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SissyMandy - Girls Like Us

"Cheryl takes me to San Francisco for a taste of the life that now defines me"

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All it took was one good fuck to make me her bitch, and with tingly sensations coursing through my body, my mind is flooded with tantalizing possibilities of deeper connections between us. Being of the same sexual orientation, we seem so compatible, we just seem to click.

Like a caring big sister, she's teaching me stuff I didn't know about the gay side of a sissy's lifestyle. And in bed, holy shit… she's just like the dominant tranny bulls I idolize when I'm watching porn!

How do I know this…? Because she just screwed me so good that I've had two glorious sissygasms in a row, that's how.

"Ohhh… day-ummm…" a contented sigh escapes me as her cock slides out of my satisfied little hole.

"Liked that second orgasm, did you?" she giggles.

"God…" I pant, "it was my best one yet!"

"Topping little sissies has always been a favorite fetish of mine," she playfully brags.

"Geez… I guess so… you knew exactly what I wanted."

"Well, we do have the same thing between our legs, hon, and since we both have a back-door pussy, it's only natural that I'd know what sissy girls crave. For a gay girl like you, there's really no substitute for a hard dick, is there?"

"Gay girl…" I giggle. "Gay girl sounds easier to accept than homosexual."

"Acceptance comes easier when you're with your own kind, babe. After tonight, I think you'll feel quite comfortable with it."

"God… just getting banged again makes me feel more comfortable about it."

"Still horny for more?"

"I'm always horny more!"

"Then let's take a quick shower and get dressed to go clubbing. I'm getting kinda hungry, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm starved."


As we shower together, I'm wondering if Cheryl's right about my gay side. Loving dick like I do, I know I was born a sissy, but does that mean I was born gay, too? I know it's kinda gay to kiss with our dicks grinding into each other, but I still like it a lot.

I can't help it if Cheryl's superior girl-cock feels so fuckin' good rubbing against my clitty, and I can't begin to describe how those bull-like balls of hers turn me on. Fuuuck… she's the complete package… with a nice pair of tits! Just thinking about it makes me want to suck her cock again.

"We better quit before this goes any further," Cheryl stops me from dropping to my knees. "If you suck me again, I'll want to fuck you again, and then we'll never leave the apartment."

"I wouldn't mind. I could take your cock all night."

"Oh, you'll definitely be taking cock all night, but we're gonna go suck some guys before we do that. I think you'll love where we're going."

"Is it gonna be like a glory hole?"

"Not exactly, but there'll be plenty of cocks for every girl who wants it. Sound like something you'd like?"

"You know it does!"

"Yeah…? Then let's hurry up and get ready. Girls like us need our cock."


Getting ready to go out is so much fun, especially when Cheryl paints our lips with crimson-red lipstick to give us what she calls dick-sucking lips. It's so cool that she's teaching me all this girl stuff I really need to know!

I thought I'd be wearing my falsies all weekend, so I didn't bring a bralette to wear. But that's okay, because Cheryl says she's not wearing a bra, and most of the girls we'll see tonight won't be wearing them either. It excites me to hear that as I wonder what the night has in store for me. I ask her for more details, but she just says, "You'll find out soon enough."

I'm anxious to find out as we're leaving her apartment. Even though I don't have tits yet, I still feel sexy going bra-less in my black party dress, with its spaghetti-thin shoulder straps. I'm kinda inferior next to Cheryl's perky nipples bouncing under her low-cut dress, but it feels good stepping out with her in our high-heeled boots and crimson dick-sucking lips.

I'm clueless about where we're going, but wherever it is, I'm totally excited about going there with Cheryl. There's an independent spring in my step, like maybe I'm finally becoming the girl Brenda's been training me to be.


Cheryl has one hand on the steering wheel, and one hand up my dress, as we drive across the Bay Bridge into San Francisco. She plays with my cock and gets me all hard, then tells me she wants me to fuck her when we get back to her apartment! I can't imagine a bull like her wanting to be fucked by a sissy like me, but knowing she does makes me want to fall in love with her. And knowing me, I probably will before this night is over.

