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“Welcome to Vietnam, Ms. Erin. How was your flight?” The young woman behind the desk smiled serenely with her palms pressed together and bowed slightly as a sign of respect and greeting. Her long black hair was pulled back in a graceful ponytail kept in place by a black ribbon. She was dressed in a satin peach-colored ao dai, the traditional Vietnamese long tunic. An English name tag that read “Jenny, Hotel Saigon” was pinned above a tiny breast. Despite the heat and the open-air hotel lobby, her tan skin showed no perspiration.

Erin was certain this beautiful woman’s name was not “Jenny” but smiled at her kindly, finding the woman’s appearance quite attractive. “Thank you,” Erin replied, certain she looked much worse than “Jenny” after her twenty-hour trip. “I’m so glad to be here. It was a long flight. I’m ready for a bath and a nap.”

Jenny smiled graciously at Erin as she handed over her passport and credit card. Erin looked around the spacious lobby as the hotel clerk busied herself with check-in procedures. Mature bamboo clusters surrounded a few small cement pools with fountains, and the open folding glass walls let in the warm, humid Vietnamese air and gave the lobby an outdoor feel. Erin closed her eyes, took a deep breath through her nose, and noticed the smell of nearby tropical flowers that overpowered the notoriously bad Saigon air.

She felt relaxed and happy despite the fatigue from her long flight. Her last trip here was more than ten years ago with Luke when he was stationed in Korea with the military. She had such fond memories of their time together. The thought of their last trip aroused her instantly; their experience was more like a second honeymoon than a vacation. The sex had been amazing, and Erin was certain this trip would live up to the reputation. She hadn’t seen Luke for two weeks and was desperate for some attention and affection. Her body missed his touch and closeness. He was on a work trip with the Army in Thailand, and Erin was so happy that Luke suggested that she meet him in Vietnam to repeat their last trip. His flight from Bangkok wasn’t due until tomorrow. They planned to stay at the same coastal resort as their last trip at the Coco Beach Hotel in their very own little thatched bungalow on a quiet beach. They planned to fill their days with sunshine, good food, and amazing sex.

Erin and Luke’s life was quite different now than on their last trip here. They lived apart ten years ago, separated by Luke’s Army duty. He was stationed in South Korea, and Erin lived with her sister in the States. Erin visited Luke twice for a month to break up the time, and they did some traveling through Asia. Luke had been supremely lonely during that time; he was desperate for Erin’s time and attention when she came to visit, and she had felt so desired and loved. That was all before they had kids to care for and nothing to get in the way of their relationship except Luke’s work. They now had two young kids demanding much of their time, attention, money, and energy. The coming week was about reconnecting despite all the challenges at home.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Jenny said, interrupting Erin’s thoughts, “your room is ready. Are you traveling alone today?”

“Yes, I am. I’m meeting my husband in the morning,” Erin replied, unsure why she was asking.

“Ah, very good, I understand,” Jenny responded with a gleam in her eye and another slight bow of her head. “We will do everything possible to make your stay enjoyable. Please follow your hostess, Monica. She will show you to your room and make sure you are comfortable. Please call the front desk by dialing ‘0’ day or night to let us know how we can fulfill your every desire.” Jenny bowed one last time as Erin noticed another young Vietnamese woman approaching from the side.

“Monica” was just a beautiful as “Jenny” but was tall and curvy for a Vietnamese woman. She smiled demurely at Erin with a graceful slight bow of her head with her palms pressed together in the traditional South Asian greeting over her medium sized breasts. Her black hair was also pulled back in a neat ponytail, held in place by a black ribbon, and her high cheekbones accentuated her dark eyes.

“Hello, Ms. Erin, I am pleased to meet you. Please follow me and I will show you to your room and ensure you have everything you need for an enjoyable stay here,” Monica said, smiling up at Erin from her position of greeting. Erin thought for a moment that she saw a playful look in the other woman’s eyes that surprised her. She caught herself staring at the other woman’s exotic beauty, wishing for something exotic about herself. Erin felt a pang of embarrassment at her disheveled look after a long plane flight. At least her European features were a little exotic in Vietnam.

“Is this your only luggage?” Monica asked.

