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Discoveries Of A Young Man - Part 3

"Bran finds himself at his co-worker's mercy."

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The following Thursday, I didn't hear anything from Mel. I didn’t really expect to, either. I hoped, of course, but I knew shit had been a bit crazy as of late. I figured she needed space. Hell, I needed space!

It was a lot to take in after all. Would our last night's parking lot event change everything between me and Mel? Would it be awkward? More hot encounters? Less? Maybe she would quit and that would be it! "God, I hope not!" I thought. 

Insecurity and doubt clouded my head. I lay in bed, twisting and turning. There was so much conflict within me. I had no idea how to process it all. There was no doubt that I wanted Mel, but there was this other feeling I had towards her. I had no idea what I could call it. I was afraid, afraid of what that feeling might turn out to be. And how hurt I’d feel if I miscalculated her. Or myself. Could I really have these feelings towards a grown woman such as Mel? She was so unlike anyone I’d ever hooked up with, the few times that happened. Being at her mercy had put me in a weird place. 

Though, I have to say, being at her mercy sounded pretty good too.

It was still pretty early, but I should probably get up. I had barely slept that night. I just had too much on my mind. I hoped I hadn’t ruined it all. Even if nothing ever happened again, I still hoped it would be possible to be friends with Mel. A sense of dread hung over me, thinking of how I’d carelessly jeopardize that.

But then again, when I thought about it, it was Mel who really pushed for it, even if we both had been teasing each other. So if anything, I wasn't the one ruining stuff. 

Maybe we both sort of did. 

Not that it made it better.

"Fuck it," I mumbled to myself and jerked myself up. 

Laying in bed all day didn’t help in any way. I could at least get back to the gym and get a decent, early workout. There were no boxing classes this early. Hitting the heavy bag… I was just not there yet, I felt, to be one of those guys who came in to do bag work. I had no idea what I was doing. I was still at a stage where I preferred group workouts.

So I went for some climbing instead. I did the V0s last time, and I was sort of desperate to advance into something that was not the bottom-tier levels. Maybe I could advance to the V1 level routes one day in the distant future.

A climbing workout is not the most exciting thing for anyone but the guys and gals actually doing it, but it’s safe to say that I got sweaty and tired and my hands were all kinds of sore. I was sure to get blisters, but it felt good to tire myself out.

After hitting the shower I went to check on my phone. I saw one single unread message on the display. I picked up the phone, unlocked it, and there it was! Finally, after an entire day of not hearing a word from Mel when she shot me a text. I flicked open my phone and read.

“I’ll ride my bike to work on Friday. See you at work.”

And that was it. I was a bit baffled, and even slightly let down. I knew I didn't really have a right to expect anything, but I couldn’t help it. I desperately wanted to know how things were between us. One way or the other.

I needed to know. I looked at my phone. “Fuck it,” I thought, and picked it up, dialed Mel, and called. 

One beep. Two beeps. Several beeps. Then she picked up.

“Hey, Bran! What’s up?” she asked in an urgent tone. The background noise made it sound like she had taken her phone outside.

“Hi. Is everything cool?” I asked. Silence.

“I, erh. I think I made a mistake. I’m sorry, but… I can’t act like this. I have two kids and a husband. You’re young, with so much potential. What I did was not okay,” Mel explained, sounding apologetic.

A lump in my throat gathered. Rejection. I have faced it before, and it always sucked. This time it was worse. I did find some solace in her admitting she liked ‘it’, but it was just a small light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

“You okay?” Mel asked, sounding a bit concerned. I had gone silent for a few, I realized.

“Yeah… yeah, I’m alright. It’s all good, don’t worry. I just sorta spaced out,” I answered, not sounding all that convincing.

“Oyh! You gonna head out, or what? I need more pop and chips, babe!” I heard David yell in the background.

“Sorry, I gotta go. I’ll call later, or we can talk on Friday, alright?”


We exchanged goodbyes and hung up. I would lie if I said I wasn’t gutted by this. She never even called back. “I guess we’ll talk later,” I thought, trying to shrug it all off.


I didn’t sleep well the night till Friday either. I don’t know if I would say I was devastated or anything, more of a doom and gloom type mood. This was something along the lines of what I did not want to happen. My ogling and our collective teasing had created a wedge between Mel and me.

When I woke up I figured I’d jog. It was one of the last days of real sun, so I didn’t feel like going to the gym. But I needed to relieve some stress and what better way than to do some heavy running? I just needed to get out, clear things up.