Now, I've visited San Francisco quite a few times, but I don't actually know the city too well, besides the areas around Fisherman's Wharf and Golden Gate Park. I have no idea where we're going as she navigates the endless maze of big-city streets, until I see the rainbow flags flying over Castro Street.

A lump forms in my throat when I realize where I am, the Castro District, Gaytown USA, the famous gay pride section of San Francisco, one of the epicenters of the gay rights movement. As Cheryl drives down Castro Street searching for a parking space, I gaze out the window, in awe of what I see.

This being Saturday night, there's people all over the place, but hardly any women, as far as I can tell. It's mostly guys, gay guys, and they're showing no inhibitions about having their arms around each other, or even kissing in public!

God, my dad would absolutely kill me if he knew I was here. He's such a racist homophobe, always going off on self-righteous rants about anyone he considers inferior to himself. And here I am, a sissy wearing a dress, totally naked underneath except for my red panties and black nylon stockings, and riding down Castro Street with my transgender lover!

I tell Cheryl that I'm awfully nervous about this, and she tells me to relax, I'll be just fine. The club we're going to is two blocks away, and hardly any gay men frequent the place.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay men. It's just that I've never seen so many congregated in one place, and the way they're openly flaunting their homosexuality feels very intimidating to me. Cheryl must come down here all the time, because she's acting like it's just a normal night on Castro Street.


Unable to find an empty space, we end up parking in a lot three blocks away, and the chilly San Francisco air makes me shiver the moment I get out of the car. I'm then horrified to find out we have to walk five blocks to get where we're going, and our route takes us right through the crowds of gay men I find so intimidating!

"You're shaking," Cheryl says.

"I'm cold," I reply.

"Cold…? Or nervous…?"

"I can't lie, I'm nervous as hell."

"Don't be," she assures. "They're just people who happen to love differently than society thinks they should. We're just like them, you know, two male bodies with female minds."

"I guess you're right about that."

"Take my hand, hon. It's okay to let everyone know we're romantically involved. In my world, there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed about."

Nervously holding her hand as we walk down the crowded sidewalk is a new kind of strange for me. Publicly declaring our same-sex relationship is both intimidating and liberating at the same time. I'm so scared that everyone's gonna stare at us and think we're freaks, but I'm also excited to be here with my new lover.

I'm expecting dirty looks from the people we pass, but they're into their own thing, and don't seem to even notice us. We're just two faces in the crowd, two lovers having a good time, just like everyone else. Halfway into our walk, my heartbeat starts returning to normal, and I'm not gawking at the 'gay guys' as much.

"Feeling a little better?" Cheryl asks.

"Maybe a little."

"I remember how nervous I was," she starts to say, "coming out in public the first time as a queer person. Just out of high school, I was very confused about my sexuality, and I'd just gotten into a heavy sexual relationship with an older gay man. He brought me down here to show me that it's okay to be how I was, and I didn't have to hide what I am."

"I'm still not sure where I'm at with it," I tell her, "I just know that I love being with you."

"I love being with you, too, honey. I hope we'll get to date like this often."

"I hope so, too. You're helping see things I've been afraid to look at."

"We can all use a guiding hand when we're just coming out. Try paying more attention to what you're feeling instead of what you're thinking. Like I've already said, you'll know when you know."

"Well, I know I'm freezing out here in this dress."

"I'm a little chilly, too. There's a nice restaurant right up here where we can get warm. Are you in the mood for seafood?"

"As cold as I am, anything warm sounds good."

"A nice bowl of clam chowder will warm you up. C'mon, hon, put your arm around me. Flaunt your sexuality, and be proud of what you are."

I'm telling you, it feels fuckin' weird putting my arm around her waist as we stroll through the endless sea of gay people. Cheryl gives me an assuring smile as she plants the palm of her hand directly on my ass, and somehow, that makes me feel more comfortable in this intimidating environment.


The atmosphere inside the restaurant feels warm and cozy as our 'waitress', a gay fem boy with a bow in his hair, takes us to a table.

"Good evening, ladies," he says as he hands us the menus, "I'm Stuart, and I'll be your waitress. Serving beautiful ladies is always a special pleasure."