“Thank you, yes, just this one suitcase,” Erin replied, thankful for how little she needed on this trip. Just a few skimpy bikinis, light sundresses, and some sandals. She wouldn’t even be wearing any of those all that much. “I can get it myself, no need to trouble over it,” she added as she saw a young man step forward from a previously unnoticed hallway to help her with her bag.

“Nonsense, Erin, Frank will bring your bag to your room,” Monica replied with an air of authority, “please follow me.” Erin did not want to upset her hosts and knew that “Frank” was earning a tip. She was thankful she had remembered to exchange some money at the airport and fingered the strange bills in her pocket.

Erin had chosen this hotel because it was close to the airport, catered to foreigners, and had far more five-star reviews than the next best option. It was a little more expensive but she had decided it would be worth it to have a nice place to stay after such a long trip and because so many comments included remarks about how wonderful the staff treated the guests. She was beginning to see why.

Monica turned and gracefully walked ahead of Erin toward the elevator. Erin was mesmerized by the tall woman’s self-confidence and posture as she followed obediently behind. She caught herself staring at the woman’s slender frame and the sexy sway of her small hips as she stepped elegantly in front of her. Erin convinced herself that she was just feeling excited to see Luke tomorrow but couldn’t help feeling aroused by this beautiful woman’s poise and beauty. She caught a brief smile on Jenny’s face before it was hidden behind a small hand as she walked away from the hotel’s front desk.

“Monica” led Erin to the bank of elevators across the foyer with “Frank” close behind. The polished floors gleamed, and they passed beautiful displays of orchids and other tropical fragrant flowers that brought Erin so much joy. Monica stood close to Erin in the elevator, clutching a small clipboard to her bosom, and Erin felt a little electric jolt of excitement when Monica’s elbow and hip brushed against her. She again convinced herself that her arousal was from Luke’s absence for the last two weeks. She had been too busy with the kids to take any time for herself since Luke left, including orgasms. She could almost feel the pent-up sexual energy straining to come out, and Monica seemed to know just how to stimulate a small response.

The trio exited the elevator and Monica led the short walk down a broad hallway. “Here you are, Ms. Erin,” Monica said as she turned and bowed slightly. Erin caught a glimpse of the woman’s cleavage as she bowed and wondered if that was done purposely. Frank nervously opened the door and held it awkwardly with one extended arm as Monica stood still and held Erin’s gaze longer than seemed comfortable with a relaxed smile.

“Thank you, Monica,” Erin replied, feeling herself blush and feeling aroused again for the second time in a few minutes. Erin entered the room past Frank’s outstretched arm and gasped as she noticed so many wonderful details in the tasteful room. Fresh flowers in several places matched those in the lobby and filled the room with a floral bouquet. The crisp white bedsheets were immaculately made and folded back. The bed looked supremely inviting — but first, Erin wanted a bath. The bathroom was visible from the bed behind a glass wall and the blind was up. The warm cream-colored tiles sparkled in the impeccable lighting and there were bamboo plants adding depth and color. The centerpiece of the bathroom was a beautiful free-standing claw tub with high sides and gleaming silver hardware. Erin nearly started to undress right then and there, forgetting Monica and Frank for a moment.

“Thank you, Monica, it’s beautiful, and I can’t wait to climb into that beautiful tub and then crawl under those sheets!” Erin exclaimed, then realized it may be too much information.

“Wonderful, Ms. Erin, I’m glad you like it. We have many other wonderful customer services available if you desire something more,” Monica said, bowing again as Frank quickly brought in Erin’s luggage and then shuffled to leave. Erin was unsure what Monica meant but held out a generous tip to both Monica and Frank. Monica stepped forward to receive the tip for them both. She reached for the bills with two hands; one hand took the bills, and the other slipped up to her wrist, which sent goosebumps all over Erin’s body. Monica slid her soft fingers up Erin’s forearm to her elbow and then back down while holding Erin’s gaze. Erin was amazed to watch Monica’s pupils dilate with attraction and was certain her eyes were doing the same. “Please, Ms. Erin, call the front desk if I can be of any assistance whatsoever.” Monica bowed again, bringing her dark hair right under Erin’s nose. Erin noticed a beautiful fragrance with Monica now inches from her body.

