna fuck you till it’s soft. Feel these?” He shoved her hand down so that it clutched his balls. “I’m gonna fuck you till they’re drained. However long it takes.”

Oh God …

The words were still ringing in her ears when he spun her one-eighty and pitched her onto the bed face-first. He grabbed her hips and pulled her up into an inverted V with her ass in the air, thrashing her buttocks with a few smart swings of his hand. She was still moaning her reaction to the sting when he slotted the head of his cock into her pussy, gripped her thighs and thrust himself all the way back inside her.


One instant her pussy had been empty, the next it was crammed with cock—cock with one supercharged horny fucker lending the weight behind it. The fucker in question gripped the meat of the ass that had earlier taunted him; squeezing it tight, he shafted hard, his balls bouncing off her cheeks on each collision. Then he gathered up her hair into one thick strand and dragged her upper body off the bed, powering into her all the while. The other hand left her ass and reached around, grabbing and mashing her tit as he smacked against her. He let go of her hair now and seized her shoulder, bracing her so that she felt every cock-burying stroke to its fullest.

The smack-smack-smack of groin on ass echoed around the bedroom along with her cries. Sweet Christ, this was fucking. Everything prior that day had been tender love-making in comparison.

“How’s this bratty girl doing?” The words, grunted in her ear, were born of a lust she had never encountered before in her life.

“Oh God … Oh, fuck me …” Ill-chosen words. They’d been an exclamation of wonder at Jared’s power-shafting. He took them however as a request, shoving her down onto the bed and crushing the side of her face to the covers, upping his game. He climbed more or less on top of her, so he could spear downwards, giving her every inch he had with all the strength he could muster. Her whole body absorbed the impact each time her cunt was filled. Jared was proving good to his word yet again—fucking the brat out of her, delivering the most delirious punishment for every bad decision she had ever made. Keep it coming. I need it, I fucking need it …

Her hand was striving to get to her throbbing clitoris, but she couldn’t quite make the distance; then he slowed enough so she could raise her body and scrabble underneath to gain access. “Get yourself off,” he told her, as he had to Sorrel not long ago. She acted on the instruction with alacrity, fingers rubbing like she meant to erase her clit. The stimulation of that formidable cock and its furious pumping action left her little to do; within moments she was coming hard, clutching tight on that moving shaft with each spasm. Insanity overtook her and she howled into the linen covers. Her ecstasy seemed to fuel his excitement, for he slammed into her all the harder, grunting with steadily building fierceness through the long barrage of fucking. At last he was going to get himself off.

He pulled out and rolled her onto her back to do it, and she could not begrudge him the pleasure. Even in her shagged-to-distraction frame of mind some part of her appreciated the beauty of this great Neanderthal jerking himself to fulfillment. All his cockiness was gone in that moment, transformed into pure animal need. An inhuman cry was wrenched from his throat. His body clenched in its iron-muscled glory along with his balls and hot sticky jism issued from his cock in quantities commensurate with his lust, splashing all over her stomach and tits. She was glad to witness his joy, even as it deluged her body so that she had to shield her face from the spray.

When she lowered her hand from her face he was kneeling on the covers, panting his way to recovery from all his athletic exertions. His cock was still oozing cum—all over the covers to be precise.

“Well you’ve left plenty of evidence at the scene of the crime,” she said, blinking through her own weariness. “This will take some laundering.”

“Speaking of which,” he said, indicating his leaking member, “aren’t you forgetting your duties?”

She laughed in outrage. “Fuck you! Look at the mess you’ve bloody well made all over me. Are you going to clean this up?” She scooped cum from her belly and flung it at him so that it splattered against his chest. He responded by pouncing on her and smearing the remains of his offering evenly all over her breasts and stomach, as she squealed and giggled and tried to fight him off. “You rotten fucker! Haven’t I played up to your dirty fantasies enough?”

Their struggle subsided into a sticky caress and she savoured his mouth on hers again. “Maybe you have,” he said when their lips parted. “Wait here.”

“Where the hell am I going to go?” she said as he rolled off the bed. “Except maybe back to the damn bath.” It was Jared who disappeared to the bathroom, however, reappearing moments later with his phone in hand. “I hope you washed your hands before touching that,” she commented.

“Course. Don’t wanna get it all crusty.”

“Ugh! That’s such a boy thing to say after all your manliness. What are you doing?”

He brought it to her so she could see the Sorrel video file attachment on the screen. “Go on. Send it to yourself.”

“Really? It’s mine now?” She grinned in her excitement, before typing in her own cell number and hitting ‘Send’. Seconds later her phone bleeped where she had left it on the night-stand, her side of the bed. “Done.”

“For leverage only,” he told her, tapping a finger to her chest. “No bratty misuse of it once you’re free of this place and her.”

“God, look who’s getting all moral,” she said with a pout. “It’s okay, I won’t disgrace her, even if she is an insufferable little madam. I wouldn’t want to risk the other film getting out, if only for Andrew’s sake.”

“Oh yeah, your wildlife guy. You should shout him up, you know. He sounds like a good dude.”

She slapped his arm. “You’ve fucked me silly and already you’re passing me on? Shame on you.” He’d made a good point, though—she’d be a fool not to check and see whether Andrew was still single once she was free. Maybe timing would be in their favour for once. It was good advice from the rock-and-roll ape-man.

“I don’t mean now,” he said, directing all her attention back to him. “I’m not done with you yet.”

“You’re not?” The edge had returned to his voice and it quickened her pulse.

“Does this look satisfied to you?” He gripped his cock and she wondered at how engorged it still was, hardly slackened at all since his massive ejaculation.