I'm taken aback at first, being called a lady by this fruity gay 'waitress' displaying such overt feminine mannerisms. Cheryl kicks me under the table when I stare at him oddly. It's then that I realize he's not any weirder than me, an effeminate sissy, wearing a provocative dress with no tits, and dating a transgender woman in Gayville.

Dinner is delicious and delightful, with Stuart graciously serving our every need. The clam chowder appetizer is just what I needed to warm up, and I'm feeling a little more comfortable in this new gay world Cheryl's exposing me to. We're having the best time, talking over our dinner of cracked crab and deep-fried calamari.

In the midst of all these gay people, Cheryl takes the opportunity to point out the differences between us and the same-sex couples dining at the other tables. She explains that while we're all gay, she and I are effeminate gays, and nothing at all like the gay males around us. The only thing we have in common with them, she says, is our natural attraction to cock.

Stuart, it turns out, is a fun little guy to watch as he pirouettes around his tables like a ballerina. I'm liking him a lot by the time we finish our meal, and I've even blown a kiss his way in response to his cute little flirts. Cheryl leaves a nice tip for his excellent service, and I'm feeling much better about the gay side of me when we leave.


There's a different feeling in the air when we get back outside. With even more gay people packing the street, it's funny how intimidated I was by their open promiscuity before we ate, and how accepting I am of it now.

Talking about it over dinner gave me a better perspective of how a sissy's homosexuality is so different from theirs. I now know that the only shame in being an effeminate queer is the shame in my own mind. According to Cheryl, we didn't choose to be this way, we just are this way.

So while I'm still not one-hundred percent comfortable yet with my queer side, I'm certainly not embarrassed to be out here in the gay community, dressed as a woman with my transgender lover. It feels very romantic, actually, hanging on to her as we walk about a block before turning left on the next side street.

"Almost there." Cheryl points to a pink neon sign a half-block away that reads, 'Illusions'.

"Illusions…?" I ask. "That's the name of the bar?"

"Yeah, but it's more like a club than a bar. It's called Illusions because the girls who go there aren't real females, but illusions of females, like us. I'm pretty sure most of the guys have strong homosexual tendencies because they have to be a little bit to be attracted to girls like us.

"Queer girls like us satisfy their homosexual cravings while they're working up the courage to try it with other males. Sometimes I can get a guy to blow me, but mostly it's us girls doing the sucking. You'll have a lot of fun, once you get the hang of how we hook up."

"Will there be other sissies there?"

"Oh yeah, there'll be plenty of sissies, and probably a few cross-dressers, too. We all come for the same reason, to get the cock that feeds our femininity, and the men are always eager to give us what we need."

"That sounds like fun!"

"You have no idea, baby doll."


We're met at the door by a bouncer, and I start freaking out when he asks for identification.

"Ummm… I just have my driver's license," I nervously tell him. "I'm afraid I don't look like the picture on my license."

"Don't worry about it, princess," he laughs. "You sissies never match your license picture. I just gotta make sure you're over twenty-one, because you look kinda young."

"Hmmm…" he looks at my license and then looks at me. "I see Mark Harrell's your real name. Do you have a sissy name?"

"Mandy Parker, sir."

"Well," he gives me an assuring smile, "you're a hell of a lot prettier as sissy Mandy than you are as nerdy Mark Harrell. Go on in, beautiful, and have a great time at Illusions."

"Phew…" I say to Cheryl as she opens the door, "that was weird."

"Naw, you're eighteen in sissy mode, hon, but you actually look a little younger than that. They just have to make sure minors don't sneak in with fake IDs, cuz the cops keep an eye on whom they let in. You'll see why when we get into the action."


Like most clubs, loud music is playing when we get inside, and people are hopping around the dance floor. Above them is one of those big, mirrored balls reflecting glittery little lights everywhere as it turns.

As you'd expect in any bar, the table areas are dimly lit, with about half of them occupied. Gazing around at this totally new scene, I'm guessing there's maybe three guys here for every one girl. Spotting an empty table, Cheryl grabs my arm and heads that way.