In a moment it was all over, and Monica and Frank departed with the door latching quietly behind them. Erin blinked hard and swallowed, then exhaled forcefully. She immediately questioned herself if she was hallucinating from lack of sleep. She was incredibly horny and was suddenly feeling quite awake despite the long trip. Her senses felt like they were at full volume, and she wondered curiously what Monica meant by providing her with assistance.

For now, that would all have to wait. Erin was desperate for a relaxing bath and went into the bathroom to start the water before doing anything else. She let the water fill nearly to the top as she opened her suitcase for a few essentials to settle into her home for the night. Finally, she slipped out of her traveling clothes and put her hair up in a hasty ponytail. As she lifted her manicured foot off the tile, she caught a view of herself in the mirror. She felt proud of her months of discipline before this trip, her body looked lean and strong and tan. She also caught a glimpse of her full Brazilian wax, which was a surprise for Luke. She had to admit that her pussy looked so sexy without any hair at all.

Without further hesitation, Erin stepped one long leg into the warm water, then the other. The temperature was perfectly warm, nearly too warm, and she lowered her tall body down into the water until it was just below her chin. It felt amazing, and Erin could feel the tension magically melting away. Her pores opened, and gentle beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She flexed her ankles and felt her calves relax. The tub was amazingly large; she could stretch her legs out fully with her shoulders under the water. Erin was already writing her own five-star review in her head as she felt herself warm to the bone and relaxed.

She lay peacefully in the tub with her eyes closed for only a few minutes until she fell into a light sleep. She realized this when she woke and noticed a beautiful golden sunset light coming into her room. The water was still very warm, and she felt no tension at all in her lean body. She let out a long sigh of contentedness and smiled, then gently splashed some warm water against her face. She let her hands slide into the water and melted back into the deep tub. Without intention, her hands came to rest on her hips, which sent a small jolt of excitement through her midsection. She was finally relaxed, and her two weeks without an orgasm were unconsciously catching up to her.

Erin slid her hand over to her pussy mound and absentmindedly rubbed her fingers against the hairless elevation. She immediately felt aroused and allowed her fingers to wander further down to stroke her bald pussy lips. The smooth feeling of her lips heightened her arousal further, and she felt her clitoris swelling in the warm water. Now with intention, Erin switched from gentle strokes to direct circular pressure against the top of her slit, which sent warm shivers through her body and caused her to catch her breath. She continued the alternating pressure and gentle stroking against her aching pussy until she felt her toes begin to curl. She let out a quiet moan as she felt her orgasm start low in her belly and travel throughout her relaxed body. Time seemed to stop as her pussy spasmed against her fingers, and she came slowly under the water. Afterward, she spent several relaxed minutes imagining the wonderful sex she would share with Luke in the coming days.

Erin took her time toweling off and applying lotion to the entirety of her body, then slipped into the cream-colored satin bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. It was short, and her long, tan legs looked great in the bathroom mirror, poking out from the bottom of the soft garment. She checked the time and saw that her bath had been nearly an hour. Even with the long flight and the time change she now felt refreshed and suddenly quite hungry.

She thought of Monica and Jenny and their warm hospitality. Certainly, the hotel would have an excellent restaurant. However, Erin was enjoying her beautiful room, had warm golden light from the sunset streaming through her windows, and did not want to get dressed. The satin robe was all the clothing she cared to use for the evening.

Without difficulty, Erin located the room service menu and looked through the exotic and delicious-looking Vietnamese options. She settled on a crab noodle dish, picked up the phone, and dialed “0” to follow Jenny’s instructions to call for anything she desired.

“Hello, Ms. Erin, what can I do to please you?” said Jenny on the other end of the line.

“Thanks, Jenny, I’d like to order some room service. Will you please send up the Bun Bo Rieu and some bubbly wine?” Erin asked.

“Of course, Ms. Erin. Monica will bring it up to you shortly,” Jenny replied in her accented English. Erin’s heart skipped a beat as she recalled the beautiful woman who showed her to her room and Monica’s delicate touch against her arm. She realized she was blushing at the small crush she had on Monica and felt a little silly. Customer service was Monica’s job; of course, she would bring her the room service. However, Erin convinced herself her feelings were just left over from her erotic bath and nothing more. Nevertheless, Erin decided to freshen her make-up to look more presentable for Monica’s arrival.

