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Chapter 17...

The Present...

Danny sat in thought, processing all I'd told him. “So, you’ve been lying to your parents for almost a year, and then to me…”

“Danny,” I shut off the hair blower and looked at him. “I know you have trust issues but the only thing I’ve ever lied to you about is what I do to make money. And, frankly, that wasn’t really a lie. It was just none of your damned business.”

Danny watched for a while as I brushed my hair. Then, hesitantly remarked, “You did lie to me last night. You said I was the first guy in months and…”

“No,” I interrupted forcefully and pointed my hairbrush at him as I explained, “I did not lie. I said you were the first man to make love to me in half-a-year. And you were! It’s completely different between what we did and what I do with a client. At least, I thought we were making love! I didn't know you were fucking me while wondering what it was going to cost you!"

“But you go out and make love to men pretty much every day.”

“I don't make love to clients! It’s just sex,” I said, throwing up my hands in exasperation because the asshole just didn't get it! “There’s a world of difference between last night and just sex.”

I thought about what to say to try and explain, “When I’m with a client, it’s always up to me to satisfy him. I always have to think about his satisfaction, not mine. So, when I’m with a client, I’m acting. I say all the right things. I do all the right things. I respond in all the right ways… But 99% of what I'm doing is acting.”

I turned so I didn’t have to look at Danny, “Last night, I thought I was enjoying a guy making love to me. A guy who thought about how to make things enjoyable for me. I sure as hell wasn’t acting. I might as well have been since you thought I was whoring myself to get something from you.”

Danny sat in thought as I gathered a handful of hair and directed the blower at the bottom end of the still damp strands.

“I’m sorry,” Danny finally said. “I really didn’t mean to imply…”

“Well, you did more than imply,” I accused when his voice faded away. Feeling my hair to see if it was dry, I turned off the blower and picked up my hairbrush. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and stated, “I’m not ashamed of what I do. Most of the time, it’s enjoyable even when I’m acting. But it’s not always enjoyable. That’s what makes me a whore. I have sex for money, not because I want to.

I looked away from his reflection and lowered my voice, "Last night was because I wanted to. And I still ended up feeling like a whore.”

I began to vigorously brush out my now dry hair. “Well,” I continued in a brisk voice. “Neither of us have to worry. We’ll get through the wedding. After that, we can go back to ignoring each other.”


From Danny’s reaction, I knew I looked good. I’d just joined Danny in front of the hotel to wait for Stan to pick us up. Amber and Brie were off to one side. They looked everywhere but at me. After last night’s fiasco? Maybe they thought I’d kick their asses.

“I thought you said you were going to dress to fade into the background,” Danny observed while his eyes traveled up and down my body.

“It’s green,” I replied. “It's a good color for a Spring wedding. It doesn’t show cleavage and the hem is below the knee. Any drabber and I’d have to wear burlap.”

“Hell,” Danny said. “You’d make burlap look good!”

I didn't respond to Danny's compliment. After last night, I didn't give a shit about what he thought. He did look good though in his groomsman attire. I adjusted his tie before remembering I was supposed to be ignoring him. I showed Danny my back, put on my sunglasses and ignored him. Just then Stan pulled up and we were delivered to the church. As we walked in, Danny looked down and said, “I thought you were going to wear flat shoes?”

I smiled as I saw the reason for me wearing heels. Carolyn the Bug was talking to other guests. I didn’t owe Danny a damned thing after last night, but one last bug-squashing would lift my spirits immensely. Waving and smiling politely in her direction, I muttered under my breath, “Spike heels are required when there’s a bug that needs to be stepped on. I have sandals in my purse for afterwards. Now piss off and go do whatever it is you need to do."

Leaving Danny’s side, I continued to wave and smile like seeing an old friend as I went to tower over The Bug. The poor dear was wearing flat pumps as part of her Maid of Honor’s ensemble. In four-inch heels, I was at least a foot taller. When I stood next to The Bug, she was literally and figuratively in my shadow.

I made it a point to stand next to The Bug as much as possible both before and after the ceremony. All the while I stole the spotlight from her, we were smiling and acting like we were newly found BFFs. The few times we had some privacy, though, the masks came off. Yeah, if looks could kill my head would have been mounted over The Bug’s fireplace mantle before the sun went down. Bless her heart…

Apparently, The Bug took my threat to heart and didn’t come to the reception. For which I was both sad and glad. Glad I wouldn’t ruin my dress and sad I wouldn’t get to smash The Bug’s face into gooey cow poop. That would have improved my mood sooo much! Ah, well… If Danny and I had to keep up the charade of being engaged, maybe I’d run into her, and perhaps over her, at a Fourth of July celebration.

The reception was held in Danny’s parents' huge yard. Because of the soft dirt and lack of bugs, I exchanged my spike heels for the flats I’d brought in my purse. I stayed inside the house as much as possible and faded into the background.

I politely but firmly turned down Hannah when she wanted me in the family photos. Pointing out I wasn’t family yet, I kept up the lie and told Hannah that next year, she would be in my family wedding photos. In four or five months when Danny and I ‘broke up’, she’d be glad I wasn’t in her photos.

The reception went well. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Danny was kept busy running errands and doing little chores under the direction of his mom. He found me when he could and tried to start up conversations. Once he found me leaning against a table in his parent's den and pointed behind me to a chess set on the table. "Do you know how to play?"

"Some. My dad taught me. We still play each other once in a while. It's our little thing to bond over."

"We'll have to play sometime,"

From his tone I could tell that Danny thought I didn't stand a chance at beating him in chess. What a condescending ass of a nerd! Why did I ever think I liked him? My continued silence sent him scurrying away and I cracked open and swilled the booze from another of the small bottles I'd taken from the suites mini bar before going outside to re-join the festivities. I was polite and chatty to everyone except Danny. I thought Hannah's wedding had gone great. I even felt generous enough to body block several women so a little girl could catch the bridal bouquet. To stay occupied I drank a bit too much champagne. I wasn’t sloppy drunk or anything, but I was definitely feeling tipsy by the time we left.