“Not terribly,” she admitted, a note of wariness creeping into her voice.

“I said I was gonna fuck you till I was done and I’m not done. It’s two hours before I gotta get the van back and I’m gonna use them well. Only question is, baby, do you wanna go shower first?”

Tabitha was relieved her pussy would have that much respite. “Yes,” she said. “That would be nice.”

“Then let’s go scrub.” He took her by the hand and drew her from the bed. There was the faintest trace of gentleman with this rough and ready guy, although maybe that was simply so he could take her by surprise again.

“You don’t believe in half measures,” she remarked as he led her from the bedroom.

“If a girl’s worth doing,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze, “she’s worth doing properly. And Tabitha, you’re so fuckin’ worth it. Hell, I’m gonna draw you.”

Draw her? What did he mean by that?


Grant was gone for another two days. Sorrel stayed out of Tabitha’s way virtually the entire time. On the one occasion, their routines intersected Tabitha resisted the urge to look smug. She glanced up from her Sunday morning breakfast-making as her step-daughter passed through the kitchen and their eyes met. There was something close to an acknowledgment between them of the impasse they had reached.

“I won’t be here long,” Tabitha said.

“I figured. Guess that’s good for both of us.”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

She watched Sorrel go, glad that there was no more use for animosity. Jared had done that. She stood at the breakfast bar, recalling the tenderness with which he had hosed her clean in the shower stall. Then she shuddered with nipple-hardening bliss at the next flight of memory—how all tenderness had been swept aside for a return to full-on fucking. It was like he had reshaped her and her life, the wannabe sculptress remoulded in a dozen different hot positions. Shafted to her senses in their final spooning union on the marital bed.

Where did he even come from? But for the hole in the lawn, she might have dreamt the arrogant bastard. She’d miss him, she realised, but then she had a life to resume, however, she managed to achieve that. Maybe a future with Andrew. Maybe not. Certainly, it would include the art she’d always wanted to make.

But first things first …

Grant arrived back late that afternoon, to the house where his wife and daughter had both been soundly fucked in his absence. Payment exacted for the work done on the back lawn, even before Tabitha had given Jared the bundle of dollars left for him by his employer. She looked up from her magazine when he peered into the living-room, radiating a vague sense of apology. She felt the merest flutter of guilt at the sheets she’d had to put in the washer. “Everything okay while I was gone?” he inquired.

“Well,” she said, “yes and no.”

“Yes … and no?”

“Grant …” She patted the sofa cushion next to her, calm in the knowledge of what needed to be done. Of what could be done at last without fear. “Come and sit down, darling. Take a moment. There’s something we need to talk about. It’s time."



Epilogue: Jared and Vanessa - Email Buddies


7/5/13 – 10:58 EST

Okay, I have to hand it to you, my friend – you made my jaw drop. Wife AND daughter? While getting the job done? That’s some kind of sexual labor of Hercules – whole new level. If anyone else told me this I’d be calling them on their bullshit, but I know you don’t need to make it up. That’s how Jared Morgan rolls, right? No half measures. And no I don’t need to see any proof, by the way, however much fun it’d be watching her suck your cock – you made a rare promise to the girl, so keep it. Get off on her sweet memory all you like, but don’t spread it around or karma will come calling for you next. I’m guessing it’s already got your number. Oh, you can illustrate it on your pad and I’ll upload it to the website – that’s allowed. I hope you like what I’ve done with the site – quite some precious time went into creating it, so your ass had better appreciate the result. Your fucked up bathroom three-way ought to be captured there for posterity, it’ll sit nicely among all your other antics.

Hey, you sound almost sweet on the English chick – did somebody have an effect on that stony heart of yours? God, and I thought it was me who’d done that. My heart’s breaking here, baby! Shame you can’t keep her in the manner to which she’s accustomed, or whatever. Or have you really cured her of all that? Did the Jared cock therapy work its time-honored magic?

One more question – has Jerry confirmed dates with you and the other Rejects for the Mercury Lounge? And if so are you good for the Cherry Project?



7/5/13 – 20:17 EST

That’s two more questions, Red! You get spanked for that.

Friday and Saturday nights next weekend – Mercury Lounge. He says we’d better be good or he’ll hold you accountable, so you might have all kinds of spankings lined up. It’ll be good. We’ll play up a storm. I’m looking forward to gigging in NYC.

So do I get to find out about this project in advance? And are you gonna be there to hold my hand? Hey, the English chick was just an afternoon’s fun. You know there’s only ever been flame-haired sexy You.

(Website looks superb by the way – you did a great job at showcasing my ‘antics’. Makes me want to get out there a do a whole bunch more, so I can illustrate them for you, you naughty girl;) )


7/6/13 – 13:02 EST

Only ever been me? Rock-n-roll, I’m brushing away a tear here!

Cherry says she’s got all Sunday to do the art project. Let me just say it’ll involve genuine creativity AND your kind of fun combined. Plus, don’t you want to be surprised? Rest up the night before, that’s all, gig or no gig. No partying till Sunday. You can behave for one night – can’t you, baby?

And yeah, I’ll be there to make sure. My dating situation sadly isn’t what it was (try not to cry for me, I’m over the whole damn thing) and the upside of that is I’ll be able to get a bit more hands-on. If you’re good with that of course…


7/7/13 – 14:37 EST

Color me good. I was kinda hoping my old partner in crime would be there. A guy needs an element of surprise in his life and if anyone can deliver it, sexy, you can – plus I can help take your mind off whoever he was. Looking forward to the project – hope it doesn’t disappoint.

Catch you at one of those gigs, Red. I wanna see you getting your tits out in the front row. ;)




Written by Jaymal
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