Erin lounged on the bed in her satin robe to wait for her food and decided to text Luke about her bath. She loved to tease him with her erotic adventures, however small, and she found herself becoming aroused thinking about her pleasant bath and how sexy her body felt to herself. She was just considering touching herself again when she heard a knock at the door.

“Hello, Ms. Erin, I have your food and wine,” Monica said after Erin opened the door. Monica stepped through and into the room with perfect posture while carrying a small platter with a silver covering. “I’ll place it on the table.”

“Thank you, Monica, it smells delicious,” Erin said as Monica passed by. Erin suddenly felt underdressed but hoped the other woman was accustomed to this from hotel guests.

Monica set down the tray and turned back to Erin with a smile, clearly in no hurry.

“How was your bath, Ms. Erin?” she asked pleasantly with only a hint of an accent. Her peach-colored satin ao dai was tightly fit and accentuated her slender waist and hips. The long thin dress had a slit that ran the length of the outer leg to the hip, and Erin could see a hint of Monica’s bare legs underneath.

“Oh, thanks. The bath was amazing. I think I fell asleep; the warm water was so relaxing. There’s nothing like a bath to recover from a long flight,” Erin replied.

“Yes, certainly, a bath is nice. It gives you time to reconnect with yourself,” said Monica.

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Erin blushed as the thought of connecting with herself brought images to her mind of her underwater orgasm. “Yes, I definitely connected to myself,” she said.

“There are other ways to recover from a flight, Ms. Erin. Would you like a massage to loosen your tension?” Monica asked with a smile.

Erin was not one to pass on a massage, but she was unsure about it from a stranger in her hotel room in a foreign country. Monica could sense her hesitation.

“Please, Ms. Erin. I am trained in Thai massage, and we offer it to many guests here, especially one as pretty as yourself,” she added with a smile.

“Well, then, Monica, I accept. And thank you,” Erin replied. She was surprised to feel butterflies in her stomach.

“Wonderful, Ms. Erin. Please take off your robe and lie down on the bed,” Monica instructed.

“Oh, we’re going to do it here? Don’t you have a massage studio in the hotel or something like that?” Erin asked, feeling surprised.

Monica laughed. “Don’t worry, Ms. Erin. We can do it right here. You have a beautiful room and a comfortable bed. I promise you will feel wonderful when we’re finished.”

This satisfied Erin’s curiosity, and she figured it was just the way things were done in Vietnam. She waited a moment for Monica to turn around so she could disrobe, but soon realized Monica’s inviting smile was meant to reassure her that she was expected to do so under her steady gaze. Erin felt a tingle of excitement to get naked with Monica watching her.

Erin undid the knot of the robe and let it fall open. Monica’s eyes flicked down to catch a glimpse of Erin’s tan body and certainly noticed Erin’s bald pussy. Erin found herself aroused under Monica’s watchful eyes and wondered what Monica would look like naked along with her but pushed the thought from her mind. Erin let the robe fall to the floor, revealing her large breasts and the rest of her fit body, then turned to the bed. Monica took several steps across the room while Erin settled herself on her stomach, feeling a little self-conscious about her uncovered ass and wondering if she should have retrieved a towel from the bathroom for modesty.

Monica ran a slender hand up from Erin’s ankle to her hamstring. “You are lovely, Ms. Erin. I will enjoy this nearly as much as you will,” she said.

Erin felt a tingle of excitement at Monica’s touch and forced herself to relax into the massage. She chose to ignore any sapphic meaning in Monica’s words.

Monica began to knead and rub Erin’s muscles, starting with her legs. Erin felt the little remaining tension she held after her bath leaving her body. She moaned with pleasure, encouraging her beautiful masseuse. Next, Monica worked on Erin’s hips and glutes, and Erin could feel her pussy swell with pleasure. She was sure that Monica had an unobstructed view of her ass and smooth pussy as she pressed and rubbed on her smooth skin. If Monica had any indication of Erin’s arousal, she didn’t show it.