That night Danny and I had the suite to ourselves. Enough guests had left for their homes that Amber moved back to the house with Brie. Neither had been very comfortable around me today. They knew they’d fucked up and stuck me with a huge bill to pay for their party.

I had Danny move his things into the other bedroom. I could tell he was disappointed, but he didn’t say anything when I told him, “I share hotel rooms with clients and friends. Right now, you’re neither of those.”

During the reception, I’d invited Danny’s family to have breakfast at the hotel’s buffet. I thought that his mom would appreciate the chance of not having to cook after all the hard work she’d put in the last few days. Besides, what was the cost of a few more meals charged to my account after all the other money I was billed for. It was hard to keep up the charade this morning. I was tired and just wanted to go home.

I must have been hugged four times by his mom before Stan drove us to the station for the train ride back to the city. Danny and I didn’t talk much once we’d said goodbye to his family. We were polite to each other but there wasn’t any of the easy banter we’d exchanged on the ride north. I passed the first hour by sipping bourbon from the mini bar bottles I’d collected. Danny gave me a sour look as I finished my fourth and opened a fifth bottle.

“What’s the matter, Danny,” I asked as I shot gunned another bottle and searched my handbag for another. “Never seen a drunk whore?”

“I’m just wondering if I’ll have to carry you off the train along with your luggage.”

“Ahh, don’t be a party-pooper! Have a few,” I suggested pointing at my bag. “Let’s toast to the end of this shitty weekend. Hey! I’ve still got that Sex Survey! You can find out all those naughty little details about my life as a whore that I know you’re just dying to ask.”

Danny became suddenly interested in what was outside the window. “Be quiet, Olivia. This isn’t you. It’s the alcohol talking.”

“Oh, it’s me alright. Every single inch of me that you fucked while wondering what I was going to ask you to do as payment.” I leaned back and smiled as I opened another bottle. I was taking delicious pleasure in how uncomfortable Danny was.

“Yeah, I might be a whore but at least I’m an honest whore. The men I fuck know upfront how much I charge. I guess I just failed to tell you that I was charging by the hour,” I told Danny and shot gunned my fifth bourbon and fished out the sixth from my handbag.

Danny continued to stare out the window and said, “I said I was sorry for implying you were trying to influence me.”

“With your pussy…” I tacked on helpfully to finish his sentence.

“Aww, c’mon, Danny. Still can’t say it? Hey! Let’s let bygones be bygones… You don’t wanna take the survey so let’s play a game instead.”

“A game?”

“Sure," I shot gunned my sixth or was it my seventh bourbon and scooted forwards on my seat. Spreading my legs as far as I could without stretching out my short skirt too much, I pointed my crotch towards Danny. Of course, Danny looked but the good part was still hidden as I asked, "All you have to do is answer one question to win. Am I wearing panties? That’s it. Is the whore wearing panties? That’s the question.”

What?! Okay, that’s it. Enough booze for you,” Danny declared and reached over to snatch my handbag away from my side.

I would have protested but six or seven shots of bourbon after a greasy breakfast combined with the constant motion of the train was affecting me and not in a good way. I didn't feel great so I settled on sulking. Over the next fifteen minutes of silent sulking, I felt sicker and sicker. Then... I managed to stumble to my feet and Danny was there to help open the doors between cars. I got to the bathroom in time to throw up in the toilet.

Danny left and returned with a bottle of water. After pouring some water over a handful of paper towels, he gave me the bottle with orders to rinse and spit. Using the wet towels, he wiped my face off before helping me back to my seat. I sprawled out on the seat with my feet sticking out into the aisle and concentrated on not throwing up again. I must have dozed off because we were ten minutes from our stop when Danny began slapping my knee to rouse me.

Once I was awake and seemed able to concentrate, Danny spoke up, “I’m going to say something that will sound bad but please wait until I’ve finished before you blow up. Okay?”

I didn’t like the sound of that, but I gave a conditional, “No promises but I’ll try.”

Danny took a deep breath and began an obviously rehearsed speech, “I want to thank you for all you did this weekend. Mom couldn’t stop talking about you. Under the circumstances, you were very nice to continue being my fake fiancée until we left…”

“So,” Danny held his hands out towards me as if to ward off an attack, “I want to pay you… Wait!” The narrowing of my eyes and the tensing of my muscles must have warned Danny.

Danny continued only after I put a hand to my pounding head and relaxed back into my seat. “I want to pay you back for the huge bill Amber and Brie ran up on the room’s account. That’s all! Everything else you did was only because you wanted to and I won’t insult you by offering you money for that. But Amber and Brie are my family and you don’t deserve to have to pay for their stupidity.”

I considered and nodded. Turning to look out the window at houses going by, I said, “That’s fair, but cash only. I don’t take checks.”

“That’s it! Stop it,” Danny's words burst out in a loud, angry tirade, wagging his finger at me like I was a small child. “And don’t you dare say, ‘Stop what...’! You know exactly how you’re acting. You’re either teasing me or treating me like a stranger or… Danny lowered his voice so it didn’t carry the length of our train car. “... or like a client.”

Danny’s temper didn’t disappear, but his voice remained quiet. “And you know damned well I don’t have money, so I’ll solve your stupid puzzle! If it takes me all fucking Summer, I’ll solve your damned puzzle. At least, that’s one way I can pay you back for all you’ve done!”

I considered and I had been a little hard on the guy. Passive aggressiveness seemed to be my default setting when I didn’t know how else to act. “Okay… That seems fair. I’ll try to act more natural around you and when you solve my puzzle, we can try being friendly when we see each other on the stairs again.”