Considering that this is my first time dressed in public without a Mistress chaperone, I feel pretty confident being with the more experienced Cheryl. She says we look cute together, and I think so, too.

"This one," she points to a table for four, close to the dance floor, "Some friends of mine should be showing up any time. They'll sit with us, cuz I want you to meet them."

"Are they t-girl friends of yours?"

"Actually, they're married friends of mine. Rachel is trans, and Kristy is her sissy wife. Kristy's been on estrogen for eighteen months, so when you meet her, you'll be meeting your future self, so to speak."

The moment we sit down, a long-haired waitress wearing only platform high-heels and pink hot pants comes trotting over to our table. Obviously a skinny sissy, she's flaunting her topless body with glittery, star-shaped pasties covering her flat nipples.

"Those two gentlemen at the bar would like to buy you ladies a drink," she says as she points at two older-looking guys smiling at us.

"That didn't take long," Cheryl chuckles as she turns to acknowledge them with a wink. "I'll have a strawberry daiquiri."

"And for you, ma'am?" she turns to me.

I'm a little stunned to be addressed as ma'am, so all I can think to say is, "I'll have the same."

"The men just buy us drinks?" I ask as the sissy waitress walks away.

"Yeah, the men pay for everything. They're hoping we'll return their favor with favors of our own."

"You mean, like, blow job favors?"

"Bingo!" she laughs. "Isn't that why we're here in the first place?"

"Yeah…" I giggle, "we're here to suck cock."

"Yup, and this isn't some sleazy glory hole where you suck any cock that pokes through a hole in the wall. You can pick any guy you want, but you should show favor to the ones who've bought us drinks."

"How do you do it?"

"See those two guys at the bar staring at us?"

"Yeah, they bought our drinks."

"Pick the one you like the best, and smile at him."

My eyes lock onto the taller of the two. He's kinda handsome, of average build, but with his greying hair, he must be twenty years older than me. It's a little creepy at first, but then it turns into an anonymous, lustful attraction of my femininity to his masculinity.

"He's smiling back at me."

"Okay, now pretend like you're sucking an imaginary dick."

My heart flutters as I accompany my smile with a dick-stroking motion of my hand in front of my mouth. He blows me a kiss when I then use my tongue to poke my cheek out at the side, as if a cock is filling my mouth. His lips purse into a silent 'Ooohhh' expression as he leans back on the barstool and grabs his erection through his pants.

"This is fun! He's grabbing his cock!"

"It's sign language, hon. We use it when we wanna hook up with a guy. You just told him in sign language that you wanna suck his cock, and he's accepting your offer."

"Are you serious? I was just fooling around."

"I'm absolutely serious. Look how excited you got him. Are you gonna go for it?"

"I dunno… he's like, twenty years older than me."

"So…? Like you've never sucked an older man's cock at a glory hole? A cock is a cock, and you know you want to suck one."

"Yeah, I kinda do. So what do I do next?"

"Point your finger at yourself, then point it at him. If he nods his head, then wink at him and go to the bathroom. After a few steps, turn your head to see if he's following you."

"Where's the bathrooms? Do I go in the men's?"

"There's two bathrooms, one on each side of the bar. They're unisex, so he'll follow you into either one. You'll know what to do after that."

"Okay," I gulp, "here goes. Wish me luck."

"You don't need luck in here," Cheryl chuckles and leans over to kiss my cheek. "He needs you more than you need him. Give him a blow job, but no fucking. It's the house rule, and besides, your ass belongs to me tonight. Got it, lover?"

"Got it, lover."

Oh my God…! Can you believe I'm even doing this? Being a sissy in public is more fun than I imagined!


A smile spreads across his face as I raise out of my chair. I look right into his eyes and smile as I approach the bar to where he's sitting. Clicking my high-heels on the floor, I add a wink to my smile and wiggle my ass as I slowly walk by him. Looking back a few steps later, sure enough, he's following me!

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Heading into the bathroom and stopping in front of an open stall, I turn my head just in time to see him entering. My eyes lock onto his before entering the stall, but not closing the door behind me. He's quick to follow me in and latches the door himself.