After what seemed like a long time, Monica began with Erin’s back. To Erin’s surprise, Monica paused to hike up her long skirt. The slit in Monica’s dress allowed her to nimbly climb onto the bed and straddle Erin’s ass. It was hard to tell, but Erin thought she could feel the tickle of Monica’s hair against her ass cheeks, and Erin wondered if the other woman was wearing panties. The thought soon passed, however, as Monica began massaging Erin’s back. She’d been mistaken when she thought she was relaxed. Monica uncovered all of Erin’s hidden tension. Erin periodically moaned in pleasure or sighed in slight pain from the expert massage. As she worked, Monica would periodically rock her hips forward and back against Erin’s ass, rubbing her pussy against Erin’s body. Erin wondered if this was intentional or just necessary for Monica to reach all the parts of her body.

After what must have been nearly an hour, Monica paused and leaned over to Erin’s ear. “Are you feeling relaxed, Ms. Erin?” she asked.

“Oh, my god, yes, Monica. You are amazing, and I feel so good right now,” Erin said with her eyes closed. She inhaled the lovely scent of Monica’s perfume and felt a tickle of her black hair against her cheek.

“Would you like me to keep going, Ms. Erin?” she asked playfully.

Erin wondered what she meant, but she was feeling wonderful and wanted the massage to continue. “Yes, Monica, I would love for you to continue,” Erin replied.

To her surprise, Erin felt Monica rise off of her and step to the edge of the bed once again. Her hands returned to Erin’s lower back and then to her glutes. Without a word, her hands slid down to cup Erin’s cute ass cheeks and slid over her ass and then back down. This time Monica’s thumbs skimmed ever so slightly against Erin’s bald pussy lips. Electricity ran through Erin’s body as she instantly felt intensely aroused at Monica’s touch. Monica repeated the motion again and again, each time applying a little more pressure against Erin’s swelling pussy lips, then she began parting her lips with each pass.

Monica was also becoming very aroused while she touched and teased Erin’s beautiful cunt. As she spread Erin’s lips, Monica could see Erin’s pink opening and that her pussy was swelling from the attention. Monica smiled as she felt Erin responding to her touch and felt herself tingling in arousal. Erin pushed her hips back in encouragement as Monica’s fingers pressed more firmly with each stroke, and soon Monica could sense that Erin was ready for more.

Monica stepped away for a moment, and Erin, panting, rolled over to see what was happening. Once Monica made eye contact with Erin, she wordlessly and deftly undid a few fasteners on her Vietnamese dress and let it fall to the floor. Erin resisted the urge to finger herself and instead focused her attention on Monica’s beautiful body.

Monica reached up and pulled on the black ribbon holding her hair in a ponytail. Her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders and halfway down her slim back. Erin’s eyes traced Monica’s curves down from her beautiful smiling face to her finely shaped heavy breasts, then down her flat stomach to her moderate hips and triangle of jet-black hair. Monica’s skin was surprisingly pale and the contrast of her dark hair and light skin was felt enticing to Erin.

Monica stepped toward the bed as Erin rose up on her elbow and then to her knees until the two women were facing each other. For a moment they looked into each other’s eyes, then they passionately reached for each other and kissed, caressing each other’s faces in their hands. Although Erin did not have much experience with women, she did not hesitate and subconsciously thought that it was the most natural thing in the world to do. After several long-impassioned moments, Erin’s hands moved from Monica’s cheeks to her shoulders and then to her breasts. They felt firm and soft and sexy all at the same time, and Monica’s dark nipples responded wonderfully to Erin’s caresses, which stirred Erin’s lust for more.

Monica’s hands also moved to the smooth skin of Erin’s back, again providing light squeezes in just the right places to send Erin endorphins as a continuation of the back rub. Then her hands slid slowly down to Erin’s hips and the top of her ass as she pulled Erin toward her own naked body. Erin felt the tickle of Monica’s pubic hair against her flat belly, and she slid her hands around to embrace Monica’s tight ass as well. The two women embraced like this for several moments as they continued kissing and exploring one another’s bodies.

Finally, Monica pulled back. Erin was flushed pink with exertion and excitement but gazed intently into Monica’s dark eyes. “Ms. Erin,” she said coyly, “I want you to lie back on the bed for me so I can continue your special in-room treatment.”