“That’s fair. So, tell me about your puzzle. Is it mathematical or more like, ‘Where’s Waldo’?”

“Probably a little of both,” I replied. “When we get back, give me three hours for some headache medicine to kick in then come upstairs and I’ll show it to you.”

Danny nodded and if the tension between us didn’t completely disappear, at least it dropped to a bearable level. Danny didn't have to carry me off the train and didn't even complain about the amount of luggage he carried for me. Three hours to the minute after Danny lugged my suitcases inside my apartment he was knocking on the door. My stomach felt much better and my headache had disappeared by then. After getting us soft drinks and chips to munch on, I started to explain what had happened that day in Tim’s office.

“Do you meet many, umm… You know, at their office?“

“Clients,” I said. “Just call them clients. And, no, not as many as when I started. It’s usually at a hotel now. Let me show you the puzzle and then I’ll answer all the questions you’re dying to ask about my life as a Call Girl.”

I laid out all the papers Tim had given me on my coffee table and tried to describe what happened in Tim’s office that day as well as every word Tim had said. Danny sat quietly until the end, then started leafing through the papers. He asked a few questions to clarify what Tim had said before asking, “And this is all he gave you?”

“Well, no,” I said and retrieved the letter that was still in the book. “He gave me this to put in the mail.”

“Damn, a Federal District Attorney… Why didn’t you mail it?”

“Don’t you think a Federal DA might be curious how a dead guy is sending him mail? My fingerprints are all over that envelope and so are yours now. You go mail it!”

“Nooo, I think we can do that later in an envelope we only touch with gloved hands,” Danny replied and put the letter aside. “Damn! A Fed, which means the FBI… Are you sure you don’t want me to just rob a bank?”

“Yeah… Money from a safe… That brings me to the last thing Tim gave me,” I said. I didn’t think it had anything to do with our puzzle but it was best to have full disclosure. I’d bought a tin labeled Cornmeal that matched the colors of my other tins as a place for Tim’s money to rest in. I retrieved it from the kitchen. Opening it, I poured the pile of bills onto the table in front of Danny.

“Holy fuck!” My nerd did the math quicker than I had and all in his head. “That’s two hundred thousand dollars!”

I nodded. “Now do you see why I didn’t care about the money I spent for the wedding trip?”

“So, you’ve spent some. How much did he give you in total?”

“Oh, no… That’s what he gave me. I haven’t spent any of it. I keep my spending money in the Flour tin and that cute, lacquered box.”

“Spending money…” Danny said in a small voice and then shook his head. “Not my business!”

Not his business but I knew he was dying to ask how much spending money I kept in the Flour tin.

Truth time? I had no idea how much was in the large Flour tin. I only put hundred-dollar bills in and almost never took money out. Change coins and bills not hundreds got tossed in the large, lacquered box I'd found in an antique store and they were enough to take of my needs. The money Marla deposited (My official wages I’d have to report on my taxes) in my bank account was more than enough to cover the rent and utilities on my two apartments and my bank balance was still growing nicely every month. As the level of hundreds kept rising in the Flour tin, I’d had to move Tim’s money to the Cornmeal tin.

Danny sat in thought and then asked about the ten pages in German.

“They’re exactly like I told you,” I repeated. “Complete gibberish. It’s like Tim took words at random from a German dictionary.”

Danny didn’t ask about the twenty pages in English. He could read them himself.

“This reminds me of code-breaking and ciphers during the First World War. There would be a book that was common to many people. Something like The Bible and… Nooo… There is no other book. We have the book here,” Danny said, tapping the pages written in English and German.

Danny began matching numbers from the page with columns to letters on the other pages. Then he started counting lines and letters on those lines… He finally sat back and sighed that this wasn’t working. For many minutes he sat and just looked at the pages on my coffee table.

Leaning forwards, he tapped the page with the columns of numbers, letters and symbols with a finger and said, “This is the key. This unlocks something. These pages in English and German are to tell us what and where the lock is.” He handed me one of the pages written in German. “Is there a city, or State or country listed? Anything geographical? An island? Something?”

I skimmed the page and found nothing.

“Okay. Are there any words on there that are English or are the same in English as they are in German. Early ciphers would disguise keywords in a longer message.”

“How do you know about this stuff?”

“I’m a nerd. I read,” Danny said in a dry voice.

I skimmed the page again and, “There might be two. Frau Berger… Berger is a name so it would be the same in English and German. And, Fluffy? Another name? It’s capitalized like a name. It’s the only other capitalized word on the page. The word behind it means steel in German so I don’t think that ‘Fluffy steel’ can mean anything.”

One by one, Danny had me read each German page for words that were English or the same in German and English. On each page, I found two. A name and another capitalized word that could be a name but that by itself meant nothing.

Danny sat in thought while I read and called out what I’d found. He seemed to grow more excited but about what? He handed me the first English page with instructions to look for geographical references. I found only one that might fit. It might be a city... St. Tropez.

“But isn’t that a person? Saint Tropez? The patron saint of something?”

“It might be but it’s also an island in the Caribbean.”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“I’m a nerd. I read,” Danny repeated absentmindedly. “Okay, that’s page four and there is another page four… Here.”

Danny handed that page to me and had me look for geographical references. I found two. He shook his head and leaned his head down into his hands. “There shouldn’t be three geographical places. Only one… I’m missing something…” was all he muttered and sat with his eyes closed for a minute.

“One page has only one geographical reference. If that is the ‘Where’, then the other page should hold the ‘What’.” Danny pointed to the sheet still in my hand. “What is that page about? The topic?”