Taking the fresh air in, gave me much more clarity. While I hated the abrupt end, it was after all a huge risk for Mel, and it no doubt was emotional for her. And I should actually just be grateful anything happened at all. And why should it fall upon Mel to ‘make things normal’? Maybe it would be awkward at first, but I’m sure we could walk it off, so to speak. And we would see each other at work anyhow. This was adversity, and if I wanted to become the man I wanted to be, I had to face these adversities at the risk of failure. No risk, no reward.

As noon started to come around, I was determined to do my part to get our friendship back in order.

Speaking of work. Which I wasn’t, but work was part of my daily day, so here I was. The day started like all others. There weren't many surprises in the routine as a janitor, and those surprises there were, were not pleasant. Like a milk-soaked carpet. I tried to play it cool with Mel when we met outside the locker rooms. We simply exchanged hellos, then she hurried off to her section and I to mine. Though she seemed cheerful enough when she turned to walk away, I could tell something wasn’t right. An aura of unease.

I tried to speedrun the work, so I could get outta there earlier. No reason to linger around, I was actually looking forward to the weekend. I hoped to get more climbing and boxing done. I saw a significant increase of appreciation when it came to workouts that were not weight-lifting. It made my body feel so much better. Having climbed yesterday, I had planned Friday and Saturday for boxing and then hopefully sleep like a rock on Sunday. 

“Maybe I’ll get to spar!” I thought, happily. Beginners mostly did light sparring with the instructors. And it wasn’t really sparring, it was pad work, but in a ring, and you moved around a bit. But I called it sparring because I misunderstood what sparring was at the beginning, which made both Freya and Frank laugh. If I were to spar, I kinda hoped it would be with Frank, because he was huge. I think it would be less humiliating to get fucked up by him.

The weekend approached swiftly, with each turn of the mop, when I heard a light knock on the door into the office.

“Bran?” A voice spoke behind me, a voice I was maybe too excited to hear. First euphoria, then reality sat and dread took over.

I turned quickly and saw Mel sticking her head through the door. She had a somewhat serious expression. Apologetic. Almost regretful.

“What’s up?” I asked. I tried to sound casual but realized I might’ve sounded a bit cold.

“You have a minute? Please?”

I looked over at the clock. Mel was not kidding when she said there was always less to do on Fridays. I had a bit more than an hour and a half left. I nodded and continued mopping, while she stepped around where the floor was still wet and plumped into the office chair behind the desk.

“So I feel like I owe you an explanation,” Mel said. I gave her a look, to gauge the mood of the conversation. For the first time since I’d met her, she didn’t meet my eyes. Instead, Mel sat on the chair, staring blankly at the floor.

I stopped mopping to pay attention. The floor was probably mopped good enough, anyway. 

This shift of my attention seemed to give her the courage. Mel glanced up at me, before looking back down again. To me, Mel was a boss, a person of authority, and who seemed to be a strong woman in every which way. To see her like this made me feel sad of sorts. I didn’t want to see her this distraught. I wanted her to be happy.

Mel let out a huge sigh.

“I’m… I don’t even know where to begin. Without getting too much into the details of me and my husband, let’s just say it isn’t all that great. That doesn’t excuse me taking advantage of a young man like yourself,” she said.

Tears welled in her eyes. I was a bit confused, though.

“You give me confidence. Confidence in being a grown woman. Appreciated. I’m not used to it. I know you’ve been checking me out, and I guess I’ve been teasing you a bit back. And to me, it is a compliment to see how much you like it. And not to exclude the actual compliments you give me. How you stare at me sometimes…” 

Mel stood up and went to a nearby window and looked out, trying to hide her face. She let out another huge sigh, mustering courage.

“I know I shouldn’t lead you on like this, and it was wrong of me to force myself on you. An old bat like me. I forced you. It was wrong, and I'm sorry. So terribly sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

To say I was stunned was an understatement. Whatever I thought Mel would say, this was probably the last thing I expected. It wasn’t even on the spectrum.

“I know you’re upset with me—” Mel started, but I interrupted her.

“Sorry, but you didn’t rape me,” I said, promptly. It was blunt, but I wanted to be as clear as possible. 

Mel turned around and looked at me, in a mixed state of shock and devastation. Tears had trickled down her cheeks.