"Who's your friend?" he asks as his hands explore my body. "The one with the nice tits."

"My girlfriend's name is Cheryl. We're here on a date tonight." I reply as my hands caress his chest and shoulders.

"Is this why you invited me in here?" he growls fervidly as he presses my hand into his crotch.

"Yeah..." I blush as I feel his hardening cock, "I don't have nice tits, but I can do other things."

"I don't care about tits on a fuckin' sissy," he grins and guides me to sit on the toilet. "It's your cunt mouth I want."

I'm eager to get into his pants, but he stops me when I start unbuckling his belt. So I open his zipper instead to pull out his half-hard dick, that's maybe six inches long, with just an average girth.

Having sucked so many average-sized cocks like his at the glory hole, I was hoping for something better, but sissies have to take what they get. And after a certain point, when I'm really into it, the cock becomes a blur in my mind anyway.

I stroke him long enough to get him really hard before running my thumb along his lower vein to draw a bead of pre-cum. Then, tapping the tip against my tongue until the drop of golden candy stimulates my taste buds, I lick around the head before wrapping my sissy lips around it.

"That's it, baby," he softly moans, "show me what you can do."

After a few minutes, to my absolute delight, I've got him squirming to the pleasures of my mouth. I look up to see his lustful eyes watching me as my tongue swirls around his glans. Then, as I'm taking him in deeper, I hear another couple coming into the bathroom.

"You sure she's the one we want?" one voice asks the other. "Once we take the sissy home, we're stuck with her if she doesn't know how to put out."

"She'll put out," the other voice says. "The bitch is only in town for the weekend, and she's looking to get fucked. Once we're done spit-roasting the hell out of her, we'll just dump her off at her hotel, and never see her again."

Fascinated by their conversation, I'm paying more attention to them than the cock in my mouth, and accidentally gag when I take him in too far.

"Woo-hoo!" one of the voices says, "Someone's getting lucky in there," followed by giggles. "Have fun, you two, whoever you are."

"Make me feel lucky, slut," my man jokes as he pushes my head down on his cock.

With my attention focused back on the matter at hand, my lips tighten around his shaft as I get back into my sucking. He's seeping more pre-cum now, which always gets me going as I eagerly lap it up and start bobbing my head. I've sucked enough cocks by now that my tongue automatically slithers along the underside, and my throat relaxes to receive him each time I go down all the way.

He lets out a low growl of approval as he pushes hard on the back of my head. I can tell he's trying to make me gag, but his average size isn't even on the scale of the biggest cocks I've swallowed. I open my throat, so he can feel like a stud, encouraging him to enjoy everything my sissy mouth has to offer.

As I'm gulping him down, other people start coming into the bathroom. Like the couple before them, they're all talking about lining up partners for their sex parties later on tonight. I hear many stall doors being latched, along with the sounds of girls like me in those stalls, getting off on sucking some stranger's cock.

My man, apparently frustrated that he couldn't make me gag, uses my mouth as a masturbator by moving my head back and forth. I always love that, when spit escapes the corners of my mouth and runs down my chin. I glance up to see my bathroom lover leaning back with his eyes closed, enjoying the pussy-like pleasures of my sissy mouth.

This, along with the dirty talk from other people waiting for an open stall, is turning me on immensely, until my man, without warning, pulls his cock and playfully slaps me across my face. He then leans down to whisper, "Can I fuck you?"

"Not here, baby..." I remember what Cheryl told me about the house rule, "if we were someplace else, I might let you, but you know we can't do that in here."

"Then let me take you to my hotel room," he tries to score a fuck. "You can bring your friend with the nice tits. I'll get some guys to join us. It'll be a blast! What do you say?"

'What an asshole,' I think to myself.

"My girlfriend owns my ass," I tell him, "so you'll have to ask her. We don't always want to fuck every guy we suck."

"Sorry, doll," he apologizes, "you sissy bitches are so fuckin' hot, you can hardly blame me for wanting a piece of your ass. I hope I didn't offend you."