I’d read and reread these so often I answered quickly. “It reads like part of a deposition of a bank manager concerning a dispute between two banks.” I read off the names of the banks and Danny suddenly jumped to his feet and shouted, “Eureka!”

“The old Sci-Fi TV show?”

Danny looked at me as if I were the crazy one shouting nonsense. “Olivia, you have got to start reading more than tips about makeup in magazines. I need a computer.”

“I’ve got a laptop.”

“Did you buy it new?”

I nodded.

“We can’t use that. It has an IP address that can be traced to you. If anyone is waiting to see if someone else starts poking around on the internet for whatever we’re searching for… Yeah, it sounds paranoid, but we’ll use my computer.”

“I like paranoid. Paranoid is good. I can do paranoid all day,” I told Danny as I followed him downstairs to his apartment. “But won’t your computer lead back to you?”

Danny shook his head. “It’s third- and fourth-hand junk I cobbled together. Nothing with my name associated with it.”

In Danny’s apartment, while he started up his computer, I asked, “But if you’re so worried about secrecy, can’t someone track your internet address?”

Danny shook his head again and pointed to something mounted beside his window. It looked like a large salad bowl. “What is it?” I asked.

“It used to be a parabolic microphone, but I modified it to pick up radio frequencies. Look where it’s pointed but don’t touch it.”

“It’s pointed at the Coffee Clutch down the street.”

“Exactly,” Danny said while typing. “I don’t have the internet, so I hijack the Coffee Clutch's public wi-fi. Saves me money every month. Assuming anyone does attempt to trace what I’m doing, all they’ll find is a big dead end at a place where a couple of hundred customers a day use the same router.”

I looked at the salad bowl with more respect. “Well, aren’t you just the nerdiest nerd?”

“Okay. I need to do some research. Just make yourself comfortable,” he said with a wave at his couch. I sat on just the edge, not wanting to lean back into what looked like a sticky stain half covered by a towel.

“Jeez, Danny. You live like a pig!”

Danny shot me a dark look. “Well, I’m sorry, but not everyone has two hundred thousand dollars in their kitchen!”

“You sure are touchy about money… Okay, okay! I’ll shut up about money, but… Ugghh... I can’t sit on this couch without thinking about catching cooties,” I said and stood up.

“You’re a Call Girl and you’re worried about cooties,” Danny asked absentmindedly while typing.

“I don’t like bugs,” I replied. “My being a Call Girl doesn’t mean I don’t have hygiene standards and your furniture is definitely sub-standard.” After dusting off the ass of my jeans, I went to the small sink in the kitchen to wash my hands. At least, Danny wasn’t a complete slob. The kitchen was clean and there was no food lying about to attract bugs. But that couch? It had to go!

“Alright,” Danny said after I’d paced around his apartment for several minutes. I wasn't exactly snooping but… “There is one bank in St. Tropez that is affiliated with a bank named on the deposition page.”

I stood behind Danny as he typed and there appeared on the screen a menu page for the bank. “I think we have the location of the treasure,” Danny muttered under his breath. “Now we just have to get past the monsters guarding it.”

“Really, Danny? You play Dungeons & Dragons?” I switched to my breathy, sexy voice and put my hands on his shoulders to lean over close to his ear, "Ohh, Danny! The way you roll those dice makes me so hot!’ Said no girl, EVER!”

“Shut up… I happen to enjoy role-playing games,” Danny replied, shaking my hands off his shoulders while reading the Menu. “I think we should look under ACCOUNTS.” Danny clicked and a new screen appeared that had nothing but a blinking cursor and a series of blank boxes. In a rapid, excited voice he yelled, “YES! The page with the list of columns. This is from page four. Read off the first sequence on the fourth entry down.”

I did and Danny carefully typed and filled in the boxes. He clicked ENTER and we waited… And waited…

“That’s a slow computer you’ve got.”

Finally, the screen blinked back on with a question… What is the name of your favorite Aunt?

“YES! YES! YES,” Danny screamed at his computer screen. Then he pointed at the papers in my hand. “The fourth German page. There was a name. What is it?”

I found it and spelled it out as Danny typed and then clicked ENTER. Another long wait and then… What is your Mother’s favorite color?

“A color! Is there a color mentioned on the fourth page? In German or English.”

“Blau… That’s blue in English.”

“Okay, the fact that it is in German must mean we enter the German word.” Danny did and hit ENTER again...

What was your favorite pet’s name? I didn’t wait for instructions and read aloud, “Smirnoff. It’s the only capitalized word other than the name you used already, but who would name a pet ‘Smirnoff’?”

“They can name the damned pet King Tut if they want,” Danny mumbled as he typed and clicked ENTER again. This time the wait stretched on… And on… Then another screen appeared with only a series of boxes and a blinking cursor.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

I didn’t need instructions and I read off the second series on the fourth row down as Danny typed and…


Under the name was listed Commands Mr. Rashid could choose from. I didn’t get a good look before Danny burst up from his chair, pointed his index fingers at the screen and made shooting motions while screaming, “YES! I OWNED YOUR ASS, BITCH!!”

Danny turned to give me a high five and then hugged the stuffings outta me. “I did it!” he screamed into my face before releasing me to sit down again. Danny skimmed the list of commands and excitedly pointed at, “Account Balance… I think we should go here first. Before we can do anything, we need to know if there is anything in the account.”

I agreed and Danny clicked on the Command for Account Balance. This time the screen changed quickly.

56,000,000.00 USD

“That’s a lot of zeros,” I breathed out. “But what’s a USD?”

“United States Dollars,” Danny said reverently, sitting back in his seat to look at me. “Olivia, you’re a millionaire!”


After A Breathless Pause...