I couldn’t let this hot, beautiful woman suffer like this. Especially when there was nothing to be sorry about, not in that regard at least.

“I didn’t?” she asked, genuinely surprised.

I went over to her and gave Mel a hug. She was a mess, and I had to show her everything was more than fine. I pressed her tight against me, feeling her warmth. Letting her feel mine. Being this close to her sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt a tickling sensation cruise through me. I rubbed her back. She needed comforting, even if she thought I was a victim, and I had no intention to let her face it alone. I had a feeling she had done that a lot throughout her life.

“It was the best experience of my life,” I told her, honest as can be. “And you’re not an ‘old bat’. You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever met!”

Mel leaned back from the hug to look at me, looking up at me perplexed.

“You think I’m hot?” She didn’t cry anymore, but her eyes were certainly a bit puffy. A bit teary-eyed, but she was coming around. I lifted a finger to wipe her tears. She leaned her cheek against my hand, my other still wrapped around her. She felt so good in my arms.

“I promise you, everything is good on my end. I loved it. I can’t stop thinking about you… Especially after…” I trailed off. I couldn’t even say it.

“Really? You liked it?” Mel took a step back from the hug, reading my face. She had her own way of reading me.

“But I was so forceful! I just… forced you…”

She wiped her face, sniffling a little bit, and regained her composure.

“I know, that is why it was so hot. You just taking what you wanted, going for it, you know… it was hot,” I explained.

Now it was her time to blush. She smiled and blinked a few times, rubbing her elbow a bit.

“So it is alright, then? Everything is fine?”

“Yeah, better than ever. Especially now. I thought you would yell at me, I mean with you being married and all,” I said, sighing a bit. I hated bringing up the husband, but it was the truth, and we seemed to have a moment of clarity.

“Pff, yeah don’t worry about him. I didn’t realize how little I’m appreciated by that slob until I met you. Did you know you’re the only one giving me compliments for years, aside from my daughters?”

“That’s crazy, you’re hot as shit,” I said bluntly.

Mel lightly bit her lip at the compliment. “Fuck that’s hot,” I thought. I looked her over. She wore her usual black sweatpants and baggy t-shirt, but that didn’t matter. She was in front of me, pouring her heart out. Mel cared about me enough to feel bad about what she did. She caught me staring, but this time I didn’t look away. Not this time.

“You’re pretty sexy yourself,” Mel said, rubbing on my arms. Her touch gave me goosebumps. “But I can’t figure out why you want someone old like me.”

She raised her hands before I could say anything. “I know, I know. Not old, you delusional young man.”

Mel gave me a dubious smile.

“Sooo, you in need of a massage then? I bet you’re sore,” Mel asked, smirking all sexily, moving a bit closer again.

“Absolutely!” I said excitedly. I wanted to slide us right back into being comfortable around each other. What better way than to relive some of the events from Wednesday?

Mel waved her hand for me to turn. I took my shirt off and braced myself for another agonizing, yet fantastic massage. I yearned for her touch.

“It’s kinda surreal. Twenty minutes ago, I thought everything was messed up. Now here we are,” she said while tracing my lats, shoulders, and traps in a light circular motion, giving me wild goosebumps.

“I thought so too,” I said, enjoying her feather-like touch.

Mel’s firm hand started kneading my shoulders around my neck, alternating between using fingers and her palms, much like last time. Though it was different, in a good way, when I was standing upright.

“I’m so glad you’re not mad at me,” Mel said, as she kneaded me. “The way you look at me just makes me feel so… flattered. I don’t think anyone looks at me like you do. And you’re kind. Never a big bragger, even with these big guns.” Mel squeezed my arms playfully.

“You’re more to me than a hot body, Bran. You’re sweet. You’re kind. A gentleman.”

She moved her hands to my lower back. But as she did, she moved her whole body closer, wrapping her arms around me instead. Mel leaned her head down against my shoulder and I felt her warm, slender body against me.

My gentleman.” 

She then lifted her lips to my ear. I could feel her warm breath against me, making me shiver all over. Then she did something I didn’t expect. Mel bit my ear. Not hard, just one light bite, a nibble, enough to feel her teeth press into my ear a bit. It made me whimper.

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“You’re so cute with how you react when I touch you,” Mel whispered in my ear.