"Not much offends me," I giggle, "but I'll be offended if you don't dump your load down my throat."

"Oh… shit! We can't have that, can we? Jack me off. I love it when a hot sissy jacks me off."

I've just about had it with this jerk, but I know if I quickly jack him off, he'll probably spray cum all over my face. Not that I'd mind, but I really don't want him messing up my makeup.

"No, baby," I assert my desire to get this over with, "just fuck my mouth and give me your load. I've worked hard enough for it."

"God damn!" he laughs. "You drive a hard bargain, for a fuckin' gay girl."

"C'mon, baby," I beg, "this gay girl needs your cum."

Oh my God… did I just say that…? Did I just say I'm a gay girl?

Fuck… the realization of what I am suddenly hits me, not that I didn't already know. I mean, only a bitch like me would be begging for a stranger's cum in a bathroom stall, right? I put those thoughts in the back of my mind for now, and take his cock deep into my mouth to get the cum that I so rightfully deserve.

He grabs my head and holds it in place, pumping me for everything he's worth. I'm fucking hungry for it now, maybe even desperate, and I know how to make a man cum when he's this close. Clamping down on him, my gay-girl tongue flutters along his underside as he works it back and forth.

Just to turn him on more, I let out fake, wretched gagging sounds to make him think he's choking me. That gets his cock pulsing as I grab his sack and squeeze the cum from his balls.

Pulling me in so that my nose is pressed into his pubic hair, he lets out a grotesque, animalistic grunt as he erupts a string of hot semen down my throat. My body starts tingling as the seed that feeds my femininity fills me with an erotic joy that's hard to describe. I'm so into my own ecstasy, I don't catch him pulling his cock before he shoots his last ribbon of cum across my face.

'Shit…!' I think, as I lean forward to avoid getting any on my dress.

"Oh, baby doll," he yells, so everyone can hear, "what a hot mouth you have!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the bathroom starts clapping as the man puts his cock away and leaves me, without saying another word. Afterwards, I'm feeling a little empty inside, sitting by myself in a toilet stall, with cum dripping down my face.

But the empty feeling of abandonment doesn't last long, as the cum coating my throat and mouth stimulates my female senses. I didn't do what I just did to gain the affection of my bathroom lover. I did it for me, because I get an erotic thrill every time I do it. And I'll do it again, too, cuz I can't resist sucking a hard cock.

The bathroom is crowded now, as I saunter out of my stall to join the other sissies in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing their makeup after they've all just given blow jobs. Tearing some toilet paper off the roll by the sink, I pat away at the cum on my face, trying not to smear my makeup in the process.

There's not much talking as we clean ourselves up for the next guy we'll bring in here. I think we're all a little embarrassed that we've let ourselves sink to this level of depravity. There's no denying what we are, that's for sure. We're gay cock whores, addicted to a lifestyle where our entire lives revolve around finding the next cock to gorge on.

I hear two sissies lamenting about not being able to find a steady lover, and it makes me realize how fortunate I am to have Brenda for my Mistress, and Sherry for my wife. I don't have to worry about finding my next cock, because Brenda sets it all up for me. Brenda and Sherry give me all the love and affection I need, so I can come to a place like this to get my sissy fix, and their love will always be there for me when I come home.

Once I get the cum off my face and touch up my lipstick, I feel invigorated leaving the bathroom. With cum in my belly, I'm filled with that wonderful feeling a man's seed gives a gay girl like me. That's right, I said gay girl. Cheryl said I'll know when I know, and after doing what I just did, well… now I know it.

And I'm not ashamed to admit it, because I'm not any different now than I was before Brenda and Mistress Virginia told me I'm gay. I'm the same girl I've always been, except that now, I know what I've always been. My sissy brain completely drives me now, and my rational brain has all but disappeared.


Coming out of the crowded bathroom to rejoin Cheryl, I'm walking in a dreamy daze. There's an exciting energy in the air as a ton more people have come in to pack the place. I glance over at the bar to maybe get another glimpse of the man I've just sucked off, but he's nowhere in sight. I guess I'll never see him again, but that's cool, we both got what we wanted.