“Monica, you’ve done so much, there’s no need for more treatment,” Erin replied, concerned this erotic moment would pass.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Erin,” Monica reassured her, “The next part will be much more fun than anything you’ve experienced up until now,”

Erin decided to comply and lowered herself back to the bed and lay down on her back with her eyes glued to Monica’s beautiful body. She’d rarely examined another woman closely before, and Erin felt enamored by Monica’s Vietnamese beauty. Erin instinctively parted her knees, presenting herself to Monica, and felt the cool room air against her moist sex.

Monica slowly lowered herself onto the bed between Erin’s long legs and rested on her hips and elbows. She gently tucked her long black hair around her ears, then caressed Erin’s inner thighs and shifted her gaze from Erin’s eyes down to her swollen pussy. She leaned forward and kissed the top of Erin’s legs, then just above Erin’s bald mound, then brushed her lips against Erin’s clitoris, sending tingling sensations of bliss through Erin’s body.

Erin moaned in enjoyment and her eyes rolled back in her head. Her knees rose and she curled her manicured toes as Monica slid her tongue up the full length of Erin’s slit, applying just the right amount of pressure to leave Erin wanting more. Monica caressed both sides of Erin’s pussy as her tongue slid up and down again and again, bringing Erin closer to climax with each pass.

Monica sensed that Erin was nearing orgasm from her shifting hips and loud groaning, so she switched back to light pussy kisses and caressing Erin’s shapely thighs. Erin whimpered with desire, longing for more attention to her aching clit, and reached down with both hands and pulled Monica’s face back into her pussy. Monica smiled between licks at Erin’s direct encouragement and obliged by pressing her soft tongue more firmly against Erin’s smooth pussy, providing just the right stimulation to bring Erin to a convulsing and raucous orgasm.

Erin sprawled back against the bed, panting as her body spasmed in enjoyment. Monica continued to kiss Erin’s legs and ran her hand over Erin’s belly in affection, loving the feeling of providing so much pleasure.

Erin’s eyes opened to the afternoon sunlight still streaming through the window, the golden hour light reminding her how much can happen in a short amount of time. She reached a hand down to run her fingers through Monica’s smooth straight hair.

“Oh, my god, Monica, that was absolutely incredible!” Erin exclaimed. “I don’t know what to say except thank you!”

“Oh, you’re welcome, Ms. Erin. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Monica said demurely.

Erin and Monica both sat up, and Erin stroked Monica’s arm. “I didn’t tell you before, but I’m married — to a man — and I, well, I’m not very experienced with women,” Erin revealed.

“Well, then I’m glad I am a special treat for you, then, and welcome to Vietnam,” Monica replied with a warm smile.

“Monica,” Erin said with a thoughtful look on her face, “can I give you a backrub? I’m sure I can’t do as well as you, but I want to return the favor, so to speak.”

Monica’s chin pulled back in response. “No one’s ever asked me that before, Ms. Erin. I don’t know what to say!”

“You don’t have to say anything, Monica. Just lie down on the bed and let me touch your beautiful body.” Erin smiled widely at her new friend.

Still unsure, Monica did as Erin asked. Erin stood to make room, and Monica stretched out on the warm bed. She turned her head to one side and tucked her dark hair behind an ear as she placed both hands under her chin. Erin admired the hourglass shape of Monica’s slim shoulders, narrow waist, full hips, and slender legs. Monica’s ass curved beautifully, and Erin caught a glimpse of her dark pussy hair against the bed. Erin moved to the side of the bed and began to run her small hands against Monica’s milky skin.

She started at Monica’s slim shoulders, caressing her almond skin and slim muscles. Monica sighed with pleasure at the soothing sensations from her back. Erin worked up to Monica’s slim neck, then down to her shoulder blades, taking time in each area, enjoying the smooth feeling of Monica’s skin and the surprising eroticism of touching another woman in this way. Erin had rubbed her friends’ shoulders long ago when she was a college swimmer, but never in a slow, sensual manner. She then moved down to Monica’s lower back and allowed her hands to slip down onto Monica’s hips and her glutes. Monica moaned in pleasure, clearly enjoying Erin’s attention.