Mel gently slid her hands across my stomach and up to my chest, tracing her muscles and rubbing against my muscles. Her feeling me up like this was the most erotic thing I’d experienced, pressing my muscles, feeling the firmness. She then bent her head down and I felt something wet but also soft slide from the nape of my neck, and up to my jaw. Did Mel lust lick me? ‘Fuuuuuck.’ I was practically shaking. Everything she did brought me new sensations of euphoria.

Mel abruptly spun me around and threw herself at me. Her lips crashed into mine, wasting no time shoving her tongue into my mouth. I met hers, and I could feel her smile as we made out. I moaned in her mouth as she took as much as she gave me. 

I don’t know if it was due to the steamy make-out, but it almost seemed like her tongue was bigger than mine too, dominating my mouth, wantonly exploring and discovering with determined conviction.

Mel was so forceful I even had to take several steps back, only to find myself clean against the wall with a small oomf. Mel pressed into me hard. She was taller than me so she more or less stood over me, with one leg planted firmly between my legs, and the other pressing against me from the outside.

Her hands were all over me, and mine on her. Finally, I had the opportunity to feel her beautiful body. What I’d been staring at, lingering for. My hands had been on her upper back, but as the making out went on, I started to get real into it and felt my hands slowly inch their way down her back.

I could soon feel the waistband on her sweats, but I wasn’t brave enough to go under them. I ended up sliding my hands across her ass over her sweats instead. Which brought me to a new high still. Her ass was soft, yet firm and shapely.

I could trace the outline of her boxer shorts around her thighs with my fingers, and feel the shape of her ass. Mel was a slender woman, still her ass was world-class. Thick and still fit. I never wanted this to end. I wanted to worship this woman with every fiber of my body for forever.

I reluctantly pulled back from our heavy kissing. I had something I wanted to say. Mel had a small sheen of sweat on her forehead and was breathing heavily at this point.

“I never got to return the favor,” I said, panting from being ravaged. “For the massage, and the… car stuff.”

I don’t know why I didn’t call it a handjob. It just felt wrong to subjugate it to the level of a handjob. What I got in high school were handjobs. What Mel did was on another level.

“Car stuff? You mean when I jacked you off? I did it because I wanted to…” Mel teased, looking at me with intent, tracing my chest with a light finger. 

“But if you insist. Get on your knees,” she said, her voice suddenly stern.

My heart skipped a beat before I immediately dropped to my knees. Looking up at her long legs, I saw her smirk down at me. It was not an arrogant smirk, but a satisfied one. Anticipation and lust was written across her face.

I brought my eyes down, looking straight ahead. Mel’s pants covered crotch. She slid her right hand gently into my hair and gently caressed me, before grabbing my head and getting a firm grip. I was taken aback by her grip strength. Mel yanked my head, arching back a little bit. I looked up at her briefly and saw that she was smiling warmly at me, giving me a tingly, satisfied feeling in my stomach. 

With my back against the wall and my head in her firm grip, I was at her mercy.

Mel then moved her left hand across to the other side of her waist and pushed on the waistband. Her pants slid down a bit. She did the same on her left side. Her sweatpants finally started to fall. First, a little bit at a time until they almost reached her knees, when they completely fell to her ankles.

She wore black, smooth silky boxers, which clung tightly to her wide hips and ass. It made her shapely hips and waist look so sexy. But not for long, as she started easing down her panties too.

As soon as her panties were down, Mel roughly pulled my head into her bushy pussy. It was not overly much hair, just a little bit of a brown strip. I stuck out my tongue, ready to submit. Ready to please Mel however she wanted me to please her.

Mel let out a huge sigh of relief as my tongue made contact with her clit. I licked the length of her pussy, parting her lips and teasing her. She then pushed me down to her opening and lightly pressed me against her. Her scent made me swoon and felt like I was going to pass out.

But I was a man on a mission. There was nothing else in this world that I wanted to do at that moment than to please her. I immediately started eating her out. First firmly and slowly, then a bit faster, then slower again. Lightly sucking at her clit.

“Oh yeah… That’s the spot. Suck right there. Yessss… You look so good on your knees,” Mel purred. I fluttered and moaned into her pussy.

I was so fucking horny it was hard to comprehend. I was barely able to hold back. I wanted more of her. I wanted all of her. I shoved my tongue around, exploring her folds. I lifted my hands up to her naked ass cheeks and squeezed, feeling both how soft and shapely they were. I lightly pulled her further towards me. This seemed to encourage her to go for more, as she started gyrating her hips, grinding her pussy into my face. 