More than a few men grope my ass as I elbow my way through the crowd to get to the table area. It feels kinda cool to be attractive enough that guys want to grope me, and I'm wondering which ones I'll eventually invite into a bathroom stall as the night progresses. It's so exciting to be here, where I can just pick the next guy I want to suck!

The loud music is thumping away, with dozens of couples crowding the dance floor. With every table occupied now, it's standing room only, and I can't find our table where Cheryl's waiting for me. I don't see her anywhere, so I just stand in place, hoping she'll spot me.

I'm amazed at all the sissies and t-girls here, flirting with the men hoping to score. Some sissies are so beautifully feminine, the only way I can tell they're not women is by looking at their tits, or as in my case, the lack thereof. Other sissies look so amateur in their appearance, they're nothing more than guys in dresses.

The t-girls are fascinating to observe, and I'm sure there must be some real women mingling amongst them. But it's hard to tell, because the t-girls truly are women in every respect, except for the cocks hidden away under their panties. While us sissies strive to be as feminine as they are, we can't compare to the trans women.

I still can't spot Cheryl, but I can't help but notice a beautiful Asian woman working her way between the tables. She's taller than most Asian women, with straight, black hair draped over her shoulders, framing her lovely face. Her tits aren't that big, but they fit her petite, hourglass figure perfectly.

I'm a little embarrassed to be staring at her like this as she gets closer to me. I'm hoping my staring didn't piss her off, because she's got her eyes locked on me as she walks right up to me!

"Are you Mandy?" she surprisingly asks.

"Y-yes," I answer timidly, "I-I'm trying to find my date."

"Cheryl?" she says, to my surprise.

"Y-yeah… I'm Cheryl's date."

"Hi, Mandy," she cutely smiles, "I'm Rachel, Cheryl's friend. She's busy in the restroom at the moment, so she asked me to watch for you when you came out. You were easy to spot in that sexy black dress with pretty gold earrings dangling under your cute pixie hair."

Are you kidding me? This is Rachel? Cheryl's t-girl friend? She's indistinguishable from an actual, real woman!

"H-how long has Cheryl been gone?" I mumble, stunned by her transexual beauty.

"A while now. She wanted to wait for you, but she spotted a guy she's been with before, so she had to grab him before another t-girl did. She's probably having as much fun as you did. You look a little dazed."

"Yeah… I feel a bit dazed. This is so new to me."

"I can imagine. This place is sissy nirvana, especially for first-timers. Let's go to the table and wait for Cheryl. My wife Kristy is dying to meet you."

As I follow Rachel through the maze of crowded tables, I can't stop staring at her beautiful ass. It's fucking gorgeous, so perfectly proportioned with the rest of her body. The way she swings it back and forth as she glides in her high-heels is poetry in motion. And the sweet perfumes that follow her are an absolute delight! And then, I see Kristy sitting at our table.

My heart throbs the moment Kristy gets up to meet me. She's really skinny, just like I want to be, and her bra-less sissy nipples show right through her tight, transparent blouse. Her skirt is shorter than my dress, advertising a shapely pair of thin, feminine-looking legs. Her hair hangs almost to her ass, and oh my God…! She's the exact epitome of what I want to be!

"Kristy," Rachel says, "this is sissy Mandy.

"Mandy, this is Kristy, my sweetheart sissy wife."

"Hi, Kristy," I timidly smile, "nice to meet you."

"Oh, it's my pleasure to meet you!" Kristy giggles with a squeaky little voice. "Cheryl told me you were cute, but you've surpassed my expectations."

"Kristy," Rachel says, "why don't you show Mandy how affectionate you can be?"

Oh my God, is this really happening? Kristy's so forward with her affection that she comes right up and gives me a wet kiss. Our arms wrap around each other, and as I'm feeling her petite sissy body, I can't help but kiss her back.

"Your mouth tastes like cum," Kristy giggles. "I'm jealous."

"Sorry," I blush, "the taste does kinda linger."

"At least you got some," she frowns.

"Well, it wasn't that hard. I mean, there's horny guys all over the place wanting a blow job."