“Ms. Erin,” Monica cooed, “I’ve never had someone touch me quite like this.”

Erin smiled and continued down to Monica’s slender, smooth legs, enjoying her taught muscles and the silky feeling of her hands sliding along Monica’s skin. She finished with a gentle foot rub before gliding her hands back up Monica’s legs, ass, and back.

“Monica,” Erin said softly, “will you please roll over?”

Monica complied without a word and rolled over gracefully; her eyes closed in delight. Erin sat down next to Monica on the bed and admired Monica’s beautiful body. Monica’s full breasts rose in a gentle slope from her slender chest, and her small nipples were erect from arousal. Her hip bones poked up from the bottom of her flat belly, and her dark pubic hair contrasted with the soft color of her skin. Erin had never examined another woman’s body so closely, and was surprised at the warmth she felt from Monica’s skin and the life evident from the slow rising and falling of Monica’s chest.

Erin reached a hand to Monica and slid it up her side, onto her ribs, then up to one of her breasts. Monica arched her back in response, and she groaned in delight. Erin cupped Monica’s breast and squeezed slightly, curving her hand to match Monica’s curves, then relaxed. She repeated this several times, feeling the weight of Monica’s beautiful breast and enjoying her response. She then moved to the other breast with the same result. Finally, she reached with both hands to cup Monica’s breasts together, forming a beautiful cleavage between them.

Encouraged, Erin slid her palms over Monica’s nipples with amazing results. They felt so sexy, and Monica responded to the stimulation by groaning and straining against Erin’s hands for more. Erin took each nipple between her thumb and forefinger and softly squeezed while gently rolling each nipple between her fingers. Monica’s hips thrust forward in response, clearly enjoying Erin’s attention. Erin noticed she was tingling again between her legs and longed to touch herself as she played with Monica’s sexy body.

“Monica,” Erin asked slowly, “may I lick you like you licked me?”

Without a word, Monica’s eyes opened, and she locked eyes on Erin. Her pupils were dilated, and she had a hunger in her gaze. She inhaled sharply and nodded with raised eyebrows while she spread her legs, encouraging Erin onward.

Erin broke eye contact and looked down at Monica’s pussy. She could see Monica’s swollen lips below Monica’s small triangle of dark hair.

Erin couldn’t wait any longer and shifted herself on the bed to position herself between Monica’s thighs. The beautiful aroma of Monica’s aroused sex was intoxicating, and Erin leaned forward and kissed Monica softly, moistening her lips from Monica’s juices. Then Erin gingerly opened her mouth and slid her tongue along Monica’s slit, amazed at how good Monica tasted. Erin ran her tongue along Monica’s clitoris, applying more and more pressure, as she felt Monica responding by shifting her hips forward towards Erin’s attention.

Soon Monica was shuddering in delight on the edge of orgasm. Erin could sense that the other woman was about to cum, so Erin let up on the pressure, instead kissing along Monica’s thighs, but soon returned to Monica’s clitoris. Erin widened her tongue and flicked it with increasing intensity against Monica’s swollen sex again and again as Monica began to buck in pleasure against Erin’s licking. Erin heard a low moan start in the back of Monica’s throat, which turned into a loud groan and then became nearly shouted words that Erin could not understand as Monica came intensely against Erin’s tongue.

As Monica came down from her shaking orgasm, Erin switched to light kisses and then to caresses on Monica’s legs. Erin’s lips and chin were covered in Monica’s arousal, and Erin knew that she would touch herself soon and recall every detail of this encounter.

“Oh, Ms. Erin, that was unbelievable! I’ve never had a guest show me so much attention!” Monica exclaimed.

“Monica, the pleasure was all mine,” said Erin, then she laughed. “Okay, well, the pleasure wasn’t entirely mine, but I loved it, too,” she said.

Both women sat up and kissed gently with tender caresses before Monica stood from the bed and deftly slid her dress back on.

“I hope you enjoy your food, Ms. Erin,” Monica said, then added, “and thank you for the tip!”

“Thank you for the wonderful customer service, Monica!” Both women laughed, and then Monica slipped out of the room, leaving Erin naked and happy and wondering what else this Vietnam trip may bring.

Written by 2koots
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