I was in absolute heaven. I moved my eyes up to look at her. Mel had her eyes closed now, focusing on the pleasure I gave her, with her mouth slightly open, gasping. Openly moaning and panting. By the sounds of her increasingly rapid panting, she seemed to be close to cumming, so I shut my eyes and double downed the intensity and lapped at her out like never before, fully focusing on alternating between licking hard and fast, and slower tender. 

To bring her over the edge, I increasingly sped up until it was nothing but high intense pussy licking, slick sounds filling my ears, confirming my efforts in unison with her constant moaning.

“Ah, fu-fuck,” Mel moaned. I had never heard her curse, but it was hot as shit. 

“Goooood… just like that… Come on, that’s it. Good boy! Get in deeeep, yesss,” she sultry chanted, staggering in her words as she felt a huge orgasm build.

I felt her thighs spread ever so slightly giving me a bit more room. I pushed my tongue deeper and went for it, going hard and heavy in and out, up and down, circling around. But remaining deep. I then locked my lips on her and applied a small suction to her clit while I licked her fast.

“Oh, oh oh… Keep it up just like that! Don’t stoh— don’t stop,” Mel moaned. My cock ached and throbbed hearing her moan like this. It was practically leaking with precum.

She grabbed my head with both hands and grinded her pussy hard against my tongue while I lapped away, doing my duty. 

“Gah- oh fu—” Mel let out loud groans and gasps as she came. 

I felt her pussy convulse and contract, gushing wetness on my face. Her whole body was trembling almost to a point where she struggled to stand up. But she held through as her orgasm was wrecking her body. Her guttural gasps almost became small high-pitched yelps. Fluids filled my mouth as I was lodged right against her pussy while she grinded through her orgasm.

One would think she calmed a bit after an intense orgasm like that, but as I looked up at her to see how she was doing, I saw fire in her eyes. Yearning. Desire. Lust. She was breathing heavily, her body spasming, but I could tell she was far from done.

“Fuuuck, that was so good, Bran. I love fucking your face,” Mel moaned, stroking my hair with her left hand, her right still holding onto me. I couldn’t believe my ears. She almost made me cum right then and there, without as much as a touch. I groaned against her pussy, aching for her.

“You’re so good at this. Being on your knees.” Mel’s was heavy with desire.

She shuddered a bit, still not having come down from her orgasm, lightening her grip. But she held my head firmly in place.

“Ever eaten ass?” Mel asked suddenly between gasps.

Without waiting for an answer, she pushed my head further down. I felt my tongue slip from her pussy, roll over her small taint, and down to her asshole, my nose ending up at the brim of her pussy. Her wetness was smearing all across my face, but I couldn’t get enough. This was a dream I never knew I had come true.

“Theeere you gooo, that’s it. No teasing, get in there,” Mel moaned sensually, sharply inhaling at first contact.

I started as I did with her pussy, light licks around then increasingly heavier directly on her asshole. I was in heaven, in complete euphoria as I ate my first ass. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but as soon as my tongue touched her asshole, I got so turned on I tried to devour her ass. To get as much as possible.

This being my first time truly eating ass, least of all one I had fetishized this much, I really wanted to savor her ass, but I was not one to argue. I pressed upwards, my tongue pressing hard against her asshole. I looked up to see her eyebrows furrowing, her mouth opening in a soundless gasp. 

With my tongue firmly lodged into Mel’s beautiful ass, I started to swirl my tongue back and forth, making small, hard circles, vigorously thrusting in and out and hurling deeper into her asshole, often revisiting each technique. Building speed and firmness. Everything I did made her moan, and soon she was slowly building towards another big orgasm. I could feel her fluids run down my nose and across my face as I lapped eagerly, licking for everything I was worth.

I wanted my tongue to enter her, but I wasn’t able to get those last few inches. I felt myself getting carried away, I was so turned on. I went more and more for hard circles and thrusts, trying to actually eat her ass, show her how much I wanted her. I felt like my mind was breaking. My world was nothing but her sexy ass and her pussy grinding against my face.

Mel started panting heavily, moaning as I vigorously ate her. I could not get enough. She started grinding again, my tongue getting pushed into her ass and my nose tickling her pussy lips.

“Can, ah… can you breathe down there?” Mel asked in between moans.

I gave a slight nod, trying to not miss out on any ass-eating.