"That's the problem," she complains, "too many guys. They crowd the place on weekends, so you can't find an empty stall to get mouth-fucked."

"So that's why there's a long line in front of the bathrooms?"

"Yeah," Rachel laughs, "and God help you if you have to pee."

"I can't believe how promiscuous everyone is here. It's so different from any place I've ever been."

"It's only like this on weekends, cuz people flock in from all over the state," Kristy says, "Rachel usually brings me here on a weeknight, when there's hardly ever a wait for an empty stall."

"Yeah," Rachel chuckles, "sissies need their cum, and Kristy needs a fix every couple weeks. We only came tonight because Cheryl wanted us to meet you. I'm glad we did, cuz it looks like we're going to have some fun tonight."

"Hey, you guys!" Cheryl shouts as she joins us.

"Hey, babe," Rachel greets her with a tongue-kiss, "did you get him to suck you?"

"Yeah!" Cheryl giggles with excitement. "He was a little shy about giving his first blow job, but when raised my dress and told him I wouldn't suck him until he sucked me, he got right to it."

"I love it!" Rachel laughs. "Guys are so cute when they swallow their first load."

"How was your guy, Mandy?" Cheryl asks me.

"It was great, until he wanted to take me and you to his hotel room for a private fuck party."

"They all want to fuck us," Cheryl giggles. "Isn't it fun when you're so hot all the guys want you?"

"Yeah," I agree, "the guys were groping me when I came out, and it was fun thinking about which one I wanted to suck next!"

"Ain't it cool being a little gay girl?"

"Yeah, and remember when you said I'll know when I know?"

"Yeah… and…?"

"Well, know I know."

"And how does it feel, knowing in your heart of hearts that you're gay?"

"It doesn't feel any different, actually."

"No, it doesn't feel any different, and that's what I wanted you to see. Knowing you're gay doesn't feel any different from the way you've always felt."

"Yeah, Mandy," Kristy breaks in to say, "we're not like, 'gay' gay, we're sissy-gay. We're not boy or girl, we're our own special gender, and our special role in life is to be sexual servants."

"It's definitely normal for me," I giggle. "I've always craved cock, even before I knew I did. And I can't wait to get another guy in a stall, so I can suck his cock."

"Listen, hon," Cheryl then says, "there's a lot more people than I expected, so if we stay here, we'll spend more time waiting in line for an open stall than we'll spend sucking cock. Rachel and Kristy have invited us over to their place for some private sex. Does that sound like fun?"

"Oh yeah, it does!"

"I thought you'd like that idea. Kristy can probably show you a few sissy-sex things you haven't tried before."

"Yeah, Mandy," Kristy adds, "when you're sissy-gay, and you know it, then you're open to all the fun we get to have! A foursome with two sissies and two t-girls is like the funnest sex there is!"

"I'm ready to try it. I already know I'll like it."

"I have a tab of ecstasy, you wanna split it with me? We can get really high and be their slaves!"

"Oh yeah! I loved the one time I had sex on ecstasy!"

As we're finishing our drinks and talking about the fun we'll be having, Kristy splits the tab of ecstasy and gives me half. We giggle as we swallow the sex drug, and end up kissing for like, I don't know how long.

Cheryl then gets a vial from her purse and gives us all a pill. "What's this pill?" I ask.

"A very potent type of Viagra, hon," she chuckles. "We've both orgasmed a couple of times already, and Rachel fucked Kristy before they came here, so these prescription hard-on pills will keep our cocks hard the rest of the night!"

"So…" Rachel says as we down the pills with the last of our drinks, "are we ready to give Mandy the experience of her life?"

"I'm ready for it," I say with giggly words, "I'm ready for more gay sex!"

"It's not gay sex, silly," Kristy corrects me. "not like men with men. It's gonna be girl-to-girl sissy sex!"

"That's right," Cheryl says as we get up to leave. "Four girls with cocks and back-door pussies, babe. Girls like us!"

Mandy's exciting date with Cheryl concludes in the next chapter… and please hit the '❤' below so Mandy knows you want her to tell us more.

Written by Jilluvscox
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