56,000,000.00 USD…

My knees got wobbly and I felt lightheaded. I started hyperventilating. Panting, I backed up to plop down on the couch. I couldn't stop starring at the computer screen. It didn't seem real! Danny turned in his seat to stare at me. I pointed at the computer screen. Finally able to draw a deep breath, in a small voice I asked, "So, that's my money?"

“That money belongs to anyone who has the passcodes,” Danny answered and waved at the papers in my hand. “You have the passcodes.”

“You did it, Danny. You solved the puzzle,” I said in amazement. Then the enormity of the situation started to really sink in. “I’m rich!”

I vaulted off the couch. “Fifty-six million dollars! I’m rich. I’m rich! I’M STINKING, FUCKING, FILTHY RICH!”

"Olivia... Olivia... Olivia!" Danny repeated until he had my attention. "Fifty-six million in this account. There are still nine more accounts!"

I had to do my happy dance! Danny watched me prance around the small room. I grabbed Danny and pulled him up from his chair to jump and dance around the room with me. In between jumps I covered his face with short, happy kisses. Finally exhausted, I collapsed back onto the couch with Danny beside me – close beside me. It was cool in the apartment. Panting and out of breath, I became increasingly aware of the warmth I felt radiating from the body beside me.

Danny had changed into gym shorts. Though he tried to arrange his t-shirt without my noticing, his erection remained very prominent. I'd changed clothes expecting to stay in for the night. I was wearing a long, loose-fitting, button-down flannel nightshirt without a bra. Apparently, Danny had been very aware of my large tits moving under my shirt as we’d danced. 

I was still breathing hard as my excitement began transforming into desire. Hey! Don't judge me! Sure, I was angry with Danny, but he'd just made me rich... It's not every day you become a millionaire! I was excited and when I'm excited, I get horny! I wanted to celebrate and...

I closed my eyes and remembered how good that barely concealed hard-on had felt slipping inside me. I knew Danny wouldn’t make the first move. When I turned onto my side and put my hand on Danny's stomach, he stopped breathing and froze like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I shimmied closer until I was pressed against Danny's side.

Danny continued to sit still, either afraid to move or unable – probably both. My lips brushed his cheek and when he turned his head to look at me, happy kisses became longer, deeper kisses. My excited squeals at realizing I was rich became lower moans from deep in my throat and then the idiot turned his mouth away from mine.

"Olivia! You don't have to do this. I said I'd solve..."

I removed my hand from Danny's stomach and clamped it over his mouth. Looking him in the eyes, I told him, "Shut the hell up before you say something that will make me want to hurt you."

Danny responded with wide eyes and a quick nod of his head. I took my hand from his mouth and skipped his stomach to wrap my fingers around the hard shaft tenting the thin material of his shorts. I leaned back in, and this time Danny didn't turn away from my kiss. There was plenty of elastic in the waistband of his gym shorts. It was easy to push my hand under the top of his shorts. I could only stroke Danny's cock with small movements. I wanted more. While we kissed, I pulled and tugged his shorts until the elastic band was past his ass and his cock was exposed. I stroked Danny until I felt pre-cum wetness on the tip of his cock. Removing my hand, I reached under my nightshirt to push my panties almost to my knees. I didn't want to wait and decided that was far enough.

By now I was practically lying on top of Danny. I heard elastic pop and knew I'd ruined my panties by stretching the waistband too far as I threw a leg over Danny's thighs to straddle his lap. I didn't care! I could buy a million panties now! I had my hand on Danny's shaft, guiding the large bulb of his tip through my pussy slit when Danny stopped kissing me.

"Does this mean we've made up?"

Jesus Christ! Would this Chatty Cathy ever learn to just shut up?! Impatiently, I clamped my hand back over his mouth.

"Danny, if you say one more word before I have my orgasm, I'll make you regret every single minute you've known me," I threatened in a quick rush of words. I wasn't sure what I would have done, but I would have done something! I was excited. I was wet. I wanted my orgasm! I was a fucking millionaire! I deserved my orgasm! And Danny seemed intent on saying something to piss me off! Having made my point, I moved my hand from Danny's mouth to his cock again.

Hands on my waist pulled me tight against Danny, molding me to his hard body as our lips met again and tongues dueled. Firm hands squeezed my ass cheeks as I moved my hips to slide Danny's cock tip up and down my slit to coat it with my flowing pussy juice. I pulled my mouth from his and sat up. With one hand on Danny's chest to steady me and my other hand guiding Danny's cock, it didn't take long before tip met pussy just right. Both of us moaned as I impaled myself on a hard cock. I began raising and lowering my hips to take him into me as fast as my pussy could lubricate his shaft.

Both of us were lost in the sensations between our legs. Hands pulled me closer. Danny's mouth was busy again but not to talk this time. Danny made me shiver with his mouth on my neck as hands moved between us to work at the buttons of my nightshirt. A hand slipped through the gap in my shirt to cup a bare breast. My nightshirt had a lot of buttons and Danny was fumbling, trying to undo all of them while playing with my tits at the same time. I got impatient and sat up straight on his lap, feeling his cock slide deeper into me.

"Dumbass," I told Danny before grabbing the hem of the nightshirt to pull it up and over my head. I tossed it onto the floor. "Why try to do all the buttons," I asked.

"To prolong the anticipation?" That made sense to me. I've wanted to prolong things too from time to time. Just not now. I wanted to skip the entree and get straight to the dessert! Danny's hands clamped onto my tits as I began slowly twerking my pussy on his hard cock again.

It didn't take long before I pushed Danny's hands away from my tits. I'd used Danny's cock before as a living dildo. He knew to remain quiet. He knew I didn't want distractions while I used his cock to masturbate. Danny didn't seem to mind my using him as my personal dildo. His hands remained on my hips but they didn't try to control my movements. The only time he moved was when his ass was in danger of slipping off the couch. Sooo close... My stomach muscles were tensing up... My panting changed to soft, fast repetitive words, "ohgodohgodohgodohgod..."