As I nodded, however, she firmly clutched my head again, and pressed me further into her sex, lowering herself further onto my face. My nose slid between her lips and it started to get difficult to breathe properly. Mel leaned her head back and gave out some of her loudest moans so far, spasming hard.

I tried to go as firmly as possible. Between her grinding hips and the increasing lack of oxygen made it difficult, but by the panting and loud moans that escaped Mel’s mouth, I could tell it was only a matter of time. I hurriedly grabbed her ass again, and pressed her against me, moaning myself.

Her grinding became increasingly more intense. Mel was starting to breathe hard as she felt my enthusiasm.

“Fuck! Fuck! Ah, shit! AAAaaaah!” Mel sounded almost raspy, as if she was choking on her own orgasm.

Mel climaxed all over my face, gushing and spasming as she struggled to hold my head in place through her orgasm, her nails digging into my scalp. She was moaning loudly with her chest heaving. If the office building wasn’t abandoned, the whole corridor would’ve heard the groans and grunts Mel was making. 

Her orgasm was a long one. Mel was thrashing and squealing on top of me, panting and gasping. Her hips were bucking hard as she arched her back. It felt like it was lasting forever, as she convulsed and jolted over and over again, panting heavily, emanating guttural moans.

When her orgasm finally started to subside, I felt like I was going to pass out, but all the time I kept licking and grinding my tongue.

Mel bit her lip and let my head go. She had a drowsed, happy look on her face. Sweaty and satisfied. It was so fucking hot to see her like this. She clenched her eyes shut, a last few shudders going through her.

Mel took a few steps back and leaned back against the office desk, creating a beautiful display of her ass mushed against the table. She was taking long, deep breaths. It was probably one of her biggest orgasms to date. She looked over at me and saw how I was staring at her.

“The way you look at me, sometimes… Phew!”

I immediately pounced at her, laying her flat on her back, flipping her legs up and around my neck, and shoved my tongue into her pussy again. She gasped surprised but took it in stride. I started to suck on her pussy, intensely swirling and licking firm and fast against her clit and pussy lips.

“You haven't had enough? My hungry little boy, come here.”

I felt her long legs lock harder around my head, and it made me go crazy. I felt her up all over. Her soft strong thighs, smooth belly, and ass while I was thoroughly eating her.

“Don’t… don’t stop, yessss,” she said, as another, faster, orgasm ripped through her. It didn’t last as long as the other ones, but just as intense. 

She let out a deep, satisfied moan as I finally leaned back against the wall. Both were panting heavily, sweaty, and glistening. 

“Oh no,” I heard her say worriedly.

I looked up and saw she was looking at the clock on the wall. We were five minutes into overtime! Had we been at it that long? Holy shit! 

Mel got up from the desk, hurried over to her pants, and checked her phone. Sure enough, messages from David nagging about her whereabouts.


"So… are you naturally this submissive?" Mel asked. She was looking at me, curious of our new found discoveries.

We were on our way to her house, or more specifically, her corner, to let her off. We had to clean up our mess at the office. While time was essential, it was also necessary to not leave a trace of Mel’s three massive orgasms. It would surely be an HR issue, or at least frowned upon. We were soon to come up on the block where Mel used to jump out to bike the rest. She would blame being late on the construction going on around.

I gulped.

"I- no. I think it’s just you," I answered. I had eaten out girls before, but never had it been such an intense experience as with Mel. It couldn’t be said enough, it was like nothing else.

And I don’t think I’d ever classify myself as “submissive”, but around Mel, and on my knees in front of her… it just couldn’t be helped. Mel got pretty wild too, which drove me further in. Literally. I just got caught in her pace.

“I can’t explain it, but you drive me wild.”

"I'm so happy to hear that. You bring it out of me, too," Mel purred. “Too bad we didn’t have time to take care of that fat cock of yours, though!”

I almost choked. I wasn’t used to her using such foul language. Mel grinned wickedly at me.

“What’s that? Your big dick can’t handle a bit of dirty talk? A woman like me, who knows what she wants, a real woman talk dirty to her lover,“ she teased seductively.

“Please,” I groaned. Her teasing wasn’t unwanted, but my cock was aching enough as it was.

Mel unbuckled herself, bent across the console, and licked my neck, and up to my temple.

“Have a nice weekend, big boy. See you on Monday,” she whispered seductively into my ear.

She gave a small chuckle and got out. Soon enough she was on her way up the road.

Written by Antarctica77
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