I closed my eyes. Fingering my clit while moving on the cock inside me... It usually takes me five or six minutes with a vibrator to reach climax. As excited as I was, using cock and my fingers... Moving my hips to get angle and depth of penetration just right... Fingers playing across my hard clit in a well-practiced way... My excitement built quickly! I think I set a new record for shortest time to reach orgasm as I collapsed forwards onto Danny while screaming for him to fuck me!

I gripped the back of the couch to either side of his head as Danny gripped my hips and began thrusting rapidly. God, it felt so good having Danny's hard cock fucking me, bouncing me on his lap as my orgasm went on-and-on.... With my bared tits swinging only inches from his face, his mouth took turns capturing and sucking on each of my nipples. Danny's hands griped my hips as I was bounced on his lap. Danny's thrusts and my own attempts to grind my pussy on his hard cock and pubic bone... Oh fuck... My orgasm reached a new peak as muscles seized up and my breathing came in panting gasps with small, high-pitched squeals when a particularly delicious sensation radiated from between my legs.

Wave after wave of bliss swept through me while my pussy continued to grind on Danny, causing thick cock to move deep inside me. My orgasm receded as my wail of completion changed to a demanding, "Fuck me! Oh, shit... Fuck me, Danny!"

I don't know what Danny intended to do. Perhaps gather me in his arms and put me on my back on the couch... Maybe he'd intended to rise, rise and fuck me against a wall. Whatever... What did happen was his ass slid off the slippery Naugahyde cushion and we ended up on our knees on the floor. Still connected. The hard landing caused Danny to ram his cock into me and I crested in another wave of orgasm.

We were on our knees, wedged between the couch behind Danny and a low table behind me as Danny pulled out and in the tight space, turned me. My feet under the couch... My arms splayed out across the coffee tabled knocking books and papers onto the floor. My hands gripped the opposite edge of the table as Danny rammed his cock into me and began fucking me doggy on the floor. My tits flattened out on the cool surface of the table as... as... Oh, fuck... I was close to another orgasm...

Then I couldn't think further. Danny was grunting. I was shouting to be fucked harder. There were wet sounds from my drenched pussy and louder, meatier sounds as flesh crashed into my ass cheeks. Before I could achieve a second orgasm, Danny groaned and pushed into me deep. In a series of short, hard thrusts, Danny groaned out his finish. I felt his cock pulsing and I knew I was taking his cum deep inside me. Hands pushed between my tits and the tabletop. Skin stretched uncomfortably and then fingers gripped and curled into my soft flesh and my hard nipples were being pinched between thumbs and forefingers. I felt a final pulse inside my pussy. Danny let out a groan of completion and he collapsed to lie motionless on my back.

We were both sweaty and out of breath. Gulping air we remained motionless. I let go of my death grip on the edge of the table at the same time Danny murmured his previous question, "Does this mean we've made up?"

"Depends on how soon you can do this again," I answered softly.


“Uh, so it felt good? I mean… I tried to make it last but...”

“Danny,” I laughed as I interrupted him. “You made it last long enough! I feel wonderful!”

We were in a narrow bed again but this time it was in Danny's small apartment bedroom. There'd been no rusty springs and especially no family. No family to hear us was good because the headboard of his bed hitting the wall had made quite a racket.

When we'd regained our breath and my thighs had stopped vibrating from my orgasms, we'd propped each other up to get off the floor and make it into Danny's bedroom before collapsing onto his bed. I knew I'd dripped cum all the way from couch to bed. I didn't care. I'd dripped cum before and it wasn't as if it was my cum or my floors.

We'd only rested for a short time before Danny began exploring my body with roving hands. That had led to kissing and then to fingers softly massaging me between my legs. That had led to Danny moving on top of me and my legs opening in a Pavlovian response. Danny had just come in me again. His weight still pressed me into his mattress, his head on my shoulder and his hot breath on my neck.

I closed my eyes and continued, “Everything you did felt good. I’m not worried about how long you last. The next time you’ll last longer, and longer the next time, then even longer the time after that.”

Danny laughed and interrupted me, “Stop! Stop, I can’t… Oh, my God, I already want to, but I can hardly even move right now and already you’ve counted up to four or five more times.”

I waved my hand dismissively in the air and repeated what I’d said at the mall, “If you can’t make love to me four times a night, then what use are you to me?”

“At least I’ll die happy,” Danny sighed weakly into my neck.

I felt Danny shift and his cock left my pussy as he rolled to lie on his side. He propped his head up on a hand to be able to see my face before hesitantly asking, “Please, I’m not trying to make you angry but, you know, you have sex pretty much every day and you still want me? I’m trying not to say anything stupid… But why would you want more sex from me?”

“I don’t want more sex from you,” I replied and then stopped to laugh when Danny’s body stiffened beside me. I reached over to bop him in the shoulder and repeated, “I don’t want more sex from you. I want you to make love to me, you idiot nerd.”

“Sooo, you don’t feel like this after, you know, with a client?” Before I could answer, Danny flopped back onto his back and put his hands over his face. Groaning, he said quickly, “God, I’m sorry! That’s none of my business! I can’t believe I asked you that.”

I had to really try hard not to laugh or give any sign that I thought Danny was amusing. I had to remind myself that Danny wasn’t stupid – only ignorant. Poor guy hadn’t dated much, if at all, through high school and his years of college. The only time he’d had sex before meeting me was some frantic fumbling encounters with Carolyn the Bug when they’d both been young and inexperienced. To go from losing your virginity to having an honest-to-God prostitute/Call Girl in your bed was quite a mental leap for the poor guy to make.

“It’s okay, Danny,” I assured him as I turned my head to see his profile. “Yes, sometimes this is how I feel after sex with clients.”

I grinned and shrugged, “Sometimes even paid-for sex can be very enjoyable sex. But Danny, there’s two big differences between sex with a client and making love with you,” I told him.

Danny turned back onto his side and propped his head up again so we could look at each other. “What are the differences,” he asked.

“I don’t scream their names out while we’re having sex. I call them ‘Baby’ or ‘Honey’ or something else, so I don’t accidentally call them by a wrong name.” I reached out a lazy hand to touch his face. “I said your name though because I can’t forget I’m with you.”

Danny smiled and caught my hand in his. “What’s the second difference,” he asked.

“Mmm,” I sighed in contentment. I closed my eyes and turned onto my side to snuggle deeper into the mattress and closer to Danny's warm body. I pulled Danny's arm over my waist as we spooned, before continuing, “With clients, I’m already planning how to leave by now. No matter how good the sex was and, Danny, I’m not going to lie to you, sometimes it’s pretty damned good when I’m in the mood, but no matter how good the sex was, I’m already planning on how to leave by now. Maybe because of another client waiting for me or just to go home.

“No matter how good the sex is sometimes, I can never forget I’m on a time clock. Whether you’re flipping burgers or working in an office or having sex with a client… At the end of the day, you just want to go home after your job is over. Because it is a job. But here with you, I don’t feel like going home. With you, I don’t want to get up and leave. Although, I will want to go back to my apartment to sleep.

“One thing you need to know about me,” I said to further his education. “I like to sleep on fresh sheets. But this isn’t my bed so, although I’m not going to worry about wet spots, I also want the clean sheets of my bed to sleep on.”

I raised my hand up towards the ceiling and then pointed my finger as I figured angles and distance, “My bed is ten feet up and about thirty feet that way. It has fresh sheets so feel free to make as much of a mess of your sheets as you want.”

Danny leaned down to kiss me again as his hand moved over the sheet to fondle my breasts. “Would it surprise you to find out I don’t care about wet spots? In fact, I’d like to make another now.”

I squiggled my ass against Danny's crotch. “Considering that your cock is still soft I'd say you're writing checks your body can't cash yet.”

I reached down to find a blanket. I pulled and arranged it to cover me from the slight chill in the air. What is it with guys that they never turn their thermostats up high enough!?

Danny and I didn’t talk about much more before I said, “Danny, it’s not that I want to go home like I do after a client but I’m hungry and there are leftovers in my apartment. Your fridge is pretty empty.”

“When did you look in my refrigerator?”

“While you were typing on your computer. I wasn’t really snooping.”

“Uh-huh, right. So I guess you snooped my bookshelves and closets, too?”

“Boring sci-fi, history and fantasy titles and you really need to do your laundry.”

“Yeah. You weren’t really snooping,” Danny laughed as we untangled ourselves from sheets.

Gathering clothes from where they'd hit the floor, we walked back into his small den area. I pointed to a chessboard set up on a table in a corner and asked if he was playing himself.

“No. I’m playing a guy in California via the internet. He’s white and I’m waiting for his next move.”

I studied the board quickly. Poor Danny – if White moved a Pawn and Danny didn’t respond with his Knight, mate in four moves, or Danny would have to make an exchange of Rooks to stave off checkmate and he’d be forced into fighting a longer, but still losing, game.

“You said you play your dad,” Danny asked.

“A little,” I answered as I found my last warm, fluffy slipper. “My Dad taught me and we still play some.”

“We’ll have to play sometime.”

Ookkaayyy!! From the tone of Danny’s voice, again I could tell he didn’t for one second think I could kick his ass. I decided not to play until I could think of a bet that would make it worth my while to kick his ass.

I found my panties. The elastic was shot from being stretched too far. I gave them to Danny and said he could keep them as a souvenir just before I opened the door to leave. I walked a few paces towards the stairs, then turned, "Aren't you coming?"

"I didn't know I was invited," Danny replied and shut his door. His voice strained to stay quiet as, "Would you put your clothes on!" Shaking his head and voicing his worries I’d be seen, Danny followed me as I carried my clothes up the stairs. I thought it was too much trouble to get dressed for such a short trip. I also wanted a quick shower once at my place so why dress just to undress less than a minute later?

“Jeez, Danny! I’m naked on the stairs and in the hallway for maybe twenty seconds. Besides,” I reasoned as I stopped to face him. I just smiled at his attempts to get me walking again. I let my hands holding my clothes drop to my sides so all of me was clearly in view. “Besides, if you saw me walking naked in the hall, would you complain? Don’t you like watching me walk around naked?”

“Well, no. I mean, yes! I mean I wouldn’t complain and I like watching you… But anyone could come out of their apartment and...,” Danny tossed his arms into the air. "Stop doing this! Every... Single... Time... I see you; you do something to drive me crazy!"

'Gotcha!' I thought with a smile, then shook my head and stopped listening to him. My nerd was such a prude about some things. Nudity in the hallway... Couldn’t bring himself to say ‘pussy’ or ‘whore’ or ‘you know’... Poor guy really needed me to teach him how to loosen up.

I let Danny hustle me into my apartment. Our ‘quick’ shower together to wash off sweat and cum could have turned into much, much more if I hadn’t been hungry. I heated up some leftover stew Mom had given me. Conversation during dinner was sparse, mostly because I was daydreaming about what to buy first with all that money! Danny was probably quiet because he didn't want to say anything that would tick me off. It wasn't until I was rinsing out our bowls at the sink when things turned sexual again as Danny came up behind me to run his hands over my back to massage my shoulders. 

Gathering my hair to drape it over my shoulder, he stood on his tiptoes to bring his mouth to my exposed neck. Kisses and hot breath made me shiver and I spread my long legs to bring more of my neck down to his mouth. When he whispered a suggestion that we go back to bed... I sure as hell was ready for more sex but, mindful of wanting clean sheets to sleep on. I grinned and turned to face him.

I keep my apartment properly heated. After our shower, I'd only tossed on a long sweatshirt that reached to mid-thigh, thick socks, and panties. Reaching under the sweatshirt, I surprised Danny by wiggling my panties down to fall on the kitchen floor. It wasn't even a hop for me to sit on the counter next to the sink. Opening my legs, I pulled Danny to me. Kissing Danny, I whispered in his ear, “No bed. I want you to fuck me right here.”

Belt buckle, snap and zipper... It took my practiced hands only a few seconds to have Danny’s jeans and underwear falling to the floor to join my panties. My hands stroked an already hard cock while Danny slipped my sweatshirt up and over my head. Sitting on the very edge of the counter, I used my grip on Danny’s cock to pull him closer until I could run his tip up and down in my pussy lips.

Either I was still wet with Danny’s cum, or my own juices were flowing. Either way, Danny’s cock tip slipped easily into me. I locked my ankles behind him to try and pull his cock deeper inside me. Danny had probably never fucked Carolyn the Bug on a kitchen counter, but he knew what to do. With hands and mouth, Danny played with my tits while he began slowly fucking me.

I like being fucked in places other than a bed. Unlocking my ankles to spread my legs wider, I was soon whispering in Danny’s ear to squeeze my tits tighter... To suck on my nipples harder... To fuck me faster... Not getting the depth of penetration he wanted, Danny pulled me off the counter, turned me around and bent me over in a standing doggy fuck. This was our third time fucking in a short time. Danny lasted much longer this time. My normally light pink, pussy flesh was much closer to magenta in color by the time Danny groaned and came.

Before Danny pulled out, I put my fingers under my pussy hole to catch the cum that I expected to flow from the expected gape his thick cock had left in my pussy. Still wasn't my cum but now it was my floor! After already coming twice, he didn’t leave much cum in me. It was also grey-ish and watery instead of thick and white as it flowed down my fingers to collect in the cup of my palm. But I thought it was still delicious as I turned to face Danny and let him watch me lick my hand and fingers clean.

Danny remained standing between my legs to follow my every move with his eyes as I gave my palm one last lick. Smiling at Danny, I reached between my legs and pushed two fingers inside my pussy. He continued to watch as I moved my fingers in my pussy until they were slick with our sex before I brought them to my mouth to suck them clean. I reached between my legs again. This time when I pulled wet, cummy fingers from between my legs, instead of bringing them to my mouth I put them to Danny’s lips. Danny didn’t pull away but neither did he open his mouth. I painted his lips with our sex before pulling him to me so I could lick his lips clean while we kissed.

I led Danny to my bathroom where I cleaned between my thighs and Danny’s cock with a washcloth. I pulled on clean panties before we went to curl up between the clean sheets of my bed. Naked except for my thick socks, I relaxed under my clean sheets while Danny spooned me from behind. I was feeling sated both in my stomach and between my legs. When Danny’s hand found my tits, I grinned and told him, “We can play but if you want more sex, we’ll have to go back to your bed. But only if you’re also naked in the hallway.”

Danny laughed and kissed the back of my neck and squeezed my breast tighter. When Danny began to move on top of me, I asked if he could wait for more sex. I was exhausted. Grinning, Danny said he just needed to set my alarm clock as his weight settled on top of me as he reached across me to set my alarm clock. We moved together as body molded to body. Feeling a warm body sharing its warmth with me, I was half asleep when Danny hesitantly asked, “I guess you’ll go, umm, you know, work tomorrow?”

“I have two clients tomorrow,” I replied. “But hell! I’m a millionaire. I don’t have to see clients. All I need to do tomorrow is plan my shopping trip to Europe. And Danny! WE are millionaires! I never would have figured out Tim’s damned puzzle. But you figured it out in less than an hour! You deserve half of the money.”

I felt I’d made the right call. After all, half of more money than you thought you’d ever see in your life was still a shit pile of dough! I noticed Danny didn’t argue with me, but he did remain quiet.

“What? I thought you’d be happier than this about being rich.”

“Yeah, rich…” Danny said quietly. “The thing is, Olivia. We’re not rich.”

That statement made me wide awake instantly! What had happened to my money!? Struggling to untangle limbs and sheets, I sat up in bed to look down at him in the dim light. “What do you mean I’m, we’re, not rich? Millions! Of! Dollars! I saw it! Right there on the computer screen.”

Danny sat up beside me. “Olivia, yes, the money is there but the thing is…” Danny stopped talking as he struggled to find the right words. “Okay, think of the money in the bank as a huge pile of heavy gold ingots. So, you’re rich? Right?”

I nodded my head, Yes, as Danny began shaking his head, No, before continuing his explanation, “You’re rich, but what can you do with your wealth? What can you buy with gold ingots? Can you buy groceries, a car, or a house with gold ingots? Pay rent?”

“But the money isn’t gold. It’s dollars! Said so right there on the screen. USD! Dollars!”

“That's true,” Danny agreed. “But how can you get the money? Can you transfer it into your checking account at the bank you use? You’ll have the IRS on your back in two seconds asking where the money came from, how you came to be in possession of it…”

Ouch! Even I could see that a story about a corrupt lawyer stealing money and then leaving it to me in a puzzle… Yea… No one in their right mind would believe it. The IRS would steal my stolen money in an instant! Damned government!

“So, I’m rich,” I said slowly as what Danny was telling me took root in my brain. “But I’m not rich; I’m actually poor because I can’t get the money.”


“Well, fix this!" I cried out, putting my hands on Danny's shoulders to shake him. "You’re my nerd. Figure out a way to get me my fucking money!”

Written by campusvamp
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